[21] Safe standing press release
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Safe Standing campaign receives pre season boost.

The campaign for safe standing in football stadiums has received a pre
season boost after results of a comprehensive football fans survey were released.

The website 'From The Terrace' (www.fromtheterrace.co.uk) issued a
questionnaire to 12,000 subscribers covering a whole range of subjects - one of which 
asked if fans should be allowed the choice of standing up whilst watching a game.

The results announced saw 58% of responders in favour of standing areas, whilst 26% 
preferred all seated stadiums. 16% were undecided.

Phill Gatenby, spokesperson for SAFE (Standing Areas for England) welcomed the results 
and it's timing. 'The result of this specific question is consistent with every other 
poll conducted over the last 9 months and give a clear indication that fans do want 
the choice of how they view a game. With the new season about start, this is another 
reminder to the football authorities - who refuse to discuss the issue - that they 
cannot keep ignoring us.'

Indeed, this Friday, 10th August, The Football Licensing Authority (FLA) is meeting 
with football authorities to announce measures to be taken to prevent fans from 
standing up during games. Gatenby thinks this will have a negative response with fans.

'Rather than consult with fans over these proposals, the FLA have sat behind closed 
doors and what they are suggesting will only provoke the situation, not ease it, they 
even refused representatives from SAFE access to the meeting.' The FLA are to demand 
sections of stands are closed down and tickets for away fans are limited if fans 
continue to stand up.

Gatenby continued 'Fans do not stand up as an act of defiance; we do it because that 
is how we want to view a game of football. The choice should be made available to 
fans, allowing those who wish to sit the opportunity to do so without fans standing up 
in front of them. Yet the football authorities refuse to recognise our views and seem 
hell bent on making us sit there for 90 minutes as if we were at the cinema.'

The new season will also see a fresh approach from the campaigners too, as Gatenby 
added 'There will be more games on TV than ever before and we aim to take advantage of 
this in a big way to get our message across.'

[20] Happy birthday Mickey
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
24 today.

[19] Ex-Hammer goes mad
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova. As you do.

'Igor Stimac is facing at least a three-match ban following a tunnel bust-up at the 
end of Hajduk Split's match against Real Mallorca. The former West Ham and Derby 
defender is reported to have punched two Mallorca players and an assistant manager at 
the end of Split's 1-0 victory in the Champions League qualifier.

Uefa spokesman Rob Faulkner said: "The incident has been reported by the referee and 
the disciplinary committee will look at it on Thursday. A normal punishment in a case 
like this would be a suspension of at least three games."

[18] Owen on Veron
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Owen Hargreaves of Bayern that is.

"Veron could turn out to be the man of the year in Europe this season. If he plays the 
way he can — and United hit it off — they can blow anyone away. Veron is my favourite 
player of them all. He can do everything — win the ball, pass it, head, tackle, shoot. 
If there is one player I want to be like, it's him. He is a fantastic buy for United 
and the one player I try to model my game on. With him organising things in midfield 
and Ruud van Nistelrooy scoring the goals up front, they could really make the 

Mind you, if Real Madrid buy any more players like Zinedine Zidane we might as well go 
home. At the same time, they don't have the appearance of a real team — like United 
and us. That's why I put United ahead of them. United have been together a long time, 
they know what it's like to win the European Cup and, each season, players like David 
Beckham, Roy Keane and Paul Scholes have more and more experience to fall back on."

[17] Pre-season tour of America
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Further to some rumours about which year it actually was due to take place Red News 
has contacted Paddy Harverson who has confirmed that the pre-season tour of America 
will take place in the summer of 2003.

With next year being a World Cup year presumably next year's tour will be closer to 

[16] More from Giggs
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I couldn't be jealous of Becks. Most football fans realise he's a great player. Some 
of the things they chant are stupid, but it's similar to Man United - if he was crap, 
it wouldn't happen. I understand perfectly why people hate Man United. It's because 
we're the biggest and the best. If that changes it's time to start worrying.

The last album I bought was by The Stereophonics. I like that

It's nothing to do with footballers how much we're paid. It' just the way the game is 
going and while you're not going to turn it down, it's out of players' hands. I've 
always liked nice cars. Some players get cars because they're flash, but I've got an 
interest. I can change a wheel and that's about it, but I know my cars.

I'm not too vain. You should have seen me this morning with a proper beard. I like to 
look good and look after myself, but I don't do designer labels.

I haven't actually got a boat. Never had one. My mates, even my mum, said 'Why haven't 
you mentioned you've got a boat?' It's just rubbish.

At 13, I always left the youth club early knowing I had a game in the morning. You 
need that discipline. If we drew or lost, I'd be gutted.

I just don't see any way I could go up. Man United, Real Madrid, Juventus and Bayern 
Munich are on a level. Barcelona, AC or Inter would be a step down. Basically, I want 
to be known as someone who played in a great team who broke records. Nobody's won the 
English title four times on the trot as we will have done this season.

