Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-07 Thread Bert Van Vreckem
John Chambers wrote:
[...]  One of the ongoing challenges with my Tune Finder has
been handling ABC embedded inside HTML.  This is not a good idea,  of
course, but you can't stop people from doing it.  One of the frequent
ways that people do this includes indenting all the ABC to match  the
indentation  of  the HTML tags.  It looks fine on the screen, because
HTML renderers ignore such white space.  I've found one site that has
all its ABC done this way.  (I won't name them, to protect the guilty
- and clueless.  ;-)
Don't protect them. Educate them! ;)

Bert Van Vreckem
Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-07 Thread John Chambers
Bert Van Vreckem writes:
| John Chambers wrote:
|  [...]  One of the ongoing challenges with my Tune Finder has
|  been handling ABC embedded inside HTML.  This is not a good idea,  of
|  course, but you can't stop people from doing it.  One of the frequent
|  ways that people do this includes indenting all the ABC to match  the
|  indentation  of  the HTML tags.  It looks fine on the screen, because
|  HTML renderers ignore such white space.  I've found one site that has
|  all its ABC done this way.  (I won't name them, to protect the guilty
|  - and clueless.  ;-)
| Don't protect them. Educate them! ;)

Well, yes and no.  When people ask for advice on how to  make  things
work better with tools like mine, I'll make some suggestions. But one
of the useful things about the web is that you are free to  put  your
site  together  however  you  like, without regard for any stranger's
advice on how to do it right.  This makes for a bit of a mess, but it
also  allows  people  to invent interesting things that wouldn't have
ever appeared if we all had to follow someone else's rules.

And some people don't want their site indexed by a  site  like  mine.
There  is  even  a  conventional  method (in the robots.txt file) for
telling web searchers to stay away, which my search  program  honors.
There's  an  intermediate  level  of  people  who  want  their  sites
accessible via browser but not other kinds of web software. I may not
like  it  when  people  do  this, but I have to admit that it's their
right to do so.

I've seen the this attitude from a number of site owners.   A  common
reaction to suggestions like The ABC tunes inside your web pages are
difficult for software to extract is to say All you have to  do  is
cut and paste to your ABC app's window. There's not much you can say
in response to this, because it's usually true.  And  this  makes  it
clear  that the person really does want you to do extract the tune by
hand, not by using a tool that automates the task.

There are also a number of sites  whose  owners  don't  want  you  to
download  just one tune.  This is basically what my Tune Finder does,
of course, and I know of a couple of sites that have taken  steps  to
explicitly interfere with this. Again, it's their right to do so. (In
a couple of cases, I've given them advice on how to do it.  ;-)

OTOH, when you put something on the web, it's well within the  rights
of  people like me to attempt to read it and do something useful with
it.  So sites that do things like putting ABC inside HTML (and  maybe
indenting it) can be taken as an interesting technical challenge.

The growing need to include HTML parsers in every program  does  make
life  difficult for software developers, though.  Especially when you
consider all the bad HTML out there from some of the  commercial  web
site  development  packages.   Your  parser  has  to  not just handle
standard HTML, but also Microsoft HTML.

(Gotta get in the traditional anti-MS bash, y'know. ;-)

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-06 Thread Christian M. Cepel
I had not considered using separate voicing for chords.   Thanks.

Regarding lining up barlines...  I had thought that spaces in position 0 
on a line were illegal.
IE, the # here

fe|d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2e2 egfe|
###d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
Either way, I'm going to use your examples to go back and reformat many 
tunes.  Thanks.


Jack Campin wrote:

There's a few things that prove to be making reading ABC on the fly
a real difficult task.
I wonder what other people feel about my stumbling stones.

1. inline chords. Flotsom floating down midstream making navigation

Yes, better to put them in a separate voice if possible.


2. spacing on either side of barlines...  this actually is a very
helpful deliniation for me...  the problem arises with the numbered
repeats |1 and :|2...  all the programs I've tried only recognize
these 'tokens' provided they do not have those spaces I like so much
for readability | 1 aBc aBc :| 2 abc abc |

