[gav]> is profit inherently unsustainable? or is > there room for profit in a 
sustainable economy? Gav,You’re comparing two different things: the structure 
of the workplacevs. its profit status.  The structure of the workplace can be 
egalitarian(everyone has an equal voice) or it can be hierarchial (either 
top-down orbottom-up).A company can be for-profit or non-profit.  All 
combinations are possible.For instance, a for-profit company can have an 
egalitarian structure.If investors find this structure more efficient (= more 
profitable)they will prefer it.  On the other hand, a non-profit hospital will 
generallyhave a chief administrator (with an advanced degree in 
hospitalmanagement) & won’t consult the janitorial staff on new 
medicalequipment purchases.What happens when an employee controlled, non-profit 
companycompetes against a for-profit one?  Assume they are bothmanufacturing 
companies, competing in the same market,selling the same product for the same 
price.  The price g
 ets al
locatedinto 4 categories:I)                variable costs (utilities, raw 
materials)II)              capital costs (land, building, machines)III)         
   wageIV)            “P-factor” (to be explained).To simply: Assume the rates 
for I) & II) are the same.In the for-profit company, investors provide the 
capital.In the non-profit company, the money for the capital is borrowed.The 
amount allocated to III) & IV) vary inversely.In the for-profit company, the 
lower III) wages get,the higher IV) the “P-factor” (= profit) is.In the 
non-profit company, the money for capital costs (+ interest)is repaid from IV) 
the “P-factor”, the rest goes to III) wages.The capitalist puts downward 
pressure on wages,while the employee controlled company puts upward pressureon 
them.            Craig
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