Re: [expert] A question for real experts :)

2002-10-10 Thread jipe

On 08 Oct 2002 22:02:44 -0300
Toshiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've asked several times this question before, but nobody gave me a good
> answer so far, let me try here :)
> What shall I do to know the actual connection speed (10/100Mb) of a
> network interface? I'm looking for a linux software solution (like
> typing a command, looking at some log, you name it), answers like "look
> at the link light of your network card/switch/etc" are not valid :)
> BTW, in Solaris is pretty simple to know that, just bring the interface
> up with 'ifconf' and you get the answer.
> Toshiro.

i wrote this little script for me...

# xspeed
# jipe-2002

case $2 in


Xsp=$(/sbin/ifconfig $1 | grep "RX bytes" | awk '{ print $2" "$6}')
aR=$(echo $Xsp | awk '{ print $1}' | tr -d "bytes:")
aT=$(echo $Xsp | awk '{ print $2}' | tr -d "bytes:")
T=$(date "+%s")

while true 
while [ $a -lt 100 ]
Xsp=$(/sbin/ifconfig $1 | grep "RX bytes" | 
awk '{ print $2" "$6}')
aR1=$(echo $Xsp | awk '{ print $1}' | tr -d 
aT1=$(echo $Xsp | awk '{ print $2}' | tr -d 
echo -e "R speed :\t$ar bytes/s\nT speed 
:\t$at bytes/s"
echo -e "time adj:\t$b"
if [ $a == 100 ]
b=$(($(date "+%s")-T))
T=$(date "+%s")
sleep 1


xterm -geometry 30x4-0-0 -title "$0 $1" -exec $0 $1 xspeed


to launch it: 
$ xspeed 
interface is like eth0 or ppp0

what it does:
1) reads the output of /sbin/ifconfig  then sleep 1 second
2) compares with the last output
3) adjusts time
4) outputs the results in a little xterm window on the left lower hand corner of the 

it is nor really precise, neither very sophisticated, but it is usefull on my old PII 


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Re: [expert] Rippers for Real Audio streams?

2002-11-19 Thread jipe
On 19 Nov 2002 21:55:58 +1030
Aristotle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyone know how to save Real Audio streams to disk?

search vsound on or elsewhere on the web.
it might do what you want.


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Re: [expert] Java

2002-12-13 Thread jipe
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 08:00:51 -0500
Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # rpm -qa | grep ava
> #
> OK, what's the secret code to find out what java version is installed?
> -- 
> "If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you. . . ." Proverbs 9:12 NIV
>  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409
> Felix Miata  ***
try this old voodoo invocation ;)

$ java -version
java version "1.4.1"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Blackdown-1.4.1-beta)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build Blackdown-1.4.1-beta, mixed mode)


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Re: [expert] IP

2002-12-17 Thread jipe
On Tue, 17 Dec 2002 00:14:33 -0500
Brian York <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How can i find out the ip address of a machine that has been assigned an ip
> by DHCP.
> Thanks 
> Brian

something like this:
IPCONF=($(/sbin/ifconfig ppp0)); echo ${IPCONF[5]#*:}
or maybe:
IPCONF=($(/sbin/ifconfig eth0)); echo ${IPCONF[6]#*:}


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Re: [expert] test command

2002-12-20 Thread jipe
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002 18:18:10 +0900
"ath1410" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tks for reply.
> I understand the way $test -z "" returns 0 and $test -n "" returns 1.
> What's puzzling me here is this.
> $test -z (there is no space after -z, no argment) returns 0 which means 'test 
>command thinks no argment equals to the
> empty string'.
> However, $test -n (no space after, no argment) return 0 which
> means 'test command in this case thinks no argment equals to
> NO-empty string'.
> When no argment is given, why test command thinks differenly
> depending on the options -z and -n. 
> Can you help??

this page can help you:


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Re: [expert] Gnome Toaster question

2003-01-05 Thread jipe
On Sun, 5 Jan 2003 17:34:46 +1000
Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I tried mpg123 to convert the mp3 file to a wave file but that failed also.
> mpg123 -w mp3file wavefile does nothing except display the help screen.
> mpg123 --wav mp3file wavefile at least does something if only to create an 
> empty file named wavefile.

mpg123 -w file.wav file.mp3

specify the output file before the input file

> -- 
> Regards,
> Phil


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Re: [expert] bash scripting question - simple regular expression?

2003-01-12 Thread jipe
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003 17:56:16 -0800
Jim C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a list of positive integers of which I only want the first one.
> They are of arbitrary size. How can I cut the rest of them off?
> I've been trying to write a regular expression for this using sed or awk.

bash you said, so use only bash.

array=($(your_command_to_create_the list_of_intergers))
echo ${array[0]}
this displays the 1rst integer from your list.

echo ${#array[*]} displays the number of integers
echo ${array[$((${#array[*]}-1))]} displays the last integer
maybe you'll have to set IFS. depends of the separator.


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Re: [expert] bash scripting question - simple regular expression?

2003-01-12 Thread jipe
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 09:15:50 -0800
Mark Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 11, 2003 at 05:56:16PM -0800, Jim C wrote:
> > I have a list of positive integers of which I only want the first one.
> > They are of arbitrary size. How can I cut the rest of them off?
> > I've been trying to write a regular expression for this using sed or awk.
> #!/bin/sh
> LIST="42 666 1776 2001"
> echo $LIST | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/'

LIST="42 666 1776 2001"
echo ${LIST%% *} --> 42
LIST=(42 666 1776 2001)
echo ${LIST[0]} --> 42

both are about 5 times faster than a pipe with sed.


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Re: [expert] bash scripting question - simple regular expression?

2003-01-14 Thread jipe
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:58:30 -0800
Jim C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Grrr!!
> What gets me is why this doesn't work:
> echo -e $output > ldapadd -x -D $binddn -W $pw4binddn
> where echo -e produces:
> [root@enigma scripts]# ./adduser alkjdfal 
> dn: uid=alkjdfal,ou=Computers,dc=microverse,dc=net
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: account
> objectClass: posixAccount
> uidNumber: 501
> uid: alkjdfal
> cn: alkjdfal
> gidNumber: 421
> homeDirectory: /dev/null
> loginShell: /bin/false
> gecos: Machine Account
> description: Machine Account
> 502 <--different echo statement
> If I do echo -e $output > test.ldif
> and then
> ldapadd -x -D "cn=root,dc=microverse,dc=net" -f test.ldif from the 
> command line it works fine!  Do you think this is a bug in ldapadd?

here is what says man:
The  entry  information  is read  from  standard input or from file through the use of 
the -f option.

so why not to try this:
echo -e "$output" | ldapadd -x -D "cn=root,dc=microverse,dc=net"


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Re: [expert] java "plugin" and mozilla 0.99

2002-03-26 Thread jipe

On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 11:00:36 -0800
Erik Laxdal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 26 March 2002 09:27, you wrote:
> > I both love and HATE mozilla.  I have 0.99 installed and it works great,
> > especially with javascript-laden sites that instantly kill konqueror
> > (happens a LOT).  I also have jre 1.3.1 installed.  It works.
> >
> > How does one get mozilla to accept this fact?  I visited a site that said I
> > needed the java 2 plugin for netscape in order to properly view said site. 
> > I click to download the linux plugin which then proceeds to download a
> > jre1.3.1 plugin (REDUNDANT!  I have the real jre installed!) and then after
> > it is done, it fails - I get a message that the plugin was not successfully
> > installed.   Retarded mozilla, BAD mozilla!
> >
> > How does one go about forcing mozilla to actually use the real jre that is
> > properly installed and usable on one's system?  I never want to see that
> > stupid "you need the java2 plugin" window ever again and I want mozilla to
> > use the full-real-existent jre I have installed.  I cannot find a way to do
> > it in the crippled configuration/settings windows provided for mozilla.  As
> > a matter of fact, I can't find any mention of anything java or javascript,
> > for that matter.
> >
> > Anyone?
> All you should need to do is link or copy the plugin from you jre1.3.1 
> installation to the mozilla plugin directory in a similar fashion to:
>  cd /usr/local/mozilla/plugins
>  ln -s /usr/local/jre1.3.1_01/plugin/i386/ns600/
> or
>  cp /usr/local/jre1.3.1_01/plugin/i386/ns600/ 
> /usr/local/mozilla/plugins
> and then restart mozilla for the new plugin to be recognized.
> Erik
link works fine, but don't copy the java plugin! that doesn't work!


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Re: [expert] java "plugin" and mozilla 0.99

2002-03-27 Thread jipe

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 11:25:20 +0900
"J. Grant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> any1 get to work on 0.99? it does not crash for me anymore, 
> but still dont work.
> JG
it works nice for me. i use java from


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Re: [expert] Write access to windows partition for users

2002-03-28 Thread jipe

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 15:08:51 -0500
Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I need read/write access to my windows partition
> The relevant line in /etc/fstab is:
>   /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,rw 0 0
> Output from $ mount is:
>   /dev/hda1 on /mnt/windows type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
> With windows partition not mounted, $ ll /mnt gives:
>   drwxrwxrwx2 root root 4096 Mar 22 13:21 windows/
> After # mount /mnt/windows , $ ll /mnt gives:
>   drwxr-xr-x   30 root root16384 Dec 31  1969 windows/
> I found a thread in archives back in Feb. about this problem, but no 
> solution, just some interesting "try this".
> My system is vanilla 8.2 from clean install.  I didn't have this problem with 
> previous versions on same hardware.  

just add umask=0 in the 4th field (options) of /etc/fstab for each vfat partition.


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Re: [expert] bootable CD

2002-04-02 Thread jipe

On Tue, 02 Apr 2002 08:23:06 -0500
Mike Rambo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe I'm just dense but how the heck do you create a
> bootable CD these days. I'm need to make a bootable restore
> CD for our public safety department. I want to put their
> computer hard drive image on it and have it boot from the CD
> and start imaging  automatically. I have the hard drive
> image file. I have the boot floppy image. I can't get it all
> onto a CD successfully. I now have two coasters which have a
> perfect copy of the hard drive image file but the stinking
> CD's won't boot. The computer boots from other CD's just
> fine.
> I'm using a 8.1 system now and have tried xcdroast,
> eroaster, gcombust, and mkisofs from the CLI to no avail.
> All of them complain that they can't find either the boot
> image or the boot.catalog file. I have tried placing the
> floppy image everywhere I can think of and it has
> permissions that would allow everyone from Charles Manson to
> the Pope to read it. This is frustrating because my old
> system (7.1) with kisocd just worked by giving it a file
> name and location. Unfortunately kisocd is no longer
> supported it would appear.
> README.eltorito says that the boot.catalog file will be
> automatically created but doesn't say where. It also speaks
> of the boot image but doesn't say where it needs to be.
> Absolute paths don't find it which is totally confusing. The
> CD-writing howto on LDP just points to the README.eltorito
> file included with mkisofs.
> What is the magic step here to make this work?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Mike Rambo

i assume that the files and directories from which to create your iso image are in a 
directory named to_be_burnt. and you're creating an iso image in ~/burn

create iso image like this
cd to_be_burnt 
mkisofs -v -r -T -J -pad -b boot_image -c boot.catalog -o ~/burn/image.iso .

cd ~/burn
cdrecord -v speed=? dev=?,?,? image.iso

replace ? with appropriate values
boot_image is the image from which the cd will boot. it has to be in the cd! give the 
path from where you're creating iso.



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Re: [expert] OT-Borland getting paranoid?

