[JBoss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Context in Jboss / Tomcat

2006-06-26 Thread asack
"essimal" wrote : Hi,
  | My configuration is:
  | Eclipse: Eclipse 3.1.1 (JBossIDE-1.5.1)
  | JBoss 4.0.4 GA
  | I have started developing with JBoss and have the following problem, with 
Eclipse I create a file .war of my application, and from eclipse I do the 
deploy in JBoss, and deploy the application in 
"\server\default\tmp\deploy\tmp21526xx-exp.war", but when I shutdown jboss 
the files (.jsp, .class, .html, ...) of the application they disappear. This 
produces 2 problems to me:
  | 1 - Whenever I do a change in some JSP (for example), I meet obliged it is 
necessary to create the file .war and deploy the application from eclipse.
  | 2 - When JBoss is Shutdown, I cant see the files of my application.
  | I am accustomed to working with Tomcat 5 and when for every application I 
have a file XML in "conf\Catalina\localhost" and with the tag "Context 
displayName='XXX' docBase='C:/Projects/XXX' path='/XXX' reloadable='true' 
workDir='C:/Projects/XXX/work'" where it is possible to establish the directory 
  | Is possible to do this with JBoss or it is necessary to create a .war and 
deploy it to try every change of code in development?
  | Thanks

The correct deply directory is server/default/deploy, not tmp.  I don't 
understand why you would be putting anything in the tmp directory.  Your WAR 
once deployed under deploy will be expanded by the deployer under tmp so JBoss 
can easily reference files.  When JBoss shutdowns down, tmp is cleaned up but 
your WAR remains in the deploy directory.

As for changes to a page, just rebuild your WAR, and deploy it again while 
JBoss is running.  The deployer will see a chance in the timestamp of the WAR 
file and redeploy so you can easily test your changes.  AFAIK, this is the 
exact same development model as plain old Tomcat.


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[JBoss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - mod_jk/Apache/JBoss redirection issue (localhost vs. hostnam

2006-06-24 Thread asack
I've setup a basic worker with the following properties:


acme is the hostname of the JBoss server (its localhost).

I have a redirect rule thats basically forced the URL to go to:


For some reason this doesn't work.  If I do http://localhost/app, it works 
fine, but I can't seem to use my hostname.

Anyone run into this?

I tried changing the server.xml Host name parameter to acme but that didn't 
work either.

What am I doing wrong?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - log4j within a WAR broke on 4.0.4.GA?

2006-05-30 Thread asack
My war that worked perfectly fine on 4.0.4.CR2 loads but spews the following 
error on the GA release:

17:00:17,876 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR A 
"org.jboss.logging.util.OnlyOnceErrorHandler" object is not assignable to a 
"org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorHandler" variable.
17:00:17,876 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR The class 
"org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorHandler" was loaded by 
17:00:17,876 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR [WebappClassLoader
  delegate: false
--> Parent Classloader:
] whereas object of type 
17:00:17,876 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR 
"org.jboss.logging.util.OnlyOnceErrorHandler" was loaded by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
17:00:17,976 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR Could not create an Appender. Reported 
error follows.
17:00:17,976 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.ClassCastException: 

My war does ship commons-logging and log4j in its WEB-INF/lib directory.  Can 
someone give me a clue on what's changed?


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[JBoss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: .war classpath issue in 4.0.3SP1

2006-05-26 Thread asack
Works for me (I add dom4j and jaxen in /lib and now I have XPATH).  Is this in 
just a WAR or a WAR within an EAR?  Regardless, JBoss should check your dom4j 
in WEB-INF/lib before loading the cached boostrap one in the UCL. 

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: EJB3 Specification...

2006-05-14 Thread asack
I'm not sure the exact status of the JSR-220 but I believe the JBoss EJB3 
implementation is not finalized.

But I agree, annotations should be the same across J2EE platforms.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: javax.annotation.EJB vs javax.ejb.EJB (was Re: @EJB anno

2006-05-02 Thread asack
"rpiaggio" wrote : "rpiaggio" wrote : 
  |   | I am having the same problem. Cannot get @EJB to work at all. 
Deployment works fine and if I do a .lookup also works. Any hints?
  |   | 
  | Actually, after toying a bit more, I got it to work in some cases.
  | But there's a case where it doesn't work. I am working on an application 
that I deply as a EAR with a JAR and WAR inside. The WAR has a controller bean 
that uses session beans from the JAR. What doesn't work is an @EJB annotiation 
in the WAR that refers to a bean in the JAR.
  | Actually: should this work? Maybe it is correct that it doesn't work...

As I stated before and in the FAQ/WIKI, @EJB works within EJB modules, not 
outside them, i.e. dependency injection from a WAR.  The good news is that 
Servlet spec 2.5 (I think that's the version, i.e. the next one), will add 
depedency injection notation to WARs but the current release of JBoss doesn't 
support that.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Anyway to do an unattended install?

2006-05-02 Thread asack
"PeterJ" wrote : Are you trying to install on a non-GUI system?  Is so, do what 
I did.  I ran the installer on my desktop and then copied the files to the 
headless system.  (My desktop is Windows and the headless system is SUSE Linux 
which I access via ssh.) 

That's what I'm doing as of right now, thanksI have prebuilt clean (sort 
of) EJB3 JBoss bundle.  I do think the installer should have a way to do an 
unattended install but I'll live...

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Anyway to do an unattended install?

2006-05-01 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : If you use the .zip distribution, just unzip it and 
you are set (but not ejb3 preview then).

Dimitris, my exact problem!   :-)!

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Anyway to do an unattended install?

2006-04-30 Thread asack
Check Google, used the Search button, can't find anything...the only clue is 
that the Wiki mentions a "-c " to the installer but not sure if that has been 

Can you install JBoss without the installer mumbo-jumbo?


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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Deploying application with 3rd Party Libraries

2006-04-30 Thread asack
"BLuz" wrote : Hi. I created a jboss-app.xml file for scoped class loading and 
put it in /META-INF as described at 
http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=ClassLoadingConfiguration , but 
/APP-INF/lib is still getting ignored. I created a jboss.xml file just in case 
too, even though I don't use JNDI. I use JBoss 4.0.3SP1. I've been madly trying 
to find a working solution, but... :\ Any clues? 
  | Thanks a lot!

/APP-INF/lib is a WebLogic feature and outside the scope of JBoss and J2EE.  
J2EE 5 will add a defualt library similar to the Servletspec, a la WEB-INF/lib.

AFAIK, there are no issues with loading things out of WEB-INF/lib for WAR files 
(I'm not sure but even the caching from the UCL is not an issue with WARs like 
in EARs though I could be wrong - not checked the source).

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: packaging and deployment of ear-files (classcastexceptio

2006-04-25 Thread asack
"andber" wrote : "asack" wrote : 
  |   | For example this is what I have in my current project:
  |   | 
  |   | EAR isolation turned on (java2Parent delegation is on as well)
  |   | 
  |   | deploy:
  |   | my-lib.jar (has global scope across deployments)
  |   | my-module-1.ear
  |   | my1.jar (MANIFEST.MF has Class-Path: lib/optional-lib.jar)
  |   | lib/optional-lib.jar
  |   | my-module-2.ear
  |   | my2.jar (MANIFEST.MF has Class-Path: lib/optional-lib1.jar)
  |   | my3.war (libraries are picked up from WEB-INF/lib according 
to Servlet spec, I could put a MANIFEST.MF entry here as well 
if optional-lib1.jar was needed by the WAR and was NOT in WEB-INF/lib)
  |   | lib/optional-lib1.jar
  |   | 
  |   | Works like a champ for me.  I'm using local interfaces since remoting 
seems like overkill to me within the same VM (not to mention dirt slow).
  |   | 
  | I would prefer not having to deploy separate jar-files since that is not a 
standard J2EE option. 
  | When you are referring to lib/optional-lib.jar are you then referring to 
the lib of the jboss server? I guess so since my-module-2.ear doesn't have a 
lib/ but the my2.jar is referring to lib/ in the class-path..?
  | If you have to deploy separate jar-files to make the case with two ears 
(where one of the ears is calling the other ears session beans) work then I am 
beginning to consider this to be a BUG in JBOSS. 
  | Note that it seems to be related to using the isolated classpath for ears, 
when not using isolation it works but I can't run without isolation (and can't 
think of why anyone would like to..).
  | (Another note not related to this problem but more a note on what I think 
is a bug in JBOSS; even if you use isolation you are not allowed to have your 
own instance of commons-logging in the application..!!)

