[18] Vinne Jones slates Batty
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
"He is bang out of order. Wilkinson was a great manager and he feels let down. It 
saddens me because Batty had his best three years under Wilko. He won the championship 
in 1992 when Batty was a young player. Wilko saw what a great player Batty was and now 
he's been slaughtered. I don't remember there being any trouble them - if there was, 
David never said anything to me and I was his room-mate for years. Howard doesn't 
deserve this. He's one of the best managers I played under. Batty's stabbed Howard in 
the back."

[17] More on Robbo offer
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Soccernet

'Ferguson made contact towards the end of last month and made it clear 
to Robson that he was welcome to help out at United while he 
considered his long-term future. The former United and England skipper is currently 
thinking it over  and is expected to accept when he returns from a family holiday in  
the south of France next week...It would be a flexible arrangement, with Robson free 
to leave any  time in the event of a permanent coaching or management position  
becoming available.'

[16] Robbo offered return to Old Trafford?
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Sir Alex Ferguson has offered Bryan Robson the chance to make a swift return to 
football. Ferguson wants Robson to help out United in training on an informal basis. 
United emphasise that Robson has not been offered a coaching role and that Ferguson 
just wants to give his former skipper the opportunity "to keep his eye in".

United's director of communications Paddy Harverson was at pains to play down what had 
been offered to Robson.

"It's simply as the manager has said to me - an offer to come in just to keep his eye 
in," he said. "It's not a coaching role and it would be wrong to describe it like 
that. He's welcome to come down and watch training and get involved a bit."

Ferguson has issued a similar invitation to Eric Cantona and Harverson claims the 
United manager is just trying to help out his former players.

"It's what we do here - try and keep our ex-players as part of the family here," he 
said. "We like to keep them involved and let them feel they can come down whenever 
they want."

A nice way of putting it - don't see people like Ince getting many similar offers...

[15] Bobby Charlton on Sven
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
Praise with reason?

"If you look at this team and compare it to the one that lost to Germany, it seems 
like 20 years ago now. There is every reason to feel good about England right now. 
They do remind me of the team of 1966 because they are playing as a team not as a 
bunch of individuals. Sven has got them in the right frame of mind and they look ready 
for any challenge."

[14] Great Dane on new club
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Naturally, I would like to face Basle but the important date for me is White Hart 
Lane on August 18. I think I have rushed things a bit with Villa and pushed myself too 
hard. I need to be sensible. Although the trapped nerve in my calf is improving, I'm 
still feeling a few twinges but I know that the club has justified faith in Peter 
Enckelman to replace me."

[13] Schmeichel to play occasionally
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
John Gregory:

"We are going to have to look for opportunities to give Peter an occasional break from 
the English programme. The prospect of three games a week on a regular basis is 
obviously very demanding for him, and he may well need a rest in the same way that he 
took a holiday during his closing season at Old Trafford a couple of years ago. The 
problem at the moment is that Peter threw himself into his Villa career so hard right 
from the start that he has experienced aches and strains as a consequence. He has to 
throttle back a fraction.

Playing matches is only one reason why we snapped up the great Schmeichel on a Bosman 
free from Portugal. There are others as well.I want him in my dressing room to spread 
his enormous presence, complete professionalism and sheer will to win among the whole 
of the  squad. That is equally important in my book."

[12] Giddy Scouser
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
Jamie Carragher:

"I'd rather have Stevie Gerrard than Veron. If Steve was sold, he would go for the 
same sort of money. Veron has more experience and in his position, is probably more of 
a creative player, maybe the best. We are happy with our midfield, with Gerrard, 
Dietmar Hamann and, of course, Gary McAllister. I don't think we have much to worry 
about there."

Against Becks, Keano, Veron, Butt, Giggs and...

"It took Arsenal and United a few years to make progress. We are happy with what we 
achieved last season, but now we want to move on from
there. We are still young and still maturing, and as we develop, we will gain what 
Manchester United have now. We've got to push Manchester United harder for the league."

