Not escaping HTML in checkbox Tag

2018-11-16 Thread Marc Michele
Hello list,

my problem is that i have a message resource key defined like this:

message.privacy=Die Datenschutzerklärung

when i use it in text tag like this:

all is ok an html is not escaped

but when i used it in checkbox tag like this:

html is escaped an my link is not working

is there a way to disable escaping on checkbox tag, i search the hole
documentation and i found nothing to disable escaping

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Re: Multiple parameter names

2014-05-30 Thread Marc Michele
This is simple:

public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
private String myParam;

public String getMyParam() {
return myParam;

public void setMyParam(String myParam) {
this.myParam = myParam;

public void setAnotherName(String myParam) {
this.myParam = myParam;

The only problem is to set it at the same time, in same request, so you
have to make a decision with parameter is the winner.


Am 30.05.2014 10:38, schrieb Mael Le Guével:
> Hi,
> Given the following action:
> public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
> private String myParam;
> public String getMyParam() {
> return myParam;
> }
> public void setMyParam(String myParam) {
> this.myParam = myParam;
> }
> }
> I am able to pass a "myParam" parameter to this action.
> For instance:
> http://url-to-my-app/myAction.action?myParam=aValue
> (Yes I know, everyone knows that :))
> What I would like to do is having multiple parameter names that would
> map to "myParam". For instance the following URL would also set the
> value of "myParam" to "aValue":
> http://url-to-my-app/myAction.action?anotherName=aValue
> As it can be the source of multiple problems, I guess that struts does
> not allow to do this?
> So, what would be the best way to achieve it? Extending the parameters
> interceptor?
> Thanks.
> Mael.

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Re: i18n problem with Struts2 - getting weird

2010-04-07 Thread Marc Logemann
Yeah. But the issue was that i have not defined the needed:
<%...@page pageEncoding="UTF-8" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>

Marc Logemann

Am 05.04.2010 um 13:58 schrieb Alex Rodriguez Lopez:

> Do you have your struts.custom.i18n.resources property correctly assigned to 
> your bundle(s)?
> Em 05-04-2010 11:27, Marc Logemann escreveu:
>> Hi,
>> imagine the following jsp (saved in UTF-8 encoding):
>> -- snipp ---
>> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
>> Hauptmenü
>> -- END snipp ---
>> Now i have a resource bundle like that:
>> menu.mainmenu=Hauptmen\u00fc
>> Inside its the german u with 2 dots on top.
>> Now i run the following action:
>> -- snipp ---
>> public class TestStruts2Action extends ActionSupport {
>> String foo;
>> public String execute() {
>> foo = getText("menu.mainmenu");
>> return Action.SUCCESS;
>> }
>> public String getFoo() {
>> return foo;
>> }
>> }
>> -- END snipp ---
>> When i run this in the browser, i am getting 3 different things.
>> * The hardcoded "Hauptmenü" in the JSP will be displayed correcty. This 
>> means that the browser has correctly read the stream with a UTF-8 encoder.
>> * The string gets out of the bundle via  wil be broken. Instead 
>> of an Entity or the raw UTF-8 character, i am getting "ef bf bd" as last 
>> character, means unknown character.
>> * the third way of exposing attribute "foo" will result in the word 
>> "Hauptmenü" (with the correct HTML entity). Remeber, it comes from the 
>> same bundle as you can see in the action.
>> So something is wrong with  tag but what. I tried solving this one 
>> for about 4 hours without any luck. When switching the browser encoding to 
>> ISO-8859-1, the  works but then of course variant 1 doesnt work 
>> because i hardcoded the "umlaut" to the JSP and i definitely need that 
>> running because thats the natural way to do.
>> Thanks for hints.
>> ---
>> regards
>> Marc Logemann
>> -
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i18n problem with Struts2 - getting weird

2010-04-05 Thread Marc Logemann

imagine the following jsp (saved in UTF-8 encoding):

-- snipp ---

<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>


-- END snipp ---

Now i have a resource bundle like that:


Inside its the german u with 2 dots on top.

Now i run the following action:

-- snipp ---

public class TestStruts2Action extends ActionSupport {

String foo;

public String execute() {
foo = getText("menu.mainmenu");

return Action.SUCCESS;

public String getFoo() {
return foo;

-- END snipp ---

When i run this in the browser, i am getting 3 different things.

* The hardcoded "Hauptmenü" in the JSP will be displayed correcty. This means 
that the browser has correctly read the stream with a UTF-8 encoder.
* The string gets out of the bundle via  wil be broken. Instead of 
an Entity or the raw UTF-8 character, i am getting "ef bf bd" as last 
character, means unknown character.
* the third way of exposing attribute "foo" will result in the word 
"Hauptmenü" (with the correct HTML entity). Remeber, it comes from the 
same bundle as you can see in the action.

So something is wrong with  tag but what. I tried solving this one for 
about 4 hours without any luck. When switching the browser encoding to 
ISO-8859-1, the  works but then of course variant 1 doesnt work because 
i hardcoded the "umlaut" to the JSP and i definitely need that running because 
thats the natural way to do.

Thanks for hints.

Marc Logemann

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S2: Json Plugin and anonymous array

2010-04-02 Thread Marc Logemann

for a YUI 3 Plugin i need the following data structure to be returned by the 

"dateline": 1269141246,
"content": "There are two cows",
"link": "#cows"
"dateline": 1269141246,
"content": "There are two pigs",
"link": "#pigs"

So basically an array structure without name.

When i create the JSON output with a simple Struts 2 Action:

public class JsonNotificationsAction {

private List result = new 

  public String execute() { 
  // fill the list
  return Action.SUCCESS;

   public class NotificationStruct {
long dateline;
String content;
String link;


Now this action results in the following output:


It nearly matches what is expected but how can i get rid of the parent 
"result". It seems its not possible at all but this would mean i cant use 
Struts2 for getting the output outlined above

Thanks for hints.


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S2: Problem Infinite recursion detected

2010-01-05 Thread Marc Eckart

We have an action which causes an Infinite recursion detection. I
don't have any idea why this is happening. When we call the action the
first time everything is ok. But when we call this the second time we
get this exception:

05.01.2010 13:45:00 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
SCHWERWIEGEND: Servlet.service() for servlet default threw exception
Infinite recursion detected: [/rmr/calcSumsAndSavePersonData!calcSums,
/rmr/iwa.error, /rmr/iwa.error] - [unknown location]
at de.seb.iwa.view.user.UserInfoFilter.doFilter(
at de.seb.iwa.view.login.LoginFilter.doFilter(

The ftl which causes the error when the action is triggered the second time:


<@s.textfield name="privatBilanz.jahr" cssClass="small numeric
result" tabindex="10"/>


  <@s.textfield key="privatBilanz.summeImmobilien"
cssClass="small numeric" tabindex="10"/>


<@s.url id="privatBilanzUrl" action="calcSumsAndSavePersonData"
<@s.param name="target">privatBilanz

var saveButton = $('#saveButton');
saveButton.unbind("click"); {
showMask('privatBilanzWF', '${privatBilanzUrl}')

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S2: Problem Infinite recursion detected

2010-01-05 Thread Marc Eckart

We have an action which causes an Infinite recursion detection. I
don't have any idea why this is happening. When we call the action the
first time everything is ok. But when we call this the second time we
get this exception:

05.01.2010 13:45:00 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
SCHWERWIEGEND: Servlet.service() for servlet default threw exception
Infinite recursion detected: [/rmr/calcSumsAndSavePersonData!calcSums,
/rmr/iwa.error, /rmr/iwa.error] - [unknown location]
at de.seb.iwa.view.user.UserInfoFilter.doFilter(
at de.seb.iwa.view.login.LoginFilter.doFilter(

The ftl which causes the error when the action is triggered the second time:


<@s.textfield name="privatBilanz.jahr" cssClass="small numeric
result" tabindex="10"/>


  <@s.textfield key="privatBilanz.summeImmobilien"
cssClass="small numeric" tabindex="10"/>


<@s.url id="privatBilanzUrl" action="calcSumsAndSavePersonData"
<@s.param name="target">privatBilanz

var saveButton = $('#saveButton');
saveButton.unbind("click"); {
showMask('privatBilanzWF', '${privatBilanzUrl}')

The Javascript:

function showMask(workflowItemName, url) {
var params = $("form").serialize();
updateDiv('sitecontent', url, params);


function updateDiv(div, actionUrl, params) {
$('#'+div).load(actionUrl, params);



I have no clue

Re: OT: Problem with IE6 and JQuery (?)

2009-06-17 Thread Marc Eckart

I found something, it seems that it is a bug of IE6. Unfortunately the fixes
did not work for me.

We have a table and in some rows we have subtables:

" class="attorneylist invisible">

Personen Nr
Geb Dat

" title="" class="<%= trclass %>"
updateDiv('selectedcustomer', '${selectCustomerUrl}');"   ondblclick="location.href =

style="padding:0px;margin-left:17px;" />




The row is display correctly but a text fragment of the content of  appears right below this row. This just
happened at the end of the table.

I hate IE6 :-)

Best regards,

2009/6/16 dusty 

> Usually that means you have the td outside the table tag somehow.  Is that
> table terminated in the middle of your setup and not restarted?
> Marc Eckart-2 wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > we have a struts2 application and we implemented the ajax functions
> > with jquery.
> > We now load some html tables with ajax in different divs. Now we have
> > the phenomenon that some text fragments of a  is displayed under
> > the table, but I can't find it somewhere in the dom tree.
> >
> > When I mark the fragment also the text in the  is marked. Very
> > strange.
> >
> > Does anyone know this phenomenon?
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Marc
> >
> > -
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OT: Problem with IE6 and JQuery (?)

2009-06-16 Thread Marc Eckart

we have a struts2 application and we implemented the ajax functions
with jquery.
We now load some html tables with ajax in different divs. Now we have
the phenomenon that some text fragments of a  is displayed under
the table, but I can't find it somewhere in the dom tree.

When I mark the fragment also the text in the  is marked. Very strange.

Does anyone know this phenomenon?

Best Regards,

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Re: strange JPA Enhance stack

2009-05-18 Thread Marc Logemann

Sorry, wrong Maillist.


Marc Logemann

Am 18.05.2009 um 16:20 schrieb Marc Logemann:

really noone who can explain the stack? I double checked that this  
is not a SERP version problem but OpenJPA is the only library using  
SERP. Looking at the SERP sourcecode reveals that it is more related  
to some dynamic bytecode introspecition and not a version issue.

Why cant the PCEnhancer enhance the entitiy. I dont even know what  
entity it is. After all a very unlucky stack without much infos  
for non-JPA developers.

[15:06:10]: [jpaenhance] openjpac
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 5
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  

[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at serp.bytecode.Local.getEnd(
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  

[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at 

[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at  
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at
[15:06:11]: [openjpac] at

[15:06:11]: [openjpac] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 5
[15:06:16]: Ant output:
at serp.bytecode.Local.updateTargets(
at serp.bytecode.LocalTable.updateTargets(
at serp.bytecode.Attributes.readAttributes(
at serp.bytecode.Project.loadClass(
at org.apache.openjpa.lib.ant.AbstractTask.execute( 

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(




Fwd: strange JPA Enhance stack

2009-05-18 Thread Marc Logemann

Marc Logemann

Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

Von: Marc Logemann 
Datum: 17. Mai 2009 11:03:04 MESZ
Betreff: Re: strange JPA Enhance stack

Just to clarify. I am using  exactly same build file (ANT) with the  
same task on the Ingegration server as on our development machines.  
In fact the server checkouts the original source and does what every  
developer does. Thats the idea of continous build server isnt it? :-)

The only difference i see is the JDK but it can be also something  
else though The classpath (at least user classpath) should be  
100% the same because i am using ivy and again the server uses the  
same ivy file than every developer.

