i think we are on two different pages andre.
i am not really talking of DQ/sq here, more to do with the meanings of specific 
words. so i guess i am talking of intellectual patterns.

all i am saying is that growth, economic growth is at odds with the concept of 

i should qualify the above here. the two concepts are not necessarily 
antonymous; they are so in the context of our current fossil fuel based 
economies. if we saw growth in plant based economies (eg hemp) then this growth 
would be sustainable (but it is feasible that a plant based economy could 
become unsustainable also).

i think the paradigm of growth has to go, which is also the paradigm of profit.
can we envisage an economy not based on profit?...i think we may have to. 
profit seems to be about concentrating resources in fewer hands, rather than 
equitable distribution. (the third ethic of permaculture, after care of people 
and care of planet, is share the surplus)

i work for not-for-profit organisations. in these organisations the workers run 
the organisation and pay themselves a wage. the surplus monies go back into the 

i am wondering what others think....ie is profit inherently unsustainable? or 
is there room for profit in a sustainable economy?

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