* On Fri, Dec 11 2009, Rene Schickbauer wrote:
> Hi!
>> I think a discussion about the why's could be interesting and
>> insightful - unfortunately I have to agree that the posts above are
>> mostly about influencing and not much about truth seeking.  Is that
>> ever possible?
> I don't think so. Everyone thinks and works a little different. So, a
> feature in a software could be THE feature for one but the killer bug
> for someone else.
> This is similar to "Whats the best editor?" or "Whats the best
> operating system?"... Countless flamewars have been fought (and lost)
> over questions like that.

In my experience, ask anyone why they use their favorite editor, and the
answer is usually "because I learned this one first" or "because I wrote
this one".  Nobody has ever answered "because I made a chart of editors
versus features I desired, tested each one, and the one I chose had the
most checkboxes".  Just sayin'; like favorite colors, favorite editors
and favorite pieces of Perl code are mostly irrational emotional

(My answer, FWIW, is "because I learned this one first", but I steal
features from the other editors whenever possible.  The ease of which
this is possible leads me to believe that I made the right choice, but I
am just as irrational as anyone else.)

Jonathan Rockway

print just => another => perl => hacker => if $,=$"

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