Marc Logemann

Am 16.05.2009 um 17:38 schrieb David Beer:

On Sat, 16 May 2009 15:32:36 +0200
Marc Logemann  wrote:

Us. Sorry. Wrong assumption: its not EMMA related. It must be
something else perhaps OpenJDK 6 related?

Hi Marc

Can't seem that it is OpenJDK 6 related as I use it here for both my
development and continous build system (hudson under tomcat).

Are you using Ant or Maven with the build process. I have seen on  

that this can sometimes be a problem. Can you create a small project
which has say just one class to enhance and see if that works through
you build system. I am thinking that it may be a classpath or library


STRUTS2: Problem and UTF-8

2009-05-14 Thread Marc Eckart

we are using UTF-8 in out jsp-sites. We have put our texts into the which is encoded in ISO-8859-1, because properties
files should be encoded in the ISO charset as referred in the java api
("The load(InputStream) /  store(OutputStream, String)  methods work
the same way as the load(Reader)/store(Writer, String) pair, except
the input/output stream is encoded in ISO 8859-1 character encoding").

So we use everywhere UTF-8 except for the properties file.

But when we print our texts with s:text tags in our jsp sites we get
problems with special chars.

I think there is something wrong in my chain of ideas?!? I thought
that s:text should format it to the encoding charset of the jsp??

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

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Re: S2: latest Struts 2.1.x and latest CXF dont play nice together

2009-04-03 Thread Marc Logemann
Ahh here we go. Just read the struts 2.0 -> 2.1 migration guide and  
saw this:

"The default action extension list (struts.action.extension) has  
changed from just 'action' to 'action' plus "" (no extension). If your  
application has servlets or other requests that have no extension then  
they will be mistaken as actions and you will get a "There is no  
Action mapped for ..." exception like below."

This explains the difference with regard to handling the mentioned  
URIs. So i can just do that:

to get the old "2.0.x" bevaior. Unfortunately i created a custom  
ActionMapper the wont handle /services/* URIs. Hmmm. Lets see what i  
do now :)

Marc Logemann

Am 03.04.2009 um 11:54 schrieb Marc Logemann:


i have the following web.xml:






No as you can see, i want all URLs resolved by Struts2 but / 
services/ should be handled by CXF. This worked with Struts 2.0.x  
and CXF but with latest Struts2, the Filter seems to be changed.  
Apart from the fact that i know use StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter  
instead of FilterDispatchter (using FilterDispatcher makes no  
difference regarding my problem), it seems that Struts2 now treats  
every URL as it should be processed by the framework, even without  
mapping and namespaces for it.

The ciritical point is the following code in the Struts filter:

ActionMapping mapping = prepare.findActionMapping(request, response);
   if (mapping == null) {
   boolean handled =  
execute.executeStaticResourceRequest(request, response);

   if (!handled) {
   chain.doFilter(request, response);

If it wouldnt find a mapping (in fact there is no mapping but the  
object is nevertheless != null) i think it would work because  
executeStaticResourceRequest() would return false and the normal  
processing chain of the Request would occur.

I cant change the struts2 url filter mapping beause that would break  
so much code of my existing app that i would rather modify the  
Filter not to handle "/service" urls. Again all this is because of a  
very poor web.xml (servlet) spec with regard to simple url-pattern  
without the chance to exclude something

Any hints ??

Marc Logemann

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S2: latest Struts 2.1.x and latest CXF dont play nice together

2009-04-03 Thread Marc Logemann


i have the following web.xml:







No as you can see, i want all URLs resolved by Struts2 but /services/  
should be handled by CXF. This worked with Struts 2.0.x and CXF but  
with latest Struts2, the Filter seems to be changed. Apart from the  
fact that i know use StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter instead of  
FilterDispatchter (using FilterDispatcher makes no difference  
regarding my problem), it seems that Struts2 now treats every URL as  
it should be processed by the framework, even without mapping and  
namespaces for it.

The ciritical point is the following code in the Struts filter:

ActionMapping mapping = prepare.findActionMapping(request, response);
if (mapping == null) {
boolean handled =  
execute.executeStaticResourceRequest(request, response);

if (!handled) {
chain.doFilter(request, response);

If it wouldnt find a mapping (in fact there is no mapping but the  
object is nevertheless != null) i think it would work because  
executeStaticResourceRequest() would return false and the normal  
processing chain of the Request would occur.

I cant change the struts2 url filter mapping beause that would break  
so much code of my existing app that i would rather modify the Filter  
not to handle "/service" urls. Again all this is because of a very  
poor web.xml (servlet) spec with regard to simple url-pattern without  
the chance to exclude something

Any hints ??

Marc Logemann

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How to hand out a param from request to request

2009-03-12 Thread Marc Eckart

I want to "automatically" give a paramter from request to request. How
can I do this?

The context why I want something like this is:

We have many applications which runs on their own webservers. Now we
have an approach to put them all together in an portal application.
This application opens an iframe for every integrated application
which should be executed. This works fine. But now I have the problem
that each integrated application can call another webapplication which
does some search operations. The applications are connected with

The problem is that now all applications are in the same browser
(before most of them has theire own browser instance) and the session
id is the same. So the return url from the calling application is
overwritten from the returnurl of the next integrated application.

My idea is, that the inital request creates a unique token, which is
used to store the application specific params in the session. And this
token has to be given from request to request so that the different
searches don't cross each other.

Does this make sense?

Best regards,

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struts presentation of several grouped list request

2009-02-10 Thread marc quast
i have to develop a jsp where i must display several rows which are grouped
in three level
i use hibernate for database persistence
any one has an example how develop this kind of grouped list and display
them in jsp page


popout in struts

2009-02-02 Thread marc quast
i'm new in this list, i'm new j2ee developer
i have some question related to interfacing struts (jsp) with javascript
i have a link in the jsp page
once the user click on this link, i wanna show a pop out (i already made the
jsp page which will be dispalyed in this popout)
so the pb is , how display this popout (the original page and the popout
page are placed in the same directory)
here is the javascript function to show the popout :

function popitup(url) {,'name','height=200,width=150');

if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}

return false;




RE: Handling probel.

2008-12-09 Thread Cappelletti Marc
Hi Andras,

Thanks for your answer, it seems that your answer matches what I've found on 
the web.

But as far as I know, on a cPanel, I should be able to use this connector 
through apache handlers. But maybe mod_jk has another name or something of that 

Have you ever already done such a config?

Thank you very much


-Message d'origine-
De : Andras Balogh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : mardi, 9. décembre 2008 10:12
À : Struts Users Mailing List
Objet : Re: Handling probel.

Hi Marc,

I might be wrong if I misunderstood your question, as I understood 
you can run fine your app
with Tomcat but not with Apache.
You need to add a connector to Apache in order to forward all *.do 
requests to Tomcat, this can be done
in many ways but probably the best is mod_jk:

Best regards,

ps. If you refer to "Apache Tomcat" when you say "Apache" in your 
message, than ignore my answer

Cappelletti Marc wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone aver encountered this problem:
> My webApp is running on a Tomcat server. When I dispatch a request
> through a "" action, everything is well done. But when I type
> or I click on a link which points on a "" for example, Apache
> cannot handle this.
> Does anyone have an idea on how make Apache handling the *.do patterns
> in order to interpret them correctly?
> Thank you very much.
> Marc

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Handling probel.

2008-12-08 Thread Cappelletti Marc
Hi all,
Does anyone aver encountered this problem:
My webApp is running on a Tomcat server. When I dispatch a request
through a "" action, everything is well done. But when I type
or I click on a link which points on a "" for example, Apache
cannot handle this.
Does anyone have an idea on how make Apache handling the *.do patterns
in order to interpret them correctly?
Thank you very much.

Struts2, taglib, date, dojo and i18n

2008-12-03 Thread Matthieu MARC


I'm french and I want to display date using struts2 taglib. So I wrote 
the following code in my jsp :

nice="false" />

and the result is :

lun. 01 d?c. 2008

Because I'm french,  I get the char '?' instead of 'é'

When using firebug, I found somme 404 error :
./struts/dojo/src/i18n/calendar/nls/fr/gregorianExtras.js 404 not found
./struts/dojo/src/widget/nls/fr/TimePicker.js 404 not found
./struts/dojo/src/widget/nls/fr/DropdownTimePicker.js 404 not found

Looking in struts2 core jar, I just found one file in the nls/fr 
directory (validate.js)

I'am not sure my problem came from dojo javascript missing file, because 
when looking (with firebug) to the server response, I found "lun 01 
d?c". So maybee the problem is from the server and not the client.

My question is : how to get special char into s:date in order to display 
"lun. 01 déc." ? if the problem is from the dojo nls missing file, how 
to add it to the struts2 core jar ?


Matthieu MARC

Matthieu MARC

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Question getText and getTexts

2008-11-28 Thread Marc Eckart

we need for a migration of an old application to use the complete

To get the texts with getText works fine. But when we try to get the whole
RessourceBundle with getTexts, we just get null. Does getTexts not retrieve
the somewhere in the buildpath like getText?

Best Regards,

html:link define the href from a bean property

2008-11-17 Thread Cappelletti Marc
Maybe an old problem, sorry for the redundance but:
I'd like to define that:

How can we do that without using <% %> or any java handling..?
Thank you

RE: ignored in my web.xml

2008-11-17 Thread Cappelletti Marc
Yes but an action is a Servlet. Basically.

With Struts 1.3.9 it works. I've got a project in which this works. Is there 
another params I would've forget?

Thanks, regards ;)


-Message d'origine-
De : Wes Wannemacher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : vendredi, 14. novembre 2008 01:48
À : Struts Users Mailing List
Objet : Re: ignored in my web.xml

JSPs, HTML files and Servlets will work, but pointing to an action will
not. This is not a struts limitation, it was part of the spec. 

[quote servlet-2_4-fr-spec.pdf]
The Web server must append each welcome file in the order specified in
the deployment descriptor to the partial request and check whether a
static resource or servlet in the WAR is mapped to that request URI. The
Web container must send the request to the first resource in the WAR
that matches. 

On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 11:42 +0100, Cappelletti Marc wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've mapped my struts action *.do in the web.xml file and it works when
> I access a struts action directly with the URL (eg:
> http://localhost:8080/mcbc/
> <http://localhost:8080/mcbc/> )
> But, when I go to the root of my webapp (http://localhost:8080/mcbc/ ),
> my welcome-file-list tag, which points to a struts action is
> ignored by tomcat. And if I put a jsp file or a servlet in this welcome
> list, it works.
> Does anyone have an idea of the problem?
> Regards
> Marc

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2008-11-13 Thread Cappelletti Marc
Hi all,
I've mapped my struts action *.do in the web.xml file and it works when
I access a struts action directly with the URL (eg:
<http://localhost:8080/mcbc/> )
But, when I go to the root of my webapp (http://localhost:8080/mcbc/ ),
my welcome-file-list tag, which points to a struts action is
ignored by tomcat. And if I put a jsp file or a servlet in this welcome
list, it works.
Does anyone have an idea of the problem?

Re: EJB Injection for Struts 2 Actions

2008-08-03 Thread Marc Ende


I've followed this article and it works great for me.


� schrieb:
i'm looking for a possibility to realize EJB injection for struts 
actions. The simpler the better.
I know that there is a EJB plugin in the registry but currently (and at 
least for the last 3 weeks) there is now download on the project site.

Some explanation how this is possible in struts and a working example 
would be great.

