Re: [IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread ToltallyICE
> For those of you who are clicker training, I'd ask you how
> long you've been doing it?

Many, many years around 10 years.

> Are you SURE you aren't going to regret it
> somewhere down the road?



ToltallyICE at Sand Creek Icelandic Horse Farm
Icelandic Horses and Icelandic Sheepdogs

Re: [IceHorses] Svertla's day out

2007-03-11 Thread susan cooper

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Pictures of Cary working with Svertla.<< 

Great pics, Karen!  They both looked like they had
fun!  And Svertla looks FANTASTIC in hot pink!!!

BTW, I didn't know you were old moonshiners!  That
looked like part of an old still in your woods.

Susan in NV

Happy High Desert Trails 

Susan in NV
Nevermore Ranch


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RE: [IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> Well, the more I see that this isn't working for us the more I'm
thinking of the clicker.  On the Parelli list it was worded as 'bribery'
when I was feeding carrot chips and holding the stick.

I'm going to take an unpopular stand, at least on this list.  I simply don't
care for the clicker as a primary training method.  I've used a clicker in a
few situations for a few horses, with ok results.  I may use it again
sometimes - sparingly.   I'm sure that some people can do it better than I
can.  But, I have not seen a horse yet who's been extensively clicker
trained who's not overly treat-oriented  - many even rude.  I like for a
horse to be motivated to learn, but that is certainly achievable with other
training methods.  Ultimately, I do think clicker training has at least an
element of bribery to it.  Maybe that's ok sometimes, but I'd just rather
not go there if I don't have to.  Ok - I said it...and I mean it.

Sometimes, I think it's ok to wing it for a while when you are uncertain,
without using ANY method.

Karen Thomas

RE: [IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> So what if it is a "bribe".  Why does the word bribe have to have a
negative connotation?  I get bribed at work to do my job, only I don't call
it a bribe, I call it a paycheck.  You can give your horse a paycheck, too.
I also get bonuses, so the horse can, too.  Listen to your heart, Virginia,
and don't get sidetracked by negative people who want you to do it "their"

Because a bribed horse is just one step away from being a spoiled horse.
Sure, maybe it doesn't HAVE to be that way, but too often it does work that

For those of you who are clicker training, I'd ask you how long you've been
doing it?  Are you SURE you aren't going to regret it somewhere down the
road? Are you moderating it such that it won't be overbearing to a future
owner if you ever have to sell your horse?  Does your horse live by the
clicker - do you depend on it to teach most things?

I've been around a few clicker-trained horses that just wear me out.
Motivation is one thing, a good thing, but it CAN go to far.  I don't think
there is a single training method without its pitfalls, and possible
misapplication.  In my experience, c/t is no exception.  Just beware.

Karen Thomas

RE: [IceHorses] Mountain Goats

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> I've attached pics of both her and Peppy who have tremendous goat beards.

She's still very pretty Wanda.  For those of you who don't know it, 23-year-old 
Kria is the mother of 15-year-old chestnut/flaxen Saga, whose picture (in 
turquoise) I posted yesterday.  Tifa is Saga's baby, Kria's granddaughter.

Karen Thomas

RE: [IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> If horses know what happens before it happens and can read us like
books, etc etc etc--then why doesn't my young handsome steed read the truth
of me?  There's nothing to fear from me and my stupid stick.

Most Icelandic horses I have encountered aren't inherently afraid of a
stick...but then I know that most of them have had gentle starts, or were
totally unstarted when I got them.There's always the chance that he's
had a bad experience with a crop or lunge whip.  Horses have LONG memories.
It's always easier to train a horse than to retrain one.  Tivar obviously
had some training somewhere along the way where he was lunged in a mindless,
punishing sort of way.  It took a while to get him used to the idea of
walking a circle.  I never tried to get him to trot a circle and I certainly
didn't want to "round pen" him when I saw the zombie mode he'd go into.
Tivar would go on the defensive any time he perceived he was going into a
training situation, so we had to keep everything VERY low-key.  When we
non-trained him in a fun way, he was a gifted student, very willing to
learn.  I used a little of the Parelli games with him, but only in a very
watered-down form, tailored to match his reactions.

The key will be staying positive and not getting frustrated.  If you do get
frustrated (and I was the master at it, and I still can do it) change what
you're doing.

Karen Thomas

[IceHorses] Hand walking the mares

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
It was groundwork day again.  We have several mares who are either returning
to work after maternity leave, or being prepared to go under saddle.

Cary took Brunka and Saga for walks on the trail, each alone, to see if we
can find any holes before riding them out on the trail alone.  Both do fine
ridden out in a group, and did fine being led out alone.

Svertla, the mare who Janice helped us get last May (from the prior
starvation home) is officially out of quarantine from the rabies exposure
she got at that awful woman's home.  She's plenty old enough (almost 7) to
be ridden, but considering the shape she was in, then the winter weather, we
haven't asked much of her, only playing a little ground work with her here
and there.  Today she got a good bit of attention.

Cary wants to start doing more groundwork and basic training, but, let's
just say his finesse skills need a little polishing.  He spent a good bit of
time with Svertla, with me offering suggestions.  A few times he wanted to
pull her over obstacles she wasn't sure about, and I had to keep reminding
him that we were mainly interested in a positive experience, not raw
results.  Overall, he's doing a lot better though.

You can tell that Svertla grew up (her first two years) at Unicorn Valley.
She's a trail horse at heart already, not scared of any of the natural - and
not many man-made - obstacles she encountered.  She never missed a stride
stepping over logs on the trail, and one was probably 18" - she just walked
right over it. Too bad she was neglected for four years - she could be so
far along now.  I thank my lucky stars that she was only neglected though.
Abused or mistreated horses are MUCH harder to deal with from a training

She slipped just a tad going over the ditch into the woods.  That unnerved
her just a little so she got a couple of do-overs until she was fully
comfortable.  It wasn't really dangerously slick, just typical of what you
might encounter on even an easy trail.  On the way back to the house, she
didn't miss a stride going over the ditch.  Been there, done that...

There was an old rusty silo on the farm and Cary pushed it to the edge of
the trail, for a "scary trail obstacle".  So far, we haven't found an
Icelandic who's very worried about it.  Svertla only had to look at it about
two seconds before she touched it.  He also hung an old gate out along the
trail so we can practice opening an unimportant gate from horseback.   You
may see that when I post the link to the pictures.

Svertla wasn't TOO sure about walking over the teeter-totter bridge in the
obstacle area...but as soon as Cary put a handful of grass on it, it was a
done deal.  The biggest worry in the obstacle course was the tacky white
flower whirly-gig.  She wasn't so sure about that, but eventually crossed
the blue tarp on the ground beside it - that took her a couple of minutes to
find the courage to do.

So many horses and so little time.  I'm uploading some pictures of Svertla,
and will post a link later.

Karen Thomas

RE: [IceHorses] question - trot poles

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> I want to set up some trot poles in the yard to  play with now that the
time has changed.  How far apart do you recommend spacing them.

It will depend on the horse's stride, but generally about 3.5-4 feet apart.
I just step them off, assuming a stride is 3 feet, then add a few inches.
When I rode Joe and Sundance, both over 16H, I aimed for four feet.

