Re: Beware of people offering to send meds!

2006-09-28 Thread Lernermichelle

oh, I am sorry I sent that email now, because the meds did arrive right afterwards! And the woman wrote why it took so long, because she has been going through a whole lot of medical crises at her house. So I feel bad I wrote the warning email to the group. It had just been so long that I thought something else was happening.

In a message dated 9/27/2006 4:31:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I am sooo sorry that person would do that to you. If she did scam you for the $20 then SHAME ON HER!! Some people are so greedy and insensitive...they prey on people that are dealing with a sick person/animal and dupe them. I dont give my Crackers any meds but if I did I would send them also right to you ASAPfor free. Your advice you have kindly given to me and others could never be paid back. I am so sorry.
much love
kayte and crackers
If the person who did this to Michele is reading these posts send the girl her money back. That is a disgusting thing to do.

Re: Hello Everyone, a not so brief update

2006-10-02 Thread Lernermichelle

Nina, I actually just woke up at 2:30 in the morning and thought of you and wondered how Spencer is, and got up and turned on the computer to see if you had written the list. And you had.

I am so sorry he is declining, though of course it is expected. Have you considered upping his dex dosage a little? 


Re: Angel Peanut

2006-10-02 Thread Lernermichelle

I am so, so sorry.

Re: Hello Everyone, a not so brief update

2006-10-03 Thread Lernermichelle

Nina, just my opinion but I would not cut back on the dex amounts. I 
do not think that Spencer has a long time. There are always miracles, but large 
cell lymphoma on only steroids does not usually go that long-- six months I have 
heard of on the dex/depo combo shots, but that is really an outside bet. 
How long has it been now since he got sick?

It could be providence, but I think it is the dex that is helping, and the 
extra dex that made him do better. How much did you up it by? I really would not 
cut back that much. He might crash. I cut back some on pred with my 
Josephine when she had lymphoma (no chemo) and she really crashed.

Maybe you could give him the extra every other day and the .4 every other 
day. Is that what you were saying you are doing?

More prayers,

In a message dated 10/2/2006 8:16:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  Michelle,I'm sorry that your sleep habits are as bad as mine, but it's 
  kind of comforting knowing that you're up in the wee hours with me. 
  Thank you so much for keeping me and Spence in your thoughts. I 
  did up the dosage a little for a while, (thanks to your reassuring post about 
  it being all right to do so). Last night I actually cut the dose because 
  Spencer seems to be doing so well and I'd like to see if I can start weaning 
  him off. He hadn't eaten but a few bites of kibble in days and then last 
  night he scarfed a small bowl of wet food! I don't want to go to an eod 
  protocol just yet, so I'm going to try to half his dose eod and see how he 
  reacts. I can't tell if it's Divine providence or the steroid shots that 
  are keeping him around. This guy is so amazing. He's back to 
  occasionally jumping on counters and following me outside for time in the 
  yard. It's that same old roller coaster we always go through, but I 
  can't shake the hope that somehow he's going to recover. With that hope 
  in mind I don't want to cause complications with long term steroid use. 
  I was going through some IBD archive posts and remembered how IBD kitties are 
  sometimes kept on Pred for months and months without complications from side 
  effects. When I first put Gypsy on Pred, it was suggested that we try 
  Dex instead. Do you know if the reactions are the same?How is 
  your Lucy doing? I've been looking for updates, but I'm so far behind on 
  the list that I doubt I'll be able to catch up.Keep those prayers 

Re: George Please add to the CLS :(

2006-10-07 Thread Lernermichelle

I'm so sorry.

Re: My baby Tsubomi is in trouble - please help!

2006-10-07 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyo, it sounds like she is anemic from losing blood, which means that no 
medicine is going to help her unless it stops the bleeding. If she has a 
bleeding ulcer, she should be given Carafate, which is a medicine that seals up 
ulcers. Prednisone can make ulcers worse. If she has a bleeding 
tumor, nothing will help unless the tumor stops bleeding, which sometimes 

I would ask for Carafate and maybe do an ultrasound. Some vets can do 
an edoscapy, which is a scope that does not cut into the body at all, and they 
need only light anesthesia for it.

The fever can come from having a reaction to the transfusion. Did they give 
her a benadryl shot? The hospital that did Simon's transfusions gave him one 
prophylactically before each transfusion I think.


In a message dated 10/7/2006 2:22:53 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Hi, one of my felk babies is in a 
  serious trouble and I need your help –
  She was fine until very recently 
  but noticed that something was wrong definitely this morning just the way she 
  as sitting.. so I took her to the vet, and her PCV was 9.6 and took her to the 
  emergency clinic and s had a traqnsfusion, she was fine right after the 
  transfusion, now she is running fever of 106.8.. I am assuming that it is 
  reaction from transfusion. Prior to the transfusion, she vomited very 
  think blood and tons of it.. and now I saw tons of blood came from stool.. and 
  I am very scared.. all the blood work was normal except high (50,000 range of 
  WBC) – it could be cancer or it could be some type of infection.. she is on 
  clavmox and I just gave her predisolone --- 
  Any insights are appreciated.. the 
  vets are not really sure what’s directly causing it and I really didi not want 
  her to continue to be checked out –I was thinking of giving her epogen though 
  her kidney is fine, I thought it migh help anemia or at least it own’t hurt? 
  Also I was going to start on interferon tomorrow.. please any insight is 
  appreciated – she is just a sweet girl,, and I wanted to do everything I can 
  to make her feel better.

Re: Hello Everyone, a not so brief update (Spence and dex)

2006-10-07 Thread Lernermichelle

Good to hear from you, and glad he is still up to running and jumping. 
I hope he keeps it up.

In a message dated 10/5/2006 9:43:02 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  Michelle,It's been about a month since Spencer went missing and a little 
  more than that since he first crashed. He continues to do relatively 
  well on the dex shots. He's weak, and still losing weight, but he's 
  still determined to stick around. I couldn't believe it when Tue 
  morning I looked out into my back yard and caught him leaping down from 
  the 5' cement wall bordering my neighbor's yard. It's amazing that 
  he's still going on adventures and still able to leap tall walls in a 
  single bound. The decision to not confine him is definitely the 
  right one for him, but oh so worrying for the rest of my guys. 
  Please say a prayer that no one else will suffer because of 
  it.I've taken your's and Leslie's advice and am keeping Spence on the 
  dex shots. I guess that's what's given him this new lease on 
  life. I don't know how long this will last. We're taking it 
  one day at a time and doing our best to make the most out of every moment 
  we spend together.Thanks,Nina

Re: My baby Tsubomi is in trouble - please help! - michelle

2006-10-08 Thread Lernermichelle

I am glad that the bleeding stopped. Absent an ultrasound, you are 
doing everything you can do. Is she eating at all? Moving around?

In a message dated 10/8/2006 12:39:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Thank you michelle, I 
  was hoping that you would respond to me – she is on carafate already, but 
  since she is no longer vomiting or having bloody stools, I don’t think she has 
  an internal bleeding.. I don’t know.. I did read when a cat is severe anemia, 
  they will vomit blood and have bloody stools as blood get too concentrated and 
  I feel that that’s what happened – 
  She no longer 
  has high fever – again I am giving her interferon right now – 
  I have given epogen 
  and predisolone also – but again,, I am just not sure –I may give her 
  lasix as she has a bit difficult time breathing after she moves around or get 
  streesed out.

Re: Another vet visit for Spencer?

2006-10-09 Thread Lernermichelle

I would at least up his dex to what it was at before you cut it eod. 
I might even up it more than that. Have you tried periactin with him? Or reglan 
or pepcid for nausea? I would fool around with all of these things and try to 
get his symptoms under control.

The only thing a vet can do for him absent chemo is to increase his 
steroids or to combine the dex shots with a depo shot, and to prescribe things 
to stimulate appetite and control nausea. If you have those things at home, I 
don't see the point of going to the vet for them. You know the dosages, 
probably. Also, have you tried giving him fluids?

The only reason I would bring him in is 1) if you think the vet might 
increase or add steroids, 2) if you want to try chemo, or 3) if you need the 
meds listed above to control symptoms. I do not see what else a vet would do, 
and your vet would probably just recommend pts.


Re: My baby Tsubomi (felk) is in trouble - please help!

2006-10-09 Thread Lernermichelle

 some people on this list have reversed severe anemia in positives 
with a few abdominal injections of acemannan. Have you considered this?


Re: Another vet visit for Spencer?

2006-10-09 Thread Lernermichelle

Nina, he is not going to get better. If you thought he might, you should 
try chemo, as that is really the only thing with a chance at giving him 
long-term remission. Otherwise, he might if lucky live a few months, but 
cats with lymphoma do not just go on living for years without treatment. 
Steroids do help, but they can not kill the cancer off entirely. If it was 
not lymphoma he has, the steroids would not even be helping as much as they are, 
so I have little doubt that that is what he has.

The vet will not agree with you that he has a chance to pull through 
this. I do not think you will be happy with what the vet says to 
you. I also do not think a feeding tube is a good idea unless you are 
going to do chemo, because he is not going to make it a long time anyway without 
it. I would up the steroids. 


Re: Another vet visit for Spencer?