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Re: REST and JSON plugins

2008-07-14 Thread Marc Logemann
+1 for a pluggable serializer. I dont like the internal json plugin  
serializer that much and yes, the plugin should be included in the  
distro because json is that popular these days

Marc Logemann

Am 14.07.2008 um 15:42 schrieb Musachy Barroso:

The original idea behind the JSON plugin was to use an external
library to serialize the objects, xstream to be more specific. But
xstream json wasn't even usable at that point and json-lib didn't look
that good to me. I think Struts 2 should include a json plugin, and
yes we could delegate the serialization to json-lib, or xstream.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 4:07 AM, Jeromy Evans

Oleg Mikheev wrote:


Will REST plugin replace JSON plugin in Struts 2.1?
To my mind JSON plugin was very REST-like, and I was
really hoping that it would evolve into something that
REST plugin claims to be.

Also, do REST and JSON plugins have anything in common?

They're not related except both can serialize an action/model into  

In the past I created a ContentTypeHandler for the REST Plugin that  
used the

JSON plugin's serializer.  The result was exactly the same.

The REST plugin uses json-lib for its default JSON  

The advantage of JSON-lib is that it's bidirectional (essential for  

plugin) and is used in many frameworks.
The advantage of the JSON-plugin is that it includes some simple  
options to
customize the output specifically for S2 (such as changing the root  

I've contributed to both the JSON plugin and REST plugin and use  
the JSON

plugin when I'm writing plain actions that return JSON responses and
json-lib when using the REST plugin.  The options the JSON-plugin  
are generally not relevant when using the REST plugin so it's not  

to run both.

The JSON plugin should probably be updated to allow the serializer  
to be
customized so you can use the json-lib serializer or the native  

After I read REST plugin author's Struts 2 in Action
book it seemed that he wasn't aware of JSON plugin at
all - he devoted several pages to implementation of a
custom JSON handlers instead of just dropping JSON
plugin into Struts 2 stack..

I presume that's just because the JSON plugin isn't part of the  
Struts 2

distribution per se.

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Problem url decoding with mutated vowels (Umlaute??)

2008-07-14 Thread Marc Eckart

we have an action which we call with url paramters from other applications.

But now we found out, that we have problems with mutated wowels like äöü.

Instead of  tls-hölter we get tls-hölter in the parameterMap of  the
servletRequest (I debugged).
I assume that the parameters are decoded with iso ISO-8859-1 instead
of utf-8 or otherwise.

Is there an option to tell struts2 which charset it should use to decode?

The url looks like this:

We call the application running on tomcat from an application running
on websphere 6.1.

Thanks in advance...

Best regards,

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Re: Struts1 and Struts2 mailing lists separation ?

2008-07-07 Thread Marc Logemann

+1 for the suggestion


On Mon, 7 Jul 2008 12:53:14 +0200 (MEST), "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Could Struts project admins separate Struts1 and Struts2 users mailing
> lists?
> I think it is bad for the users to have two frameworks under the same
> mailing list.
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Re: OT: Tiles and Tags

2008-06-27 Thread Marc Eckart
Sorry :-)
I want to set the attributes of the menu tag like menuBar or
menuItemKey from a tiles.xml

I tried to set the attribute with:

menuItemKey="menu.item.customersearch" />

I get then /> in the menuBar member. I think nesting tiles tags in
custom tags does not work? But how can I do this?

My tiles definition is this:";>


2008/6/27 Antonio Petrelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008/6/27 Marc Eckart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Now we want to make the attributes of the menu tag configurable with tiles.
>> I have no clue how to do this.
> What are you trying to accomplish? Be clearer please.
> Antonio
> -
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OT: Tiles and Tags

2008-06-27 Thread Marc Eckart

we use struts2 with tiles. We have a main layout with a custom tag:

Now we want to make the attributes of the menu tag configurable with tiles.
I have no clue how to do this.

Or is there an other way with freemarker or something else?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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Re: Multiple action declarations with the same Action class

2008-06-27 Thread Marc Ende


Chandramouli P schrieb:

Hi,This is my first post to the user list.We have started working in struts recently.Is it possible to use one Action class for multiple action declarations in the struts-config.xml?Consider the code below:Thanks & Regards,Chandramouli P

Of course you can have multiple action declarations for a single 
Action-Class. You can also specify a seperate method within the action 
for every declared action.


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Re: Newbie: Call a servlet in another application and set attribute

2008-06-25 Thread Marc Ende
Hi Mustafa,

if I understand you correctly you're trying to pass an object in another
webapp. That's not a really struts-usecase. I think you're looking for 
a webservice or another kind of procedurecalls (like rmi).

I think you should look for axis, cxf or another project which are more
helpful for this kind of uses.


Am Mittwoch, den 25.06.2008, 09:27 -0700 schrieb Mustafa Cayci:
> I am fairly new to Struts.  I have two applications.  AppA is a Struts 
> application and AppB is another application.  I have an Action class in AppA. 
>  Within execute() method, I am creating some objects.  I would like to call 
> the servlet in AppB and somehow I want to pass these objects to the servlet 
> in AppB. SO far I have this
> public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, 
>  HttpServletRequest request, 
>  HttpServletResponse response) throws 
> Exception {
> ...
> response.sendRedirect("/testsqlservlet/testsqlservlet?Object=" + 
> object);
> ...
> But this is a problem because even if I use SSL (i.e. https://) this redirect 
> will be in cleartext and anybody can modify the "object".  What are my 
> options? I am hope I explained myself clearly.

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Struts2: result annotation not working when using Spring?

2008-06-15 Thread Marc Logemann


i am creating my actions via Spring. This works very well. But even  
though i use the "actionPackages" parameter of the FilterDispatcher,  
my @Result annotations dont work. Is this a Spring integration issue  
or what?

I am getting this error in the frontend:

# No result defined for action de.logentis.bwh.actions.SpringAction  
and result success
File: 	file:/Users/marclogemann/Applications/dev/java/apache- 

Of course i dont have any result defined in struts.xml. I wanted to  
use annotations instead. Thanks for answers.

most likely its a newbie question, but i have not found any infos on  

Marc Logemann

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Form template

2008-06-13 Thread Matthieu MARC


I am making a form page with jstl tags :

<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="c" %>

   cssStyle="font-weight: bold;" />
   onchange="countHour();" id="am%{index}" key="timetable.morning" 
list="heures" value="%{am}" />
   onchange="countHour();" id="pm%{index}" key="timetable.afternoon" 
list="heures" value="%{pm}" />

   key="timetable.totalTime" name="tpsTotal" />
   action="timetableRecordChange" />
   action="timetableDisplay" />

The code generated used TABLE, TR and TD to put the different element on 
the page. I would prefered to use DIV, P and SPAN but I don't know how 
to do. Looking at the s:form element, I found the parameter template, 
but I didn't manage to find any documentation on how to use the paramater.

Can someone give me some link to documentation on templating a form in 
order to use anything else than a table based formated page ?

Thanks in advance.

Matthieu MARC

Matthieu MARC

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Re: Multiple Struts2 WAR in a single EAR

2008-06-11 Thread Marc Ende
In general it isn't a good idea to put those custom libs (like 
struts.jar, spring.jar) etc. in classloaders of the main
appserver. They should be in the applications-classloader so you can 
avoid classloader-issues like leaks.

If you've got the first error it sounds to me that you've got the xwork 
libs on ear level. If it's in web-inf/lib it shouldn't "see"
each other. The classloaders _should_ be seperated. I'm not sure if 
glassfish handles it correctly but I would think so.
May be you've got another xwork.jar somewhere else, which is loaded at 
first (such thing can happen if you build using maven and forgets to run 
a clean before final build.)

If you've got two identically xwork.jars (or struts.jars) in the 
classpath or in parent classpaths they will be considered as two
different types/versions. So I would think that you'll have a xwork.jar 
somewhere in your parent classpath.

The second error occures if the loaded classes from lib/ext didn't find 
the dependent classes within the current and in one of the parent 
classloaders (up to the bootclassloader). If the javax.servlet.Filter is 
loaded by a seperate classloader (which might be a child of the 
classloader (which loads the classes from lib/ext) it wouldn't  be found 
by the lib/ext classes.

Hugo de Paix de Coeur schrieb:

In fact, this was my second question, so I ask it now :)

I have had problems with deploying *struts*.jar in this special
configuration (2 war in an ear).
- I tries to put them in each .war WEB-INF/lib
  => "Error : xwork...ObjectFactory already loaded in bean projectA" at 
projectB deployment.
- I tries to put them in glassfish domain lib/ext
  => "Error : ClassLoader : Can't find javax.servlet.Filter"

So, they are for now in the glassfish "main" lib.. but there are
problems too .. at runtime.

What is the correct installation scheme for struts.jar with this
configuration ?


On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 02:31:13PM +0200, Marc Ende wrote:


do you deploy the struts.jar in the ear or in the WEB-INF/lib folders of 
the war-files?

if they're in the WEB-INF/lib folders they should be seperate.


Hugo de Paix de Coeur schrieb:


I'm currently trying to deploy two Struts2 enabled .war in a single
.ear on Glassfish.

My problem is : I've no isolation between the 2 projects at the action
dispatcher level.

Project A WAR struts.xml : 


Project B WAR struts.xml : 



1- I can call 'http://localhost:8080/ProjectA/Login.action' and this is 
the 'com.web.projectB.Login' class that is executed (even if no Login 
action is specified in Project A) because they share the namespace '/'.

2- If I call 'http://localhost:8080/ProjectA/Index.action', this is the 
'com.web.projectB.Index' class that is executed (last struts.xml to be 
parsed ?)

I've no clues to resolve this problem (the use of different namespaces 
doesn't resolve the problem either)

Any idea ?


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Re: Multiple Struts2 WAR in a single EAR

2008-06-11 Thread Marc Ende


do you deploy the struts.jar in the ear or in the WEB-INF/lib folders of 
the war-files?

if they're in the WEB-INF/lib folders they should be seperate.


Hugo de Paix de Coeur schrieb:


I'm currently trying to deploy two Struts2 enabled .war in a single
.ear on Glassfish.

My problem is : I've no isolation between the 2 projects at the action
dispatcher level.

Project A WAR struts.xml : 


Project B WAR struts.xml : 



1- I can call 'http://localhost:8080/ProjectA/Login.action' and this is the 
'com.web.projectB.Login' class that is executed (even if no Login action is 
specified in Project A) because they share the namespace '/'.

2- If I call 'http://localhost:8080/ProjectA/Index.action', this is the 
'com.web.projectB.Index' class that is executed (last struts.xml to be parsed ?)

I've no clues to resolve this problem (the use of different namespaces doesn't 
resolve the problem either)
Any idea ?


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Internationalization and EL

2008-06-05 Thread Matthieu MARC

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to play with internationalization but I have a small problem. 
Here is my code :




My problem is in the label. %{displayName} return monday, tuesday, 
wednesday and I want to translate the label value.

I tried :



I wrote a file :



But nothing is working.

Is someone have an idea to help me ?

thank in advance.

Matthieu MARC

Matthieu MARC

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Question: Freemarker and Tiles?

2008-05-05 Thread Marc Eckart

we try to use Freemarker with styles but we don't know how :-)

I found the struts2 showcase

But I don't know how the tiles.xml should look like for this.

Can the source be downloaded or checked out from a svn or something like
I haven't found anything yet.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

Re: formatting data

2008-04-29 Thread Marc Ende


now I can format my output to the forms. But why is it this strange way. 
I had expected that the formatting is

much easier for the textfields...

thank you very much


Chris Pratt schrieb:

Maybe try:



On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 10:27 PM, Marc Ende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


 the examples are for output formatting in  but this doesn't work
for .

 doesn't work... :(



 Okan Özeren schrieb:

This is the another page:

On 4/30/08, Okan Özeren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



This page may help you:



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Re: formatting data

2008-04-29 Thread Marc Ende


the examples are for output formatting in  but this doesn't work 
for .



doesn't work... :(



Okan Özeren schrieb:

This is the another page:

On 4/30/08, Okan Özeren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This page may help you:



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formatting data

2008-04-29 Thread Marc Ende


I've got a s:textfield where I show an double value. But I wanted to 
change the value to an currency (EUR).
But I only get the standard 100.00 instead of 100,00. When I only wants 
to publish it in a website I use

with an format.currency property formatting it in my wanted way.

