[slim] Re: Main Menu needs a rework

2007-01-01 Thread aubuti

Sorry to bump my own reply, but in my earlier post I neglected to
mention the obvious: many of the issues/suggestions seem to pertain to
RadioTime, which Slim Devices has no control over. This certainly
pertains to dead URLs, and quite possibly the menu structure as well.
So it would make sense to share your observations with them
(www.radiotime.com) if you haven't already.


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[slim] Re: Main Menu needs a rework

2007-01-01 Thread aubuti

NauticusLX;166330 Wrote: 
 Actually, my complaints are based on well over 4 hours of working with
 the SqueezeBox 3 menu and submenus.   I think that’s obvious from my
 exhaustive review.
exhausting != exhaustive

 Are any of the facts I described wrong?  Do any of the urls I describe
 as non working actually work?
I did not, and will not, try to verify any of your claims. For my
listening habits (which are fairly diverse) I've never really seen the
value added of RealTime, and your review just confirms that. As I
suggested, take the complaints/suggestions to RadioTime. They are the
ones who can do something about it, not the Slim Devices users' forum.

 Does anybody think it’s great that all the personality driven talk shows
 are scattered among half a dozen subsubsubgroups?
Couldn't care less, and again, it's RadioTime's problem. As others have
commented, it's like blaming Google for dead links every obscure
un-maintained website out there. As for scattered personality-driven
talk radio like Martha  Howard, if you don't like the way they're
scattered, put the ones you want in your Favorites list, and group them
in some sensible way. It's really pretty easy.


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[slim] Re: SoftSqueeze question

2007-01-03 Thread aubuti

You can use SoftSqueeze to access your SqueezeNetwork favorites from
anywhere. You just need to link the SoftSqueeze player to your SN
account. Just start SS on a computer somewhere, and then scroll down to
the Player PIN menu on SS (right after Settings, I believe). Click the
right arrow and follow the instructions. Basically you just need to
tell SN the PIN of your SS player, and from then on I believe it
identifies it via the MAC address of the computer.

Oh, and for the host you put the SN host, which is


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[slim] Re: Sync issues TP + SB3

2007-01-04 Thread aubuti

Jetlag;166977 Wrote: 
 Any ideas?  Does sync only work with local content and not internet
That's about the case. On local content, slimserver re-syncs at the
beginning of each new track. An internet radio stream is effectively
one long track, long enough for the players to drift out of sync. The
only way to get them back in sync (at least at the present time) is by
faking a new track, like your manual sync-off/sync-on intervention


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[slim] Re: Smiles and Kisses

2007-01-04 Thread aubuti

And exchanging ideals/information isn't exactly promoted when you
change the topic everytime you are asked to back up your statements,
whether they be facts or opinions. Peter made the point that your
receiver never sees the stream as mp3, and you chose to turn the
disucssion to the word grok. Slimpy asked you to give details about
your *opinion* on slimserver's web interface, and after briefly saying
it won't edit your tags, you go on some prolonged speech about SS and
the average Joe.


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[slim] Re: Smiles and Kisses

2007-01-04 Thread aubuti

My mistake: it wasn't Peter, but rather Skunk (plus Wombat - twice!) who
made the observation about the mp3 already being decoded. Anyway, no
hard feelings.


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[slim] Re: SoftSqueeze question

2007-01-05 Thread aubuti

Sorry, it sounded to me like you were asking about using SoftSqueeze to
access your SN favorites. I don't use WinAmp, so I'm not sure about the
feasibility of what you're trying to do. I don't think there's a version
of WinAmp for phones or PDAs, but it seems there are clones, like

Try posting in the SqueezeNetwork forum, you might get more helpful


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[slim] Re: Smiles and Kisses

2007-01-05 Thread aubuti

VBR is Variable bitrate and CBR is Constant bitrate. The VBR compression
algorithm uses higher bitrates for more complex music, and lower
bitrates for less complex music. So for less complex music it throws
away more data, yielding smaller file sizes. If the same VBR quality
setting was used for all the files, and your ears tell you that the VBR
files with lower bitrates sound worse, then it's not doing a good job of
choosing the bitrate. If the lower bitrate is the result of choosing a
lower quality setting, then you should expect it to sound worse. 

The Sound Retriever sound was barely improved from *which* direct
stream, the mp3 or the flac? Also, you explained why you list your gear
in your sig, but I don't see any speakers in that list


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[slim] Re: Smiles and Kisses

2007-01-05 Thread aubuti

Thanks for the info, but it seems to me that the relevant comparisons
are missing. How does the retrieved mp3 sound compared to the direct
stream of the flac (or the CD)? And as someone else suggested, how does
the direct stream flac compare to the retrieved flac? Keeping in mind
the earlier good suggestions about volume settings, replaygain, etc.


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[slim] Re: NAD multiroom amplifier

2007-01-07 Thread aubuti

Sounds like it will be a great setup when you are done. I might not be
understanding something, but it seems to me that your proposed solution
of running a double set of cables (SB to centrally-located NAD amp, then
amp to speakers) for each room is a lot more cable soup than having
separate amplifiers for each speaker pair, like PBE suggested. 

Also, from the web page I can't tell how many sources the NAD can
handle. Presumably you would want to consider each SB as a different
source, or at least have that flexibility. If the NAD is more oriented
towards sending the same source to every room in the house, then I'm
not sure it makes sense to have an SB in each room.

If you still want to go with what you're considering (SB+spkrs in each
room connected to a single, centralized amp), you should be able to
connect the SBs to the amp at line level using some baluns
(balanced/unbalanced) adapters. There are various types, but one kind
uses cat5 cable to do the bridging. Something like this: SB analog
output = balun adapter = cat5 cable = balun adapter = amp input. 

I have no idea on your options for connecting the SB to the amp
digitally over that distance.

Good luck!


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-07 Thread aubuti

Pale Blue Ego;167910 Wrote: 
 I think you've got 2 main groups of customers here.  The first, and
 probably largest, are geeks who love music.  snip
 The second group are primarily music lovers and audiophiles.  snip
 Notice the conspicuous absence of Joe Blow in this picture?  Joe
 probably isn't aware of the music server concept.snip 
 The greatest potential for expanding the Squeezebox market is from the
 iPod crowd.  They have computers and they get it that music is just
 bits and it's cool to carry around your whole collection.  The problem,
 for Slim Devices, is that this group is being served by the many audio
 systems that now feature an iPod dock.  That makes it easy to pop your
 iPod into your home or portable stereo, and for many people, that will
 be all they'll ever need or want.  The iPod is their home music
 Slim Devices is a viable solution for people who have in some way
 outgrown their iPods.  Either they have a lot more music than even
 the largest iPod will hold, or they realize that lossy files don't
 sound very good on a decent home stereo.  At this point, the customer
 begins to resemble one or both of your core customers - the geek or the
I think that's a great analysis PBE. But I'm not completely convinced
about the convergence of the iPod-heads to the geek/audiophile camps. I
can see them gravitating to the SB without becoming complete geeks or

Capacity and sound quality are certainly two factors that would
encourage migration to SBs, but there's also the conveniences of having
the music and the playback *control* distributed throughout the house or
flat (and it really helps that the control is readable from across the

I have not done very well in my SB proseltyzing/demo-ing -- I get a lot
of blank looks. For those that get the concept, I almost always lose
them when I get to the NAS that runs slimserver and holds the music
library. Whether they completely get it or not, one of the biggest
selling points that does seem to click is having access to your
collection anywhere in the house, as long as you put an SB there. The
biggest mistake I made when I bought my first SB a little over a year
ago was not taking advantage of the $100 off when you buy 2 SBs deal,
because I now own 3 SBs and am planning on a 4th.