2006-10-09 Thread Lernermichelle

Periactin is cyproheptadine, which it seems like you are already giving 

You're right-- high doses of steroids can sometimes cause stomach upset. I 
have not seen it, so had not thought of it. Pepcid and/or carafate would 
be what helps with that. I would start giving him 1/2 pepcid once a day 
and also put him on reglan regularly, and also give him fluids. If 
it is nausea those should help. At this point just not having food is 
probably making him feel sick, and being on a lot of steroids on top of no food 
might in fact be giving him an ulcer. You could ask your vet about 

I know I jump to lymphoma all the time, but that is also what your vet 
thinks he has, and the fact that he has responded so much to the dex does make 
it more probable. 

I know you are going out of your mind. I have been there, and I ache for 
you. I just could not bear the thought of you bringing him to the vet to ask for 
a feeding tube being convinced he is going to make it, and having to deal with 
the vet acting like you are crazy and recommending pts right away, which is what 
I fear would happen.

Would he really be a nightmare to force-feed? Some cats who hate syringes 
are ok with you putting a gob of food on the back of their tongue, and 
sometimes just getting some food will make them start eating some. Are you 
offering fancy feast and liver shake and sour cream and deli slices, etc.?

I am so sorry the two of you are going through this. 

It is true sometimes about the skin. My cat Buddy after being on 
steroids for about 3 months for either lymphoma or FIP started scratching where 
I had put the needle in for fluids and scratched off a big chunk of skin that 
left a gaping hole that then continued to itch more. we could not get it to heal 
at all and it stayed like that until he died. Some cats do get thin skin 
from months on steroids. But the steroids are also the only thing that 
kept him going for 3 months. And it did not happen to any of my others who were 
on for just as long. I wondered if I gave him an infection or something with a 
needle, as if it would slip out during fluids I would just put it back in. Now I 
change the needle.


Re: Another vet visit for Spencer?

2006-10-09 Thread Lernermichelle

Nina, if he lets you pill him, he might let you put a gob of baby 
food or A/D on the back of his tongue, and it might be less stressful than 
normal assist feeding. Lucy really hardly minds me doing that at all-- I 
do it with her raw food when she is not feeling well. I just put a gob in like a 
pill and close her mouth and she swallows it. 

In a message dated 10/9/2006 2:12:40 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  you Leslie. Your description of the indecisive ballet is right 
  on! I'm breathing now. What you say about making a visit to 
  the vet makes sense too. I think I'm going to take Michelle's advice 
  and start Spencer on Pepcid and regular doses of Reglan and see if that 
  helps him begin to eat more. I promised him I wouldn't try assist 
  feeding him again, but I may do that too. I truly don't know what 
  I'd do without you guys,Nina

Re: Another vet visit for Spencer?

2006-10-09 Thread Lernermichelle

You didn't upset me. I was afraid I had upset you, and was just trying to 
explain why I had said what I said. Please don't worry about it.

Give him lots of pets and kisses,

In a message dated 10/9/2006 2:26:43 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  dearest Michelle,It made my heart contract to think I might have upset you 
  in any way. All you've done is been kind enough to point out the 
  obvious with the probability of Spencer having lymphoma. I can't 
  tell you how much better your guidance and support has made me feel and 
  how much I appreciate all you do for me and all of us on the list. 
  Just so we're clear, I don't in any way think of you as a nay sayer! 

Re: Another vet visit for Spencer?

2006-10-09 Thread Lernermichelle

I would guess that if it is actually lymphoma it is small-cell lymphoma, 
which can grow very slowly, as opposed to large-cell lymphoma, which most of our 
cats get.

In a message dated 10/9/2006 6:48:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
Nina – I know that 
  this is a small percentage but I have a friend whose cat has had lymphoma for 
  over 2 years now – and she is very healthy now still - she decided not to give 
  any conventional treatment at all – but give raw meat diet with natural 
  supplement ---and she has had for two years since diagnosed – I can find 
  out what she gives to her kitty – it’s pretty amazing isn’t 

Re: Prayers for my Tsubomi

2006-10-09 Thread Lernermichelle

I have used valium this way too and have found it makes a big difference in 
how peacefully they go. I am so sorry.

In a message dated 10/9/2006 6:50:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  Hideyo, I'm so sorry! Do you have any Valium in the house? When my feral 
  friend Simon was transitioning, I gave him a little bit and it seemed to 
  help him relax enough to let go of the physical. I can only imagine what 
  you are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Tsubomi. 
  If it helps any, I think you have made the right decision about not 
  putting her through another transfusion.Much 

Re: Another vet visit for Spencer?

2006-10-10 Thread Lernermichelle

Nina, I am really sorry. This is the hardest thing in the world.

Re: My precious Tsubomi has now become free --

2006-10-11 Thread lernermichelle

I am so, so, so sorry Hideyo. You have been through way too much to bear. My heart is with you.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 7:34 PM
Subject: My precious Tsubomi has now become free --

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I know what its like to lose a loved animal. 

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Re: Please add Spencer to the CLS

2006-10-12 Thread Lernermichelle

Nina, I am really sorry. It sounds like he really did not have any 
pain, just weakness, which is such a blessing. death itself is never a blessing, 
no matter what people say. I am so sorry.

Re: Update on Dharma, Lucy, and others?

2006-10-14 Thread Lernermichelle

Lucy's doing great, knock on wood. Thanks for asking. I am very slowly 
tapering her pred for her ibd, and she is down to 8.75 mg/day. Still a lot, but 
a lot less than 15 mg/day, which she was on for a while. My big thing now 
is trying to get my vet to order prednisolone versus prednisone. Someone 
sent me a bottle of prednisolone, and I think she does better on it than 
prednisone, but I can't exactly tell my vet that I got some through the mail and 
tried it, so am trying to convince him based on what I have read. But her 
weight is stable at around 8.5 pounds, solid stool once per day, very hungry, no 
vomiting, very active, etc. Knock on wood again. I am always worried 
about jinxing her.
Thanks again,

Re: medicine advice

2006-10-15 Thread Lernermichelle

  omega oils to the diet is supposed to help stop shedding. Fish oil, which you 
  can get in capsules at the health food store, would work. My cats like salmon 
  oil sqeezed from capsules into their food (just a few 

Vomiting just after eating is often a sign of hairballs. Giving laxatone to 
my cat Patches every day helps stop that.


Re: Update on Dharma, Lucy, and others?

2006-10-15 Thread Lernermichelle

Thanks, Nina. Of course, as I feared, right after writing that she is 
a bit worse today. Went twice, had a little blood on it, eating less, and 
going after Patches a lot. I think I may have forgotten her pred dose last night 
though (will beat myself with wet noodle if I can confirm that), so hopefully 
that is all it is.

Maybe you are right and I should tell my vet that I got hold of some. 
In my experience, though, vets tend to totally freak out about getting 
prescription meds off the books. I did tell the oncologist that I used for 
the dogs and Simon, and he would be uncomfortable but then just say "I don't 
want to know" or something. One time when I mentioned having shots of 
something in my fridge at home he said "ok, now you are really scaring 
me." But the fact that I had extra dex shots and used them on Simon, and 
that he got so much better from them, temporarily, really stunned the 
oncologist, and I like to hope it taught him something that he will suggest when 
running out of options with other cats as well. So maybe you are 


In a message dated 10/15/2006 2:18:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
At 11:15 
  AM 10/15/2006, you wrote:Oh are so much like me..Tend 
  to tell and not ask,Kelly
  This news made my day!! I'm 
so pleased to hear that little sprite is doing better! Hooray, 
hooray! The two of you have been on my mind and it's such a relief to 
hear how well she's doing.If I were you, I'd go ahead and tell my 
vet that I got a hold of some Prednisolone and KNOW for a fact that she does 
better on it. I've been through this sort of thing with my vets too, 
(Ha! As if I haven't shared just about everything I go through with 
you people). One thing that I did to help 'reluctant to take my word 
for it vets' along, was to find other vets that had tried the protocols I 
was interested in. I just get out the phone book and start calling 
around. I would pass their names and experiences of success on to my 
vets. I'm pretty sure my vets finally just throw their arms in the air 
and go ahead and write prescriptions because I can be such a royal pain in 
the a** until they do. If your vet doesn't have the answers, he should 
be more willing to listen and try different things that you come up 
with. It puts a tremendous responsibility on our shoulders, but what 
else are we going to do? I have yet to find a vet that is as committed 
to my animal's care as I am. Maybe that's just the way it has to be. 
Big hugs to you and 

Re: My Little Luna

2006-10-15 Thread Lernermichelle

I would try Acemannan shots. At least one person, and I think actually two, 
on this list, have had acemannan shots completely turn around serious anemia in 
positive cats. If it is an immune weakness thing and not cancer (or maybe 
even if it is cancer?) it sounds like something that has a good chance of 
working. If it were me, I would get the transfusion and then do acemannan and 
epogen and steroids.

Re: My Little Luna

2006-10-15 Thread Lernermichelle

I am so, so, so sorry. Did he die during the transfusion? It's ok if 
you can not write about it, but it might help us in the future to know 

Re: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

2006-10-17 Thread Lernermichelle

oh my god, that is so scary and horrible. I am praying right now for their 
safe return. You might want to contact local media about it, so that 
people keep a look out for the cats. I read in the paper a few months ago 
that people on a drive across country lost their cats at a rest stop-- the cats 
got out-- and they found one a few weeks later and the other about 3 months 
later, both fine. I hope that your babies are likewise safe and will be 
returned to you at some point.


