- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 11:52 AM
Subject: session timeout and XML Forms
i have the following problem:
I set my session timeout in the web.xml to 1 minute (only to try),
but as soon as I am in
I am not sure if I would do this like you did.
There are is a certain lifecycle contract between every Cocoon component and
the container.
By invoking directly you may be violating this contract.
I would probably let the sitemap do the forwarding to actions.
In your case action sets might be good.
I will be out of the office starting 09/11/2002 and will not return until 18/11/2002.
For GCIS issues contact Wojtek Swistak.
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Please do not reply to th
> Who should close the element? The transformer can not send an
> endElement() until everything inside is processed. Of course you have
Ofcourse, I don't know what I was thinking.
> Does this make it a bit clearer? Everybody can of course improve my
This makes it very clear.
Thanks Joer
Not as parameter, but some other possibilities:
1. Sitemap aggregation
http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/userdocs/concepts/sitemap.html "Aggregating"
2. CInclude / XInclude
What causes to be sent? Let's assume you have a pipe consisting
of a generator, a transformer and a serializer. Normally the XSP creates
SAX events for a XML like this:
test page
A short sentence.
But in some special cases a redirect shoud happen:
And the
Hi Joerg,
I was under the impression that once generation started
sax events go through tarnsformers and a serializer and
data is sent back to the browser. So if the
is emitted after the tags that caused to be sent
to the browser this would not work.
Would it?
> -Original Messag
Hi Artur,
where is the problem?
Instead of you create a own
element like in the XML. This is processed by a
transformer to and
sent to the browser. Even if it's a very poor solution, there shell be
no problem with it. I prefer the test while setting up the pipeline.
Do you have a http://jenny.myinfogenic.net/sitebuilder/simple.xsl"/> in your
sitemap? Then the error is obvious: The file is served as text/plain,
not text/xml. Change the configuration of the server. In the world
outside the Microsoft Internet Explorer mime types matter.
Hi guys,
I found that if I put the xmlns:xsp-session="http://apache.org/xsp/session/2.0";
namespace in any XSP document, then xsp-init-page tag isn't processed. Thus, all the
variables I declare/initialize in xsp-init-page (which should go at the start of
generate()) are nonexistent, which ob
Hi Geoff,
> I had user edited "real world" html coming out of a
> database that would definitely have been invalid xml.
> My first pipeline serialized that result to xml and
> specified those elements as CDATA sections
> (configuration param in sitemap). From then on, the
> bad html was unparsed
I am just starting to really get into XSP, having worked with various other parts of
since 1.3 and I have three questions regarding XPS Logicsheets:
First, it appears that a logicsheet must declared to be used and that the only place
to declare a
logic sheet is in the xconf file. Is th
In the past, I have configured the xml serializer to
output certain named elements as cdata - would that
help your original situation? As I still don't
totally get your situation, I'll explained where it
helped me:
I had user edited "real world" html coming out of a
database that would de
Comments inline...
Miles Elam wrote:
Justin Fagnani-Bell wrote:
I've wrestled with similar problems for a while with my content
management system, which uses a database for content and structure.
I'm in the process of setting the system to use file extensions for
the client to specify the
Hy again;
Does anyone know, if the following Wiki Howto applies to
cocoon-2.0.3 or does it apply for newer releases only???
I am still stuck after hours and hours of try and error with
my servlet integration ...
anyone any idea, wh
The authentication framework uses the SourceWritingTransformer to handle the
user management functions : newuser, deluser, changeuser, newrole,... This
transformer uses actually a FileSource as a writable source. I would like to
use a database or LDAP as a datastore. Is there any simple sol
J.Pietschmann wrote:
> The answer is quite simple: you can't. D-o-e only works if the
> XSLT processor serializes the result itself,
Please re-read my message a little more carefully. It's easy to dismiss it
as a top-10 XSLT FAQ, but it isn't.
> the information
> which text nodes are supposed to
I'm having problems with Cocoon Mounts and using cocoon.xconf files in
the mount sub-directories. I've posted about this a few times but
haven't gotten a response, so I'm wondering if anyone out there is
using mounts and cocoon.xconf files.
My problem is that I can't access JDBC datasources def
Lenz, Evan wrote:
I understand why Cocoon disables the use of disable-output-escaping in XSLT.