2002-04-04 Thread jipe

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 16:46:44 -0500
Charles A Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think Borland might be getting a little carried away.
> I dled and installed JB6 today and here is a facsimile of the License Key they sent.
> %40%C6%89%99%00%00%02%24%D6%E3
> %23o%D5%95%D0R%E2W%1E%C8%A3%EC
> O%FFY%06%D6%CD%B6u%82%1E%3E%B0
> %9E%BA%1C%DDd%23%BF%D6%A3%19%8
> 7Q%03%FD%D4%EDx%8FTa%85%9B%AF%
> 0C%EDjR%FF%9F%86D%96%11X%95%E8
> %BBU%C26%0A%8E%AA%CDe%C3%26A%A
> F%ED%FDV%D2%1D3%C9%AA%CA%11%CF
> %7C%3F%C6%F8%A1%1B%A7%0C%21%A4
> %C8%81%15%91Sm%85%82%D1%1D%F1%
> 0D1%ED%E8%B9p%A7%1D%08%DC%BF%E
> 9%15%C9%09V%B3%C2%BA%1C%8F8Z%9
> 3%A1%C0%29%C6%19W%B3%84%8F%10%
> CD%08%5E%88%9A%FCF%EF%7CC%A8%D
> 3%C0%14%92T9%8F%DA%94%22%95wt%
> 8E%9C%FD%12%EB%1B%01%84%E8%E1x
> %99j%7B%FE%EC%93r%88m%27%D2%B5
> %EEe%9A%5Ds%F1%83%C8v%9F%16X%E
> 2%91%AE%26%DFTu%9C%DF%B1%14%BC
> iT%EA%C9%C4Y%81%17h%C5%EF%A2%7
> C%8Cj%5C%E3%83%EEG%C7%0Ee%BB%A
> 6%DDh%87lF%FE%E6%CBV%8C%7F%04%
> D7%96%C7R%B4Wm%E1%8B%9D%0D%8Fr
> *%ED%E6%A7-%FDFh%D4%DD%94%3A%F
> 8%26%18%C2%FE%E5k%E4fb%EA%A5%A
> 3D%85k%0F%AA%B9%F6M%89%11-%C5%
> 9A%C0%11%BDT*%A8%F7%E8%25%CB%1
> DW%B1%BF%B4%1B%F2%0DM%E7%FB%BB
> K%DFE%0F%9A%A0%B5%01%FE%15T%FF
> %C2%B7F%BCc%0D%E9%C6%FDD%A8%26
> %20%BD%F0%EFa%A1%06H%C3%B4%BEN
> %88a%2C%CF%E9%B2-%C7X%0E%EF%8E
> %B2%13%8FU%1B%C5%8E%8D%1A%F4A1
> %80%B0%9EU%C2%3F%08%8F%F5%CEB%
> 85P%5B%E0%CC%92b%F5K%11%DB%EC%
> CA7%9A%7Fl%A8%F4%F7%2C%BD%15Z%
> D2%C9%B5%0F%BB%12%40%A5%B2%BA%
> 04%FE%23%5E%F0%CA%B8Q%AE%40%16
> %E1%97%96%03%9A%1E%0F%84%80%F0
> %17%E9y%04%F8%FB%BD%3A%C1%7F%0
> 6%FA%A9%80y%BDT%1E%C0%EB%BFB%C
> 9K%1D%F6%8A%CC%06%BAto%EE%B4%F
> Cr%AB%5Ds%C3%F0%BE%11%B5_%3F%E
> 6%8D%9F%3A%96%1A%24%E5%F6%D0Q%
> AEA%7E%E3%ED%C8I%E44y%97%D0%D9
> %26%B3%00c%AD%BD%8D%3D%E6SO%CC
> %B8%88d%F3ix%8E%E0%B9q%85M5%8C
> %99%E9%13%EA
> Sure glad the copy and paste worked.
> Charles

may i copy and paste too? ;)


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Re: [expert] OT-Borland getting paranoid?

2002-04-05 Thread jipe

hi dave!


sorry! ;))


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Re: [expert] Need a recording utility !!!

2002-04-11 Thread jipe

On 11 Apr 2002 03:36:50 -0400
Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, I'm asking for some help now.  I've got to record sound coming from
> the sound card into wav or mp3 format.  I've looked at krecord but I
> can't install it on this LM81 system; it won't recognize my artsd
> library as valid.
> Has anybody else got some recommendations for something that will work? 
> It would be nice to get it recording into mp3 format so that the hard
> drive won't be filled with one big wav.
> Does Xmms have a recording plugin that I've missed?  Info?  Suggestions?
> Anybody?
> Tanks,
> LX

to record an external source, assuming that /dev/dsp is your device:
you can test like this. first connect a microphone and have a look at your mixer.
then type "dd bs=8k count=4" to record your voice.
if right, maybe you could use lame in a pipe.
try this: "dd bs=8k count=4 

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Re: [expert] Problems with gcc 3.0

2002-04-18 Thread jipe

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 20:40:35 +0200
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm running mdk 8.1 with all the update made. I have tried to install gcc3.0. 
> But I think I have done something wrong (sure).
> I have uninstalling gcc2.96 and after I have had to install gcc3.0 with 
> --force because I had problems with deps.

do you really need an answer? you have it. 
reinstall gcc! or maybe try to resolve the deps or troubles:

for i in $(rpm -qa | grep gcc); do echo $i; rpm -V $i; done

could give you an idea on what to do.


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Re: [expert] Ripping Multiple Tracks into One w/ Grip?

2002-04-19 Thread jipe

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 11:41:44 -0700
Sevatio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> LM8.2
> How do you rip multiple CD tracks into one file?
> Sevatio

[PUB] ;))
here are some scripts to:
organise your audio files
burn cd from your mp3 or ogg files
edit playlists and play them in several modes, random, time limit...
fix mp3 files
rip audio cd in wav mp3 or ogg format and rename tracks
create an icon which can recognize if the CD is a data or audio one and launch a 
cdplayer or a filemanager, according to the CD
[END OF PUB] ;))

but to do what you want.

with cdparanoia

contiguous files

rip tracks 2 to 4:
to a wav file
cdparanoia -w "2-4"
to a mp3 file
cdparanoia -w "2-4" - | lame -q 2 - file.mp3
to a ogg file
cdparanoia -w "2-4" - | oggenc -q 5 -o file.ogg -

non contiguous files

rip tracks 4 and 8:
to a wav file
for a in 4 8; do cdparanoia -r $a - ; done | sox -t raw -s -w -r 44100 -c2 - file.wav 
to a mp3 file
for a in 4 8; do cdparanoia -r $a - ; done | lame -r -q 2 - file.mp3
to a ogg file
for a in 4 8; do cdparanoia -r $a - ; done | oggenc -r -q 5 -o file.ogg -


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Re: [expert] FYI: All the draks you've dreamed of

2002-04-20 Thread jipe

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 07:29:53 -0400
Charles A Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 23:46:41 -0400
> nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > # ls /usr/sbin/*drak*
> > /usr/sbin/adduserdrake*/usr/sbin/drakproxy*   /usr/sbin/localedrake*
> > /usr/sbin/diskdrake*   /usr/sbin/draksec* /usr/sbin/logdrake*
> > /usr/sbin/drakautoinst*/usr/sbin/drakxconf* 
> > /usr/sbin/MandrakeUpdate*
> > /usr/sbin/drakbackup*  /usr/sbin/drakxservices*   /usr/sbin/mousedrake*
> > /usr/sbin/drakboot*/usr/sbin/drakxtv* 
> > /usr/sbin/printerdrake*
> > /usr/sbin/drakbug_report*  /usr/sbin/harddrake*   /usr/sbin/rpmdrake*
> > /usr/sbin/drakfont*/usr/sbin/harddrake-text* 
> > /usr/sbin/scannerdrake*
> > /usr/sbin/drakgw*  /usr/sbin/keyboarddrake* 
> > /usr/sbin/userdrake.real*
> > /usr/sbin/draknet* /usr/sbin/livedrake*   /usr/sbin/XFdrake*
> > 
> But you have left some out.
>  ls /usr/bin/*drak*
> /usr/bin/draksync* /usr/bin/lsnetdrake*
> /usr/bin/harddrake-auth@   /usr/bin/lspcidrake*
> /usr/bin/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-c++*  /usr/bin/MandrakeUpdate@
> /usr/bin/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-c++-3.0.4*  /usr/bin/menudrake*
> /usr/bin/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-g++*  /usr/bin/packdrake*
> /usr/bin/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-g++-3.0.4*  /usr/bin/rpmdrake@
> /usr/bin/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gcc*  /usr/bin/userdrake@
> /usr/bin/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu-gcc-3.0.4*

more results with:
locate drak | grep bin
you've left some in /usr/X11R6/bin! ;)))


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Re: [expert] ps2pdf sorcery

2002-04-21 Thread jipe

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 17:26:02 -0500
Jason Guidry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there any way to input multiple postscript files through ps2pdf and 
> have them output to one pdf?  the man page mentions nothing of this.
> Is there any other program that will do this?
> thanks
> -- 
> Jason Guidry

try this:

cat > then
ps2pdf file.pdf

maybe u could have a look at Ps2pdf.html in your ghostscript doc to read more about 
avaible options.


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Re: [expert] netscape 6.2 where?

2002-04-22 Thread jipe

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 21:38:56 +0200

> I have downloaded from MandrakeClub the rpm of netscape 6.2; but after install 
> it without problems I can't know how to run it; not nescape command or similar 
> avalaible. 
> Do I need any additional installation? 
> Thanks in advance 
> Francisco Alcaraz 
> Murcia (Spain)  

rpm -ql  will show you a list of the installed files.


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Re: [expert] Sylpheed Claws

2002-04-30 Thread jipe

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 17:04:12 -0600

> Well I like this program & Know some of you here use it.
> My only caveat so far is if I tell it to check my spelling, it complains it can't 
>find a dictionary to use.
> I'm an english speaker & use that language *badly I'll admit otherwise I wouldn't 
>need a spellchecker yes? :)*.
> Problem, I can't find this dictionary.  I tried some different ones it has avail in 
>the drop down list, but to no avail.
> It has a warning beside the Spellcheckbox saying this is Experimental too.
> Any clues?
> Femme

I'm using version 0.7.4claws83 builded with:
and, because I'm french, i added
i can use too an English dictionary which complains if i try to write English with "e" 
instead of "E" :) It is included in the aspell package and located on my box in 


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Re: [expert] Sylpheed Claws

2002-05-01 Thread jipe

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 19:09:47 -0600

> well this is ver. 0.7.2, the one that came with LM8.2.
> The exact error message is that it can't "Find any suitable wordlists for the tag 
> I changed the dictionary *I thought* to a different one, and below that box is 
>"Default: none".  Howver much as I try I can't change that box?
> Femme

a quick search on for /usr/share/pspell/en-aspell.pwli gives:
more some others from other distributions.


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Re: [expert] Plugger 4.0, Realplayer & Mozilla - Problem w/ ram links

2002-05-02 Thread jipe

On Wed, 01 May 2002 14:23:28 -0700
Sevatio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> LM8.2
> Plugger4.0
> Realplayer8
> The problem: using Mozilla and clicking a Realmedia link (ram).  Mozilla 
> then goes to a blank page and the status bar says "Running helper..." 
> Is there anyway to fix Plugger so that it does not give you a blank page?
> And yes, it does activate Realplayer8 but the blank page is annoying.
> example page:
> Sevatio

i don't use plugger-x.x.x
I've installed RealPlayer-8.0-1.rpm, available on instead of the official 
rpm from it is buggy!
I've in ./mozilla/plugins and that's all for this..

maybe u could have to check the transport settings. here is what i did:

view -> preferences -> transport
selected use specified transport
-> rtsp and pna settings
   selected use tcp only 
selected use specific udp port 7070

atm I'm listening to CBC radio one. runs fine :)


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Re: [expert] Sylpheed Claws

2002-05-03 Thread jipe

On Fri, 3 May 2002 15:14:06 -0600
Femme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 2 May 2002 16:12:19 -0700
> James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Femme,
> > 
> >   It's a cooker app. you can get it from this link.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > If my e-mail client wraps the link into two lines combine it into
> > one in your browser and it should grab the rpm for you.  Otherwise
> > its downloadable from the cooker.
> > 
> > James
> > 
> OK it turns out I do have this file installed.  So...where to go from
> here?
> Femme

here is a way to resolve all dependencies and get aspell installed on your box. as 

(it's a single line)
urpmi.addmedia ftpmdk82 with 

if all runs fine:
urpmi aspell


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Re: [expert] complements to grip

2002-05-04 Thread jipe

On Sat, 04 May 2002 22:03:30 +0200

> One of the causes of having both: windows98 
> and linux in my main computer is that my 
> daughter uses kazza to downloadas mp3 sings 
> and another applications that can make 
> audio cds from the mp3 files. 
> In linux I have grip to encode sings from  
> and audio cd; xmms to hear mp3 but: 
> Could you give some advice about: 
> 1) A good application to share files in the 
> net?: lobster, audiogalaxy.. others?? 
> 2) Are there applications in linux to 
> create audio cds from mp3/vob files? 
> Thanks a lot in advance 
> Francisco Alcaraz 
> Murcia (Spain) 

lopster is really a good opennap client. i use currently the cvs version which is now 
1.0.1-dev4.16. atm, i'm connected on 50 servers with most of 100 000 users.
other p2p protocols that i know, but i don't use so much:
gnutella -> limewire
audiogalaxy -> they provide a linux client. seems to work well
kazaa -> has worked till january on my linux box... but no more :(
if you need any help with lopster, how to get cvs, how to install... email to me. 

