you are right there tom.
If you still think there is a need then I'll definate like to help edit it.
If we are serious in turning this magazine from old crappyness into the wow I had about 10 years ago we need a few things. 1. A group of editers and such that handle things, true a lot does come from the forums on We also need people that will search the net for info and have enough time to do some of this.
Next we need some sort of format.
my idea is a html web page complete with headings as well as a text document.
We should also concidder electronic braille though I have no idea how to produce it. We need an audio podcast, not necessarily the entire magazine but reviews, dev news articles etc so the people we read have more than the speech synth so to speak.
We need exposure to though I am not sure what to do there.
We need a bit more than blind games here.
mainstream gaes and the blind, maybe expand into technology for gamers, that is accessable or that has good writeups or things.
Things would include headsets, mice, joysticks and game pads.
os spaciffic especially with the xp-ers like myself moving to 7 and 8 especially 8 where their security uac really means old games will have some issue. we have the japanese games and other language games and then there are all the tablets iphones androids, I may end up on a nexus, because of price and such.
Then we need to keep it all going.
And we need to be constant.
we need also something in vms and vertual machine software.

I'm not saying that its easy, but we need to.
I can previde the following resources right now.
1. a folder for submitions of stuff in dropbox maybe, if this gets off the ground and I have to pay for a subscription then I may have to impose a small fee maybe a buck well 50 cents to a dollar to keep things going if I ever need it though text and other stuff is small. I am willing to try to set a site though to be honest, I am not made of cash but if I get a server in the future I may invest in it down the road. I can make a wordpress blog for the mag though I know audyssey has a server so maybe thats ok. I have time to do things as long as I get them a day in advance so I don't get lumped, holidays excluded though I will recieve submitions at any time ofcause real life things like house modifications and things will get in the way.
Reviewing games.
I can do this to maybe, at least have a hand at it though I never got my hd card in the new box ballenced right.
Right now I can previde the dropbox and a promise of more if I am able.
I have a job that requires a paypal and when I get a debit card depending on finances I could start donating 10-80 maybe 100 a month but that would be my limit. Ofcause I can't really do this just with myself, I will eventually need more space, and other things some wf which I may be able to cover myself some of which I may need assistance with. Then there are the games, if devs could give free coppies of games to be reviewed that would make it a bit better rather than buying games my resources are not limitless. This excludes tablets and companies which has prices of 10 bucks or less but even so. Any extra hardware ofcause will have to come from somewhere and with several family retiring in the next 2 years or less, funding is going to majorly reduce to a fraction of what i can currently afford. If people want to keep the mag going I'll gladly try to take up the rope but its not lone ranger, I will need help more than me and my little resources to keep it going.

At 11:39 PM 10/29/2013, you wrote:
Hi Shaun,

I definitely think there is still a place for the Audyssey Magazine.
For one thing not everybody is on the Audyssey List or Audio Games
Forum. Many people who are busy with work, family, and other aspects
of day to day life don't necessarily want to spend all their time
browsing the forum or reading the list. For them the Audyssey Magazine
is a nice quarterly summary of what has been going on in our community
complete with news, reviews, and other things that may not be on the
list or the forum. Any failure in the Audyssey Magazine in any of
those areas is really the fault of the editor for not providing a
consistent schedule and possibly for not encouraging enough readers to
submit new content.


