Good morning, Bill...

Bill Anderson wrote:

> On Sun, 2004-12-12 at 21:47 -0800, Dave Laird wrote:
>> <chuckling> Are you *SURE* you haven't written speeches for the U.S.
>> House, Senate or the President of the United States before?
> Not yet. ;) Though I did compete in Speech and Debate for many a year
> with very few defeats. Does that count?

Dave ruefully sits down in the middle of Liberty Northwest on an old
wooden chair painted a lurid red color, and putting his head in his hands,
sobs, "I could'a been a contendah...". 

> My apologies. Maybe next time I'll just say something like:
> "Dude, your head is so far up your @ss you think the echoes coming back
> to you are other people's voices"
> Better? :^D

Thanks in part to the "dumbing down of America", 93.6% of the people would
understand precisely what this implies, but even with that forceful, plain
statement, there would still be a pitiful 6.3% of the American population
still trying desperately to buy, find or otherwise steal a clue as to what
it meant. Of course, this statement, once understood, would induce mass
sputtering, which is a disease known far and wide for its catastrophic
effects on public speech. Thus there is a possibility, however finite,
that you might reduce us all to verbal chaos. 

> I am glad someone saw the humor in it though. :)

Yes, I plead guilty to having nearly choked on my coffee, at the time. I
also plead guilty for the crime of nudging the thread every once in awhile
to see if all possible humor has been fully and adequately explored to its
logical ends. In these strange days one can never have too much humor,
IMHO. 8) 

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