Karen Thomas

Re: [IceHorses] Icelandics & Dogs?

2007-03-11 Thread SHERREL LEININGER
My icey attaches dogs, always has.  I ask a breeder about it  and he told me
that icelandics just hate dogs.  But I was also told  that Iceland  has no
natural predators so how would they know or learn this?  Stigandi stomped
one of my miniature pinschers years ago.  He (the dog) lived and his only
injury was a broken toe.  Stigandi attacked my dobe very recently and then a
few day later I saw him chasing a black dog (not my dog) across the pasture,
both running hard.  But he did not get the dog because I saw the dog again a
day or so later laying in the pasture with the horses.  But I have not seen
him (the dog) since so I don't know if Stigandi hurt him and he crawled off
and died or just went home since the horse was not going to play nice.


Re: [IceHorses] Me and my beast

2007-03-11 Thread SHERREL LEININGER

HHH!!!  You are scarry!

(just kidding) :-)

Re: [IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread SHERREL LEININGER
I have a horse that I worked for months to teach her using the Parelli
method of training.  I finally gave in a taught her Parelli using the
clicker.  Go ahead and use the clicker.  It is a wonderful teach method.  I
have gotten the same thing from time to time depending on who you talk to.
Anytime I have something new to teach I get a clicker.


Re: [IceHorses] Me and my beast

2007-03-11 Thread Cherie Mascis
Orri is a gorgeous pony!


Re: [IceHorses] O/T Mandy

2007-03-11 Thread ToltallyICE

And best wishes for Mandy and Walt!


Sand Creek Icelandic Sheepdogs

Re: [IceHorses] O/T Mandy

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 11/03/07, Robyn Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> For those of you who know her, our daughter, Mandy is getting married on May
> 5th in California.

Congratulations!  How nice for all of you.

Best wishes to her and Walt.


[IceHorses] O/T Mandy

2007-03-11 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi all,
For those of you who know her, our daughter, Mandy is getting married on May
5th in California.  She met Walt at the Bitterroot Ranch two years ago and
we met him at Christmas.  Great match for Mandy, he loves animals, is an
empathetic rider who loves his horse; he can build and fix things; he cooks
and we are very happy for them.

Robyn & Phil

Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada

RE: [IceHorses] Svertla's day out

2007-03-11 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Karen,

What a great playground you have both man made and natural obstacles.
T-shirt weather - something we are getting closer to but still a bit of a




Icelandic Horse Farm
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada 


Re: [IceHorses] Eczema in Icelandic horses-Anneliese

2007-03-11 Thread Anneliese Virro

On 3/11/07 8:38 AM, "Janice McDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When you say frequent baths, I would give clear water rinses for
> baths!  


I don't always use shampoo either; and when I do, I often use iodine
shampoo. Basically I use shampoo only when they are really icky.


[IceHorses] Svertla's day out

2007-03-11 Thread Karen

Pictures of Cary working with Svertla.  Occasionally, I had to remind him that 
accomplishing the task wasn't  as important as doing it in a relaxed easy way, 
but basically, I think he's catching on pretty well.  He's new to this sort of 
early-level training.  They both enjoyed the walk on the trail.

Karen Thomas, NC

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Re: [IceHorses] Mountain Goats

2007-03-11 Thread pippa258
Cherie Mascis wrote:
>  Fjords are usually quite useful and mellow, trail horses, are you sure it 
> was a Fjord?  Also, what did they braid on a Fjord?  Usually their manes are 
> cut in a fancy mohawk.
His tail and forelock (went down to his nose).  Yes, defnitely a Fjord.  
He had the mohawk with the black stripe in the middle.  I guess he 
wasn't mellow enough for her!


Re: [IceHorses] Mountain Goats

2007-03-11 Thread pippa258
> Gosh Trish,
> That makes me feel a lot better about my poorly groomed horses.  In my horse 
> show days, I wouldn't have considered riding a horse with even a fleck of 
> dirt 
> on him.  Now I have, upon occassion, gone out on my horse with mud still on 
> his legs, knowing he's going to be even muddier before we get back.
> Today, however, it's a gorgeous 75 degrees and he actually got a nice warm 
> shower - all the mud was washed away at least for awhile.
I know!  My first two horses really gleamed and their braids were ever 
so tidy ;-) .  Now, it's a quick brush and we'll get the mud off when we 
get back!


RE: [IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Virginia,
>Musing on the subject of prey/predator.

>>>Little me, the ' scary predator' with a measly orange stick, scaring a
strong, young and healthy horse who has a big attitude with larger
horses than himself, is the dominant horse in the field over all.

I have such a hard time with the prey/predator model and instead I ask
people to consider whether they are threatening/ or non-threatening.  I have
watched lions walk through a herd of gazelles and if the lions weren't
hungry, the gazelles paid little mind.  However, there is a different kind
of threatening posture, essence etc that happens when a lion is in the
stalking mode.  Clearly you are, for whatever reason, a threat to him when
the string is flipping over his back.  It doesn't make a lot of sense to me
that the horse should know that sometimes when you flick with the string,
plastic bag or whatever the tool of choice, they should stand still and
other times they should move.

The other aspect I have problems with is the labeling of horses - dominant ,
alpha etc.  What makes you feel that Orri is 'dominant'?  The interesting
aspect to beings in general is that context makes a big different.  In one
situation a horse may be in one position in the hierarchy and in another
herd or situation a different position.  

I would definitely consider clicker training, it gives a big motivation for
the horse and you don't have to do only clicker training - you can use it
for some situations and not others.  Someone said follow your heart and that
is really important because no matter what anyone else tells you to do, IF
you don't feel right about doing it, or don't like the result I don't think
it will work for you.  

Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada


Re: [IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread pippa258
Virginia Tupper wrote:
> Well, the more I see that this isn't working for us the more I'm
> thinking of the clicker.  On the Parelli list it was worded as
> 'bribery' when I was feeding carrot chips and holding the stick.
> V
Have you seen the video under "Savvy Tips" entitled Injection Savvy?  
Pat says in the video to use treats to cause it to be a conditioned 
response for a good thing, not a bad thing (i.e, alcohol swab the neck, 
give him an apple; alcohol swab, give carrot or molasses; don't just 
swab and stick the needle in).  Seems like he uses treats when he needs to!

Try searching "dolphin" in the Savvy Forum.  In the April 2006 issue of 
the Savvy Times, there was a write-up regarding Linda's visit to the 
Discovery Cove and working with the dolphin trainer, Lynne Eisenhardt.  
Lynne is also a PNH student.  There was a quote from Pat saying "If a 
team of behavioral scientists had to rank dog trainers, dolphin 
trainers, and horse trainers, who would they they put first and who 
last?  Training dolphins would have to be the most challenging and 
therefore produce the best methods, because when Flipper doesn't want to 
interact, what would you do?!"

The article said that Lynne did a presentation drawing parallels between 
the Parelli program and training dolphins.  In their first year, all the 
trainers do is observe behavior and spend undemanding time playing with 
the dolphins and gaining their confidence...the endpoint being it's not 
really about the ride.  Everyone wants to ride the dolphins.  It's 
having it happen where the dolphin also enjoys it that's the goal.

