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[25] More FT on Glazer dealings
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
'Manchester United's new $660m (£361m) debt refinancing package demonstrates a 
new level of sophistication by football clubs in methods used to generate cash.

The Glazer family has made full use of Man United's power to generate revenues 
via gate receipts, TV broadcasting rights, sponsorship and merchandising in 
striking its new debt package.

Rival Arsenal has also just refinanced some of the cost of its new 60,000-seat 
stadium by securitising future ticket sales.

Arsenal has also shown how stadium sponsorship hasbecome a lucrative and fresh 
source of revenue for clubs.

NM Rothschild, the investment bank that masterminded the Glazer's £790m 
takeover of Man United last year, has also worked on stadium financing for both 
Arsenal and Liverpool and is currently working on the potential sale of Aston 

Steady cash flow was Man United's main attraction to the Glazers, who also felt 
they could do a better job running the business given their experience owning 
large US sports franchises.

In buying Man United, they heavily mortgaged the club and the current 
refinancing increases total debts by a further £80m to £660m, a figure that 
excludes a £50m undrawn credit facility.

However, the smart piece of financial engineering is that Man United has more 
debt but is paying less for it.

"It is like shifting your mortgage," said Lee Manning, a Deloitte partner. 
"There might be an exit penalty but that matters less if the overall interest 
cost in the long run is lower."

In Man United's case, the total charge on the debt has fallen from £90m to an 
estimated £62m. That is because the cost of servicing each debt instrument - 
three types of senior loan and a tranche of second lien - have fallen compared 
with the original financing deal.

But the main saving comes from the redemption of £275m of payment-in-kind (PIK) 
notes - a high-yielding and risky debt instrument where interest is rolled over 
and deferred. As a result, the PIK becomes successively more expensive to 
service the longer it is held in place.

The Glazers have now cut their PIK exposure to £135m and with less onerous 
conditions than previously allowed for the note holder to have a 30 per cent 
charge over the Glazer's equity stake in Man United.

However, the hedge funds that bought into the PIK have extracted their pound of 
flesh, taking away more than £60m in year one as well as earning a redemption 
penalty. The new PIK is offered on less attractive terms to new investors.

The Glazer's £272m equity investment in Man United remains with the company.'

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[24] International Herald Tribune article on Ronaldo
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
'Cristiano Ronaldo, the mesmerizing Portuguese winger, is quite possibly on the 
way to becoming something very special in his game. His talent can be hypnotic, 
his temperament is suspect, but he is just 21.

Watch him when he matures, his coaches say. Wait until he learns to use those 
quick feet, that imaginative brain, that magic control of the ball. 

Right now there is a contest for his skills. Real Madrid covets him, Manchester 
United has him on contract until 2010, and it seems that with each interview he 
gives his heart lies in a different place.

On the island of Madeira, off the Portuguese mainland in the Atlantic, the 
government has just honored Cristiano Ronaldo with a lifetime achievement award 
a medal given to individuals distinguished through their professions or their 

Pinning the medal upon him at Funchal's city hall on Thursday, Alberto Joao 
Jardim, the president of the regional government of Madeira, said: "It's a 
great honor for Madeira to have a young man like Cristiano Ronaldo and a great 
honor for the regional government to welcome Madeira's most famous man."

The president then turned to the soccer star, who was named after Ronald 
Reagan, and told him, "My dear Cristiano Ronaldo, what matters is what we are 
and we know ourselves to be regardless of what the press say about us."

Cristiano Ronaldo smiled and responded "It's very important for me to be 
distinguished in my own home by President Jardim."

The mind boggles. If at 21, with a career ahead of him and in what clearly is a 
coltish stage of his development, Cristiano Ronaldo is now so honored among his 
peers, what will they do for an encore should he mature, like Madeira's 
renowned wine, into the full-bodied version of what he can be?

What chance has youth got in today's world, when his elders rush to ennoble him 
while he is still, in some senses, an apprentice to his trade?

Tall for a winger, at 1.85 meters, or 6 foot 1, but pencil slim and 
breathtakingly quick, Cristiano Ronaldo on a good day can turn the game into an 
entertainment we all love to see. His movement is exquisitely balanced. 

