I do,
but why can't I see them from the Ximian desktop?
Kevin Jones
On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 22:01, Mike Burger wrote:
> Once you're back to the Ximia login screen, you should see the shutdown
> and reboot options.
> On 3 Dec 2001, Kevin Jones wrote:
> > I've just installed RH 7.2 and then
I have recently found out the reason why I cannot get DHCP to work on my
It is because of my IPTables rc.firewall script. When I look through the
I cannot find a specific instance where ports 67 or 68 are blocked.
can anyone offer any advice
Many thanks
This mail was
Thanks Gordon
On Tuesday 04 December 2001 12:59, you wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Stephen Liu wrote:
> > What shall be the easy way (short cut) to upgrade the kernel of RH7.2 to
> > kernel 2.4.9-13 instead of going through the complete procedure starting
> > from tar ball. Is there a RP
Or this may be a better resource for you;
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Gordon Messmer
> Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 4:00 PM
> To:
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 09:21:44PM -0800, Steve Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Does anyone know what the maxium number
| of user one can assign in a group created in linux.
There isn't one, AFAIK, because what is actually used is the inverse of
that mapping.
| how can one organize the group fi
I want to switch to fvwm2 from kde. My machine just doesn't have the
ponies to run kde very well. I created a ~/.xinitrc with two lines:
exec fvwm2
It's still logging in to kde. I restarted X. The machine boots into
the kdm login screen. I choose "default" from the login
Hi guys,
How do you convert a linux timestamp (in a squid access.log for example) into
real human time?
Nevin Swan
Hotline Support Total IT Solutions
Network Engineer
Ph: 8904 9777 Fax: 8904 9666
Hash: SHA1
I have linux 2.4.8 compiled for support of the Amiga file system, and
partition format.
I can mount the disks just fine i.e. "mount -t affs /dev/sdb1 /disk". But
when running fdisk on /dev/sdb I cannot view the partition table, nor edit
Does anyone know what the maxium number
of user one can assign in a group created in linux.
how can one organize the group file to
add over 200 users in a group without
using one line. ie.
On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Stephen Liu wrote:
> What shall be the easy way (short cut) to upgrade the kernel of RH7.2 to
> kernel 2.4.9-13 instead of going through the complete procedure starting from
> tar ball. Is there a RPM ?
Yeah, check here http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/rh72-errata.html
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Stephen Liu wrote:
> I have following files RPMed
> kernel-enterprise-2.4.7-10.i686.rpm
> kernel-headers-2.4.7-10.i386.rpm
> kernel-smp-2.4.7-10.athlon.rpm
> At root
> rpm -- rebuild /mnt/floppy/alsa-driver-0.9.0beta9-1.72.1.src.rpm
And, like I said before, you need to
Hi Robert,
Thanks. It works now.
What will be "Red Hat Linux (2.4.7-10smp)" on the starting screen for ?
On Tuesday 04 December 2001 11:48, you wrote:
> Dear Steven,
> My grub is a little different from standard
> (because I downloaded the source), but anyway it
> looks to me
Thanks Richard
On Tuesday 04 December 2001 10:51, you wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Stephen Liu wrote:
> > What I expect is to check is the total partitions in a hard disc, what
> > format, ext2, ext3 or FAT32, etc. ?
> How about "fdisk -l", or maybe you want "df -T" ?
> Cheers
Hi All,
What shall be the easy way (short cut) to upgrade the kernel of RH7.2 to
kernel 2.4.9-13 instead of going through the complete procedure starting from
tar ball. Is there a RPM ?
Thanks in advance.
Stephen Liu
Redhat-list mailing
Dear Steven,
My grub is a little different from standard
(because I downloaded the source), but anyway it
looks to me like there are two reasons why you
can't boot Windows with your configuration. Consider:
> title DOS
>rootnoverify (hd0,4)
>chainloader +1
I would change this to:
Thanks to all who responded to my request for
info on how to set XFCE as my default desktop. It
seems that there is more than one way to do
it. After considering the various possibilities,
this is the one that I decided on:
Create a hidden file in my home directory named
.xinitrc containing a a s
After send user e-mails with return receipt, there is a error message :
- Transcript of session follows -
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... expanded to multiple addresses
procmail: Lock failure on "/var/spool/mail/manuel.remedios.lock"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Successfully delivered
So, can
> Harpreet Dhillon wrote:
> Hi All
> How I can mirror redhat update site on my server ?