I found it interesting that not once in this article was the clicker 
mentioned though!   That would not be good for their marketing I think!


Re: [IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/11/07, susan cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Listen to your heart, Virginia,

Thank you.  I needed to hear that.

Re: [IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread susan cooper

--- Virginia Tupper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> On the Parelli list it was worded as 'bribery' when
I was feeding carrot chips and holding the stick.<<

So what if it is a "bribe".  Why does the word bribe
have to have a negative connotation?  I get bribed at
work to do my job, only I don't call it a bribe, I
call it a paycheck.  You can give your horse a
paycheck, too.  I also get bonuses, so the horse can,
too.  Listen to your heart, Virginia, and don't get
sidetracked by negative people who want you to do it
"their" way.

Susan in NV

Happy High Desert Trails 

Susan in NV
Nevermore Ranch


Bored stiff? Loosen up... 
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Re: [IceHorses] Mountain Goats

2007-03-11 Thread Cherie Mascis
>"Why would you want to ride a
> goat?"  She had a Fjord who was always beautifully groomed with the most
> lovely, intricate braids.   I always thought of what Parelli said when I
> would see her horse...I'm paraphrasing here but something like those who
> couldn't ride their horses always had the most beautifully groomed
> horses, because that's all they could do with their horses!

 Fjords are usually quite useful and mellow, trail horses, are you sure it 
was a Fjord?  Also, what did they braid on a Fjord?  Usually their manes are 
cut in a fancy mohawk.


Re: [IceHorses] Taking the Icelandics on a trip

2007-03-11 Thread Raven
How exciting! Have fun and looking forward to the photos. Raven

[IceHorses] Mountain Goats

2007-03-11 Thread SturmRanch
Gosh Trish,
That makes me feel a lot better about my poorly groomed horses.  In my horse 
show days, I wouldn't have considered riding a horse with even a fleck of dirt 
on him.  Now I have, upon occassion, gone out on my horse with mud still on 
his legs, knowing he's going to be even muddier before we get back.
Today, however, it's a gorgeous 75 degrees and he actually got a nice warm 
shower - all the mud was washed away at least for awhile.

Re: [IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/11/07, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd really think about clicker training.  It sounds like he needs to
> find a way to buy into his training.  For some reason, he doesn't have
> any 'learning' tools.  He's shutting down...and when he's in that
> fearful frame of mind...he isn't learning.
> Positive reinforcement is always a good thing.

Well, the more I see that this isn't working for us the more I'm
thinking of the clicker.  On the Parelli list it was worded as
'bribery' when I was feeding carrot chips and holding the stick.

Re: [IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
> If horses know what happens before it happens and can read us like
> books, etc etc etc--then why doesn't my young handsome steed read the
> truth of me?  There's nothing to fear from me and my stupid stick.
> V

I'd really think about clicker training.  It sounds like he needs to
find a way to buy into his training.  For some reason, he doesn't have
any 'learning' tools.  He's shutting down...and when he's in that
fearful frame of mind...he isn't learning.

Positive reinforcement is always a good thing.


[IceHorses] Prey/Predator

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
Musing on the subject of prey/predator.

Little me, the ' scary predator' with a measly orange stick, scaring a
strong, young and healthy horse who has a big attitude with larger
horses than himself, is the dominant horse in the field over all.

He could kick me, run me over, bite me--I'm just a wimpy 51 yr old
woman who aches all over that just wants to hug and kiss her pony and
go for long rides and feed him treats.

If horses know what happens before it happens and can read us like
books, etc etc etc--then why doesn't my young handsome steed read the
truth of me?  There's nothing to fear from me and my stupid stick.


RE: [IceHorses] question - trot poles

2007-03-11 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Renee 
>>>I want to set up some trot poles in the yard to  play with now that the
time has changed.  How far apart do you recommend  spacing them.

Generally 4' - 4 1/2' depending on your horse.  Watch him go through them
and ideally you want the foot to land in the middle between the poles.


Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada


Re: [IceHorses] braid ideas

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/11/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A few ideas...

Wow!  How beautiful!

Re: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/11/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To me, that's your answer for the time being anyway.  Do what works, and
> come back to the other things a little later.  Take some time and savor your
> successes, and don't let yourself or the horse get frustrated!

I think that's what I'll do.

Re: [IceHorses] Taking the Icelandics on a trip

2007-03-11 Thread Cherie Mascis
> We are going to Sedona and ride the trails.  I
>will send pictures.  It is very beautiful there.  Lots
>of red rocks.  Lorraine

I used to live out there and was Assistant Manager at the riding and boarding 
stable out there.  If you get a chance, go ride the Coconino National Forest 
trails that start next to Kachina Stables (not sure if it's called that 
anymore, but it should be the only stable near there).   Trail C is a nice 1 
hour trail but 2 hour Trail A is awesome.  It goes along the tops of the desert 
bluffs, winds down into the trees, and crosses the Verde River several times.  
The trails are well kept but pretty rugged.  The end of Trail A is up a 
winding, steep hill called "Horse Killer" (it's not that bad, we took dude 
rides out there.)

Trail R is 4 hours, but to get down into the canyon, the horses have to go down 
a series of wide steps.

If you take O you'll get lost (unless they've marked it better)!

I'm jealous, enjoy!


[IceHorses] SE

2007-03-11 Thread Docnshop2
I don't know about you guys but I am proactive in preventing summer eczema  
in my 4 imports in NC.  I started stabling at dawn and dusk today. (before  any 
signs of a problem).  I normally start when the time changes or when it  has 
been warm for several days in a row.  It was 74 degrees here  today.  I am 
committed to slow gradual exposure.  So far, so  good.  In a couple of weeks I 
will start spraying with flygone every  am.  I am always home before dark with 
the time change so I just spray once  daily.

Re: [IceHorses] Sculptures

2007-03-11 Thread Raven
wow..very nice!   raven

[IceHorses] question - trot poles

2007-03-11 Thread Docnshop2
I want to set up some trot poles in the yard to  play with now that the time 
has changed.  How far apart do you recommend  spacing them. 

Re: [IceHorses] Mountain Goats

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 11/03/07, pippa258 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That is nice looking hay you've got there Wanda!  Do you grow your own?
> Is it timothy?

Timothy and brome


Re: [IceHorses] Mountain Goats

2007-03-11 Thread pippa258
That is nice looking hay you've got there Wanda!  Do you grow your own?  
Is it timothy?

I remember when I first started thinking about an Icelandic, a woman at 
my barn was highly offended stating, "Why would you want to ride a 
goat?"  She had a Fjord who was always beautifully groomed with the most 
lovely, intricate braids.   I always thought of what Parelli said when I 
would see her horse...I'm paraphrasing here but something like those who 
couldn't ride their horses always had the most beautifully groomed 
horses, because that's all they could do with their horses!