His trademark "step-overs," where his feet crisscross the ball quicker than a 
sword dancer, can beguile the most hardened of defenders.

He can cross a ball, head a ball, ride a tackle, win a game.

The emphasis is on the word ''can.'' There are times when he exasperates by 
feigning injury. There are time when the end product is lost in the meandering. 
There were times at the World Cup in Germany when opponents, notably the Dutch, 
cut him down with brutal kicks on the thigh that ended in tears for Cristiano 
Ronaldo and, too late, red cards for the perpetrators.

But there was also a piece of petulant nonsense that could be career-defining. 
When England's Wayne Rooney stamped on the groin of the fallen Ricardo Carvalho 
during the quarterfinal match at Gelsenkirchen, Cristiano Ronaldo ran 40 meters 
to the referee calling for action for the foul.

He needn't have bothered. The Argentine referee, Horacio Elizondo, was right on 
the spot, the red card for Rooney was assured, Cristiano Ronaldo's interference 
was irrelevant.

England's tabloid press, however, sought to stir up a campaign against 
Cristiano Ronaldo for the histrionics rather than Rooney for the boot. Indeed, 
Rooney has rapidly launched the first of five books intended to glorify his 
life and, of course, seeks to sell us the line that he is victim not villain 
that the referee and FIFA, which subsequently banned him, misinterpreted a 
simple accident.

The curious aspect to that flashpoint is that Cristiano Ronaldo and Rooney are 
clubmates. They are the Manchester United duo around whom the future is being 

Alex Ferguson, the team manager, pinned his faith in the pair by spending l30 
million, or about $55 million, for Rooney, and l12 million for Cristiano 
Ronaldo when they were teenagers.

Moreover, when Ruud van Nistelrooy, United's chief goal scorer, was apparently 
so critical of Cristiano Ronaldo at training that the young Portuguese was 
again reduced to tears, the manager determined that van Nistelrooy could go, 
and Cristiano Ronaldo signed a five-year extension to his multimillion-dollar 

The summer brings to fruition the repercussions of that altercation. Van 
Nistelrooy is on the brink of being sold to Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo is 
being soothed and told he is loved and will not be released.

Ferguson's team is currently on tour in South Africa, without Cristiano 
Ronaldo, who is on home leave after the World Cup.

At the opposite end of the fame game and the career span, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, 
who in 1999 helped Manchester United win the Champions League title, is 
attempting to come back after three years lost to knee injury.

Solskjaer scored two goals in Cape Town on the tour and wants nothing more than 
the chance to play another season.

While he was running, and loving it, Van Nistelrooy was talking terms to Madrid.

And Cristiano Ronaldo? Depends on which newspaper, and on which day, you read 
his words.

In Marca, the sports newspaper closest to Real Madrid, he was quoted last week 
as saying, "I have told my agent I am prepared to leave. I want to play for 
Real Madrid and dream of doing so.

"I can't live in a place where people do not like me."

That referred to the British press caricaturing his face as a dart board and 
inviting Rooney supporters to throw darts at it. Manchester United's assistant 
manager, Carlos Quieroz, formerly the coach at Real Madrid, gave some fatherly 
advice to his young compatriot.

It was tantamount to telling Cristiano Ronaldo that he is "part of United's 
family" and that the grass is no greener in Spain.

And someone, somehow will be trying to tell him that a career in sports is not 
measured by instant fame and fortune. You cannot bottle the gifts that 
Cristiano Ronaldo has inside of him, but from Madeira to Manchester there is 
work to be done to extract it at its fullest.'

[23] United action against fake gear
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
from Mirror

'MANCHESTER United has seized £5million of fake shirts and souvenirs in a 
global crackdown on counterfeit football gear.

In the latest raids in South Korea street sellers were arrested in a joint 
operation between United staff and local authorities.

For the past five years the football club has monitored sales worldwide.

A United spokesman said of the latest raids: "It sends a signal to those who 
peddle fake goods that we are after them."