to create audio cds from mp3/ogg files ->
it's a set of shell scripts
owl-edit can create audio cds from mp3 ogg or waves and burn them
owl-fix is to fix mp3 files so that they could be used to create a cd without 
owl-rip to rip cds in wav ogg or mp3 format


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Re: [expert] complements to grip

2002-05-05 Thread jipe

On Sat, 4 May 2002 17:08:39 -0600
Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Don't know 'bout "vob".  I d/l mp3's, complete albums at a time, 
> then use Xmms's xmms-diskwriter plugin (xmms-diskwriter-1.2.7-4mdk) 
> to convert 'em to wav's. Then (highly recommended), I use normilze 
> (normalize-0.7.3-1mdk) to equalize them, eg 'normailze -m *.wav'
> Then burn to a CDr with 
> 'cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=0,0,0 -pad -audio
> /home/tom/wav/*wav'
>(the above is all one line with a space between -audio and
> /home..  I configure Xmms-diskwriter output to /home/tom/wav/ )
>Quicker, easier, and better results than usin a GUI, no excessive 
> typing needed if you make some aliases beforehand.
> -- 
> Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

hi tom,

if u want to burn a complete album, it's better to use normalize with -b option. this 
prevents to adjust excessively a "quiet song".
xmms-diskwriter plugin converts mono mp3's to mono wav's which are not burnable. to 
use it, you have to ensure that all your mp3's are at least 44100 Hz stereo.
if your burner supports dao, add -dao in the cdrecord command line. better results...


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Re: [expert] convert .ogg => mp3??

2002-05-21 Thread jipe

On Tue, 21 May 2002 06:41:10 -0700
"Dodd, David J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I used RipperX to rip a cd and it converted the media to .ogg, how do I
> change them to mp3 or can that be done.??
> thanks for your help
> dave
if that's what you want... or need :)

ogg123 -b 1 -d wav file.ogg -f - | lame -b 128 -m j --resample 44.1 - file.mp3


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Re: [expert] convert .ogg => mp3??

2002-05-22 Thread jipe

On Tue, 21 May 2002 06:41:10 -0700
"Dodd, David J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I used RipperX to rip a cd and it converted the media to .ogg, how do I
> change them to mp3 or can that be done.??
> thanks for your help
> dave

just type that:

ogg123 -b 1 -d wav file.ogg -f - | lame -b 128 -m j --resample 44.1 - file.mp3


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Re: [expert] MDK8.2: compile hello.cpp: cannot exec 'cpp0': No such...

2002-05-23 Thread jipe

On Thu, 23 May 2002 14:50:02 -0700
Steven Boothe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello everyone:
> I seem to have a problem compiling a simple hello.cpp program:
> """""""""""""""""""""""""
> #include 
> int main()
> {
>   cout << "Hello, world." << endl;
>   return 0;
> }
> """""""""""""""""""""""""
> The error I get is:
> [sboothe@poretz sboothe]$ gcc hello.cpp
> gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cpp0': No such file or directory
> [sboothe@poretz sboothe]
> For the record here is the output of some hopefully meaningful commands:
> [steven]$ rpm -qa | grep gcc && rpm -qa | grep gcc && rpm -qa | grep libstd
> gcc3.0-cpp-3.0.4-2mdk
> gcc-2.96-0.76mdk
> gcc-c++-2.96-0.76mdk
> libgcc3.0-3.0.4-2mdk
> gcc3.0-cpp-3.0.4-2mdk
> gcc-2.96-0.76mdk
> gcc-c++-2.96-0.76mdk
> libgcc3.0-3.0.4-2mdk
> libstdc++3.0-devel-3.0.4-2mdk
> libstdc++2.10-2.96-0.76mdk
> libstdc++3.0-3.0.4-2mdk
> libstdc++2.10-devel-2.96-0.76mdk
> [steven]$
> Thanks to anyone who read this message.
> Peace,
> Steven

compiles fine with gcc-2.95.3
you could try to debug with gdb
i see that you have several versions of gcc installed. maybe the reason of your 
problems. do you need both?


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Re: [expert] ?how do I change a file name in linux cmd line?

2002-05-28 Thread jipe

On Tue, 28 May 2002 17:10:18 +0200

> Le Mardi 28 Mai 2002 16:45, vous avez écrit :
> > I was wondering the proper way to change a file name in linux on the
> > command line.
> >
> Hell...
> Even on a newbie mailing-list, there aren't such questions...
> Have you ever read a introduction to Linux doc ?
> N.

hi Nicolas! assuming that i could be a real expert, that i could know all about all, 
what kind of question could i ask?... but maybe this question is a newbie one

newbies welcome

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Re: [expert] GTK Themes

2002-05-29 Thread jipe

On Tue, 28 May 2002 09:50:27 +0100
Tom Badran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> How can i manually set which gtk theme to use. I have gtk-engines and some 
> themes installed, and i want to change the default, preferably for all users, 
> to one of my themes. I dont however have gnome or sawfish installed, so there 
> is no simple configuration tool to do this graphically, nor an obvious way of 
> doing it by hand. I have tries to overwrite the default in /usr/share/themes, 
> no sucess, i have tried copying the theme's gtkrc to ~/.gtkrc, ~/.gtkrc-kde 
> and had no success. The closest i got was making the gimp use it by copying 
> the gtkrc and all the pictures into ~/.gimp/ but there must be a better way.
> Thanks
> Tom
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE880TeXCpWOla2mCcRAvx4AJ9g38+uuTtrnGdbVfm+dUSV59M1PwCeLl7w
> 2bOlKXOBCztl1QUh8EjAwhE=
> =XdmW

the way i use is to add this line to $HOME/.gtkrc

include "/path_to/theme/gtk/gtkrc"

for example, to apply BHgtk which is in /usr/share/themes:

include "/usr/share/themes/BHgtk/gtk/gtkrc


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Re: [expert] KDE 3.0.1 and konsole-noxft

2002-07-24 Thread jipe

On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 10:48:42 -0500
Praedor Tempus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I thought I had this licked because I was getting along well for a while but 
> then, inexplicably, the problem pops up again.
> I am running Mandrake 8.2 with the Mandrake KDE 3.0.1 rpms installed (I am 
> VERY slowly downloading the KDE 3.0.2 rpms now...will take a week to finish).
> It is a known monstrous problem in KDE 3 that if you try to run the konsole 
> from the panel/kicker, it will freeze kicker and when you exit konsole, you 
> will get an error message about not being able to run "konsole-noxft".  GAH!  
> I tried several things to destroy this nonsense, from changing the real 
> konsole-noxft to another name and then symlinking konsole-noxft to plain ole 
> konsole, editing the properties for the konsole icon on the panel so that it 
> runs "konsole" instead of "konsole-noxft" (but this only lasts until your 
> next login), and finally, when nothing worked, I flat-out deleted 
> konsole-noxft (because I NEVER want to run without xft damnit!) and that 
> worked...for a while.  I quite getting the error message and konsole started 
> just fine from kicker (you do not get any problem if you run konsole from the 
> kmenu (??).  Then, and suddenly, I lately found that I couldn't run konsole 
> from the kicker icon at all because it started complaining about not being 
> able to find "konsole-noxft".  Duh, I deleted it and it was all perfectly 
> fine for about a month.  
> Has anyone come up with a permanent fix for this that does NOT involve the 
> very sad and repulsive suggestion from the KDE people of deleting the kicker 
> konsole icon and just putting a konsole icon on the desktop?  I will not do 
> this.  My desktop is clean and pristine and there will be no nonsensical 
> icons on it.  At the moment, I have replaced the konsole icon with one for 
> eterm but there is no antialiasing possible with this. 
> Anyone find a better fix than the KDE-suggested one?
> praedor

here is a solution given on "débutant". the newbie french list.
edit this file:
so that it looks like the following. just adapt your locales :)

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=konsole %i %m

GenericName=Terminal Program
X-KDE-AuthorizeAction=shell access


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Re: [expert] How to use sudo?

2002-07-30 Thread jipe

On Tue, 30 Jul 2002 10:30:07 -0700
"David Guntner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd look this up in the man page, but the package doesn't seem to have 
> one
> I'm trying to use sudo for some tasks that I start up, so that I don't have 
> to do a full su to root in a shell window first and then execute the 
> command that I want to run.  However, I can't seem to get the thing to let 
> me do it.
> I've edited /etc/sudoers to allow group wheel to execute all command, and I 
> made sure that my "regular user" account is part of that group.  Then I 
> type something really simple like "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog".  It then 
> prompts me for a password.  No matter what password I put in (even when I 
> put in the root password), it tells me the password is wrong.
> So, what the heck password does sudo want from me? :-)
> -- 
>   David Guntner  GEnie: Just say NO!
> or key server
>  for PGP Public key

if you don't need password protection, just add NOPASSWD like this:



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Re: [expert] Re: Detecting an Active Network Interface

2002-08-15 Thread jipe

On Thu, 15 Aug 2002 13:50:52 -0700
"Mad Scientist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Randy Kramer wrote:
> >> 1.  Anybody know a good way to detect that a network link is active?  
> The following will output a 1 to standard out if  is up. I tested 
> with eth0 but I assume it will work with ppp0 as well. 
> ifconfig | grep  -A 2 | grep -c UP 
>  -Mad 
>  --
> Madness is soil in which creativity grows 
>   - Chris Bielek 

-A 3 works in more cases. for ex, if u have a line beginning with adr inet6.

eth0  Lien encap:Ethernet  HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx  
  inet adr:x.x.x.x  Bcast:x.x.x.x  Masque:x.x.x.x
  adr inet6: ::xxx:::/xx Scope:Lien


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Re: [expert] P2P Application

2002-08-22 Thread jipe

On Thu, 22 Aug 2002 13:35:53 +1200

> Or better yet, a Kazaa clone?? I know there is a command line one but I 
> want my GUI!! =)
> John Wheat wrote:
> >  I am wondering if anyone is using a file sharing program similar to 
> > gnutella/napster apps successfully in Linux. This app. is about the only 
> > thing standing between me and converting my wife to Linux completely in turn 
> > making my life better.  Any suggestions or reccomendations?
> > 
> >  TIA,
> > 
> >  John Wheat

some p2p apps and protocols:

gnutella -> LimeWire
a java apps. runs fine under linux

opennap -> lopster or xnap2
both are available from
xnap2 is java
i prefere lopster, but to have a real multiserver client, you have to install the cvs 

openFT -> giFT + giFTcurs
giFT uses giFTcurs as gui. both are under development and available via cvs only. (again...)

KaZaa is broken since january
audiogalaxy seems to be down too...


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Re: [expert] Need a script to rename a file

2002-09-02 Thread jipe

On Sun, 1 Sep 2002 09:16:01 +0100
Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> My shell script takes a jpeg file as the input like this: myscript test.jpg.
> After some processing I then create an empty file in a subdirectory named 
> text like this: touch ../text/$1.
> The question is, how do I replace the suffix jpg with txt? In this case I 
> want to end up with a file called test.txt.
> My initial efforts have centred around sed s/jpg/txt/ and mv but without 
> success.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Phil
touch ../text/$(basename $1 .jpg).txt


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Re: [expert] j2sdk just a little help ...

