Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel has a propritary program in its repos

2019-04-27 Thread Mason Hock
> It looks like only version 1.1.8 and onward is proprietary.

FYI, there is a free fork that doesn't use any code from after the
license change.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel has a propritary program in its repos

2019-04-27 Thread Mason Hock
> there is a problem with trisquel and that it has aseprite in the repo i
> just wanted to notify people of this mistake

It looks like only version 1.1.8 and onward is proprietary. Trisquel 8
has version 1.0.9, which is GPLv2. Trisquel 9 will not include aseprite
at all. Ubuntu removed the package from its repositories after 16.04[1]
(likely for this reason, as it appears that the license change occurred
several months after Ubuntu 16.04 was released).


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Re: [Trisquel-users] wifi driver

2019-04-26 Thread Mason Hock
> Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 3160 (rev 83)

Unfortunately, I think that all Intel WiFi cards require proprietary
firmware. If your BIOS allows it, maybe you can replace the WiFi card.
What is the vendor and model of your computer?

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Re: [Trisquel-users] wifi driver

2019-04-26 Thread Mason Hock
>Anyway, I installed Trisquel on a usb stick and on one computer the
> wifi doesn't work.  The other I booted it on the the wifi worked fine.
> From what I gather, that might mean the one it didn't work on probably
> doesn't have a free wifi driver available, and, the one it does have a
> free wifi driver available. Anyone know if that's correct?

Specifically it means that there was no free driver when Linux (the
kernel) version 4.4 (the default version in Trisquel 8) was released.
It is possible (no promises) that upgrading to a newer kernel version
could get your WiFi card working.

Try booting back into Trisquel on the computer without working WiFi,
open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T, and run

$ lspci | grep Network

(Type "lspci | grep Network" and press Enter)

This will print information about your WiFi card to the terminal.
Copy/paste that information to this thread.

If there is still no free driver for your WiFi card, you might be able
to replace it with a WiFi card for which there is a free driver.
However, sometimes the computer's proprietary BIOS will not allow you to
install an unauthorized WiFi card, so if none of the approved WiFi cards
have free drivers either then you are out of luck. What is your laptop

If all else fails, you can buy a USB WiFi dongle like this one.[1]
However, since WiFi works on one of your computers, you might as well
start by installing Trisquel on that one.


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Re: [Trisquel-users] Free code services not working in 32-bit ABrowser on Trisquel 8

2019-04-22 Thread Mason Hock
> All I'm getting on 32-bit ABrowser is
> an error message saying the browser is unsupported and asking me to
> install the latest "Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Microsoft
> Edge" (eww).

As far as examples of graceless degradation go, "Please install..." is
one of the more infuriating. It's right up there with "JavaScript is
required to use this app." (But I don't want to use an app, I want to
view a web page!)

> But the
> version of IceCat in the Trisquel repos is so old it seems likely not to
> work for bleeding edge sites just for that reason. Is there a more recent
> version available somewhere?

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Free code services not working in 32-bit ABrowser on Trisquel 8

2019-04-21 Thread Mason Hock
> I'm having trouble using a number of websites in ABrowser on my 32-bit
> Trisquel 8 system.

Have you tried the same sites in Firefox and Icecat? That will help
narrow down where the problem could be.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Browser addons

2019-04-19 Thread Mason Hock
> But installing extensions does not seem to work in Abrowser or IceCat. I
> search for an add-on, select it, click on "Install extension" and nothing
> happens.

Try installing directly from

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Questions about sw applications

2019-04-18 Thread Mason Hock
> > openjdk is a dependency of NetBeans, so it will be installed automatically.
> This is new to me, thanks

You can view a package's dependencies in a terminal with
"apt depends [package-name]". For example,

$ apt depends netbeans
 |Depends: default-jdk (>= 2:1.8)
  Depends: libnb-apisupport3-java (= 8.1+dfsg2-3)
  Depends: libnb-ide14-java (= 8.1+dfsg2-3)
  Depends: libnb-java5-java (= 8.1+dfsg2-3)
  Depends: libnb-platform18-java (>= 8.1)

The same information is available in Synaptic by searching for a package
and viewing its "Properties".

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best way to watch Youtube videos?

2019-04-18 Thread Mason Hock
> I was using
> Hooktube and then they got a cease and desist letter from YouTube, so
> apparently they were spooked and switched to using normal YT embeds. Is
> this an inevitable fate for Invidious too?

Unlike Hooktube, Invidious does not use YouTube's API, so I think it
should be at less risk of legal threats from Google.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Questions about sw applications

2019-04-17 Thread Mason Hock
> In the past in windows I used a Java + Netbeans bundle, is there
> something similar also as Free Software for Trisquel?

NetBeans and openjdk are in the repository. You can install NetBeans via
Add/Remove Applications, Synaptic Package Manager, or the command line.
See here:

openjdk is a dependency of NetBeans, so it will be installed

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Step-by-step Trisquel installing manual for newbies?

2019-04-17 Thread Mason Hock
> I do not think "it is a part of the libre world to think and find out by
> yourself".  At least, it is not a core value: there is not wrong in
> requiring/getting help.

If anything, cooperation is a core value, so helping each other is

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-04-05 Thread Mason Hock
> I just realized that the volume button/slider which is usually next to the
> network button on the bottom panel is missing.

It's possible that this applet had pulseaudio as a dependency, got
uninstalled when we removed pulseaudio.


$ sudo apt install trisquel

to install the "trisquel" metapackage, which contains all components of
the default desktop environment.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] pip (python-pip) doesn't work in Trisquel

2019-04-04 Thread Mason Hock
> Hello dear friends,
> I can't install any sofware/package with pip!

pip searches and installs from the PyPi repository. This repository
contains proprietary software. Since Trisquel can't control what goes
into the PyPi repository, the only solution was to remove pip from

What package are you trying to install through pip? A lot of free
PyPi packages are already available in the Ubuntu and Trisquel
repositories. For package "foo" try

$ sudo apt install python-foo


$ sudo apt install python3-foo

If that doesn't work, check the license of the program to make sure that
it is free software. If it is, I would build it from source, which for
PyPi packages is very easy to do. As an example, here's what you would
do for the package "thefuck".

(1) Find the package on

(2) Go to the bottom of the page and download thefuck-3.28.tar.gz, which
contains the source code.

(3) In a terminal, cd into the directory that you saved the file. For
example, if it was saved to your Downloads directory,

$ cd ~/Downloads

(4) Unpack and build

$ tar xf thefuck-3.28.tar.gz
$ cd thefuck-3.28/
$ sudo apt install python-setuptools python3-setuptools
$ ./ build
$ sudo $ ./ install

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Re: [Trisquel-users] What is the license for the Android SDK Platform Tools? How free are they?