[22] Red News Summer Edition NOW out... only available by mail order (not on 
sale at any game)
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
Red News Summer Edition. RN 126. Out July 17th.

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[21] Quote of the year
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
Even City players didn't want to be there

Anelka (see more quotes yesterday)

“I ended up joining a club (Manchester City) against my will."

[20] Scholes on kids coming through
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
“There are some really good players coming through and I think now they will 
get their chance because we have not got as big a squad as we’ve had in the 
past. "

on his eye

"The eye’s not 100 per cent of what it was but there’s no problem as far as 
playing is concerned. It’ll take time to adjust to playing again but I’ve three 
years left on my contract and as long as I have one, I want to be playing here.”

When you plan to have a bet - use Sporting Odds through us


[19] Scholes wants league glory
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
“For me winning the  the Premiership is more important than winning the 
Champions League. It’s not nice seeing Chelsea pick the trophy up at the end of 
the season. We’ve said for the last two seasons this is the year we are going 
to catch them but have not managed it. We want it back as much now as the first 
year we lost it. The European Cup’s big but, being English and with the 
Premiership so massive, we have to concentrate on that. I’m just as determined 
as ever. We’ve won a lot of trophies before but that doesn’t matter, it’s what 
happens now. We’re still desperate to win things — we want the title back and 
to win it every season. At the moment United are still the team everyone wants 
to beat. It’s up to us to make sure it remains that way.”

[18] Massive row?
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
from sportinglife

'Manchester City's hopes of tying Joey Barton to a new long-term deal have been 
temporarily put on hold while a row is resolved with agent Willie McKay.

McKay is understood to be demanding a fee of around £100,000 for the 
renegotiation of midfielder Barton's contract, which has angered City officials.

Although refusing to comment on the issue, it is believed they regard the bill 
as excessive, and are at present holding talks with McKay in the hope he will 
reduce his demands.

With that ongoing, it means Barton's four-year extension will not be signed, 
and with McKay unhappy such details have come to light.

Speaking to the Manchester Evening News, McKay said: "It's just propaganda and 
I am fed-up with it. I'm trying to do my best for Barton.

"I brought in Nicolas Anelka, Ali Benarbia, Daniel van Buyten, Marc-Vivien Foe 
and Antoine Sibierski into City.

"It is bang out of order for information like this to go public. It's 

"They're just having a pop."

McKay, though, refused to justify the apparent fee other than to say the 
renegotiation talks "have not been easy".

He added: "I could have got him [Barton] £15,000 or £20,000 more than City have 
offered, but Joey just doesn't want the hassle."

[17] Move over Ashley Cole, Vidic got married!
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
photo of him and his (purrrr) lovely wife at:  

His wife is Anna Ivanovich. She is a 23 year old student. They lived together 
in Moscow when Vidic played in Spartak but she wasn`t able to go to Manchester 
because she is still studying. 

The ceremony was at Zlatibor (230 km from Belgrade). 

Source: Sovetskiy sport 

from Vadim  Moscow Reds

[16] Scholes on injury
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
"I was at home for three months doing absolutely nothing. I have never been out 
for that long before and honestly, you get a bit bored. I was frustrated 
because I wanted to be playing but initially, I didn't know what the problem 
was - well, nobody did really. Thankfully, we got to the bottom of it 
eventually and after a bit of rest and a bit of medication, I managed to play 
half the game at the end of last season and I feel fine now. It is going to 
take a while to get back into the swing of things. We have got seven or eight 
games over pre-season and I hope to be a part of all of them. I just want to 
play as much football as I can and hopefully be ready for the start. Seeing the 
specialist was a worry. It was something that should probably happen later in 
life. But, with me being young-ish, I always had a chance of recovering and I 
am on the road to that now."

[15] United donate to Mandela fund
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
 http://www.int.iol.co.za/ http://www.int.iol.co.za/

'England football club Manchester United donated soccer memorabilia to the 
Nelson Mandela Foundation's 46664 global Aids campaign on Wednesday, said 
Mandela's spokeswoman Zelda la Grange.

Soccer boots signed by Manchester United forward Wayne Rooney were among the 
items handed over at the Nelson Mandela Foundation's offices, she said.