2006-10-18 Thread Lernermichelle

wow! So amazing! Hopefully Satch will be right behind. REmember what I said 
about the story where one was found right away and the next a few months later, 
so do not lose any hope!


2006-10-18 Thread Lernermichelle

oh my god, that is such good news!! Sorry for being behind!

In a message dated 10/18/2006 9:51:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Michelle -- you need to 
  look at the posts titled GOOD NEWS! They're both safe and sound! 

Re: (no subject)

2006-10-19 Thread Lernermichelle

i am not in VA but want to second the I-R idea. It really helped two 
of my cats get over sever resp. infections, one with pneumonia.

one of my cats had 1/2 hour of vry high fever and chills after each shot. 
this is appaerently a rare side effect, and after she was immediately much 
better than before the shot, but wanted to tell you.


Re: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

2006-10-19 Thread Lernermichelle

 is the blood red blood on the outside of the stool or is the 
stool black? if it is the former, the combination of symptoms could be 


In a message dated 10/17/2006 6:42:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Please know that though I'm not able to be on the 
  list all the time at present, and have to go away again soon, all your 
  furbabies are always in my thoughts, and I especially send positive thoughts 
  for those that aren't doing so well. As always, I send my condolences to 
  everyone who has lost a beloved kitty.
  beloved foster cat, Kitty,who went to her new home a few weeks ago, 
  while being treated at the same time for diarrhea, has had a recurrence of the 
  same symptoms, and I'm worried about her. Here's what her new mom 
  "She is vomiting clear liquid, not eating as 
  much and there was a small amt of blood in her stool this morning too. I 
  talked with Robin (from PAWS) and she said the thing that worried her the most 
  was the lack of appetite. I called my vet and she said the same thing, 
  we're going to go in on Thurs AM and run the full gamet of tests- just to be 
  on the safe side. Although, Robin mentioned this was the same type of 
  symptoms she had before with you. 
  The Vet wasn't worried so much and thought theThursday time was fine enough unless things 
  seem to worsen. like I said she's still hydrated, I've seen her drink 
  and she's been playing."
  anyone have any idea what these symptoms may mean? She did have all those 
  symptoms while with me (I rushed her to the vet). Also, can someone confirm 
  what I believe to be the case: that it's unsafe for a cat to go even one day 
  without eating. Kitty was very hard to assist feed, and I'm afraid that her 
  new mom may not realize how very important it is to get food inside her (it 
  doesn't seem like the vet paid much attention to the lack of appetite and 
  associated danger in letting it go on). I want to email her mom, but back it 
  up with facts, and what the consequences of Kitty not eating can/will 
  Grateful for any information that i can pass 
  Kerry M.

Re: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

2006-10-19 Thread Lernermichelle

soundsa like ibd to me. is she positive for felv? is she eating and keeping 
weight on ok? intestinal lymphoma is a worry if she is positive and is also 
wasting. though that can also be ibd.

In a message dated 10/19/2006 1:48:22 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
Chris--she's also throwing up drool--foamy drool. Been doing that 
  forabout a month. And her stool has been misshapen for same time. All 
  infoappreciated. I haven't heard back from the new mom yet about Kitty's 
  vetvisit today.

problems with list?

2006-10-19 Thread Lernermichelle

I am getting posts way out of order, e.g. getting responses to a post and 
then two days later getting the original post. is this happening to anyone else? 
I don't know if it is the list or aol. 

Re: problems with list?

2006-10-19 Thread Lernermichelle

i just got your reply but my own post has not shown up yet! how 

if anyone asks me something and i do not reply, this is most likely why. 
you might want to try emailing me off list if that happens.


In a message dated 10/19/2006 3:35:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  think mine are coming in the right order.

Re: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

2006-10-19 Thread Lernermichelle

in that case, given her age, i would suspect hyperthyroid or ibd. or 
potentially kidney problems, but she would probably be drinking and urinating a 
lot then,


In a message dated 10/19/2006 3:34:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  She is a very bony cat---she was 
  lightweight from the time she arrived. She had an ok appetite while with me, 
  but then when the vomiting of foamy drool  diarrhea started her appetite 
  went down.
  The only answer I got when I asked 
  thePAWS peopleabout her boniness was "it's her age" (she's 130. 
  The vet didn't seem surprised by her weight either. 
  No felv as far as I know. 
  I'll look up ibd symptoms. Thanks 

Re: problems with list?

2006-10-19 Thread Lernermichelle

In a message dated 10/19/2006 3:55:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
Yes, I've noticed that happening to me in the last 
  day or two.

Re: problems with list?

2006-10-19 Thread Lernermichelle

ok, must be the list the. thanks.

In a message dated 10/19/2006 3:55:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
Yes, I've noticed that happening to me in the last 
  day or two.

Re: Junior

2006-10-19 Thread Lernermichelle

I just read this post. Definitely try Immuno-Regulin.

In a message dated 10/16/2006 8:29:21 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  everyoneThis is a great group. I am waiting until I can see the vet 
  this morning. Junior who tested positive for Felv 10/6/06 is now 
  running a fever of 106.7. I am scared and I feel so helpless. I 
  lost one cat less than two weeks ago. He crashed at the vet's office. He 
  was never tested but I am sure this virus had something to do with it. My 
  Nerves are shot. Please pray for junior. I do not know how the vet is with 
  treating these FeLV cats. I was planning on seeing my usual vet but they 
  weren't sure how soon they could see junior. I did not sleep well last 
  night. as I knew he wasn't feeling well.I will let you know 

Re: Kerry - who did you lose?

2006-10-19 Thread Lernermichelle

i am really sorry. i just read this-- have been having trouble getting 

Re: Junior

2006-10-19 Thread Lernermichelle

hope you find a new vet soon. wish i knew someone down there. perhaps 
try an internist at a larger hospital or vet school if there are any nearby, or 
a cat specialist.

I think it is better to start IV. It is not prescription, and you 
have it, so all you really need is someone who can do IV shots, not necessarily 
a vet. If you know anyone in rescue, they will probably know someone who 
can do it. the woman who runs the shelter where my cats came from did the shots 
for mine. if you know any vet techs, they can definitely do it.


In a message dated 10/19/2006 8:36:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  MichelleIt, immuno-regulin, came in the mail today. Problem is the vet 
  who saw Junior, thinks it is time to put him down. He is much better today. He 
  still has the sniffles. I need to find someone to do the injections. I 
  just searched the archives about doing subcutaneous injections. I could 
  probably do these, but I did not order any needles. I will try to stop by the 
  other vets office tomorrow to see what they can do. They are just so busy that 
  their appointment schedule is booked 6 weeks ahead. However they did do the 
  emergency testing of the 9 cats after Junior tested positive. Funny thing is I 
  think this post was made today. How timely for me.Junior is so sweet. 
  Today he is playful. He has some more living to do.Sally 

Re: Junior

2006-10-20 Thread Lernermichelle

Lysine also helps a lot with URI's. And the I-R shold have been about 
$30 for the bottle and should last for enough doses to get him better if it is 
going to work.

In a message dated 10/19/2006 9:03:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
I will 
  look into the rescue angle. I already asked the advice of a man who traps 
  ferals and does the spay/neuter release program. He told me to contact the 
  SPCA. I am outside the area they serve and they did not call back. He gets 
  help from several cat groups. I will look into it.Money is another 
  problem. My Friend is disabled and get a small disability check from 
  social security. It doesn't not even cover his living expenses. My income 
  is low as well because I work at a retail nursery. This is what I went to 
  school for 6 years and cannot make a decent wage. I do love the job, but 
  it is hard to make a living. I probably will fall between the cracks for 
  financial help, but I still need to look into that. Getting through the 
  initial crisis is my first priority. I still need to vaccinate the 7 
  negative cats. If I can catch them all it will be done next Friday.I 
  feel time is of the essence but nothing is happening quick 

Re: Update: :( (not looking good) Sorry So Long! (Belinda)

2006-10-21 Thread Lernermichelle

 There is no test for FIP. Only for corona viruses, of which 
there are many and most cats test positive for them. FIP is a mutation of a 
corona virus. It in itself is not contagious. Some of the corona 
viruses are treatable with antibiotica, like toxoplasmosis is a corona virus, I 

 If this is FIP, you absolutely should not assume your others have or 
will get it. That is not how it works.


Re: Desperate for good VET in CT

2006-10-21 Thread Lernermichelle

If you are able to go to MA, there is also a good internist at VESCONE in 
Waltham (veterinary emergecy and specialty center of new england). Her name is 
Dr. Spielman, I think. I liked her a lot. And her staff is great. but the 
after-hours emergency/hospitalization staff sucks. They are next door to 
NAEVOG, which is an oncology group and is very good.