10 years and counting.

[11] Sven was a choice as Fergie replacement
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Mirror

'Meanwhile, it emerged last night that England coach Sven Goran Eriksson was 
sensationally offered to Manchester United as a replacement for Ferguson. Mirror Sport 
can reveal that the Swede was  interested in taking over at Old Trafford. His advisors 
contacted the
Premiership champions and offered his services before he decided to take the England 

United Chief Executive Peter Kenyon was excited by the proposal but was forced to turn 
down the approach because he did not believe Eriksson would wait until Ferguson 
retires next May.  Instead the former Lazio boss agreed to pick up the pieces left by 
former England boss Kevin Keegan. 

Eriksson was on United's original short-list of names to replace Ferguson after his 
brilliant career in Italy. Kenyon and the Old Trafford board believed he had the 
perfect credentials to take over from Ferguson but were frustrated by the time-frame. 
Instead they will choose from Louis Van Gaal, Fabio Capello and Arsene Wenger after 
Bayern Munich's Ottmar Hitzfeld ruled himself out of the running.'

[10] Di Canio may be moving
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
To Fulham as they bid £2.5m.

[9] Fergie backs Seregeant Wilko over Batty comments
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It's always disappointing when one of your old players does that. But you've got to 
expect that it will happen. All you need to look at is Howard's achievements. If you 
analyse his career, all his teams have shown a willingness to play for him so it's 
obvious he had a good rapport with all his teams and players. If you get one voice 
that speaks out against that from time to time people have to take it in its proper 
context in terms of all the players who've come out in past and praised Howard. We've 
seen Gordon Strachan and Gary McAllister do it over the years.

Howard's biggest success without question was winning the championship. I don't know 
how he managed to win it at Leeds United that season with the players he had. It was a 
tremendous feat.  You can't do that without good management and good leadership and 
that was an amazing, amazing achievement by Howard."

[8] Neil Ruddock eating those porkie pies again
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
Neil Ruddock, Swindon Town's new player-coach (what's that all about then?)

"People think of Neil Ruddock and form a picture of a  thuggish centre half. But that 
isn't me at all. It takes ten seconds to get yourself a bad name in this game and  
then ten years to get rid of it."

Much like the belly then!

[7] Wrexham match report by our man on the spot
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
And then in the pub. by Kerry.

We're going to Wrexham & Cardiff for our Euro Aways!

After the hoo-haa surrounding Ryan Gigg's Testimonial last week, it was on  to another 
such game over the weekend, this time for the lesser known Kevin  Reeves & Brian Flynn 
of Wrexham (or as someone pointed out an ex-city and  ex-Leeds player!).  After 
missing the 11.30 train from Chester to Wrexham it  was to be 2 hours in the pub 
waiting for the next one - city we playing  Chester that day but during all the time 
we were there we spotted just 2  Bitters, obviously the other 9,998 were drinking 
round the corner!  Anyway, 
we eventually got ourselves over to Wales and after a quick drink in the  Wetherspoons 
in town it was off to the Racecourse Ground.

Somewhat ridiculously, despite the ground not being full and there being  several 
hundred ticketless fans outside, there was no pay on the gate, so  the 2 testimonial 
beneficiaries were done out a few extra quid.  The side  Fergie put out was a decent 
one, our new keeper Roy Carroll in nets, Veron &  Van Nistelrooy, Scholes, Ole, Jaap, 
Gary Nev and Giggsy all started the  game.  United seemed to play well within 
themselves and Wrexham created a  couple of half decent openings but thanks to the 
inabilily of Wrexhams  strikers to make contact with the ball, the chances went 
begging.  Midway  through the first half, the class of Veron told as he slipped a 
delightful  crossfield ball into the path of Ole who duly controlled and deftly 
chipped  the keeper into the corner of the net.  The rest of the half saw some  
controlled football from United - Veron & Ruud both looking very accomplised  and 
Scholes showing some nice touches.  The first half ended 1-0 and brought  us to the 
time entertainment - some kind of penalty shootout between  United and Wrexham 
representatives.  I'm not sure who any of them were, but  United didn't miss any of 
them and won, much to the disappointment of the  overexcited stadium announcer.

