On 2015-08-03 09:37, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 4:05 AM, Roman Shaposhnik <ro...@shaposhnik.org> wrote:
...who else thinks the movement towards empowering
PPMCs and making IPMC very much like the board makes sense?...
How is that different from the status quo where a podling with active
mentors can have their releases +1ed by their mentors, requiring
minimal interaction with the IPMC?

As you say, releases can - if done right - be done with minimal friction from the IPMC, so the issue seems more to be an issue of perception and procedure than an issue of policy. There is a clear distinction between how the board acts towards TLPs and how the IPMC acts towards podlings, and in my opinion there should be: TLPs are _expected to know how to act, how to release, how to self-govern_. They have learned this through trial and error, many of them in the Incubator, and have built up procedures and cultures that enable them to (mostly) govern themselves. Podlings are _in training to be like that_, and even with 4, 5, 6 mentors, it has been shown time and time again (as I believe Marvin also mentioned), that there will be issues with the first one or two releases, as is only natural when a project is learning how to do Apache-style releases, and then the IPMC says "hang on, you need to do these things differently, fix this, that, and then do this", and then the podling slowly adapts to the way we do releases. As we continue to let in more and more podlings, it is also safe to assume, that the number of 'initial release bugs' will increase, thus this system becomes even more important.

To sum up my view: We have a release process that has shown many times that it both works and is necessary for podlings, especially on the first release. I think this is awesome, and I don't see the need to change this specific policy - *but perhaps we could ease the process, as I suggested last week, through better tooling and education.*

Allow me to also ask this question: If there is a _visible_ need for this existing policy, as has been shown on numerous occasions, how is empowering PPMCs by removing the policy going to solve or help the issue? I am all for a hands-off approach if it leads to a desired goal (wholly or partially), but this specific proposition seems to be counter-intuitive to me.

Therefore, I will suggest the same thing I did last week:

- Keep the existing policy
- Make better processes and tooling to aid podlings in their first release(s) (see my previous email for details) - Consider a mentor rotation/swap-in principle to ensure a fresh unbiased/non-myopic governance.

Heck, I'd even, to some degree, recommend these steps for TLPs, but eh, that's another story :) If we can create procedures and tools that can do most of the basic legal and structural checks in new release candidates, we could cut down the time spent arguing about the nitty gritty details, and a lot of the unfortunate situations where a podling needs to release fast, but gets caught in a legal issue, could be avoided or at the very least be resolved a lot faster.

With regards,

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