Re: [IceHorses] Eczema in Icelandic horses-Anneliese

2007-03-11 Thread pippa258

>  Jeffers carries the Flygone as well at the Repel-Xp which is a concentrate, 
> the Flygone is not. The Thuja Zinc Oxide Ointment is not a homeopathic. 
> Jeffers used to carry it but hasn't in a while. I get it from my vet, it's 
> made by Vedco. I feel it is very good on many types lesions. It's very 
> sticky, so it stays on for a while.
Thanks, Anneliese.  I'd already ordered the Flygone when you mentioned 
the specific chemical that is available in both.   I wholeheartedly 
agree about not paying to ship water!I can remember using a flyspray 
called Repel-X on my horse in Panama when I was a kid.  It was the only 
thing we could get down there.  There were clouds of no-see-ums (sand 
fleas we called them) and mosquitoes at dusk and dawn but don't remember 
ever hearing about SE till I came to the states.  The thuja/zinc sounds 
like a good combo...
> I tried the garlic powder from Springtime for two summers and did not see
> any results. You must use your own judgement.
Thanks for that will save many $$!


Re: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/11/07, pippa258 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do you let him sniff/mouth the CS?

Yes--he sniffs it, nibbles it with his lips.

Re: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread pippa258
Virginia Tupper wrote:
> The games have been going great--then, the last few times I've played
> with Orri he's been acting paranoid about the CS.  
Do you let him sniff/mouth the CS?  When my two start to look a little 
worried about it I let them sniff it, mouth it.  Starri gives it a good 
bite and then spits it out and all is well.  Kopar wriggles his nose all 
over it. 


Re: [IceHorses] Re: [icehorsecolor] mars coat king-what is that?

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
> Help.  What is a mars coat king?   Lorraine


Re: [IceHorses] Taking the Icelandics on a trip

2007-03-11 Thread ToltallyICE
Lorraine, thanks for the new photo for my Icelandics Around the World 

Please take some photos of your horses in the Sedona area for my webpage! 
I've been to Sedona once and I LOVE the Red Rock Country. It is my place.

Tell Carla Hello! I met her once many years ago at Albany.


ToltallyICE at Sand Creek Icelandic Horse Farm
Icelandic Horses and Icelandic Sheepdogs

Re: [IceHorses] Eczema in Icelandic horses-Anneliese

2007-03-11 Thread Anneliese Virro
> I've just ordered some Flygone and SDS from SaddleUpTack, just in case.
> What brand is the Thuya Zinc ointment?  Is it a homeopathic?  I've used
> Thuja for detox after vaccines but never thought about it for the skin
> Just received a catalog from a company called Springtime which has lots
> of testimonials regarding it's garlic product for horsesalthough
> garlic has never worked for me for keeping the dogs flea-free.
> Trish

Hello Trish:

Idon't see the point paying for the shipment of mostly water, so I usually
buy concentrates. Jeffers carries the Flygone as well at the Repel-Xp which
is a concentrate, the Flygone is not. The Thuja Zinc Oxide Ointment is not a
homeopathic. Jeffers used to carry it but hasn't in a while. I get it from
my vet, it's made by Vedco. I feel it is very good on many types lesions.
It's very sticky, so it stays on for a while.

I tried the garlic powder from Springtime for two summers and did not see
any results. You must use your own judgement.


Re: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/11/07, Cherie Mascis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Orri may be different if he were aggressively trained to lunge with a whip. 
> Does your present trainer lunge him?  He just may asume the carrot stick is a 
> lunge whip and he needs to move.

His present trainer is me--before me it was the breeder who I
purchased Orri from.  And I would guess by Orri's actions he thinks
the CS is a lunge whip because that's the automatic mode he defaults
to;  Gat does too.  I've lunged neither of these horses.

> It is strange that he is ok sometimes but not others.

He was fine in the beginning--it's only been these last 3 or 4 times.

> Don't progress to any of the driving games until he is completely comfortable 
> with the stick being rubbed all over him and then when you do start the 
> driving games, make sure you rub him with the stick after each drive.

Before Orri started acting scared with the CS I had already done all
of the games.  He'll do them for me fine without the stick in my hand.

> When I worked with a fairly wild Icelandic import, I started with my hand 
> about 3/4 of the way down the stick (less stick toward the horse) and kept 
> the excess close to me.

I can try that.

>  He may also be more comfortable if you approach him with the stick close to 
> your body and stay close to him as you work the stick with gentle motions up 
> his legs or over his body (start with the area he's most comfortable with).   
> This would be less like lunging, where the trainer would stand back and wave 
> the stick.

I have been able to rub Orri with the stick, he's nervous though, and
doesn't like me flicking the string over his back.
> If he's still having trouble with the pressure, you could combine clicking 
> with the pressure release.

I'm reading Clicker books right now and that may be the way to go with
my horses.

Re: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/11/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I were you, I'd stick with it - but I wouldn't be opposed to taking a
> break now and then.

I only play once a week--should I break more than that?

RE: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> The games have been going great--then, the last few times I've played
with Orri he's been acting paranoid about the CS.  He's responding to the
games with my hands but as soon as the CS lifts he starts getting nervous.
I'm not doing anything with it that I would think conveys any reason for him
to be scaredwhy was he OK before and now he isn't?

I'm sure he has a reason - too bad they can't tell us what.

In a case like this, rather than getting obsessed with the carrot stick, why
not just drop the issue for a while?  Do whatever you can to get his trust
back...and watch for clues for what really might be bothering him.  There
have been times when I couldn't see an issue and couldn't see it - then
boom, one day it would hit me like a ton of brick what the problem was.
Personally, I don't think there's a thing wrong with avoiding a problem -
for the short term.  Sure, you want to work through all the holes in a
horse's training eventually, but you have time - and I know you think that
too.  Thousands and thousands of people find success in following Parelli's
program by the book...but don't forget that many, many horses do well with
other gentle, common sense approaches.   I use parts of the Parelli program,
but in the situation you described, I wouldn't be opposed to hiding the
carrot stick for a while, if that helps.  You can always try it again when
your and his confidence comes back.  If you're doing something wrong, or are
reminding him of a bad past experience, you might be better off just to
avoid the issue for a while.

A couple of clues in making a success with ANY program, Parelli's or others:
don't be a perfectionist.  And don't be afraid to take some time and just
observe and think about all your options.  Those have been two of my
problems over the years.  Sometimes I've been surprised to find that when I
have had the most success working through an issue - well, often the
solution has been doing less but thinking - and feeling - more.

Anyone doing Parelli games notice their Icelandics react differently than
the 'big' horses most Parelli students play with?

I think every horse is different.  You'll find some of all kinds in every
breed.  The good thing about the Parelli program is that it's so organized
that they can make it into a step-by-step program.  The bad thing about the
Parelli is that it's organized into a step-by-step program.  :)  In other
words, it's great for most horses, most of the time...but there's no way
that anyone can make ANY program work equally well for all the horses with
all the possible baggage they may bring to the table.  That takes knowing
each horse and taking your time to think about what may make your horse
different from the average.

If I were you, I'd stick with it - but I wouldn't be opposed to taking a
break now and then.

Karen Thomas

Re: [IceHorses] Re: [icehorsecolor] mars coat king-what is that?