However, in my current project, which involves parsing XML results from
Google containing escaped (and non-well-formed) HTML, I need to find a way
to disable output escaping for certain sections of text,
You should also try the Krysalis open source GPL publishing platform,
On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 13:26, HA, Hai wrote:
> Hello experts,
> I was wondering if anyone out
I'm doing something very similar to implement a SOAPTransformer. What I've done is
implement an XMLConsumer so that it passes ALL events that it recieves directly to the
transformer's super-class (super.startElement, super.endElement... etc.) Because
you've probably already started an out
I am able to execute all the Cocoon Samples except the
- Yahoo Screen Scrape
- SOAP Stock Quote Example 1, SOAP Sample 2 and SOAP
Sample 33
- All Aggregation Samples
For Yahoo Screen Scrape, the error message is :
type resource-not-found
message Resource not found
I recently got cocoon running on my server (with a very up to date
version of avalon, excalibur, etc.); and I'm having an error triggered
by my servlet, when I'm trying to transform XML with an XSLT file. The
debug info is as follows.
DEBUG 10367 [jendvsl ] (): XSLTProcessorImpl:
transform s
> Ludovic is right, ParameterSelector only works if you use
name="parameter-selector-test" as parameter. Take a look at the source code!
What you could do to solve the problem is writing the action return value by
use of SessionPropagatorAction into session and then use
SessionAttributeSelector to
--- Oskar Casquero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And what can I do to disable cocoon's automatic file
> uploading? I want to
> send files to cocoon but not to save them in disk
you configure it in web.xml:
> And another question
> A patch to the FAQ I submitted has been applied, but
> the change has not
> yet propagated to the web pages, it seems (why?).
Since the site is still statically served, it is only
occasionally updated from cvs. The local docs
(running at localhost) should be correct and the live
site will foll
> -Original Message-
> From: Ilya A. Kriveshko [mailto:ilya@;kaon.com]
> Sent: November 8, 2002 10:41 AM
> Subject: Re: Redirect in XSP
> If you want to redirect the browser to a new URL after the
> pipeline has been constructed and the generation has (possibl
Well one possible solution is for the report generator to write a file to the hard
drive on the web server
The browser would poll cocoon (action/xsp/..) to check if the file exists or not. if
so then return the generated report file otherwise return the status page.
As to the status page, it
If you want to redirect the browser to a new URL after the
pipeline has been constructed and the generation has (possibly)
started, you can do that by outputting the tag in the
output HTML.
"0" means no delay.
Artur Bialecki wrote:
First of al
If I understand correctly, this is an applet question,
not a cocoon question: How do you overwrite the
contents of a browser window with a string containing
html from an applet. It sounds like you've
successfully retrieved your results from cocoon.
As such, I don't know you'll find the right peop
First of all processing of XSP is done by a Generator
which is part of pipeline *execution*. This means that
it's too late to redirect at that point since some data
might already been sent back to the browser (depends
on the size of your serializer buffer).
You should only redirect duri
Also see the file upload example at:
/samples/xsp/upload and look at the javadocs for
which can give you a reference to the File stored on
disk (automatically by default) or an InputStream to
read the contents and do something with them if
I did try switching to the plain file system, that gave me
initialization errors as well, so that's not the answer. And yes, it is
a fresh install.
Do you know what files I would have to update for this, would it be just
the jisp jar file, or other jars as well?
Kyle Koss
-Original Message--
Hi all
I joined the cocoon users list today to ask a very similar question.
I have a list of external URLs held in XML and I have a pipeline to
pick the right one. I want to use within the
sitemap, but I can't find a way to get the URL out of XML and make it a
sitemap parameter for to use.
On Friday 08 November 2002 15:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>. . .
> Is this scenario completely crazy and out of reality or not??
>. . .
That's how I would do it, but I haven't had the opportunity to test this
concept IRL yet. Does anyone have a firsthand experience?
I have a question. How to make o redirection in XSP from one page to other
depeneding on some code in ? I tried and it doesn't work.
Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before pos
On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 10:48, Ryan Heise wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 09:44:39AM +0100, Joerg Heinicke wrote:
> > Hello Ryan,
> >
> > the error message is non-ambiguous: You created a non-valid web.xml.
> > Remove the changes you did and add the roles at the correct place
> > according to the D
Yes, the concept is very interesting.
It appears very clean and simple but the difficulty is now to translate it in
pipelines and Cocoon concepts.
So imagine that I would use Cocoon as front-end (FE) and java classes with database
mapping tool as backend (BE) instead of Cocoon
If I have underst
> Before I go tracking down the problem the hard way,
> can you tell me if
> these instructions are wrong?
