Thanks! I really need to start using rsync for backup and possibly keeping a couple of pools of data which keep in sync with each other so any one of them can be the latest version.

A slightly different problem is solved by Apple's Time Machine. Its the old day-week-month backup strategy that keeps earlier versions of the data, thus making sure you don't wipe out backups with mistaken edits/deletions within the files.

Does rsync have a similar stunt .. where you can keep several versions of files? Maybe there's a svn/rsync stunt that would help here.

The biggest problem for me is the pathetic bandwidth we typically have nowadays. Makes good backups and time-machine snapshots really slow out to my hosting services and cloud storage.

    -- Owen

On Dec 23, 2008, at 8:49 AM, Douglas Roberts wrote:

My toes are basking in the warm breeze from the back of my AMD64 server as I
type this.  In the summer I open a window.

Backups are done like this:

echo "Starting /home/roberts backup" >>/home/roberts/backup.log
date >>/home/roberts/backup.log

/usr/bin/rsync -vurltD --delete --exclude-from=/home/roberts/.rsync/ exclude
/home/roberts /media/usb0 >>/home/roberts
/backup.log 2>&1

echo "Completed /home/roberts backup" >>/home/roberts/backup.log
date >>/home/roberts/backup.log

where /media/usb0 is a slow but fast-enough 1 TB USB drive that powers
itself off when not being used. When that one fills up I'll get another and
modify the script to rsync in multiple chunks.

Crude, but effective.


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