The second selling point that gets some people, especially those who
have a lot of their collections on a PC/Mac is having control in the
listening room. This has especially resonated with friends using
AirTunes, who have gotten weary of having to get up and go to the
computer (like a geek!) to skip/add/delete a track in the playlist.

Noticing the huge array of iPod accessories that Logitech sells, they
clearly understand this market far better than I do. Maybe a
SqueezeBoomBox that also has an iPod dock is a way to draw them in,
while at the same time satisfying a frequent request of the


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[slim] Re: NAD multiroom amplifier

2007-01-08 Thread aubuti

Peter;168314 Wrote: 
 aubuti wrote:
  Sounds like it will be a great setup when you are done. I might not
  understanding something, but it seems to me that your proposed
  of running a double set of cables (SB to centrally-located NAD amp,
  amp to speakers) for each room is a lot more cable soup than
  separate amplifiers for each speaker pair, like PBE suggested. 

 This situation seems to be begging for active speakers. Of course, then
 he'd have to run a power and a line level cable to each speaker. A
 centralized amp is contrary to the Squeezebox philosophy IMHO.

I thought about active speakers, but I'm not aware of any in-wall
actives. Do they exist?

I also agree about a centralized amp being contrary to the SB
philosophy. But I have come around to thinking that an SB can be
usefully paired with a (semi-)centralized amp when the zones are in
rooms that are close enough and open enough to be within earshot of one
another. Having separate slightly out-of-sync SBs that you can hear at
the same time isn't much fun.


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[slim] Re: Smiles and Kisses

2007-01-09 Thread aubuti

Well, it sounds like it is adding some EQ -- especially your last
sentence. Now test flac-with-retriever vs. flac-without-retriever. If
you hear a difference, then you can be sure it's just playing with EQ
and/or levels. Bottom line: set it the way you like it and enjoy.


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[slim] Re: web ui poll

2007-01-09 Thread aubuti

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=31443

Question: How do you control the Slimserver?

- Stock Handheld Remote
- 3rd Party Remote (Harmony, Nokia, PDA, c)
- Web Interface
- 3rd Party Computer Interface (Moose, JRMC, c)

ulvi;168616 Wrote: 
 Regarding the arrows: Is it possible to re-design this so that one can
 drag any item in the current playlist
 and drop it in a different location in the same list? Is drag-and-drop
 impossible to implement in this kind of web ui?

In slimserver 6.2  6.3 the ExBrowse skin allowed exactly that kind of
drag-and-drop. The author of that skin hasn't had time to update it to
work with 6.5. I could be wrong, but I don't think the changes in 6.5
have broken the DD capability.


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[slim] Re: MP3 Conversion Software

2007-01-10 Thread aubuti

Sure, it would be compounding the compression artifacts, but for
playback on a laptop or iPod the loss in sound quality might not be
that noticeable. Especially when weighed against the cost of re-ripping

You need something like Robin Bowes' flac2mp3.pl perl script, except
modified for mp3-2-mp3. You could take a look at his script to see how
it traverses the directory structure, and instead of decoding with
flac, decode with lame before re-encoding at the lower bitrate with
lame. Of course, handling the tags would be completely different, too.

Or try the brute force approach: Load your backup copy of the music
library (you do have a backup, don't you?) into foobar2000, and convert
all of them to 128. Then re-backup the 320kbps version after the
conversion finishes. 

No doubt, there more elegant solutions out there, but I've never been
accused of excessive elegance


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[slim] Re: Can't downgrade from 6.5.1 to 6.5.0

2007-01-11 Thread aubuti

Oops, you threw out the baby with the bathwater. You only needed to
delete the database, ie, the files under Cache, like triode
suggested. But anyway, for future reference you can make a backup of
your slimserver.pref (might be slimserver.conf on some systems) and
keep it when you change versions. In fact, it's a good idea to make a
backup whenever upgrading, just in case something goes wrong.


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[slim] Re: how to set an in point on a song

2007-01-11 Thread aubuti

Hmm, that's odd, because I thought I had posted a reply to your first
post. You don't say what format your files are in, but I strongly
suspect that you'll have to go back to a raw format, like WAV. Then
use cutpoints to define the tuning/crowd noise as a separate track. You
can do this using a cue sheet (leaving everything as a single file) or
by separating them into different files. 

Useful tools for doing this are Audacity (audacity.sourceforge.net),
GoldWave, or several other packages. They will analyze the tracks and
try to guess where the useful cutpoints are, but it still usually
involves a fair bit of work. I hope there are simpler options, but I
can't think of any.


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[slim] Re: Sony PSP as browser

2007-01-12 Thread aubuti

Jerryacg;169603 Wrote: 
 Thanks - The Host IP Address on the Slimserver and the Qnap is

No, that's its name. You need to specify the IP address, i.e., the
numeric address, as slimpy suggested. You don't need to do this with
the PCs on your network because they handle the name resolution, but
your PSP isn't so clever (at least not in your present configuration).


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[slim] Re: Sony PSP as browser

2007-01-12 Thread aubuti

Dave Dewey;169690 Wrote: 
 how about 'ping SlimServer-01' from a DOS window on a windows machine? 
 That should return an ip.  Otherwise look it up in the table on your
 router or whatever machine is handing out dhcp on your network.
That should work, or just look it up on the squeezebox itself, via the
remote. I think it's under something like Settings  Information 
Server information.


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[slim] Re: Nokia N800

2007-01-13 Thread aubuti

NauticusLX;170046 Wrote: 
 Let's have some DETAILS of your experiences using the N800 with your
 Slim Devices.  Will the N800 run SoftSqueeze? I'd like to access (and
 play) my internet radio favorites on the N800.  Is this possible?  It
 does have stereo speakers I hear.  I imagine the N800 replacing my
 regular radio/alarm clock, while I slumber off with Cafe Cody (Myorca,
 Spain) lulling me to sleep.  Is this possible?
Those are good questions, but given the Java overhead involved with
SoftSqueeze and the fact that the Nokia is a web tablet, wouldn't it be
more direct just to stream from the Cafe Cody web page? Unless, of
course, there's no suitable media player for the stream on the Nokia,
which would be surprising.