2019-04-03 Thread Mason Hock
> The SDK Platform Tools are great for removing bloatware from phones that
> can't be rooted, particularly the command-line tools.
> I believe that at least the source is made available, but do not know how
> free the tools really are, especially since they are developed by Google.
> Does anyone happen to know?

android-sdk is in the Trisquel repo and appears to be under Apache 2.0,
with some additional data under CC-BY-SA.[1] Both are free licenses.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-04-03 Thread Mason Hock
@Liberated, I'm glad everything's working now.

@Lil Beanie, If you are still having trouble with sound, can you try

$ rm -rf ~/.config/pulse

and see if the problem goes away as it did for Liberated?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-04-03 Thread Mason Hock
> Sound still does not work after deleting that folder.

Then the problem might be unrelated to pulseaudio. To confirm though,
can you run

$ sudo apt remove pulseaudio

reboot, and see if sound works (in vlc or something, not your browser).

Then reinstall pulseaudio with

$ sudo apt install pulseaudio

If sound still does not work while pulseaudio is uninstalled, that will
confirm that the problem is somewhere else.

After you do that, let's temporarily rename your .config folder

$ mv ~/.config ~/.config-backup

and reboot again. See if sound works, and then restore your .config

$ mv ~/.config-backup ~/.config

If sound worked, that confirms that *something* in .config is the
problem, and our next step will be to narrow down with file(s) it is.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize script?

2019-04-03 Thread Mason Hock
>  Can anybody confirm me that encrypted home folder (not encrypted disk)
> will work after running this script on lubuntu 16.04 LTS?

I have not used the script myself, but I've looked it over to get a
sense of what it does.

First note that the script is for Ubuntu 12.04 to Trisquel 6, so you'll
first need to update it for Ubuntu 16.04/Trisquel 8 by changing this




The script appears to do three things.

(1) It modifies /etc/apt/sources.list to use the Trisquel 8 repo instead
of the Ubuntu 16.04 repos, and then then updates your system. Most
Trisquel packages are not modified from upstream, and these will be left
alone. Any Ubuntu packages that Trisquel excludes will also be left
alone (for now). Any installed Ubuntu packages to which Trisquel has
made modifications will be replaced with Trisquel's version. This is
essentially the same process by which you would upgrade to a later
version of Ubuntu, but less invasive because most packages will stay the

(2) It installs some Trisquel-specific packages like artwork and the
default desktop environment, and purges some Ubuntu-specific artwork
that it replaces.

(3) It checks for some non-free packages, and if it finds any it asks
you one-by-one if you want to remove them.

I don't see any reason that these steps would mess with your encrypted
home folder. Step (1) is less risky than upgrading to a later version of
Ubuntu. Step (2) seems harmless. If you have some hardware (WiFi, GPU)
that needs non-free firmware, then removing this firmware in step (3)
could cause an issue, but it shouldn't break your system and I don't
think it would affect your encrypted home folder.

That said, as with any large change to your system, I recommend doing a
backup first.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-04-03 Thread Mason Hock
> Unfortunately, running that command as well as running both of those apt
> commands separately did not fix the configuration problem.

I forgot to mention that you'll need to reboot next. Have you already
done that?

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-04-03 Thread Mason Hock
> Yes, sound works perfectly in a guest session.

That means that the problem is specific to your user's configuration. It
sounds like ALSA works, since you got sound when testing your speakers
in Sound settings. (I have since learned that a faster way to do this
would have been to run "speaker-test" in a terminal.) This leads me to
suspect that the problem is with your pulseaudio configuration. What I
would do, is run

$ sudo apt purge pulseaudio && sudo apt install pulseaudio

The difference between "apt purge" and "apt remove" is that "remove"
uninstalls the program but leaves your configuration files, whereas
"purge" removes both the program and configuration files. This way, when
you reinstall pulseaudio you will get fresh configuration files which
should be the same as your Guest user.

If this doesn't work, then the configuration problem is with something
other than pulseaudio and we'll take it from there. In my experience
though, pulseaudio is the most common culprit. Removing pulseaudio
entirely would probably fix sound too, but Firefox and
Firefox-derivatives like Abrowser and Icecat require pulseaudio for
sound, so we're stuck with it. Hopefully returning to the default
configuration will be enough.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel on Arm? Pinebook Pro running Trisquel? Trisquel Touch?

2019-04-02 Thread Mason Hock
> PCI vs USB WI-FI results argument is totally void. There is no such thing.
> Check stock TL-WN721N/TL-WN722N or what thinkpenguin/tehcnoetical have.

When I began migrating to free software, I bought several ThinkPenguin
WiFi dongles and used them for a year. It was extremely frustrating. I
lost my Internet connection every few minutes. Other users on this forum
have reported the same result.

I now install a $6 PCI Atheros card on every laptop I can and get far
better results. Many of my friends have MacBooks, and when I install
Trisquel on their computer and they see it take 3 tries to get through
the installer (for some reason the installer crashes on MacBooks if not
connect to the Internet at a certain moment), and several hours to get
through the first "sudo apt upgrade" they insist on the proprietary
firmware for their WiFi card, or Ubuntu, or they will return to macOS.

But maybe this has nothing to do with USB vs PCI, and the $30
ThinkPenguin dongles are for some reason of lower quality than the
$6 PCI cards. I'll try Andy's suggestion. If you have ever used a USB
WiFi card that wasn't crap, can you tell me what model it was?

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Best way to watch Youtube videos?

2019-04-02 Thread Mason Hock
> chaosmonk - how do you feel about the fact that the government was so
> heavily involved in creating and financing Tor? I've always been wary of
> it - wondering what your opinion is.

Are you implying that it could be a honeypot of some kind? If so, that's
something I worry about a lot with many VPNs, but less so with a
decentralized network running on free software. I would guess that the
US military funds Tor because they use it themselves. Their involvement
is not something to ignore, but it is also not a reason to reject Tor
any more than it is a reason to reject the Internet. If the Tor network
did not provide effective anonymity and privacy from the US government,
I think that things likely would have gone differently for Edward

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel on Arm? Pinebook Pro running Trisquel? Trisquel Touch?

2019-04-01 Thread Mason Hock
> I'm assuming you've tried the full-sized USB dongles with the flip
> antenna, like this one?
> I've had a lot of luck with them.

No, I haven't tried these, but I'll look into them now. Thanks.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel on Arm? Pinebook Pro running Trisquel? Trisquel Touch?

2019-04-01 Thread Mason Hock
> It's not a laptop but there's also the TALOS II. You'll never see POWER9
> in a laptop. If I had to give up the laptop form factor in order to have
> a future in freedom then I could do that. I'm already there. Most of my
> computers are not laptops.

Portability aside, the TALOS II is extremely expensive, and overkill for
what most users need. It is good and important that there is a free
option for users and organizations who need and can afford something
like the TALOS II, but it is not a solution for everyone.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best way to watch Youtube videos?

2019-04-01 Thread Mason Hock
> What is the difference between "scrapping content" and "executing it"?

As I understand it, scraping means reading the page/code to get
information, whereas executing means actually running the software.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best way to watch Youtube videos?