Since commons-logging is part of the platform (like dom4j) it is certainly not 
a bug according to J2EE 1.4 Seciton 8.2.

HAving a separate jar-file is better since you don't have dupliate classes all 
over the place.  Moreover, it has nothing to do with J2EE per say.

If you want to include the same jar file and remote that's fine.  Make sure 
your objects are serializable when you pass them back and forth.  I believe you 
can't have one jar file packaged in an EAR with isolation on and expect the 
other EAR to pick it up.  Either share them by yanking them out like so:


or including them with both EARs and remoting between them (slower but can 
avoid some of the classloading issues).

I may not be understanding your use case exactly but I believe the Class-Path 
strategy, remoting, or the library jar shared globally by sticking in deploy 
will just work (it does for me).

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: packaging and deployment of ear-files (classcastexceptio

2006-04-21 Thread asack
Absolutely not.  With EAR isolation turned off, that means that the first 
verison of ejb-jar-file will be used for ALL EARs.  I'm not sure why you've 
turned off java2Parent delegation exactly either since you have EAR isolation 
turned off (as per WIKI, java2Parent delegation is to prevent an EAR from 
grabbing a cached version of library first before checking if its packaged with 
it - dom4j.jar is a good example where you could run into problems if you need 
XPath as well as incompatibilities with cglib which is packaged in several 
places depending on JBoss build!).

If you are including this jar file in both EARs then why not do the following 
to prevent incorrect classloading issues:

- turned EAR isolation on (IMO should be the default, more than likely its not 
for historical/compatibility issues)
- include the jar file in both EARs or have a singular library deployed outside 
of both EARs
- any modules within an EAR that are using this client side jar file have a 
reference to it in their MANIFEST.MF file via the Class-Path entry

For example this is what I have in my current project:

EAR isolation turned on (java2Parent delegation is on as well)

my-lib.jar (has global scope across deployments)
my1.jar (MANIFEST.MF has Class-Path: lib/optional-lib.jar)
my2.jar (MANIFEST.MF has Class-Path: lib/optional-lib1.jar)
my3.war (libraries are picked up from WEB-INF/lib according to  
   Servlet spec, I could put a MANIFEST.MF entry here as well if 
optional-lib1.jar was needed by the WAR and was NOT in WEB-INF/lib)

Works like a champ for me.  I'm using local interfaces since remoting seems 
like overkill to me within the same VM (not to mention dirt slow).

Remember, a classloader uses both the classloader repository (uri. etc) and 
classname to determine the right class.  If you are packaing the same class all 
over the place and are unscoped you ARE ASKING for ClassCastExceptions as per 
all the WIKIs on this site!

Hope some of this helps and makes sense...


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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: packaging and deployment of ear-files (classcastexceptio

2006-04-20 Thread asack
"andber" wrote : I now see that all other jars than the app1-ejb.jar is shown 
in the loader-repository for app2.ear.. Why is this?

Is EAR isolation turned on or off via the EAR deployer? 

java2Parent delegation effects if a JAR is first seen (cached) in the UCL, not 
whether EARs are isolated - that's part of your ear-service.xml in the deploy 

If its turned on then everything in app1 will not be seen via app2.  If you are 
trying to share some interface across EARs, you should package those specific 
interfaces as a JAR, drop it in the deploy directory so now it has global scope 
across EARs.

If EAR isolation is turned off, than app1-ejb.jar should be visible to app2 (at 
least my understanding of JBoss classloading).

Please take a look at the following WIKIs if you haven't already:


And Chapter 8 of the J2EE spec.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: recommended jboss version and jdk version

2006-04-20 Thread asack
"dgiscool" wrote : I'm investigating about jboss 4.0.3 as an appsvr. what 
version of jdk is recommended to use with that i.e. jdk-1_5_0_06 or any 
specific one?  which version of jboss is most stable out of 4.0.2 and 4.0.3. 
  | we only intend to use the servlet container in clustered environment.
  | thanks
  | deep

Why would you not use just use a clustered Tomcat then?

As for version, I believe any stable version of jdk 1.4+ would work with JBOSS 
minus some of the newer features (like EJB3) that require jdk 5.

The latest stable version is 4.0.3SP1 I believe (or whatever is listed on the 
application server page).

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: @EJB Annotation

2006-04-20 Thread asack
"mikeeprice" wrote : I can't find the jar file where @EJB is defined. Does 
anyone know which jar file this is defined in.


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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: JBoss 4.0.3SP1 not honoring Extension-List versioning?

2006-04-20 Thread asack

Just in case anyone wants to track it...

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: EJB3 Specification...

2006-04-18 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : I saw that JBoss uses javax.annotation for @EJB 
Annotation and glassfish uses  javax.ejb package. There are a lot of 
differences between the two implementation (@DiscrimantorValue ...).
  | Who has right ?
  | Thanks !

Neither.  JSR-220 has not been finalized and as such there are descreptancies 
between both implementations.  If you are using JBoss, then they have it right 
and vice-a-versa for Glassfish.  When the spec is finalized, hopefully the core 
annotation syntax will be identical.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: JBoss 4.0.3SP1 not honoring Extension-List versioning?

2006-04-18 Thread asack
"asack" wrote : So how does JBoss honor Extension-List manifest attributes?  

Someone has to be using this?  Or is this just not supported by JBoss?  I'm 
about to go look in source just see if this is a non-issue.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Anyway to use my own optional libraries with a deployed

2006-04-18 Thread asack
"130g" wrote : I am having the exact same problem. I am trying to upgrade from 
4.0.1 to 4.0.3 but this is kinda holding me back.
  | Anyone has a solution for this?

See technically dom4j is a platform required jar and as such this behavior 
really doesn't violate the J2EE spec.  With that said, this behavior is still 
kinda sucka.

For J2EE 5 we need the following ordering:

1) Grab any optional libraries out of lib or whatever lib directory is defined 
in the optional applicaiton.xml file first (regardless of java2Parent 
delegation, if anything this should be turned off by default)

2)  If the class is not there, check the parent classloader which should be 
JARs found in the deploy directory (global scope across deployments), 
server/*/lib, and then lib.

3)  If not there go to the boostrap classloader (JRE)

Based on the WIKI, I believe to use my own dom4j today (without replacing the 
platform one which I'm doing now), I would have to wrap this in an EAR, add a 
Manfiest entry in the jar within the EAR, and turn java2ParentDelegation off.  
This should prevent the classloader from finding the already cached 
/lib/dom4.jar first.  But this doesn't help me because with EAR isolation on I 
can't share that jar file across multiple EARs.

I maybe missing something and perhaps this is pilot error on my part, but to 
me, the classloading scheme currently in place is not right (too many JBoss 
specific options to make classloading behavior what it probably should be by 

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Anyway to use my own optional libraries with a deployed

2006-04-17 Thread asack

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: JBoss 4.0.3SP1 not honoring Extension-List versioning?

2006-04-17 Thread asack
So how does JBoss honor Extension-List manifest attributes?  Anybody?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: JBoss Without Tomcat

2006-04-16 Thread asack
So why don't you remove the pertinent modules then?

I don't understand what your really trying to do.  If you create stripped down 
version at install time and add what you need, it should be a cleaner appraoch.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: JBoss Without Tomcat

2006-04-15 Thread asack
"mglause" wrote : I've tried removing it and when I do it breaks everything. I 
basically just want jboss to run the ejb's.

What breaks?  (you may have tgo edit a config file for a clean removal)

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: JBoss 4.0.3SP1 not honoring Extension-List versioning?

2006-04-15 Thread asack
At this point, I would like to understand how JBoss treats Extension-List 
manifest entries (or seems to ignore them).