Is there any way to do this on a form tag? I've tried it like the s:text 
way but it doesn't helped.

can anybody give me a hint on that.



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Re: question

2008-04-23 Thread Marc Ende

Hi David,

it's true the docs aren't that good as expected.

What you've been looking for is



Hernandez, David schrieb:

Sorry for such a n00bie question, but I'm having trouble finding any
good documentation on this:
I want to check in my jsp if the value of a string is equal to a string

In java:


I've tried to no avail the following (where action is a string on the


Is there a page where I could have found this info?

Thanks in Advance,
David Hernandez

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Re: s2 in tomcats shared lib/

2008-04-20 Thread Marc Ende
Okay, that's not a problem. The webapps belong together and will be 
built together in one run.

All of them have the same version of struts.

Thanks for your help.

Gabriel Belingueres schrieb:

Well it depends if you are ALWAYS developing using the same library
versions or not.
Be aware that Struts level of compatibility changes from version to
version: For example, from 2.09 to 2.0.11 imposes several constraints
in its tag library, so you may want to prevent this to be in a common

However regarding Spring, upgrades from v2.0.x to v.2.0.y are drop in
replacements, so it would not hurt (in theory at least)

2008/4/19, Marc Ende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


a few years ago everyone told that's not good to have the sturts.jar's in a
shared location in a tomcat-instance.
What about now (struts 2)?
I'm asking because I've got several webapps which belongs together and most
of them are build using struts 2 and
spring. After assembling the war (directory or file) I've seen that the huge
size (between 12 to 17mb) of the webapps is
related to the number of deployed jars. So I'd like to clean up a little and
put some of the commonly used
jars in the ${catalina.home}/lib folder. What about the new s2-jar's? Do I
ran into trouble when I'm putting it into the
global lib-folder or do I get (not-wanted) side-effects from deploying them
into this location?

Thanks for your help!


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s2 in tomcats shared lib/

2008-04-18 Thread Marc Ende


a few years ago everyone told that's not good to have the sturts.jar's 
in a shared location in a tomcat-instance.

What about now (struts 2)?
I'm asking because I've got several webapps which belongs together and 
most of them are build using struts 2 and
spring. After assembling the war (directory or file) I've seen that the 
huge size (between 12 to 17mb) of the webapps is
related to the number of deployed jars. So I'd like to clean up a little 
and put some of the commonly used
jars in the ${catalina.home}/lib folder. What about the new s2-jar's? Do 
I ran into trouble when I'm putting it into the
global lib-folder or do I get (not-wanted) side-effects from deploying 
them into this location?

Thanks for your help!


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Problem: Lost ActionMessages after redirect to another action

2008-04-17 Thread Marc Eckart

in some cases I redirect after one action instead to a jsp to another

This works fine, but the action messages and action errors I want to display
are lost.
How can I store them over this action chain?

Best regards,

Re: Url-Parameters only set once

2008-04-06 Thread Marc Ende

Hello Dave,

I've found a solution for that. The spring-action was standard-scoped 
and in cause of that it didn't accept the

id parameter a second time.

I think it's a little bit strange that it's impossible to set an 
property again when it's done before.


Dave Newton schrieb:

--- Marc Ende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've got a list with several items which are linked to a details-action.
If I klick on an item after the restart of the webapp a link like
is called. Everything is fine. I can see the correct details site.
When I go back and klick on another item (with another id)
the old id is called from the database and shown.

Without any further info it's hard to say what the problem might be.

Actions are instantiated per-request, unless you've mis-configured a
Spring-defined action.

Depending on how you're creating the links (and how your application is laid
out) you may be getting URL parameters you're not expecting in your link;
 has an "includeParams" attribute you might want to look at.

I'm sure there are more possibilities, but we might need more info in order
to help.


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Url-Parameters only set once

2008-04-06 Thread Marc Ende


I've got a list with several items which are linked to a details-action.
If I klick on an item after the restart of the webapp a link like
is called. Everything is fine. I can see the correct details site.
When I go back and klick on another item (with another id)
the old id is called from the database and shown.

Within the action I've declared an
private String id;
with the getters and setters.
The logic (retrieval data from the database) is done in the execute

Is there any caching or do I have to set id manually to null?
Or do I have to do the processing in the prepare-method?

Thanks for your help


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2008-03-26 Thread Marc Eckart

I want to use s:if with a Constant from a java class:

But this does not work. It works if I use:

Is there a way to use the constants class?

Best Regards,

Re: OT: Alternative to html frames

2008-02-13 Thread Marc Eckart
The most applications are hosted in the intra net. We have another subnet
with some Websphere servers secured by firewalls but they can all be
accessed within out domain. So I think I'm back with frames respectively
iframes :-)

Thank you all for your answers :-)

Best Regards,

2008/2/13, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Marc Eckart wrote:
> > Hmm, in our case the single applications should not know it they are
> running
> > in a portal or somewhere else. They should just see their context,
> nothing
> > else.
> In my experience, which I admit was a while back and fairly limited, a
> portlet is specifically written as a portlet, i.e., it knows it's
> running within a portal and acts accordingly.  Your requirements seem to
> say otherwise, so I'm thinking one strike against a portal approach.
> > Another question to hold the application in simple divs:
> > How does the action handling works if I include the applications in
> simple
> > divs? If they redirect after an action to a jsp will they stay in the
> div or
> > fill the whole page?
> Those types of things would affect the larger page, without modifying
> the application hosted in the .  I'm thinking that's a strike
> against a simple -based approach.
> Kind of coming back to frames I think :)  The question then is whether
> frames is viable or not... if the apps are all hosted under the same
> domain, your life is a lot easier.  If not, trouble abounds!
> Frank
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Author of "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
>   (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
> and "JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects"
>   (2007, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-816-4)
> and "Practical DWR 2 Projects"
>   (2008, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-941-1)
> Java Web Parts -
>   Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!
> > 2008/2/13, Randy Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >> I would imagine that it is portal specific. It is up to the developer
> with
> >> AquaLogic.
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Randy Burgess
> >> Sr. Web Applications Developer
> >> Nuvox Communications
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> From: "Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> >>> Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:45:34 -0500
> >>> To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> >>> Subject: Re: OT: Alternative to html frames
> >>>
> >>> So that seems to say that it's left to the portlet developers to
> ensure
> >>> there are no naming conflicts, am I understanding that right?
> >>>
> >>> Frank
> >>>
> >>> Randy Burgess wrote:
> >>>> As to the multiple identical portlets on the same web page question,
> I
> >> think
> >>>> most portals have a portlet id for each portlet or some other unique
> >>>> identifier. It is a best practice to append the portlet identifier
> onto
> >>>> function names, form names in the case of Struts 2 with client side
> >>>> validation, etc. Here we are developing for the BEA AquaLogic portal
> >> and we
> >>>> use the portlet id, which is numeric and unique for each portlet.
> >>>>
> >>>> Regards,
> >>>> Randy Burgess
> >>>> Sr. Web Applications Developer
> >>>> Nuvox Communications
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> From: "Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>>> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> >>>>> Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:36:08 -0500
> >>>>> To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> >>>>> Subject: Re: OT: Alternative to html frames
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Antonio Petrelli wrote:
> >>>>>> Frank, you might love this article :-)
> >>>>>>
> >>
> >>>>>> .a
> >>>>>> spx
> >>>>> Hehe :)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It's a good example of the typical "taking an idea too far".  The
> >> world
> >>>>> seems to be divided into the people that say frames are evil and
> >> should
> >>>>> never be used (and IIRC, they are removed in HTML 5, so appa

Re: OT: Alternative to html frames

2008-02-13 Thread Marc Eckart
Hmm, in our case the single applications should not know it they are running
in a portal or somewhere else. They should just see their context, nothing

Another question to hold the application in simple divs:
How does the action handling works if I include the applications in simple
divs? If they redirect after an action to a jsp will they stay in the div or
fill the whole page?

2008/2/13, Randy Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I would imagine that it is portal specific. It is up to the developer with
> AquaLogic.
> Regards,
> Randy Burgess
> Sr. Web Applications Developer
> Nuvox Communications
> > From: "Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> > Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:45:34 -0500
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> > Subject: Re: OT: Alternative to html frames
> >
> > So that seems to say that it's left to the portlet developers to ensure
> > there are no naming conflicts, am I understanding that right?
> >
> > Frank
> >
> > Randy Burgess wrote:
> >> As to the multiple identical portlets on the same web page question, I
> think
> >> most portals have a portlet id for each portlet or some other unique
> >> identifier. It is a best practice to append the portlet identifier onto
> >> function names, form names in the case of Struts 2 with client side
> >> validation, etc. Here we are developing for the BEA AquaLogic portal
> and we
> >> use the portlet id, which is numeric and unique for each portlet.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Randy Burgess
> >> Sr. Web Applications Developer
> >> Nuvox Communications
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> From: "Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> >>> Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:36:08 -0500
> >>> To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> >>> Subject: Re: OT: Alternative to html frames
> >>>
> >>> Antonio Petrelli wrote:
> >>>> Frank, you might love this article :-)
> >>>>
> >>>> .a
> >>>> spx
> >>> Hehe :)
> >>>
> >>> It's a good example of the typical "taking an idea too far".  The
> world
> >>> seems to be divided into the people that say frames are evil and
> should
> >>> never be used (and IIRC, they are removed in HTML 5, so apparently
> those
> >>> guys feel that way too) or those that say frames are DA BOMB and
> should
> >>> always be used.
> >>>
> >>> I'm personally in neither camp.  I'm simply someone that has used
> frames
> >>> a number of times over the years with great success.  They certainly
> >>> aren't appropriate in every case, that's why I asked what the problems
> >>> were that Marc was having.
> >>>
> >>> Portals is one way to go, sure.  The last time I touched portals was a
> >>> couple of years ago frankly, so maybe you could answer a question for
> me
> >>> that I'm curious about... if I have a Javascript variable named
> >>> firstName in two different portlets, how does the container avoid that
> >>> name clash?
> >>>
> >>> For the past nearly two years (can't believe it's been that long!)
> I've
> >>> been leading an effort to develop a single, unified back-office
> >>> application that combines a number of new and existing applications
> into
> >>> a cohesive whole.  It's been one of the most successful project to
> date
> >>> at my company, and it was only possible because of a frame-based
> >>> (iFrames in that case) architecture.  We have unique teams developing
> >>> individual "modules", and there's never a concern about name conflicts
> >>> with either Javascript or HTML elements.  I'm curious if a portal
> >>> approach would have worked here too.
> >>>
> >>> It's interesting because in a very real sense we pretty much developed
> >>> our own portal container!  We have a common "Framework" that all the
> >>> modules make use of, some common bits of functionality that runs
> across
> >>> all of them (preferences, dropdown menu, some others).  But they are
> >>&g

Re: OT: Alternative to html frames

2008-02-12 Thread Marc Eckart
Hi Frank,

thank you and all others for your answers ;-)

We have a similar aproach like you described. We have an application which
acts as a portal. This application has two frames - one top frame for the
navigation and another frame for hosting the embbeded (independet)
One of this embbeded application is a customer search where you can select a
customer, who can be used in another application. We have a customercontext,
which exchanges the data of the customer between the applications. So the
selected customer  is just shown in the customer search and it is necessary
to reimplement the displaying of the selected customer in every application
where it should appear.

