
I think a discussion about the why's could be interesting and
insightful - unfortunately I have to agree that the posts above are
mostly about influencing and not much about truth seeking.  Is that
ever possible?

I don't think so. Everyone thinks and works a little different. So, a feature in a software could be THE feature for one but the killer bug for someone else.

This is similar to "Whats the best editor?" or "Whats the best operating system?"... Countless flamewars have been fought (and lost) over questions like that.

As WOPR in "Wargames" pointed out: 'A strange game. The only winning move is not to play'.

So far, the only two questions in that category humanity was able to solve were "What is the best drink in existance?" which is the Pangalactic Gargleblaster and "What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?" which is fourty two (and for which we are STILL waiting for the exact wording of the question to make sense of the answer).


#!/usr/bin/perl #99BoB (C)2004 cavac:prg count drink vessel place act1 act2
@a...@argv;$c=$a[0]||99;$b=" ".($a[2]||"bottles")." of ".($a[1]||"beer");$w=" ".
($a[3]||"on the wall").",";do{print"$c$b$w\n$c$b,\n".($a[4]||"take one down").
", ".($a[5]||"pass it around").",\n".--$c."$b$w\n\n";}while($c);print"END!\n";

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