As a birthday present, the team Mandela a signed Manchester United jersey with 
"Mandela 88" printed on the back.

Mandela will meet the winning team of Thursday's play-off between Orlando 
Pirates and Kaizer Chiefs on Friday.

That team will play Manchester United in the final match of their tour on 

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[14] Times hints at complete transfer confusion
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
'United hope to exploit the situation in Turin, with Ferguson mulling over the 
idea of signing Patrick Vieira, on a free transfer or a loan, but their hopes 
of doing so remain unclear. One inquiry by an agent to Juventus this week was 
met by a firm insistence that Vieira will “not be going back to England”.

United’s attempt to sign Michael Carrick from Tottenham Hotspur is in limbo, 
with the impasse over a fee showing no sign of lifting. Ferguson originally 
planned to sign two midfield players, but the manager has hinted twice while in 
South Africa on his team’s pre-season tour this week that the Juventus 
situation has complicated Carrick’s prospects of moving to Old Trafford.

Complicated might also sum up United’s plans to sign Torres. They believed a 
week ago that the forward might be lured for about £25 million, but on Tuesday, 
Atlético dismissed an informal offer from Inter Milan in excess of that sum and 
insisted that they will not sell for less than the £41.5 million release fee 
stipulated in the player’s contract.'

[13] Madrid tap up Ruud?
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
from Times

'MANCHESTER UNITED’S hard-line stance with Real Madrid over Ruud van Nistelrooy 
has been intensified by a distrust of the new regime at the Spanish club, whom 
United suspect of making an illegal approach to the Holland forward.

The Barclays Premiership club are unlikely to report Real, with an agreement 
over a transfer fee regarded as beneficial for all parties, but ill feeling has 
crept into negotiations between the clubs as they haggle over the terms of the 
expected £13 million deal.

The United board has been unhappy with Real’s conduct since it emerged that a 
verbal agreement had been reached with Van Nistelrooy’s agent, Rodger Linse, 
over a three-year contract. Their frustration is with Real, rather than Linse, 
and it has grown over the past 48 hours with the Spanish club’s unwillingness 
to meet a £15 million asking price at a time when Sir Alex Ferguson’s hopes of 
replacing Van Nistelrooy with Fernando Torres are receding because of Atlético 
Madrid’s resistance.

Predrag Mijatovic, the new Real technical director, has proposed 
success-related payments to bridge the shortfall over Van Nistelrooy — such as 
an extra ¤goalscorer in La Liga next season — but United are holding out for a 
guaranteed sum, mindful of what happened when David Beckham joined Real in 
2003, with the Spanish club’s failures over the past three seasons leaving them 
with at least £2 million less than the projected £25 million fee.

Despite United’s unhappiness, Ramón Calderón, the new Real president, sounded 
comfortable with the situation yesterday. “We just have to wait with regards to 
Van Nistelrooy,” Calderón said. “From what Mijatovic has told me, the player 
wants to play for Real Madrid. Manchester United will want to obtain as much 
money as possible and that is logical.”

[12] United are inserting
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
(bet that headline caught your imagination!)

United are inserting the text Stretford End onto the seats of the Stretty for 
the new season. You can see a blurry pic (but it is true) at our sister site  
http://manunitedfans.blogspot.com/ http://manunitedfans.blogspot.com/

[11] Mourinho on Fergie mentioning injuries last season
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
"Do they not have 11 to play? I think so. They don't have just 16 key players? 
You can say they have some injured players, like every team has. Some a bit 
more, some a bit less, but everybody has injured players and top teams have to 
cope with it. The difference between the top teams and the other teams is top 
teams have top squads. So if you say to me Harry Redknapp at Portsmouth has 
five players out that would be a big problem. But if you say to me Manchester 
United have some players out. Or if Arsenal did or even Chelsea did, we would 
have to cope with it. I can understand that Sir Alex doesn't like the situation 
with the national teams. I'm completely on his side. But he has 11 top players 
to play. Manchester United always have 11 top players to play. They have a 
wonderful squad."

