On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 11:02, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> I don't want to belabor the point; but Mdk has embarked on a slippery
> slope with the release of 9.0 IMO.  9.1 will either restore or kill my
> enthusiasm for future Mdk releases...

I have to agree here. Mandrake is what kept me trying Linux, and is what
got me to stay. I have always supported (vocally and financially) this
distro despite any foobars there might have been. However, its been
increasingly hard to be an advocate for Mandrake. Theres a difference
between keeping in the public eye and 6 month turn arounds on releases.
Especially with the particularly flaky 9 release, its more important
that everything works than to be the one with the most eye candy.


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