The second half started much the same as the first ended - United 
predicatably controlled the football, and knocked the ball about with  confidence.  
The Little Witch then demonstrated he would be a rival to 
Beckham this season, firstly with 2 corners from which he nearly scored, and  finally 
with a 25 yard free kick with which he did!  The free kick was  excellent, whipped up 
and round the wall with pace and accuracy into the top  corner and gave the keeper no 
chance - 2 nil United.  The last period of the  game saw wholesale changes - United 
replaced most of the first team bringing  on a number of the new wave of kids, 
Nardello, Muirhead, O'Shea, Wallwork  among the ones we could figure out!  Clearly 
spurred on by this Wrexham  started to gain some confidence, and scored 2 late goals 
to earn a  themselves a draw, much to the delight of the home fans, and to much  
shrugging of shoulders from the away end!  Overall it had been a good run  out for 
some of the first team, and a chance to blood some more of the  youngsters alongside 
them.  And then it was back to the pub...

[6] Ole backs Ruud
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Teddy had a great season last year and maybe Ruud can do the same and end up 
Footballer of the Year. He certainly has the ability to make a big impact this season 
and I'm sure he will. Ruud's arrival is a challenge to all the strikers because he's 
an excellent player who can only get better. The last four years we've had four 
strikers and although Teddy has gone to Spurs, the situation is still the same and 
we're all competing for places. We're all trying hard to make sure we're in the team. 
The competition has increased since Ruud came and that's good for the club."

[5] Liverpool will face the easier side
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
As UEFA throw out Watkins led Israeli appeal.

Maccabi Haifa club president Yaacov Chahar said: 

"We know we have to now accept the painful decision. For a moment I did not think that 
the responsibility for the mistake was ours, but now I accept that we have to take 
some of the responsibility. Now I wish to thank the Israeli FA for everything they did 
to help us with the appeal. I apologise to the supporters of Maccabi. We will try to 
make it up to them for not having Liverpool play here."

Apparently someone at their FA wrongly read that a player was banned for 2 games 
instead of 3, who played the 3rd in the Champions League and the team got the ban for 
the FAs incompetence. Same old story.

[4] Becks vs Juan
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
Part of a statto session by planetfootball.com comparing Juan and Becks at set pieces

'Last  season for Lazio in Serie A, he attempted 14 set pieces and hit the target  
with eight of them, although he failed to actually score with any. There were  10 
different players taking free kicks last season at Lazio, with Veron and  Sinisa 
Mihajlovic leading with 14 efforts. The Yugoslavian international  scored the Roman 
club's only two set-piece strikes of the season. Back in  Blighty last term, David 
Beckham was the undisputed dead-ball Don. It will be  interesting to see if he is 
required to share the set pieces at Old Trafford,  as last season it was his sole job 
and one that he excelled in. Beckham hit  the target with 50% of his 36 efforts, 
scoring five times.'

[3] Discard like fish and chip paper
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
As we've told you, good sources tell us that the Becks deal will be announced earlier 
than expected, some time in the Autumn, and it's as good as a done deal.

So we were surprised to see last night thus

'According to the latest rumours in  Italy, England skipper David Beckham will move to 
AC Milan from Manchester United in season 2002/2003. By the time the contract of the 
English star with United will 
be expired, and Beckham will manage to move to AC Milan on a free transfer.'

(in fact it doesn't expire until the summer of 2003)

'According to the reports Beckham will sign a 5-year contract.'

We do hope this doesn't lead to Becks to leave type crap as this is as much nonsense 
as it gets.

[2] With all this Wenger speculation in the Mirror
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
Didn't David Dein and Whinger himself comment that they saw no problem why his new 
contract wouldn't be signed by the start of the season. Just days to go lads and we 
want that deal signed so we don't get lumbered!