So I want to put the displaying of the selected customer in the portal top
frame to have it visible for all applications. The Problem is, when I want
to display customer details, I have to call a different application/jsp
which should display the details. But this whatever kind of display kicks
the current application out of the bottom frame. That's when my thinking
went to iframe :-) So I now have just one website, no frameset and I can put
a ajax filled div tag over the iframe to display the customer details (I
haven't tested this yet, so I don't know if it's really working :-)

I asked some colleagues, what they think about it and they said iframes are
EVIL :-) So thats why I asked to have another oppinions.

I'm not sure if portlet container can help me with this issue.

Best regards,

2008/2/12, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antonio Petrelli wrote:
> > Frank, you might love this article :-)
> >
> Hehe :)
> It's a good example of the typical "taking an idea too far".  The world
> seems to be divided into the people that say frames are evil and should
> never be used (and IIRC, they are removed in HTML 5, so apparently those
> guys feel that way too) or those that say frames are DA BOMB and should
> always be used.
> I'm personally in neither camp.  I'm simply someone that has used frames
> a number of times over the years with great success.  They certainly
> aren't appropriate in every case, that's why I asked what the problems
> were that Marc was having.
> Portals is one way to go, sure.  The last time I touched portals was a
> couple of years ago frankly, so maybe you could answer a question for me
> that I'm curious about... if I have a Javascript variable named
> firstName in two different portlets, how does the container avoid that
> name clash?
> For the past nearly two years (can't believe it's been that long!) I've
> been leading an effort to develop a single, unified back-office
> application that combines a number of new and existing applications into
> a cohesive whole.  It's been one of the most successful project to date
> at my company, and it was only possible because of a frame-based
> (iFrames in that case) architecture.  We have unique teams developing
> individual "modules", and there's never a concern about name conflicts
> with either Javascript or HTML elements.  I'm curious if a portal
> approach would have worked here too.
> It's interesting because in a very real sense we pretty much developed
> our own portal container!  We have a common "Framework" that all the
> modules make use of, some common bits of functionality that runs across
> all of them (preferences, dropdown menu, some others).  But they are
> 100% independent by and large (some of the modules are actually whole
> other applications hosted on other servers).  Would a portal have
> allowed for things like that?  If so, do you have any idea how it pulls
> that off without frames?  Most importantly, avoiding those naming
> conflicts I mentioned.
> I don't want to hijack a thread here, but it's already marked OT, and
> since you've got my curiosity piqued, I'll ask the questions :)
> > Antonio
> Thanks,
> Frank
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Author of "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
>   (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
> and "JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects"
>   (2007, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-816-4)
> and "Practical DWR 2 Projects"
>   (2008, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-941-1)
> Java Web Parts -
>   Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OT: Alternative to html frames

2008-02-11 Thread Marc Eckart

I have an offtopic question :-)
We have  an intranet portal with a menu where you can start different
applications. The applications run on different containers (e.g. tomcat,
websphere) on different servers.
The portal has a html frameset with two frames. The topframe is for the
portal menu and the other contains the started application.

I'm currently thinking about replacing the frameset with an i-frame to have
more possiblity to show information from the portal in the application frame
area (e.g. with layered divs).

But we are not so happy with this frame aproaches in general. But we don't
know how to integrate the different (indepentend) applications transparent
to the users without frames.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance :-)

Best Regards,

Problem s:select in IE and Firefox

2008-02-06 Thread Marc Eckart

I have a  tag which behaves different in IE 6.0 and firefox. In
Firefox the underlying property in my struts action is filled in IE not.

This is my code?


I have no idea why it works in Firefox and not in IE. Because there is no
JavaScript involved (or am I wrong).

Best regards.


[S2] s:a Problem

2008-01-15 Thread Marc Eckart

I have rendered a link with  and 


   Alle Konten

In HTML this is generated.

Alle Konten anzeigen

1. When I move the cursor over the link the calling url from my application
is shown not a link with showAccountView.action in it. I click on it
showAccountView is executed. Alright!
2 Now I open the link in a new window my application with the start action
is shown not the showAccountView. After that I click in the old window and
an error is occurs in my backend instead of executing the correct action.

Why does the application behave different after open a ajax link in a new

Best regards,


Re: Struts2: Problem result input

2007-12-13 Thread Marc Eckart
Solved the problem:

In my case the problem was a type conversion :-) I have a bean class, which
is filled by hidden fields. I have some overloaded setters with a type and a
string which converts into the type. So I assume struts doesn't look at the
signature of the setter and just uses the first it gets. So in my case it
tried to put a String in the setter with a type which causes a type
conversion error which leads to the result input problem. So I added a
setter with different name which does the conversion from String to my type.


2007/12/12, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> There is *some* reason it's expecting an input result: it could be your
> configuration, a type conversion error, something... if nothing else I'd
> crank up logging full-blast and see what's there.
> HTHBIPD (Hope This Helps But It Probably Doesn't)
> d.
> --- Marc Eckart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a problem when I call a action with dojo by publishing a topic.
> > Struts wants a input result and I don't know why. I haven't changed
> > anything
> > in this region of the application and it worked for a long time. I don't
> > have any validation methods neither have I added a validation
> intercepter.
> >
> > I added a input page and tried to print all actionmessages and
> > actionerrors,
> > but there was nothing
> >
> > Any other advice what I can try to resolve this problem?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Marc
> >
> >
> > Errormessage:
> >
> >  No result defined for action de.seb.bpc.presentation.SessionCtxActionand
> > result input - action -
> >
> file:/C:/workspace_bpc2/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp1/wtpwebapps/bpc/WEB-INF/classes/bpc.struts.xml:68:88
> > at com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.executeResult(
> > at
> > com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(
> > :253) at
> > com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.ValidationInterceptor.doIntercept(
> > at
> >
> org.apache.struts2.interceptor.validation.AnnotationValidationInterceptor.doIntercept
> > ( at
> > com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.MethodFilterInterceptor.intercept(
> > at
> > com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation$2.doProfiling (
> > at
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Struts2: Problem result input

2007-12-12 Thread Marc Eckart

I have a problem when I call a action with dojo by publishing a topic.
Struts wants a input result and I don't know why. I haven't changed anything
in this region of the application and it worked for a long time. I don't
have any validation methods neither have I added a validation intercepter.

I added a input page and tried to print all actionmessages and actionerrors,
but there was nothing

Any other advice what I can try to resolve this problem?

Best regards,


 No result defined for action de.seb.bpc.presentation.SessionCtxAction and
result input - action -
at com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.executeResult( at
com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke( at
com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.ValidationInterceptor.doIntercept( at
( at
com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.MethodFilterInterceptor.intercept( at
com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation$2.doProfiling( at

Question s:if and java variables in jsp scriplets

2007-12-04 Thread Marc Eckart

I have another Problem connected to the iterator problem :-)

I have some java variables in my jsp side which do some counting for
navigation purposes.
I need these to decide if I want to render a tableheader (in case of the
first element of the collection) or not.

We can't put all entries in one table, because we fold some entries, so a
single entry has to be hidden if necessary.

I tried  and  but both did not work.
Can I use scriptlet variables in s:if or is there another way to realize

Thanks in advance and best regards,


int personCount = 1;
int accountCount = 0;
int attorneyCount = 0;
int top=43;

<% trclass = "odd"; %>

<% trclass = "even"; %>

info =
top += 22;

Konto Nr
Konto Typ

Re: Struts2: Nested Iterators

2007-12-04 Thread Marc Eckart
Ah perfect. I looked at the tag reference on the struts2 page and there was
the var attribute.
I'm actually using 2.0.8. So this can not work :-)

Thank you very much :-)


2007/12/4, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> S2.0.mumble uses the "id" attribute to name the current iteration object.
> S2.1 uses "var". Depends on what version you're using, I guess.
> d.
> --- Marc Eckart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I tried this with the var in the iterator tag and tomcat e.g. jasper
> > complained about that var is not defined in the tag. Is it deprecated or
> > new
> > or something like this. Maybe I have to update my struts jar?
> >
> > Marc
> >
> > 2007/12/4, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > >
> > > Sure.
> > >
> > > Did you try it and had an issue, or did you think it would be quicker
> to
> > > wait
> > > for a response on the list?
> > >
> > > d.
> > >
> > > --- Marc Eckart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > I have a common problem :-) I have a collection of Objects and these
> > > > Objects
> > > > also contains Collections. How can I iterate through the child
> > > collection?
> > > >
> > > > Something like this:
> > > >
> > > >  > > > status="rowstatus"
> > > > var="account">
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >  status="rowstatus"
> > > > var="attorney">
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Is this possible?
> > > >
> > > > Best Regards,
> > > > Marc
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > >
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Struts2: Nested Iterators

2007-12-04 Thread Marc Eckart
I tried this with the var in the iterator tag and tomcat e.g. jasper
complained about that var is not defined in the tag. Is it deprecated or new
or something like this. Maybe I have to update my struts jar?


2007/12/4, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sure.
> Did you try it and had an issue, or did you think it would be quicker to
> wait
> for a response on the list?
> d.
> --- Marc Eckart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a common problem :-) I have a collection of Objects and these
> > Objects
> > also contains Collections. How can I iterate through the child
> collection?
> >
> > Something like this:
> >
> >  > status="rowstatus"
> > var="account">
> >
> >
> >  > var="attorney">
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Is this possible?
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Marc
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Struts2: Nested Iterators

2007-12-04 Thread Marc Eckart

I have a common problem :-) I have a collection of Objects and these Objects
also contains Collections. How can I iterate through the child collection?

Something like this:


Is this possible?

Best Regards,


2007-09-20 Thread Marc Eckart

I'm building a pagination functionality for a list. I'm rendering the page
list and want to highlight the current page.
What condition should be in the test attribute?

I can put the current pageIndex as an getter in the action. But I don't know
how to put this in the condition.

Any ideas? Or any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance :-)

Best Regards,

How to handle validation/errors in Ajax requests

2007-09-19 Thread Marc Eckart

I start a ajax request with a 

This pumps the result in the target div tag and all is perfect. But how can
I handle validation errors.
They should not appear in the target div tag, instead it should appear in a
different div tag for errors.
Can I change the target or can I force the site to load complete instead of
just the (with ajax) requested part.
In case a exception occurs, can I redirect to an error page? Now the error
page appears instead of the result in the target div.

Any suggestions?

Thanx in advance.


Re: Performance Problem with Dojo

2007-09-10 Thread Marc Eckart
How can I initialize dojo with the dojo tags ids? Dojo is integrated in
Struts2, how can I influence this without altering the package?


2007/9/10, Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm not familiar with that tag you are using, but there are general ways
> of
> enhancing dojo, including initialising dojo with the dojo tag ids instead
> of
> letting it scan for them, or compiling just the scripts that you need from
> dojo
> instead of taking the default build.
> I found last year that a page would be unacceptably slow if it had more
> than 15
> to 20 dojo tags, even after performance tuning. Things have probably
> improved
> since then, but probably not enough to provide for the usage you need.
> I ended up writing my own plain javascript to cut out the processing of
> all the
> generic code that dojo goes through when it initialises. Dojo does a great
> job
> of fitting in well in any browser and any page layout but it has made it
> snail-like on page load.
> Regards
> Adam
> Marc Eckart on 10/09/07 09:54, wrote:
> > I have a table which contains a column with struts tags with ajax theme:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> >> targets="customerdetailinfo" href="%{showCustomerDetails}"
> > onclick="showCustomerDetailInfo();">Kundendetailinfo
> >  
> > 
> >
> > If I have 100 entries in my table it needs about 6 secs to render the
> table,
> > without these tags I need about 1 sec or less.
> >
> > Is there a way to tune the performance apart from remove these tags? :-)
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Performance Problem with Dojo

2007-09-10 Thread Marc Eckart

I have a table which contains a column with struts tags with ajax theme:


If I have 100 entries in my table it needs about 6 secs to render the table,
without these tags I need about 1 sec or less.