Anybody run into this?  This seems like a really serious bug.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: JBoss Without Tomcat

2006-04-15 Thread asack
"mglause" wrote : Is it possible to setup jboss to run without apache tomcat? I 
know the minimal configuration does this but I can't figure out how to deploy 
my application without hot deployment. Thanks.

I'm not sure what you mean.  The jbossweb-tomcat.sar is the JMX Service Archive 
that I believe encompasses Tomcat.  If you remove that, you remove Tomcat.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: JBoss 4.0.3SP1 not honoring Extension-List versioning?

2006-04-14 Thread asack
I would lke to add two more things that are confusing:

1)  I don't have my.lib in ext/lib of my current JRE.  I'm deploying it as a 
standalone jar file in $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy.

2)  I wasn't sure if the Extension-List attribute only causes the ClassLoaders 
to look in ext/lib or any well known location.  If its the former than this a 
real serious error since deployment should die after it can't find the 
Extension-List in my.jar EJB3 module of my.ear.  If its the latter, then my 
first  post stands.  Deployment should fail since the implementation version is 

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - JBoss 4.0.3SP1 not honoring Extension-List versioning?

2006-04-14 Thread asack
I have two EARs that were built against a common JAR library that defines the 
following MANIFEST in my-lib.jar:

Extension-Name: my-lib
Implementation-Version: 1.0

I then have my.ear  with a EJB3 my.jar in it  that has the following 

Extension-List: my-lib
my-lib-Extension-Name: my-lib
my-lib-Implementation-Version: 2.0

This works!  Shouldn't this fail with a java Exceptino at load/runtime with 
NoClassDefFound for all the classes defined in my-lib version 1.0 since the 
implementation version is 2.0?


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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Anyway to use my own optional libraries with a deployed JAR?

2006-04-14 Thread asack
I  have jar that is shared across EARs.  It uses dom4j with XPath, i.e. needs 
jaxen.  I put Class-Path entries to add my own packaged versions but I believe 
due to the way the UCL works, it still picking them up from 
$JBOSS_HOME/lib/dom4j.jar since this jar gets loaded first at startup.

Is there anyway around this?  I thought java2Parent delegation is on a per EAR 
basis, not JARs.

I'm trying to avoid if possible from replacing the dom4j.jar file and adding 
extra libraries in server/default/lib which have scope across everything (its 
not that bad, but if I can avoid it, I want to).

Any comments come much appreciated!

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Accessing an EJB from a Servlet

2006-04-13 Thread asack
"jllavina" wrote : Using this code it seems that the JNDI founds the EJB3 (but 
crash searching a resource, but this is another story...):
  | import org.jboss.annotation.ejb.LocalBinding;
  | @Stateless
  | @Local( { EmployeeSessionLocal.class } )
  | @LocalBinding( jndiBinding="Employee" )
  | How can I define the jndiBinding without using a jboss especific class like 
  | Thanks!
  | José Luis.

Jose, this is a lacking feature of the EJB3 spec.  I have formally written the 
jsr-220 group to give my opinion that jndi binding should be standardized 
throughout all implementations.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Custom onMessage routine with return type?

2006-04-12 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Its simple. Look at the javamail message inflow 
adaptor I did in a few hours.
  | goto the jca forum for followup help.

Thank you Scott!  :-)!

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Custom onMessage routine with return type?

2006-04-11 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : A custom message inflow jca adaptor is the answer.

Thanks Scott, I was afraid you would say that.

That really sucks since implementing a JCA adaptor involves a lot of work (i.e. 
 JCA is one of those specs that seems way uber complicated than it really needs 
to be but that could just be me...).

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Accessing custom annotations on an EJB3 bean at runtime?

2006-04-11 Thread asack
I've used the @PostConstruct lifecycle method to pass the bean itself for post 
processing which seems to contain all the annotations to process via Reflect.

But besides that, is there a way to find out what annotations are on an EJB3 
bean at runtime?  Let's say I have a SLSB with some custom annotations, do I 
need to process them at bean construct time or can I get access them directly 
anytime I want?  (I'm not sure how since the home/remote provide the view to 
the rest of the world over the bean).  Is there something in MEJB that could 
help me?

Sorry for the rambling...

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Custom onMessage routine with return type?

2006-04-11 Thread asack
Is it possible to have my own message listener interface (basically onMessage 
with a return type) and still use JMS as my infrastructure?

Any insight into this topic would be appreciated!

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Accessing an EJB from a Servlet

2006-04-11 Thread asack
"jllavina" wrote : Hello,
  | I'm trying to access to an EJB (3.0, defined with annotations) from a 
Servlet, but the InitialContext doesn't contain the appropiate reference and I 
obtain a javax.naming.NameNotFoundException.
  | Is necessary to define the EJB also into web.xml or jboss-web.xml?
  | Is there an example of this anywhere?
  | Thanks!!
  | José Luis.

No.  Can you please post your JNDI view from the JMX-Console 
(localhost:8080)->JNDI service->list()?

More than likely your lookup is wrong or your EJB3 is not bound properly?  

Just out of shear curiousity, where are your EJB3's packaged?  You can't put 
them in your WAR as classes because the EJB3 deployer needs to see them.  You 
should have an EAR with a JAR and a WAR module defined or separate WAR and JAR 
files deployed (JAR being deployed first).

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Ear deployment ordering and Extension-Name/Extension-Lis

2006-04-10 Thread asack
"bwallis42" wrote : Isn't the contents of "Extension-List"  a list of the other 
extensions that a jar uses? 
  | Is there no way to define inter ear dependencies? I know I can use a prefix 
deployment sorter but that is so clunky, I have to rename all the 
ears/jars/*.xmls when they deployed  to get them deployed in the right order.
  | I did write a deployment sorter of my own that had a file containing a list 
of the deployments in the correct order but having to manage a central list of 
applications is a source of errors when there are multiple applications and 
  | I was hoping to find a better way to do this.

When you find one, let me know...I think this is a big defiency in the current 
J2EE 5 spec.  Intra-EAR dependencies should be standardized.  I have this same 
problem right now and the only solution I see is to use the PrefixSorter which 
is JBoss specific (kinda clunky if you ask me).

I would like to see an application.xml section or some kind of EAR MANIFEST 
entry that allows me to specify a dependency which will be honored at 
deployment time.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Ear deployment ordering and Extension-Name/Extension-Lis

2006-04-10 Thread asack
Isn't Extension-Name and Extension-List mechanisms really meant on a per JAR 
basis not  EAR?

I could be wrong but the examples in the spec are geared on a per module basis 
(check Chap 8).

Though, I really believe intra-EAR dependencies should definitely be addressed 
in the next rev of J2EE  (I sent my comments in, thanks Scott for the 

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: sharing library-jar globally in EAR

2006-04-10 Thread asack

Hope that makes sense Scott.  Again this could be pilot error on my part but so 
far it seems very wrong right now the way MANIFEST Class-Path entries are 
handled by the EAR deployer.

I appologize in advance if I filed the bug incorrectly!  :-)!

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Cannot get debugging to work with JBOSS deployment and M

2006-04-10 Thread asack
"Mork" wrote : I'm not sure where this "Debug configuration" is. I went to 
http://localhost:8080 and saw the items:
  | *  Tomcat status  (full)  (XML)
  | * JMX Console
  | * JBoss Web Console
  | But none of them seemed to have anything about debugging.
  | Could you please be a little more specific about where the debug 
configuraiton info can be found/modified?
  | Thanks very much in advance.
  | -- M

No, no, within Eclipse.   You said up a JBoss configuration in Eclipse right?  
(if you did not then you need to follow the tutorials again).

In Eclipse go to  Run->Debug...->select your JBoss configuration you've 
made->Source tab.  If your project is not included, please add it and then run 

Let me know.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: sharing library-jar globally in EAR

2006-04-10 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : The deployment class loader with the manifest. 
Still waiting for the jira issue.[/quote
  | Alright Scott, I just thought this was pilot error on my part.  I will file 
it today (promise).]

