On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 01:24:03AM +0100, Alan Burlison wrote:

> Or they could just ignore it entirely and put their projects on 
> SourceForge...

They could do that with endorsed projects, too.  Hosting services are
artifacts, not the main reason to seek endorsement.  In fact, although
7.10 requires that certain archived mailing lists be made available to
Community Groups, there is in fact no requirement at all that projects
be given any hosting resources at all.  Indeed, it would be fine for a
project team to decide to host its materials elsewhere if the
sponsoring Groups approved.  That would make opensolaris.org
marginally less integrated, but since Groups would still provide links
to their projects, it would hardly be devastating.

The policy itself describes the motivation for requiring projects to
be endorsed by Groups, and the Constitution itself requires it.
Anyone can go off and do anything they like so long as they follow the
license terms, but creating a "project page" somewhere does not make
that work an OpenSolaris Project as defined by the OpenSolaris
Constitution.  While we're not trying to discourage anyone from doing
so if they wish, it's likely that people wishing to integrate their
work will be more successful (and get more of the information they
need) by working with the Community Groups, which are intended to be
the reservoirs of technical expertise.

> Personally I don't understand why setting up a new project has to 
> involve so much BSDM.  Sure we don't want people hosting their pr0n or 
> MP3 collections on OSO, but why all the hoopla?  Don't we want to 
> encourage projects rather than discourage them?

Again, it's not about hosting.  And yes, we do want to encourage
projects - but we also want to encourage project teams to (a) be
informed about the areas in which they are working, and (b) avoid
wasting effort on something that can't possibly succeed.  Requiring
the endorsement of the appropriate Group is not a high hurdle for any
reasonable project with an organised team, and the need to write a
concise and meaningful 1-paragraph description of one's project goals
is a trivial requirement.  Anyone who can't do that can't possibly
succeed anyway, so why should anyone invest even 10ns in reading about
the project or helping it get hosting?

Keith M Wesolowski              "Sir, we're surrounded!" 
FishWorks                       "Excellent; we can attack in any direction!" 
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