Re: Add my Mishka to the CLS

2006-10-23 Thread Lernermichelle

I am so sorry.

urgent--please pray for Lucy

2006-10-24 Thread Lernermichelle

She is very sick. It started last night. We have a vet appointment at 9:30 
locally, can not get an internist appointment. It is not her IBD-- her bowels 
are normal. But she has stopped eating, does not want me to touch her (she is 
usually all over me) and has that dull sick look in her eyes. No URI symptoms. 
She looks pink to me. Which makes me very scared that it is something like 
cancer or leukemia. There are no internist appointments at either place in NJ 
for a week. They said I can go in through the emergency room and wait for 
an internist. I hate doing that. When I did that with Ginger it took them 4 days 
to figure out she had neurological problems. One place said to go to my local 
vet, get tests done, and have them call to try to convince an internist to 
squeeze her in.


Re: urgent--please pray for Lucy

2006-10-24 Thread Lernermichelle

Well, she has a fever of 104.5, and her nose has started running a bit. So 
the vet put her on Clavamox, and I gave her fluids and force-fed her some baby 
food with lysine in it. I also ordered Immuno-regulin to be expressed mailed to 
me, and my vet said he will give her the IV shot when it comes in tomorrow. I am 
hoping she just has a URI that is showing up mostly as fever. I got a full blood 
panel, results should be in tomorrow. But her color looks ok, knock on wood, and 
the vet palpated her and did not feel anything. His hunch is that it is a URI or 

Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes,

Re: please pray for Ember

2006-10-24 Thread Lernermichelle

Someone on this list had the same thing with low white blood cell count, 
and she said that Immuno-regulin brought it back up. I am almost positive 
that is what she said brought it up, anyway. She wrote about it many 
months after the fact and the wbc was still normal.

You can order Immuno-regulin through Revival Animal Health. I just ordered 
some today for Lucy's URI, as I have had luck with it helping my 
positivecats get over bad URI's and pneumonia before.

more on Lucy

2006-10-24 Thread Lernermichelle

Of course, now Lucy has diarrhea too. I do not know if it is because 
I gave her baby food, or because I gave her Lysine (her IBD flaring up) or if it 
is just the fever doing it. I was going to cut down on her pred because it can 
be counterproductive to fighting an infection or virus, but now I don't want to 
because her IBD may be flaring up as well. Should I give her flagyl, which 
normally helps the IBD, on top of the Clavamox she is on?


Re: please pray for Ember

2006-10-24 Thread Lernermichelle

I got the first post. It seems like the list is kind of srewed up for 
almost everyone in terms of what order things show up in and how long they 
take. Has anyone told the list owner?


In a message dated 10/24/2006 12:19:22 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
I sent this yesterday, but it never showed up in my inbox. 
  I sent it off list to Lance, but I haven't heard from him. Did anyone 
  get this message? I'm going to look through the posts I've saved on IR 
  and see if I can find the post that Michelle's talking about. It makes 
  sense that it might boost wbc, depending on what is causing the 
  problem.Big hugs and prayers to Lance and 

Re: more on Lucy

2006-10-24 Thread Lernermichelle

My mom asked me the same thing just now-- why I force fed her baby food 
rather than blending up her normal turkey diet. I have no idea. I just did not 
think of it. I will definitely do that from now on. Thanks.

flagyl actually seems to really help her get over IBD flare-ups. I just 
learned that a couple of months ago. It helps more than anything else, it seems, 
even more than raising the pred dosage. But right now I think I will focus 
on her fever/URI. She is on clavamox for that, and hopefully will get I-R 
tomorrow (is that what you meant when you said IM?). I will go from 

She walked around and rubbed and purred for a bit after fluids, but now is 
sleeping in an odd position. Poor baby, she is pretty knocked out by this. Her 
nose is bubbling now, though, so I do think it's a URI.


In a message dated 10/24/2006 12:19:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
I'm just 
  catching up with your posts about Lucy. I was feeling a little better 
  until I got to this one. Your sweet Lucy is such a delicate 
  flower. I hate to think of forcing more medications on her and I've got 
  it in my head from somewhere that flagil is an esp harsh med. Is there 
  any way to assist feed her her regular diet? What do you have her on 
  now? Could you blend whatever it is up enough and mix it with water so 
  you could syringe her? I'm betting she's got diarrhea from the whatever 
  is making her feel lousy, the stress of the vet visit and the change in 
  diet. I think I'd hold off on any more meds until you see how she 
  responds to the IM. Trying to keep her stools normal is probably not as 
  important as keeping her system as strong as it can be to battle whatever is 
  causing the fever.You know I feel for you. This just 
  sucks. Many prayers for you and Lucy,Nina

Re: more on Lucy

2006-10-24 Thread Lernermichelle

I do have Little Noses. But her congestion itself is not terrible. I just 
mentioned it because it is further evidence that this is a URI. Though I 
guess it might be the congestion, rather than the fever, that is making her not 
want to eat.


In a message dated 10/24/2006 1:03:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
Yes, I 
  meant IR, not IM. This isn't the first time your mom and I have been on 
  the same page :). I'm glad to hear Lucy was rubbing and purring, that's 
  a good sign. Don't worry about her sleeping more than usual, she needs 
  her rest, poor little sprite! Do you have "Little Noses" in the house, 
  just in case? When Spencer was blowing his nose all over the house I 
  gave him Phenylephrine (rx) diluted with 5 parts saline. It doesn't 
  sound like she needs anything as strong as that and the Little Noses are made 
  to be gentle enough for children. If you feel it's necessary for her 
  congestion, I'd try that first. Hang in there girl, 


2006-10-24 Thread Lernermichelle

I just want to make a plug for Triaminic cold and allergy (the bright 
orange one). A friend whose wife is a vet (in HI, alas) recommended to me 
a long time ago with Ginger to give .2 (point 2, not 2) ml of this every 8 hours 
to help with congestion. It helped a lot with Ginger-- got her eating 
again. So I just gave some to Lucy about 30 minutes ago and she did just eat a 
few pieces of her turkey mixture just now for me. I think it works pretty 
well for congestion and runny nose. Whether it will further screw up her 
IBD intestines remains to be seen.


Re: more on Lucy

2006-10-24 Thread Lernermichelle

She goes outside under our supervision. We have cat fence on the fence tops 
to keep them in, but because we live near a road I still get nervous letting 
them out without supervision. Plus she hunts if unsupervised.

The weather recently got cold here, and maybe we were not keeping the heat 
up enough. It was 63 degrees in the house when I checked the other 
day. In the spring that would be warm, but I think after the summer it 
feels cold. Today I have it up to 73, which is warmer than I would usually keep 
it, but I want to keep her warm. I also have a space heater on, though she is 
not laying near it.

Other than that, I don't know. Their immune systems are weak because of the 
FeLV. Many cats always carry herpes virus, which can cause URI, and it just 
rears its head every once in a while when their immune system goes down from 
stress or something else. .Lucy is on steroids for IBD and has been for a few 
months now. That can encourage Herpes. Also, someone came to clean the 
furnace the other day, and she got scared and hid in the ceiling for a few 
hours. Perhaps the stress lowered her immune system further. I don't know. 
I do not volunteer at a shelter anymore, and do not remember seeing other cats 
recently. But who knows. I was at my parents' house last week and 
they have two cats; they are not sick, but they go outside, and maybe they are 
carrying something. But in my experience talking to other people, even 
people with single indoor-only FeLV+ cats still report that they get colds every 
once in a while. I just hope that is all Lucy has.


In a message dated 10/24/2006 2:03:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Do you know how Lucy got a URI? Is she indoor only? Do you 
  work with other cats?
  Just curious, always looking to protectmy troublemakers.

Lucy and taking temps

2006-10-24 Thread Lernermichelle

Well, Lucy ate a whole bowl of her turkey and her ears were cooler, so I 
took her temp and it is down to 103.1 (from 104.5 this morning and early 
afternoon), knock on wood. But she squirmed a lot while I had the 
thermometer in her, and I used one of those thin plastic disposable sheaths on 
the thermometer for the first time. When I took the thermometer out there was a 
tiny bit of bright red blood on her rectum, and a little bit along the seam of 
the plastic sheath. Not a lot-- I would guess, if put together, it was a drop or 
two. She has licked her rectum several times since then, though. There is 
no blood on it at this point, but I am worried that I might have hurt her with 
the thermometer. Has anyone ever seen a little blood on the thermometer of the 
rectum afterwards? I would think that if I had really hurt her she would have 
meowed or made a noise of some kind, but I am worried nonetheless. She did go 
and eat half a bowl of turkey right afterwards.


Re: Lucy and taking temps

2006-10-25 Thread Lernermichelle

Thanks, she seems fine. No blood using it without the sheath. I 
always use lube.

lucy doing better, knock on wood

2006-10-25 Thread Lernermichelle

temp down to 101.5 today, eating though not as much as normal, and walking 
around and jumping again. Still not quite herself, but I am more relaxed. Her 
blood work was fine on all counts according to the vet. I decided to hold 
off on the I-R for now and just continue with the clavamox and, if she needs it 
again, triaminic and/or fluids.

Thanks everybody,

Re: OT:Need prayers for my baby Dharma again pleease!!

2006-10-25 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyo, sending prayers. If she is anemic, wouldn't that be a sign that she 
has something other than FIP, like leukemia the cancer or something else hard to 
diagnose (but potentially treatable, or at least manageable for a while with 


Re: Lucy and taking temps

2006-10-25 Thread Lernermichelle

They make ear ones for animals too. I bought one on sale from Revival, and 
it does not work.