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: sharing library-jar globally in EAR

2006-04-09 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Bingo on the last reply, that is indeed the 
solution. However, this will work for JBoss 4.0 and not for JBoss 3.x. 
Remember, at the very least to include the version of JBoss that you are using 
so we can be of better help. 

Weston (or anyone), can you please tell me what Classloader repository these 
libraries get added to when you use the MANIFEST approach?

I'm doing this with iBatis within an EAR but what happens is then iBAtis can 
not find external XML files that are part of my JAR within the EAR.  I've tried 
even jar'ing them up into an optional library, adding it to my JAR's MANIFEST 
file, and that doesn't work...thought I could get both coming from the same 
repository.  The only way I seem to be able to get it to go is to call 
getObject().getClassLoader() and set the thread's CurrentContextClassLoader().  
 But that then causes iBAtis not to find some result objects that exist in the 
optional library I'm trying to share across EARs.

I'm using 403SP1 with EAR isolation on (I believe if I set it to false, it will 
work but that's not what I really want).

Am I doing something wrong?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Cannot get debugging to work with JBOSS deployment and M

2006-04-09 Thread asack
"Mork" wrote : I'm using MyEclipse 4.1.1 (current version) for my JBOSS/J2EE 
project and cannot get debugging working.
  | The problem I'm having is that when I try to set a breakpoint in a JAVA 
file, I get the error that the debugging information for line numbers needs to 
be added to the project.
  | The project under MyEclipse has this option set by default so I added the 
two following lines to the Ant script's build.xml:
  | debug="true"
  | debuglevel="lines,vars,source"
  | But this didn't fix the problem...I still get the same line number debug 
info missing errors.
  | To start JBOSS, I'm starting it from within MyEclipse using the "-c" option 
to start the correct EAR/deployment.
  | I'm not sure what to try next so any advice or suggestions would be welcome.
  | Thanks
  | - M

I'm going to guess:

Under your JBoss DEbug configuration, there should be a tab called Source.  
MAke sure your projects that you are debugging are added to the Source tab so 
you can set break points accordingly.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Classloading issues (help!)

2006-04-09 Thread asack
When you have an EAR, an EAR isolation is turned on, and you have optional 
libraries that are referenced in an EJB3 module (JAR) via the Class-Path 
attribute, what classloader is used for these referenced libraries?  It seems 
to me that they libraries should have scope over the EAR to grab resources.  
Apparently they do not.

Can someone explain to me (briefly) why Class-Path entries on an EAR do not 
have scope over that EAR (i.e. if one of those libraries need to have grab a 
resource within my module, it can't!)?


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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Is this JBoss or an iBatis issue? Classpath issues...

2006-04-07 Thread asack
Has anyone ever used iBatis from within an EAR with EAR isolation on?  If so, 
what was your package layout and where were are your resource files?  Any 
advice would be much apprecaited.  I'm going nuts with this one.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Adding jars to ejb3-jar file

2006-04-07 Thread asack
"marcwimmer" wrote : Hi,
  | what is the correct way to add a jar-file (like utils.jar) to the ejb3-file?
  | At the moment I put it in the root of the ejb3...by that the classes in 
there work. But when I want to transfer simple Pojos between ejb3 and war layer 
it won't work anymore.  
  | (A java.lang.NoSuchMethodError exception is raised, when I try to invoke a 
bean by the initialcontext).
  | Thanks in advance,
  | Marc

Since I'm also in classloading nightmare hell I'll try to help (or share the 

IS your EJB3 jar part of an EAR?  If so, is EAR isolation turned on or off?  

Now your WAR wants to reference the interface to your EJB3s.  So where does 
that interface exist?  In the WAR or the EJB3 jar or both?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Is this JBoss or an iBatis issue? Classpath issues...

2006-04-07 Thread asack
"asack" wrote : Just to add, the exception I'm getting is:
  |  java.io.IOException: Could not find resource 
"com/blah/blah/sqlmapConfig.xml" etc. which is definitely in the my.jar module.

Well it seems I can load if I set the current Context ClassLoader to 
myClass.getClass().getClassLoader().  I obviously do not understand JBoss class 
loading strategy as well as I thought.  Why do I have do this since I should 
have classloading scope within my own EAR?  (I tried 403SP1 and 404RC2 with the 
same results).   Also if I do this then if iBatis needs anything from a common 
library (like a type callback handler), its no longer visible unless I include 
it within the EAR - I *thought* I could a bunch of EARs sharing one library 
resource that provides interfaces and objects ocmmon to all of them.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Is this JBoss or an iBatis issue? Classpath issues...

2006-04-07 Thread asack
Just to add, the exception I'm getting is:

 java.io.IOException: Could not find resource "com/blah/blah/sqlmapConfig.xml" 
etc. which is definitely in the my.jar module.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Is this JBoss or an iBatis issue? Classpath issues...

2006-04-07 Thread asack
Alright, I'm using 404CR2 with EAR isolation on.  I have the following EAR:



The my.jar MANIFEST.MF file has Class-Path entries for lib/ibatis-*.jar 
entries, etc.  The my.jar is full of EJB3 beans.

When I deploy the EAR with 404CR2, iBatis claims it can't find 
com/blah/blah/config/sql-map-config.xml using getReaderResource() which is 
suppose to look for the file within the current runninng thread's classpath.  
Looking at the source, it uses getClass().getLoader() to load the file as well 
as its own default classloader 
(Thread.currentThread().getCointextClassLoader()).  Why isn't the mu.jar file 
in the current classpath during runtime?

If I grab the parent classloader, its visible but now another class in ane 
xternal JAR file shared across EARs is no longer visible during iBatis 
configuration (there is a typeHandler class that is used in a common library).

It seems to me that no matter what, my.jar should be visible at runtime without 
playing with the context classloader.  Help!

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Why doesn't the name() attribute of the @Stateless annot

2006-04-06 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Send comments to: [EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL 

Scott, is that a serious suggestion or a "stop whining, call the phone company" 
type answer?  :-)!

Well at least EAR/lib is going to exist in J2EE 5 (that's a no brainer).

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: EAR packaging issue with classpaths and optional librari

2006-04-06 Thread asack
"asack" wrote : "asack" wrote : This works now in 404CR2 though I'm having a 
rollback issue with iBatis (I'm debugging now).  It definitely does not work on 
403SP1.  I can't believe I'm the only one running into thismaybe I'm doing 
something wrong though my example is simple enough...
  | I lie.  By default 403 was turning on EAR isolation and 404 had it off 
unless you really do put a checkmark during install. 
  | So...now it seems that the EAR does find the XML file but iBatis can't find 
the config file during runtime.  This may be an iBatis issue but doc says it 
gets it from the current Classpath.

Nope its still not right.  I don't understand.  I'm trying to load this from a 
DAO constructor to get a SqlMapClient.  It just can't find my file.  I'm 
wondering if I need to grab the paraet classloader() or this is abug in the 
iBatis call to get the file (though turing EAR isolation off fixes this 

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: EAR packaging issue with classpaths and optional librari

2006-04-06 Thread asack
"asack" wrote : This works now in 404CR2 though I'm having a rollback issue 
with iBatis (I'm debugging now).  It definitely does not work on 403SP1.  I 
can't believe I'm the only one running into thismaybe I'm doing something 
wrong though my example is simple enough...

I lie.  By default 403 was turning on EAR isolation and 404 had it off unless 
you really do put a checkmark during install. 

So...now it seems that the EAR does find the XML file but iBatis can't find the 
config file during runtime.  This may be an iBatis issue but doc says it gets 
it from the current Classpath.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: EAR packaging issue with classpaths and optional librari

2006-04-06 Thread asack
This works now in 404CR2 though I'm having a rollback issue with iBatis (I'm 
debugging now).  It definitely does not work on 403SP1.  I can't believe I'm 
the only one running into thismaybe I'm doing something wrong though my 
example is simple enough...

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Why doesn't the name() attribute of the @Stateless annot

2006-04-06 Thread asack
"elkner" wrote : How about @Service + @Management and putting the "init my app" 
stuff into the start() method  (having that in the spec would be really cool)?
  | OK, there is still the permission issue wrt. @RunAs, but AFAIK it is 
already fixed in CVS (but not in CR2 :-(()...