[1] Red News Fergie special, deadlines, et al
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2001 by bar-knee:
The remaining copies of the Fergie Special will now be sold on a 
first-come-first-served-basis. We will have a limited supply to sell at our 
forthcoming home games where each seller will have some copies with them - starting 
with the home game against Fulham. The only way to guarantee that you will get a copy 
is to order one through the post, cost £2.50 including postage and packing.

Cheques made payable to Red News, send orders to Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, 
M16 8LG and if you e.mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] we will save a copy for you.

Just a few e.mails we have had from you after selling copies at the Celtic game


"great colour centre spread"

"is that the programme?"


The deadline for issue 79 is this coming Friday (10th), if you have any articles, 
letters, graphics, etc - and send them into the usual. Anything is much appreciated.


We're also on the look out for new sellers of Red News this season at home games. Let 
us know if you fancy being waved at by Fergie (as one RN seller was at the Celtic game 
as he sold the Fergie special).

For those of you interested in joining the Football Fantasy League for this coming 
season, a Red News League is now available at www.cyki.com.

And free too! Once you have entered your team, simply click on My Leagues and in the 
Join box, type the following (might be easier to cut and paste).


[43] Ridsdale gets delusional?
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
Leeds Chairman:

"But I actually think David wants to stay with Leeds. I think he  believes we're on 
the verge of winning things. If papers want to use  their column inches for the next 
12 months, discussing whether David  will go to Old Trafford, fine. I don't really 
care. He isn't going to  Old Trafford, he's staying here. He and I together are going 
to keep 
this club top of the Premier League and in Europe. Our supporters 
deserve it.

Everybody talks about Manchester United as this massive  club and Leeds some way 
behind, but I've been watching Leeds for 40  years. Back in 1974, if you suggested 
Manchester United were bigger  than Leeds nobody would have accepted that."


"What we have to do is to  stop looking at them as unbeatable. Look at our city, our 
history,  what we have invested in the squad, and you will see a club with the 
potential to be the next big achiever."

[42] Police want city troublemakers
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Police have released images of a number of suspected football hooligans they want to 

Greater Manchester Police is appealing for anyone who recognises any of the six men to 
come forward.

They were captured on video after trouble erupted at Manchester City's Maine Road 
ground when they were defeated 2-1 by Chelsea on May 19.

Almost 3,000 football fans ran on to the pitch at the end of the game which came two 
weeks after City were relegated.

Two hundred fans turned violent, throwing signs and chairs and injuring police 
officers, horses and ground stewards. GMP officers and the Metropolitan Police are 
trying to identify the Chelsea fans who took part in the violence.

Superintendent Andrew Holt said: "This type of behaviour is absolutely unacceptable 
and we will take every available step to prevent a recurrence.

"In order to do this, we would urge those who know who these trouble makers are to 
come forward and identify them.

"The invasion of a football pitch at the point before, during or after the game is a 
criminal offence.

"To those who thought the invasion was good humoured and didn't cause any problems, I 
would like to point out that your presence on the pitch not only compromised a 
policing operation in dispelling trouble, but created a camouflage of those intent in 

[41] Carroll on Barthez
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
"He trains very hard indeed. I was struck by the way he commands his box. He is always 
on the  edge of his area and ready for things. He's not the tallest keeper, obviously, 
but he has a really good  spring on him and he's very quick between the sticks. His 
footwork on his line and in the area actually makes him 6ft  7ins tall! He's always 
alive to everything. He's on his toes for 90  minutes. I am young and can learn more. 
Fabien was one of the main reasons  for coming to United and I haven't been 
disappointed. If I can put a few things from him into my game over the next few  years 
then I will improve, which is my goal. United's goalkeeper coach Tony Coton is also 
proving a very big 
help to me. I have never had a specialist coach before and Tony is  one of the top 
ones around.