2007-03-11 Thread Lorraine Voog

--- Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 11/03/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > >>> We're supposed to be taking on my
> brother-in-law's half Fjord/half QH this spring and
> she's almost the same colour.
> >

Help.  What is a mars coat king?   Lorraine

 Happy Southwestern Trails


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RE: [IceHorses] braid ideas

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
>> And then started another series of pony tails from those by separating the 
>> pony tails at the rools.  It created a loose open net effect.  I wish I had 
>> pictures.

I think that's a pretty common way of braiding Arabian manes, or the breeds 
where trimming and pulling manes is frowned upon - I think I have some pics 
somewhere in one of my grooming books.

Karen Thomas

RE: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas

>>> Orri is reacting very well to all the games when I use my hands--it's
just the stick when I want to play Friendly with it that he gets all

To me, that's your answer for the time being anyway.  Do what works, and
come back to the other things a little later.  Take some time and savor your
successes, and don't let yourself or the horse get frustrated!  You're doing
fine.  :)

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Question for "Ask Janice"

2007-03-11 Thread Stephanie Caldwell
On 3/11/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  You really should get the rainbow tie-dyed leg wraps and use them for
>  half-chaps.  They would SO complete the look with your new tie-dyed dressage
>  breeches!  ;)

Don't enable her... she gets into enough trouble as it is... ;) I
think I know where to send my 80's tie dyed T-shirts I don't wear
anymore, though!

"Brutality begins where skill ends."
"Correctly understood, work at the lunge line is indispensable for
rider and horse from the very beginning through the highest levels."
Von Niendorff

RE: [IceHorses] braid ideas

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
A few ideas...

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] When I win the lottery...

2007-03-11 Thread Stephanie Caldwell
On 3/11/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Sure - but remember that I haven't won the lottery, so I'm not paying for
>  pictures yet!

I don't charge friends for photography work, especially if it's
digital! Action photography isn't my strong point, I do more artsy,
musicians, etc... than I do action, and I do some very limited outdoor
portrait work, but photography is just a serious hobby now, if I'm not
willing to do it for free I don't do it, since it's a *hobby* and it's
supposed to be *fun*.

I do believe that one of my photos will be in Creative Loafing in the
next couple of weeks in a band ad, that's payment enough for that
job... I'll let you know if it makes it!

"Brutality begins where skill ends."
"Correctly understood, work at the lunge line is indispensable for
rider and horse from the very beginning through the highest levels."
Von Niendorff

RE: [IceHorses] Promotion of the Breed/SE

2007-03-11 Thread Ingvar Ragnarsson

>..I think that those with SE should not be breed if it is such a big issue

they have tried that in Sweden (stallions with SE 
are not allowed to stand at stud )

  and in researches they show it is not genetic 
it´s only about where you happens to be born 
there are not a higher % of eczema offsprings 
from SE parents VS not SE parents. Just the same as other breeds.

regards Malin

Re: [IceHorses] Re: [icehorsecolor] mars coat king

2007-03-11 Thread Lorraine Voog

--- Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> here is a pic of my Tivar cleaned up.  You can see
> the line where I
> clipped him underneath so it shows he isn't
> completely done shedding!
> Janice
> -- 

He looks gorgeous as usual.  Lorraine

 Happy Southwestern Trails


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Re: [IceHorses] Icelandics & Dogs?

2007-03-11 Thread Cherie Mascis
My mare Lilja and her filly Roka could care less about dogs.  Two Great 
Pyrenees sleep around and under the horses all the time.  My other mare, 
Mura does not like dogs, but I think the reason is she came from a farm that 
had yappy little terriers snapping around the horses' legs all the time. 
My bosse's Paso Fino really dislikes dogs and chases them if they get too 


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RE: [IceHorses] UPDATE FROM ICELAND - Possible cure for eczema in Icelandic horses

2007-03-11 Thread Ingvar Ragnarsson
At 16:08 8.3.2007, you wrote:

> >>> That would be lovely - where can we volunteer to participate in the
>study? The article states 20 - 30 percent of exported Icelandic come down
>with SE. HAHAHHA - DON'T we all wish that were true! 70-80% is a much
>better guestimate. Anneliese

  it all depends on where you live and how you take care of

for example in holland close 80% develop eczema
if the horse isn´t taken care of

in Sweden around 20-30%  if you don´t take care
of it and I think it´s even less in Norway in
Germany I think it´s like in Sweden.

  Regards Malin In Iceland

[IceHorses] Icelandics and Dogs?

2007-03-11 Thread SturmRanch
That's what we all sort of figured.  That since all  these horses grew up on 
the same farm and they are all aggressive with dogs, that it is a learned 
behavior.  One of the owners thinks there were a lot of coyotes there.
As far as I could tell, the horses were  always turned out on beautiful  
safely-fenced open hillside pastures with no shelters.  They had wonderful 
Maybe they could see the coyotes coming.
Every one of them will attack a dog with front feet and teeth.  Yrsa  sure 
taught my big lab puppy to stay out of the barnyard.

Re: [IceHorses] Enjoying the weather on Scooter

2007-03-11 Thread Lorraine Voog

> You would not believe the pair of shoes I bid on,
> thankfully I got out
> bid, but I decided alcohol and Ebay don't mix. ;)

Thats why I stopped drinking.  Now I am naturally
dingy.  I have a thing about losing my keys.  LOl

 Happy Southwestern Trails


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[IceHorses] Taking the Icelandics on a trip

2007-03-11 Thread Lorraine Voog
I met a woman through Robyn I think, who lives near
me.  We are going to Sedona and ride the trails.  I
will send pictures.  It is very beautiful there.  Lots
of red rocks.  Lorraine  PS Her name is Carla Meeske

 Happy Southwestern Trails


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Re: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Cherie Mascis
>The games have been going great--then, the last few times I've played
>with Orri he's been acting paranoid about the CS. He's
>responding to the games with my hands but as soon as the CS lifts he
>starts getting nervous. I'm not doing anything with it that I would
>think conveys any reason for him to be scaredwhy was he OK before
>and now he isn't?

That's weird Virginia, I have the opposite problem with most Icelandics.  They 
are so unafraid of me waving things at them that I have a hard time getting 
them to move from the motion of the stick.
Orri may be different if he were aggressively trained to lunge with a whip. 
Does your present trainer lunge him?  He just may asume the carrot stick is a 
lunge whip and he needs to move. 
It is strange that he is ok sometimes but not others.  
Don't progress to any of the driving games until he is completely comfortable 
with the stick being rubbed all over him and then when you do start the driving 
games, make sure you rub him with the stick after each drive. 

When I worked with a fairly wild Icelandic import, I started with my hand about 
3/4 of the way down the stick (less stick toward the horse) and kept the excess 
close to me.

  He may also be more comfortable if you approach him with the stick close to 
your body and stay close to him as you work the stick with gentle motions up 
his legs or over his body (start with the area he's most comfortable with).   
This would be less like lunging, where the trainer would stand back and wave 
the stick.
Use smaller movements than you have been.

If he's still having trouble with the pressure, you could combine clicking with 
the pressure release. 


Re: [IceHorses] Icelandics & Dogs?

2007-03-11 Thread Raven
>>handful of Icelandics that we know (about 6 animals) are all very
aggressive with dogs.