Is there a way to tune the performance apart from remove these tags? :-)


Sorting Problem with Displaytag and Struts2

2007-09-03 Thread Marc Eckart

I use Displaytag and want to use the sorting capability. So I configured the
displaytag to go to a empty action, because my list is in the session -
nothing should be loaded again, just using the existing search results.


If I do this, I get a 404 error that the ressource which is defined in my
struts.xml could not be found. I debugged the execution of the action and
struts goes into the action and returns the "success" string" and I get the

If I put just an empty string into requestURI of the displaytag the action
which performs the search and returns the searchresults by putting a
collection into the session returns to the jsp without the ressource not
found error.

But I looked into the empty action and my searchresults were still in the

The empty action in the struts.xml


And the working action:


And the java code:



public class SearchAction extends SearchSupport {

 public String internalSearch() throws Exception {

 log.debug("internalSearch ");

/*if (getUserId() == null)
return "errorUserId";*/

ArrayList errorList = InputParamValidator.validate
if (errorList.size() > 0) {
for (int i=0 ; i < errorList.size(); i++) {
return "showParamHelp";


log.debug("internalSearch: \n" + getSearchCriteria().toString());
log.debug("searchTypeString: " + getSearchTypeString());

// validate the given searchCriteria, the searchType is returned
// the validation resets the searchCriteria of all not selected tabs
SearchType searchType = SearchType.valueOf(this.getSearchTypeString
searchType = SearchCriteriaValidator.validateSearchCriteria
log.debug("searchType after validation: " + searchType);

// add actionErrors if searchCriteria not valid
if (SearchCriteriaValidator.getErrorList().size() > 0) {
log.error("validation of searchCriteria not successful");
for (int i=0 ; i < SearchCriteriaValidator.getErrorList().size();
i++) {
return "errorValidation";

// perform search
try {
SearchResults results = SearchDispatcher.performSearch(searchType,
getUserId(), getSearchCriteria());
if (!results.hasErrorMessages()) {
setSearchResults (results.getInvolvedParties());
if (results.isMoreDataAvaible()) {
} else {
Iterator it =
while (it.hasNext()) addActionError(;
} catch (ServiceAdapterException saex) {
addActionError(getText("")+" :
"+saex.getMessage()+" | Returncode: "+saex.getReturnCode());
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (searchType.equals(Constants.SearchType.SEARCH_BY_NAME) && (
ex.getMessage().indexOf("TIMEOUT: no messages received") != -1)) {
String[] args = {PropertyUtil.getInitParameter("
addActionError(getText("", args));

} else throw ex;

// if nothing found set action message
if(getSearchResults() == null) {

return "success";

 public String showResultList() {
 return "success";

At the end for forwarding to the right jsp just the return string should
matter - or am I wrong?

I have no glue what is wrong :-(

Best Regards,

Struts2: How to handle errors and messages with ajax requests

2007-09-02 Thread Marc Eckart

I have no idea, how to handle ajax requests properly. My problem is, that I
want to fill a list - by now it's just a simple struts action as normal http
request. I now want that the list is filled with a ajax request so that the
whole page doesn't need to be loaded. But sometimes it is possible that the
action that is responsible to fill the list throws an exception or delivers

If the action returns actionerrors this should not displayed in the div tag
where the list is. Instead actionerrors are displayed in a different div
tag. Or another problem if an exception occurs the errorpage is displayed in
the div tag instead on a different error jsp.

How can I deal with this situations?

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance :-)


Re: Dojo-In-Struts2-Problem: IE works FF not...

2007-08-30 Thread Marc Eckart
2007/8/30, Musachy Barroso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Well, it is on search.js line 206 ;)
> musachy

Ah, sometimes I'm blind. Firebug hide this info and I didn't take a closer
look at my pastet content :-)

On line 206 is this:

// prevent refreshSelectedCustomer AJAX requests, if IpNbr is empty
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/refreshSelectedCustomer", function(event,
widget) {
  var ipNbr = document.getElementById("selectedIpNbr").value;
  if (!ipNbr || ipNbr == "") {
//  event.cancel= true;


After I commented out the event.cancel all worked fine. A colleague of mine
put this there. Is it necessary or can I simply skip it?

Thanx alot :-)

Re: Dojo-In-Struts2-Problem: IE works FF not...

2007-08-30 Thread Marc Eckart
2007/8/30, Musachy Barroso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Any idea what "event" is referring to?
> musachy
No not really. How can I find out, which event is used? The dojo.js is not
really human readable...

Dojo-In-Struts2-Problem: IE works FF not...

2007-08-30 Thread Marc Eckart

I have a struts div-Tag with:

This refreshes a jsp when the refreshSelectedCustomer topic is published. If
this happens the sessionContext Action is called (As far as I understand it)

In the selectedCustomer.jsp I have a href where I call a javascript which
publishes the topic as well as a click on a table in the main jsp.


function mainJspFuntion() {
// update context via ajax
document.getElementById('selectedIpNbr').value = ipNbr;
document.getElementById('contextAction').value = 'SET_SESSION_CONTEXT';

function removeSelectedIp() {
document.getElementById('selectedIpNbr').value = '';
document.getElementById('contextAction').value = 'REMOVE_SESSION_CONTEXT';

In IE all works like expceted, but in Firefox I get a error:

TypeError: event has no properties
(no name)(undefined, undefined)search.js (line 206)
run()dojo.js (line 4868)
(no name)()dojo.js (line 4767)
_4a5([Window search.action, "__0", undefined, 4 more...])dojo.js (line 4841)
_4b5()dojo.js (line 4855)
forEach([[Window search.action, "__0", undefined, 4 more...], [[Widget
struts:binddiv, selectedCustomer] children=[1] extraArgs=Object
_styleNodes=[0], "refresh", undefined, 4 more...]], function(),
undefined)dojo.js (line 3127)
run()dojo.js (line 4878)
(no name)()dojo.js (line 4767)
publish(Object topicName=/refreshSelectedCustomer, undefined)dojo.js (line
removeSelectedIp()search.js (line 105)
onclick(click clientX=0, clientY=0)search.action (line 1)
[Break on this error] throw _13||Error(_12);

I have no clue where I shall look.
Any advice?

Thank you

Inconsistent client/server validation using RequiredFieldValidator

2007-06-18 Thread Marc-Andre Thibodeau XX \(QB/EMC\)
Hi there,

We noticed different behaviors between client-side and server-side validations 
using a RequiredFieldValidator annotation.  Using this annotation, an empty 
field is considered invalid when validated on the client-side, while it is 
accepted by the server-side validation (when javascript is not supported). It 
does not downgrade gracefully.

Am I missing something there or should I add a Jira issue about that?


Re: dynamic forwards

2005-09-20 Thread marc
sorry, figured it out..i was looking at the mapping class...but you can
just create a new ActionForward with the path as the constructor arg.


> Hi,
> I have an Action servlet which at development time doesn't know what it's
> forwards will be. They are determined at runtime (plugin type framework is
> used).
> Is there anyway i can forward to views from the action servlet being
> defined at run time? i tried using the request dispatcher's forward()
> method, but it doesn't do anything in struts.
> Any help is appreciated..thank you
> Marc Dumontier
> -
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dynamic forwards

2005-09-20 Thread marc

I have an Action servlet which at development time doesn't know what it's
forwards will be. They are determined at runtime (plugin type framework is

Is there anyway i can forward to views from the action servlet being
defined at run time? i tried using the request dispatcher's forward()
method, but it doesn't do anything in struts.

Any help is appreciated..thank you

Marc Dumontier

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Parameters and URL II

2005-09-20 Thread Marc Ende
Sorry I've send too fast...



I've got a little question regarding the -Tag.

Is it correct when I have this in a jsp:

and the result looks like this: (?)

asdfasdf , 

I expected something like:

asdfasdf , 

I've got trouble with the '&' at the objekteid I thought it should only
be an '&'



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Parameters and URL

2005-09-20 Thread Marc Ende

I've got a little question regarding the -Tag.

Is it correct when I have this in a jsp:

and the result looks like this: (?)

asdfasdf , 

I expected something like:

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AW: AW: AW: struts on jboss

2005-09-19 Thread Marc Ende
Hi Adam,

> OK, I think I might have seen problem too, but at this time, 
> I am deploying my struts webapp war as a war file by copying 
> it into the deploy directory and it causes no problem but 
> redeploys nicely.

Now I'm deploying the webapp as a .war-file not as an exploded war anymore.
So I'm not running into any trouble with the locked struts.jar. The jar is
now located in the temporary directory and no real problem anymore.

> What version of JBoss are you using?

It's 4.0.2. But I don't think thats really a problem of
the jboss version. I've got this problem several times


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2005-09-19 Thread Marc Ende
I'm using the  only with collections. Now I need
to order the contents. It's possible to assign anything else
(orderable/sortable) than collections
to this tag? 

Reading image outside webapp contextpath??

2005-09-19 Thread marc
I'm making a project that makes a picture gallery that has to be 
accessible throw web, wap, webdav and file sharing. The project 
consisting of a ejb backend and struts frontend(using velocity as 
I have made the EJB backend so that each dir with pictures in has a xml 
file contaning all the pictures file address, thumbnail file address, a 
wapnail file address and a name.

Now my problem is in the sturts frontend, when I what to show the 
gallery. Tomcat will not show the picture because it is outside me 
webapp contextpath.

How do I make tomcat/struts look in this "shared" dir where I got me pic?
Or do I have to do it in a other way?

This is my html:

alt="C:/ProjectGallery/web/testGallery/webthumb/T_billed4.jpeg" >	

If this is the wrong forum then pls let me know so that I can post in 
the right place.

Thank you all very much ;-)


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AW: AW: struts on jboss

2005-09-17 Thread Marc Ende
Hi Adam,

hmmm... I always had this problem with the struts.jar. So I decided to
put the jar in the shared lib.
The .war I do deploy is an application wich have connections to an existing
on the same server but there are no ejb's inside this project. There is only
webapp.war and an webapp.jar (which includes the relevant ejb's). And these
archives are not packed in an .ear.

Now I'm deploying the war as an packed, not exploded, archive. This way 
is no problem because the war is packed in an temporary location and this
from deployment to deployment. On undeployment the jboss failes to delete
the previous directory (in cause of a locked struts.jar) but this is no real


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Samstag, 17. September 2005 18:56
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: AW: struts on jboss
> Marc,
> I've never had that problem with JBoss locking up the 
> struts.jar. If it just a webapp with no EJB, then basically 
> you are just using tomcat and I can't see what would make it 
> lock the jars.
> Did you remove the struts.jar from the shared lib dir?
> Marc Ende on 16/09/05 18:49, wrote:
> > Okay... I've removed the struts.jar (and the other related jars of
> > struts) from the shared folder and put it in the proposed 
> WEB-INF/lib 
> > folder.
> > 
> > Great I've got no trouble with the DynaActionForm! Now I have to 
> > restart the jboss everytime I redeploy. The server does a 
> lock on the 
> > struts.jar so I couldn't redeploy without stopping the server. The 
> > error will never come back this way :)
> > 
> > Not really the way I liked but very consequent... :(

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AW: struts on jboss

2005-09-16 Thread Marc Ende
Okay... I've removed the struts.jar (and the other related jars of struts)
the shared folder and put it in the proposed WEB-INF/lib folder.

