Hi Decota.

As regards audiogames.net, well there is already the function to search for games that just! contain audio and not text, use the search archive function on the main site since the games are! catagorized as having either audio, text, graphics or a combination of the three.

while i absolutely see your point as regards just having audio games, I equally do think cataloguing and recognizing accessible games is important. Indeed, there are more than a few examples which blur the line consiidderably. Take the alteraeon mushclient pack for example. i'd argue that with the amount of sounds, atmosphere etc, that is much closer to being the experience of a full on audio rpg, than just a textual game such as say diskworld mud is, simply because of the way the reading of the text interacts with all the music, sound etc that has been added. Indeed, for myself who uses sapi with the mushZ pack there isn't a massive amount of difference in terms of what I hear betwene playing that and playing a game by jim kitchin or spoonbill. I get sapi and sfx and have to hit keys in time.

Were the db reorganized I do agree perhaps some more catagories for self voiced, screen reader required and none, partial or complete soundscape would be nice, but I don't think the current system is too bad given that the search archive function exists, albeit not many people seem to know about or make use of it for some reason.

As regards introducing sighted people to audio games, one of the best experience I remember was when I was living in a room in my colidge. By chance, a couple of my friends dropped in. we'd been due to meet later, but they arrived early, when in fact I was in the shower.

Not wanting my friends to be board, I yelled through the door for them to activate kitchinsinc life and turn up the sound. We then spend a quite happy half hour, me in the shower yelling commands through the door as we played our way through the board.

We even didn't use a decent sapi voice since back then the only one I could get to work was ms sam, which indeed lead to a bit of a fashion among the three of us saying "but you daaaaant!" in immitation.

It was pretty funny.

Generally it just depends upon how open minded the person is, whether the person themselves enjoys audio in the first place, and also if they're just a graphics hog brainwashed by the big coorporations.

Beware the grue!


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