2002-09-26 Thread jipe

On 26 Sep 2002 15:22:06 +0200
hans schneidhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
> have downloaded the jDictionary and had to install first the
> java-runtime-einvironment - so far so good, but I don't have any idea
> nor experiences with java, so I should know, what I have to doafter a
> succesful install of this file :
> j2sdk-1_4_0_02-linux-i586-rpm.bin
> first I does a simple run on it then I got :
> j2sdk-1_4_0_02-fcs-linux-i586.rpm
> after that I made aslo a simple rpm -Uvh
> j2sdk-1_4_0_02-fcs-linux-i586.rpm
> the install-procedure shows a successfully installation, but what I have
> to do as a next step, so I van do such a thing like :
> java -jar jdictionary.jar
> was looking now for a few hours, where I can see some hints, but cannot
> find any useful hints - so I'm hoping to get some from here
> thanks in advance one more time
> bye hans

i'm using this version of java:
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Blackdown-1.4.1-beta)
i run jdictionary_1.8 with it.

all what you have to do is to add the path to java executable in $PATH
by editing /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc or $HOME/.bashrc or...
if you have no idea on where it could be, try this
$ rpm -ql j2sdk-1_4_0_02-fcs-linux-i586.rpm | grep /bin/java$


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Re: [expert] Installing apps using gcc-2.96 with 9.0

2002-10-02 Thread jipe

On 02 Oct 2002 17:16:41 +0100
Andy Weller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear all
> I have installed gcc2.96-2.96-0.80mdk.i586.rpm (along with 3.2) under
> 9.0 as some 3rd party application requires it. To run the install script
> I:
> # su
> # cd /mnt/cdrom
> # ./install-unix
> At present it still bums out as I think it is still recognising 3.2. Is
> there a command I pass with './install-unix' so that it recognises 2.96?
> I have tried:
> # gcc-$(gcc2-version) ./install-unix
> # ./install-unix gcc-$(gcc2-version)
> Both to no avail... Any clues/ideas would be greatly appreciated!
> Andy

currently, you can set CC to point on the compiler you wish to use and maybe CXX to if 
you need a c++ compiler.
but i cannot know if this will work with your install script :-/ 


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Re: [expert] OT - for shell mongers: how _not_ to list a file

2003-08-24 Thread jipe
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 02:32:35 +0200
Udo Rader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
> I have a directory that contains several hundred files and I want to
> copy them all except _one_ file.
> This sounds so easy yet still I am stuck or blind or stupid. Is there no
> "not" operator in bash?
> If it were, some construct like the thing below could then list all files
> in "/opt/too_many_files" except "no_not_this_one":
> % ls -l /opt/too_many_files/*{!no_not_this_one}
> Yes, I know this doesn't work, but is there any other efficient way to do
> this in bash?
> happy hacking
> udo

one easy way ...


then any glob like * will ignore this file


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Re: [expert] Change HD speed depending on HD temperature and system load

2003-09-05 Thread jipe
On Thu, 04 Sep 2003 19:05:48 +0200
Olaf Marzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I noticed hdparm is able to change the acoustic management value of HD (-Y 
> flag) and my HD (IBM 60GXP 40 GB) is able to report it's temperature (I use 
> hddtemp), so I decided it could be neat to have a script to set the HDspeed 
> automatically, for example every 15 minutes.
> Unfortunately, I have never wrote scripts that deal with strings and I'm 
> not able to extract the value of temperature and system load.
> hddtemp report this: "/dev/hda: IC350L40AVER07-0: 42°C"
> and /proc/loadavg: 0.005 0.02 0.01 xx".
> I'd like to extract the temperature ("42") and the third value of system 
> load (if I remember correctly, the first refers to the first minute, the 
> second to 5 minutes and the third 15 minutes).
> I tried sed and gawk but without success.
> Olaf 

to extract temperature:
i don't know about hddtemp output, so i use var="/dev/hda: IC350L40AVER07-0: 42°C" for 
this example ->
$ set -- $var; echo ${!#//[^0-9]/}

to extract the 3rd field from /proc/loadavg
$ set -- $(Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [expert] Change HD speed depending on HD temperature and system load

2003-09-06 Thread jipe
On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 13:16:35 +0200
Olaf Marzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 02.03 06/09/2003, you wrote:
> >to extract temperature:
> >i don't know about hddtemp output, so i use var="/dev/hda: 
> >IC350L40AVER07-0: 42°C" for this example ->
> >$ set -- $var; echo ${!#//[^0-9]/}
> >
> >to extract the 3rd field from /proc/loadavg
> >$ set -- $( 
> Thanks, this is another way to have those values.

it's a bash only way ...

> Yesterday I tried to run a kernel compilation to check how much the load 
> could increase and I noted that (as expected) the second time I compiled 
> the kernel [for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do make bzImage; done] the loadavg kept 
> increasing but nothing was read from disk.
> I wonder whether there is a way to check "real" disk activity and not 
> simply system load.
> Moreover, could someone confirm my guess about loadavg values? (1 minute, 5 
> minutes and 15 minutes).

1, 5 and 10 minutes

> A simple link to a page explainig those three values is enough (man top 
> doesn't explain anything).

one can be found here:

> Thanks
> Olaf  


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Re: [expert] Startup Script

2003-09-17 Thread jipe
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 20:21:13 -0400
Gonzalo Avaria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi experts
> I have a little question, i would like to have a script on the startup (could 
> be init.d) that should do two command lines:
> /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | fgrep -i inet | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d \  -f 1 &> 
> ipnumero
> mail -s "IP Number" [EMAIL PROTECTED] < ipnumero
> I don_t know how to do a script, and have been looking but with no success.
> So, anyone can tell me where should i go to have an answer or someone can help 
> me with this???
> Thank you for your time
> --
> Gonzalo Avaria S.
> Linux User from the end of the World

hi ! man chkconfig will help you

about the command itself, you could use bash to get the same result. about 4x faster 

set -- $(/sbin/ifconfig eth0 2>/dev/null); echo ${7//[^0-9.]/}

set cuts stdout from ifconfig into positional parameters, according to $IFS. the 
interesting parameter is $7 on my system (locales = FR). echo ${7//[^0-9.]/} shows 
only the ip part (cyphers+dots) from it.


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Re: [expert] menu in bash script

2003-11-14 Thread jipe
On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 21:43:50 +0700
Fajar Priyanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Dear All,
> Can we make menu in bash script just like in DOS' batch file?
> Such as:
> ===
> [Menu]
> Pls select what you want to do:
> 1. Copy /etc/dhcpd.conf
> 2. Copy /etc/wvdial.conf
> 3. Make directory /var/log/nullmailer
> 4. Do all of above
> ==
> Could you please give me some examples?
> Thanks
> - -- 

this script allows you to choose an action with arrow keys then select with enter or 
quit with Q
replace the actions to do in the last case statement with what you want.


 the script -- :)


echo " Please select an action"
menuA[1]="$(echo -e " \e[1;34;46m-1-\e[0m\tCopy /etc/dhcpd.conf")"
menuB[1]="$(echo -e " \e[1;34;47m-1-\e[0m\tCopy /etc/dhcpd.conf")"
menuA[2]="$(echo -e " \e[1;34;46m-2-\e[0m\tCopy /etc/wvdial.conf")"
menuB[2]="$(echo -e " \e[1;34;47m-2-\e[0m\tCopy /etc/wvdial.conf")"
menuA[3]="$(echo -e " \e[1;34;46m-3-\e[0m\tMake directory /var/log/nullmailer")"
menuB[3]="$(echo -e " \e[1;34;47m-3-\e[0m\tMake directory /var/log/nullmailer")"
menuA[4]="$(echo -e " \e[1;34;46m-4-\e[0m\tDo all of above")"
menuB[4]="$(echo -e " \e[1;34;47m-4-\e[0m\tDo all of above")"

echo "${menuA[1]}"
echo "${menuA[2]}"
echo "${menuA[3]}"
echo "${menuA[4]}"


echo -en "\e[$((V+2));1H${menuB[V]}"

while ((action)); do

read -s -n1 R1
case $R1 in
read -s -n1 R2
case $R2 in 
read -s -n1 R3
case $R3 in
$'\x41') ((V--)) ;;
$'\x42') ((V++)) ;;
*) continue ;;
continue ;;
[qQ]) clear; exit 63 ;;
"") action=0 ;;
*) continue ;;

if [ $V = 0 ]; then V=4; fi
if [ $V = 5 ]; then V=1; fi
echo -en "\e[$((v+2));1H${menuA[v]}"
echo -en "\e[$((V+2));1H${menuB[V]}"
case $action in 0)
case $V in 
1) echo Copying /etc/dhcpd.conf ;;
2) echo Copying /etc/wvdial.conf ;;
3) echo Making directory /var/log/nullmailer ;;
4) echo Doing all of above ;;


exit 0

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Re: [expert] Color with echo in shell script (was: [expert] menu in bash script)

2003-11-14 Thread jipe
On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 16:24:29 -0500 (EST)
"Jean-Pierre Denis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> jipe wrote:
> >
> > 
> > menuA[1]="$(echo -e " \e[1;34;46m-1-\e[0m\tCopy /etc/dhcpd.conf")"
> >
> I would like to get more details on how to display color in shell script
> and on terminal.
> I understand that 34 and 46 are the color.
> How does this actually work ? Are the color the same as the one in
> /etc/DIR_COLORS ?
> Can anybody point me the a good reference docuement. I did not find
> anything in the man pages.
> Thanks,
> Jean-Pierre Denis
> jp at msfree dot ca

just have a look here:


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Re: [expert] Emptying CUPS print queue

2001-08-22 Thread jipe

D. R. Evans wrote:
  On 22 Aug 01, at 22:04, DStevenson wrote:
On the machine with the pinter attached: lpq -   to show what jobs are in the queue cancel [job id]   -   to kill the jobAlways works for me.

Nope. "cancel" is the same as "lprm", and that's the first thing I always try, in the forlorn hope that perhaps this time it will work. Yes, the queue status says that it's empty but the printer keeps spewing out the screwed-up binary.It works fine (here) for removing yet-to-be-printed jobs from the queue, but not for ones that have started printing.  Doc Evans--Phone:  +1 303 494 0394Mobile: +1 720 839 8462Fax:+1 781 240 0527--

what's the size of the buffer of your printer? i don't think that lprm can
empty it!


Re: [expert] IDS for Linux

2001-08-24 Thread jipe


>http:// <> 
>-Message d'origine-
>De: Eduardo P. Román O. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Date: vendredi 24 août 2001 16:43
>Objet: [expert] IDS for Linux
>Hi, who know where can find a good IDS (Intrusion Detection System) for my
>Linux System ?
> to dld the last cvs version
it runs fine
libpcap and libpcap-devel are needed


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Re: [expert] Citrix...

2001-08-24 Thread jipe

Vincent A.Primavera wrote:
  Hello,	Does anyone know of anything available for Linux that is similar in concept to Citrix.	Thank you,	Vincent A. Primavera
maybe that's what you're looking for...

Re: [expert] locale and Mandrake Freq 3

2001-08-25 Thread jipe

uli wrote:

>Since I have updated to LM 8.0 Freq 3 I have problems with locale:
>/etc/sysconfig/i18n looks like this:
>But when I start e.g. g++, I get the message
>perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
>perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
>LANGUAGE = "de_DE:de",
>LC_ALL = (unset),
>LC_TIME = "de_DE",
>LC_NUMERIC = "de_DE",
>LC_CTYPE = "de_DE",
>LC_COLLATE = "de_DE",
>LANG = "de"
>are supported and installed on your system.
>perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
>And it´s not only this message, but all menus are in English instead of 
>With Mandrake 8.0 Freq 2 there were no problems.
>Is there any bug in glibc-2.2.3-2mdk? I have read some similar reports in the 
>mail lists, but there was no satisfying answer.
>And another question: 
>How can I set locale? Is it really by editing  /etc/sysconfig/i18n?
>Thank you for any hints!
the solution i used:
update glibc -> glibc-2.2.4-2mdk
glibc-devel -> glibc-devel-2.2.4-2mdk
locales -> locales-
locales-en -> locales-en-
locales-fr -> locales-fr-   #maybe you'll prefer 
locales-de ;-)


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Re: [expert] ide cd burner

2001-09-04 Thread jipe

Hoyt wrote:

>On Tuesday 04 September 2001 11:56 am, Arthur H. Johnson II methodically 
>organized electrons to state:
>>If your device for the CDRW is, say, hdc, then add the following to your
>>append line in /etc/lilo.conf:
>>Reboot, then run "cdrecord -scanbus" to see if it sees your burner.
>I thought it was 
for graphical startup
append=" hdc=ide-scsi quiet"


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Re: [expert] ide cd burner

2001-09-05 Thread jipe

Fedneg wrote:

>I've a 2nd CDROM how can I make both SCSI emulated?
why for?