2019-04-01 Thread Mason Hock
> Also, one very important question... How many of you use Tor when
> accessing Youtube?

I do encourage using Tor, even at times you don't need it, because more
people using Tor improves the anonymity of the Tor network. However,
watching videos or downloading large files slows down the network for
others, so I don't encourage using Tor for these activities except
unless you really do need it.

In situations where anonymity is not vital, I recommend using a VPN for
streaming videos and downloading large files, and reserving Tor for
low-bandwidth tasks.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel on Arm? Pinebook Pro running Trisquel? Trisquel Touch?

2019-04-01 Thread Mason Hock
> chaosmonk Doesn't every recent AMD/Nvidia graphic card require
> proprietary firmwares for 3D accel?

I think so.

> EVERY device that runs Trisquel you stick PCI or USB card if you want
> WI-FI period.

Yes, and I have had great results with PCI and very poor results with

> How this works out? "freedom-wise" every ARM device is better than
> Intel/AMD (no ME, PSP, FSP...)

It's true that x86 is a dead end. The decade-old laptops that support
libreboot are the best we're getting specification-wise. That's why I
said that I'm glad to see exploration of alternative architectures. I
hope to eventually see non-x86 laptops that are better than the aging
librebootable ThinkPads, but it doesn't seem like we're there yet:

- X200: up to 8GB
- Pinebook: 2GB

- X200: at least 2.4 GHz
- Pinebook: 1.2 GHz

- X200: 3D acceleration works with free software
- Pinebook: 3D acceleration requires proprietary software

- X200: PCI or USB with free software
- Pinebook: USB only with free software

To clarify, I'm not against ARM, or against buying a lower-spec computer
for the sake of freedom (I preordered* an EOMA68 computer card, which is
as slow as the Pinebook and will also lack free 3D acceleration and
require USB WiFi). I wish that the Pine64 were as freedom-focused as the
EOMA68 campaign, but I still hope that they, and other ARM (or PowerPC
or RISC-V) projects are successful, because in the long-term we do need
to replace x86.

* who knows if I'll ever see it though...

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Best way to watch Youtube videos?

2019-04-01 Thread Mason Hock
> Well, because when I disable javascript I can't read the comments.
> think in mobile for example you can only read the first comments, if you
> want to "scroll down the comments" you need Javascript again.

Invidious uses JavaScript to load more comments without having to leave
the page, so it's true that you can only see the first page of comments
when JavaScript is disabled. However, this JavaScript is free software
from Invidious, being used to load comments stored on Invidious's
server. It is not the proprietary JavaScript on YouTube that loads
comments stored on Google's servers.

In order to get comments and other information from YouTube, Invidious
does scrape YouTube's Javascript, but I don't think that it actually
executes the JavaScript, so you shouldn't have to run any proprietary
software to run your own Invidious instance.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-04-01 Thread Mason Hock
> I should add that when I start the computer and the login screen shows up,
> the sound that is supposed to play still plays.

Hm. If you log into a guest session do you have sound?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best way to watch Youtube videos?

2019-03-31 Thread Mason Hock
> But what about if you run it in your own computer then?

You mean run your own instance of Invidious? In that case, you would
scrape YouTube and the information would be stored on your server.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best way to watch Youtube videos?

2019-03-31 Thread Mason Hock
> I mean, Invidious doesn't have an index file with all Youtube videos,
> right?

Actually, I think it does. If I understand correctly, Invidious crawls
through YouTube indexing channels and videos.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Suspend / halt not working anymore after a Software Updater launch

2019-03-31 Thread Mason Hock
Suspend/hibernate is often a problem with Linux (the kernel), and when
it does/doesn't work seems to be hardware-specific. This is an issue in
Ubuntu as well. Trisquel's kernel is created by running a script[1]
which automatically removes the proprietary blobs from Ubuntu's kernel,
so if this kernel version is indeed causing your problem it is not
something that will get addressed on Trisquel's issue tracker. We need
to keep troubleshooting on your hardware.

There is some chance that the kernel is not the problem. To find out,
try suspending and hibernating from a terminal.

To suspend:

$ sudo pm-suspend

and to hibernate:

$ sudo pm-hibernate

See if either of those works and let us know.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best way to watch Youtube videos?

2019-03-31 Thread Mason Hock
> What about Electron?

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Best way to watch Youtube videos?

2019-03-31 Thread Mason Hock
> So, FreeTube is a good option then?

I've never used it, but it looks good (depending on your stance
regarding Electron). I've found youtube-viewer[1] useful as well. It has
both a cli interface and a GTK interface.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Suspend / halt not working anymore after a Software Updater launch

2019-03-31 Thread Mason Hock
> I am afraid to switch to a generic kernel and because my system is
> perfectly working

You can always switch back to the low-latency kernel. You have nothing
to lose.

$ sudo apt install linux-generic

> I am going to open an issue regarding the suspend / halt issue.

Don't do this until you have tried a different kernel.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-03-31 Thread Mason Hock
> Testing the speakers and headphones did result in sound, both with the
> speakers and the headphones.
> Turning up the faders while playing music did not fix the problem.

Okay, it sounds like everything is fine between ALSA and the sound card,
in which case the problem is higher-level than ALSA.

Start playing music in VLC, and go back to Control Center -> Sound, and
this time go to the "Applications" tab and see if VLC is listed.

Then, in VLC, go to Tools -> Preferences, go to the "Audio" tab, change
"Output module" to "ALSA audio output". See if you get sound or if
anything changes in the "Applications" tab of your Sound settings. If
there is no sound and no change, try restarting VLC.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-03-30 Thread Mason Hock
> Yes, the other 2 kernels (4.4.0-142-generic and 4.4.0-141-generic) did
> not fix the problem.

I'm going to assume that "the problem" is that you have no sound. If the
problem is more specific than that then let me know. I'm also assuming
that you are using MATE, the default Trisquel desktop environment, and
that you have not uninstalled Pulseaudio or installed JACK. Let me know
if any of these assumptions is incorrect.

Here are some things to try:

First run

$ aplay -l
$ arecord -l
$ lspci | grep Audio
$ sudo lshw | grep -A 5 multimedia

and copy/paste the output of those four commands here.

Next, go to Control Center -> Sound, and go to the "Hardware" tab. You
should see at least one sound device. For each device you see, click
"Test Speakers" and test all of the output channels. If you are using a
laptop, try this both with and without headphones. See which devices can
and cannot produce sound.

Next, start playing some music or something through vlc or mpv (not
Abrowser) and while that's going run

$ alsamixer

(You might have to install it first.) alsamixer exposes lower-level
settings for your sound cards than MATE's volume preferences. Here are
the basic controls
- Left/Right to switch between faders
- Up/Down to adjust a fader
- M to mute/unmute a fader
- F6 to switch sound cards

Unmute and turn up every fader for every sound card until you get sound
or run out of faders to try.

