In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Gian-Carlo Pascutto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

this is another game!

The game you posted and the one on KGS are totally different. In the one
on KGS, black played with reduced komi and (as far as I can tell) held out
a long time until white was about to forfeit on time.

In the one you posted, the opponent doesn't appear to be a pro ("sestir"
2d instead of "egc1p"), no handicap/modified komi was used, and black lost

In my curiousity to see the right game (which KGS would not let me do because it was treating it as escaped), I have done something foolish. I am admitting this here to get the record straight.

I logged in to KGS using LeelaBot's account, and opened (and saved) the game. The game was still running, so there can have been no resignation. LeelaBot had over a minute left, I think less than 80 seconds but I don't remember exactly. The pro had three seconds left.

This was foolish of me because I had resumed the game, and was allowing LeelaBot's time to pass. I have carelessly destroyed the evidence of LeelaBot's remaining time. There is now only my word (and perhaps the operator's) for my claim that LeelaBot had more than a minute left.

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