In a message dated 10/25/2006 1:39:07 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
I don't 
  know Michelle. I hate those rectalthermometers. I bought a 
  digital one at Wal-Martyesterday that goes in the ear (for humans). 
  I amgoing to try to use that to see if it will work withmy 
  kitties. I would be afraid I'd hurt one of mineusing the rectal 
  thermometer, or they would hurtthemselves if they got away while it was 
  in. I hopeit's nothing with Lucy, but it seems that the 
  bloodcould be indicative of what might be going on withher. Keep 
  us posted.:)Wendy

Re: Samantha has feline leukemia

2006-10-25 Thread Lernermichelle

Sounds like she has gingivitis and could have stomatitis. Clindamycin 
is an antibiotic that often helps with gingivitis. My cat Patches stopped 
eating for a day or two because of inflamed gums and a five day course of 
Clindamycin cleared it up enough for her to feel and act ok again. If it is 
stomatitis, there are various things that seem to help, from steroids to 
suppress the symptoms to particular immune supports.

The weight loss could be just from her gums hurting, or it could be from 
something else that she needs treatment for. Do you have a good vet?


In a message dated 10/25/2006 12:53:50 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
I have 
  had Samantha for i year. I just found out that she has leukemia.She has 
  red irritated gums and is losing weight. I have 4 other catsthat have not 
  contacted the disease. When I adopted her, I was assuredshe was felv 
  negative. I love her very much and I am researching the webto get info to 
  help her. I am planning on taking her to a holistic vet.If anyone has any 
  other suggestions

Cat Fence-In

2006-10-25 Thread Lernermichelle


Cat Fence-In is something you attach to the top of a fence to keep cats 
from climbing it. It has metal brackets that stick out and up and a 45 degree 
angle, and strong netting that you attach to the top of the fence and drape up 
over the brackets (and attach it). Cats can't climb the netting, so just hang 
from it and jump down if they try to go over the fence. The kit is pretty 
expensive, but worth it I think. My fence was really in the sun in MA, and 
after 3 years or so I had to replace the netting because it started decomposing 
from the sunlight.

Here is the link: They 
have different styles for different fences, and there are pics on the site. The 
video on the site is for a different style than I have, but I have seen that 
style too, where the netting is not at an upward angle but instead goes out and 
down like a boxy overhang. They have that on the feral yard at the shelter where 
I used to volunteer.


In a message dated 10/25/2006 10:05:07 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Michelle what is cat fence? 

Re: OT:Need prayers for my baby Dharma again pleease - to michelle

2006-10-26 Thread Lernermichelle

It depends on what is causing the anemia. If it is either an auto-immune 
reaction or lymphoma in the bone marrow, steroids should help (though a stronger 
steroid like dexamethasone would help more, probably). If it is leukemia 
the cancer it might help also. It probably will not help for any other 
cause of anemia.


In a message dated 10/25/2006 3:30:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
Michelle, I can’t 
  remember I f it was you or someone else – will steroid help anemia 

Re: Samantha has feline leukemia

2006-10-26 Thread Lernermichelle

It is completely unpredictable. But supplements and good care seem to 
help a lot. I forgot to mention that CoQ10 is supposed to help with gum 
problems. I had one of mine on it for a few years.

In a message dated 10/25/2006 6:08:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
I was 
  wondering if there is a progression to feline leukemia. If my cathas 
  had it at least one year now and currently she has red gums, 
  poorcoat and is rather thin, what can I expect or is it an unknown? I'll 
  tryto get her some help from a holistic vet. Hopefully some treatment 
  tostrenghten her immune system.

Re: Samantha has feline leukemia

2006-10-26 Thread Lernermichelle

Go to a feline dentist, not a regular vet, to get them removed. The dentist 
will be more expensive, but it is worth it if you can afford it. They do a 
much better job.


In a message dated 10/26/2006 10:57:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  you so much for the article. It answers more questions than anyvet. The 
  vet does suggest three tooth extractions although she said thiswould buy 
  the cat only 3 to 6 months. Eventually all the teeth will haveto be 
  removed. The article mentioned irritability because of the mouthpain. That 
  is very accurate in Samantha 's case. She definitely isirritible. I 
  noticed that ever since I adopted her.

Re: OT: Why is this list so nice?

2006-10-26 Thread Lernermichelle

I think that the reason this list is different is that it takes a different 
sort of person to want to and be willing to care for cats with FeLV. It 
takes a lot of compassion, and also a lot of willingness to face hard things, 
and also a willingness to have an open mind and do some research. All of this 
makes the list self-selecting, I think, to people who are more generally 
compassionate and less combative than on other lists. And people withh FeLV 
positive cats also have to deal with the fact that most vets are just abysmal 
and clueless on this subject, which makes us really need to depend on each other 
to learn the information that we all need to take care of our cats. Which, 
I think, also makes us nicer and less combative than people on other lists, 
because we really NEED to be here for very practical reasons, and we really 
need, and recognize that we need, each other's advice and information. 
With FeLV we do not have the luxury of alienating each other in order to have a 
petty argument. I am not sure that people on other lists feel so dependent 
on each other. In fact, on one of the IBD lists a woman really, really 
tore into me for questioning something that another member had been told by a 
vet. She wrote that it was completely inappropriate for me to do that 
because I do not have a veterinary degree. It was one of the reasons I 
left that list. I can not imagine anyone on this list writing that. We have all 
had such bad experiences with vets, so we don't put them on a pedestal. Which 
does make us need each other more.

Just my thoughts. I have spent some time thinking about the subject, 
because this list really is so amazing, and so much better than all the 


mouth problems

2006-10-26 Thread Lernermichelle

I just read the vetrinary guidelines and noticed that they say AZT can help 
with stomatitis. That's a good thing to keep in mind. For the person who 
recently posted about a cat with mouth problems, it is something to look 

I was surprised when I read this.

■ Cats infected with FeLV or FIV may live for many years.
A decision for euthanasia should never be made solely on the basis of
whether or not a cat is infected.

So maybe one of the questions we should advise new people to ask their vets is if they agree and abide by these guidelines...

Apologies if yall have seen these before, I just hadn't...-- Vist the Austin Siamese Rescue store and save a kitty life! 
---End Message---

Re: Dharma go her first shot of epogen - please pray that it will only help h...

2006-10-27 Thread Lernermichelle

I think you are doing the right thing, Hideyo, and I pray it helps 

Re: UPDATE:Dukee's Vet Appt

2006-10-27 Thread Lernermichelle

Besides fluids, definitely give SAMe (marketed through vets as denosyl, but 
you can just get SAMe at the health food store if you can find out the amount of 
SAMe that's in denosyl-- maybe someone on the list knows--) it helps a lot with 
liver failure.


Re: UPDATE:Dukee's Vet Appt

2006-10-27 Thread Lernermichelle

I have been told that tube feeding actually does not bother them. I 
have been told that by people who have done it with their cats, and also by 

In a message dated 10/27/2006 7:46:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
OK: Again, this is my opinion. I would 
  not want to be tube feed if all it was going to do was extend my life a 
  little. This has nothing to do with money but with quality of 

Re: Weak positive kitty

2006-10-27 Thread Lernermichelle

PLEASE do not euthanize her based on a positive test! That is not a 
reason. FeLV is like HIV. It means a suppressed immune system. It does not mean 
your cat is going to die anytime soon.

Immuno-Regulin is a good immune stimulant and really seems to help with 
upper respiratory viruses, fevers, and viruses generally. Lysine also 
helps a lot with it. There are some articles on I-R on the website, and you can order from Revival Animal Health without 
a prescription for about $30 for a vial that will lastat least10 
doses. Soome people give it at home subcutaneously, but it is supposed to 
work better given IV at a vet's office. Though you may need a different 

There are numerous people on this list whose FeLV+ cats battled recurrent 
upper respiratory infections for a long time and then they went away when they 
started I-R, lysine, or the combination. 


In a message dated 10/27/2006 12:16:12 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  spots came back all over her body. 
  Took her back to the vet for a blood test -- results came in this am: Anemic, 
  down, Weak positive felv, re-rest 
  Antigen 3 to 4 weeks. Vet recommends euthanasia if she re-tests positive as 
  she can't keep getting viruses and the low blood platelet count and hemotomas 
  are not good. Does anyone have any similar experiences, ways to boost the 
  immune system, anything? She is so young and such a 

Re: ot: We Are Seven

2006-10-28 Thread Lernermichelle

It's a great poem. Thanks,

need advice re: Lucy

2006-10-28 Thread Lernermichelle

Hi, all. Lucy has been doing well getting over her URI-- no fever, no 
stuffy nose, just a little tiny bit of clear discharge from her nose every now 
and then. But here is the problem-- she now has frequent liquid diarrhea, 
threw up this morning, and is not interested in eating more than a few bites. 
She has been on Clavamox for 4 days (got it this morning and today is her 5th 
day). The course is 10-14 days. She has IBD so has trouble with her 
intestines anyway, and I think perhaps the Clavamox is giving her the diarrhea 
and nausea. I gave her some reglan and force-fed her some of her food 
blended, and will give her probiotics in about a half hour. 

