On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Akkana wrote:

> Hal DeVore writes:
> > >   Additionally, having to install a large PDB or ebook directly onto
> > > external storage is a very attractive option for me, 
> > 
> > Dunno if there are Linux drivers for such things but most media 
> > formats have external readers that plug into USB.  I use a ZiO 
> > SmartMedia reader on Windoze to load up large docs for my 
> > Visor's MemPlug SmartMedia adapter.  The ZiO cost me < $30 (US).
> The Zio SM reader only works as read-only on linux, but the MemoryStick
> reader built into my Vaio laptop works fine (read-write) as usb-storage. 
> I'm fairly sure there are other USB and/or PCMCIA Memory Stick readers
> that will work, so it's a question of whether the filesystem on the
> Clie is something that Linux can recognize (like VFAT).

I'm pretty sure that VFS defaults to VFAT (In fact, the HandEra PDA's
can't use anything but VFAT).  I know that I can use a CF reader/writer on
a Win98 box to access the CF card I use in my HandEra 330.

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