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Re: [expert] Find Command

2001-09-05 Thread jipe

SoloCDM wrote:

>How is it possible to force the find command to list all files with
>"read" in the filename, regardless whether they start with a period
>or not?
>I already tried the following:
>   find /usr -iname ".*read*" -iname "*read*" -type f -print
>Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
>  list/newsgroup address and my email address in To:.
find /usr -name *read*


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Re: [expert] alias?

2001-09-08 Thread jipe

Michael Holt wrote:

> Hello all you experts out there!
> I just started attending a local linux users group which meets once a 
> month.  Last month I learned about using aliases; "ll" instead of "ls 
> -l".  I just had my appendix out and so I've had to miss today's 
> meeting and I was hoping that someone here could refresh my memory and 
> tell me where I could find out the list of current aliases on my 
> machine?  Also, what directory are they in?
> Thanks very much!
> Mike :)
just type alias to see the list.
you can set an alias by typing something like that:
alias ME='my command line'
this allowes you to use ME in your current session.
to set permanently an alias, add the line in $HOME/.bashrc or 
you can do lot of things with aliases. that's what i use to burn my cds...


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Re: [expert] IDE and Reiser FS question

2001-09-11 Thread jipe

civileme wrote:

>On Tuesday 11 September 2001 21:31, Daniel Axtell wrote:
>>I've just installed LM 8.0 with a Reiser partition.  I'm trying to build a
>>2.4.9 kernel, but "make config" doesn't seem to list RFS as one of the
>>filesystems, and when I boot with the new kernel it can't see the RFS
>>partition.  What should I do?
>>Also, thanks to those who replied about the possible IDE disk problem with
>>the Abit KT7 motherboard, but I gather from the newsgroups that the
>>HighPoint HPT370 UDMA chip is a problem with Linux.  The motherboard/disk
>>combination has worked for months; does anyone have idea whether the
>>"dma_intr:  status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekCompleteError}" or "dma_intr:
>>error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }" is something serious on a
>>seemingly-stable system or can I ignore it?
>You have a Western Digital Drive?
>If so, it is pretty normal.  So is the eventual data corruption you will get 
>above UDMA2 (33MHz).  WDs simply do not have the hardware to cope with higher 
>speeds and cannot do the required 57-byte CRCs.  And if you don't believe me, 
>email Andre Hedrick direct.
>If it is not a WD, then it is SERIOUS.  It means dump the drive or the mobo 
>or the cable (I'd probably check the cable first by replacing wth one known 
>to be good).
had this problem with a new  hd... and solved it by replacing the cable.


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Re: [expert] Promise & 'LI' at boot

2001-09-14 Thread jipe

Joan Tur wrote:

>I've changed my K6-III-400 for a Gigabyte 7DXR with a Promise controller & 
>1200 Athlon.  My system is on a scsi hd and ide has to boot first in order 
>for win to boot so i've put lilo on hde.
>But i get 'LI' on startup.  I've checked the mail archive and found no 
>sollution for this.  Now i'm using a floppy disk to boot.
>And what i've tryed is:
>-renaming /dev/hda* to /dev/hda*.bak
>-ln -s /dev/hda /dev/hde (and so on)
>and setting the startup hd to either hda or hde  8?
>Any idea??  Thanks!!  ;)
probably  lilo search /boot/boot.b at a wrong place -> edit 
/etc/lilo.conf, make changes, then type lilo
if no, it's a problem with the geometry of your disk(s)


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Re: [expert] Fwd: Re: [newbie] filenames with spaces causing error in script

2001-09-14 Thread jipe

bascule wrote:

>i have posted this on newbie but had no repsonse,
>after playing around i have found that the section in my little script that 
>says `ls *.wav` is probably my problem, reading 'man ls' i changed it to `ls 
>-Q *.wav` but this didn't work, then i discovered something wierd,
>if i do:
>$ls -Q *.wav
>i get the following:
>"11_move on.wav"  "26_i don't know why.wav"
>"12_leon.wav" "27_a man's job.wav"
>"13_itch.wav" "28_it's too bad.wav"
>"14_wake up.wav"  "29_do you love me.wav"
>"15_what generation are you.wav"
>i.e. a list of filenames with the ""around them, job done i thought, but to 
>test i did:
>$ for file in `ls -Q *.wav`;do echo "$file";done
>and this gave me:
>as you can see, i get a list of each individual 'word' in the filenames, can 
>someone help or explain this for me?
>--  Forwarded Message  --
>Subject: Re: [newbie] filenames with spaces causing error in script
>Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 22:44:49 +0100
>From: bascule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>i have also tried the following:
>$ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0 "$file" "`basename "$file"
>i think this is fine apart from the first line, i think this is feeding each
>seperate word in a filename as a filename to the lame command, i think that
>it might actually be complicated to return a list of files that have
>spacenames and assign each whole filename to a variable
>am i wrong?
>On Thursday 13 September 2001 10:18 pm, I wrote:
>>i have used the following to convert some homemade wavs into mp3s:
>>$ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0 $file `basename $file
>>it works fine except for file names with spaces, i can't work out how to
>>rectify this, i have also tried:
>>$ for file in `ls *.wav`;do lame -b 256 -q 0 "$file" "`basename $file
>>$ for file in "`ls *.wav`";do lame -b 256 -q 0 "$file" "`basename $file
>>as you can see i've tried using "" around references to file names but this
>>hasn't helped, could someone please help me out

write something like that:

IFS=$(echo -e "\n\r\t")
for wav_name in (ls *.wav) ; do
lame  "${wav_name}" "$(basename ${wav_name} .wav).mp3"
rm -f  "${wav_name}"  #add this line only if u want to erase your wav 
file after encoding!

but r u sure about -q O? the version i run doesn't accept 


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Re: [expert] Fwd: Re: [newbie] filenames with spaces causing error in script

2001-09-15 Thread jipe

bascule wrote:

>thanks jipe,
>still reading up on echo to try and understand your line:
>IFS=$(echo -e "\n\r\t")
>the '-q O' is in fact a '-q 0', perhaps your font makes them look similar?
>On Saturday 15 September 2001 2:25 am, you wrote:
>>but r u sure about -q O? the version i run doesn't accept
in that case, by setting this environmental variable, i allow the script 
to use filenames with spaces or other characters. especially when 
reading the ouput  of ls *.wav. try it with or without this line and 
you'll  see the difference.
better than all explanations that i could give to you (with my 
approximative english!), look at this url for more explanations about 
bash scripting in general and IFS in particular:

this kind of script runs fine for me, and can be used in other ways 
(with adaptations), like mp3->wav conversion, or integrated in another 
script,for exemple to burn a cdaudio directly from mp3 files etc etc


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Re: [expert] Fwd: Re: [newbie] filenames with spaces causing error in script

2001-09-15 Thread jipe

jipe wrote:

> bascule wrote:
>> thanks jipe,
>> still reading up on echo to try and understand your line:
>> IFS=$(echo -e "\n\r\t")
>> the '-q O' is in fact a '-q 0', perhaps your font makes them look 
>> similar?
>> On Saturday 15 September 2001 2:25 am, you wrote:
>>> but r u sure about -q O? the version i run doesn't accept
>>> them(lame-3.22b-1)
>> bascule
> in that case, by setting this environmental variable, i allow the 
> script to use filenames with spaces or other characters. especially 
> when reading the ouput  of ls *.wav. try it with or without this line 
> and you'll  see the difference.
> better than all explanations that i could give to you (with my 
> approximative english!), look at this url for more explanations about 
> bash scripting in general and IFS in particular:
> this kind of script runs fine for me, and can be used in other ways 
> (with adaptations), like mp3->wav conversion, or integrated in another 
> script,for exemple to burn a cdaudio directly from mp3 files etc etc
> bye
> jipe
seen other messages where u ask about echo -e "\n\r\t" so i'll try to 
IFS is a variable for internal field separator
IFS will be the result of echo -e:
   with \n -> new-line
   with \r -> carriage-return
   with \t -> tab
it's more than what u need, but i do my scripts so that i can use them 
in other ways by only editing them, replacing the fields that have to be 
replaced and then saving as i'm so lazy


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Re: [expert] spaces and command line

2001-09-16 Thread jipe

Mike & Tracy Holt wrote:
Hi,when you cd to a directory that has spaces in its name, you have to


  the spaces with a back slash, e.g.:[/]$ cd dir\ name\ with\ spaces\ in\ name[/dir name with spaces in name]$as for scrolling up, try SHIFT+PGUP.HTH,David Charles
u can also replace all spaces with ? (most appropriate) or *
or simply type some letters of the directory and use some *
to go to "my mp3 directory"  -> cd my*ry or cd *mp3* can run fine if no
other directory in the parent directory uses the same chains of characters
in its name.

Re: [expert] spaces and command line

2001-09-16 Thread jipe

Al Andersen wrote:

>Am I the only one who uses quotes? i.e., 
>#cd "to directory with a spaces in the name"
no, but in this case cd to*name is easier to use ;-)


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Re: [expert] irq conflict

2001-09-16 Thread jipe

Tom Badran wrote:

>Ok, ive got a mean IRQ conflict on my flatmates machine. We had the same 
>problem under winblows that meant he could no longer use the scsi card for 
>his zip-drive. Anyway, the network card loads fine, HW address and 
>everything, we just cant ping any other local machine. Also we are trying to 
>get his geforce 2 card to work with nvidias drivers, but x crashes completely 
>after about 10 seconds use. The geforce card we think is the culprit as the 
>network used to be on irq 12 (its a realtek 81930 or something). Here is the 
>important otput from /proc/pci :
>   //first bit removed
>Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU1 (rev 4).
>  IRQ 7.
>  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=2.Max Lat=20.
>  I/O at 0xdc00 [0xdc1f].
>  Bus  0, device   9, function  1:
>Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! (rev 1).
>  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
>  I/O at 0xe000 [0xe007].
>  Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
>SCSI storage controller: Advanced System Products, Inc ABP940-UW (rev 0).
>  IRQ 11.
>  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=6.Max Lat=13.
>  I/O at 0xe400 [0xe43f].
>  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xdb00 [0xdbff].
>  Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
>Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139 (rev 16).
>  IRQ 10.
>  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=32.Max Lat=64.
>  I/O at 0xe800 [0xe8ff].
>  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xdb001000 [0xdb0010ff].
>  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
>VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV15 (Geforce2 GTS) (rev 
>  IRQ 12.
>  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=5.Max Lat=1.
>  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd800 [0xd8ff].
>  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd000 [0xd7ff].
>This is without USB interface loaded which uses irq 10 also. How can i 
>delibrately change the IRQs that the cards use? Or fix this.
>Thanks Guys, sorry for length but im completely stumped
if really what u mean,


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[expert] just for fun!

2001-09-22 Thread jipe

what is really microsoft? visit:

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ICQ 128634992  XAgainst HTML Mails & News
   / \

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Re: [expert] java's CLASSPATH

2001-10-18 Thread jipe

Le Jeudi 18 Octobre 2001 02:27, vous avez écrit :
> On Monday 15 October 2001 13:15, you wrote:
> > What are you trying to run Java for? Are you just typing "java" at the
> > command prompt or are you trying to execute an application?
> >
> > Kaffe is a *very* poor JVM IMNSHO as it doesn't support, well, much of
> > anything. If you need real Java support, I suggest you download either
> > the IBM or SUN JDK/JRE and use those. I've had very good luck with both
> > of them.
> I see that there are a lot of diferent types of Java at sun, java 1.31,
> java 1.4 beta, java 2 enterprise edition, standard editions, etc, etc...
> Anyway, is there any java package in rpms ? I didn't found it in rpms at
> sun, but as you can see I'm a bit lost.
> Thank you!

as i like to use blackdown java, i give you this url:
here you can download j2re or j2sdk
j2re is a runtime environment
j2sdk includes development kit
the way to install is really easy.
after downloading the tar.bz2 file, as root, move it in /opt, then
tar xvfj j2sdk_or_j2re.tar.bz2
a j2sdk or j2re directory is now created in /opt and that's all what you need 
to install. no ./configure, make, make install.
now add the path to the java exec in PATH. it could be 
/opt/j2sdk1.3.1/jre/bin or /opt/j2re1.3.1/bin. several ways to do that. for 
exemple, for a single user, add theese lines in ~/.bashrc:
export PATH
then verify if it's good:
$ which java  #answer to this command must be:
now you can type java at command prompt and most apps using java can run with 
that. some needs to set a special ENV like JAVAHOME, but you can know which 
by reading the README or INSTALL files for thoose apps. 