> Thanks
> Harpreet
Which version of Red Hat are you using ?
Redhat-list mailing list
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Mark Neidorff wrote:
> Hi folks,
> A (simple?) procmail question.
> I have /etc/procmailrc send email to each user on my system and it is
> simple and worksmost of the time.
> When an email comes addressed to 2 users on the system, it is delivered to
> the first one
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 08:48:51PM -0500, Mark Neidorff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| I have /etc/procmailrc send email to each user on my system and it is
| simple and worksmost of the time.
| When an email comes addressed to 2 users on the system, it is delivered to
| the first one and no
On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Stephen Liu wrote:
> What I expect is to check is the total partitions in a hard disc, what
> format, ext2, ext3 or FAT32, etc. ?
How about "fdisk -l", or maybe you want "df -T" ?
Richard Potter RHCE
Kingston, ON CANADA
> Try: http://starbase.neosoft.com/~zkrr01/
> Regards, Hugh
That's the one. Thanks Hugh.
Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.
822 Rowley Road
Oakford W.A. 6121
+61 8 9397-1040
ABN: 33 635 238 024
Redhat-list maili
Can someone tell me what this is in RedHat.
Purpose, wher to find some docs.
Redhat-list mailing list
Hi Statux,
Thanks for your response.
What I expect is to check is the total partitions in a hard disc, what
format, ext2, ext3 or FAT32, etc. ?
Thanks in advance.
Stephen Liu
At 08:33 PM 12/3/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Assuming you're using ext2:
># fsck.ext2 -f /dev/hda5
>where /dev/
Hi folks,
A (simple?) procmail question.
I have /etc/procmailrc send email to each user on my system and it is
simple and worksmost of the time.
When an email comes addressed to 2 users on the system, it is delivered to
the first one and not to the second (makes sense now that I think of
> -Original Message-
> Edward Dekkers Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 4:11 PM
> >From what I remember (this was a while ago) we used NetTerm for this. It
> should still be around *SOMEWHERE* on the net. It was free for
> non-commercial use at the time.
Try: http://starbase.neosoft.c
Assuming you're using ext2:
# fsck.ext2 -f /dev/hda5
where /dev/hda5 is the partition you're checking. The partition must NOT
be mounted when doing any checking. If you're looking to check root, then
I dunno. You prolly have to set something either in the filesystem header
and then reboot, or
Hi All People,
What command to be used to check the partition of a hard disc ?
Stephen Liu
Redhat-list mailing list
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for your response.
The problem is now solved. After contacting the ISP, the trick is I should
use full email address as login, such as [EMAIL PROTECTED] not "abc".
One thing I could not understand is "Outlook Express" and "Eudora" work
with "abc"
Stephen Liu
Thanks Mike,
At 11:37 PM 12/3/2001 +, you wrote:
>On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 19:49, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> >
> > I no longer have the original post, but for those who do not remember, it
> > was about the failure to get K
I am talking abt Netscape 6.2 and although its better, Kconquerer is better
in terms of display...
mike wrote:
On Sun, 2001-12-02 at 17:36, Duane Clark wrote:
On Monday 03 December 2001 04:50 am, ethan wrote: > Is there any reason why my Netscape fonts and Kconquere
On Sun, 2001-12-02 at 17:36, Duane Clark wrote:
> On Monday 03 December 2001 04:50 am, ethan wrote:
> > Is there any reason why my Netscape fonts and Kconquerer display fonts
> > seem different for the same webpage despite my having installted
> > windows fonts and if so, is there a way to ensu
>From what I remember (this was a while ago) we used NetTerm for this. It
should still be around *SOMEWHERE* on the net. It was free for
non-commercial use at the time.
Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.
822 Rowley Road
Oakford W.A. 6121
+61 8 9397-1040
ABN: 33 635
On Dec 3, 2001, 16:53 (+0800) Edward Dekkers wrote:
> > I need to manage automatics time syncing (GMT +1). I think about 1 hour
> > checking for correct time in CRONTAB.
> > HOW TO DO IT???