Report back the results of trying these things. The more detailed you
can be the better. Hopefully that will give us some clues as to what the
problem is.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel on Arm? Pinebook Pro running Trisquel? Trisquel Touch?

2019-03-30 Thread Mason Hock
> Pinebook pro can work natively
> with ubuntu and proprietary blobs and if you buy a usb-wifi adapter, it
> could even work 100% freely with Trisquel (for example).

This has been true of every laptop I've encountered, so it isn't
remarkable. The only problems I often run into with laptops are WiFi and
3D acceleration. This laptop has both of these problems, so freedom-wise
it's about as bad as it gets. Still, I'm glad to see exploration of
non-x86 architectures.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-03-27 Thread Mason Hock
> Same problem here on Trisquel 8.

Do you mean sound? If so, can you describe the problem in more detail so
that we can troubleshoot? I just updated my Trisquel 8 system and sound
works fine, so I need to know more about your situation in order to

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-03-27 Thread Mason Hock
> 7 is compatible with my
> computer system.

Then Trisquel 8 almost certainly is too.

> I am ruing the fact that I accepted the suggestion from
> Trisquel to upgrade yesterday.

So you tried upgrading and have experienced problems? Chances are that
the problem is not Trisquel 8, but with the process by which you

> But,
> without help, that will be my only option.

I'm happy to help, but that's tough without knowing what specific
problems you are encountering. Here are guesses, based on issues other
users have encountered while upgrading from Trisquel 7 to Trisquel 8.

(1) Make sure that the package "trisquel" is installed. You can install
this package graphically with Synaptic or via the command line with

$ sudo apt install trisquel

See here[1] for information on installing software. If your system is so
broken that you can't even get a terminal open, then instead of logging
into a graphical session type Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a TTY. Log in there,
and run "sudo apt install trisquel".

Once Trisquel is installed, reboot. Then, at the login screen, look for
a little icon next to your username. Click on it, and you will get a
dropdown list of all of the desktop environments you have installed. One
of them will be called something similar to "Trisquel" or "GNOME" or
"GNOME Fallback". This was the default desktop environment for Trisquel
7. Another will be called "MATE". This is the default desktop
environment for Trisquel 8, and that is what we want. After selecting
"MATE", log in.

If you have already done all of this and still have problems, we'll need
to you be specific about exactly what those problems are in order to
help you fix them. When describing each problem, tell us
- What did you expect to happen?
- What did you try?
- What happened instead?


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] extract rar file freely?

2019-03-23 Thread Mason Hock
> Such part/accessory information can be found in the hardware maintenance
> manual (HMM) for older ThinkPad models, but not newer ones. For more
> recent models (starting Nehalem or SandyBridge), the HMMs no longer
> contain a rather verbose "Part List" section.

Okay, so my friend has an X201, so I'm looking at this,

and I see a "Parts List" section. On page 168 (176 in the pdf) it looks
like the WiFi card is labeled "7", so I should look up by FRU all of the
WiFi cards listed on pages 190-192 (198-200 in the pdf) and check
h-node to see if any of them work with free software?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to call from JMP with Trisquel 8

2019-03-22 Thread Mason Hock
> I think
> it's fixed in the version in Trisquel 8.

Never mind, just saw OPs comment.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to call from JMP with Trisquel 8

2019-03-22 Thread Mason Hock
> I had trouble trying to set up Linphone for JMP (it wasn't accepting the
> tilde in the SIP username)

This was definitely a problem with the version in Trisquel 7. I think
it's fixed in the version in Trisquel 8. The workaround was to omit the
tilde during the setup wizard, then go add it in later. Ekiga works just
as well though.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] extract rar file freely?

2019-03-22 Thread Mason Hock
> This card (42T0825) should work on any 945/965 chipset based ThinkPads
> (R6x, T6x, X6x and Z61 series).

I'm interested to know where you got this information, as this sort of
thing is very valuable to know. Each laptop listed in h-node has a
"wifi model" field saying whether or not the WiFi card works with free
software. It also has a "does the device prevent installing wifi cards
not-approved by the vendor?" field, to which the answer is usually "not
specified," but there is no field for "do any WiFi cards approved by the
vendor work with free software." I would love to have this knowledge for
Macbook models and more recent Thinkpad models.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to call from JMP with Trisquel 8

2019-03-22 Thread Mason Hock
> [User]~40[DOMAIN][AT]
> Where [USER]=username, [DOMAIN], and [AT]=@

To clarify why this is, is only your XMPP provider, not your
SIP provider. JMP is your SIP provider, which is why the domain after
the @ is Since JMP knows you as your XMPP address,
your entire XMPP address, including the [AT], is your
username, but the @ has to become a ~40 since there should only be an @
before the SIP domain.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to call from JMP with Trisquel 8

2019-03-22 Thread Mason Hock
> > Registration on  failed: no response timeout

Sorry, I forgot that the forum replaces anything that appears to be an
email address with "name at domain", so the SIP ID did not come out
correctly the way I wrote it. It should look like this


Where [USER]=username, [DOMAIN], and [AT]=@

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to call from JMP with Trisquel 8

2019-03-22 Thread Mason Hock
> I stumbled upon something called JMP while browsing this forum and got setup
> with it. But I didn't see anywhere how you are supposed to make and take
> calls with it.

I use Linphone.

$ sudo apt install linphone

For SIP identity use


where [USER]@[DOMAIN] is the XMPP ID you are using for SMS.

The default password should have been provided to you when you signed
up with JMP, and is in the form of three random words separated by

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser update issues

2019-03-21 Thread Mason Hock
> Just updated to 65.0.1 (64-bit) and hanging on downloads seems to be fixed.

I'm using 65 now and just ran into the download issue again.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free as in "I found it in a dumpster"

2019-03-21 Thread Mason Hock
> I installed Middleton's BIOS on my X61 and it works - I was then able to use
> different wifi card. I was hoping to solve an intermittent wifi problem, but
> that remains.

What WiFi card are you using? I've had intermittent WiFi problems with
the Atheros USB dongles, but the internal cards have always worked well
for me.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser update issues

2019-03-20 Thread Mason Hock
> I guess it only works because the built-in Icecat package is 8 major
> versions behind the latest stable (52.3.0 instead of 60.3.0)

No, Icecat 60ESR works too (it's just not in the repo). This is only
seems to be a problem for FF64+

> I wonder if there's a reason for Abrowser to exist.

I guess some users might want to follow the regular Firefox release
schedule instead of ESR.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] extract rar file freely?

2019-03-17 Thread Mason Hock

Middleton's BIOS isn't more free than the factory BIOS, and it might be
worse security-wise, so I only want to resort to that if it is the only
way to install a freedom-respecting WiFi card. I have ordered an AR5418,
and if nadebula is correct that it is whitelisted I will stick with the
factory BIOS. If I can't get that card to work then I will try to
install Middleton's using your link. Thanks for finding and sharing

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] trouble getting rid of capslock

2019-03-16 Thread Mason Hock
> I'm using the default MATE.