My Huginn hateshates dogs!  He tolerates my dogs, cuz I have told
him in no uncertain terms that my dogs are off limits.

When other riders bring their dogs on trail, I always warn them that
Huginn does not like dogs and has kicked in the past. Thank goodness
he has never made contact with a dog!!

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn, the American Ice Pony
Dixie Chic, the Barn Goddess

Re: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/11/07, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But something else occurred to me. Does Orri ever have a chance to
> watch you working with other horses?  A time when you are just working
> around him, not focused on him at all?

Maybe I'm using this as an excuse, but I find having the horses at a
boarding barn not a helpful scenario for 'training'.  I have to work
around the schedule of the arena so I don't have a lot of time to

But--next time I think I'll bring Orri and Gat both into the arena and
just play with Gat -- now I'm curious to see if/how he'd react to

Re: [IceHorses] Half Chaps for Short People

2007-03-11 Thread Stephanie Caldwell

>  have you checked the site for lendes?  they seem to
>  come as small as X by X (where X is calf width), and have an elastic
>  panel to fit better. is also very nice about returns;

Count thyself lucky you haven't had problems with returns. They are
not a company I enjoy dealing with, and I won't give them my debit
card under any conditions.

BOB and Tack Of The Day (A BOB Site) aren't enjoyable to deal with for me...

"Brutality begins where skill ends."
"Correctly understood, work at the lunge line is indispensable for
rider and horse from the very beginning through the highest levels."
Von Niendorff

Re: [IceHorses] braid ideas

2007-03-11 Thread Stephanie Caldwell
On 3/11/07, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  And then started another series of pony tails from those by separating
>  the pony tails at the rools.  It created a loose open net effect.  I
>  wish I had pictures.

It's called a continental braid.

Not a terribly good job, but you get the idea. It's *simple* to do,
much easier than the traditional braids done on show horses. (I've
been considering show grooming again and practicing braiding, I've
decided it's not worth it!)

"Brutality begins where skill ends."
"Correctly understood, work at the lunge line is indispensable for
rider and horse from the very beginning through the highest levels."
Von Niendorff

Re: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 11/03/07, Virginia Tupper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Wanda.  That makes sense.  I expect with time he'll figure out
> I'm not that scary!
> V

I'm just waiting for the horses to come in for their afternoon siesta
so I have a few minutes at the computer and then I'm bolting out the

But something else occurred to me. Does Orri ever have a chance to
watch you working with other horses?  A time when you are just working
around him, not focused on him at all?

For a while one of our statements around here was, "let's go scare
Dagur."  Which really was a despooking session.  Sometimes we wouldn't
even go near him.  I remember unfolding a tarp about 50 feet away from
him.  Of course Gusti and Solon came up for a close look, so the
despooking session wasn't worthless, but it gave Dagur a chance to
watch us (Cara and/or myself) working around the other horses.  He was
able to observe and eventually, over time I noticed that he began
moving in closer, asking for attention.  Eventually Cara and I
separated him, and worked with him one on one.  AND then eventually
when he was separated he started asking for the 'game' to start.
That's when we knew he was really ready to start.

It occurred to me as an owner who is trying to train my own horses -
that we don't appreciate the amount of time that has to go into
building a solid mount.  There is no time frame that would be suitable
to apply.  I think when we're paying a trainer to train a horse we
expect a good bang for our buck, when in reality.the training
could conceivable last for two or three years and quite possibly a

Anyway, I am lucky that I have Cara to help me, because we can often
bounce ideas off one another during a session.


Re: [IceHorses] Saga in turquoise

2007-03-11 Thread Stephanie Caldwell
On 3/11/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Karen, Raven posted this.  Can't you make them??  They are 20 bucks
>  australian, 18 bucks canadian.  Does anyone know how much hat is?

$18 Canadian should be about $12 US, but I haven't checked the
exchange rates today. I *hate* buying from Australia it takes several
lifetimes to get here, and then some...

"Brutality begins where skill ends."
"Correctly understood, work at the lunge line is indispensable for
rider and horse from the very beginning through the highest levels."
Von Niendorff

Re: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/11/07, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just keep puttering away with Orri, leave things for a few days and
> then go back to something that was comfortable for him.

Thanks Wanda.  That makes sense.  I expect with time he'll figure out
I'm not that scary!

[IceHorses] File - Editing, Responding to the List

2007-03-11 Thread IceHorses

Just a reminder for those who may need it:

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So please snip (edit, trim) anything that's not needed and quite a few
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And thanks much for your participation on list!


Re: [IceHorses] GB and the mares

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 11/03/07, Virginia Tupper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/10/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > He was good, but geez, i dont know if he can take the excitement if we
> > do it again.
> Sounds like it went well!
> V

I think it would do an old stallion some good to think he could still
work some ladies into a frenzy...


Re: [IceHorses] braid ideas

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 11/03/07, Virginia Tupper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/10/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > With summer its time to braid when it gets hot!  Here are two pics of
> > Gallant Boys braids.  Any other ideas?

> Very nicely done!  I just do plain braids on Gat, but use colorful elastics.
> V

A few years ago, someone had done a great job of braiding (Andrea
Barber???)  She started out with a series of pony tails all along the
mane close to the roots...

And then started another series of pony tails from those by separating
the pony tails at the rools.  It created a loose open net effect.  I
wish I had pictures.


Re: [IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
> Anyone doing Parelli games notice their Icelandics react differently
> than the 'big' horses most Parelli students play with?
> Orri is reacting very well to all the games when I use my hands--it's
> just the stick when
> I want to play Friendly with it that he gets all bothered.
> I hope I'm not messing him up.
> V

We haven't done any official parelli games with Dagur but your
experience with Orri reminds me so much of Dagur that it's uncanny.

I think with Orri, he's just being overfaced a bit.  Back off, and go
back to something that he's comfortable with ... even if it's the most
mundane thing.  I think what worked with Dagur was that he needed to
increase his confidence in us.  Plus when I look back now, Dagur was
just to immature emotionally to move forward.  The extra year we gave
him due to other things going on that gave us no time for training was
a blessing for him.

Just keep puttering away with Orri, leave things for a few days and
then go back to something that was comfortable for him.

Oh  ... we also clicker train with Dagur and that instant reassurance
seems to help his confidence.

Just my two cents on what worked by Dagur...


Re: [IceHorses] GB and the mares

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/10/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> He was good, but geez, i dont know if he can take the excitement if we
> do it again.

Sounds like it went well!

Re: [IceHorses] dappled palomino pants

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/10/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here are my excellently dyed palomino dappled sooty gene riding
> breeches.

They look could add more color if you wanted to get extreme!

Re: [IceHorses] braid ideas

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/10/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With summer its time to braid when it gets hot!  Here are two pics of
> Gallant Boys braids.  Any other ideas?

Very nicely done!  I just do plain braids on Gat, but use colorful elastics.

[IceHorses] Question about Parelli game

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
The games have been going great--then, the last few times I've played
with Orri he's been acting paranoid about the CS.  He's
responding to the games with my hands but as soon as the CS lifts he
starts getting nervous.  I'm not doing anything with it that I would
think conveys any reason for him to be scaredwhy was he OK before
and now he isn't?

