On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> No worries - it has done it since it was installed as far as I know - The
> machine is the same in both OSes, but I have the two harddrives in caddies,
> and only one is present at any one time. This means I keep them well apart -
> I don't wan't anything MS contaminating linux if poss, and Linux is so
> efficient, that in my novice hands it might easily b detrimental to Win -
> bit like giving a baby a loaded magnum!
> Under win I have to say the system appears flawless (yes I know - oxymoron!)
> I have no errors at all of any import.
> What I find odd, is that for this to happen at all, the report "system
> halted" must be incorrect surely, or at the very least premature?
> Plainly some part of the system has other ideas about that, hence the error.
> It seems to be a "kernal paging request" which prompts the fault. But it's
> hard to tell for sure - there is so much extra detail it's hard to see
> what's really going on.
It's a problem with the APM drivers and some motherboards. You,
unfortunately, seem to have one of the many motherboards affected, as
do I at work. There's a fix for it. Here's the URL to the message in
the archives detailing the fix:

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