In that case, the easiest thing to do will be to go to Control Center
and select "Keyboard". In the window that opens, go to the "Layout" tab
and select "Options". There, go to "Caps Lock key behavior" and either
disable Caps Lock or map it to something useful like ESC or Ctrl.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Snap on Trisquel Mini 8

2019-03-16 Thread Mason Hock
> Yes, i´ḿ trying to install the newest version of Midori.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] trouble getting rid of capslock

2019-03-15 Thread Mason Hock
I do all my key remapping with xmodmap, but depending on your desktop
environment there may be an easier way. Are you using MATE (Trisquel 8's
default) or are you using a different DE?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Snap on Trisquel Mini 8

2019-03-15 Thread Mason Hock
> Is it possible to install snap on Trisquel Mini?

Snap was removed from Trisquel's repository because it recommends and
can install proprietary software. See here:

Is there a particular package you were going to install from Snap? If
it's free we can help you install it.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] extract rar file freely?

2019-03-12 Thread Mason Hock
Thanks everyone. I'll look into the AR5418 for now.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello all

2019-03-11 Thread Mason Hock
> Thanks for your reply and help. I think I'm good unless I failed to check
> completely. I'm still learning terminal, so bare with me.

It looks to me like you did everything correctly, so assuming that this
program is reliable, it looks like your computer doesn't have Intel ME.

Description: PGP signature

[Trisquel-users] extract rar file freely?

2019-03-11 Thread Mason Hock
In this thread[1] someone suggested Middleton's BIOS, which appears to
be a modified version of the Lenovo BIOS for the X61 that removes the
hardware whitelist. It doesn't seem to be free, but neither is the BIOS
it replaces, and if it makes it possible to install a freedom-respecting
WiFi card then I consider it better freedom-wise than keeping the
factory BIOS.

The problem is that the necessary files are distributed as a rar
archive, and I'm not sure how to extract it using free software.

I installed unrar-free,

$ sudo apt install unrar-free

downloaded the archive,

and attempted to extract it.

$ unrar x 

Some of the files did extract correctly, but most of them said FAILED. I
then tried unar,

$ unar 

and it seemed that not as many failed, and I got a more descriptive
error message for the ones that did fail.

  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/$01B2000.FL1  (2316822 B)... Failed! 
(Attempted to read more data than was available)
  BIOS update/32-bit/$01B2000.FL1  (2316822 B)... Failed! (Attempted to read 
more data than was available)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/$01B2000.FL2  (2103350 B)... Failed! 
(Attempted to read more data than was available)
  BIOS update/32-bit/$01B2000.FL2  (2103350 B)... Failed! (Attempted to read 
more data than was available)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/06f1.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong 
  BIOS update/32-bit/06f1.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong checksum)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/06f4.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong 
  BIOS update/32-bit/06f4.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong checksum)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/06f5.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong 
  BIOS update/32-bit/06f5.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong checksum)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/06f9.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong 
  BIOS update/32-bit/06f9.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong checksum)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/06fa.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong 
  BIOS update/32-bit/06fa.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong checksum)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/06fb.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong 
  BIOS update/32-bit/06fb.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong checksum)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/06fd.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong 
  BIOS update/32-bit/06fd.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong checksum)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/10661.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong 
  BIOS update/32-bit/10661.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong checksum)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/10671.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong 
  BIOS update/32-bit/10671.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong checksum)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/10674.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong 
  BIOS update/32-bit/10674.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong checksum)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/32-bit/10676.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong 
  BIOS update/32-bit/10676.HSH  (163 B)... Failed! (Wrong checksum)
  BIOS update + CTRL-FN swap/#1.iso  (6387712 B)... Segmentation fault

Searching for these two errors ("Attempted to read more data than was
available" and "Wrong checksum") and "unar" I was able to find a few bug
reports, but none with solutions.

Until now I have been fortunate enough to never have had to deal with a
rar file, but from what I can gather it is not a free format, and free
tools for extracting them like unrar-free and unar can only open some
rar files. Does this look like a file that can't be extracted freely, or
is there another issue here? Is it worth trying a newer version of unar?
Trisquel 8 has 1.9 and it looks like 1.10 is available in Debian

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello all

2019-03-10 Thread Mason Hock
> gandalfthegrey@gandalfthegrey-VGN-NR310E:~$

The ~ before the $ means that you are in your home directory
(/home/gandalfthegrey). mei-amt-check isn't there, so that's why the
command isn't found.

First install git, if you haven't already.

$ sudo apt install git

Then clone the mei-amt-check repository if you haven't already.

$ git clone

This will create a directory called mei-amt-check, which you then need
to change to.

$ cd mei-amt-check/

Then you're ready to follow the instructions in the README. Here's what
it will look like if you don't have ME.

$ make
$ ./mei-amt-check 
Unable to find a Management Engine interface - run sudo modprobe mei_me
and retry.
If you receive the same error, this system does not have AMT
$ sudo modprobe mei_me
$ ./mei-amt-check 
Unable to find a Management Engine interface - run sudo modprobe mei_me
and retry.
If you receive the same error, this system does not have AMT

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free as in "I found it in a dumpster"

2019-03-07 Thread Mason Hock
> No results with shortcut to terminal session.

Since you say later that you were able to start the text installer, you
should be able to boot into a live Trisquel or Trisquel Mini session.
If you have any data on the machine that isn't backed up somewhere else,
I would boot into a live session and use that to recover your files, and
then reinstall. If there is nothing important on the machine, I'd just
reinstall now.

> I can get as far as "[!]Choose a Mirror" in text mode installation.

Is it by any chance this error?[1] I ran into this too the other day.
Maybe a graphical install would work.

> Sorry, I can't grasp Middleton's.

When I have time I'm going to try to install Middleton's BIOS on my X61.
If I am successful I can walk you through doing the same.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm finally completely free.

2019-03-06 Thread Mason Hock
> libreboot only works with a small number
> of computers and a large proportion of librebooted computers happen to be
> x200's.

Good point. I've updated the wiki.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm finally completely free.

2019-03-05 Thread Mason Hock
> it is related to the free bios, libreboot.

How? The hardware switch works whether or not the computer is

That said, I guess it couldn't hurt to add a line to this page[1]
advising the user to check for a hardware WiFi switch.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free as in "I found it in a dumpster"

2019-03-04 Thread Mason Hock
> Sounds like I should start by replacing the wireless card.

You'll need to deal with the BIOS *before* replacing the WiFi card. The
current BIOS will refuse to boot if it detects an unauthorized WiFi

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] issues after updating to Trisquel 8

2019-03-03 Thread Mason Hock

$ sudo apt install trisquel

and reboot.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to install i3wm

2019-03-03 Thread Mason Hock
> So it's in the main repo then? I must have been looking in the wrong place
> (I think it's 'i3' in Debian instead of 'i3-wm' perhaps that's why).