Great I've got no trouble with the DynaActionForm! Now I have to restart the
everytime I redeploy. The server does a lock on the struts.jar so I couldn't
without stopping the server. The error will never come back this way :)

Not really the way I liked but very consequent... :( 

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Freitag, 16. September 2005 19:07
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: struts on jboss
> From: "Marc Ende" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > In the war are no other classes included than the sources of my 
> > application.
> > The jars of struts are directly in the server/default/lib 
> directory of 
> > jboss.
> I don't know whether it's causing the particular problem 
> you're reporting, but struts.jar should not be placed in any 
> shared location.  At least not for Tomcat, and I doubt the 
> advice changes when JBoss is involved:
> --
> Wendy Smoak 
> -
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AW: struts on jboss

2005-09-16 Thread Marc Ende
Hello Tremal,

> 2005/9/16, mlists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Is this an configuration-issue? (It's not very comfortable 
> to restart 
> > the server everytime after a change).
> what version of Jboss? 
Jboss Version: 4.0.2

> And what the message you are receiving? 
See end of mail :)

> Is your application composed by either a WAR and a JAR? 
The application is composed as an exploded war (so it's just a directory
ending on .war)
In the war are no other classes included than the sources of my application.
The jars of struts are directly in the server/default/lib directory of
I've done this to make sure that all apps have the same version and there is
no trouble in redeployment (I've got them sometimes before).

> If that is the case, do you deploy class duplicates in the two files?
There are no duplicates in the directory (all Files are included only once).

The Exception:
18:27:41,168 ERROR [RequestUtils] Error creating form bean of class
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid property name 'wohnflaeche'
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
18:27:42,280 ERROR [RequestUtils] Error creating form bean of class
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid property name 'wohnflaeche'
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: UrlValidator (why not use

2005-07-28 Thread Marc Logemann


after looking into the code of UrlValidator and moreover looking into a 
similar class in Tapestry which is no longer active as it seems, i 
wonder why commons-validator UrlValidator is using Regex so much. 
Wouldnt it be enough to just use and let this class do the 
verification? Of course i am not quite sure how it deals non-schema URLs 
but for complete URLs to verifiy, its perhaps a better choice.

Perhaps this one is for the developer list but i try it here first ;-)

Lindholm, Greg wrote:

I encountered this awhile back but didn't have time to investigate.
As a workaround I use the localhost IP address "" but it
would be nice to get this fixed.

-Original Message-
From: Marc Logemann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:33 AM

Subject: UrlValidator


can it be that UrlValidator from Commons-Validator doesnt validate URLs 
with localhost in it?

The following URL -> http://localhost:8081/context/jsp/versand_1.jsp

Marc Logemann

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Re: UrlValidator

2005-07-28 Thread Marc Logemann


if i have the time in the next days i will work on that, but where 
should i send a possible fix? struts-dev or to the commons-validator guys?

Lindholm, Greg wrote:

I encountered this awhile back but didn't have time to investigate.
As a workaround I use the localhost IP address "" but it
would be nice to get this fixed.

-Original Message-
From: Marc Logemann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:33 AM

Subject: UrlValidator


can it be that UrlValidator from Commons-Validator doesnt validate URLs 
with localhost in it?

The following URL -> http://localhost:8081/context/jsp/versand_1.jsp

Marc Logemann

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2005-07-28 Thread Marc Logemann


can it be that UrlValidator from Commons-Validator doesnt validate URLs 
with localhost in it?

The following URL -> http://localhost:8081/context/jsp/versand_1.jsp

breaks in isValidAuthority() within UrlValidator. It seems he tries to 
check for toplevel domain length and sees my "localhost" as a toplevel 

I am hoping i ve done something wrong because i would suspect that a 
UrlValidator validates this pretty straightforward URL.

Marc Logemann

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Re: How to have logical 'OR' between two validator rules ?

2005-07-28 Thread Marc Demlenne
Thanks for the reply, 

This only allows you to compare fields, not to enter a regular
expression mask in the test var. So uit's not enought, except if I'm
totally wrong.
I don't need to have an 'OR' between fields, but between validator
results. That's the problem.
In fact, OR between validwhen and mask should be ok. 
The only solution I'fe found until now is to write a new validator for me. 

On 27/07/05, Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, much clearer now.  If you're using Struts 1.2.x, There is a
> "validwhen" clause that may help you--look at the test example just
> below it:
> Glen
> Marc Demlenne escribió:
> > Yes, sorry I made a mistake while explaining. I'll try to do it better now.
> >
> > Of course I need always to validate my form, you're right, sorry for
> > the confusion. But I need the form "to be valid" if either it is
> > validated threw the mask validator, OR if it is unchanged, even if in
> > this case it does not look like the mask wants any more.
> >
> > So I want a my field to be something like "^[0-9]{4}$". Ok, I use the
> > mask validator, and everything is fine.
> >
> > Now, if the value already stored in the DB isn't like this mask (there
> > are some good reasons to allow this), I want the user to be able to
> > modify everything in his form. If he doesn't change the value of this
> > field, everything should be correct. BUT if he decide to modify this
> > field, then he MUST enter a mask-valid field.
> >
> > To cope with this, I can use another field, the same, but hidden,
> > containing the original value, for example.  Then in my validation, I
> > would like,
> > - First to check if the given field is the same as the hidden one. In
> > this case it has not been modified, and I say validation returns true.
> > - Then, if those 2 fields are not the same, I check the real field
> > (the one enterered by user) against the mask threw the mask validator,
> > and I only accept all of this if this last validation returns true.
> >
> > Hope it's better explained ?
> >
> > Thanks Joe for this wonderful link. I have not yet verified
> > everything, but I'm affraid it won't be satisfying in my case ... I'm
> > still investigating ...
> >
> >
> >
> > On 27/07/05, Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>Marc Demlenne wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Hi and thanks for the answer,
> >>>
> >>>In fact my problem could be explained the following way :
> >>>
> >>>Having two fields A and B, I need to validate A if
> >>>(A == mask) OR (A == B)
> >>
> >>Your way of stating the problem doesn't seem right and may be adding to
> >>the difficulties here--I would again think that you *always* need to
> >>validate A, it's just that validation passes 100% if the above two
> >>conditions fit, but passes/fails (depending on the results of more
> >>complex logic) if the above isn't correct.
> >>
> >>I.e., instead of saying, "If a ZIP code is provided, I need to validate
> >>that it is five digits long", why not:  "I need to validate that the ZIP
> >>code is either empty, or if not 5 digits"?
> >>
> >>Again, I'm unsure here (sorry, still a newbie), but using the p. 38
> >>example below, my inclination is that you can always validate but just
> >>change the validation logic if the scenario above occurs, something like:
> >>
> >>(Pseudocode):
> >>
> >>validate() {
> >>if (A.equals(mask) || a.equals(B)) {
> >>   return null; // validate always "true"
> >>} else {
> >>   // do actual validation,
> >>   // return ActionErrors or "null" as appropriate
> >>}
> >>}
> >>
> >>I hope someone else can provide a better answer for you though--as I'm
> >>also quite curious here.
> >>
> >>Glen
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>I don't know if it is possible to include a field in a mask
> >>>expression. But in the other case, I need to have an alternative
> >>>between the two validators. Is thos possible with struts validator ?
> >>>
> >>>If this isn't possible, I'll need to create my own validator plugin
> >>>
> >>>But if someone has eny advice, it's welcomed !
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>On 26/07/05, Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>I'm not exactly certain of your needs, but I think you can always
> >>>>activate validation but just change the validation code based on the
> >>>>value/state of other fields (such as the "original" one you mention).
> >>>>
> >>>>Perhaps the Java code example on page 38 of
> >>>> can be of help for
> >>>>you--I am unsure.
> >>>>
> >>>>Glen
> >>>>
> >>
> >
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Marc Demlenne

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Re: How to have logical 'OR' between two validator rules ?

2005-07-27 Thread Marc Demlenne
Yes, sorry I made a mistake while explaining. I'll try to do it better now. 

Of course I need always to validate my form, you're right, sorry for
the confusion. But I need the form "to be valid" if either it is
validated threw the mask validator, OR if it is unchanged, even if in
this case it does not look like the mask wants any more.

So I want a my field to be something like "^[0-9]{4}$". Ok, I use the
mask validator, and everything is fine.

Now, if the value already stored in the DB isn't like this mask (there
are some good reasons to allow this), I want the user to be able to
modify everything in his form. If he doesn't change the value of this
field, everything should be correct. BUT if he decide to modify this
field, then he MUST enter a mask-valid field.

To cope with this, I can use another field, the same, but hidden,
containing the original value, for example.  Then in my validation, I
would like,
- First to check if the given field is the same as the hidden one. In
this case it has not been modified, and I say validation returns true.
- Then, if those 2 fields are not the same, I check the real field
(the one enterered by user) against the mask threw the mask validator,
and I only accept all of this if this last validation returns true.

Hope it's better explained ? 

Thanks Joe for this wonderful link. I have not yet verified
everything, but I'm affraid it won't be satisfying in my case ... I'm
still investigating ...

On 27/07/05, Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Marc Demlenne wrote:
> > Hi and thanks for the answer,
> >
> > In fact my problem could be explained the following way :
> >
> > Having two fields A and B, I need to validate A if
> > (A == mask) OR (A == B)
> Your way of stating the problem doesn't seem right and may be adding to
> the difficulties here--I would again think that you *always* need to
> validate A, it's just that validation passes 100% if the above two
> conditions fit, but passes/fails (depending on the results of more
> complex logic) if the above isn't correct.
> I.e., instead of saying, "If a ZIP code is provided, I need to validate
> that it is five digits long", why not:  "I need to validate that the ZIP
> code is either empty, or if not 5 digits"?
> Again, I'm unsure here (sorry, still a newbie), but using the p. 38
> example below, my inclination is that you can always validate but just
> change the validation logic if the scenario above occurs, something like:
> (Pseudocode):
> validate() {
> if (A.equals(mask) || a.equals(B)) {
>return null; // validate always "true"
> } else {
>// do actual validation,
>// return ActionErrors or "null" as appropriate
> }
> }
> I hope someone else can provide a better answer for you though--as I'm
> also quite curious here.
> Glen
> >
> > I don't know if it is possible to include a field in a mask
> > expression. But in the other case, I need to have an alternative
> > between the two validators. Is thos possible with struts validator ?
> >
> > If this isn't possible, I'll need to create my own validator plugin
> >
> > But if someone has eny advice, it's welcomed !
> >
> >
> > On 26/07/05, Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>I'm not exactly certain of your needs, but I think you can always
> >>activate validation but just change the validation code based on the
> >>value/state of other fields (such as the "original" one you mention).
> >>
> >>Perhaps the Java code example on page 38 of
> >> can be of help for
> >>you--I am unsure.
> >>
> >>Glen
> >>

Marc Demlenne

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Re: How to have logical 'OR' between two validator rules ?

2005-07-27 Thread Marc Demlenne
Hi and thanks for the answer, 

In fact my problem could be explained the following way : 

Having two fields A and B, I need to validate A if 
(A == mask) OR (A == B)

I don't know if it is possible to include a field in a mask
expression. But in the other case, I need to have an alternative
between the two validators. Is thos possible with struts validator ?

If this isn't possible, I'll need to create my own validator plugin

But if someone has eny advice, it's welcomed !

On 26/07/05, Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not exactly certain of your needs, but I think you can always
> activate validation but just change the validation code based on the
> value/state of other fields (such as the "original" one you mention).
> Perhaps the Java code example on page 38 of
> can be of help for
> you--I am unsure.
> Glen
> Marc Demlenne wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I need to use a text box that must correspond to a regular expression,
> > so it can be validated by the "mask" validator.
> >
> > However, if and only if this value remains unchanged by customer, it
> > has not to be validated and can stay as is, even if it doesn't
> > correspond to the mask. This could be easily done by checking the
> > value against another field containing the original one with
> > "validwhen" validator for instance.
> >
> > However, I need to have my field validated even if only one of those
> > validators are OK, not both ones.
> >
> > How can I make this using validator plugin ?
> >
> > Thanks very much for any answer.
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Marc Demlenne

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How to have logical 'OR' between two validator rules ?