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[slim] Re: Night terrors caused by SqueezeBox

2007-01-14 Thread aubuti

NauticusLX;170227 Wrote: 
 This is the stuff of lawsuits.
Damn right -- and good thing for you this was *after* the acquisition
by Logitech, because they'll have much deeper pockets to pick than some
little outfit in Mtn View


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[slim] Re: Night terrors caused by SqueezeBox

2007-01-15 Thread aubuti

NauticusLX;170379 Wrote: 
 Seriously, I don’t need to be receiving messages from friggin robot
 servers in the middle of the friggin night!)If the only way to
 avoid this is by pulling the plug every night, then so be it.  I can
 just put a switch on the cord to turn it off.  I consider this to be an
 undocumented bug, or just plain bad design.  Now, would it be a bad idea
 to unplug it every night or put an on/off switch on the cord?

If you don't want messages from the server, then you shouldn't stay
connected to it. At this point you have two options. One: unplug the
cord or put it on a switch, as you've already deduced. BTW, you said
you power everything off at night, but obviously you must have left
your router and modem on. So you could turn those off instead. Option
two: switch it to your local server before hitting the off button.
Because you turn your local server off, this will blank the screen and
it will stay blank until you either power up your slimserver or hit the
on button on the SB remote. 

For the longer term, file an enhancement request to permit a true off
for the SB. This is especially useful because there are some of us who
would like the SB to switch over to SN automatically when the local
server is off. Presumably this would be configurable if ever
implemented, but it's useful to weigh in now on why such
configurability is important.


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[slim] Re: Night terrors caused by SqueezeBox

2007-01-16 Thread aubuti

seanadams;171042 Wrote: 
 Perhaps we could further improve customer service by adding a I'M GOING
 TO SUE YOU checkbox in bugzilla?
Maybe, but to be credible, it would have to be a US-only service, like


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[slim] Re: Night terrors caused by SqueezeBox

2007-01-17 Thread aubuti

andyg;171104 Wrote: 
 We have plans to add additional data centers, but there will always be a
 need for that kind of downtime message.
andyg Wrote: 
 What I've done with the downtime service is that it actually doesn't
 care what your 3 brightness settings are, or even if your player was on
 or off, it will simply use whatever the last brightness state of your
 player was. So if it was off with brightness 0, you won't see a thing.

Note to NauticusLX: Andy fixed your problem. In about 48 hours. Proof
that no good deed goes unpunished.

Downtime is unavoidable -- and some people even appreciate messages
when the system is down. You don't, so set your brightness to 0, and
you won't see them. Not even if you're wide awake and staring at the
display. Take a deep breath and try to let that sink in. If it still
doesn't click, try the decaf.


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[slim] Re: Night terrors caused by SqueezeBox

2007-01-18 Thread aubuti

NauticusLX;171748 Wrote: 
 3 cheers to kdf and azinck3!   I would NEVER have suspected, nor
 inferred by what Andy said (who claims to be a Slim Devices Developer)
 what azinck3 just said... snip...  What I’m getting at is, it seems
 that kdf has explained some feature that has always existed, and that
 Andy isn’t the accommodating wizard he seems to be.
Sheesh, I know these forums aren't always the most civil places, but
when you're done pissing all over Andy it would be good form to thank
him for fixing the thing you were ranting about at the beginning of
this thread


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[slim] Re: Dead squeezebox HELP !!!!!

2007-01-19 Thread aubuti

First thing I would do is confirm that it's getting power. Make sure the
power supply is plugged in securely at both ends (mains and SB). If
that's okay, make sure that the power supply hasn't died. If the SB is
getting juice there's a reddish light that glows somewhere, although I
forget exactly where -- maybe the optical output.


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[slim] Re: Getting rid of slimserver

2007-01-20 Thread aubuti

The Oboe service is part of MP3tunes. There have apparently been some
discussions between SD  MP3tunes (search the forum for previous
threads). No idea what the current status is. Personally, I don't see
the point of streaming my own collection over the internet when I have
it on a hard disk on my LAN. YMMV, etc.

A NAS is Network Attached Storage. It's a hard drive that connects
anywhere on your network, usually via ethernet cable, although there
are some wireless versions around. A NAS has a processor, RAM, and an
OS (usually linux) so it's really a special purpose computer: low
powered, low power consumption, and oriented towards serving files to
other computers on the network. But some NASs can also run slimserver,
like the Buffalo LinkStation that I use. 

If you don't like slimserver on a desktop or notebook comuter then you
won't like it any better on a NAS. But if the issue is not having a PC
on, the NAS is a nice solution. See the SD wiki for more info.


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[slim] Re: US: senate bill threatens Internet Radio with DRM requirement

2007-01-20 Thread aubuti

NauticusLX;172437 Wrote: 
 I'll amp up my harvest immediately.
Meaning what, exactly? Ripping internet radio streams?


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[slim] Re: Poll: Wired or wireless?

2007-01-21 Thread aubuti

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=31930

Question: Do you use your Slim Devices equipment wired or wirelessly?

- All wired
- All wirelessly
- I have several units, some operate wired, some wireless

In order of acquisition:

- wireless SB3 in the main listening room (living room/lounge)
- wired-only SB2 in the kitchen
- wireless SB2 (but running off ethernet) in the basement/rec room,
playing through a good hifi with lousy WAF...

And I'm still kicking myself for not running cat5 to the living room
when we had the basement ceiling open for remodeling last year


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[slim] Re: Sharing slimserver playlists between Windows and Linux

2007-01-25 Thread aubuti

Pretty sure you're going to have path issues. Nothing that can't be
fixed by easy search-and-replace, but potentially inconvenient for
going back and forth.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-26 Thread aubuti

MrSinatra;174556 Wrote: 
 gimmie a break.
 look, its as simple as this:
 IF you accept the notion, that a product, any product, will make more
 money if its potential market is bigger, rather than smaller, than what
 i said is true.
 its not rocket science, and its not a matter of me pushing a subjective
 opinion.  it is a fact of the free market.
 thats all i'm saying.

Well, that notion of yours does conveniently assume away any costs for
development of, and support for, the additional software and device

It also conveniently overlooks another basic fact of the free market:
people vote with their wallets. They buy those things that best meet
their wants and needs, within their given budgets. Frankly, I don't
give a rat's derriere whether a product does what you want it to do. I
buy it to do what I want it to do, and assume you will buy what meets
your needs. Adam Smith's invisible hand and all that And producers
won't necessarily try to please both of us (product differentiation),
which is well demonstrated by the current offerings from SD, Apple,
Olive, etc.