[10] Not quite Jose.
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:

"Manchester United played in South Africa with a first eleven, we can't do 
this. I believe our first part of the season will be quite difficult."

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[9] Real Madrid President on Ruud
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
Ramon Calderon 

"With regard to Van Nistelrooy, we have to wait. From what (club sporting 
director) Pedja Mijatovic has told me, the player wants to come to Real Madrid 
but it is normal that Manchester United want to make as much money as possible 
from the transfer."

[8] Spotted...
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
from Mark

'Guy who works here was at pre-natal 'good parenting' classes at  Hospital last 
week. As he walked in who should he spot but Rio with heavily pregnant 

[7] SEF Release
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
As the new Season approaches, United will hope to kick off in front of a New 
Stretford End Banner.  Designs have been collected by the fans and 3 designs 
have now been shortlisted for the fans vote. 

Fans can view the designs at www.stretfordendflags.com Any fan who has donated 
towards the banners is eligible to vote and those who wish to donate can do so 
via the SEF website. 

The SEF group are also collecting designs for the European Super Flag and info 
on this can be found at www.stretfordendflags.com 

What wins........YOU decide!!!

[6] MUST on Glazer moves
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
Sean Bones

"The amount of money needed to be repaid overall is huge. The interest payment 
is one thing but what about the actual £660m? It is difficult to see how these 
sums can be reached without  significant increases in ticket prices, which was 
what we always suspected.  This has to put Sir Alex Ferguson in a difficult 
position when it comes to competing for players with the top clubs in Europe.  
How can United possibly sanction the purchase of players when the debt levels 
are so great?  It seems the only way the manager will be able to buy is by 
effectively exchanging one player for another which is hardly ideal  when 
everyone recognises the basis of our 1999 Treble-winning season was having a 
squad strong enough to provide cover in every position."

[5] Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
this from  

'Some dyed-in the-wool Manchester United fans threatened mutiny when Malcolm 
Glazer bought the famous U.K. soccer club for £790 million ($1.44 billion) in 
2005. These supporters, who criticized the Palm Beach-dwelling billionaire for 
saddling their team with too much debt, were probably looking forward to a time 
when they could squawk “I told you so.”Yet they’ll have to tuck their tails for 
the time being; the tycoon is showing he runs a tight ship.

The club has confirmed a refinancing package that cuts its annual interest bill 
by £28 million ($51 million) by redeeming some high-yielding debt. The deal may 
increase total borrowings to £660 million ($1.2 billion) from £580 million 
($1.06 billion), yet the club will see the annual payments on sums borrowed 
from three hedge funds-- Perry Capital, Och-Ziff Capital Management and 
Citadel--fall to £62 million ($113 million) from £90 million ($164 million).

Manchester United, which we ranked as the world’s richest soccer team this 
year, may have turned in some lackluster performances last season, yet off the 
field the club has inked a new uniform sponsorship deal with U.S. insurance 
giant AIG, worth £56.5 million ($103 million) over four years, swelled the 
capacity of its Old Trafford stadium to 76,000 and is looking add a couple of 
world class players to its squad over the summer recess.

The new deal may mean Glazer family will make more money available to club 
manager Sir Alex Ferguson to take advantage of the certain player exodus from 
recently disgraced Italian club Juventus, which has been implicated in a 
game-fixing plot.'

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[4] O'Dreary departs 'the' Villa
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
they don't want to be together

Villa statement

"Although no misconduct by O'Leary was uncovered it has been agreed that an 
amicable parting was in the best interests. A compensation package reflecting 
the situation has been established. It has been mutually agreed to terminate 
the contract of David O'Leary, with immediate effect."

[3] Acclaimed Alternative shirts starting at just £24.99 inc p&p
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
The Alternatives...

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[2] Madrid seal Italian deals
Posted Thursday, July 20, 2006 by ed:
from BBC

'Real Madrid have announced the signing of Italy World Cup-winning captain 
Fabio Cannavaro and Brazil midfielder Emerson from Juventus. The pair, who have 
signed a two-year deal with a further one-year option, will link up with their 
former Juve boss Fabio Capello at the Bernebeu.