> man ntpdate
> man hwclock
... especially hwclock ... the very latest version runs (at least as
far as
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 02:32:40PM -0500, Ezra Nugroho wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is any package/library that I need to install to
> make it fast?
Taken from /usr/games/chromium/data/doc/faq.htm:
Q: The game runs very slowly. Why?
A: Chromium absolutely requires hardware acceleration
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 01:44:45AM -0500, David Kramer wrote:
: -This is NOT for gaming, but I want high-res X with excellent font
: legibility.
: -Under $100 ok, under $70 better
: -Prolly want 32MB for greater color depth
The Nvidia GeForce 2MX cards are very good, and cheap.
I saw sever
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:39:26PM +, Jack Byers wrote:
> It did overwrite XF86Config which might not be a prob,
> might work w/o change
>I havent tested restarting X yet,
>looking for my corni monitor specs
Good idea. You can re-create this file by running Xconfigurator.
> I am n
On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 19:49, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I no longer have the original post, but for those who do not remember, it
> was about the failure to get Kmail or fetchmail to download from a POP3
> account that works with Eudora and O
Hash: SHA1
Lyn wrote:
>I'm having a problem printing from any of the K office applications to my
>jet direct printer. I can print from any other application. No errors
>appear and the print queue shows no jobs pending.
>Anyone experience this or have a work
I'm having a problem printing from any of the K office applications to my
jet direct printer. I can print from any other application. No errors
appear and the print queue shows no jobs pending.
Anyone experience this or have a work around?
Once you're back to the Ximia login screen, you should see the shutdown
and reboot options.
On 3 Dec 2001, Kevin Jones wrote:
> I've just installed RH 7.2 and then installed Ximian Gnome over the top.
> When I had jsut 7.2 (and Gnome) I could select System..Log Out and get
> the option of Lo
I've just installed RH 7.2 and then installed Ximian Gnome over the top.
When I had jsut 7.2 (and Gnome) I could select System..Log Out and get
the option of Logout/Reboot/Shutdown. Now with Ximian installed I only
get the LogOut option. I can still run shutdown and reboot from the
console (as a
Hash: SHA1
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Robert Storey wrote:
>Rather than Gnome or KDE, my desktop of choice is
>XFCE (it's superfast - if you'd like to try it,
>it's on the Redhat Powertools CD).
>My problem - I can't seem to make XFCE the
>default desktop. The switch
Hash: SHA1
I no longer have the original post, but for those who do not remember, it
was about the failure to get Kmail or fetchmail to download from a POP3
account that works with Eudora and Outlook Express. The Kmail error
message, the verbose fetchmail outpu
Hash: SHA1
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Linux wrote:
>Try this in you CRON tab file
>30 */6 * * * root /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u time-a.nist.gov
>updates every 6 hours and even reports to /var/spool/mail/root
>it works fo me!
That server is one of the top NTP servers in th
Hash: SHA1
On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, ethan wrote:
>Tried that and got:
>[root@Echelon dev]# ntpdate -u time-a.nist.gov
> 4 Dec 17:36:42 ntpdate[1976]: no server suitable for synchronization found
>Is it my firewall ?
Most likely, yes.
- --
Anthony E. Greene
Hash: SHA1
On 3 Dec 2001, mike wrote:
>On Sat, 2001-12-01 at 14:47, Stephen Liu wrote:
>> Hi All People,
>> REDHAT 7.2
>> I tried 2 weeks but could not make Kmail connected to ISP mail server to
>> download emails via broadband. The cable is permanent
Hash: SHA1
Anthony E. Greene wrote:
>On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Petr Jerabek wrote:
>>I need to manage automatics time syncing (GMT +1). I think about 1 hour
>>checking for correct time in CRONTAB.
>NTP is the best, run as a daemon. Look for the nt
At 01:38 PM 12/3/01 -0600, you wrote:
>On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 09:27:51AM -0800, Ben Ocean wrote:
> > At 11:09 AM 12/3/01 -0600, you wrote:
> > >On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:20:39AM -0800, Ben Ocean wrote:
> > > > I have an older version of python being called from /usr/bin/python
> that I
> > > >
Hello Mark,
Nope those are defaults that are included. See the readme
-Original Message-
From: Mark Lo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 5:36 PM
Subject: Am I being Hacked !!!