If you're so convinced that there's demand for an alternative way to
feed music to the SB, then go for it. The slim protocol is documented,
so SD doesn't have to be the provider any more than Dell needs to
include a Linux CD in every box. It doesn't matter if you can't program
it yourself -- you have such a slam dunk business concept that you can
hire the code-flunkies and split the proceeds.


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-26 Thread aubuti

MrSinatra;174591 Wrote: 
 well, i have no financial incentive to, Slim does imo.
But you do. The people are clamoring for it, you'll sell millions when
SD's market share shoots up. Maybe you can even sell it to SD/Logitech.
Quit your day job. It's a slam dunk. 

and btw, I'm neither offended nor angry. Just a little amused,
especially at the contention that market share is the only measure of


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[slim] Re: Introducing..... me!

2007-01-26 Thread aubuti

MrSinatra;174599 Wrote: 
 what i am saying, and i stand by this 100%, is that making your
 potential market larger is in the best interests of a business selling
 a product, at least certainly so in this case.
Well it's a little more complicated when you have several products with
overlapping markets. There's less to gain when one product is
canibalizing your own sales. You've said Logitech will get the memo,
but fact is, they already sell the product you describe (more or less).
It's just not an SB. Maybe there will be convergence, maybe there will
be continued differentiation. I would bet on the latter, but I wouldn't
presume to tell SD or Logitech which is better for them.


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[slim] Re: What happened to wired-only Squeezeboxes?

2007-01-27 Thread aubuti

This is a users' forum, not customer support. Even though Slim Devices /
Logitech staff participate, your message would be better directed
directly to the company. The discontinuation of the wired-only model
was a bit abrupt, unlike the phasing out of the SB2s. But that's the
way it happens sometimes. 

I'm sure that if SD had any more wired-only models, they would be
selling them. As they're not, I suggest you look into the secondary
market, such as eBay. Last I looked, there were still wired-only models
for sale, many of them new-in-box sold by discount tech shops. I would
guess that the selling price has gone up since SD stopped selling them,
and will probably continue to do so, so act fast.


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[slim] Re: Home Music Network Setup

2007-01-28 Thread aubuti

Definitely do not use the phono input (assuming you mean a
phonograph/turntable input). The output from turntables is very low, so
receivers have a phono preamp connected to the phono inputs. The preamp
boosts the signal and does some equalization. You definitely don't want
either with the SB output.

Try using a tape monitor or aux input instead of the phono, or if it's
a receiver produced in the last 10 years or so, the VCR input. One of
those other inputs should work.

Most folks around here would recommend ripping to lossless. See the
Slim Devices wiki for a nice beginner's guide:


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[slim] Re: Home Music Network Setup

2007-01-28 Thread aubuti

That's odd. Those inputs could be broken. Or maybe you have the sound on
the SB turned way down. Or maybe something else. Here's something to

1. Take your CD player or anything else you have connected to the
receiver and is presently working, and try running that through the
tape or vcr input. Does it work?

2. Try running your SB through whatever input on the receiver you are
using now that is working (CD or other). Does that work?

Good luck.


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Re: [slim] I want a Squeezebox boombox

2007-02-02 Thread aubuti

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=17185

Question: Who wants a Squeezebox Boombox?

- I'm interested.
- No, thanks.

You're not likely to get many advance hints about what SD/Logitech have
cooking. Certainly SD always kept information about future products
pretty quiet until they were ready. 

Note that where the Roku Soundbridge misses the mark, it misses it
widely, at least for some users' priorities. It wireless is only 11b,
so even while it will work with an 11g network, it will have to do so
in mixed mode, which can slow the network down. And it has no wired
ethernet support. It also does not support any compressed lossless
music formats (it only supports MP3, AAC, WMA/DRM10, WAV, and AIFF).

IMO, an SB with powered speakers is a great way to go. Pairing it with
the Tivoli is a nice idea. In my kitchen I hooked up an SB2 to an
inexpensive ($30 on eBay) pair of Klipsch active speakers and it sounds
okay, especially given all the other noise in the kitchen. And if you
have the budget, you can get some very nice, compact active speakers,
like the Aego and Audioengine products mentioned recently in another


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-02 Thread aubuti

I thought about getting wireless speakers to transmit music from the
audio system in the living room to the kitchen. But the reviews I read
of various wireless speakers were all pretty negative: interference,
static, difficulties tuning in to the transmitter on the hifi, etc.
That, plus consideration of the hassle of having to go into the living
room to change what was playing made the decision simple: get a
separate SB for the kitchen, along with a pair of inexpensive powered
(active) speakers. 

Tell your kids they did such a great job with this birthday present
that you want an advance on the next one!


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Re: [slim] PC + SB3 + Wireless Speakers - possible?

2007-02-03 Thread aubuti

An SB needs to be connected to at least one of (a) an amplifier, (b)
amplified speakers (aka powered or active speakers), or (c) headphones.
Think of the SB like a CD player or tape deck in your stereo setup --
the output needs to be amplified to drive speakers.

So for Q1, the SB can be connected directly to speakers if, and only
if, they are powered/active/amplified speakers. A simple example is the
inexpensive computer speakers that are often connected to desktop
computers. But there are also some very nice ones costing hundreds of

For Q2, the wireless bridge won't help with wireless speakers. It's
used for extending your wireless home network to devices (eg,
computers, game consoles) that support wired, but not wireless,


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Re: [slim] Fat Gooey for Slim Server

2007-02-03 Thread aubuti

Thanks for the effort. I used the installation package, and starting Fat
Gooey (from a Win2K laptop) crashes slimserver (running on a
debian-based LinkStation) every time. I haven't enabled Fat Gooey
logging, but the slimserver log shows:

*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x127dc1d8 ***


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox with 2Gb on board memory.

2007-02-05 Thread aubuti

There was a fairly long -- and somewhat acrimonious -- thread along
these lines a month or two back. Then I think the idea was more towards
putting a USB port on the SB so that one could hook up an external hard
drive. Adding storage to the SB isn't enough, because you would still
need to do something to put the server functions on the SB, which in
its present state is just a slim/dumb client. That would mean beefing
up the processor, installing an OS capable of running slimserver (or
something like slimserver), etc.

Those aren't impossible challenges, but it is a pretty fundamental
re-design of what an SB is. It would involve a lot more than just
slapping in 2GB of flash memory.


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Re: [slim] Airport Express With SB3

2007-02-05 Thread aubuti

If I understand Patrick correctly, the cat5 cable was being used as an
audio cable to connect one amp to the other, using a line level
connection. Think of it as extending the SB to reach your secondary
amp. Using regular (unbalanced) audio cables over distances more than
1-2 meters often results in too much interference.