Spanish radio said the deal was worth a combined 20 million Euros (£13.7m)

Juventus were relegated from Serie A last week after the match-fixing scandal 
which rocked Italian football.

They will start the 2006/07 campaign in Serie B with a 30-point deficit.

Real are looking to rebuild after three years without a trophy and the pair are 
the first arrivals at Madrid since new president Ramon Calderon came to power 
earlier this month.

A statement on the club's website said: "Real Madrid can confirm it has reached 
an agreement with Juventus over the signing of Fabio Cannavaro and Emerson.

"The players are currently on holiday and will be presented at the Bernabeu 
after signing their respective contracts.'

[1] More Fergie after Tuesdays game
Posted Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by ed:
“We came into this game expecting to play a tougher and stronger team, for our 
own progress and development we were hoping to play a team that would make us 
work harder. To tell you the truth we did have a tougher run this evening than 
we had on Saturday and I was happy with the way my team played. "

Kaizer Chiefs Coach Ernst Middendorp

“We would like to thank Manchester United for giving us this opportunity to 
have played against them, I think for our team it was very important to have 
played against a team like Manchester United.  I thought we played very well 
and had a number of chances which had we had taken better could have possibly 
changed the course of the game, in the end we showed that we do have the 
quality and strength to play against the best teams in the world.  Now we will 
have to change our focus to Orlando Pirates on Thursday and hopefully get the 
result that would give us another opportunity against United on Saturday in the 

[39] Less than Rio got...
Posted Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by ed:
from the SUN

'WEST HAM winger Shaun Newton has been banned for seven months after testing 
positive for cocaine.

The former Wolves star failed a test after coming on as a substitute just a 
minute from the end of the Hammers' 1-0 win over Middlesbrough in the FA Cup 
semi-final on April 23.

West Ham revealed have revealed that they suspended him on May 20, so his ban 
dates from then.

Newton, 31, played 22 times last term, but his Hammers future must now be in 

The hard-working midfielder played more than 200 games for Charlton.'

[37] More Fergie on Ronaldo
Posted Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by ed:
"He's got a fantastic attitude and he's a really strong character. Without any 
question, Ronaldo will be our player next season and for the rest of his 
contract. I haven't paid much attention to what Cristiano is supposed to have 
said about the future but he will be back on July 31 to start training against 
with us."

[36] Fergie not spoken to Ronaldo though...
Posted Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by ed:
"I haven't spoken to him since the World Cup, but there have been other players 
down the years who have had stick."

[35] Fixture congestion...
Posted Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by ed:
this time it's us causing it...


Orlando Pirates, licking their wounds after a 4-0 demolition at the hands of 
Manchester United in Saturday's opening Vodacom Challenge game, would logically 
be expected at this moment to be preparing to make amends when they play Kaizer 
Chiefs at Rustenburg's Royal Bafokeng Palace on Thursday for a place in 
Saturday's final against the English Premiership's Red Devils.
To get the latest PSL scores, simply SMS the letters SPSL to 34911 and the 
day's final scores will be sent to your cellphone. This is a SuperSMS service 
and costs just R2 per SMS.

But a bizarre fixture itinerary has left The Buccaneers with no such luxury, if 
it can be termed as such, as they face an even more relevant encounter against 
The Ivory Coast's Asec Mimosa in the launch of Caf's African Champions League 
last eight round at Ellis Park on Tuesday evening (6pm kickoff).

The Champions League is Africa's richest and most prestigious club competition 
with a winners prize of R7 million and a place in Fifa's World Club 
Championship at stake -- and it makes little sense for the Buccaneers to find 
themselves embroiled in a dizzy programme at this juncture.

Should Pirates strike back in the Vodacom Challenge against Chiefs on Thursday 
and qualify for Saturday's final at Loftus, it will constitute a gruelling 
programme of four games against top-flight opposiition in a matter of eight 

And, if this was not a sufficient test of The Buccaneers' tenacity and powers 
of endurance, they are due to travel further afield in Africa soon after the 
Vodacom Challenge Final for a second Champions League match.