You are perhaps thinking of the i3 metapackage, which includes the i3
window manager and a handful of recommended packages.

$ apt depends i3
  Depends: i3-wm (= 4.11-1)
  Recommends: i3lock (>= 2.2)
  Recommends: suckless-tools
  Recommends: i3status (>= 2.3)
  Recommends: dunst

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with DTLAPC14

2019-02-26 Thread Mason Hock
> I purged ALSA and Pulseaudio and my computer sped up.

What if you just install ALSA and not pulseaudio?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel continuously crashing, the state of the FOSS community

2019-02-24 Thread Mason Hock
> Could be... I doubt it. The laptop I bought from Technoethical was
> specifically sold with this OS installed. So, unless they are foolish
> enough to sell their stock on hardware components that are incompatible
> with Trisquel, the answer is no.

I don't mean incompatible with Trisquel. I mean defective. Otherwise
Technoethical's laptops should work fine with Trisquel.

> And if Trisquel IS incompatible with any
> hardware that exists, that is a massive adoption barrier that need be
> addressed.

As I said, Trisquel is incompatible with many WiFi cards and some GPUs.
I agree that this is a barrier to installing Trisquel on a machine whose
hardware components were selected with Windows or macOS in mind, but
when buying a laptop that comes with Trisquel this should not be an
issue, unless the hardware itself is defective.

> My experience should never happen to anyone. This is not a matter of
> personal offense; I'm trying to convey a matter of principle. A principle
> this community needs to rigorously adopt. It is THE worst conceivable
> thing to happen for widespread migration when the software breaks to the
> point where it is no longer usable. The fact that this happened even once
> should give you nightmares. Why is the fact that it is not happening to
> everyone consolation to you? Where is your urgency? This community needs
> a radical shift of mentality if it ever wants to make a lasting effect.

It is very likely that you bought a bad laptop and will have to send it
back. This happens to Windows users too. Honestly, although I respect
the fact that Technoethical is committed to selling freedom-friendly
hardware and is very good about disclosing freedom issues, it seems that
some of their customers have been having problems lately.

I'm not sure what you mean by a lack of urgency. You are the first
person to have this problem. How can the community address a problem
that hasn't occurred yet? Within hours of you reporting the issue,
multiple people have provided suggestions toward troubleshooting.

You're not wrong. We should strive to improve free software. If this
turns out to be a bug in Trisquel we'll try to fix it. However, I think
it may not be a problem with Trisquel. Not only are you the first user
to report this issue, but if you bought from Technoethical then you
presumably have one of the Librebootable Thinkpad models. Many of us are
running the same operating system on the same hardware, so if
reinstalling Trisquel didn't fix the issue, it seems more likely to me
that the hardware is defective.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel continuously crashing, the state of the FOSS community

2019-02-24 Thread Mason Hock
> I have had much trouble with this OS. Both on my desktop and on a laptop,
> the  OS will crash anywhere from 0-10 minutes after startup every time
> without  incident.

This is unusual. I have installed Trisquel on many people's computers
and they have not had this problem.

> I doubt this is an installation issue as the
> Technoethical laptop  came with the OS previously installed.
> Re-installing doesn't help.

Maybe a hardware issue then?

> I have no  idea what kind of programmer
> fancied this project is even close to being  viable for production when
> it appears this unstable. There is no way in hell  mainstream adoption is
> possible with these kind of gaping bugs.

If adoption of operating systems had anything to do with quality no one
would be using Windows. :) Windows 8 and 10 are far buggier than any
GNU/Linux distribution I've tried.

In my opinion, the biggest obstacles to adoption of free operating
systems are social ones. If there are any significant technical
obstacles, I would say that they are the lack of free firmware for most
WiFi cards and many GPUs.

> The sloppiness of this software, combined with the lack of awareness and
> concern of these bugs in the free software movement will be its downfall.
> I  am a programmer myself and this apathy deeply worries me.

It is completely understandable to be frustrated, and I hope we can
figure out what's wrong and stop your system from crashing, but your
experience is not universal. Most users do not encounter this issue. I
don't see any recent posts or bug reports about such any issue apart from
this thread. How can you know that people will be apathetic about your
issue before you've even told them about it?

> I'm happy to
> provide help to make this software more accessible and usable if someone
> can  help point me in the right direction.

Great! I'm not much of a programmer, with just enough knowledge to fix
minor bugs, but I think by now I have a basic grasp on how Trisquel
development works. Here's a summary of what I know.

As you may know, Trisquel 8 is downstream from Ubuntu 16.04. Many
Ubuntu packages are simply rebuilt with the code unaltered, so
Trisquel development mostly deals with exceptions to this:

Some Ubuntu packages are completely removed, usually because they are
proprietary or specific to Ubuntu's branding. Here is the list of
packages purged from 16.04.

A handful of packages are maintained entirely by Trisquel. They appear
to be mostly data related to Trisquel branding and artwork.

Then there are packages from Ubuntu that need to be modified. Usually
this is to change Ubuntu branding to Trisquel branding, or to address a
freedom issue with an otherwise free package. This is done with package
helpers, which are scripts that modify the source code of the Ubuntu
package before rebuilding it.

For example, Firefox is free software, but it comes with support for
DRM, recommends proprietary addons, and doesn't have great default
privacy settings. The "make-firefox" script fixes these things. However,
Mozilla's trademark policy does not allow modified versions of their
software to use their branding, so the script also changes references to
"Mozilla" and "Firefox" with "Trisquel" and "Abrowser" respectively.

Here are the package helpers,

and here is a guide to getting started with them.

> Let's start with whatever bug
> is  causing the fatal crash on my machine.

The culprit could be
- a bug from upstream (might be worth checking Ubuntu's bug tracker)
- a bug introduced by a Trisquel package helper
- something specific to your hardware or configuration

> Thus far the primary
> culprits seem to  be:
> - indicator-application-service
> - systemd

Maybe you could try disabling indicator-application-service entirely for
a day and see if the issue goes away, so that we know for sure whether
or not it has something to do with your problem.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with DTLAPC14

2019-02-23 Thread Mason Hock
>  List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 

Go back to alsamixer, use F6 to change devices, and see if any of these
have usable controls.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with DTLAPC14

2019-02-23 Thread Mason Hock
> audio

What do you see when you run

$ alsamixer?

What (if any) sound card are detected. Are any values set to zero, and
if so does changing them do anything?

> Wi-Fi

What is the output of

$ lspci | grep Network


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with DTLAPC14

2019-02-23 Thread Mason Hock
Also, what is the output of

$ aplay -l


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat seems very outdated, what browser *should* one be using?

2019-02-22 Thread Mason Hock
> Does Trisquel contain a new enough version of WebKit to meet Midori's
> requirement (Hyperbola doesn't)?