Hi All,
I have found something strange
Error while initializing sound driver:
device /dev/dsp can't be opened (Device or resource busy)
The sound server will continue, using the null output device.
Can someone tell me how to fix this? (this happens
often when i login as either root or user)
Also, could it be related to my RH system
We've had a problem with our web server twice in the last month.
Suddenly the machine stops responding to remote access (http, ssh, ftp,
even ping). In order to solve the problem, we logged on to the console
and rebooted the server.
/var/log/messages shows a lot of lines like these:
kernel: dst
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 11:35:50PM +0800, Mark Lo wrote:
> Hi All,
>I have found something strange symbolic link at
> /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt. They are as follows:
> lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 19 May 23 2001 0cf14d7d.0 ->
> snakeoil-ca-dsa.crt
> lrwxrwxrwx1 root
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:55:17AM -0800, Jack Bowling wrote:
> ** Reply to message from ethan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mon, 03 Dec 2001 19:15:10
> > oh sorry: checked in var/log/messages and got the same thing:
> >
> > Dec 3 19:13:11 Echelon ntpdate[1939]: no server suitable for
> > syn
On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 05:38:59PM +0800, ethan wrote:
> Tried that and got:
> [root@Echelon dev]# ntpdate -u time-a.nist.gov
> 4 Dec 17:36:42 ntpdate[1976]: no server suitable for synchronization found
> Is it my firewall ?
Probably. Are you allowing port 123/tcp and 123/udp through?
On Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 08:59:49PM +, Jack Byers wrote:
> >
> > Well I was trying to back up my /etc dir of my 5.2 sys byers
> > by copying it over to a subdir under a username on my 6.2 sys corni
> > I used ftp as root and thot i had the right syntax
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 09:27:51AM -0800, Ben Ocean wrote:
> At 11:09 AM 12/3/01 -0600, you wrote:
> >On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:20:39AM -0800, Ben Ocean wrote:
> > > I have an older version of python being called from /usr/bin/python that I
> > > want to update to the newer version. Both are inst
I remember that there was a thread in this list about Chromium being slow
even in an able box, and that the conclussion was that it needs 3d accelerator.
Well, I install 7.2 on 2 machines with 3D accelerator on both. One of them
has Matrox G200 that runs Chromium fast on other machine.
So it se
Hash: SHA1
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Petr Jerabek wrote:
>I need to manage automatics time syncing (GMT +1). I think about 1 hour
>checking for correct time in CRONTAB.
NTP is the best, run as a daemon. Look for the ntp RPM. You can also run
I need to be able to map the "F" keys to text commands followed by the enter
key. For instance the F1 key needs to send the command TOP followed by the
enter key, in to the session.
I've tried the following
#]infocmp > textfile
added entry kf1=TOP\13
then used
#]tic -e vt220 textfile
I can see
On Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 01:00:03AM -0800, Harpreet Dhillon wrote:
> How I can mirror redhat update site on my server ?
If you're a serious updater, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] If it's just for
personal use, look at packages like fmirror.
Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
I'm in a bit of a pickle... One of our servers crashed a few days ago and I
have been unable to boot it up since. when I boot linux from LILO, here's
where it gets funky:
Loading default keymap/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit /dev/null Read-only filesystem
Setting default fonts[OK]
Hi All
How I can mirror redhat update
site on my server ?
At 11:09 AM 12/3/01 -0600, you wrote:
>On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:20:39AM -0800, Ben Ocean wrote:
> > I have an older version of python being called from /usr/bin/python that I
> > want to update to the newer version. Both are installed and operational.
> > How do I proceed?
>rpm -qf /usr/bin/py
I have a RH 7.1 box which is my DNS server. I would like to secure it so that only 2
ports are open – SSH and DOMAIN. I
would also like to be able to send outbound mail only (not receive). This is all the services that I need on that
box. What is the best way to approach
this? I am tol
i need badtrans.b procmailrc formula please.
i have tried modifying an old formula from the nimda virus
but it fails to work. i am running postfix on rh6.2.
Redhat-list mailing list
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Robert Canary wrote:
> Hyperterm is telnet not PPP.