Knowing he shouldn't be afraid of the Carrot stick I've given him lots of
'room' with the 12' line while I ignore him and play with my stickhe seems
to get upset with the rhythmic motion of the stick.

He will allow me to throw the string over his back but acts like it's on fire!

I've never hurt him with the stick, or threatened him with the stick, but
for some reason he thinks he has to move, and fast, if I start moving the
stick with rhythmic motion.

Last night when I put him back in his stall he went right to the back
like he was
afraid of me.  I went and got some carrots and coaxed him over by putting them
in his feed dish one by one--all the time with my stick visable and moving.

He eventually settled and ignored the stick so obviously the carrots took over.

I've been watching the Parelli tapes, etc and see that the horses are sometimes
afraid of the stick, but they eventually get over it.  Why would Orri
get worse with
it not better?

Anyone doing Parelli games notice their Icelandics react differently
than the 'big' horses most Parelli students play with?

Orri is reacting very well to all the games when I use my hands--it's
just the stick when
I want to play Friendly with it that he gets all bothered.

I hope I'm not messing him up.

RE: [IceHorses] Icelandics & Dogs?

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> So ... is this something effected by their environment or is it common
to the breed?

My Icelandic's seem to be pretty oblivious/tolerant to dogs and cats.  I'd
say they are no different from other breeds - maybe better, in that overall
the breed isn't as spooky as many hotter breeds.  I don't think what you're
seeing is a breed thing.

Karen Thomas, NC

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Re: [IceHorses] Saga in turquoise

2007-03-11 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 3/10/07, Lorraine Voog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I love that color.  I love all the colors.  Lorraine
> I want another Icelandic.  Wish I was rich.  LOL

My sentiments exactly!

RE: [IceHorses] Question for "Ask Janice"

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> speak for yourself karen!  I know people who say they can't wait for me
to show up on rides to see what my horses are wearing and to see what hairdo
I have them in.  I am in a sorta existentiaslistic Indian Spirit mode now.
I am putting wild turkey feathers hanging by a haystring fluttering from my
saddle dees.  But I get mixed up and donny my husband says "janice that is
not a turkey feather it is a buzzard feather" but so what, its the same
thing really!  Janice

You really should get the rainbow tie-dyed leg wraps and use them for
half-chaps.  They would SO complete the look with your new tie-dyed dressage
breeches!  ;)

Karen Thomas, NC

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RE: [IceHorses] When I win the lottery...

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> Ya...Dagur is a Segull son too.  Next time I send in a pic of him, notice 
>>> his lip.  It's always sticking out.  It's something he does when he's 
>>> concentrating

Yes, Brunka thinks with her lip too!

Karen Thomas, NC

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Re: [IceHorses] Promotion of the Breed

2007-03-11 Thread Anneliese Virro
> The one issue that we do have is the mane and forelock.they break
> off and we can not get their mane and forelock to grow long as it
> should be in our areain other areas of the island it grows well,
> but not where Salkly and I live.  Its hard to look at our Stallions
> picture in Iceland, with all  his mane and now look at him...its only
> about 6 -8 inches long, half the length or more than it was before
> herewe are trying MTG to see if that helpsits really a
> cosmetic thing, but it bothers us.


Have you tried feeding your horses ground flax seed? That is very helpful
for a good coat and nice mane and tail. About 1/2 - 2/3 cup or so per day
will do it.


RE: [IceHorses] Horse Knowledge 1

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
 But don't let that deter you from buying and Icelandic. Saddle fit
issues are not any worse for this breed than with any other horse. It may
seem so on this list. But saddle fit is discussed a lot on this list only
because we have a good number of member here who are really concerned about
saddle fit and care about the wellbeing of their horses.

That's probably pretty valid.  I DO think that Icelandics are somewhat
harder to fit as a rule because they are generally wide and short-backed,
but I'd say that most horses, all breeds, are still being ridden in
less-than-great fitting saddles.  Saddle fit is a science that only seems to
have started moving forward over maybe the last 10 years or so.

The double-whammy with Icelandic's is that many of the traditional Icelandic
saddles seem to have been especially narrow, and especially long, even
compared to other European made "English"-style saddles, even the ones made
by the well-known names.

Karen Thomas, NC

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[] The video every Icelandic Horse owner should have:
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Re: [IceHorses] Horse Knowledge 1

2007-03-11 Thread Anneliese Virro
> Would Iowa be considered an SE zone?  I am really interested in getting an
> icelandic horse or two,  But between the saddle fit issues and the SE problem
> I am not sure if  it will be feasable.
> Thanks.  
> Karen Harris
> Iowa

Hi Karen:
Have you spoken with Doug and Jennifer Hamilton? They are in Iowa
(Fairfield, I think, not sure). They used to import a lot of horses from
Iceland. I remember Jennifer telling me that ALL the imports get SE sooner
or later. They may have had a run of real bad luck but it tells me that at
least where they are they have a lot of bugs.

But don't let that deter you from buying and Icelandic. Saddle fit issues
are not any worse for this breed than with any other horse. It may seem so
on this list. But saddle fit is discussed a lot on this list only because we
have a good number of member here who are really concerned about saddle fit
and care about the wellbeing of their horses.

And you don't have to buy an import. There are now a good number of
domestically bred Icelandics available. And those don't get SE. So go and
see the Hamiltons, they will introduce you to the breed.


Re: [IceHorses] When I win the lottery...

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
> that sorta longer top lip is something you see in iceys a lot!  If you
> see that in other breeds it can mean parrot mouth or something so when
> I noticed nasi's I freaked out.  But it is just his lip not his teeth!

Ya...Dagur is a Segull son too.  Next time I send in a pic of him,
notice his lip.  It's always sticking out.  It's something he does
when he's concentrating

That lip does come in handy though, I've watched him unlatch a gate with it.

Lucky he's so handsome though


RE: [IceHorses] When I win the lottery...

2007-03-11 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> And Teev will be TEN.  I couldn't believe when I saw that on his papers.
teev is my oldest horse!  No wonder he is grumpy, he is like my husband, a
middle aged, how did Karen describe him?  Quiet?  HA.

Janice, think about it a minute.  I have EITILL to compare him to. Tivvy is
VERY quiet...

Karen Thomas, NC

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Re: [IceHorses] Question for "Ask Janice"

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
> Can we have another picture of your fur-trimmed plaid Elmer Fudd hat?  It is 
> SO right with your Carhartt outfit!

The hat it matches best is my new "Driza-Bone" Aussie jacket.  Which
I'm using for 'good' until someday I forget and get some sort of horse
stuff smeared on it.

That jacket is the absolute best.  I've worn it all winter and was as
warm as could be.  The pockets are gigantic.  I was looking for a dog
treat the other day, and came up with a CD and the charger to my cell
phone.  If I dug a little deeper I'm sure I could the half-chaps that
I've been looking for.


Re: [IceHorses] braid ideas

2007-03-11 Thread Dee Dreslough
On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 10:33 -0600, Janice McDonald wrote:
> With summer its time to braid when it gets hot!  Here are two pics of
> Gallant Boys braids.  

