On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 11:06:02PM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> I can't figure out where the "start" and "finish" are with mod_perl
> that would make sense for 80 to 400 people.  It's not core techology,
> like the llama.  We target the llama as how you would want ANY perl
> hacker to spend their first 30 hours.  But what 20-30 hours are
> *common* for any mod_perl hacker?  And what do you do for pre-reqs?

In my opinion, two essential prereqs are:
1.  Strong knowledge of perl.
2.  Strong knowledge of Apache webserver configuration and administration.

I say this because I didn't know that so many people though mod_perl was 
just Apache::Registry or HTML::Mason, or Axkit, or whatever.  I always
though of mod_perl as the PERL API TO APACHE!  That, in my opinion, should
be the center of attention in a training program.  Teaching about the 
API hooks to the different response phases, showing examples of different
interactions with the phases, and working through exercises where a student
learns most of the nooks-n-crannies of the API.  One can't learn all of this
unless one knows Apache configuration, administration, and operation well, and
one will be completely lost unless one knows perl.

I don't want to be hired as an HTML::Mason programmer, no matter how cool the
module is.  I want to be a mod_perl programmer so I can write custom stuff
for a company that has specific guidelines and needs.  If a company can take
something already written and use it, they won't hire a mod_perl programmer.

Am I right?
> Training is a tough business.  I've been damn lucky, and moderately
> skilled to have had the privilege to train thousands of satisfied
> customers, and sell hundreds of thousands of book.  And I'd love to
> see more mod_perl hackers out there.  But it's gotta make sense to me
> financially before I commit resources to it.  I'm a small business.  I
> can't absorb training at a loss for very long.
> Hope that helps you see what you need to tell me to get me to do this.
> (nudge nudge)

I'd start off with an intro course available for pay over the web.  I'm 
not qualified for this, but you are about as qualified as anyone.  I'd be 
more than happy to provide feedback and give my oh-so-insignificant opinions.

I'd wait to see what the response is on the intro.

I'll be honest with you.  I can NOT travel to do training.  I can't afford it, nor
can I take the time to do it.  I'm not likely to find a company who will send me 
somewhere so I can do it.  That is why online training is so important and appealing 
to me.

I'd pay to take an online course (read this, and do exercises, and then get feedback, 
then get a neat little certificate from merlyn).

I just now feel somewhat comfortable putting mod_perl in my signature.  I don't use 
Apache::Registry very much.  But I do write phase specific stuff.

J. J. Horner

Apache, Perl, mod_perl, Web security, Linux

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