I think I misunderstood what you were trying to do when I replied to
your post in the audiophile forum. I've never used an Airport Express,
but from what I've heard from others it shouldn't cause havoc on your
network. Unless I'm missing something, you would end up with two
basically parallel systems:

1) Mac (running slimserver)  router  SB  Parasound

2) Mac (running iTunes)  router  Airport Express  NAD

with the Mac being the same computer at the base of both systems. Is
that about it?

If I were in your situation I would think hard about trying to find
someway to put control of your outside music outside, where you listen
to it. That could be as crude as moving your NAD to someplace near a
window and attaching another SB which you can control from poolside, or
something more refined. Search the forums for some nice outdoor-based
setups that people have cooked up. But if you don't mind continuing to
run back into the house to manage your tunes, I would say it doesn't
matter much which you choose.


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Re: [slim] Why do some albums only show in the music folder, and nowhere else?

2007-02-07 Thread aubuti

Secret Squirrel;178577 Wrote: 
 that there are many reasons the tags don't show, but I disagree that
 FLAC only supports ogg vorbis. Most of my music is ripped to FLAC and
 all of the tags are in IDEv2, as recommended in the forums.

True that FLAC does allow ID3 tags, but I'm not sure where you've seen
the recommendation to use ID3 tags with FLAC. As noted in the wiki, the
FLAC standard only guarantees that a program will read the Vorbis
comments/tags. Reading ID3 from FLAC is a crapshoot. See the section on
Tag Types in the wiki, especially the paragraph no FLAC and Ogg:


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Re: [slim] Fat Gooey for Slim Server

2007-02-09 Thread aubuti

barrygordon;179029 Wrote: 
 The only major issues reported are a failure when slim server is not
 running on a Windows system (I feel this is a Slim Server issue as it
 crashes with certain CLI sequences) and an issue with displaying
 diacritical marks in UTF-8
 Feedback appreciated.
I was having crash problems on my debian-based Buffalo LinkStation, but
after upgrading the perl to 5.8.8 I've got FatGooey running okay. The
extended Latin characters (like c cedille) are still mucked up. I look
forward to playing around with this. 

Pretty nice having FatGooey and the very nice slimfx skin come out
within days of each other!


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Re: [slim] I wish double-disc albums were handled differently....

2007-02-09 Thread aubuti

Check under Server Settings  Behavior  Group Discs and select Treat
multi-disc sets as a single album and you should be all set. If not,
re-check your tags. The DISCNUMBER tag works fine for FLAC files, what
format are yours in?


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[slim] Re: Most SB's Running On Your Network

2006-07-12 Thread aubuti

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25371

Question: What is the most SBs you have had running on your network (at
the same time)?

- Only One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
- Six or Seven
- Eight or Nine
- Ten to Twenty
- More than Twenty!

2 hardware + 1 'virtual'

1 SB3 wireless
1 SB2 wired
+ 1 SoftSqueeze from time-to-time


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox is great- for bitheads

2006-07-12 Thread aubuti

wunder Wrote: 
 I spent hours tracking down ripping, error checking, tag editing and
 music playback software and getting them all to work together smoothly
 (still not perfect, though- no album art).
For any others potentially put off by the prospect of spending hours
doing this, be sure to check out the very lucid Beginner's Guide on the
SD wiki. You still need to spend some time learning the new software,
just as you would if it were bundled and put on a CD with the
SqueezeBox. http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?BeginnersGuide


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox is great- for bitheads

2006-07-12 Thread aubuti

bpa Wrote: 
 Can people help to put this OP's suggestion in context of competitors.
 What software Ripping, Tagging and Album Art software comes bundled
 with competitive products ?
  MrSinatra Wrote: 
  those that come with music match do for example.  
I don't follow -- are you saying that music match competes with SB? I
haven't used MM in a couple years, but last I saw it served a
completely different function. Maybe a complementary function
(ripping/tagging/art grabbing/playing), but not competitive.


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[slim] Re: NAS Storage for dummys

2006-07-12 Thread aubuti

LHawes Wrote: 
 Since the title alluded to dummies - here goes: Will SlimServer run off
 one of these DiskStation/LinkStation/Qnap type NAS fellas while your
 main computer is turned off?
Short answer: yes, provided you have slimserver installed and running
on the NAS. It helps to remember that a NAS is really a small computer
with very limited functions. It has a CPU, RAM, and an OS, usually just
enough to join the network and run some server software, most notably


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox is great- for bitheads

2006-07-12 Thread aubuti

okay, now I follow. I thought you were saying that MM *is* the
competitive product, not the software that comes with the competitive
product. And indeed, the question was about what software comes with
competing products, not about what competing products bundle software.


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[slim] analog ( graphical) VU meter screensavers

2006-07-12 Thread aubuti

I'm not sure when it happened, but it seems I've lost them  I figure
it was one of 6.5b1 upgrades back in April or May, but I don't remember
for sure. I'm currently running a pre-split scanner 6.5b1 (from around
19 May) -- have these screensavers reappeared in subsequent 6.5b1
versions? Are they in 6.3?

It's a little thing, and not something that will cause me to upgrade or
downgrade SS, but I do like those screensavers and was wondering if
they're discontinued, or if they just temporarily disappeared in a few


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[slim] Re: analog ( graphical) VU meter screensavers

2006-07-12 Thread aubuti

Nope, I don't see them. The only options I have are:

Now Playing
Now Playing (Jump back on wake)
Date  Time Screensaver
RSS News Ticker
Weather, Date  Time (via a plugin)

I'm running SlimServer Version: 6.5b1 - 7461 - Debian - EN -
iso-8859-1. Admittedly, it's an old beta, but I haven't yet made the
MySQL plunge. I did just notice that I have the VU meters when playing
SqueezeNetwork -- just not with slimserver.


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[slim] Re: NAS Storage for dummys

2006-07-13 Thread aubuti

hughesie89 Wrote: 
 so the one i am looking at says it features samba does that mean it will
 be easy for me to put slimserver on to it 
 being a graphical user? (not understanding anything about code) 
 also what is a good hard drive size? and any features i should look
Most NAS boxes are closed systems, meaning that they don't make it easy
for the user to install software. If you're not comfortable with working
from the command line, then your best bet is one of the systems that
come with slimserver already installed, like the NASs by Infrant and
Qnap (with Qnap you have to get it from a reseller who handles the
slimserver installation and distribution of slimserver upgrades for the
device). Search the forums for Qnap, Infrant, ReadyNAS, for further


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[slim] Re: Playing random songs in a decade

2006-07-14 Thread aubuti

Also remember that slimserver allows the possibility of multiple values
in tags, with the separator as specified under Server settings 
Behavior. You could create genres for 1960s, 1970s, etc. and random
play within genres. For example, if the separator is a semi-colon, you
could have Punk; 1970s.