My question is whether you think I should take her off the Clavamox now or 
keep giving it to her. I am wary of taking her off before the end of the 
course, or at least a week or so of it, because she may have had a bacterial 
infection and her immune system is compromised by the FeLV and I do not want to 
set her up for a superinfection. But I really would like to take her off 
and see if her intestines straighten out. She is walkiing around and 
rubbing and purring, jumping, etc., but she clearly does not feel well, has lost 
weight in the last two days, and her fur looks kind of funny (though it is very 
dry in the house). I am also scared of letting her diarrhea go on for a long 
time, if it is from the antibiotics, because that is how her IBD started in the 
first place a year ago and I do not want to irrititate her intestines more. I 
had gotten her down to 6.25 mg of pred per day and she was doing well on that, 
intestines-wise, until last night. I am assuming it is the antibiotics messing 
her up now, but of course can not be sure.

My vet is not in until Monday. I left a message asking that the other vet 
there call to give me his opinion on this, but I am not crazy about him to begin 
with, so would like to hear your opinions. Have you ever taken a positive 
off antibiotics after only 4 or 5 days?


Re: need advice re: Lucy

2006-10-28 Thread Lernermichelle

Thanks, Nina. The vet just called back and said to stop the clavamox and 
see, so I guess I will do that. She's had 4.5 days of it now. Her coat 
does not look oily, but it does look funny-- a little sticky-outy. It could be 
because of the winter dryness setting in here, I guess. I have not seen 
her groom herself today, which is unusual, but maybe if she feels 
nauseous... She is following me all around, though, like usual, and 
actually is sticking her paw under the door right now because I am in the 
bedroom, where Quincy lives and she is not allowed, and she wants me to go back 
out there. So maybe it is just a basic case of antibiotics causing a bit 
of nausea and diarrhea. I hope, anyway. I guess I will see.

Thanks, as always,

In a message dated 10/28/2006 12:15:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
Oh man, 
  that Lucy keeps you guessing! I don't know Michelle... I'm 
  pretty sure I've had vets prescribe a 5 day dose of abx before, usually 
  it is 7 to 10 days. I think Hideyo told me she gives them just long 
  enough for symptoms to subside, (definitely not recommended by the 
  veterinary community!). I guess if I were dealing with this, I'd try 
  to determine what was most important to her overall health. Do you 
  think this is some sort of allergic reaction to Clava in particular? 
  If you think her diarrhea is a bigger threat than the URI (that now seems 
  better) and that stopping the abx will result in her immediately 
  regaining her appetite and resolving the diarrhea, then maybe you should 
  stop them after a last dose tonight. That would give her at least 5 
  full days of abx, right? I understand why they want to keep her on 
  the abx for at least 10 days. They want to be sure to knock whatever 
  this latest episode was out of her system. If it were just the 
  diarrhea, if she weren't losing weight, if her coat still looked 
  good... Your comment about her coat bothers me. If you are 
  talking about that dull, stiff, almost oily appearing coat, well, I know 
  that symptom has been associated with some pretty scary deterioration in 
  my house. And Heaven knows her diarrhea and less than enthusiastic 
  eating habits are something that you've had to deal with on and off for a 
  long time now... On the other hand, she's still purring and 
  active... Oh honey, I wish I had the answers. All I can say is 
  you know Lucy better than any vet. Take a still and calm moment to 
  meditate and see if the answers come to you.Reading over this 
  post, I realize it's less than helpful. I'm still going to send it 
  to let you know I understand your frustrations. Let us know what the 
  vet has to say and what you decide to do.Prayers for 

Re: UPDATE:Dukee 10/28/06

2006-10-28 Thread Lernermichelle

If someone has a sick child who needs very expensive medical care, would 
anyone tell them that the same amount of money could save 30 children dying of 
malaria in another country (which is probably true)? By her reasoning, no 
one should ever get expensive medical care for themselves, their kids, or their 
animals, because the same amount of money could always be used to buy simpler, 
cheaper life-saving care for other humans or animals in other places. 
There is of course logic to it. But love has its own logic, and the truth 
is that no matter what we do we can not save everyone. 

So it is good that the tech saves many animals over a few, in her own life, 
I guess. But it is nonsensical, as well as inappropriate and ineffective, 
for her to try to convince you to do the same. While she may save many, 
she obviously has never loved one in quite the way the way that we have, in a 
way that explodes logic and just creates a fierce need to protect them and 
maintain their life and happiness.

If she tries to say anything to you again, tell her you have different 
priorities than her, and a lot of love for your individual animals.


In a message dated 10/28/2006 2:37:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  I think why she said this because I had you guys and my 
  family trying to help Dukee. I told her that he deserves a chance...and why 
  not try!
  She told me that she does dog rescue she mentioned she would 
  help 4 dogs verses the one dog.
  Think she knew I wasn't going to listen to her thoughts and 
  opinions on this.
  Nope, didn't ask her 

Re: Dukee...he is awake!

2006-10-28 Thread Lernermichelle

Yay! I am praying hard for Dukee. 

Re: Dharma:URI - stinky discharge

2006-10-28 Thread Lernermichelle

Yes, it's a URI if green or yellow. I would give her lysine (in case 
it's viral) and Clavamox or amoxicillin. If that does not work you can try 
something else, but it might work and they are milder than the other things you 
can use. I have heard also not to give kittens Baytril. I think it may be 
because the blindness side effect happens more to kittens? Not sure. 

Triaminic, which you can get in the drug store, helps calm the runny and 
stuffy nose symptoms of cold. The dosage for an adult cat is .2 (2/10) of 
a ml, of the orange kind. I don't know what it would be for a 
kitten. It would be hard to measure anything less than .1 (1/10) ml. 

Is she on fluids? I have found that to help with colds as well.


In a message dated 10/28/2006 6:58:02 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Hi, my Dharma has some stinky 
  discharge from her nose – it had sort of greenish and yellownish color – could 
  this be bacterial or viral? I read somewhere that if it’s green, it’s 
  viral and if it’s yellow, it’s bacterial – is it the case? Or it’s hard 
  to tell by the color? My vet closed for the weekend, and I am not 
  sure which antbiotics to use .. I was going to baytrill, but I remember my vet 
  saying that not to recommended a kitty less than a year or 6 months old and I 
  am a bit nervous using it (I also have a bad experience with it) you have 
  any suggestions? Has anyone used baytrill on your kittens? She is 
  already on intereron, predisolone, and started on epogen and don’t want to 
  give too many things, but I also want to help her URI ---any insight is 

question about antibiotics and diarrhea

2006-10-29 Thread Lernermichelle

It has now been over 24 hours since Lucy got her last Clavamox, but she is 
still having completely liquid diarrhea-- 3 times already this morning. I 
gave her probiotics twice, to no avail (in the past they have seemed to make her 
worse, actually). Has anyone had a cat get diarrhea from antibiotics, and 
if so how long did it take to straighten out? I am worried that, since she has 
IBD already, this is becoming something more than just the antibiotics.

Also, I took her temp and it was 102.2. I know that this is basically 
a high normal temp, but her temp on Wed after her fever broke was 101.5. 
Does this mean she has a fever again? I was worried about taking her off the abx 
early. I just pilled her with some lysine (though for all I know that is 
giving her diarrhea) and gave her fluids. I also gave her flagyl this morning, 
but not sure if that is a good idea or not. Normally if her bowels get loose I 
up her pred, but I am worried about doing that because she still has a little 
bit of the URI and is off the abx.

She is eating, but only a few licks at a time. She only wants plain 
raw turkey or turkey baby food, and will have a few licks of each about every 
hour. I force-fed her some of the raw turkey this morning as well, but am 
wondering if maybe I should just give her intestines a break.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. 


Re: SAMe (Denosyl) for Dukee

2006-10-29 Thread Lernermichelle

They can eat on their own while on a feeding tube. So the only real 
question is whether it is ok for his liver to eat what the other cats are 
eating. You should ask your vet that. 

Also ask the vet about how to give the Denosyl. Many meds you can crush and 
put in with the food that goes in the tube. I do not know about the Denosyl/ 


In a message dated 10/29/2006 1:33:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  I have a question: 
  How do I give Dukee SAMe (Denosyl) when he comes home when he 
  is on a feeding tube? I noticed it came in tablet form on my 
  One thing I did noticed on him when I popped the cans of wet 
  food for the cats he still came in and took a few licks of the food but not 
  He has always done this.
  So when I feed the others when he gets home he will hear 
  this. So how do I refrain him from eating their food if he is on a special 
  Will he be able to eat their food on top of his 
  I also feed my cats snacks?Dukee knows 
  Sorry for stupid questions but gotta ask!
  Boy, I know I'm going to have questions for you guys on this 
  tube feeding. 
  I don't want to be overwhelmed when the Vet hits me with this 
  I want some firsthand knowledge from you guys. So it's preparing myself and my 
  family. I certainly don't want them doing anything to jeopardize his health 
  even though it wouldn't be intentional.
  I have never done it before! Yikes!

