On Oct 1, 9:45 pm, Mark Derricutt <m...@talios.com> wrote:
> My understanding of the process if that in order for a JSR to be filed you
> need a spec, and an initial working implementation/proof of concept (in
> general), which is why things like JPA/JPA2 came out of hibernate,
> joda-time's jsr etc.
> Before coin can be proposed as a JSR, I would assume they'd need to detail
> the changes that comprise the JSR, and not a blanket vague 'small changes'
> description.

To *complete* a JSR, you require a spec, test suite and reference
implementation. But in order to file a JSR you only really need a
reasonably good statement of what the scope of the JSR is (sufficient
for the Executive Committee voters to say yes or no). You do not need
a spec. You do not need a working implementation. You do not need a
proof of concept. (Yes, some JSRs arise that way, but it is not

It was acceptable for Project Coin to wait until the "final five" were
decided before creating the JSR. However, at that point, the JSR
should have been created in order for the JCP to continue be relevant.
Instead, implementations have been committed to Open JDK, something
that requires a detailed spec to be be hanging about somewhere. Thus,
there is no formal JCP Expert Group defining these new features, nor
is there any evidence that there will be.

I would also note that in the absence of a clear published spec for
each of these additions, it is very hard for other organisations to
write their own implementation of Java 7 (such as an alternate
compiler, or IDE). As such, it becomes even more likely that the
OpenJDK will become the only place to find JDK 7. (And remember that
without a JSR, there is no such thing as Java 7 SE).


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