[Default] On 23 Jul 2021 21:21:19 -0700, in bit.listserv.ibm-main
brian_wester...@syzygyinc.com (Brian Westerman) wrote:

>Did you think to have even ONE of those early sites be one with a small 
>processor (single CPU) like a low end single CPU z/13, z14 or z15?  Most 
>likely you didn't and that's very sad.  A good percentage of "new" clients 
>that IBM has added over the past 5 to 8 years are in that boat and IBM has 
>decided to set sail without them.

In addition to the resource use by z/OSMF, at the last SHARE Tom Ross
reported that the current COBOL compile takes significantly more
resources.  Since IBM is moving to common compiler backends, has this
become a problem for small shops?

Clark Morris
>I have no doubt that the early customers represented vast swaths of 
>geographies and industries, but how low did you guys dip to test with a 
>"small" site.  The ones IBM called strategic so that they would not go to Open 
>Systems and instead go with a small box and z/OS?
>It's very disappointing.  Not all of the people IBM is ignoring have access to 
>large and small boxes like I do, if you have a small box and want to upgrade 
>after January to 2.5 from say 2.3, they will not be able to do it without 
>beefing up their machine or coming to someone like us to do it for them.  I'm 
>not complaining about the business that IBM is pushing my way, but I think 
>it's sad that IBM appears to care very little about the damage (via 
>frustration) they are about to do.  Some will buy an upgraded box, but many 
>will simply drop their mainframe path in favor of some other direction (away 
>from z/OS).
>On Fri, 23 Jul 2021 15:24:10 -0500, Marna WALLE <mwa...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
>>>> Some of the problem here is that you are telling me what "will" be there, 
>>>> but I don't have anything that actually shows that or even implies it for 
>>>> z/OSMF for z/OS.  I don't even have the workflows to verify anything.  
>>For the z/OS Workflows that you haven't seen yet, they are Workflow steps 
>>that are submitting the same JCL jobs that you used to submit through the 
>>ISPF interface and should be familiar with today.  Meaning, instead of using 
>>an ISPF panel to submit the job, you will now submit those same jobs from the 
>>z/OSMF Workflow interface. That is the difference. The jobs remain the same, 
>>in probably 99.99% of the cases.  They are being converted from ISPF JCL 
>>skeletons (SCPPSENU) to z/OSMF Workflow JCL templates (XML).  So yes, you 
>>haven't seen them in their XML format, but you certainly have seen them when 
>>they were JCL skeletons.  And remember, every single Workflow step JCL that 
>>is submitted is able to be edited from z/OSMF, just like it was with the 
>>CustomPac dialog.  
>>Might there be a conversion error to XML?  Yes, of course that is possible.  
>>But that is why we have my second comment below...
>>>> People won't have much time between Late September and January to discover 
>>>> and correct all of the bugs.
>>For each z/OS new release, and V2.5 more than ever, there are early customer 
>>programs.  The release level early program for z/OS V2.5 has its main focus 
>>on the installation of and upgrade to z/OS V2.5. We understood that the 
>>installation process would be different and wanted as much exposure, testing, 
>>and validation in customer environments before it GAs.  We have early 
>>customers that represent many different industries and geographies.  Each of 
>>these customers has installed with a z/OS V2.5 z/OSMF ServerPac.  Not a 
>>single one of them used the old ISPF ServerPac.   
>>-Marna WALLE
>>z/OS System Install and Upgrade
>>IBM Poughkeepsie
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