I do understand that, thanks. That probably wasn't a very useful test.But
i'm trying to determine why ppp is not working. I thought it would help
shed some light on the problem.
How can I simulate the win client side of t
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:20:39AM -0800, Ben Ocean wrote:
> I have an older version of python being called from /usr/bin/python that I
> want to update to the newer version. Both are installed and operational.
> How do I proceed?
rpm -qf /usr/bin/python. That will tell you which package this
Hello all,
I'm trying to get an apache virtual host set up on Red Hat 7.0, and I really
don't know where to start. I have written a cgi application, called oncall,
that I want to make easy to access via a browser. Right now to access the
application, you have to type in the full URL, which is:
First, try "service iptables start"
This will actually start the iptables firewall.
Then, try "chkconfig iptables on"
This will instruct the system to start iptables on bootup.
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, hari_bhr wrote:
> hi all gurus
> iam trying to deploy ip tables with Squid as a transparent
I have to connect via telnet with my PC running RH7.1 to a SCO-Unix
OpenServer machine using my LAN. Does "xterm" emulate a
"SCO-ANSI" terminal or is there a terminal emulator program that supports
that emulation ?
Thanks for help (sorry for OT).
ATI Expert 2000 is a decent card, 32 mb, has on board DVD (Standard for all
ATI cards) and all for around $45, the only downside is the AGP x2. You can
pick one up at www.lsmicro.com I'm running one in 7.1, works great.
You can also pick up the Radeon 7200, 64 MB of ram, DVD of course, and x4
- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
- Transcript of session follows -
554 5.0.0 MX list for piaggio.ccii.unipi.it. points back to
554 5.3.5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Local configuration
What does it
** Reply to message from Jasper Jans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mon, 03 Dec 2001 13:46:17
+0100 (MET)
> On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, ethan managed to produce:
> | oh sorry: checked in var/log/messages and got the same thing:
> |
> | Dec 3 19:13:11 Echelon ntpdate[1939]: no server suitable for
> | synchr
** Reply to message from ethan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mon, 03 Dec 2001 19:15:10
> oh sorry: checked in var/log/messages and got the same thing:
> Dec 3 19:13:11 Echelon ntpdate[1939]: no server suitable for
> synchronization found
> so where did I go wrong ?? pls ignore my previou
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Mike Burger wrote:
> It's not a problem.
> The Xircom NIC is a PCMCIA card. The initial eth0 initialization can't
> see it, because the PCMCIA drivers haven't yet been loaded. Once the
> PCMCIA drivers load, they see the NIC, and realize that it is a NIC...at
> which point
Hi All,
I have found something strange symbolic link at
/usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt. They are as follows:
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 19 May 23 2001 0cf14d7d.0 ->
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 16 May 23 2001 5d8360e1.0 ->
Title: RE: problem with IPTABLES
You need to specify the -t so . "iptables -t nat -nL"
-Original Message-
From: hari_bhr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 December 2001 04:41
Subject: problem with IPTABLES
hi all gurus
iam trying to dep
I have an older version of python being called from /usr/bin/python that I
want to update to the newer version. Both are installed and operational.
How do I proceed?
Redhat-list mailing list
hi all gurus
iam trying to deploy ip tables with Squid as a transparent cache
i was working with ipcahins well
i want to migrate from ipchains to iptables so
i have disable ipcahins and enable iptable
and made the following rule
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j
Hyperterm is telnet not PPP.
> On Sun, 2 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Has anyone run into this? Before upgrading, this 6.2 box had a working
> > dialin setup -
> >
> > But!! Dialin no longer works. At the point I see "user julia logged in" on
> > the server
I've been using ntsysv on RH7 and suddenly it's stopped working. I get the
ntsysv no longer works: it comes up with this message:
Error reading from directory /etc/rc.d/init.d: No such file or directory.
It's not a real problem as I can do it manually it's just a bit of a pain.
So any id
My setup works fine for whole *.text files but not for some highlighted portion
of the text in a terminal. I need this very often. It works well in Solaris.
Does anyone know how to do this (please indicate which terminal you use).
