Mark wrote:

> << In fact, it seems to me that if you've got a syllable you want to delete,
> then deleting it in type-in-score is safer than the alternatives. >>

to which John rejoined

> You have got to be kidding! After all of the verbage on this subject and you
> still draw this conclusion? Deleting almost anything in type-in-score is not
> at all "safer" or recommended. God help us if David Fenton follows *this*
> advice and we have to suffer through another round on this topic.

but I have to agree with Mark on this one.  In my experience, if one deletes a
syllable in the "type into score" mode, the only syllable affected is the one
deleted.  The only significant detriment I've found deleting in "type into score
mode" is that if one deletes two syllables separated by a hyphen, the hyphen
persists.  If one deletes the same syllables in "edit lyrics" mode, OTH, all of
the syllables in the balance of the string visible in the "edit lyrics" window
get shifted to the left two places, even when this takes the first syllable of
one staff and attaches it to some note on the preceding staff.  In general,
deleting syllables in "type into score" mode, is, in my experience, the safest
way to do it.


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