Because we've been at the top for so long, it's the fear of other teams winning our 
titles. Last season, getting knocked out of the Champions' League and FA Cup were 
reminders we need to be at the top of our game. There aren't that many next years now 
and I won't be in Man United's first team when I'm 40. It's sobering and I need to 
make the most of it. I've lied in the past, saying I don't think about the future. I 
do, but I just don't know what I'm going to do. All I want is to be involved in 
football in some capacity." 

[15] Giggs interview in Arena
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I've grown up gradually. I was in the papers at 14 (when he played for United 
Reserves) and I've never known anything different since school. Even now, some days I 
walk around Manchester, just get the odd look and not sign an autograph. Yet on bad 
days I'll be stopping every 20 yards. They stop, thinking I look like Ryan Giggs and 
realise it's me. I'm used to it.

People laugh when I say I lead a boring life, but I do. I look forward to training in 
the morning and having nothing to do for the rest of the day other than going home. My 
house is the only place I can relax, other than at training or in actual matches. I 
get home about 1.30pm. Then I watch a Test match or some golf on  telly. Then I relax 
some more, have my tea and hope there's an evening football match on telly.'

[14] More from Becks
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Every season someone says that this team or that team is going to overtake United. I 
think we may have to work even harder this season but hopefully we will finish at the 
top again. The two new signings are both excellent. When you look at the players we 
already had, plus those two, you can't help but get excited. Seven championships in 
nine years is not luck. We have worked hard for that. It was disappointing that we 
were knocked out of Europe last season, but we were still league champions.

We go into the season wanting to win the league first, and then do well in Europe. We 
didn't do as well as we could have in Europe last season, but that will be corrected. 
If we don't do well in Europe, more is made of it than our performance in the league, 
simply because our league form is taken for granted. But the league is our priority."

[13] Becks repeats his win everything comments
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"To win every trophy we play in would be a fitting last season, wouldn't it? The 
Premiership, the European Cup, the FA Cup, the Worthington Cup. And to not lose a game 
all season. Every year, the manager always says: 'We want to go through the whole 
season without losing a game.' That would be great this year. It might be his last 
year but I don't think he has mellowed one bit. Even when he finishes, he won't be 
taking his foot off any pedals! 

He's got an aura about him. When he walks into a room, people take notice.I've grown 
up with it and plenty of others around here have, too. We've got the ultimate respect 
for him. He's been exactly what any player would need - someone you can look up to. 

He's told me when I've done done things wrong and when I've done things right. More 
than that, he's given me the confidence to become the player I am." 

[12] Wenger Arse talks continue
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Mirror

'Arsenal chiefs were last night locked in talks with Arsene Wenger in a desperate bid 
to keep him at Highbury. The Gunners' manager rejected their latest pounds 8million 
offer on Sunday and was involved in day-long negotiations yesterday to try to resolve 
his future. 

The club fear he will walk out next summer when his contract ends and have mounted a 
determined attempt to convince him to sign an extension. 

As revealed by Mirror Sport on Saturday, they set Wenger a deadline of Sunday to agree 
a new deal or admit to chairman Peter Hill-Wood and his deputy David Dein he will 
leave next year. But Wenger let the deadline pass without any agreement, sparking 
yesterday's crisis meeting.'

[11] Norway name squad
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
for the friendly with Turkey. No Ronny Johnsen but Ole in.

Norway coach Nils Johan Semb: 

"I want to wait and see how Ronny does at Manchester United".

[10] El Til on United's season
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Terry Venables:

"It was a very calculated spend. Roy Keane and a few others had said publicly that 
United needed to buy more top-quality players and Sir Alex has gone and bought 
champions. Now he's removed the players' excuses. He can say 'we have got them now, 
what are you going to do?'

We have attempted to go against them in tipping in past seasons and been wrong. United 
will be the team to catch no doubt about it. They have players with the relentless 
motivation to win and win and win and they have won it again and again. It is what 
everyone else is trying to get - if they could bottle it and sell it there would be no 
need for merchandise."

[9] R.Boys hit back at United
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Chelsea managing director Colin Hutchinson said about Fergie's comments: 

"I think it's mind-games and a bit of kidology. It's flattering but we won't be thrown 
by it. We will just get on with what we are already doing. We know that he knows what 
a good player Emmanuel Petit is because he tried to sign him".

[8] Fergie on Charity Shield
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Sunday's important but a week on Sunday is more important. It's taken us a bit of 
time to get over going to the Far East but there's signs it's coming back."

[7] ABUism at work
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ananova report on the Bury game...

"Cole had a disastrous night, missing chance after chance and providing a clear 
contrast to the deadliness of new signing Ruud van Nistelrooy in previous friendlies."

Fergie however put it in context

"The Bury keeper, Paddy Kenny, seemed to have a vendetta against Cole. He was 
brilliant. He had a great game and some nights are like that."

[6] United beat Bury 3-0
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
No Ruud, Veron, Becks or Roy Keano. 