I'm pretty sure you need a leading slash:
/WEB-INF/my.roles. I don't know whether this would
cause the specific error
I think some of the Jisp stuff may have been worked on
recently (not sure about that) so you may try doing a
cvs update.
As a quick experiment, you could try switching to the
plain file system store in cocoon.xconf.
Is this a fresh install?
Geoff Howard
--- Kyle Koss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(note: please use reply-to instead of creating new messages when replying, to
avoid breaking the message threads if possible)
>. . .
> HOW separate layers in Cocoon?? I have not enough experience
> in Cocoon to see the solution of the separation.
>. . .
Let me try to give a simple scenario where
And what can I do to disable cocoon's automatic file uploading? I want to
send files to cocoon but not to save them in disk
And another question about
http://outerthought.net/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=FileUploadWithAction I've seen
that the example uses
Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(obje
i played a little bit around and fihured out, that
i can get running two servlets at the same time.
With the following configuration:
BUT request seem only to get to the servlet then there
arn't any subdirs in requets path: For example
On Friday 08 November 2002 13:40, Ray Martin wrote:
>. . .
> But, ya know, it is just like i tell the folks that i work with - "You may
> have done the greatest things, but unless you can tell others (written)
> about what you have done - you have done nothing".
>. . .
Sure - we're all aware of th
Someone pointed out to me that Cocoon handles file uploading for you. I was
rather skeptical - but, i just tried it and it works.
On client machine, i used a browser and my form with an
enctype="multipart/form-data", an HTML INPUT tag of type file, and an HTML
INPUT of type submit.
Of cour
I tried to add another servlet to the cocoon webapp.
i found a HOWTO in the cocoon-wiki, but it doesn't
work (for me) as expected. I'm shure, the solution
to this is trivial, but i don't see it.
what i want to achieve:
I want to call a servlet and it's output shall be
placed into a pipeline
thanks for you help, but our implementation uses a SAX Transformer.
We evaluated Wings and decided to go our own way: I hate re-inventing the
wheel, but this time I deemed it necessary.
Best regards,
Luca Morandini
> -Messaggio originale-
> Da: Marcus Crafter [
Hi Luca,
Have you seen the WingsTransformer in 2.1 scratchpad ? It converts
xcml (over at Krysalis) chart markup to svg which you can then give
to svg2png/etc.
I'm using it at the moment and it works quite well for pie, line
and bar charts. Perhaps
On Friday 08 November 2002 10:48, Ryan Heise wrote:
> 1. edited one line of cocoon.xconf to read:
Yep, they're wrong, it should read:
A patch to the FAQ I submitted has been applied, but the change has not
yet propagated to the web pages, it see
Ludovic is right, ParameterSelector only works if you use
name="parameter-selector-test" as parameter. Take a look at the source code! What you
could do to solve the problem is writing the action return value by use of
SessionPropagatorAction into session and then use SessionAttributeSelector to
> //get the Action
> if(actionName.equalsIgnoreCase("EquipmentTypeAction")) {
>EquipmentTypeAction equipmentTypeAction = new EquipmentTypeAction();
>//add this action to the manager
>This is incorrect. It allows the equipmentTypeA
Iker Ametzaga wrote:
I've been using cocoon 2.0.2 with tomcat 3.3.1 correctly, but now I
can't run it. The tomcat shows this error on startup:
2002-11-07 13:11:24 - /cocoon: Exception in R( /cocoon + / + null) -
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/avalon/framework/logger/Logger
I've done that in a generator thing I've made at work, using plain
XMLReader factory (code is off course employers property - but I can
outline the solution)
Problem: you have a string of xml that you need to generate SAX events
from, the string could be anything like:
Because that one give me access to a request parameter and I need to get the
{page} value returned by my action to do the selection.
-Mensaje original-
De: Ludovic de Beaurepaire [mailto:ludovic.debeaurepaire@;axonie.com]
Enviado el: viernes, 08 de noviembre de 2002 11:01
Para: [EMA
On Thursday, Nov 7, 2002, at 16:19 Europe/London, Joerg Heinicke wrote:
normally this won't work. You create a Result Tree Fragment in
$colours and have to convert it to a node set using node-set()
extension function. This is not possible when using XSLTC.
Sorry for the red-herring!