L'honneur d'une fille est à elle, elle y regarde à deux fois ; 
l'honneur d'une femme est à son mari, elle y regarde moins.
L.-S. Mercier

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Re: [expert] Mounting vfat partitions without exec permission

2001-10-18 Thread jipe

Le Jeudi 18 Octobre 2001 07:04, vous avez écrit :
> Hi everybody,
> After mounting my FAT32 partitions, all the files are marked executable.
> How can I mount them so that normal (non-directory) files are
> non-executable?
> In addition, I only want root to have write permission.  All other users
> should only have read permission.
> Currently, I mounted with noexec option.  But the files still appear to
> with permission -rwxrwxrwx.
> TIA.
> Cheers,
> Jeremy

i have no win$ partition on my box, so i'm not sure of the answer. but as i 
can remember, you can set permissions on your FAT32 partitions by specifying 
umask in /etc/fstab for each of them.
if you want all files with 644 (or -rw-r--r--) then umask=133
some can correct me if it's wrong...


Ta mere elle regarde Bioman 

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Re: [expert] cdrecord speed question

2001-10-20 Thread jipe

Le Samedi 20 Octobre 2001 08:00, vous avez écrit :

> >
> >   Maximum read  speed in kB/s: 7056
> >   Current read  speed in kB/s: 7056
> >   Maximum write speed in kB/s: 2822
> >   Current write speed in kB/s: 706
> This, Current write speed looks really low.
> i.e. a 12/10/32A on one machine I checked recently had these readings:
> Maximum read  speed in kB/s: 5645
> Current read  speed in kB/s: 5645
> Maximum write speed in kB/s: 2117
> Current write speed in kB/s: 2117
> Buffer size in KB: 2048
this is just a supposition..
maybe max and current lines mean max speed capabilities of your drive and max 
speed allowed on your system.

i copy/past a hint found on cdrecord site. 

General hints: 

NOTE: IDE/ATAPI don't have disconnect! you cannot expect the needed 
performance for CD-writing if you connect source and destination drive to the
same IDE cable. 

If you never like to directly write a CD from CD-ROM source, this 
configuration seems to be the best: 
IDE 1MSTR->CD-writer

If you like to write from both HD source and CD-ROM source, you should have
the following configuration: 
IDE 0MSTR->HD1(does _not_ hold CD mastering data)
IDE 0SLAV->CD-Writer 
IDE 1MSTR->HD2(holds CD mastering data)

hope this can be usefull for any

Ta mere elle vote Cheminade au 2eme tour

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Re: Re: [expert] Flash for Konqueror

2001-10-19 Thread jipe

Le Vendredi 19 Octobre 2001 18:18, vous avez écrit :
> I try to install but; i get this;
> [root@epro-movil RPMS]# rpm -ivh kdebase-nsplugins-2.2.1-7mdk.i586.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
>   is needed by kdebase-nsplugins-2.2.1-7mdk
> [root@epro-movil RPMS]# rpm -qa|grep plug
> hotplug-2001_06_12-8mdk
> plugger-3.3-1mdk
> xmms-more-vis-plugins-1.4.0-3mdk
> netscape-plugins-4.78-4mdk
> [root@epro-movil RPMS]# rpm -qa|grep libX
> libXaw3d7-1.5-9mdk
> [root@epro-movil RPMS]#
> En Friday 19 October 2001 13:09, ud. escribio:
> > VERY common problem, it seems.  I just fixed it on my system.
> >
> > During installation, Mandrake will not load kdebase-nsplugins.  You need
> > this, in addition to the normal nsplugins rpm.  Install the
> > kdebase-nsplugins rpm and flash will work.
> >
> > On Friday 19 October 2001 10:03 am, Eduardo P.Roman O. wrote:
> > > Every time i open an web site with use Flash (in every of it flavor),
> > > many windows open for try to download the plug in, the thing is , where
> > > or how put that plug in to Konqueror Browser ?

you just need to install lesstif-xxx.rpm


Ta mere elle chante au Millionnaire 

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Re: [expert]

2001-10-21 Thread jipe

Le Dimanche 21 Octobre 2001 20:38, vous avez écrit :
> Does anyone know what is wrong with this site?

nope! but u can use french mirrors at:
both are runningatm.

Ta mere numero 1 sur Nostalgie 

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Re: [expert] koncd and repeated crashes

2001-10-24 Thread jipe

Le Mercredi 24 Octobre 2001 22:18, vous avez écrit :
> I first downloaded koncd as source from their site, it crashes a lot, so i
> got koncd from contrib today.  koncd crashes all the time when i try to go
> to setup: here's the backtrace, anyone else experiencing problems??
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
> (no debugging symbols found)...0x40e0f1c9 in wait4 () from /lib/
> #0  0x40e0f1c9 in wait4 () from /lib/
> #1  0x40e8cef8 in __check_rhosts_file () from /lib/
> #2  0x405972ae in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler () from
> /usr/lib/
> #3  0x406c4847 in _IO_2_1_stderr_ () from /usr/lib/
> specs:
> [line72@mwdilla line72]$ koncd -v
> Qt: 2.3.1
> KDE: 2.2.1
> KOnCD: 1.0rc1
> got this off contrib today
> mark

one more GUI for cd burning?
it doesn't seem to be quite stable! :-((
i can't help u about it, but if what u search is a gui to make common 
burnings, prefer gcombust which is stable and accepts ide-cdreaders as source 
even if they are not ide-scsi emulated. (cdwriter have to be)
for more complicated works, the best gui that i know with kde is konsole, 
which allowes you to do almost what u want. 

i had a look on the homepage of koncd. it supports burnproof technology. 
whow!... how great!  the first time i can see that! a software which can 
support burnproof! i thought that it was only dependent of the cdwriter, and 
that cdrecord was said to support it only because it doesn't stop to work 
when fifo is empty ;-)


Il est souvent trop tôt pour savoir s'il n'est pas
trop tard.  Pierre Dac

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Re: [expert] Serious bug in linux (I think)

2001-10-26 Thread jipe

Le Vendredi 26 Octobre 2001 20:19, vous avez écrit :
> I've not tried this on non-Mandrake boxes, but I think it may be a
> problem with linux in general not just Mandrake.
> As root
> touch /home/user/test1;chmod 600 /home/user/test1
> touch /home/user/test2;chmod 600 /home/user/test2
> As user
> mv test1 test3
> mv test2 test3
> Both succeed with no trouble (the 2nd one will ask if you want to
> override the mode 600).  mv basically does a cp and a rm doesn't it (I
> didn't look at the source, just guessing) and you shouldn't be able to
> rm a file you don't have permission to write on.
> You can mv the files anywhere in your home dir you have write
> permissions, but you can't seem to move to say /tmp  It would seem that
> if an admin put a specific file in your home dir that they didn't want
> you to modify, you could either move it or even replace it with this
> setup.  I'll admit this would be a little odd, but still a bug.
> Since I'm not sure who to report this too, someone please let me know.
> Julia

not a bug!

if you use umask 022 on /home, /home/user is 755 user user
so, user can modify/erase all files in its $HOME.
directory's permissions have prior on the files permissions
if root wants to put a file in /home/user that he doesn't want user to 
modify, he has to put it in a specific dir which he is the owner.

try this as root:
cd /home/user
mkdir test
# test must be 755 root root
cd test
touch test1
touch test2

now try as user to mv or rm test1 and test2 in /home/user/test.


Le syndicalisme est à la société moderne
ce que le mercure-au-chrome est à la jambe de bois.

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Re: [expert] MPlayer

2001-11-25 Thread jipe

Le Dimanche 25 Novembre 2001 03:10, vous avez écrit :
> Has anybody figured out/compiled/found the little panel for MPlayer.
> When I install, and I finally got it installed, I don't see the little
> panel for play and all that mess.  I downloaded a skin, and have no
> idea where to put it.  And I'm not finding anyting helpful on the
> webpage.
> Anybody have any idea on this one?
> Thanks everybody!
> tdh

to have gui installed, run configure in this way:
./configure --enable-gui

to install skins:
cd ~/.mplayer
mkdir Skin if it doesn't exist
cd Skin
tar xvfz .tar.gz

u can too unzip fonts in font directory

to run mplayer with gui type gmplayer or mplayer -gui
the skin will be "default"
to run with another skin just add: -skin "name of the skin"
u can too edit ~/.mplayer/config and specify your prefered skin

don't forget to install divx4linux from projectmayo. it allowes u to use the 
-vc odivx or -vc divx4 options

last.... i compile it from cvs with gcc-2.95.3 and it runs fine. 


Apprendre a mourir ! Et pourquoi donc ? 
On y réussit très bien la première fois !

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Re: [expert] MPlayer

2001-11-25 Thread jipe

Le Dimanche 25 Novembre 2001 22:46, vous avez écrit :
> hi
> for mplayer
> i think on the new ones its ./configure --enable-new-gui instead of
> ./configure --enable-gui
> On Mon, 2001-11-26 at 06:00, jipe wrote:
> > Le Dimanche 25 Novembre 2001 03:10, vous avez écrit :
> > > Has anybody figured out/compiled/found the little panel for MPlayer.
> > > When I install, and I finally got it installed, I don't see the little
> > > panel for play and all that mess.  I downloaded a skin, and have no
> > > idea where to put it.  And I'm not finding anyting helpful on the
> > > webpage.
> > >
> > > Anybody have any idea on this one?
> > >
> > > Thanks everybody!
> > > tdh
> >
> > to have gui installed, run configure in this way:
> > ./configure --enable-gui
> >
> > to install skins:
> > cd ~/.mplayer
> > mkdir Skin if it doesn't exist
> > cd Skin
> > tar xvfz .tar.gz
> >
> > u can too unzip fonts in font directory
> >
> > to run mplayer with gui type gmplayer or mplayer -gui
> > the skin will be "default"
> > to run with another skin just add: -skin "name of the skin"
> > u can too edit ~/.mplayer/config and specify your prefered skin
> >
> > don't forget to install divx4linux from projectmayo. it allowes u to use
> > the -vc odivx or -vc divx4 options
> >
> > last i compile it from cvs with gcc-2.95.3 and it runs fine.
> >
> > bye
> > jipe
> >
> >
> > --
> > Apprendre a mourir ! Et pourquoi donc ?
> > On y réussit très bien la première fois !
> > Chamfort
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free address at

i use mplayer compiled from cvs. last update yesterday
on this version --enable-gui is the right option.
maybe on other versions it can be different... just edit configure to know 
that or type first ./configure --help 


Je démissionne tous les soirs du parti communiste pour
y ré-adhérer tous les matins.  Aragon.

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Re: [expert] Mplayer woes...

2001-11-27 Thread jipe

Le Lundi 26 Novembre 2001 02:16, vous avez écrit :
> Here's the output when I try to build mplayer. I havd gcc 2.96 so I used
> configure --disable-gcc-checking.  Any clues?
> gcc -O4 -march=k6 -mcpu=k6 -pipe -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall
> -g -DHAVE_AV_CONFIG_H -c -o i386/dsputil_mmx.o i386/dsputil_mmx.c
> i386/dsputil_mmx.c: In function `put_pixels_x2_3dnow':
> i386/dsputil_mmx_avg.h:51: Can't find a register in class `GENERAL_REGS'
> while reloading `asm'.
> i386/dsputil_mmx.c: In function `avg_pixels_3dnow':
> i386/dsputil_mmx_avg.h:135: Can't find a register in class
> `GENERAL_REGS' while reloading `asm'.
> i386/dsputil_mmx.c: In function `put_pixels_x2_sse':
> i386/dsputil_mmx_avg.h:51: Can't find a register in class `GENERAL_REGS'
> while reloading `asm'.
> i386/dsputil_mmx.c: In function `avg_pixels_sse':
> i386/dsputil_mmx_avg.h:135: Can't find a register in class
> `GENERAL_REGS' while reloading `asm'.
> i386/dsputil_mmx.c: In function `put_pixels_mmx':
> i386/dsputil_mmx.c:199: Can't find a register in class `GENERAL_REGS'
> while reloading `asm'.
> gmake[1]: *** [i386/dsputil_mmx.o] Error 1
> gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/darren/sw/MPlayer-0.50/libavcodec'
> gmake: *** [libavcodec/libavcodec.a] Error 2

gcc-2.96 is said to not compile correctly mmx code! do u need more evidence?

plz! have a look at this:
and this:
and this again:

and u'll know what is gcc-2.96! so don't complain anymore about it.