On 10/29/13, shaun everiss <> wrote:
> To be honest, do we even need a magazine.
> Its been overridden with the email list and the forums of
> and there is so much out there and so little.
> Yes if you are in the middle of a project like me its all on but
> don't take it the wrong way but there is basically f**ck going on.
> Not actually the case but not as much as it was in the early days of the
> mag.
> All  or most dev news is outdated and the only sections I ever read
> were game rescue unit, the imortal gamer, the dnd game stories though
> of late these have been less humerous than usual but well.
> Truth be told its been so long between an issue I have forgotten how
> the mag went.
> Vaguely I can remember an old dusty volume I read in the middle of
> the zork dungeons of yesteryear with nothing to do one hot sunny day
> on my old notebook I got for 300 zorkmids but now a days there is
> almost to much and not much.
> Many small projects, a few bigger ones.
> what to cover.
> One thing I was tempted to cover was the ifcomp2013 but the voting
> site really had no access and I was tempted to blog about it on my
> wordpress but I got caught on testing deathmatch and real life that
> it never happened and in the scheme of things will never happen at
> any rate due to many external conditions one of which is remodeling
> of bits of our house which is enough disruption and some teeth things
> and a few other things I won't go into here.
> Yes I did at one stage miss the good old days with the good old mag.
> However it may as well be the crappy crap a grue does not want to eat.
> Its been so long with no mag and no regular schedual that I have lost
> interest in the mag.
> I aggree something needs to be done and I am happy to do a regular
> schedual with the mag myself.
> My thought though is if we are going to do this would to make it a
> community effort to do the mag or at least have more than 1 person to do
> it.
> And we should include those in the audio games forums where the real
> hackers, crackers and small gamers and startup programmers and
> project writers seem to live since this is where a lot of the
> descussions are done.
> I can't remember them off by heart but there are at least 5-30
> hackers that do things right now that probably have the ability and
> probably at least 5-10 hardcores and another 10 or so standard users
> that could assist that are actually good.
> there is an articles room, and I don't think there would be much
> issue having a magazine room on there.
> However, I will only aggree to help if there is going to be a regular
> schedual that can be kept to no matter what real life things get in
> the way which is why it needs to be more than just 1 person.
> if not at least have the mag more than once a year.
> I think we had it 4 times a year maybe twice a year though I'd like
> it a bit more.
> I'd also like some sort of cast or between issue things where things
> could be covered that were not in the issues.
> There are several sections that in my opinion can go.
> Letters.
> Tis section as far as I know is for anyone without the net or not on
> the right places to get the mag.
> A lot if not all are on the audiogames forum, some are on the list to.
> There is no point having list mail in the letters section.
> In fact anything mentioned on this list and the forums before mag
> release  really shouldn't be included.
> Next the news from developer section.
> Most news is either old by the time it appears on the magazine,
> already read by people or both.
> There is no real need for it to be honest.
> While transfering stuff already online worked before it really does
> not make any favour.
> I used to read the mag and go this is good, next, next good good good read.
> Its become
> out of dat, crap, crap, verry crappy as usual, skip, skip.
> Oh man why did I get the f**king mag this issue has barely an article
> that is new.
> I remember an issue where barely 3 articles interested me the last
> few mags in fact.
> If you read the issues audyssey 1-17 and then the issues after that
> you will gradually notice as the net picks up things drop off and
> things start to suck I don't mean in the short times where there was
> nothing to write but  constly when there was nothing to write, often
> about 90% of the mag I had heard allready or hearded updated info, or
> it was so old it didn't matter.
> I'd like this to be  fixed but to be honest we may have to change the
> sections.
> gaming articles can be there, though there must be a way to get
> access to all the dnd games should one want to listen or read the
> logs and such of all these without the mag or maybe that could stay.
> I know this may be a bit much with all the things going on but I'd
> like something like game rescue unit and adam the imortal gamer to
> come back, a comic strip which really made the game mag back then.
> again there are loads on the forum that could probably write stuff
> like this for the mag based on games game fan fiction swamp and
> others and such.
> And ofcause if for example a story has a campaign with it or
> something that can be played it would rock even more.
> There needs to be a release time set for when things come out and
> that schedual kept to as much as possible.
> I know we are puttering along but how material are we generating
> worth magging about a month I wander.
> vary little probably.
> The mag needs a clear facelift but then again it may have run its course.
> There are loads that have come on without the mag and are surviving without
> it.
> I'll help if ever the mag comes back but its probably the shaddow of
> myself hanging on to the past that keeps me thinking in that
> direction than anything ealse really.
> At 04:42 PM 10/29/2013, you wrote:
>>Hi Ken,
>>the Audyssey Magazine seems to be in limbo since issue 54. Ron has had
>>a number of personal issues that has had him put the magazine off
>>indefinitely. That said, if we don't see an issue in the next few
>>months I am tempted to take over the magazine and keep it going until
>>Ron can once again resume his roll as editor.
>>On 10/28/13, Ken Downey <> wrote:
>> > I was moving some files around on my computer the other day and, in
>> > finding
>> > my folder for all the issues of Audyssey, I decided to look at a
>> few--of the
>> > oldest ones. Wow, have things come a long way! Those were the times when
>> > if
>> > you wanted to send a game to someone, you had to do it through the mail
>> > on
>> > floppy disk... Also, revisiting Adam the Immortal gamer was fun too.
>> > No issues have been out since 54 though? Any plans to start up again?
>> > Check out my games at
>> >
>> > and my music, and that of my band, at
>> > .
>> > Also, check out, "The Believer and Skeptic Show," at iTunes!
>> > If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on
>> > Facebook,
>> > (KenWDowney,) or write me at .
>> > ---
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>> >
>> > All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
>> >
>> > If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the
>> > list,
>> > please send E-mail to
>> >
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