Alternatively, tagging rules for some formats allow for multiple tags
of the same type. For FLAC  Ogg you could have Genre=Punk and
Genre=1970s for the same track.

BUT, either of these workarounds involve considerable effort in
fiddling with tags, and I really like the original suggestion of having
slim figure out how to make decade groups out of existing year tags.


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[slim] Re: New adding song to playlist feature?

2006-07-19 Thread aubuti

Husted Wrote: 
 I hope that it only adds the selected song and not the entire album,
 I'll give it a try once I get home.
I'm too far from my SB to try this and confirm it, but I'm pretty sure
that it will add whatever is showing on the SB when you press-and-hold.
If it's the specific song, you get just the song. If it's the album, you
get the album.


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[slim] Re: Playlist db or tags are read from where? I'm lost......

2006-07-21 Thread aubuti

You don't say how you are looking at the information. If you make
changes to filenames, file locations, directory names, etc. then you
should see these changes if you use Browse  Music Folder. BUT, viewed
in any other way, slimserver is using metadata from tags that are part
of the file. You probably created the tags when you ripped the CDs, as
most configurations of EAC -- FLAC have the option of writing tags
when encoding to FLAC. 

There are a lot of packages available for editing and managing your
tags. Check out the tagging section in the SD wiki
(http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?BeginnersGuideToTagging). On
Windows I like mp3tag, which despite the name, also handles FLAC tags.
If you're like most people, you'll find that almost all of the
tinkering and refining you do with your music information is via the
tags, and not via filenames or directories.


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[slim] Re: Analog VU meters?

2006-08-01 Thread aubuti

It's a screensaver setting, but post back if you don't find it. Somehow
my analog and digital VU meters suddenly disappeared when running an
earlier build of 6.5b. Haven't figured that one out yet..


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[slim] Re: Analog VU meters?

2006-08-03 Thread aubuti

benh Wrote: 
 I think it'd be neat to be able to see an analog VU meter along with the
 now playing information, perhaps in place of the small digital VU meter
 or small visualizer.
You can't do this with an SB3, but you can do it with the new
Transporter, which has dual screens (see www.slimdevices.com) . But
it'll cost you $2000...


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[slim] Re: Switching between SlimServer and Squeezenetwork

2006-08-04 Thread aubuti

matt24 Wrote: 
 Is it possible to have the following funcionality with the SB3:-
Vote for bug/enhancement request


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[slim] Re: Switching between SlimServer and Squeezenetwork

2006-08-04 Thread aubuti

JJZolx Wrote: 
 Is it just me, or does a device as intelligent as the Squeezebox
 connecting to a server across the Internet in order to display a bloody
 clock seem laughably ridiculous?  Like Rube Goldberg ridiculous.  Could
 you put any more networking devices, cables, fibre optics, and 21st
 century technology into the equation if you tried?
And let's not forget that it's often pulling the time from an atomic
clock  But I guess this will just have to do, at least until SD
comes out with the new sundial form factor. Question is, should the
sundial be the SB or the remote?


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[slim] Re: Slimserver scan procedure needs some serious work!

2006-08-17 Thread aubuti

inv Wrote: 
 Well, I had to check in on you guys.. ;)
 Could somebody please tell me where I asked for help? My intention was
 to let whoever made the scan process know that it has the possibilty of
 freezing at 99% for hours and hours.
So sorry, our mistake. In that case, follow the instructions on the
tech support link on the SD home page, namely: Feel free to contact
our support staff at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your questions or
comments. (In contrast, the forums are described on that page as The
Slim Devices community has several forums where customers help each
other out.)

And of course, searching/filing a bug at http://bugs.slimdevices.com is
also a normal way to go about informing the developers about the
problems you're experiencing.


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[slim] Re: networking novice considering switch to wired from wireless due to dropouts

2006-08-17 Thread aubuti

The diagram you want to have in mind is a bicycle wheel, and the key
little word is hub. The router is the metaphorical hub, and all the
other things on your network are like spokes. So you want to have the
following connections:

- internet (e.g., cable or DSL modem) to the WAN port on the router

- laptop to one of the LAN ports on the router

- SqueezeBox to one of the other LAN ports on the router

- WD network drive to another one of the LAN ports on the router

Note that all of these connections are using ethernet (aka Cat5)
networking cable.

You do *not* want to run a wire directly from the Squeezebox to the

Good luck, and post back if you are still having problems.


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[slim] Re: Percentage of Windows/Mac/Linux Slimserver downloads?

2006-08-17 Thread aubuti

ModelCitizen Wrote: 
 PS. I wonder whether SlimDevices realise that the MS flag icon in this
 page: http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html
 still has the alt tag Flag of Oppression?
LOL! Some other little funnies in other alt tags, too.


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[slim] Re: networking novice considering switch to wired from wireless due to dropouts

2006-08-17 Thread aubuti

In many cases cat5 installations doesn't require an electrician's
expertise, but does require painting/plastering skills and patience to
fish the lines. As an alternative, you might look into powerline
ethernet adapters, which have been discussed recently in several
threads in the forums. They use the electrical wiring in your house as
network cabling, and by almost all reports they work very well. In the
area where I live they are much cheaper than having an electrician come
to run cat5, unless for some reason you already have the walls open.


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[slim] Re: analog ( graphical) VU meter screensavers

2006-08-17 Thread aubuti

Doh!! I hadn't realized that the VU meters were part of the Visualizer
plugin, which I had turned off. All is well now.


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[slim] Re: Ethernet over power question

2006-08-18 Thread aubuti

Sounds like you're a good candidate for powerline ethernet. Connect one
to the router, and another one to your listening room. And rather than
connecting the qnap directly to the SB3, connect each of them (the qnap
and the SB3) to your LAN separately. The Netgear XE-104 powerline
adapters have built-in 4-port switches, which is basically what you
need. Or you could get a plain powerline adapter and buy a separate
4-port switch for about US$10.


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[slim] Re: Change the order when browsing artwork?

2006-08-23 Thread aubuti

I like the way the sorting  artwork/list format are implemented in 6.5.
It's pretty slick on the default and handheld skins (haven't tried
Fishbone lately). But I was surprised that the Nokia770 skin doesn't
seem to follow the same model. I've skimmed and searched the forums and
haven't found whether the Nokia skin is eventually going in that
direction or not. Or is it already implemented and I'm just missing
something obvious?

FYI, I'm running 6.5b1 - 9034 - Debian - EN - utf8.



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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-08-23 Thread aubuti

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Question: Do you have a 770?