Goalkeepers don't really get going until their late 20s. I have 
plenty of time to learn and I felt at my age I needed a coach to take 
me on a bit. With the likes of Tony and Fabien I couldn't been in a better  position 
to improve. It's all there for me if I am ready to work hard  and learn. It's up to me 
and I intend to make the most of the chance.  I'll have to keep my feet on the floor 
but I don't think that will  be difficult at Old Trafford. I know if I don't, then 
things will  only go downhill and I certainly don't want that.  I thought it would 
take longer to settle in at such a huge club but 
I have been made very welcome and it hasn't been a problem."

[40] Ole on his pre-season
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Of course you are always happy when the first one comes and you want to keep 
reminding the manager that you can do what you are paid to 
do. I think the most important thing is to get the fitness right. The 
results don't really matter, the performance is important just to 
tell the manager you want to be in the 11 that starts every game."

[39] Ronnie Johnsen on looking forward
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I had tendinitis in both knees, and I had to have surgery.  That was a bit 
uncomfortable and I had to spend a lot of time laying  around at home until I could 
walk normally again. I have completed all the 
pre-season training and feel good. The last two seasons I have been  injured, and 
missed the pre-season build up but this season I feel  very fit and I am very 


[38] Giggs on his testimonial last week
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I know a few people decided to  have a go at me about it and although I don't want to 
get dragged  into a slanging match, I was upset. People are entitled to their opinions 
but I think they should look  at the number of fans who turn up to testimonials.  
Supporters know exactly where the money they pay for tickets is  going and still want 
to come. What does that tell you about their  views on testimonials?"

[37] David May on being in limbo
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I'm still a United player until I'm told otherwise. I'll just see how the season pans 

[36] Fergie on free-kicks
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Denis Irwin is an expert free kick taker, Paul Scholes is capable, 
and David Beckham has been sensational for us. But Veron can give you 
a different type of free kick. It was a hell of a hit" 

[35] Darren Ferguson tips us
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
"They will retain the championship again, signing Juan  Veron and Ruud Van Nistelrooy 
is what they needed to give everybody a  lift.  I'm not saying they had a bad season 
last time but the League was  over so quickly that from the moment they went out of 
the European  Cup, it went flat. I would expect them to have a right good go at the  
European Cup.  Veron is a wonderful player, world class. He's very athletic, gets  up 
and down the pitch - I wouldn't like to play against him every  week.  Van Nistelrooy 
is another good signing. I played against him when I  was in Holland and he scored a 
hat-trick and had an excellent season  overall. 

I think I mentioned him to my dad but by the time he went to look at  him he had 
signed for PSV from Heerenveen. That was when they could  have had him for nothing but 
although he might have cost a bit more,  he'll be worth every penny."

[34] Villa tickets on sale as well
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
Sunderland briefs still on sale on Ticketmaster (only for single ticket applications 
though). Villa also now on sale via ticket master. Not online however, but you can 
phone 0121 607 8000 to reserve
tickets ranging in price form £5 - £25.

[33] IMUSA on possible Utd fan away match ban
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
Nick Clay, vice-chairman of Imusa, said: 

"The comments of Football Licensing Authority chairman John de Quidt single out 
Manchester United supporters and infers a danger is posed to fans at Old Trafford. In 
fact Manchester United's own safety report concludes 'You are more likely to get stung 
by a wasp than get injured as a result of persistent standing at Old Trafford'.

Supporters' organisations such as ourselves and the Safestanding Campaign have tried 
to move the debate forward with the support of politicians. In Germany, safe standing 
areas are an accepted and welcome component of their modern stadia, and have even been 
praised by the FLA. How do the FLA think supporters will react to having their 
allocation of away match tickets cut? It will be a return to the days of Luton Town's 
membership scheme in the old First Division. That scheme was unenforceable, and 
supporters were scattered throughout the ground. Where is the safety in that?"

[32] Message for a United fan
Posted Monday, August 6, 2001 by bar-knee:
If Sean from Germany (Hertfordshire branch) is reading this can he get in touch with 
us at



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