Refer to www.sendmail.org
Kind regards,
-Original Message-From:
Pramod Krishna K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To:
lunes 3 de diciembre de 2001 15:22Subject: sendmail
Can anyone t
try this website :
Pramod Krishna K wrote:
009b01c17c05$ca3d72f0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
Can anyone tell me where can I get the
deatils for configuring sendmail on Redhat linux.
Which site can i refer to get these details.
Can anyone tell me where can I get the deatils for
configuring sendmail on Redhat linux.
Which site can i refer to get these
Thanks in advance,
The Information contained and transmitted by this E-MAIL is proprietary to Wipro
and/or its Customer and is intended
for us
Hash: SHA1
On Monday 03 December 2001 5:02 am, you wrote:
> What is the BEST daemon for anonymous FTP (I`m using RH 7.2)?
I use NCFTP (http://www.ncftp.com) but its not free. The freebie version
can only handle 3 simultanious logins but that's good en
On Sat, 2001-12-01 at 14:47, Stephen Liu wrote:
> Hi All People,
> REDHAT 7.2
> I tried 2 weeks but could not make Kmail connected to ISP mail server to
> download emails via broadband. The cable is permanently connected to the
> PC. Starting Linux, broadband is automatically connected.
does anyone know if the LVM support is planned in anaconda installation program ?
Is there any patch available ?
Redhat-list mailing list
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, ethan managed to produce:
| oh sorry: checked in var/log/messages and got the same thing:
| Dec 3 19:13:11 Echelon ntpdate[1939]: no server suitable for
| synchronization found
| so where did I go wrong ?? pls ignore my previous post many thanks...
Can be one of two
On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 00:44, David Kramer wrote:
> I'm looking for a video card for my latest linux box, and the hardware
> support pages are driving (no pun intended) me crazy, because there's
> seven variations of each video card name. I see lots of conflicting
> data on Radeon and other ATI ca
Anti-aliased font support was only recently added to Mozilla and is
expected to show up in the next version of Netscape.
> On Monday 03 December 2001 04:50 am, ethan wrote:
> > Is there any reason why my Netscape fonts and Kconquerer display fonts
> > seem diff
HelloThe tape drive HP Surestore T20 could be properly
installed and whilerunning the commandmt -f
/dev/st0 rewind, the following error msg is obtained : -/dev/st0 :
Input/Output error.The same error is obtained when another tape is
inserted in the drive.Kindly
It's not a problem.
The Xircom NIC is a PCMCIA card. The initial eth0 initialization can't
see it, because the PCMCIA drivers haven't yet been loaded. Once the
PCMCIA drivers load, they see the NIC, and realize that it is a NIC...at
which point, they initialize eth0 for you.
This is the cor
On Monday 03 December 2001 02:30 am, you wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm new to Redhat, though I've been using SuSE
> for the past two years.
> Rather than Gnome or KDE, my desktop of choice is
> XFCE (it's superfast - if you'd like to try it,
> it's on the Redhat Powertools CD).
> My problem - I can
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:11:24PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> What file name must I download ?
In ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/OpenSSH/portable/rpm/SRPMS/,
download openssh-3.0.2p1-1.src.rpm and do what the README in the
parent directory says.
oh sorry: checked in var/log/messages and got the same thing:
Dec 3 19:13:11 Echelon ntpdate[1939]: no server suitable for
synchronization found
so where did I go wrong ?? pls ignore my previous post many thanks...
Jasper Jans wrote:
>On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, ethan managed to produce:
>| o
now if you can just enlighten me if 1) I did the correct thing, 2) where
to find the output of the logs ?? Many thanks
Jasper Jans wrote:
>On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, ethan managed to produce:
>| ok guys, I am trying this:
>| ntpdate -s ntp.ucsd.edu ns.scruz.net ntp1.cs.wisc.edu
>ntpdate -s
Emmanuel Seyman wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 10:46:31AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > My system is Red Hat 6.2...
> > So, how can I use ssh telnet ?
> Get the rpms from ftp.openbsd.com and install them on the machine.
> Fire up the server if you want to ssh to the machine.
> Ju
hey Robert ,
You Wrote:
My problem - I can't seem to make XFCE the
default desktop. The switchdesk tool does not
include an option for XFCE. Under SuSE there is
an environment variable called $WINDOWMANAGER,
but I can find no evidence of its existence in
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