What is more, Asec have a score to settle with Pirates after losing to the 
Buccaneers in the 1995 version of The Champions League as a result of an 
against-the-run-of-play injury-time goal from Jerry Skhosana -- the only time a 
South African club has won the event.

And after Saturday's comprehensive Vodacom Challenge drubbing in Durban, facing 
Manchester United (possibly twice), Chiefs and Asec in a matter of eight days 
is hardly designed to be a cup of tea for the back-to-the-wall Bucs.


Check http://www.rednews.co.uk to view the image which has been removed from 
plain text email version of news 

[34] BBC on Mendela and United
Posted Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by ed:
'Football legend Sir Bobby Charlton has wished Nelson Mandela and South Africa 
well as the country prepares to host the 2010 World Cup.
Members of the Manchester United squad with Sir Bobby and manager Sir Alex 
Ferguson met the former president in Johannesburg on Wednesday.

The team is in South Africa for a series of games against local clubs.

Mr Mandela, who celebrated his 88th birthday on Tuesday, was presented with a 
"Mandela 88" jersey.

"I hope the World Cup will be a major success - and everyone will be very glad 
to see you present the trophy to the winner," Sir Bobby said, as he gave Mr 
Mandela a mounted photograph of Manchester United's Old Trafford home stadium.

The team also gave the former president a limited edition history of the club, 
and members of the squad were individually introduced to Mr Mandela.

"I am meeting many of you for the first time, but I see familiar faces," he 

The team's most familiar faces were absent, however, as they were resting after 
the World Cup in Germany.

Sir Bobby told the BBC that the team had had a "very successful" visit to South 

"People enjoyed the great football that was played. It was marvellous.

"The team has a lot of fans in South Africa and it was good to get the 
opportunity to come and play here."

He said the squad had much to learn from someone like Nelson Mandela.

"If they had his values and his strength and his philosophy they won't go far 

[33] South African opinion on last night
Posted Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by ed:
Giggs and Dong stung into action by England anthem.
The stadium announcer gets full marks for effort. "Viva Manchester United, 
viva!" he bellowed. "Viva Kaizer Chiefs, viva!" He then urged the crowd to sing 
happy 88th birthday to Nelson Mandela - which they did with gusto. Madiba got 
the biggest cheer of the night. 

National anthems were played before kick-off, Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrica and God 
Save The Queen. "Now for the national anthem of England," said the announcer. 
Oops. Manchester United are captained by Ryan Giggs, a staunch Welshman who 
would be lynched if he was caught mouthing the "enemy" anthem, while the only 
goal was scored by Fang Dong - a China international.

5: Amakhosi fans find themselves in a rare minority.
Probably for the first time, Kaizer Chiefs fans were by far outnumbered in a 
South African stadium as Manchester United showed just how popular they are. 
The Chiefs fans too, didn't act with the same "decorum", forcing a group of 
reserved ticket holders on the Railway Stand to be relocated to the main 
grandstand. Generally however, both sets of fans emerged with credit - with the 
Amakhosi supporters making their presence felt in a positive way.


[32] Cos City are a MINOR club
Posted Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by ed:
Nik Anelka

"When Houllier told me at the last minute that he had no intention of keeping 
me, he put me in a difficult situation because I had not negotiated anything 
with other teams.  And I ended up joining a club (Manchester City) against my 
will.  Gerard Houllier is responsible for what happened to me. If he had not 
snubbed me at Liverpool I would not have had to play with NINOR clubs for the 
past four years which I had never imagined joining."

(and he's joining Pompey next!)

[31] Gulp, part 2
Posted Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by ed:
from the Mail

'At £660million, United now have the highest debt ever seen at an English 
football club and many will continue to argue such a burden can only be 
detrimental to the club's chances of enjoying the kind of sustained success 
they had in the 1990s.'

[30] More Fergie on Dong
Posted Wednesday, July 19, 2006 by ed:
“He’s played four times for China now so we could apply on the fact of his 
potential. In England as it stands now we could get him a work permit on appeal 
based on his potential because he’s only 20 and has already played for China 
four times. So in the next nine months he should be at Manchester United.”

For United books, videos, DVDs etc http://www.rednews.co.uk/ama.php?id=amazon

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