----- Original Message -----
From: Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

> This one is a little beyond me. I do not know if the seg fault matters
> or not. But it may be indicating a problem developing. Do you use
> another OS on the same machine, and if so, do you get the same problem
> at shutdown? If not, you could be experiencing file corruption under
> Linux, and maybe a new install could fix things up ok. Hopefully,
> someone else has greater knowledge on this subject, and can be of help.
> I think a seg fault could meaan a flakey mem chip, but if so, it would
> show up in another OS as well. Thats why I asked the previous question
> about the other OS. Don't get upset about hardware just yet, and see if
> the trouble can be fixed with the software. Sorry I couldn't be any help
> this time,

No worries - it has done it since it was installed as far as I know - The
machine is the same in both OSes, but I have the two harddrives in caddies,
and only one is present at any one time. This means I keep them well apart -
I don't wan't anything MS contaminating linux if poss, and Linux is so
efficient, that in my novice hands it might easily b detrimental to Win -
bit like giving a baby a loaded magnum!

Under win I have to say the system appears flawless (yes I know - oxymoron!)
I have no errors at all of any import.

What I find odd, is that for this to happen at all, the report "system
halted" must be incorrect surely, or at the very least premature?

Plainly some part of the system has other ideas about that, hence the error.

It seems to be a "kernal paging request" which prompts the fault. But it's
hard to tell for sure - there is so much extra detail it's hard to see
what's really going on.


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