I had no problems building Midori 7 in Trisquel 8. I haven't tried with
Hyperbola, but I'm surprised it doesn't work, since Hyperbola stable is
based on a 2017 snapshot and Trisquel 8 is based on a 2016 snapshot.
Maybe it has to do with some difference between Debian and Arch

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free as in "I found it in a dumpster"

2019-02-22 Thread Mason Hock

Looks promising. I have an X61 sitting around. I might try this out over
the weekend.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free as in "I found it in a dumpster"

2019-02-22 Thread Mason Hock
> or just
> replace the proprietary BIOS of your laptop with coreboot or libreboot if
> that is possible.

I'm pretty sure that the X61/X61s can't be librebooted or corebooted,
but you can swap out the motherboard for an X60 motherboard and
libreboot that. The X60 motherboard is easy to libreboot because it
doesn't require external flashing.

> You would need to either hack your whitelist to remove it
> completely, or to replace some whitelisted card IDs with yours,

Do you have any information on how to do this?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is it possible to change the theme in Icedove to a darker theme?

2019-02-21 Thread Mason Hock
If you look at the web page Magic Banana sent you, you'll see that this
addon is under the Mozilla Public License v2, which is a free software

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] and Rhythmbox

2019-02-20 Thread Mason Hock
> I'm using the livestream / internet radio and podcast features in Quod
> Libet to listen to Creative Commons music from places like Starfrosch
> Radio¹, ccMixter², and Free Music Archive³ and then scrobbling out to
> LibreFM.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try these out this weekend.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] and Rhythmbox

2019-02-20 Thread Mason Hock
Thanks for the explanation. It's a shame that the scrobbling data can't
be used for recommendations. What I would love to see is a
recommendation system that suggests free artists who are similar to
a non-free artist.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Error message when trying to launch GNU Emacs 24 (Terminal)

2019-02-20 Thread Mason Hock
> Failed to execute child process "xterm" (no such file or directory"

The desktop file is trying to launch it in xterm for some reason. Either
install xterm

$ sudo apt install xterm

or open your preferred terminal emulator and launch Emacs from there.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] and Rhythmbox

2019-02-20 Thread Mason Hock
> Clients to play music haven't worked since about 2010. There are
> still some clients which claim they can "scrobble" to (list the
> tracks you played on your desktop to the list of played tracks),
> but none of them will actually play the music in quite a few years in my
> experience. I expect is the same - you probably won't get
> rhythmbox or any other client to play the music streams.

That's disappointing. The wiki recommends clients for various
platforms. I'm not sure why if none works. I'll bring it up there.

> I simply use the web player to play the tracks and find and
> download music.

Yeah, I've tried to make sense of the web interface. Is there any way to
make use of the scrobbling data to recommend new music? If not, what is
the point of scrobbling? Why collect data that isn't used for anything?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] HOw to darken/turn off only one screen

2019-02-20 Thread Mason Hock
> I would just map those two commands to some convenient shortcuts.

Or, if you don't want to have two different shortcuts, the following
script will toggle your display on/off.


if xrandr --listactivemonitors | grep $display; then
xrandr --output $display --off
xrandr --output $display --auto

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] HOw to darken/turn off only one screen

2019-02-20 Thread Mason Hock
> I also tried using xrandr --output LVDS1 --off which corresponds to my
> laptop screen and it doesn't work properly because it actually disables
> it.

Right. Then you turn it back on with

$ xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto

I would just map those two commands to some convenient shortcuts. A
keyboard shortcut is just as fast as wiggling the mouse, and that way
you can just turn the screen on/off when you want it to be on/off. It's
not exactly what you asked for, but it's a fallback if you can't find
something that does exactly what you want.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : HOw to darken/turn off only one screen

2019-02-19 Thread Mason Hock
> Doesn't the on/off radio buttons in MATE's monitor preferences behave
> in the same way?

I think that's what GNUser was referring to with

> I don't want to go to "Menu" "Screens" and turn it off because I want
> it back on when I move the mouse cursor.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is it possible to change the theme in Icedove to a darker theme?

2019-02-19 Thread Mason Hock
Do you mean for the UI or for messages? For the UI, it should use your
GTK3 theme. For messages, there are settings in the preferences. You'll
find them quickly.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] HOw to darken/turn off only one screen

2019-02-19 Thread Mason Hock
If that doesn't work, you could just use xrandr to turn the screen on or

First, run

$ xrandr | grep primary

to find out the name of your laptop screen. (I'm assuming that your
laptop screen is your primary display.) For me the output is

$ xrandr | grep primary
LVDS1 connected primary 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 
261mm x 163mm

so the name of my laptop screen is LVDS1.

I can then turn it off with

$ xrandr --output LVDS1 --off

and on with

$ xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto

Then map these to convenient keyboard shortcuts.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] HOw to darken/turn off only one screen

2019-02-19 Thread Mason Hock
> If there is a command that I can issue I will be glad to learn it and use it.

$ xset dpms force suspend

deactivates the display on my laptop until I type or move the mouse.
However, I haven't tested to see what happens with an external monitor
plugged in.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedom issues regarding Abrowser.

2019-02-18 Thread Mason Hock
> It's only a freedom issue if someone uses the JavaScript engine in
> Abrowser to run non-free JavaScript.

> No, because those organizations don't have problems with us using their
> trademarks to indicate use of their search engine.

Maybe these things aren't a problem on their own, but I think that they
may constitute a problem together. Since Abrowser is configured to
execute all JavaScript by default, Ebay, Amazon, and even DuckDuckGo
execute proprietary JavaScript when used in Abrowser. By suggesting
these search engines, Abrowser guides the user toward proprietary
JavaScript. I think that if Abrowser is not going to block non-free JS
by default as Icecat does, it should not go out of it's way to direct
users to pages that have non-free JS.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] and Rhythmbox

2019-02-18 Thread Mason Hock
> I don't use any and I also do not have an account on but a quick
> search turned out:
> It would appear, and I just found this out, my favorite music player,
> cmus, can get you where you want to be with a script..

I use cmus as well. However, I'm looking for a graphical solution to
recommend to normies.

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[Trisquel-users] and Rhythmbox

2019-02-16 Thread Mason Hock
I have made a account and am trying to get it to work with
Rhythmbox. I was able to sign into through Rhythmbox and can
see my username and a list of recently listened tracks (which I listened
to through the web player). I also see the option to create
radio stations. However, I can't get anything to work.

If I create a radio station by entering an artist's name, the station
appears in Rhythmbox's sidebar under, but attempting to use it
gives this error: "Error tuning station: 3 - Invalid Method - No method
with that name in this package". Even though I'm not interested in using, I made an account to see if I got the same error, and I did, so
I suspect that the problem is in Rhythmbox and not

If I click on one of the recently listened tracks, I am shown the
options "View on", "Listen to Similar Artists Radio", and
"Listen to Top Fans Radio". The latter two options create radio
stations, that when used give the same error as the manually created
ones. "View on" opens a link in Abrowser. What's interesting is
that Abrowser tries to go to "http://https//;, so I
guess that the link Rhythmbox gives is "https//" with
a ":" missing after the "https". I wonder if this is related to any of
the other problems.