PS: egcs is avaible on mandrake CDs. use it instead of gcc-2.96.. or dld a 
2.95 release from

Ta mere elle est tellement grosse que quand elle met un T-shirt 'Malcom-X', 
les helicopthres se posent dessus.

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Re: [expert] ext2 formatted floppies

2001-11-27 Thread jipe

Le Mardi 27 Novembre 2001 00:23, vous avez écrit :
> I've been trying to get an answer to this for about a month now but no
> luck so far. Since you're back, Civileme, perhaps you know. A friend
> and I both have 8.1 installed on completely different machines. Neither
> of us can mount a floppy that has been fully formatted in the KDE
> floppy formatter using the ext2 file system. DOS, yes, ext2 , no. Any
> ideas?
> Thanks,
> Randy Donohoe

i don't use 8.1, so if it's a 8.1 specific problem...

on my box:

/dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy  vfat snc,nosuid,noauto,user,nodev,unhide 0 0

to mount a vfat floppy:
mount /mnt/floppy
---> /etc/mtab
gives the same line that /etc/fstab
or this other way:
su -c 'mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy'
+ pwd and without specifying any fs type
---> /etc/mtab
/dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy  vfat  rw  0 0

to mount a ext2 floppy
su -c 'mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy'
---> /etc/mtab
/dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy  ext2  rw 0 0


L'erreur est humaine,
mais un véritable désastre nécessite un ordinateur

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Re: [expert] problem with linux

2001-11-27 Thread jipe

Le Mardi 27 Novembre 2001 08:55, vous avez écrit :
> The problem with linux is the linux community is always creating products
> to catch up with windows.  I say screw that.  I linux community needs to
> make a product that is revolutionary and that windows can't use.  People
> will release that only linux can do this and a lot more users will at least
> try linux.
> mark

just imagine.. that PC dealers sell all their boxes with no OS installed 
and ask you for what to install or let you do it yourself. that anybody could 
be really and honestly informed about what is any OS. (not only windows and 
linux, but all of them!...). and now, try to imagine who could reasonably 
choice to install windows?


Banquier : Homme secourable qui vous prête un parapluie quand il fait
beau, et qui vous le réclame dès qu'il commence à pleuvoir. René Bergeron.

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Re: [expert] Gcombust and multisession

2001-12-07 Thread jipe

Le Vendredi 7 Décembre 2001 20:54, vous avez écrit :
> Hi List,
>   I'm using Gcombust from MDK 8.0.  It works gracefully to burn CD
> (full and closed session).  Now I decided to burn multisession CDs and
> tried to set up gcombust so.  But I when I burn a virgin CD for the first
> time, hoping it was set to multisession, I only get closed CD, avoiding me
> to continue to add others sessions.  However If I take a previous recorded
> CD in Winblows as multisession, Gcombust -> Data Files window -> Compute
> estimate recognise the previous session, and so I can add another session.
>   Can someone give a explanation about this behaviour, please?
> Thanks in advance,

i don't use any gui to burn cd's. so i can't help u with gcombust, but i can 
give u the right way to burn a multisessions cd with mkisofs and cdrecord:

assuming that your burner is /dev/scd0 with scsi adress 0,0,0 and can burn at 
speed 8. replace with right values!...

1rst session:

mkisofs -R -o image1.raw /path/file(s)
cdrecord -v -multi -data speed=8 dev=0,0,0 image1.raw

2nd session:

#eject and reload cdr then type
cdrecord -msinfo dev=0,0,0
#output is something like 0,18524 
#replace 0,18524 with the right output.
mkisofs -R -C 0,18524 -M /dev/scd0 -o image2.raw /path/file(s)
cdrecord -v -multi -data speed=8 dev=0,0,0 image2.raw

following sessions except the last one:

#like 2nd session

last session:

#like 2nd and following sessions except the last command line
cdrecord -v -data speed=8 dev=0,0,0 imageN.raw

maybe that can help u...


Les hommes naissent libres et égaux en droits,
ensuite ils se mettent à boire. Cavanna

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Re: [expert] converting ext2 to ext3

2001-12-09 Thread jipe

Le Dimanche 9 Décembre 2001 02:45, vous avez écrit :
>   Hi,
> How do I convert my existing ext2 partitions to ext3 in LM 8.0 ?
> Partitions < / ; /swap ; /home
just use tune2fs
tune2fs -j /dev/hda?
or with -J if u want o specify any options.
read man tune2fs for more...


Ce qui fait que la plupart des femmes sont peu touchées de l'amitié,
c'est qu'elle est fade quand on a senti l'amour. La Rochefoucauld

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Re: [expert] upgrading libdb to 3.3-3.3.11

2001-12-09 Thread jipe

Le Dimanche 9 Décembre 2001 01:38, vous avez écrit :
> Hi all,
> I am just creating a mdk8.1 install that I was planning on using on all our
> servers..
> Its easier for me to make a perfect install, on one drive and then use dd
> or cp -a to move it onto all the server HDD's
> rather then start from scratch,, to much non rpm software installed..
> anyway, I have updated samba to the latest cooker.
> kernel is 2.4.16-5, which I am hoping will go well with the new chipset
> mainboards we have.
> latest iptables, initscripts, setup... kernel headers
> then I wanted to update postfix, so I grabbed the version from cooker and I
> was about to install it, when I figured that I should ask rather then risk
> breaking something else..
> any ideas?
> rgds
> Frank

db3.3.11 and the latest db4 are avaible at (or org?)
default install prefix from source is /usr/local/BerkeleyDB3.3
then use src.rpm from cooker and rebuild them to use this location of db3.


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Re: [expert] creating a TOC for an audio CD

2001-12-13 Thread jipe

Le Jeudi 13 Décembre 2001 20:36, vous avez écrit :
> Hi!
> Somebody can point me to a site or documentation that can teach me how to
> create a TOC for an audio CD? I want to get a few .WAV files and create the
> TOC to burn them in an audio CD, but I don't want to use some application
> like CDRECORDER or NERO or something like these. I want to learn how to
> create the TOC myself, the format needed, parameters! I opened some TOC
> files and did some of myself, with vi :-) but they didn't worked very
> well... some error messages in XCDroast...
> orlando

use some xterm to burn! it's the best GUI i know to do that ;-)
i have not what u're searching. but some scripts to create toc.files from wav 
files exist. u can learn more by using one of them and looking at what it 
have a look here:

Ta mere est tellement grosse qu'elle se souvient meme plus de ses pieds 

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Re: QUARANTINED: Re: [expert] Compiler help please

2001-12-17 Thread jipe

from: "WorkgroupMail MailScan Plug-in"
> The message "Re: [expert] Compiler help please" that you sent to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/15/2001 21:04 was quarantined because it
> contained unacceptable language. Please consult your mail administrator in
> order to release the message.

how did they know that i'm french!???

C'est le coeur qui sent Dieu, et non la raison.

-- Pascal, Pensees

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Re: [expert] MP3 software?

2002-01-05 Thread jipe

Le Samedi 5 Janvier 2002 03:56, vous avez écrit :
> Whats a good Napster like program that runs on MDK 8.1 to retrieve mp3's
> and share them?

and share more than mp3's?! lopster.


Je me retire pour éjaculer et ce sont elles qui viennent se battre pour 
mon foutre qu'elles avalent goulument.

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Re: [expert] MP3 software?

2002-01-05 Thread jipe

Le Samedi 5 Janvier 2002 20:20, vous avez écrit :
> jipe wrote:
> > and share more than mp3's?! lopster.
> >
> >
> > bye
> > jipe
> I like the looks of lopster and it installs fine here...however, I've NEVER
> ever been able to logon to any server...always full. Any useful hints or
> clues? ;-)

!? sometimes i have to wait about 5 minutes to login, but never more
i currently use this server: on port 
but i use others too.
in preferences -> general i've set these values:
dataport 1033
allowed ports 1025 to 
unset "i'm behind a firewall", even if u are!...


C'est drôle comme les gens qui se croient instruits 
éprouvent le besoin de faire chier le monde. Boris Vian

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Re: [expert] MP3 software?

2002-01-06 Thread jipe

Le Dimanche 6 Janvier 2002 21:15, vous avez écrit :
> jipe wrote:
> > Le Samedi 5 Janvier 2002 20:20, vous avez écrit :
> > > jipe wrote:
> > > > and share more than mp3's?! lopster.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > bye
> > > > jipe
> > >
> > > I like the looks of lopster and it installs fine here...however, I've
> > > NEVER ever been able to logon to any server...always full. Any useful
> > > hints or clues? ;-)
> >
> > !? sometimes i have to wait about 5 minutes to login, but never more
> > i currently use this server: on port 
> > but i use others too.
> > in preferences -> general i've set these values:
> > dataport 1033
> > allowed ports 1025 to 
> > unset "i'm behind a firewall", even if u are!...
> >
> > bye
> > jipe
> Thanks, I'll try those settings!

more... i've just built the last version from cvs sources. lopster-1.0.1-dev2.
at startup, u've just to click on "auto connect"  to join all avaible opennap 
 servers. atm i'm connected on 26 servers at once. and it runs fine :-)


Certaines zones de peche commencent a etre
tellement polluees par les hydrocarbures
qu'on y peche des turbots diesels.
-- P. Geluck

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Re: [expert] Java Developement Kit

2002-01-10 Thread jipe

Le Jeudi 10 Janvier 2002 18:08, vous avez écrit :
> Hi,
> I would like to be able to use the JDK1.3.1_02 or any JDK on my Mandrake.
> I tried to install it but I couldn't cause the extension was rpm.bin
> Can anyone tell me what to do.
> Thanks a lot in advance

why to install by this way?
j2sdk1.3.1 from is avaible here:

all what u have to do is:
to choose a directory to unpack it. /usr/local or /opt or any other
then to unpack with tar xvfj
at this point, java is installed. but it's better 
to set PATH in .bashrc or /etc/profile or any other file where variables are 
initialized, by editing and adding this:
export PATH

if u r not satisfied with it, u can remove the repertory where java is 
installed with rm -rf. it's easier than any "make uninstall" ;-)


Aujourd'hui les gens connaissent le
prix de tout et la valeur de rien.
Oscar Wilde

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Re: [expert] HP Scanjet 3200C parallel scanner

2002-01-13 Thread jipe

Le Dimanche 13 Janvier 2002 19:49, vous avez écrit :
> There is a "scanner how-to" or something like that.
> The problem is that the HP3200C isn't a HP product, it's a cheap scanner
> made in the far-east with a HP logo on it and, at least at the last time
>   that I researched how to set up one of these scanners in Linux (about
> six months ago... I have one 3200C too) it wasn't possible. If you
> really need a scanner under linux you should look for one of these SCSI
> models, not the cheap parallels...
> orlando

i have a HP PSC500 which is a printer scanner and copyer on // port.
i had to compile sane to have support for the scanner. all drivers for 
printer or scanner are avaible at and all run fine.
the only thing to do before to buy a scanner is to have a look at the sane 
site to know which are supported.


> Neil R Porter wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I've got a HP Scanjet 3200C parallel scanner which won't work on my XP
> > box, so I was wondering whether I could get it to work on my LM 8.1
> > server?  I have absolutely no experience with scanners and linux, any
> > help on getting a parallel scanner to work would be appreciated.  Also,
> > I run my hp6l laserjet printer on my linux box from the parallel port...
> > would this be a problem if I ran the scanner off the same port too (at
> > the same time with the printer coming off the scanner if you see what i
> > mean)?
> >
> > Ta for any help
> >
> > Neil

Je suis schizophrène et moi aussi. Thomas Jung

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Re: [expert] will questions on 8.0 not be answered?

2002-01-22 Thread jipe

Le Mardi 22 Janvier 2002 15:19, vous avez écrit :
> Hi,
> I recently posted a question on how to update to a newer kernel in 8.0
> but got no answer. :-(
> Is 8.0 too old to reply on now?
> Mike McNeese
> Mandrake purchaser and user of 7.0 / 7.1 / 7.2 / 8.0 / 8.1

i'm using mdk-8.0 on one box and a LFS built from a mdk-8.0 on another. i'm 
running kernel-2.4.17 from kernel.otg on both without problem.


