On Sep 30, 7:33 pm, Casper Bang <casper.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> in Java. It does feel a little bit like being stuck between a rock and
> a hard place, especially since JavaFX seems to serve mostly to scratch
> Sun's own itch but utterly uninteresting to most others. So I would
> not be surprised if we'll see a little bit of the same trend as with
> current Sun hardware customers fleeing to IBM.

Surely that's the point though, Sun is not compelling you to use Java.
If you don't like the way it is progressing you can:
- pay/beg Sun to make the changes
- change it yourself (Sun did the right thing and open sourced their
- work through the JCP
- use something else
- develop an alternative
- continue to use Java because it is more palatable than the previous

Sun has evaluated the benefit to Sun of making changes to Java, of
allocating resources, of responding to community interest, etc.; you
may disagree with that evaluation, or consider it to be detrimental to
the community or to Java (or to Sun), but they are under no obligation
to agree, and you can always just use something else if you're not

If you can't use something else because of corporate policies then
that is not Sun's problem, it's a sign of the success of the platform
(and a pointer to why Sun is not going to be inclined to make sweeping
changes). And that will be self-correcting; if enough people are
unhappy they'll use something else, if Sun sees that as a problem they
will respond and make the requisite changes. Clearly they don't
perceive that that point has been reached.

- Steve

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