Sure but its JBoss specific.  EAR lifecycle management and a @Main notion 
should be a fundamental aspect of the J2EE standard IMO.

Oh, the notion of @Depends too should also be part of the base spec and not a 
value add-on.  There should be annotation or deployment descriptor based ways 
to standardize dependencies across deployments and beans.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Why doesn't the name() attribute of the @Stateless annot

2006-04-06 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : I totally agree that this ENC/global JNDI stuff 
needs to be standardized in the next rev of the spec. In fact, there are MANY 
non-persistence-related items that we had on our wishlist that we simply ran 
out of time to do in this release.


I have another question since I have some people reading this thread.  This may 
not be EJB3 specific but J2EE 5.

What I would also really like to see is a @Main annotation over a class that 
defines some known function (like public void main()) under an EAR deployment.  
What this would do is after the EAR is deployed and all EJB3's and WAR's are 
deployed, this function would be called.  I don't understand why under an EAR 
that all flow control seems to be initiated from the web tier.  This seems very 
limited.  Maybe there is a way to do this that is NOT app server specific but I 
haven't come across it (please let me know if there is a way to do this!!!).  

Even though the app server provides IoC, I should still be able to kick start 
my stuff from within the deployment and not rely on an external entity. 

Maybe I'm way off or no one would find this useful other than me!! :-)!

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Why doesn't the name() attribute of the @Stateless annot

2006-04-06 Thread asack
"bdecoste" wrote : jndi bindings are not standardized in the spec, so each 
vendor will likely have their own policy. 

With all due respect to the EJB3 group which I think have done a fantastic job 
of making EJBs more accessible, little things like this should not go 

Why is it architecturally wrong to standardize jndi bindings?  Btw, from the 
spec I first got the impression that everything was going to be under 
java:comp/ejb3 or something like that to begin with.  The reason why I believe 
an EJB3 developer should have control over this is to make one's code portable 
across app server environments.  Having to deal with the fact that JBoss puts 
them here and Glassfish puts them there and BEA puts them somewhere else sucks! 

The EJB3 annotations are in spec but they seem to not be organized other than 
in the Persistence document unless my copy is out of date.  What I have just 
discovered (big doi) is using the source/javadoc to lookup annotation 
definitions which seems to give me a one stop shop for all annotations (whether 
they be EJB3 spec or JBoss specific).

One last vent, the lifecycle callback @PreDestory should be honored by 
@Stateless beans.  As Bill I think pointed out, @Stateless beans never get 
destroyed and on undeployment @PreDestory never gets called.  Maybe my 
understanding of the spec is wrong, but the above behavior doesn't seem to be 
correct and/or compliant with the spec.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: EJB Deploy, Lookup Problem

2006-04-06 Thread asack
Please post your JNDI space by using the JMX console and looking at the JNDI 
service (invoke the list() function).  My guess is in all cases, it doesn't 

My guess would be is you are using @RemoteBinding ( jndiBinding ="HelloWorld"), 
that means your bean is located at HelloWorld not HelloWorld/remote.  You get 
the HelloWorld/remote by default if you don't use the Remote or LocalBinding 
annotation.  The jndiBinding argument overrides this behavior.

Either change your lookup to HelloWorld or change your jndiBinding name to 

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: EAR packaging issue with classpaths and optional librari

2006-04-05 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : There is a testcase for this so create a jira issue 
with the last version of the ear with the jars referenced by the my.jar 
  | http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS

Scott, thanks.  I'm going bald and I already don't have a lot of hair...

I will try to do this...though I've never done this before so bare with 
me...this is definitely a bug in 404RC1.  I'm actually going to try 404RC2 as 
well as 403SP1 to see if its already been addressed.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: EAR packaging issue with classpaths and optional librari

2006-04-05 Thread asack
Another update, no matter where I put my Map and/or Config.xml file within 
my.jar, I can't see it and its not on my runtime classpath.

Has anyone experienced this before?  After reading Chapter 8 more  closely of 
the J2EE spec, putting the lib/ibatis* entries in the Class-Path MANFEST 
attribute of my.jar seems correct.  I don't understand why though classes and 
files within that jar are not part of my context classpath during runtime.

If I package this as a standalone jar file with iBatis libraries in 
default/lib, everything works.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: EAR packaging issue with classpaths and optional librari

2006-04-05 Thread asack
Whoops, no my my.jar MANIFEST file has the reference to ibatis libaries.  But 
either way doesn't work (I tried the first way for S&G's and that doesn't even 
find them).

This is so weird...I'm using 404RC1...

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: EAR packaging issue with classpaths and optional librari

2006-04-05 Thread asack
I would like to add taht yes, I checked, the map files are there and the 
correct path is specified.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - EAR packaging issue with classpaths and optional libraries (

2006-04-05 Thread asack
I have an EAR file packaged like this:



my.ear's MANIFEST file has a Class-Path entry with lib/ibatis* etc. so iBatis 
can seen within the entire EAR deployment.

However, now within my.jar, when I try to load a map file, I get a IOExcetion 
claiming iBatis can not find a map file in the current classpath. 


Can someone please explain to me what's going on here?


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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Why doesn't the name() attribute of the @Stateless annot

2006-04-05 Thread asack
"bdecoste" wrote : If you want to explicitly specify the jndi binding, use the 
RemoteBinding and the LocalBinding annotations. The name attribute of Stateless 
sets the EJB name for the bean. Without A RemoteBinding or LocalBinding 
annotation, the default binding is earName/ejbName.
  | The EJB annotations are in the spec. The JBoss specific annotations like 
RemoteBinding are not.

I think there should be a JNDI attribute for the EJB3 beans that is generic.  
Glassfish apparently (after looking at their JavaDoc) uses a mappedName 
attribute in their Stateless annotation.  Already we have a discreptancy across 
J2EE EJB3 implementations.  I think JNDI binding is so fundamental to a J2EE 
bean writer it should be standardized across app server implementations.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Why doesn't the name() attribute of the @Stateless annotatio

2006-04-05 Thread asack
If I have an EAR named foobar.ear and I have stateless session bean marked:

@Stateless ( name = "/somwhereelse/foobar" )
public class foobar...etc.

The JNDI binding becomes foobar/somwherelese/foobar/local which IMO seems 
wrong.  The name() attribute should provide a mechnism to specify the global 
JNDI since its EJB3 primitive unlike @LocalBinding which is JBoss specific.  I 
realize that by default the EJB3 JNDI namespace by default is "name of ear 
file"/* but shouldn't the name() attribute be able to override that? 


PS Where are the specs for the annotations?  I don't see any real doc in 

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Why aren't EJB3 Naming Contexts removed after undeployme

2006-04-05 Thread asack
"bdecoste" wrote : The NamingContext should no longer be bound. I have opened a 
JIRA task for this issue. 
  | http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-507

Thank you...I have a follow questionregarding JNDI bindings...

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Why aren't EJB3 Naming Contexts removed after undeployment?

2006-04-04 Thread asack
Question says it all.  Currently I have a bunch of STSBs all with a @Stateless 
( name = "blah" ) which generates a blah/local in my JNDI namespace.  When I 
undeploy the jar file, the NamingContext is still bound.  Why is this?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Custom annotations on an EJB3 problem

2006-04-03 Thread asack
"asack" wrote : Hi, I'm pretty sure I had a piece of code that looked up an 
EJB3 STSB and looked for a custom annotation (on top of a class) outside the 
EJB3 spec namespace.  This worked on 4.0.3SP1.  But in 4.0.4RC1, I can't seem 
to process any custom annotations on my bean.   Both I believe we running 
  | Why can't I do this now?  Can you not use other annotations on top of the 
EJB3 domain?
  | I'm using simply a lookup of my bean's local interface and then going 
x.getClass().getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.Class) etc.
  | Thanks!

I just realized I was doing this first via @PostContruct on this but now I'm 
doing this on the Proxy interface to the object which is probably my problem.  
Damn it...