I'm not sure whether the "Love", "Ban", or "Download" buttons will work,
since I can't get anything playing.

Has anyone gotten working with Rhythmbox? I'm also open to
an alternative client if someone has had more success with one.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Sort and Uniq fail to remove all duplicates from a list of hostnames and their IPv4 addresses

2019-02-14 Thread Mason Hock

I pasted that into a file called "test"

$ uniq test

Every item seems to be represented with no duplicates.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] local installation of icecat/tor-browser executable tarball

2019-02-13 Thread Mason Hock
> ./start-tor-browser.desktop --register-app

Good to know. Does this also add the binary to the user's path so it can
be launched from a terminal?

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Re: [Trisquel-users] local installation of icecat/tor-browser executable tarball

2019-02-12 Thread Mason Hock
On 02/13, wrote:
> Great work! I appreciate. For Icecat, good.
> However, Tor Browser Bundle need not be "installed". Extract the tarball
> on your desktop or a USB stick, and you're good.

By "install" i mean "extract to an out-of-the-way directory and create
symlinks to the binary and .desktop file so that for the end user
everything works as if it had been installed from the package manager."
This approach could work with any Firefox derivative distributed as an
executable tarball, including Firefox itself, but I focused on Tor
Browser and Icecat because they are FSDG-compliant.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Firewalld onTrisquel

2019-02-12 Thread Mason Hock
> The reason i haven't downloaded it from the repos is due to it
> being on version 0.4.0 and the most up to date version is on 0.6.3.Could
> someone help me out

What specific feature do you need that 0.4.0 doesn't have? If you really
need something in the latest version that is missing from 0.4.0 then it
might be worth upgrading and we can walk you through it. If you just
want it because it's new then you should just stick with the stable
version in the repos. If you upgrade for no reason, then either (a) you
won't be able to tell the difference between the two versions or (b) the
new version will introduce new bugs.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] GnuPGP for Trisquel out of date

2019-02-11 Thread Mason Hock
> I'd think that Trisquel could go with Icecat for a semi-rolling browser.
> It helps that it's kind of already a stable version, plus all the
> stronger privacy features it offers.

I agree that with LTS packages like Icecat it's fine stability-wise to
upgrade to the latest version, and might be worth it given how great
Icecat 60 is.

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[Trisquel-users] local installation of icecat/tor-browser executable tarball

2019-02-11 Thread Mason Hock
A frequent question here is what to do with an Icecat or Tor Browser
executable tarball. I find myself repeatedly describing how to make
these browsers appear in menus and be launchable from the terminal, so
to save myself and others some time I have created some scripts for this

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Re: [Trisquel-users] GnuPGP for Trisquel out of date

2019-02-10 Thread Mason Hock
> I run trisquel in my
> T400s and X220 and I have had no issues (other than the usual issues with
> updating to Abrowser 64).

It sounds like you've stumbled onto one of the advantages of an LTS
distro. Abrowser is one of the few packages in Trisquel that is rolling,
so occasionally an update will break something in Abrowser. With a
rolling distro, this would be the case for the entire system.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat seems very outdated, what browser *should* one be using?

2019-02-09 Thread Mason Hock
> I could run it from a tarball but
> I'm not savvy enough to install it from one.

If you're running it from the tarball, here's what I suggest doing so
that you can launch it from a terminal or from menus as if it were

If you have Icecat 52 installed from the Trisquel repos, remove it.

$ sudo apt remove icecat

Download and extract the tarball to your home folder

$ cd ~
$ wget
$ tar xf icecat-60.3.0.en-US.gnulinux-x86_64.tar.bz2
$ rm icecat-60.3.0.en-US.gnulinux-x86_64.tar.bz2

Create a script with which to launch Icecat from a terminal.

$ mkdir ~/.local/bin
$ echo "/home/$USER/icecat/icecat > ~/.local/bin/icecat
$ chmod +x ~/.local/bin/icecat

After this you can run "icecat" in a terminal to launch Icecat.

Create a desktop file with which to launch Icecat from menus. Use your
preferred text editor to create "~/.local/share/applications/icecat.desktop"
containing the following (replace both instances of "chaosmonk" with
your username):

[Desktop Entry]

After this Icecat should appear in menus and launchers.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] I need CWirc packaged

2019-02-09 Thread Mason Hock
On 02/09, Caleb Herbert wrote:
> I already tried the deb.

And I'm guessing it didn't work because you were missing dependencies?
It wants xchat and xchat-common, which as discussed aren't in

You can try to grab deb files for xchat and xchat-common, and any
dependencies of those, etc. One of two things will happen:
- eventually all dependencies are satisfied
- you hit a dead end where a Trusty package is compiled against a
  different version of some library than the one in Xenial, at which
  point you need to build these things from source or have them
  repackaged for Xenial/Flidas

However, since cwirc seems intended for use with xchat, and since you
have not asked anyone to package xchat for you, just cwirc, I wonder if
perhaps you plan to use cwirc with hexchat? If this is correct, the
proper solution is to repackage cwirc to depend on hexchat and
hexchat-common instead.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] I need CWirc packaged

2019-02-09 Thread Mason Hock
> However, since cwirc seems intended for use with xchat, and since you
> have not asked anyone to package xchat for you, just cwirc, I wonder if
> perhaps you plan to use cwirc with hexchat? If this is correct, the
> proper solution is to repackage cwirc to depend on hexchat and
> hexchat-common instead.

Nevermind, looks like it might not be so simple to use with hexchat.

Since you'll need xchat to use cwirc, I'd start with that. Try grabbing
deb packages for the dependencies, and if that doesn't work we'll have
to try to build or repackage it.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : I need CWirc packaged

2019-02-07 Thread Mason Hock
> XChat is actually absent from Trisquel 8's repository.  I do not know why.

It's not in Trisquel 8 because it's not and Xenial, but what's weird is
that it's back in Bionic.

If it was removed from Xenial because it's abandoned, I'm not sure why
it's back for Bionic despite there being no new release.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's wrong with Unity?

2019-02-07 Thread Mason Hock
> Installation of kde trough tasksel (Triskel) fails.

Hm. Try

$ sudo apt install plasma-desktop

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Re: [Trisquel-users] What's wrong with Unity?

2019-02-07 Thread Mason Hock
> I think that to have one thing you have it right or you
> remove it

I'd be in favor of removing it. If I understand correctly, Canonical has
killed Unity and is using GNOME instead for 18.04 and onwards. I'd
rather the Trisquel devs focus on Trisquel 9 and non-x86 architecture

> and a
> desktop that is not working at all (KDE).

I think that KDE Plasma works in Trisquel 8. I briefly installed and
used it, and though I quickly discovered that I hated it and
uninstalled, I did not run into any bugs. If it's not working for you, I
suggest starting a new thread and we can help troubleshoot.

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