Steffen Barszus wrote:

Please try and trim some of the stuff you reply to ... I had trouble
finding your comments after I hit reply ..

> On Friday 10 January 2003 17:02, Pierre Fortin wrote:
>>0**. ISOs created for post-standard 700MB CDs (this is like trying to
>>write 2MB on *any* 1.44 floppy drive ever manufactured) excommunicated all
>>users who didn't own standards-extending writers.
> 700MB CDs are in my area the only one you will get. It is quite complicated to 
> become 650 MB cd-r's. Where is it written, that it is bad ? How many people 
> have really problems with that beside you ? Isn't it enough that the club has 
> provided 650 MB ISOs ?

Who cares about the media, it's trivial in cost to the devices required
to read the media.

Especially consider that a user buying a boxed set (AFIAK, boxed sets
were also 700MB) shouldn't be forced to buy a new CD-ROM drive just
because Mandrakesoft wanted to ship one less CD.

If you have an affected drive, Mandrake 9.0 was a nightmare. I say this
after having done about 10 intalls on machines which were fine, not
seeing what all the fuss is about, to discover it really is a problem on
some machines.

And no, downloading 4 ISO images at R1.50/MB (approx $0.18 or so) is not
a feasible answer to people who have bought sets. And also when the rest
of the ISO are mirrored around (and as such are free to download for
me). And I wouldn't try and download the 2.6GB over a modem (which is
cheaper, but slower than the connection here).

Please don't make such a trivial mistake which could potentially cause a
proportion of users to have extreme frustration. Sure, it may only
affect 5% or less of users, but what if some of those 5% would have been
club members.

My girlfriend has an affected machine, and it's essentially impossible
for her to install any software unless I am there with my laptop (not
often, it's a 4 hour drive there).

Anyway, I will submit it as a request on MandrakeClub, then we will see
how much it is worth ...


|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
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