Re: question about antibiotics and diarrhea

2006-10-29 Thread Lernermichelle

I am a big fan of slippery elm, but in the past, with her IBD-related 
diarrhea, it has not helped her at all. If the diarrhea is from abx I 
can't see it helping either. Maybe I will try it tonight because of 
her IBD, though, I am loathe to put too many new things into her body in the 
hope of trying to curb the diarhhea, when new things tend to make IBD cats 
worse. I am very conflicted about what to give her and not give her.


In a message dated 10/29/2006 1:42:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Have your tried slippery elm?? I would continue the Flagyl also

Re: question about antibiotics and diarrhea

2006-10-29 Thread Lernermichelle

Did it help with diarrhea caused by antibiotics?

In a message dated 10/29/2006 2:38:18 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
See if 
  you can get apple pectin or phylum (bad spelling--unflavored 
  metimusuiel--again bad spelling). They helped with several critters who 
  had this problem. My alternative vet recommends the apple pectin over 
  other fibers. I don't know why. 

Re: sleeping with her head down --- my Dharma

2006-10-29 Thread Lernermichelle

Can you describe her position in more detail?

In a message dated 10/29/2006 3:11:17 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Is this a common 
  thing among anemia kitties – or is it something 

Re: question about antibiotics and diarrhea

2006-10-29 Thread Lernermichelle

I've never heard of it. Is it prescription? What is it?


In a message dated 10/29/2006 5:07:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Michelle,While I think it's good to try to avoid its use, do you have 
  access to Centrine? It would help calm down Lucy's intestines, but 
  it may be more powerful (and less healthy) than other options. I'm 
  guessing with Lucy having IBD that you've run across it at some 
  point. Only something to consider. I'm not really recommending it. I 
  hope Lucy gets better soon. She's in my 

Re: sleeping with her head down --- my Dharma

2006-10-29 Thread Lernermichelle

That is usually a sick cat position.

In a message dated 10/29/2006 5:51:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Usually in a meat 
  loaf position – 

Need prayers for Lucy

2006-10-29 Thread Lernermichelle

Lucy's diarrhea has gotten significantly worse-- she had a large quantity 
of liquid diarrhea 5 times today. She also vomited up the raw food that I 
syringed her, about 5 hours after she ate it. She is purry and able to go 
up and down stairs, but a bit out of it. I will call the vet in the am as 
soon as they open. Please send her energy, prayers, etc.

I gave her about 100 ml of fluids this morning. Do you think I should give 
her more? I am not force-feeding her any more today and have removed all 
food, hoping that by fasting her for 12-18 hours it will stop the diarrhea. This 
has worked for her before, and is recommended on a lot of websites.

I have to believe this is from the antibiotics, as she had been doing well 
before getting the URI and going on antibiotics, and on day 4 of clavamox she 
suddenly went from completely solid stools to complete liquid, with no 
in-between. I am assuming that it happened from accumulated effect of the 
clavamox. I am hoping, anyway. Probiotics did not nothing, and may have made her 
worse, as she is worse today than she was yesterday. 

If anyone has any thoughts about whether or not I should give her more 
fluids, please let me know. Otherwise, I am not giving her anything else 
tonight, will talk to the vet in the morning and plan to fast her, and then will 
see if she will eat some cooked turkey with fiber powder mixed in (her usual 
fare is cooked turkey with fiber and bone meal and taurine, E, and B vitamins 
mixed in). 

I am quite worried about her. Last night, despite having had diarrhea 
in the morning, she was very perky and playful, and this morning came running to 
see me in the morning. She has declined through the day with increased 
diarrhea. She likes me to pet her, and she purrs a lot, but is pretty 
wiped out. As I guess would be expected from diarrhea and vomiting.


Re: Need prayers for Lucy

2006-10-29 Thread Lernermichelle

She is already feeling much better. Won't know until tomorrow about eating 
and stool, but will let you know. She's pretty spritely right now, though, knock 
on wood.


In a message dated 10/29/2006 9:08:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  that Lucy is just worn out from being sick and that she bounces back very 
  soon. Is she drinking water on her own? If she's hydrated, I 
  don't think I'd give her anymore fluid right now. It just seems the 
  extra fluid, esp on a fast, won't help diarrhea. It's just a gut 
  impulse, I don't know if it has anything to do with what might really 
  help her. I'll be anxiously awaiting your post that tells us she's 
  feeling better and pooping better too.Hugs my 

Re: Dukee has went to the Bridge... :(

2006-10-30 Thread Lernermichelle

oh God, I am so sorry. 

very worried about Lucy

2006-10-31 Thread Lernermichelle

Yesterday Lucy seemed on the mend. I had fasted her for about 12 hours, then gave her little bits of cooked turkey every half hour or so in the morning. She ate it the first 3 or 4 times and was in good spirits, no vomiting or diarrhea, so I went to work. Gray was at home. She ate a little more turkey for him, not much, during hte da, and spent over an hour walking around outside. When I called him from work he said she was doing well. When I got home she did not want to eat anything and was a little out of it. Still no vomiting or diarrhea, and it had been over 24 hours. But she had not urinated either. So we gave her more fluids. And I offered her raw turkey with feline futures mixed in, and she ate a little. Then at around 11 pm she had completely liquid diarrhea again, and seems very wasted again now and will not eat again. She still weighs over 8 pounds, but I think it is because she has fluids in her. She is starting to feel bony along her back. She is still sniffling a little bit.

If she were just hving hte diarrhea and not a URI, I would up her pred to 10 or 12 mg/day for a few days, which normally helps. But I am afraid to do it because of the URI. I am calling the vet in the morning to lobby for budesonide again-- does anyone know if that has less chance of making her URI worse than prednisolone?

I am also considering taking her to Red Bank to the internist. But it is a 3 hour round trip ride, and she is very stressed in the car, and if this is a matter of her getting over a URI and after-effects of the abx, it seems like a bad thing to stress her that much. The vet said her blood work a week ago was fine. I did not ask about the corona titer, but will tomorrow.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Re: Dharma's little miracle..(sorry it's long)

2006-10-31 Thread lernermichelle

Dexamethasone is a miracle drug. It works really quickly and really well. I hope it continues to work for her for a long time.


P.S. how much did you give her?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 1:30 PM
Subject: Dharma's little miracle..(sorry it's long)

Hi, everyone – thank you very much all your prayers and positive thought for my little Dharma --

Last night, from work, I called home and asked Greg to check on Dharma to how she was doing on the phone.. and he told me that he couldn’t find her anywhere – she has been on top of the armoire or couch for the past few days, she was not found there – and I freaked out.. I figure that she was not feeling well and she was hiding some place y. – I panicked and drove like a maniac and came home to find her --- I found her right away,, between the corner of couch and the wall --- she must have not been feeling well – I started crying and freaked out as I could tell that something was wrong.. I picked her up and took a look at her.. nothing was specially different but she acted like her tummy was hurting and had a little labored breathing (not fast) – so I called and talked to my AC, jasmine right away to find out what was going on with Dharma, and she told me that she had a tummy ache and that’s why she was hiding and she also has a bit of water in her chest (or lung area) – can’t remember which one..and that’s why she has a bit of labored breathing.. and she tried to move but she almost couldn’t walk and sort of fell and I freaked out even more.. 

So, I went ahead and gave her a shot of Dex for the first time and see if it was going to help her if there was any inflammation – and I gave more interferon and some homeopathic remedy recommended by holistic experts.. I have been syringe feeding her every day , but last night, I did not want to bother her,, she hates me to do that so much and I wanted to give some peace and quiet…

This morning, she somehow looked better – her hair coat is still so shiny and beautiful and she seems to be more alert and moved around a bit.. and I was so happy to see her feeling a bit better – I wanted to syringe feed her this morning, but I did not want to bother her as she really get annoyed.. so instead, I put a plate of the baby food in front of her.. I really did not expect to eat as she had not been eating on her own for the past couple of days --- but – that’s when a miracle happened – she STARTED EATING the baby food on her own! I know it’s a small thing,, but when your kitty has not been eating and become anorexia from having FIP, it’s such a great improvement!

I cried more --- of course.. I told her how proud of her I am and how much I loved her.. she almost sort of winked at me –

Also, Jasmine told me that Dharma is feeling a lot of pressure from me wanting so badly to make her better –so instead,, I started since last night.. I started praying for what’s best for Dharma and not what I want.. to become less selfish – and love Dharma the way she is and not expecting her to be more or less of who she is ..and I felt so much lighter and free.. and let go of all the controls and fears.. she is with me today.. and not being afraid of what could happen as it may never happen..

Nina--- I am repeating every few seconds.. “have a faith, and not fear..” – and it’s helping me and helping Dharma – and also not freak out as I did last night.. my little Dharma is teaching me a valuable lesson to me – I cannot force her what I want.. it’s her body and give her some freedom.. I don’t know what the future will hold for Dharma – today is a new day.. and all I know is that I will continue to love her no matter what…..

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Re: A story of a little miracle Dharma - Dharma has become anangel tonight..