No.  Barlines are far less obtrusive if you align your source properly,
and taking three characters to express each one can soon run you out of
columns in attempting to align a complicated piece.  Any readability
problem with this?
T:The Rose Tree
fe|d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2e2 egfe|
  d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
de|f2e2 f2g2|a2ba g2f2|e2b2 b2a2|b2e2 egfe|
  d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
and if you want repeats, this is more readable than your way, as the
[1 notation says clearly what the numeral is for and you only use one
way of expressing the repeat boundary rather than two depending on
where in the bar the repeat starts:
T:The Rose Tree
fe|d2B2 A2F2|   A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2e2 egfe|
  d2B2 A2F2|   A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
de|f2e2 f2g2|   a2ba g2f2|e2b2 b2a2|b2e2 egfe|
  d2B2 A2F2|[1 A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
[2 ABAF A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 |]
Though usually you'd write this instead, making the repeat unit a more
meaningful piece of musical structure:
T:The Rose Tree
fe|d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2e2 egfe|
  d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
de|f2e2 f2g2|a2ba g2f2|e2b2 b2a2|b2e2 egfe|
[1 d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
[2 d2B2 A2F2|ABAF A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 |]
And it's usually easier to find a reasonable staff notation layout for
20 bars than is for 19, e.g,. for five bars to a line:
T:The Rose Tree
fe|d2B2 A2F2| A4   A2AB| d4   e2de| f2e2 egfe|\
  d2B2 A2F2|!A4   A2AB| d4   e2de| f2d2 d2 :|\
de|f2e2 f2g2| a2ba g2f2|!e2b2 b2a2| b2e2 egfe|\
[1 d2B2 A2F2| A4   A2AB| d4   e2de|!f2d2 d2 :|\
[2 d2B2 A2F2| ABAF A2AB| d4   e2de| f2d2 d2 |]
Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
-- off-list mail to j-c rather than abc at this site, please --
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Christian Marcus Cepel| And the wrens have returned 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] icq:12384980  | are nesting; In the hollow of
371 Crown Point, Columbia, MO | that oak where his heart once
65203-2202 573.999.2370   | had been; And he lifts up his
Computer Support Specialist, Sr.  | arms in a blessing; For being
University of Missouri - Columbia | born again.--Rich Mullins
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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-06 Thread Christian M. Cepel
What?  No xhtml compliance?
p /
John Chambers wrote:

  Neil Jennings writes:
 MusicXML is plain text, just as all the markup languages are, but that
 doesn't mean you don't have to decode it.
 Can you decode even simple HTML by just reading it?.
 MusicXML needs to be read along with the DTD.
  Well, yes, that's technically true.   HTML  was  intended  to  be  a
  simple, unobtrusive markup that wouldn't interfere with readability.
  I like to illustrate this by adding HTML to my message,  which  I'll
  do now .
  But  most  of the HTML you see in email is utterly unreadable by the
  typical human.  We can expect that most  MusicXML  will  be  similar
  computer gibberish.  Neither could be remotely called plain text.
  Of course, it's easy to find ABC that's nearly as unreadable.
  (Maybe  we  should  refer  ABC newbies to Jack Campin for lessons in
  making readable ABC.  ;-)
  I hope the list server doesn't strip out this HTML ...
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Christian Marcus Cepel| And the wrens have returned 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] icq:12384980  | are nesting; In the hollow of
371 Crown Point, Columbia, MO | that oak where his heart once
65203-2202 573.999.2370   | had been; And he lifts up his
Computer Support Specialist, Sr.  | arms in a blessing; For being
University of Missouri - Columbia | born again.--Rich Mullins
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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-06 Thread John Chambers
Christian M. Cepel writes:
| What?  No xhtml compliance?
| p /

Nah; HTML 0.9.  ;-)

| John Chambers wrote:
| html
|Neil Jennings writes:
|   MusicXML is plain text, just as all the markup languages are, but that
|   doesn't mean you don't have to decode it.
|   Can you decode even simple HTML by just reading it?.
|   MusicXML needs to be read along with the DTD.
| p
|Well, yes, that's technically true.   HTML  was  intended  to  be  a
|simple, unobtrusive markup that wouldn't interfere with readability.
|I like to illustrate this by adding HTML to my message,  which  I'll
|do now .
| p
|But  most  of the HTML you see in email is utterly unreadable by the
|typical human.  We can expect that most  MusicXML  will  be  similar
|computer gibberish.  Neither could be remotely called plain text.
| p
|Of course, it's easy to find ABC that's nearly as unreadable.
| p
|(Maybe  we  should  refer  ABC newbies to Jack Campin for lessons in
|making readable ABC.  ;-)
| p
|I hope the list server doesn't strip out this HTML ...
| /html
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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-06 Thread Jack Campin
Regarding lining up barlines...  I had thought that spaces in position 0 
on a line were illegal.
IE, the # here

fe|d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2e2 egfe|
###d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|

No, they're fine by all standards since 1.5 at least - nor, as far as
I know, has any ABC software ever had a problem with them in practice.

