On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, J. J. Horner wrote:
> > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> > out my wife . . .
> Ask yourself this question: Are you in need of a mod_perl job? If so, I'm
> willing to bet that there are employers who would snap you up in a second.
> As has been said a few times here, certification is pretty pointless
> unless you need some distinguishing factor. With mod_perl, the
> distinguishing factor is that you're available!

(my apologies if this has already been said, I'm still catching up...)

yes and no.

having a certification program implies a lot more than just that there
will be something employers can look at. 

I would expect that the real value comes from the fact that a lot of hard
work has gone into a building a training program, which will by it's
nature create more mod_perl programmers ... how many is subject to
question, but if you can point prospective candidates at the list of
hungry employers, then it should be fairly successfull...

It's my belief that part of the reason microsoft has been so successfull
is that they have made it so easy for schools/institutes to teach their
material ... thus more students studying the M$ way, thus more folks
"selling" microsoft solutions...

... anyone who wants to teach an NT course just asks microsoft for the
curriculum... but wanna teach a linux course and your options are (or
were, things may have changed) less clear, and you're more likely to have
to build it yourself... given the quality and motivation levels of most
schools/institutes/instructors the choice is clear... especially when
they get to ride on the promotion bandwagon that microsoft has prepared...

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