Martin Bochnig writes:
> Also: I'm not talking about getting "famous" like Madonna. It would be
> very nice already, if _certain_ folks would stop throwing fish at me.
> Or better: If the community would protect me from experiences like
> that.

I doubt that having others choose a different packaging system
(whether that's RPM in Nexenta, SysV in SX, IPS in OpenSolaris)
necessarily hinders someone else from choosing yet another packaging
system.  Except for a user fan base, I see no obvious competition
between these systems.

If it's good and people want it, it'll stand on its own merits.  If
it's not, it won't.  That goes for IPS as well as it does for Conary
or anything else.

A more interesting question for this group, I think, is what
requirements need to put onto the projects delivering into OpenSolaris
consolidations so that those systems can work.  Right now, I think we
have a possibly unstable situation: the source isn't just 'source,' it
also (naturally) includes packaging information.  That information is
in SysV format, which (through scripting) has flexibility that other
systems (such as IPS) don't have, so accomodating those downstream
consumers (distribution constructors) is an issue.

Do we restrict projects to the least common denominator?  Somehow
abstract packaging away?  Select one mechanism as "reference" and
convert everything over?

We probably need something like an OpenSolaris-wide policy here.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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