- Got it
- Want it
- Need it
- Forget it

Ben: Thanks for all your work on this skin -- it's great even without a
770. Sorry if this has already come up, but here's a feature request
that I haven't found when skimming this thread. 

Several of my albums don't have album art yet, so when I browse by
album art (configured to show placeholders) it shows the file folder
silhouette with a big question mark. Would it be possible to also show
a popup with the album info when one mouses over the placeholder, the
same way that the default and handheld skins do? That would be a very
nice touch.

And again, sorry if it's already in this thread and I've missed it, but
what are the three numbers in the lower left corner? Mine usually say

This is slimserver 6.5b1 - 9034 - Debian - EN - utf8, viewed using
Firefox in WinXP. Thanks!


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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-08-24 Thread aubuti

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Question: Do you have a 770?

- Got it
- Want it
- Need it
- Forget it

Thanks slimpy. I had disabled library statistics because I had read that
doing so would lighten the load on my slimserver, which runs on an
underpowered NAS. And yes, the tooltip-like popup doesn't make any
sense for a touchscreen device -- I'll just have to fill in that

dangerous_dom: I'm just using a web browser. Firefox on a ThinkPad to
be specific.


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[slim] Re: Ethernet over power question

2006-08-24 Thread aubuti

I'm not sure about your first 2 questions, but for the latter 2:

- You're not limited to pairs. Each one is just another ethernet jack
on your LAN, just like the 4 ports on your router.

- It sounds like a switch is all you need. You don't need to physically
move the printer, you can plug it (or anything) into the switch just as


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[slim] Re: Newbie problem with installing SlimServer on Linkstation

2006-08-25 Thread aubuti

What do you get when you type:

which perl

Followed by:

ls -l [then insert the path and filename that the previous command gave


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[slim] Re: Dumb networking question

2006-08-26 Thread aubuti

You could try putting in the local/private IP of your router when it
asks for the DNS. That works sometimes. If not, the ISP should be able
to tell you the IP for their DNS servers.


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[slim] Re: RadioTime Feature is a Winner!

2006-08-26 Thread aubuti

NY2006;131318 Wrote: 
 Please explain why wouldn't you want to use 6.5 Beta ?
Because some people would rather use a stable version than one that
still has known bugs that are being worked out. Some have to have the
latest features, others are happy to wait until the dust settles: vive
la difference!


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[slim] Re: Newbie problem with installing SlimServer on Linkstation

2006-08-27 Thread aubuti

Did you run /mnt/slimserver/Bin/build-perl-modules.pl? If so, did it run
okay? It is a script that builds the perl modules that you need -- these
aren't pre-built for the Linkstation. You don't need MySQL to run
slimserver 6.2 or 6.3; MySQL is only required for versions of 6.5
released since mid-May.


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[slim] Re: I Just Want My Music

2006-08-27 Thread aubuti

Sorry if I'm rehashing the obvious, but have you already contacted Slim
tech support via email or phone? It's perfectly reasonable to want to
get them to walk you through it, but your chances of success are much
better by contacting them directly instead of through the forums. Hope
you get it sorted out.


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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-08-28 Thread aubuti

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Question: Do you have a 770?

- Got it
- Want it
- Need it
- Forget it

bklaas;131786 Wrote: 
 With help from KDF this is now fixed. Checked in 8/28 and will show up
 in 8/29 daily build.
Excelente! Thanks.


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[slim] Re: FLAC Gaps with Sync'ed players

2006-08-28 Thread aubuti

It's easy to *tell* the SBs to sync, but it seems that sync'ing
performance is highly variable. Some report it does fine, others report
lousy results, and some (like me) report both. It depends on a lot of
factors, and in my case I suspect that the problems have more to do
with my home network than it is my SBs or slimserver. But I haven't
completely ruled out the SBs or slimserver yet, or for that matter, the
phase of the moon .

Having wired connections and using one of SBs native formats certainly
increases your odds of being able to sync okay. But even in perfect
conditions, you're not likely to get gapless and sync'ing with the
current software and hardware. That's because the streams tend to
diverge, and slimserver re-syncs at track changes. For the same reason,
forget about sync'ing internet radio.


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[slim] Re: NAS - Multiple Squeezebox's

2006-08-30 Thread aubuti

I've run 2 SqueezeBoxes plus SoftSqueeze on a LinkStation HG, which has
more RAM and a faster processor than the MIPS versions. Most of my
collection is FLAC. Synchronization is hit or miss, depending as much
on overall network traffic as on the power of the NAS (e.g., sync'ing
often improves if I switch off non-slimserver computers with wireless
connections). I would bet it could support 4-5 SBs as long as they were
separate streams.


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[slim] Re: Upgrade to 6.5

2006-08-30 Thread aubuti

Also note that some plugins have been substantially re-written for 6.5
(e.g., LastFM and SlimScrobbler). If that applies to any of your
plugins, you'll need to download and install the new versions. And make
sure you backup your slimserver preferences file just in case.


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[slim] Re: What's your MP3 workflow?

2006-08-30 Thread aubuti

- Rip to FLAC via EAC (including basic clean up of freedb tags -- been
meaning to try MusicBrainz instead)
- Grab album art (usually Amazon or allmusic.com)
- Run apply_replaygain.pl
- Use mp3tag to set Artistsort, plus any remaining clean up of FLAC
- Copy over to debianized LinkStation that runs slimserver
- Run flac2mp3.pl to generate MP3s for laptop  MuVo
- Use foobar2000 to set replaygain on MP3s
- Use mp3tag to embed album art and clean up any mp3 tags
- Copy MP3s to laptop music directory, and read into iTunes
- Copy MP3s to mp3 folder on LinkStation
- Every so often backup LinkStation to external USB hard drive


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[slim] Re: What's your MP3 workflow?

2006-08-31 Thread aubuti

Yeah, maybe some of us need to get out more often.


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[slim] Re: Linkstation Shut Down

2006-08-31 Thread aubuti

I don't know about attaching a remote control, but for shutdown via
telnet (actually ssh) I usually use:   shutdown -h now


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[slim] Re: Linkstation Shut Down

2006-08-31 Thread aubuti

Patrick Dixon;132521 Wrote: 
 I think it's possible to do this using kdf's execute plugin.  You can
 then use wake-on-lan (does the Linkstation support this?) to start it
 up again.
That's the way it should work, but to the best of my knowledge no
LinkStations support WOL. I blame Bush ;o)


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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-09-02 Thread aubuti

jimwillsher;133056 Wrote: 
 1) Better UI. There's simply no quick way to move a track 15 places
 up/down a playlist, other than to click the arrow, wait for refresh,
 click the arrow, wait for refresh, click the arrow etc. etc. Surely
 there's some scope for drag 'n' drop functionality? Most browsers
 provide some level of support for this now,
 That's it! Those two would transform my SB3 dramatically.
Then check out the ExBrowse3 plugin, which has supported drag-and-drop
in the playlist at least since version 6.2. I'm not sure if it's being
kept current with version 6.5, and it would be nice if other skins
supported dd, but in the interim it might help.