Goals from Phil Neville, Dwight Yorke (again) and Ole.

[5] United's celeb fans (you work out which are the day trippers) versus
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Victoria Adams - Spice Girl, singer 
Bertie Aherne - Irish Prime Minister 
Paul 'Bonehead' Arthurs - ex-Oasis guitarist
Richard Ashcroft - Verve frontman, now solo artist
Michael Atherton - former England cricket captain 
Zoe Ball - former Radio 1 DJ, TV presenter (The Priory, etc) 
Ainsley Bingham - boxer 
Edith Bowman - MTV Presenter
Ian Brown - ex-Stone Roses frontman, singer 
Tim Burgess - Charlatans frontman 
Mark Chapman - Radio One sports reporter
Terry Christian - ex presenter of The Word 
Steve Coogan - comedian Alan Partridge, Paul Calf, etc. 
Colin Croft - former West Indies cricketer, now journalist
Angus Deayton - TV Presenter/actor - Have I Got News For You?, One 
Foot in the Grave 
Neil Fairbrother - cricketer 
Black Grape - group 
Terry Hall - musician - The Specials
Eamonn Holmes - GMTV presenter 
Mick Hucknall - Simply Red singer 
Ulrika Jonsson - TV presenter 
Kerry Katona - Atomic Kitten singer
Patrick Kielty - TV presenter/comedian
Terry Kiely - actor (Karl Fletcher in Dream Team)
Michael Le Vell - Coronation Street actor (Kevin Webster)
Ralf Little - Anthony from the Royle Family 
Tony Lloyd - Foreign Office Minister 
Mani - musician (Primal Scream & Stone Roses)
Kym Marsh - member of the Popstars group (Hear'Say)
Cerys Matthews - Catatonia frontwoman
Ian McShane - actor- Lovejoy 
Morrissey - singer, former frontman of The Smiths 
New Order - group 
Mark Owen - singer (ex Take That)
Robert Powell - actor (the Detectives)
Gary Rhodes - TV Chef, author 
Shane Richie - TV Presenter, comedian 
Lisa Riley - actress in Emmerdale, presenter of You've Been Framed 
John Squires - musician - The Seahorses, ex-Stone Roses 
Supergrass - group 
John Virgo - snooker player turned TV Presenter - Big Break
Russell Watson - opera singer
Sean Wilson - Coronation Street actor (Martin Platt)

[4] city's massive support
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Susan Bookbinder - radio newsreader
Nigel Bond - snooker player 
Jamie Broadbent - Chris Evans Breakfast Show, TFI Friday 
Tiffany Chapman - Brookside actress (Rachel Dixon)
Billy Duffy - The Cult 
Liam Gallagher - Oasis singer
Noel Gallagher - Oasis guitarist, singer, songwriter
Eddie George - Governor of the Bank of England 
Michael Gomez - boxer 
Damon Gough - singer/musician - Badly Drawn Boy
Will Greenwood - England rugby union international
Stuart Hall - Radio 5 Live match reporter.
Simon Hill - football commentator (Radio 5 Live)
Ricky Hatton - boxer 
Bruce Jones - actor - Coronation Street (Les Battersby) 
Kevin Kennedy - actor - Coronation Street (Curly Watts) 
Eddie Large - comedian 
Nick Leeson - rogue trader 
Bernard Manning - comedian 
Johnny Marr - guitarist - Smiths, Electronic 
Mike Pickering - M People 
Mark Radcliffe - Radio 1 DJ, TV presenter 
Adam Rickett - actor - Coronation Street (Nicky Platt), turned pop 
Marc Riley - a.k.a. Lard - Radio 1 DJ, TV presenter 
John Stapleton - TV news/affairs presenter
Rick Wakeman - musician
Mike Wedderburn - Sky Sports newsreader

[3] And if you want to know
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
the Scouse score look elsewhere, as if we were going to watch them come up against a 
team that the Red News drunks 11 could have thrashed.

[2] Some Champs League qualifying results
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Barcelona 4-3 Wisla (Rivaldo scored a hat-trick)

Rangers 0-0  Fenerbahce (Michael Mols sent off)

Ajax 1-3 Celtic 3 (PLC suddenly look up!)

Martin O'Neill: "We should have had six today but the lads were absolutely immense and 
they deserve all the credit in the world. We haven't actually done anything because we 
haven't gone through but it was a magnificent performance. They were so powerful and 
so precise but their football was sensational."

Copenhagen 2 Lazio 1 (and nearly scored a 3rd at the end)

[1] Red News deadline - this Friday
Posted Thursday, August 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
The deadline for the next issue of Red News (no.79) is this Friday (10th). 

Articles/letters/photos/etc are always appreciated - it's your mag  - so please keep 
anything coming to


We're particularly after any unique insights/tales from the Far East tour from anyone 
who went and, of course, any general gossip about United you may have.

Deadline for Red News - August 10th.

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