I have no new ideas, but I love that he looks like he's smiling. :)


Re: [IceHorses] Re: [icehorsecolor] mars coat king

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 11/03/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> We're supposed to be taking on my brother-in-law's half Fjord/half QH 
> >>> this spring and she's almost the same colour.
> Do you have pictures yet?

Not recent ones.


Re: [IceHorses] Half Chaps for Short People

2007-03-11 Thread pyramid
On Sun, Mar 11, 2007 at 07:41:11AM -0400, Karen Thomas wrote:
> >>>wow.  i have some from that are zipper, and fit me
> fine -
> Lucky you.  I can't count the number of brands that I've tried, and these
> are the first pair of zipper-half chaps I've found to fit at any price.  

have you checked the site for lendes?  they seem to
come as small as X by X (where X is calf width), and have an elastic 
panel to fit better. is also very nice about returns;
i've sometimes bought two of something from there in different sizes and
returned whatever didn't fit (one or both).  i think that's where i got
the nunn finer ones (which they don't seem to have anymore), but my gf
(who is even shorter than i am and quite a bit heavier) has what i think
are lendes.  (i can ask, maybe they're tredsteps :)

for $140 you can also get custom-made half chaps from 
(i now want ones with a star on them, for stjarni).

i admit the purple ones were a bit of luck.  my trainer (whose colors
are gold and purple) was green with envy ;)


Re: [IceHorses] When I win the lottery...

2007-03-11 Thread Janice McDonald
On 3/10/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> awesome!  What bloodline is brunka?  She kinda has Nasi;s prehensile
> upper lip.  Janice
> She's from the Icelandic Horse Farm.  Her father is Segull, and her mom is
> named Leira, I think.   Leira is a blue dun, btw, so I'm SURE that means she
> and Nasi are related! ;)

that sorta longer top lip is something you see in iceys a lot!  If you
see that in other breeds it can mean parrot mouth or something so when
I noticed nasi's I freaked out.  But it is just his lip not his teeth!
 Then I noticed in pics it is a common trait.  Like the low tailset.
That is different than other horses too.  But with nasi, he uses it to
his advantage, to untie things, unhook things, like  the little monkey
he is.  I need to quit thinking of him as a baby, he will be THREE May
1rst!  Can you believe it!!?!  And Teev will be TEN.  I couldn't
believe when I saw that on his papers. teev is my oldest horse!  No
wonder he is grumpy, he is like my husband, a middle aged, how did
Karen describe him?  Quiet?  HA.
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] icelandic vs. other chickens

2007-03-11 Thread Dee Dreslough
On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 07:49 -0600, Janice McDonald wrote:
> I have odd chickens and I order hatching eggs from all over the world
> and hatch them myself in my bedroom.  then raise them.  I have never
> seen an icelandic chicken or heard of one!  Does anyone have a pic?
> My neighbors dog ate my golden phoenix rooster yesterday :(  

Here's some info on Icelandic chickens:

and a source for some: <-
right here in my corner of the world, raising Icelandic Chickens. :)

and another farm with Viking Chickens (I keep thinking of that Viking
Kittens You-Tube music video when I read 'Viking Chickens'. :) )

My condolences on your rooster; I know how you feel. We have a coyote, a
fisher, hawks, and neighbor dogs who all have had their go at our flock.
At this point, I have three bantams left living in my basement until I
can build Fort Clucks for them in the spring. :(


Re: [IceHorses] Icelandics & Dogs?

2007-03-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
> So ... is this something effected by their environment or is it common to the
> breed?
> Nancy

I don't know.  Our horses chase anything that comes into their
pasture.  Though I see this morning that they've come to some sort of
agreement with the deer, as the deer are out with them right now.

They used to love chasing deer.


Re: [IceHorses] Eczema in Icelandic horses-Anneliese

2007-03-11 Thread Janice McDonald
When you say frequent baths, I would give clear water rinses for
baths!  I had a dog for many years with eczema, it was so
heartbreaking and miserable.  I finally found if I gave her a soapy
bath less often it was better.  I would just rinse her with cool
water.  Every day in summer.  Only bathe her with soap once a month if
that.  I found bathing her with tar shampoo was good if her sores were
wet, but if sores were dry and scaley, with oatmeal shampoos.  Also I
found I had to rinse her good if we went into a creek, even a nice
clear flowing one, becauser apparently there was things in the water
she was more allergic to.  She would chew her paws til they bled.
Anyway.  I dont have experience with SE in horses but I sure do with

yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Empathy for the Horse

2007-03-11 Thread Janice McDonald

> Let's put our thinking caps on and figure out why we'd support a program
> whose goals are not in the best interests of the horse (in other words, no
> empathy for the horse).

why do we need to put on a thinking cap for that?!?  We would need to
put on a dunce cap for that!  But I guess we need to figure out what
is "support".  Like with the TWHBEA, And RHBAA, I am SO against them
and everything they stand for, but I wanted to register my horses!
You have to think of stuff like re-sale value etc.  I am not a person
who renews membership with them tho, nor with the USIHC registry
either!  I only renew membership with the McCurdy registry and the
SSHBEA because I like what they do.  They allow a horse to be what it
is, recognize other gaits etc.  For participation and renewed
membership I will only give my money and support to a registry that
doesnt believe in hurting horses.  If there was another natural
association for icelandics I would join and participate.
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Empathy for the Horse

2007-03-11 Thread Janice McDonald
You young mothers, teach your children!  All children are cruel!  I
remember clearly the day I caught my daughter with my moms chihuahua,
twisting its legs and the dog whimpered.  I said WHAT ARE YOU DOING
and she responded so cheerfully "I am breaking hims legs!"  like that
was a nice thing to do!  I was horrified!  I sat her down and said
"what would happen if I twisted your legs til it hurt and you
cried??!"  and she got the point.  I think you can teach empathy!
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] For Janice

2007-03-11 Thread Janice McDonald
On 3/10/07, Raven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Janice,
> Just for you!

oh my gosh I must have them I MUST.  I might even wear them myself as
half chaps!
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Saga in turquoise

2007-03-11 Thread Janice McDonald
 Karen, Raven posted this.  Can't you make them??  They are 20 bucks
australian, 18 bucks canadian.  Does anyone know how much hat is?  I
must have them.  They are too tacky to resist.  I think that harness
plume company could match them.

yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] CUTEST PIC EVER!!

2007-03-11 Thread Janice McDonald
> Now, about that DID tell Donny the horse is overbent, and he
> REALLY needed to work on that chair seatAnd I don't know about those
> spring "action devices" making that horse "lift" like that...tsk, tsk...

well, I was gonna ask you guys for gait analysis but if you are gonna
be so critical...
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Horse Knowledge 1

2007-03-11 Thread Janice McDonald

> Would Iowa be considered an SE zone?  I am really interested in getting an 
> icelandic horse or two,  But between the saddle fit issues and the SE problem 
> I am not sure if  it will be feasable.

1.  saddlefit is not an issue if you have a treeless.
2.  Buy domestic and your SE potential goes down to a very low.
3.  Look at horses to buy where you can see the parents to and ask
lots of questions about SE.
4.  I am glad you are here!
yipie tie yie yo

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