In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Gian-Carlo Pascutto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

When I look at the game record, I see that at the end, the pro has 7:59
left, Leela 4:25.  And Black is totally lost:  White will capture the d4
group which only has two liberties, connecting her three groups which
already have at least four liberties each, and leaving Black's b2 and b7
groups dead.


this is another game!

The game you posted and the one on KGS are totally different. In the one
on KGS, black played with reduced komi and (as far as I can tell) held out
a long time until white was about to forfeit on time.

In the one you posted, the opponent doesn't appear to be a pro ("sestir"
2d instead of "egc1p"), no handicap/modified komi was used, and black lost

"sestir" is Basti Weidemyr, who was in charge of arranging the challenge game. He has just posted to this list, so I hope he will explain what happened.

Looking at LeelaBot's games on KGS since the tournament, I see only two: the one I posted, against sestir, and one against egc1p with 0.5 komi, which I cannot open, as it was not finished by the players and KGS is treating it as escaped.

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