Ton bras est invaincu, mais non pas invincible.
Le Cid, Corneille.

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Re: [expert] Good audio recording program?

2002-01-25 Thread jipe

Le Vendredi 25 Janvier 2002 05:56, vous avez écrit :
> Thanks for the recommendations for programs to record audio.
> So far (about three hours) I can't get any of them to work, but I'll
> keep on trying. mpegrec (in its "wavrec" guise) looked like it was
> oging to work, but it never actually wrote anything to disk. The others
> just entirely killed sound that had previously worked.
> The Linux sound HOWTO just says (basically) to copy /dev/audio or
> /dev/dsp, but neither of those do anything useful at all :-(
> I guess that my "embarrassingly simple" question isn't really
> embarrassingly simple at all.
> Everything else to do with sound seems to work fine (I can play CDs,
> listen to WAV or MP3 files or grab RealAudio off the Web). So I'm sure
> it isn't anything silly like a fundamental configuration problem. It
> may, of course, be a fundamental "lack of understanding" problem :-)
> I remember way back in LM 7.0 getting sound to work using sox without
> any trouble. But things are obviously more complicated these days.
> "artsdsp rec output.wav" produces a file with a WAV header, but nothing
> else.
>   Doc Evans

what about vsound? it runs fine for me
here is the page to see what it is:

Il est vrai que, parfois, les militaires s'exagérant l'impuissance
relative de l'intelligence, négligent de s'en servir.
Charles de Gaulle.

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[expert] gimp & xsane

2002-01-26 Thread jipe

hi all!

i'm using gimp-1.2.2 & xsane-0.79 with sane-1.0.5

i cannot load xsane or xscanimage plugins at gimp startup
here is the message:
/usr/local/lib/gimp/1.2/plug-ins/xsane: GIMP support missing
LibGimp-WARNING **: gimp: wire_read: unexpected EOF
the same with xscanimage

xsane was built with gimp plugin support. xsane and xscanimage are present in 
the gimp plugins directory, gimp and xsane have been built with the same 
compiler, gcc-2.95.3, and with the same libraries.

with some old gimp versions, all what u had to do to add xsane plugin was to 
create a symlink in /usr/local/lib/gimp/1.x/plug-ins. then xsane was avaible 
by clicking on the "acquire" button. i tried this method with gimp-1.2.2 with 
no more result.

what's wrong? gimp? xsane? me?

thanks for help


ps i tried some other versions, gimp-1.3.2 xsane-0.83 sane-1.0.6 allway 
the same :((
La loi éternelle de l'honneur force la science à regarder bravement
en face tout problème qui se présente à elle. Lord Kelvin

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Re: [expert] gimp & xsane

2002-01-26 Thread jipe

Le Samedi 26 Janvier 2002 16:43, vous avez écrit :
> On Sat, 26 Jan 2002 09:49:06 +0100
> jipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hi all!
> >
> > i'm using gimp-1.2.2 & xsane-0.79 with sane-1.0.5
> >
> > create a symlink in /usr/local/lib/gimp/1.x/plug-ins. then xsane was
> My symlinks are in /usr/lib/gimp/1.2/plugins... (not local)
> lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   19 Oct 22 07:14
> /usr/lib/gimp/1.2/plug-ins/xsane -> /usr/bin/xsane-gimp* lrwxrwxrwx1
> root root   19 Oct 22 07:13
> /usr/lib/gimp/1.2/plug-ins/xscanimage -> /usr/bin/xscanimage*
> Pierre

merci pierre! but gimp is in /usr/local for me like xsane. i can see at 
gimp startup that gimp try to load them but cannot and displays the error 
messages i told u. more, i can't install gimp from rpm because it is built 
without ptal support. and i need this support but some friends of mine 
who have installed it from rpm have the same problem.

can u use xsane with gimp? what's ur version of gimp? mine is 1.2.2

not a critical problem, i can scan an image with xsane and save it, then open 
it with gimp. but it's not the simplest way. and it's annoying

bye jipe

Pour marcher au pas d'une musique militaire, il n'y a pas besoin de
cerveau, une moelle epiniere suffit. Albert Enstein.

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[expert] OT! for paranoiacs only ;-))))

2002-01-26 Thread jipe

hi! have a look here!


the mad hacker...
aka jipe
J'ai relevé sa robe et fait glisser sa petite culotte.

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Re: [expert] Guppi - where is it!?

2002-02-03 Thread jipe

Le Lundi 4 Février 2002 00:39, vous avez écrit :
> I downloaded and installed Guppi-0.40 from Cooker.  It is a graphing app
> based on GTK.  It SAYS it supplies, among other things, guppi and
> guppi-gnumeric.  Problem is there doesn't appear to be a guppi (or Guppi)
> binary anywhere on my system after install.  I can find guppi-gnumeric but
> not guppi in any form.
> Where is guppi?  How does one build a binary from source and seemingly fail
> to provide the actual program itself?  WHERE IS GUPPI!?
> I need guppi.  I do graphing/plotting.  I need guppi.  Where is guppi?

guppi is not an app, it's a library! must be in /usr/lib or something like 


Car c'est un double plaisir de tromper le trompeur.

-- Jean de La Fontaine, Le Coq et le Renard

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Re: [expert] Shell Script Question

2002-02-05 Thread jipe

Le Mardi 5 Février 2002 21:16, vous avez écrit :
> I have a line from one of my shell scripts to load the current date and
> time into a variable:
>  $curdttm = 'echo $blank |date +%Y%m%d-%H%M'
> I have used this on both AIX and HP-UX and it has worked great.
> Doesn't do diddly on my Linux box but set the $curdttm variable to a
> value of $'echo $blank |date +%Y%m%d-%H%M'.
> I know someone out there will have another way to do this.
> Thanks.

$ curdttm=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M)

gives for me:
$ echo curdttm


J'ai l'orgueil des vices qu'on me prete;
je suis moins fier des vices que j'ai.
-- Jean Cocteau

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Re: [expert] Shell scripting question

2002-02-05 Thread jipe

Le Mercredi 6 Février 2002 00:26, vous avez écrit :
> Hi,
> How can I tell ls to display the "\ " in a file name
> or directory name"
> Usually if I do
> mkdir  Test\ This
> ls
> Test This
> How can I tell ls to make its output as a continuous
> string like "Test\ This"
> Well the real problem is ; I want to convert every mp3
> file in a directory to ogg vorbis, and the file name
> has the \  .  I use mpg123 to convert to wav file and
> oggenc to encode to ogg;
> I attchaed my script here ..
> But it doesn't work as expected because the file name
> has "\ "; is ther any way to work around it?
> Thanks a lot and sorry for a bit wordy :-)
> =
> - Yahoo! Greetings
> - Send your Valentines love online.

just see that:

$ echo \
#ouch! it waits for something other.

$ echo \\
#nice! the 1rst "\" says to bash that the 2nd "\" has to be considered as a 
normal character.


Mais barre toi sale trombonne de merde ! tu pues !

  - octplaNe qui s'excite au vialab avec l'assistant Office

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Re: [expert] Shell Script Question

2002-02-05 Thread jipe

Le Mercredi 6 Février 2002 00:44, vous avez écrit :
> Le Mardi 5 Février 2002 21:16, vous avez écrit :
> > I have a line from one of my shell scripts to load the current date and
> > time into a variable:
> >
> >  $curdttm = 'echo $blank |date +%Y%m%d-%H%M'
> >
> > I have used this on both AIX and HP-UX and it has worked great.
> >
> > Doesn't do diddly on my Linux box but set the $curdttm variable to a
> > value of $'echo $blank |date +%Y%m%d-%H%M'.
> >
> > I know someone out there will have another way to do this.
> >
> > Thanks.
> $ curdttm=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M)
> gives for me:
> $ echo curdttm
> 20020206-0041
> bye
> jipe

sorry! was:
$ echo $curdttm
but it was late ;)

Les chats irradies ont-ils 18 demi-vies ?

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Re: [expert] How to make kcdlabel work

2002-02-10 Thread jipe

Le Dimanche 10 Février 2002 13:22, vous avez écrit :
> Hi list,
> does anybody used kcdlabel and resolved the configure problem for it?
> It complains that the libQt version is not >=than 2.31 this is wrong for
> mdk 8.1.
> I thought it might be a good trick to link /usr/lib/qt2 -> /usr/lib/qt
> because the configure looks there, but I had no success.
> The homepage for kcdlabel:
> I could even ask for a hint at the homepage but thought that this list
> might be a good choice also.
> Or I'm wrong?
> By the way isn't there any other program ready for mdk that is able to
> print round cd-label?
> Thanks for reading...
> Bernd

i've built kcdlabel-2.7 with qt-2.3.1. it runs fine
maybe u need some devel rpm, like libqt-xxx-devel. look at what is installed 
by typing:
rpm -qa | grep qt

to build some kde/qt apps, u have to set KDEDIR and QTDIR before to compile. 
on a rpm based system type this:
export KDEDIR=/usr
export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt2
sometimes, it's useful to add some options to configure so that it can't 
ignore where is qt ;)
./configure --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt2 --with-qt-libraries=/usr/lib/qt2/lib 
type first "./configure --help" to know the right options


 comment on fait pour etre guru ?

 - #linuxfr

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Re: [expert] Mozilla from RedHat RPM

2002-02-15 Thread jipe

Le Vendredi 15 Février 2002 17:27, vous avez écrit :
> On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Felix Miata wrote:
> > J. Grant wrote:
> > > Why not just get the rpms? they are red hat but work ok
> > >
> > >
> > >S/i386/
> >
> > I did -i on these and got screens full of conflicts with 0.9.4 messages.
> > Does rpm -i need another switch? Does 0.9.4 need to be uninstalled
> > first, and if so, won't that foul the KDE start menu?
> What you need to use is rpm -Uvh. Why not just use mdk rpms?

atm u can dld a built mozilla-0.9.8 here:
all what u have to do to install it is to uncompress it where u want. then 
create the appropriate links in the plugins directory. it's "ready to go"
and if u don't enjoy with it, just erase it!


PS: i686 only! sorry

La ressemblance n'existe pas en soi:
elle n'est qu'un cas particulier de la différence,
celui où différence tend vers zéro.
Claude Lévi-Strauss

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[expert] (OT) european software patents

2002-02-23 Thread jipe

hi all european linux fans!
maybe u could have some interest to sign that!

Tout ce qu'on peut connaître a un nombre.
Sans le nombre, nous ne comprenons ni ne connaissons rien.
Phiolaos, Ve siècle AV J.C.

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Re: [expert] Fine I give up on everything

2002-02-23 Thread jipe

Le Dimanche 24 Février 2002 00:34, vous avez écrit :
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 07:17:25PM -0800, Michael Holt wrote:
> > 6:04pm... Expert ran for the door shrieking:
> >
> > eh?  Nazi frog ___
> ?? Dude, do frogs even *have* ..?
> :-P

hmmm! nazi frog? well! let's eat all thoose nazi frogs. and some stalinian 
snails too.. 


Ta mere est tellement grosse que
quand elle va au restaurant on ne lui donne pas le menu,
on lui fait un devis.

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Re: [expert] Fine I give up on everything

2002-02-23 Thread jipe

Le Dimanche 24 Février 2002 03:25, vous avez écrit :
> > Ta mere est tellement grosse que
> > quand elle va au restaurant on ne lui donne pas le menu,
> > on lui fait un devis.
> your mother is so fat when she goes to a restaurant, one
> doesn't give her a menu, one does a ?
> That's as much as I get from 20 yer old high school french :)

an estimate...


Si tes amants t'ennuient, marie-toi, cela leur donnera du piquant.
Jean Anouilh, Le Bal des voleurs

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Re: [expert] Reposting: KDE Konsole PS1 problem

2002-03-16 Thread jipe

On Sat, 16 Mar 2002 18:27:22 -0500
newbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have an off-the-shelf installation of Mandrake8.1. But no matter what 
> value i set PS1 to in /etc/profile, after I enters Konsole, it's always 
> '[\u@\h \W]\$' . This problem doesn't happen to other environment 
> variables in Konsole. Anyone has any idea?
> Thanks!

i remember that i had this problem on my 8.0 box.  
so i put it in /etc/bashrc and it worked. 


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