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
-- off-list mail to j-c rather than abc at this site, please --

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-06 Thread Phil Taylor
On 6 Apr 2004, at 21:10, Jack Campin wrote:

Regarding lining up barlines...  I had thought that spaces in 
position 0
on a line were illegal.
IE, the # here

fe|d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2e2 egfe|
###d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
No, they're fine by all standards since 1.5 at least - nor, as far as
I know, has any ABC software ever had a problem with them in practice.
Provided, that is that the line doesn't start with a field letter.  A
space before a non-inline field is illegal.
Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-06 Thread John Chambers
Phil Taylor writes:
| On 6 Apr 2004, at 21:10, Jack Campin wrote:
|  Regarding lining up barlines...  I had thought that spaces in
|  position 0
|  on a line were illegal.
|  IE, the # here
|  fe|d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2e2 egfe|
|  ###d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
|  No, they're fine by all standards since 1.5 at least - nor, as far as
|  I know, has any ABC software ever had a problem with them in practice.
| Provided, that is that the line doesn't start with a field letter.  A
| space before a non-inline field is illegal.

Funny thing is that I've been lately working  on  handling  ABC  that
does just this. One of the ongoing challenges with my Tune Finder has
been handling ABC embedded inside HTML.  This is not a good idea,  of
course, but you can't stop people from doing it.  One of the frequent
ways that people do this includes indenting all the ABC to match  the
indentation  of  the HTML tags.  It looks fine on the screen, because
HTML renderers ignore such white space.  I've found one site that has
all its ABC done this way.  (I won't name them, to protect the guilty
- and clueless.  ;-)

My situation right now is that there are  some  such  tunes  that  my
search  bot  can  recognize, but they aren't always recognized by the
code that the Finder uses to extract a tune from a page.  So you  can
see  a tune listed, and then when you try to get it, you're told that
it's not there.

This web stuff isn't always easy.

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-02 Thread Jack Campin
 There's a few things that prove to be making reading ABC on the fly
 a real difficult task.

 I wonder what other people feel about my stumbling stones.

 1. inline chords. Flotsom floating down midstream making navigation

Yes, better to put them in a separate voice if possible.

 2. spacing on either side of barlines...  this actually is a very
 helpful deliniation for me...  the problem arises with the numbered
 repeats |1 and :|2...  all the programs I've tried only recognize
 these 'tokens' provided they do not have those spaces I like so much
 for readability | 1 aBc aBc :| 2 abc abc |

No.  Barlines are far less obtrusive if you align your source properly,
and taking three characters to express each one can soon run you out of
columns in attempting to align a complicated piece.  Any readability
problem with this?

T:The Rose Tree
fe|d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2e2 egfe|
   d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
de|f2e2 f2g2|a2ba g2f2|e2b2 b2a2|b2e2 egfe|
   d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|

and if you want repeats, this is more readable than your way, as the
[1 notation says clearly what the numeral is for and you only use one
way of expressing the repeat boundary rather than two depending on
where in the bar the repeat starts:

T:The Rose Tree
fe|d2B2 A2F2|   A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2e2 egfe|
   d2B2 A2F2|   A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
de|f2e2 f2g2|   a2ba g2f2|e2b2 b2a2|b2e2 egfe|
   d2B2 A2F2|[1 A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
 [2 ABAF A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 |]

Though usually you'd write this instead, making the repeat unit a more
meaningful piece of musical structure:

T:The Rose Tree
fe|d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2e2 egfe|
   d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
de|f2e2 f2g2|a2ba g2f2|e2b2 b2a2|b2e2 egfe|
[1 d2B2 A2F2|A4   A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 :|
[2 d2B2 A2F2|ABAF A2AB|d4   e2de|f2d2 d2 |]

And it's usually easier to find a reasonable staff notation layout for
20 bars than is for 19, e.g,. for five bars to a line:

T:The Rose Tree
fe|d2B2 A2F2| A4   A2AB| d4   e2de| f2e2 egfe|\
   d2B2 A2F2|!A4   A2AB| d4   e2de| f2d2 d2 :|\
de|f2e2 f2g2| a2ba g2f2|!e2b2 b2a2| b2e2 egfe|\
[1 d2B2 A2F2| A4   A2AB| d4   e2de|!f2d2 d2 :|\
[2 d2B2 A2F2| ABAF A2AB| d4   e2de| f2d2 d2 |]

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
-- off-list mail to j-c rather than abc at this site, please --

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-01 Thread John Chambers
P J Headford comments:
| Just a reminder ...
| ABC is not just a computer thing.
| I know quite a few musicians who can play you the tune from the ABC
| notation.