2006-11-02 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyo, I am so sorry. I do not know how you are handling all 

I have also felt very bad, after the end, about the amount of drugs I tried 
in trying to save them or make them comfortable. But I also regret not having 
tried several drugs as well. At the same time. I guess that is just 
how it is.

much love and condolences,

In a message dated 11/2/2006 6:49:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  you, Lance.. I know that either way I would have regret it,, but Iwish I 
  did not overwhelm with her with so much drugs,, and I feel thatit might 
  have suffered her more because of it.. I hate to think of it..but you know 
  all the things you did wrong.. and cannot help 

Re: A story of a little miracle Dharma - Dharma has become an angeltonight

2006-11-02 Thread Lernermichelle

Oftentimes people, both human and feline, rebound on their last day. 
Like they are using their last store of energy or something, since they will not 
need it. It is often mistaken for improvement. I have seen it as 

In a message dated 11/2/2006 7:36:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Oh.. Leslie.. you are 
  just so sweet – I and Dharma so appreciate you, Satch and Bea were doing for 
  Well..Dharma has had 
  difficult time breathing on and off for the past couple of days and it was 
  hard to watch sometimes – she might have had some water in her chest or lung.. 
  but still she was doing okay (gave her lasix and might have made a little 
  better?).. yesterday morning,, when I was calling everyone for breakfast, 
  Dharma actually came up to the crowd and ready to eat (though she couldn’t eat 
  then).. but when I put the food out last night in front of her.. she actually 
  ate really good (that was about 45 mins before she passed..) so even until the 
  last moment, I never gave up the thought that she is going to overcome 
  this and get better --- she must have some neurological problem, because she 
  was having a difficult time walking at the end.. but as strong as she is.. she 
  still walked around.. she had another stroke when I got home,, it was scary 
  and I held.. and it went away, and she was okay. She is just an amazing 
  little miracle, Leslie.. 
  I never would have 
  thought that she would cross the bridge last night.. 

Re: Petechia/Hemotomas and bloodwork results

2006-11-02 Thread Lernermichelle

She is slightly anemic, which is something that you want to address right 
away before it gets worse. Anemia is one of the things that can kill an FeLV+ 
cat if it gets bad. It is important to try to figure out the cause of 
anemia. There is a bacterial cause, called hemobartonella, ,that is 
treatable with doxicycline. If it is not that and is not cancer, some 
people have been able to turn it around with steroids and spogen, and with 
acemannan. Immuno-regulin is also reported to help sometimes, but I am not 
sure anyone on this list has tried it for anemia.

If your vet can not figure out the cause, I recommend taking her to an 
internist. They are usually at bigger hospitals, vet school hospitals, and 
veterinary referral centers.


In a message dated 11/2/2006 3:57:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Some of 
  BooBo's spots are coming back but she is still running aroundand acting 
  like a normal kitten. I bought some Prozyme and some L-Lysinevia (the vet didn't want me to give her it but am not surewhy). 
  Also purchased Dr. Belfield's Mega Vitamin C.I got her bloodwork 

Re: Stress related hair loss?

2006-11-02 Thread Lernermichelle

I thought stress related hair loss in cats is usually on the belly and legs 
from them pulling it out. If it is stress related, though, try 
Benadryl. My vet prescribed it for Patches, and it stops her from pulling 
her hair out. Without it she had a bald belly and back legs. I get it 
compounded into a transdermal cream to put on the inside skin of her ear because 
she is hard to pill. I think it's the equivalent of 1/6 of an over-the-counter 
benadryl pill twice a day, but am not totally sure about that.

Re: I'm sad again.... :( Belinda can you add Jake to CLS

2006-11-04 Thread Lernermichelle

oh my God, I just saw this, I am so sorry, I can not believe what you are 
going through-- except that I have been there. I do not understand why things 
like this tend to happen in groups...

Re: OT: Fwd: [northnjvegans] vote NO on Ballot Question #2-here's why

2006-11-04 Thread Lernermichelle

Sorry-- not sure why the forward didn't work. Apparently a bunch of the 
money would go to fish and wildlife to support their game stocking and hunting 
programs. They have been running out of money and this is a way to keep 
them going...

Re: Oliver has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyo, I am so sorry. I can not believe what you are having to go 

Re: urgent--please pray for Lucy

2006-11-05 Thread Lernermichelle

She's doing ok. Just starting to be herself again, and diarrhea has 
stopped. Knock on wood. Thanks.

In a message dated 11/5/2006 1:17:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  I'm so behind. I hope Lucy is better.

Fwd: [NMHP] Help for overgrooming

2006-11-05 Thread Lernermichelle

for those of you with cats with this problem... from the Best Friends No 
More Homeless Pets Forum, the expert of the week was an expert on flower 

Question from Dodo:I have a cat 
who is 5.5 years old now. I adopted her as a kitten, and she was pretty normal 
during the first 2 years of her life. After a year I started fostering cats, and 
lots of them (!), she started having skin problems. We took her to the vet 
several times. They did skin scrapings, ringworm test, and a cortisone shot. 
Also I tried hypoallergenic food, and dipped her in lime sulfur to cover a lot 
of bases, if not all. Nothing worked. She obsessively licks herself to baldness 
wherever she can reach. She is a very shy cat (has always been a little 
bit shy since she was a kitten), and gets intimidated easily, and she doesn't 
like other cats at all anymore. If a cat just looks at her, she will run and 
hide! So she lives in the office room with my husband during the day. She also 
has litter box problems occasionally (I believe because of her anxiety of other 
cats!) I tried Buspirone and Amitriptyline drugs on her, again with no help. I 
also tried Bach's rescue remedy, Saint John's wort and kava kava; kava kava made 
her lose more hair actually! Recently I started giving her fish oil and biotin, 
but she associated me with drugs or 'something bad happening to her' long time 
ago; whenever she hears the bottle shaking, or the cap opening, she hides and I 
can't pill her regularly. She also 'foams' if you give her a pill/drug with some 
taste on it (she is fine with capsules). She has never been abused by people, or 
even cats. My other cats just tease her, but she is still terrified of them. ( 
Probably there is some genetics playing a part in her character, too). I think 
my cat needs a stronger antidepressant/anxiolytic type of drug, but before I 
take her to the vet for that, I was wondering if there is anything else that I 
can try for her holistically? Response from Donna Williamson: 
Every once in a while I get a call from a catperson with 
a cat who has a similar problem. Barring any skin problems or allergies, I would 
say this is a behavioral problem, particularly OCD (obsessive compulsive 
disorder). Excessive grooming is related to anxiety, and the licking becomes 
worse with the increase in anxiety. I would 
recommend:Heather- for obsessionMimulus- for fretfulness and 
shynessPink Yarrow – for hypersensitivityAspen- generalized 
anxietyChamomile- calmingIt is important with OCD that you 
keep the anxiety level down. It may be that if you are committed to rescue, and 
the coming and going of other cats is driving this cat crazy that the cat may 
need to be rehomed. I am not telling you what to do, only that the flower 
essences may or may not help, and the best interests of the cat should be 
considered. Try the flower essences first. You may need to double up on the dose 
for a long time, and use for several months. The cat may then need a different 



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---End Message---

Re: Could you add Chatty to the CLS?

2006-11-06 Thread Lernermichelle

Jen, I just saw this email. I am so sorry! You have been through a 

Re: PLease...need HELP - long, sorry

2006-11-06 Thread Lernermichelle

if it is autoimmune, give very high doses of steroids, preferably 

In a message dated 11/6/2006 1:40:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  I have to agree with 
  Kelly – but again, I know why you don’t want to do it, too.. I gave Tsubomi 
  transfusion who was felk kitty when her PCV was at 9 – transfusion 
  unfortunately lasted only several hours.. somehow her body was destroying her 
  own red blood cells right away.. it’s some time of autoimmune illness from 
  Felk – 
  Anything you do may 
  not be as instant as transfusion – if you are worried, make sure that they 
  match up the blood first – it will make him feel better right away—it did to 
  Tsubomi -- I was so glad to see her feeling better even it was for a short 
  while – it was worth doing it…

Re: OT: Need prayers and meditations for my missing little Pete

2006-11-06 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyo, I did the meditation like you instructed. I hope it works! 
orange tabby boys are the cutest.

Re: PLease...need HELP - long, sorry

2006-11-06 Thread Lernermichelle

My Simon, who had lymphoma in his bone marrow, went down to 11 one time. 
This was after he had had 2 transfusions. After the 3rd one we did a lot of 
steroids and he was on chemo, and his hematocrit came back up to over 30. 
He later had a hemolytic reaction to either the cancer or the chemo and started 
killing off his red blood cells and went from almost normal to dying from anemia 
within one day. We tried to transfuse him again but could not.

I would do it. Transfusions do not bother them much, especially when they 
are out of it from being that low. It will give you time to try. 

In a message dated 11/6/2006 1:09:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Kelly. Have you ever had or heard of a kitty coming back from a 7 

Re: Acemanan availability (was need prayers for my baby Dharma again pleease!!)

2006-11-07 Thread Lernermichelle

two different drugs and there was never a problem getting I-R. The 
thing that is hard to get is feline interferon (virbagen omega), which has to 
come with special dispensation from the FDA from overseas (though Hideyo has 
gotten around it). Acemannan was off the market a short while to be audited, but 
is apparently available again.

In a message dated 11/7/2006 8:40:15 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

   Isn't acemannan the same as immunoregulin? You can't get it 

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 22, Issue 30

2006-11-08 Thread Lernermichelle

Definitely do the labs. Way more important than the other stuff at this point, because if she is anemic you need to get a handle on that quickly.

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