On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 13:08 +0200, Vahur Lokk wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 January 2003 09:11, you wrote:
> > You just described Hitler and the German people in 1939.
> > You just described Goebbels in the Berlin Sportpalast with 100,000
> > excited Germans shouting "War!"
> Hmm...
> Im watching another discussion of the kind in another list. And 
> surprise-surprise. Those guys with superb historical education compare 
> current situation to that of 1938-39... on both sides, either putting Saddam 
> or Bush on the position of Hitler. I would say coinciding citations and 
> situations are just amazing.
> Also, as an American I would not brag too much about the role of USA in 
> putting Hitler down, as analysis of pre-war diplomatic actions prove that USA 
> did also its best for this war to start first. Only later, with due to 
> pressure from some lobbygroups and understanding that things are going out of 
> hand, they changed their position.

It's nice to read that there are at least people with historical
knowledge who prefer fact over a blind "O-ho, say can you see..."

I understand the old British principle "Right or Wrong - My Country!"
but I don't think it applies here.

Just the other day I watched a BBC production on tv about US companies
and their support for Hitler AFTER 1939. BTW: The lobbygroups you are
talking about who pressed USA to fight Germany were mostly groups who
held proof against Hitler and the Nazis, brought to them by Jewish
immigrants who escaped the terror.

At first USA was very reluctant to let them in at all because they
regarded them as Germans and did not understand (or did not want to
understand) what's going on in Germany.

The whole part of USA (and some other "Homes of the Free") during
1930-40 is something those countries rather keep locked away. Same as
the part of the OSS played in letting high Nazi leaders escape in
1945. There is a lot of stuff a lot of American citizens don't know or
don't want to know about their country.

To all the people who can't differ between Germans and Nazis: We, the
Germans did a very thorough job to unravel all historical facts of the
Nazi era. Did you do that with the history of your country (apart from
Paul Revere's ride and the Mayflower)?

If you don't understand or are scared by any of the above
ask your parents or an adult to help you.

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