This is worth repeating periodically as a reminder of  one  of  ABC's
main  features.  One example from last year: I got email from someone
saying that their daughter wanted to  learn  a  tune  for  a  musical
contest,  and  it was available online, but they were having problems
getting software to convert it to readable music.  I recommended that
she  learn  to read the ABC directly, and sent a brief description of
how ABC works.  A day or so later, I got another message saying  that
she had learned the tune from the ABC and was busy practicing.

One of the benefits of any plain-text data format is that  you  don't
necessarily  need  any  fancy tools to read it.  Plain text does work
against the fancy formatting, fonts, etc.  that you can get with more
complex  tools.  But if you just want the information, plain text can
be a lot better than the fancier formats.

Of course, there's a lot of ABC that's poorly formatted and difficult
to read, justasreadingruntogetherEnglishtextwouldbe. But that's not a
problem with ABC itself.

| Also, when I'm in a session and someone plays a tune I'd like to remember,
| I can simply note down the first few bars in ABC more quickly (and more
| legibly) in ABC than stave notation.

If you look up Chris Walshaw's story on how he invented  ABC,  you'll
see that this was exactly where he started.  He was familiar with TeX
and MusicTeX, and it occurred to him that a simple  translator  could
turn  his  alphabetic  notation  into music notation.  The result was
abc2mtex.  But the original form of ABC was handwritten music.

| From what is being said on the list, I gather MusicXML would not have this
| interface to the real world.

MusicXML is intended as a computer-friendly music notation.  It's not
at  all  a replacement or competitor for ABC.  The advent of powerful
word  processor  software  hasn't  eliminated  the  usefulness   of
plain-text  documents,  and  it's likely that ABC will continue to be
used despite all the powerful music software that's being developed.

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-01 Thread Richard Robinson
On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 03:33:01PM +, John Chambers wrote:
 P J Headford comments:
 | Just a reminder ...
 | ABC is not just a computer thing.
 This is worth repeating periodically as a reminder of  one  of  ABC's
 main  features
 One of the benefits of any plain-text data format is that  you  don't
 necessarily  need  any  fancy tools to read it.  Plain text does work
 against the fancy formatting, fonts, etc.  that you can get with more
 complex  tools.  But if you just want the information, plain text can
 be a lot better than the fancier formats.
 | From what is being said on the list, I gather MusicXML would not have this
 | interface to the real world.
 MusicXML is intended as a computer-friendly music notation.  It's not
 at  all  a replacement or competitor for ABC.

But it's still plaintext ? You could read it if you had to, but no-one
here would want to (by definition. It's an ABC list). Myself included.
Verbosity is not considered a drawback they say. Not what we want.

As the starter of this thread, I can only point out that I wasn't
proposing MusicXML as a competitor or a replacement for ABC, I was
proposing it as a complement. ABC is nicer for humans, xml is nicer for
machines. Since we do hand our tunes over to computers to do things
with, as well as writing them on the backs of envelopes, some things
might be nicer for them to do in xml, if we could get the ABC back from
it next time we want to interact with it directly.

Though, having gone further into investigating this, I'm getting
my original enthusiasm into perspective grin. XSLT makes it _really_
easy to parse notes (or anything else) out of musicxml, which is the
tricky bit for abc. But having done that, it's not easy to see what you
can do with it. Have W3C really given us a toy language with next to no
storage ? The only variable type is a scalar, and they can only be assiged
to on creation; nor can functions return values. Odd. I think I must be
missing some sort of mindset thing.

Richard Robinson
The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes - S. Lem

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-01 Thread Neil Jennings
MusicXML is plain text, just as all the markup languages are, but that 
doesn't mean you don't have to decode it.
Can you decode even simple HTML by just reading it?.
MusicXML needs to be read along with the DTD.

(By the way, I am slowly adding MusicXML export to HARMONY)

At 05:05 PM 4/1/04, you wrote:
On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 03:33:01PM +, John Chambers wrote:
 P J Headford comments:
 | Just a reminder ...
 | ABC is not just a computer thing.

 This is worth repeating periodically as a reminder of  one  of  ABC's
 main  features

 One of the benefits of any plain-text data format is that  you  don't
 necessarily  need  any  fancy tools to read it.  Plain text does work
 against the fancy formatting, fonts, etc.  that you can get with more
 complex  tools.  But if you just want the information, plain text can
 be a lot better than the fancier formats.

 | From what is being said on the list, I gather MusicXML would not 
have this
 | interface to the real world.

 MusicXML is intended as a computer-friendly music notation.  It's not
 at  all  a replacement or competitor for ABC.