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[slim] Re: Lacking feature

2006-09-08 Thread aubuti

It's still not clear to me what you didn't like about the NAS solution
that was suggested in post #7 in this thread (almost a year ago). I'm
not sure, but I expect you can connect the NAS directly to the SB with
a crossover cable. And now there are several NASs with vendor support
for slimserver.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox for me - Softsqueeze for the neighbours

2006-09-08 Thread aubuti

I would think the simplest solution would be for them to run their own
instance of slimserver (presumably on the same computer that is running
SoftSqueeze), and point it at your networked music library. That could
run into throughput issues, but might be worth a try.

Question: If you password protect slimserver, can the neighbors still
try to use SoftSqueeze to sync with the SB? If so, that could cause
problems, as sometimes slimserver fumbles at the beginning of tracks
when sync'ing players.


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[slim] Re: Lacking feature

2006-09-08 Thread aubuti

I figure that most/many non tech savvy people are happy shuffling CDs
or using an iPod + docking station. What really pushed me to SB (and
looking at similar devices such as Roku, Sonos, Streamium, Airport
Express, etc.) is wanting to have my whole CD collection available in
multiple places. You can't get that with your standalone solution, so
I suppose that's not a big factor for you.

Have you looked at the Olive line? It costs a lot more than a NAS + SB,
but otherwise it sounds like what you're looking for.


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[slim] Re: lossless music downloads

2006-09-08 Thread aubuti

It doesn't have published CDs, but there is some great music in flac at
the internet archive ([url]www.archive.org[/org]). Mostly bands you've
never heard of, but quite a few gems. The quality of the live
recordings varies a lot, but some are better than what a lot of bands
release on CD.


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[slim] Re: Lacking feature

2006-09-08 Thread aubuti

JJZolx;134678 Wrote: 
 There are no additional solutions.  The design of the Squeezebox
 _requires_ a computer to drive it.  It sounds like you went searching
 for something and somehow found a solution that was 180 degrees the
 opposite of what you desire.
Exactly. In the original post Raptus noted ...client-server
architecture it simply doesn't do the trick for me. In that case, a
slim client (from _Slim_ Devices or anyone else) will never fit the


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[slim] Re: Let's here some suggestions for SlimServer 7

2006-09-11 Thread aubuti

jeffluckett;135172 Wrote: 
 ...or at the very least, be able to edit the playlist position by
 entering a number.  Similar to the way you can re-order your queue at
 Netflix.  I realize drag/drop can be a bit of a challenge since it
 requires some fancy DHTML and probably AJAX.
FTR, dragdrop re-ordering of the playlist works quite well in the
pre-6.5 versions of the ExBrowse3 skin, so it shouldn't be a huge
technical hurdle. Unfortunately, updating of ExBrowse3 for 6.5 has been


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[slim] Re: Album art via CDDB on the fly?

2006-09-13 Thread aubuti

Patrick Dixon;135662 Wrote: 
 I've used Victor's Album Art program quite a bit, and I have to say it's
 very good.
What format are your music files? Victor's page states that it hasn't
been tested much with FLAC, which is most of what my library is.


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[slim] Re: Album art via CDDB on the fly?

2006-09-13 Thread aubuti

Great, I'll give it a try. Wish I'd known about it several months


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[slim] Re: slimGhost maybe more appropriate.....

2006-09-13 Thread aubuti

If you're looking for assistance then you'll have to supply more
information than that. Things like slimserver version, platform, how
many tracks you really have in the relevant directories, how many
slimserver is reporting, etc.


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[slim] Re: Remote screen view

2006-09-14 Thread aubuti

@tomjtx: Did you mean the Sonos remote? I never noticed it before, but
at the Olive web site there's no sign of any remote, which I find odd.
Anyway, in addition to wr420's suggestions, you can also use a
wifi-capable PDA or web-tablet like the Nokia770 to see your library
and control the SB. There are skins specially developed for these
devices, plus the slimremote app for PDAs.

too busy making out to get up to read SB but not too busy to read a
macbook or remote? Nah, I won't go there g


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[slim] Re: Wanted: New Hardware - Squeezebox Portable

2006-09-14 Thread aubuti

d_anders;135998 Wrote: 
 POINT: Squeezebox needs to become a full portable media player with it's
 own storage.  I love the interface.  It should also work on it's own
 internal storage without having to stream from PC, NAS, or
Sorry if I'm being dense here, but what do you have in mind for the
output? If it's portable (battery powered and all) then are you
thinking headphones? If so, what's the major advantage you see over
existing personal players like Sansa, Rio, or those pod things?


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[slim] Re: Looks like Apple are joining the party

2006-09-14 Thread aubuti

bklaas;136166 Wrote: 
 Anyone know why you can't use gallery view when browsing by artist?
It's a bit counter-intuitive, especially at first, but if you start
browsing by album there's a drop down menu that let's you select sort
order. There's various combinations of artist, album, year, and genre
-- including the ever-popular artist/year.


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[slim] Re: Wanted: New Hardware - Squeezebox Portable

2006-09-14 Thread aubuti

The Olive units have been discussed in the forums before, including
posts by 1 or 2 former Olive users. Do a search and you'll find them.
The overall sentiment seemed to be overpriced and a system that is
overly closed: it's said that you can't even make a backup of the Olive
hard drive, except with some proprietary Olive format. I haven't heard
anything about the Escient products.


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[slim] Re: crumblist issue when sorting by artist, album

2006-09-15 Thread aubuti

Yes, it's a known bug. http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=3255


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[slim] Re: Where can I download SlimScrobbler V0.35?

2006-09-15 Thread aubuti

If I recall correctly, the developer was waiting for the official
release of SS 6.5 before doing an official release of slimscrobbler
0.35. If you can wait a little, the official SS 6.5 is supposed to be
out next week.

If you want to get it right now, you can get slimscrobber 0.35 from the
CVS at sourceforge.net. If you don't use CVS, you can get the files
individually from

Note that if you go this route you will probably have to download
several files separately, and re-construct the slimscrobbler directory
tree on your slimserver installation. There might be an easier way, but
that's how I ended up doing it a few weeks ago. If all of that is
off-putting, then just wait a few days.


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[slim] Re: Album/artist sorting issue in 6.5

2006-09-15 Thread aubuti

My understanding of the dropdown is that it is only for the sort order,
not for the display of each entry. And indeed, that's what you're
getting, except for the Various Artists issue, which I think is a
registered bug (but I'd have to check).

You might be able change the listing Artist - Album by changing the
display options under Player Settings.


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