
[numerous errors and fallacies snipped because they're boring]

Hmm, I didn't seem to receive the patches you sent.  Could you please
resend them?

I'll bother to write them once I'm assured that you send patches for all
the open source software that you don't like or think is badly
implemented or don't do the job very well.  After all, I'm sure you're
not the sort of person who would hold me to a higher standard than he
holds himself.

Oh, come on boys. Don't start a flame war.

You both have valid points: Catalyst is a mature framework AND it does not fit everyones purpose.

Isn't that the Perl way, the reason why we have TIMTOWTDI in the first place?

OBut i have one critic to add anyway: There is ONE argument in this discussion that is just stupid: "There are X books on the subject so this way is better". A "books only" search for "Microsoft Frontpage" on Amazon.com turned up 3088 results - surely you wont suggest i prefer Frontpage over Catalyst/Maplat/CGI.pm?

#!/usr/bin/perl #99BoB (C)2004 cavac:prg count drink vessel place act1 act2
@a...@argv;$c=$a[0]||99;$b=" ".($a[2]||"bottles")." of ".($a[1]||"beer");$w=" ".
($a[3]||"on the wall").",";do{print"$c$b$w\n$c$b,\n".($a[4]||"take one down").
", ".($a[5]||"pass it around").",\n".--$c."$b$w\n\n";}while($c);print"END!\n";

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