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Custom annotations on an EJB3 problem

2006-04-03 Thread asack
Hi, I'm pretty sure I had a piece of code that looked up an EJB3 STSB and 
looked for a custom annotation (on top of a class) outside the EJB3 spec 
namespace.  This worked on 4.0.3SP1.  But in 4.0.4RC1, I can't seem to process 
any custom annotations on my bean.   Both I believe we running EJB3RC5.

Why can't I do this now?  Can you not use other annotations on top of the EJB3 

I'm using simply a lookup of my bean's local interface and then going 
x.getClass().getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.Class) etc.


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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Deployment order ejb3 / war

2006-03-31 Thread asack
Wow, this is helpful, I was having similar issues.  I think this is a real 
outtage in the spec that there aren't deployment primitives that allow this.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: JMX and EJB3 compatibility

2006-03-30 Thread asack
Yeah sorry, I'm doing that now as we speak.  I don't mean to waste people's 
time, its just I'm new to both EJB3 and JMX and have some preimplementation 
nervousness that I'm not on the path to righteousness.

Thanks...hope this turns out right... 

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: JMX and EJB3 compatibility

2006-03-27 Thread asack
A shameless bump!  :-)!

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingC

2006-03-27 Thread asack
"sony3002" wrote : hello,
  | thank you for the reply
  | i done as you said and found this
  | +- UserLoginBean (class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext)
  |   |   |   +- remote (proxy: $Proxy49 implements interface 
org.jboss.ejb3.JBossProxy,interface javax.ejb.EJBObject)
  | when i invoked the list() functionality 
  | i got the following error in Jboss
  |   | 2006-03-27 20:41:47,890 ERROR [org.jboss.naming.JNDIView] 
JNDIView.getHAJndiAttributes() failed
  |   | java.lang.NullPointerException: name cannot be null
  |   | at javax.management.ObjectName.construct(ObjectName.java:342)
  |   | at javax.management.ObjectName.(ObjectName.java:1304)
  |   | at 
  |   | at org.jboss.naming.JNDIView.getHAUrl(JNDIView.java:811)
  |   | at org.jboss.naming.JNDIView.list(JNDIView.java:193)
  |   | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
  |   | at 
  |   | at org.jboss.mx.server.Invocation.dispatch(Invocation.java:94)
  |   | at 
  |   | at org.jboss.mx.server.Invocation.invoke(Invocation.java:88)
  |   | at 
  |   | at org.jboss.mx.server.Invocation.invoke(Invocation.java:88)
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:717)
  |   | at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:810)
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
  |   | 
  | actually i am new to EJB and Jboss
  | so please tell what should i do next . :(
  | thanks 
  | Sony

The null pointer is a known issue with 404RC1 (happened when you did the JNDI 

For EJB3, RTFM.  Your problem is you need to lookup "YourB

[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingC

2006-03-27 Thread asack
"sony3002" wrote : hello 
  | i checked my JMX-Console and found this
  | MBean Name: Domain Name: jboss.j2ee 
  |  service:  EJB3 
  |  name:  UserLoginBean 
  |  jar:  EJBModule.jar 
  | MBean Java Class: org.jboss.ejb3.ServiceDelegateWrapper 
  | is this ok ???
  | i am new to Jboss and EJB3
  | please help

You need to the read the manual online under Documentation and look at the EJB3 
specs.   To get you rolling on your immediate problem, after you start JBoss, 
go here:


Then click "service=JNDIView" and invoke the list() functionality (i.e. output 
JNDI view as text).  You should now be able to find your EJB3s under the Global 
Name space.  My bet is you are grabbing the NameBinding object instead of the 
Proxy interface, i.e. you have beans that are 
*/local and/or */remote. 

On a final note, please look at the Wiki and EJB3 tutorial documentation that 
cover most of the common questions.

Good luck!

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingC

2006-03-26 Thread asack
Check JNDI space via the JMX-Console but you probably want something like 
UserLoginBean/remote...usually a NamingContext cast exception is a wrong lookup.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: JMX and EJB3 compatibility

2006-03-26 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : lifecycle in JMX is a jboss specific addition. 

I'm not following...(you mean JBoss Services and their design pattern?)

"bill" wrote :  Since you already want to use jboss specific extensions, why 
not @Service?
  | Add a start/stop method to your @Service's @Management interface and you 
are ready to go.

Well Bill, thanks but the point is I DON'T WANT to use JBoss specific 
extensions (I admit that this maybe hard) and rather it be a platform agnostic. 
 I really like JBoss but in the end I still want to be platform neutral with my 

The @Service notation is the right idea (a higher level of abstraction above 
the EJB3 stuff) but it doesn't quite fit my needs exactly though its close. 
(why does it have to be a singleton anyway?).  I had no idea about the 
@Management interface but I will assume it allows you to define some lifecycle 
methods around your @Service object (which seems to me that there is room for 
custom lifecycle around an EJB).

Can I get something very similar with a @Stateless bean encapsulated by a JMX 
object?  I mean if this was a loose ESB like substance, I suppose notifications 
and lifecycle management could be done all through custom messages but this 
isn't what I really want at this stage of the game.  I just want to be able to 
manage properties of an EJB that represents some service (i.e. business domain 
logic) and provides scale (many clients talking to it).

Again, thanks!

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: compiling

2006-03-25 Thread asack
Your default CLASSPATH and obviously the ejb3 jars from the EJB3 deployer 
(under your deploy directory).  Have you looked at the JBoss IDE for Eclipse?  
I've used that with a lot of success (great project) and provides already 
configured EJB3/AOP libraries for you to use to include in your project.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: JMX and EJB3 compatibility

2006-03-25 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : No, they have no relation. You can create an mbean 
that interacts with an ejb3 component and visa-versa, but it makes no sense to 
expose an ejb3 bean via jmx because the lifecycles do not match.

Scott, first off, thanks for the response.  I would like to explore this though 
a little bit further (hoping you see this!).

I agree that the on face value, the lifecycles don't exactly match but then 
riddle me this:

What if an EJB3 stateless bean acted like a service (sorta like the custom 
@Service notation that JBoss provides but not exactly) and I want to instrument 
this object?  Pretend for a moment its possible to start and stop the service 
as well as other lifecycle management like stuff (not exactly creation and 
deletion but more like turn on/turn off service flags).  I also want to be able 
to lookup these beans over some sort of domain namespace (granted I could walk 
through JNDI space but that seems clunky to me, the queryBeans() functionality 
is what I really want).

I suppose what your getting at is that the lifecycle of an EJB3 object is 
defined by the EJB3 deployer and that as a developer I have no real control 
minus the initial lifecycle callbacks defined by the spec (@PostConstruct and 
friends). i.e defining lifecycle callbacks on a bean via JMX doesn't make sense 
here.  Alright but what if I want my EJB3 to cause notifications to be 
generated?  This seems to be very JMX like and at least to me, not unreasonable.

Maybe the better approach then is to construct a JMX MBean with the EJB3  
reference in it so I can get best of both worlds?  I can define my own service 
lifecycle but use EJB3 for the core logic.  Is that a bad idea?  This design 
pattern adheres to the separate use of JMX and EJB3.  Or is there no synergy 
whatsoever between JMX and EJB3 (btw, the JMX spec seems to support the claim 
that a managed object can be an EJB though Scott I will fully concede if this 
was just spec/theory and not really practical).

Final note, if your going to ask why use EJB3 at all?  Well, because I thought 
it would provide a nice IoC model, allow for state, and is more tightly coupled 
with other services (persistence comes to mind) than a custom object.

Any feedback would be much appreciated (especially if I'm completely going down 
the wrong path)!  :-)!

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[JBoss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: How do you handle chunked HttpServletRequests?

2006-03-24 Thread asack
A follow, I'm using 4.0.4RC1 behind a Apache 2.055.  When a mobile client sends 
a chunked POST, everytime I try to read it via HttpServletRequest.getReader() 
or getInputStream(), it just hangs!  It looks from a tcpdump/network monitoring 
tool that all the chunks have not been received by JBoss/Tomcat from Apache by 
the time I call the above.  This causes the connection to be dropped and a hang.

Anybody see anything like this?

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[JBoss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - How do you handle chunked HttpServletRequests?

