On Mon, Dec 07, 2009 at 09:56:58PM -0600, Jonathan Rockway wrote:

> I remember a few years ago, as a newbie with only CGI.pm and mod_perl
> experience, discovering the Catalyst website.  I thought I liked what I
> saw, and decided to play with it for a bit.  My toy blog project (a very
> early version of Angerwhale, incidentally) was converted from a mod_perl
> handler in a weekend, and my $WORK_APP was converted from straight
> CGI.pm in a few days.  Now I didn't need Apache anymore, and my code was
> no longer a complete mess.

If your code was a complete mess, that's not CGI.pm's fault, it's your
fault.  And it becoming less of a mess wasn't Catalyst's fault, it was -
again - your fault, by dint of being more experienced when you re-wrote

> [numerous errors and fallacies snipped because they're boring]
> Hmm, I didn't seem to receive the patches you sent.  Could you please
> resend them?

I'll bother to write them once I'm assured that you send patches for all
the open source software that you don't like or think is badly
implemented or don't do the job very well.  After all, I'm sure you're
not the sort of person who would hold me to a higher standard than he
holds himself.

David Cantrell | Cake Smuggler Extraordinaire

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands,
 hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." -- H. L. Mencken

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