> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> This was foolish of me because I had resumed the game, and was allowing
> LeelaBot's time to pass.  I have carelessly destroyed the evidence of
> LeelaBot's remaining time.  There is now only my word (and perhaps the
> operator's) for my claim that LeelaBot had more than a minute left.

No worries :)

I saved the game earlier today after Remi posted the link and before you
resumed it. It is included in attachement.

Leela scores this at about 30% winning chances for itself after a long
think. I have no idea whether that's a reasonable assesement.

PW[egc1p]PB[LeelaBot]BR[2k]DT[2008-08-07]PC[The KGS Go Server at 
http://www.gokgs.com/]C[LeelaBot [2k\]: GTP Engine for LeelaBot (black): Leela 
version 0.3.14
;B[cc]BL[683.916]C[sestir [2d\]: This game is with reduced komi - a handicap to 
the robot.
;W[fe]WL[562.183]C[sestir [2d\]: white: Xiao Ai Lin, 1p
sestir [2d\]: black: Leela - the winner of yesterday's computer-go tournament 
on 9x9
;W[hi]WL[3.82]C[sestir [2d\]: starts review
RemiCoulom [5k\]: Well done, human player !
sestir [2d\]: indeed
sestir [2d\]: review in demo
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