2006-03-23 Thread asack
I have a mobile client that is chunking its request to my servlet.  Is there an 
API that I can use to get access to each chunk easily or do I really have to 
parse it manually as a ServletInputStream?

Right now Tomcat seems to aggregate the chunks under one Body with each section 
separated by a boundary string.  Is this always the case?

Any guidance would be most appreciated.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: configuring spring to wire in ejb3 stateless session bea

2006-03-23 Thread asack
Have you tried to use the JBoss Spring deployer that allows you to inject EJB's 
via the @Spring notation?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: How to pass object of web tier to slsb in ejb tier

2006-03-23 Thread asack
Post code/example and exceptoin...might want to post JNDI namespace as well..

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Runtime change of @Where clause

2006-03-22 Thread asack
"lcoetzee" wrote : Hi,
  | Is it possible to change the @Where clause at runtime, thus implementing 
some kind of polymorphic query on my collection ?
  | As an example I have the following:
  |   | @OneToMany(mappedBy = "service")
  |   | @MapKey(name="id")
  |   | @Where(clause="topic_type='CMS'")
  |   | public Map getTopics() {
  |   | return topics;
  |   | }
  | This retrieves all the topics of type 'CMS'. At runtime I would like to set 
the topic_type to 'DF' for instance, which will return only the topics with 
topic_type  'DF'.  Any suggestions would be welcome.
  | Regards
  | Louis

Not exactly sure, but couldn't you define an @Interceptor class that defines a 
pointcut around getTopics() then use Reflection to grab the @Where annotation 
and change the topci_type to DF?  Not sure if I'm missing something since I"m 
fairly new to AOP and design but it seems possible at first glance.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: @EJB annotation not working in Java Bean

2006-03-21 Thread asack
Hold on.  @EJB works fromwithin another EJB not just a regular JavaBean.  The 
@EJB annotations are picked up by the EJB3 deployer and processed accordingly 
(AOP based).

If you are using @EJB from a regular JavaBean, that's not going to work and 
from my understaning never intended to work that way.  If you want access to an 
EJB from a non-managed object, then use a JNDI style lookup.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: @EJB annotation not working in Java Bean

2006-03-21 Thread asack
"adver11" wrote : In EJB 3.0 RC5
  | javabean code:
  | public class Examples {
  |   |  @EJB
  |   |   MyStateless mystateless;
  |   | 
  |   |   public void process() {
  |   |System.out.println(mystateless.getString());
  |   |   }
  |   | }
  | another java bean code:
  | ...
  |   |  Examples es = new Examples();
  |   |  es.process();
  |   | ...
  | another EJB code:
  | @Stateless
  |   | @Local(TestEjb.class)
  |   | public class TestEjbBean implements TestEjb {
  |   |  
  |   | 
  |   |   public dosomething() {
  |   |Examples es = new Examples();
  |   |es.process();
  |   |   }
  |   | 
  |   |  
  |   | }
  | I found @EJB in the class Examples, not working. mystateless is null.
  | Can uesing @EJB in java bean?

Works for me.  How is @EJB returning nulll?  If your module is really getting 
deployed by the EJB3 deployer than it will tell you (i.e. barf with an 
exception) if it can't find an instance of MyStateless.  I suspect that your 
module is not really getting deployed (make sure MyStateless is in your JNDI 
namespce by using the JMX-Console).

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: @EJB annotation not working in web tier

2006-03-21 Thread asack
"treespace" wrote : Trying to use variable "server" throws a null pointer 
  |   | public class Client
  |   | {
  |   |@EJB Server server;
  |   | 
  |   |execute(String operation)
  |   |{
  |   |   server.execute(operation);
  |   |}
  |   | }
  |   | 
  | Does @EJB lose its magic power in the web tier? 

If you mean by web tier, servlets, then yes, @EJB does not exist at the Servlet 
level as of 2.4.  It is one of the new features of 2.5 which JBoss doesn't 
support yet.  I believe this bit is in the trailblazer/EJB3 doc (though I admit 
its kinda hidden).  You still need to do JNDI lookups from a servlet to get 
accesss to the EJB tier.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Packaging Issue

2006-03-21 Thread asack
"Cybernd" wrote : Hi,
  | Given:
  | test.ear/test.ejb3/my/SomeBdb.class
  | This MDB is a simple hello world mdb, trying to create an instance of class 
Dummy based on the message content. It simply contains "new Dummy();" inside 
the onMessage() Method.
  | Whats the best suitable place for the my/Dummy.class?
  | I tried:
  |   | test.ear/test.ejb3/my/SomeBdb.class
  |   | test.ear/test.ejb3/my/Dummy.class
  |   | 
  | as simplest aproach, which leads to
  | anonymous wrote : 
  |   | [ServiceController] Problem starting service 
  |   | java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError my/Dummy
  |   | 
  | My next try was:
  |   | test.ear/test.ejb3/my/SomeBdb.class
  |   | test.ear/test.ejb3/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 
  |   |   with "Class-Path dummy.jar"
  |   | test.ear/META-INF/application.xml 
  |   |   with "test.jar"
  |   | test.ear/test.jar/my.Dummy.class
  |   | 
  | Whats necessary to be able to instantiate my Dummy class inside the MDB 
  | thx 
  | Bernhard Neuhauser

Where is dummy.jar?  The later should work, i.e. if you have an EAR with two 
jars (test.jar and test.ejb3) and put the test.jar module first in your 
application.xml, then it should work.  You will get a UCL for the test.jar 
classes and then the EJB3 module should get deployed.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: JMX and EJB3 compatibility

2006-03-20 Thread asack
Has anyone tried this?  :-)!  I'm going to attempt  tonight but I would really 
appreciate any input regarding these two technologies and how they relate.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: JNDI Lookup Failure, ClassCastException, 4.0.4RC1

2006-03-20 Thread asack
"tromanowski" wrote : 
  | elkner:
  | Thanks for your reply--that implies that JBoss is in fact compliant with 
the J2EE spec regarding ears, contrary (depending on the version) to what asack 
has mentioned.  Which version are you using?  I know I asked if anyone had this 
working with the latest version, but I should have specified an RC rather than 
something like a nightly build of 5.0 alpha.   Also, you don't have a war 
packaged in your ear...would the addition of the war be the part that would 
cause a problem?  
  | I'd be very interested in seeing the application.xml (if used) of someone 
using a war to successfully access ejbs (either using the /lib/.jar 
configuration or just stuffing everything into /.jar).  

Either I or you are uber confused.  elkner application.xml file SPECIFIES his 
jars as modules so each JAR library has scope within his EAR (which is fine).  
Wiht J2EE 5 EAR deployments there is now a EAR/lib which automagically gets 
picked up by the app server and libraries are added to the classpath.  If you 
wanted your JAR files to be referenced by two different EARs or WARS you could 
actually drop the JAR file in the deploy directory and have both applications 
now reference it without getting the dreaded ClassNotFound exception.

Before you go any further make sure you verify that there is one classloader 
for your requirement class.  You can even check this by looking at the JMX 
console under name=Default,service=LoaderRepository and zonk in your class and 
see what class loaders are available.

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: JNDI Lookup Failure, ClassCastException, 4.0.4RC1

2006-03-20 Thread asack
"tromanowski" wrote : 
  | The latest JBoss documentation (including forum postings & wiki) suggest 
that an ear containing a war file and ejb 3.0 entities in a separate jar file 
should work, as long as the ejb3.0 jar file has a proper persistence.xml file 
in its MAN-INF directory.  Is this still the case?  That's what I've been 
using, but my beans are still not being registered.
  | Is anyone that is using the current Jboss EJB 3.0 release building and 
deploying an ear?  Would you please post the structure of your ear?  
  | I've found a potential solution here:
  | http://weblogs.java.net/blog/ss141213/archive/2005/12/using_java_pers.html
  | There, glassfish is used, but it looks like the ear structure (with a lib 
directory, no application.xml file, separate war and ejb jar files) is generic 
and should be portable to any compliant platform.  Is there a reason this 
configuration won't work with JBoss 4.0.4RC1 or later?  
  | I'll be trying the configuration recommended in the blog above after some 
rest, but would appreciate any useful input anyone may have.  