I did n
I have the same type of need to produce SVG for barcodes. I have a String
code as parameter, and an external java module to produce graphic
informations. I will do it with an Action obtaining these informations as
java objects, a generator generating corresponding XML datas
(...) . A Styleshe
we're writing a Transformer to produce SVG (and JPEG/PNG optionally) charts.
The idea is having the chart description and associated data in XML as
input, transform them, ending up with a nice SVG to be serialized.
We're using a charting library which doesn't produce a SAX stream, but
In a generator I use flowing code within the generate()-Method. Maybe this
parser = (Parser)this.manager.lookup(Parser.ROLE);
parser.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(sb.toString(;
> Ludovic,
Sorry if it is NOK, but i didn't understand why you want to add XML datas in
the transformer instead of in your pipeline's generator ?
- Original Message -
From: "Luca Morandini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 11:11 AM
Subject: R:
I'm using a java client to interact with cocoon like this :
String query = "SrvImpCtx=1";
query += "&SrvImpNombreCopies=1";
query += "&SrvImpOrigine=1";
query += "&SrvImpTypeRequete=ENREGISTRER";
query += "&SrvImpNomPdf=1";
query += "&SrvImpUrlCallback=1";
query += "
thanks for your kind answer, but we are not in an XSP page (we're writing a
Transformer instead), hence, your suggestion is not truly useful to us.
Best regards,
Luca Morandini
> -Messaggio originale-
> Da: Ludovic de Beaurepaire [mailto:ludovic.debeaurepaire@
Try in a XSP the following, data is your xml string :
- Original Message -
From: "Luca Morandini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 10:55 AM
Subject: Strings to SAX events
> Folks,
> We're in the process of writing a Transformer, w
Why don't you use in you second test the 'parameter-selector-test' attribute
- Original Message -
From: "Josema Alonso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 9:23 AM
Subject: RE: nested map:select type="parameter" in sitemap are not workin
We're in the process of writing a Transformer, which, of course, outputs
events... but, in the midst of this stream , we need to insert an
XML element stored in a string.
To do this we're groping in the dark trying something like this:
JaxpParser respParser = new JaxpParser();
On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 09:44:39AM +0100, Joerg Heinicke wrote:
> Hello Ryan,
> the error message is non-ambiguous: You created a non-valid web.xml.
> Remove the changes you did and add the roles at the correct place
> according to the DTD.
Thanks for your reply..
Before I go tracking down the
Thank you Bertrand for your help.
I think that a cleanly separation between different layers is great. This was my first
idea and Cocoon should be the user interface layer. But HOW doing that??
HOW separate layers in Cocoon?? I have not enough experience in Cocoon to see the
solution of the sepa
I have a Cocoon application that provides a front-end to a reporting system, and some
of the reports take quite a while to run - in the order of 5-10 minutes. I need to
provide a feature whereby the user submits the report request and a screen appears
that polls the report every 10 seconds
On Friday 08 November 2002 10:15, Volker Schneider wrote:
> does anybody know how I can do a file upload using the html type="file" ../> tag?
This might help:
Dear colleagues,
does anybody know how I can do a file upload using the html tag?
Do you have an example pipeline?
What shall I do with the result?
Where can I get the content of the selected file from?
Thank you, best regards
- Volker -
Hello Ryan,
the error message is non-ambiguous: You created a non-valid web.xml.
Remove the changes you did and add the roles at the correct place
according to the DTD. The important snippet of it you can see in the
error message. If you need more information have a look into the servlet
Hi to all!
I sent this question with a help cry yesterday but nobody replied -:(((
Does the silence of the group mean that nobody has faced this problem so
Anyway, I'll try one more time.
My goal is to pass the parameters from an applet to cocoon with POST
method and receive a HTML Page bac
I understand why Cocoon disables the use of disable-output-escaping in XSLT.
However, in my current project, which involves parsing XML results from
Google containing escaped (and non-well-formed) HTML, I need to find a way
to disable output escaping for certain sections of text, perhaps based on
On 07.Nov.2002 -- 06:53 PM, Josema Alonso wrote:
> //get the Action
> if(actionName.equalsIgnoreCase("EquipmentTypeAction")) {
>EquipmentTypeAction equipmentTypeAction = new EquipmentTypeAction();
>//add this action to the manager
Thanks for your reply,
The parameter comes from the action. I tried accesing it as {../page} as you
suggests but it doesn't help either. Anyway i can see in the log the
parameter has the 'end' value when requesting the last page of the XMLForm
and it goes through the otherewise section while it sh
75 matches
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