2005-07-26 Thread Marc Demlenne

I need to use a text box that must correspond to a regular expression,
so it can be validated by the "mask" validator.

However, if and only if this value remains unchanged by customer, it
has not to be validated and can stay as is, even if it doesn't
correspond to the mask. This could be easily done by checking the
value against another field containing the original one with
"validwhen" validator for instance.

However, I need to have my field validated even if only one of those
validators are OK, not both ones.

How can I make this using validator plugin ? 

Thanks very much for any answer. 

Marc Demlenne

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validation Framework validwhen

2005-07-15 Thread Marc Demlenne

Little question about validwhen. If you have a field which has to be
validated by mask, OR can be bad for the mask IF AND ONLY IF it
remains unchanged, what's the best solution ?

I could use a hidden field which holds the original value, then the
real field, modifiable by user. Then either the field has to be
validated by MASK, or it has to be the same as the hidden one.

How can you define validwhen in this case ? validwhen (field ==
hidden) will be ok, but mask validation will be false, so form will be

any workaround ? 

Thanks for any help ! 

Marc Demlenne

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Validation framework - gobal formset

2005-07-14 Thread Marc Demlenne

Using Struts Validation Framework, how is it possible to use only one
formset in validation.xml for ALL locales, when using only
locales-independant validations ?

I use  ...  but get the error that the form is not
found under locale en_US, i.e.

Having more formset like  "solves" the problem,
of course, but I don't want to have redundancy in this file while it's

Shouldn't it be possible to define only general case, and to fallback
on it when specific case isn't define ? Is there a special issue to
resolve this ?

Thanks in advance for any help !

Marc Demlenne

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Re: validation client-side. Problem with 2 submit buttons

2005-07-13 Thread Marc Demlenne
Nice trick. So simple I didn't thought about this. 
Thanks very much ! 

On 13/07/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Instead of calling the return validateForm(this) function in the on submit,
> you could wrapper the check based on a JavaScript variable.
>  var validate = true
>  validate
>  don't validate
>  Marc Demlenne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Marc Demlenne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 07/13/2005 11:30 AM 
> Please respond to
>  "Struts Users Mailing List"  
> To
>  Struts Users Mailing List , Rafael Taboada
> cc
> Subject
>  Re: validation client-side. Problem with 2 submit buttons 
> I DO use struts validator framework ... 
>  What i want is to to have _only_ one of the submit button to check the
>  client-side validation
>  But I can only decide to call validator or not by form, not by button.
>  As it is for client side that I have this problem, I can't call it
>  from my modify method...
>  On 13/07/05, Rafael Taboada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Hi, use Validator framework.
>  >  In this framework u can put code in order to set a client-side
> validation
>  > for each feld.
>  >  In ur modify method, call to ur validate method.
>  >  I hope it can help u
>  > 
>  > --
>  > Rafael Taboada
>  > Software Engineer
>  > 
>  > Cell : +511-97753290
>  > 
>  > "No creo en el destino pues no me gusta tener la idea de controlar mi
> vida"
>  > 
>  > 
>  -- 
>  Marc Demlenne
> -
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>  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Marc Demlenne

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Re: Alternate color in html:iterate

2005-07-13 Thread Marc Walter

Try this:

class="odd"<% } else { %>class="even"<% } %>>

It works fine. Define the colours in your local css file for the classes
"odd" and "even".

Kind regards,
Marc Walter

Hi All,

I'm using html:iterate to display the set of records in the table. Is there
any way to put the alternate color using CSS classes in tag libraries

Thanks & Regards,
SenthilRajan VS

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Re: validation client-side. Problem with 2 submit buttons

2005-07-13 Thread Marc Demlenne
I DO use struts validator framework ... 

What i want is to to have _only_ one of the submit button to check the
client-side validation

But I can only decide to call validator or not by form, not by button.
As it is for client side that I have this problem, I can't call it
from my modify method...

On 13/07/05, Rafael Taboada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, use Validator framework.
>  In this framework u can put code in order to set a client-side validation
> for each feld.
>  In ur modify method, call to ur validate method.
>  I hope it can help u
> --
> Rafael Taboada
> Software Engineer
> Cell : +511-97753290
> "No creo en el destino pues no me gusta tener la idea de controlar mi vida"

Marc Demlenne

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validation client-side. Problem with 2 submit buttons

2005-07-13 Thread Marc Demlenne

Using struts validation framework, what's the best way to handle the
following case :

You have a simple form with 2 submit buttons. One for display, the
other to modify changes.
How to make the validation active only for modify button ? 
Server-side, you can simply have 2 actions name, one of them defined
as validate=true, the other as validate=false.
Is there a client-side equivalent ? 

Thanks a lot for any help. 

Marc Demlenne

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File upload using maxFileSize

2005-07-13 Thread Marc Walter

In want to use the controller element "maxFileSize" in the
struts-config.xml in order to provide a global maximum file upload size in
my application. So I entered the value "2M" (two megabytes) for test
In my upload JSP I defined a submit button like this: 
When I choose a file greater than 2M and press the button the
UploadAction.execute() method is performed. This is okay so far. In this
method I search the request object for the value "upload" but it can't be
found! If I remove the struts-config.xml controller entry "maxFileSize" the
request parameter "upload" is found and the adequate code is processed. So
it is as well if the file is less than 2M in size.

So now I wonder why the usage of the "maxFileSize" attribute in conjunction
with a file exceeding the given max size apparently removes my "upload"
parameter from the request. The UploadAction is still being processed! Does
someone have an explanation for this? I don't understand this struts
behaviour. Thanks!

Kind regards,
Marc Walter

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validation - all locales

2005-07-13 Thread Marc Demlenne
Hello all, 

Using Struts, I need to validate input forms. My web service has to
handle mutliple language, so I'm using i18n techniques.

However, the validation I need are locale-independant. So I have
written a validation.xml like this :


This leads to an error. Log says that destinatForm can't be found
under locale en_US.
In fact, if I just copy-paste this formset under a new one with parameters 

everyting's fine, and my validation is ok. 

I don't want to have redundancies when it is not needed. Isn't it
possible to only define general formset, and only to override what is
clearly locale-specific ?

Can someone tell me where I'm wrong ? 

Thanks very much for any help. 

Marc Demlenne

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Re: I18N by pages

2005-07-11 Thread Marc Demlenne
Just a small mistake while copying my code here ... I've swapped to
things. Sorry
It is : 





On 11/07/05, Marc Demlenne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Maybe another idea if I understand well what you want.
> So you want to include a file, specific to the current locale
> definition. I need about the same feature, and was looking for a
> better way than mine to solve this. The only think is that I include a
> i18n _file_ in a general template, and i do not redirect the user
> direclty to this i18n file.
> You have only one tiles-def.xml, one struts-config.xml, one properties
> file per locale. The idea is to have the file name locale-specific (so
> stored in properties file), and to call the file via the properties
> file, so the correct, locale-specific, name is called. It gives :
> In the main file, where i include, i have, in state of simple
>  :
> Than, I have somewhere in my tiles_def.xml something like :
> And in my properties file (locale specific) something like
> and for another language, I have
> Than, i need to modify the last line, and to specify it differently in
> my properties files, for all my locales.
> But i can have a different file per locale.
> Maybe this can be adapt at your specific needs. On the other way,
> maybe there's a better way to do this that mine ... ?
> Of course, something great would the use of  baseName="..." locale="..." /> !
> Hope this can help someone ...
> On 29/06/05, Yaroslav Novytskyy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > Jeff Beal wrote:
> > > ...
> > > Have you considered locale-specific CSS files to give
> > > a different presentation to the same JSP page?
> > > ...
> >
> > I have no idea of this. Can you, please, comment?
> >
> > Yaroslav Novytskyy.
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> --
> Marc Demlenne

Marc Demlenne

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Re: I18N by pages

2005-07-11 Thread Marc Demlenne

Maybe another idea if I understand well what you want. 
So you want to include a file, specific to the current locale
definition. I need about the same feature, and was looking for a
better way than mine to solve this. The only think is that I include a
i18n _file_ in a general template, and i do not redirect the user
direclty to this i18n file.

You have only one tiles-def.xml, one struts-config.xml, one properties
file per locale. The idea is to have the file name locale-specific (so
stored in properties file), and to call the file via the properties
file, so the correct, locale-specific, name is called. It gives :

In the main file, where i include, i have, in state of simple





Than, I have somewhere in my tiles_def.xml something like : 

And in my properties file (locale specific) something like
and for another language, I have

Than, i need to modify the last line, and to specify it differently in
my properties files, for all my locales.
But i can have a different file per locale. 

Maybe this can be adapt at your specific needs. On the other way,
maybe there's a better way to do this that mine ... ?

Of course, something great would the use of  !

Hope this can help someone ... 

On 29/06/05, Yaroslav Novytskyy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> Jeff Beal wrote:
> > ...
> > Have you considered locale-specific CSS files to give
> > a different presentation to the same JSP page?
> > ...
> I have no idea of this. Can you, please, comment?
> Yaroslav Novytskyy.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Marc Demlenne

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Using the common validator with velocity and tiles

2005-07-07 Thread marc
Im using the jakarta common validator in my struts project combined with 
velocity and tiles.

But have a little problem.

I have maked a form, this form is being call from a action. In the 
action I put two arrays in the request. The arrays I use to populate 
some fields in the form.
Here comes my problem: If I put something wrong in a field that is being 
validated, im being pointed back to the form(for cause), but now the 
fields that I populated har emty. And thats because the two arrays are 
not in me request, for cause. It works if I put the arrays in my 
session, but I dont what it in me session.

If I used JSP I could just make the two arrays in the JSP, but now im 
using velocity.

Anybody have a good, nice and simply solution to this??



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Re: [OT] Ajax - generic "processStateChange"

2005-06-23 Thread Marc Demlenne
Thank you Jeff, your solution is exactly what i was looking for. 

Now i'd have another question, still slightly off-topic in a
struts-list, but is there an ajax list ?

In order to keep compatibility for all users, including those who
don't enable JavaScript, I need to have a solution where ajax use is
usefull but not mandatory. Is there a some good practice to offer the
end-user a page that use AJAX if javascript is enabled, (with
supported-version), but fall back to a more classical way if not ?

Any help is welcome.

On 21/06/05, Jeff Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Event handlers have to be functions.  When you write
> 'onreadystatechange = processStateChange(spanID);', the
> processStateChange() function is *immediately* executed, and the
> returned value is assigned to the event handler.  This works great if
> your processStateChange returns a function, but if it returns (for
> example) an int, there are problems.
> Use an anonymous JavaScript function for your event handler:
> function retrieveURL(name, spanID) {
>   req.onreadystatechange = function() { processStateChange(spanID); };
> }
> On 6/21/05, Marc Demlenne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd like to have smthg like
> > function retrieveURL(name, spanID) {
> >   ...
> >   req.onreadystatechange = processStateChange(spanID) ;
> >   ...
> > }
> >

Marc Demlenne

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[OT] Ajax - generic "processStateChange"

2005-06-21 Thread Marc Demlenne
Hi all, 

Using Ajax (with Struts, but it's not really a struts issue), is it
possible to use the function called "processStateChange" by Franck
with an argument ?

I would like to have one function beeing able to be used more times in
a page, updating different span zones according to the control who
called it.

Basically, in what Franck calls "retrieveURL", we have : 
  req.onreadystatechange = processStateChange ;

I'd like to have smthg like
function retrieveURL(name, spanID) {
  req.onreadystatechange = processStateChange(spanID) ;

function processStateChange (spanID) {
  document.getElementById("spanID").innerHTML = req.responseText;

But this won't work. What would be the correct way to implement this ? 

Thanks a lot for any help !

Marc Demlenne

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