EAR deployments IMO are tricky, i.e. its not like a WAR where the servlet spec 
spells out where to but libraries and how the app server is suppose to use them 
(lib gets the first crack before any parent classloaders).

Since I believe JBoss currently doesn't support J2EE 5 spec regarding EARs, 
there is no EAR/lib file to stick jars. 

As already suggested, you can stick your entities into one jar file and list it 
as a module in your application.xml.  That's probably the best way to share 
them across the various modules within your EAR file.

Finally, you (everyone) should get warm and fuzzy with these Wiki pages:


Especially regarding EAR isoloation and classloading namespaces.

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - JMX and EJB3 compatibility

2006-03-20 Thread asack
Can I register an EJB3 with a JMX server and perform custom lifecycle 
operations on my bean?  If so, are there any known limitations or gotchas doing 


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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Rebinding EJB3 JNDI namespace

2006-03-16 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : a SFSB gets removed from JNDI at undeployment.  If 
it didn't redeploy would never work.  I don't think it cleans up the Context 
dirs though.

Bill, I will double check for ya but so far my experience has been if I rebind 
an EJB3 and then remove the jar, i.e. undeploy, the Bean still exists in JNDI 
space (plus the Context dirs).  Then if I redeploy I get a JNDI name already 
bound exception (when I rebind the SLSB again).

I really need that @PreDestory callback... ;-)!


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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Rebinding EJB3 JNDI namespace

2006-03-16 Thread asack
I'm experimenting and I want to know if rebinding an EJB3's JNDI location a bad 

I want to manage my EJB3 proactively and one of the issues is JNDI namespace 
collisions (foreign deployments interacting with my stuff that have similar 

I have some code that rebinds a STSB EJB3's JNDI location.  That works, but 
unfortunately the bean never gets removed from JNDI during undeployment (I will 
guess its because I changed it underneath at @PostConstruct time).  I initially 
tried to use the @PreDestroy lifecycle callback but that won't work either. 
since apparently STSBs never get destroyed during runtime.

Am I just barking up the wrong tree here?  I would rather proactively manage 
namespace than rely on @RemoteBinding/LocalBinding annotations.


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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: EJB3, iBatis, and CGLIB

2006-03-16 Thread asack
"asack" wrote : Thanks Max for the CGLIB explanation.
  | Update:
  | Well, if I use CGLIB 2.1 it works.  Its only with the latest CGLIB it 
fails.   This has to be an iBatis bug...sorry...

In case anyone was wondering, you have to turn off the lazy loader in iBatis 
for it to work properly under JBoss if you use subquery (via "select") result 
mapfiles.  (in your config map http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3930770#3930770

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: @PreDestory callback behavior for Stateless beans

2006-03-15 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : by default, beans are pooled in a threadlocal and 
never destroyed.

Bill, no offense, but that doesn't seem very spec compliant to me.   It makes 
the @PreDestory callback meaningless right or am I misunderstanding you?



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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - @PreDestory callback behavior for Stateless beans

2006-03-15 Thread asack
Is there any way to cause a @PreDestory callback to be executed 
programmactically?  I thought if I undeploy the jar file in which EJB3 
Stateless beans are defined, any @PreDestroy callbacks defined would be called. 
 That doesn't seem to be the case and it maybe my misunderstanding of an EJB3 
lifecycle. (4.03SP1/EJB3-RC5)

>From the JBoss doc, it claims that the @PreDestory callback is called when a 
>bean is destoryed or removed from the pool.  I thought obviously undeployment 
>would do this but if not, what can cause this or is this callback strictly 
>container controlled? 



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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: EJB3, iBatis, and CGLIB

2006-03-13 Thread asack
Thanks Max for the CGLIB explanation.

Well, if I use CGLIB 2.1 it works.  Its only with the latest CGLIB it fails.   
This has to be an iBatis bug...sorry...

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: EJB3, iBatis, and CGLIB

2006-03-12 Thread asack
BUMP and at least can someone explain to me the ramifications of removing cglib 
or replace it with respect to the EJB3 deployer?


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Re: Can you use AOP to force an object as an EJB3 object?

2006-03-12 Thread asack
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Not really, the EJB container does a lot of extra 
stuff like binding into JNDI, pooling etc. You can apply some of the 
transactions and security functionality though.

Thanks Kabir, I came to that conclusion looking at the code too.  Btw, I think 
this would be a very useful feature (the other way of doing this is obviously 
at compile time via annotation transformations).

"kabir" wrote : 
  | You can apply more aspects if you want by deploying an extra aop.xml file 
with your deployment, and using the @AspectDomain annotation to select which 
domain you want to use. There is an example for this in the "aspectdomain" test 
in the ejb3 testsuite.

Ah ha!  Thank you, there was nothing about the @AspectDomain and/or "Domain" 
XML property in the current suite of doc (at least I missed it) but I was 
looking at the EJB3 AOP file as well as the deployer and noticed this concept.  
 Okay, this seems like the right way to do things, i.e. touching the EJB3 
interceptors file just seemed architecturally bad.  Btw, I *believe* this 
should be the methodology the Spring deployer uses instead of adding the 
annotation defintion directly in the EJB3 AOP XML file which is specified in 
the doc.

"kabir" wrote : 
  | Note that you can also use the EJB3 interceptors as defined by the EJB3 
spec if portability is a concern

EJB3 interceptors? (...yanks out PDF...) Ahh, Chapter 11, damn it, I forgot 
about this.  I need to reread this section in the spec. 



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Can you use AOP to force an object as an EJB3 object?

2006-03-11 Thread asack
I'm looking at AOP for architecting a new project and I was wondering if its 
possible to force a simple POJO to be an EJB3 and have it managed by the EJB3 
containers via a Mixin or some other mechanism?

(there is a similar post with no response about taking a POJO and trying to 
make it an Entity bean, mine is more generalized)

If not, is it possible to add new aspects over the existing EJB3 deployer 
without modifying the ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml file?  i.e. can I have my own 
xml that specifies a new domain, inherits the EJB3 one, and then defines my own 
pointcuts, etc.?

Any information about this topic would be much appreciated.

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: JBoss WebTier Injection

2006-03-10 Thread asack
As far as the spec goes, I believe Servlet 2.5 adds annotations to inject 
objects from the enterprise tier.  If you read carefully the EJB3 documentation 
and trailblazers, I believe JBoss currently does not support direct injection 
and still requires a JNDI lookup like substance.

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: EJB3, iBatis, and CGLIB

2006-03-10 Thread asack
Anybody?  :-)!

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - EJB3, iBatis, and CGLIB

2006-03-09 Thread asack

I'm working on a big project that is going to be completely EJB3/JBoss based 
(great work guys) and I'm running into an odd problem that the Wiki/FAQ and 
numerous Search tries are not resolving.  I'm using JBoss 4.0.3SP1-EJB3RC5, 
JDK1.5_06 and iBatis 2.1.7-597 (latest).

My issue is that I've had to inherit some iBatis stuff that is dying with 
essentially the stack trace at the end of this post.  It occurs when I try to 
use a complex query in iBatis, i.e.:


So I'm trying to map a field to a subquery via the "select" clause which should 
ultimately return a Boolean.  The "some_sub_query" should return a 
"java.lang.Boolean" as its resultClass.

What I have found is that the cglib shipped with JBoss and/or EJB3 seems to 
break iBatis (it could be pilot error but my map file is most certainly valid). 
  If I remove cglib from both default/lib and the ejb3.deployer, everything 

I realize this is not an iBatis forum, but can someone explain to me what might 
be going on AND more importantly, is CGLIB required for EJB3 deployment?  I 
removed all CGLIB jars, restarted JBoss, and EJB3 seems to still work fine but 
I might be living very dangerously.

Any info would come much appreciated!


15:50:58,546 INFO  [STDOUT] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot subclass 
final class boolean
15:50:58,546 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
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15:50:58,546 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
15:50:58,546 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
15:50:58,546 INFO  [STDOUT] at 
...started from an EJB3 invoke on my Proxy object...

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