But it's still plaintext ? You could read it if you had to, but no-one
here would want to (by definition. It's an ABC list). Myself included.
Verbosity is not considered a drawback they say. Not what we want.
As the starter of this thread, I can only point out that I wasn't
proposing MusicXML as a competitor or a replacement for ABC, I was
proposing it as a complement. ABC is nicer for humans, xml is nicer for
machines. Since we do hand our tunes over to computers to do things
with, as well as writing them on the backs of envelopes, some things
might be nicer for them to do in xml, if we could get the ABC back from
it next time we want to interact with it directly.
Though, having gone further into investigating this, I'm getting
my original enthusiasm into perspective grin. XSLT makes it _really_
easy to parse notes (or anything else) out of musicxml, which is the
tricky bit for abc. But having done that, it's not easy to see what you
can do with it. Have W3C really given us a toy language with next to no
storage ? The only variable type is a scalar, and they can only be assiged
to on creation; nor can functions return values. Odd. I think I must be
missing some sort of mindset thing.
Richard Robinson
The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes - S. Lem
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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-01 Thread Richard Robinson
On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 06:20:00PM +0100, Neil Jennings wrote:
 MusicXML is plain text, just as all the markup languages are, but that 
 doesn't mean you don't have to decode it.
 Can you decode even simple HTML by just reading it?.


Anything can be made hard to read if you have a machine generate it,
even ABC. But things are usually easier to read if they're written by
hand - html is, for certain.

 MusicXML needs to be read along with the DTD.

?? Try looking inside one, it's not often hard to see what things mean.

Richard Robinson
The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes - S. Lem

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-01 Thread John Chambers
   Neil Jennings writes:
  MusicXML is plain text, just as all the markup languages are, but that
  doesn't mean you don't have to decode it.
  Can you decode even simple HTML by just reading it?.
  MusicXML needs to be read along with the DTD.
   Well, yes, that's technically true.   HTML  was  intended  to  be  a
   simple, unobtrusive markup that wouldn't interfere with readability.
   I like to illustrate this by adding HTML to my message,  which  I'll
   do now .
   But  most  of the HTML you see in email is utterly unreadable by the
   typical human.  We can expect that most  MusicXML  will  be  similar
   computer gibberish.  Neither could be remotely called plain text.
   Of course, it's easy to find ABC that's nearly as unreadable.
   (Maybe  we  should  refer  ABC newbies to Jack Campin for lessons in
   making readable ABC.  ;-)
   I hope the list server doesn't strip out this HTML ...
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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-01 Thread Phil Taylor
On 1 Apr 2004, at 18:39, Richard Robinson wrote:

On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 06:20:00PM +0100, Neil Jennings wrote:
MusicXML is plain text, just as all the markup languages are, but that
doesn't mean you don't have to decode it.
Can you decode even simple HTML by just reading it?.

Anything can be made hard to read if you have a machine generate it,
even ABC. But things are usually easier to read if they're written by
hand - html is, for certain.

MusicXML needs to be read along with the DTD.
?? Try looking inside one, it's not often hard to see what things mean.
No, it's not difficult to understand, in fact you can pretty much guess
what most of it means, since everything is labelled.  The problem
is the sheer volume of text you have to wade through.  In abc, each
note occupies one or two characters, in MusicXML it occupies half a
page.  A page of music in MusicXML can take up 100K of text.  I found
it very difficult to debug my software because I was spending most of
my time wading through the MusicXML source looking for the specific
construct that was causing the problem.
Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-01 Thread Christian M. Cepel
With this in mind, I've been struggleing while editing ABC lately. 
I'm not real good at reading music or ABC on the fly due to learing
disability (latent cognition between reading and comprehending).

There's a few things that prove to be making reading ABC on the fly a
real difficult task.

I wonder what other people feel about my stumbling stones.

1. inline chords. Flotsom floating down midstream making navigation
2. spacing on either side of barlines...  this actually is a very
helpful deliniation for me...  the problem arises with the numbered
repeats |1 and :|2...  all the programs I've tried only recognize
these 'tokens' provided they do not have those spaces I like so much
for readability | 1 aBc aBc :| 2 abc abc |

anyone else struggle with these?

 P J Headford comments:
 | Just a reminder ...
 | ABC is not just a computer thing.
 | I know quite a few musicians who can play you the tune from the ABC
 | notation.

 This is worth repeating periodically as a reminder of  one  of  ABC's
 main  features.  One example from last year: I got email from someone
 saying that their daughter wanted to  learn  a  tune  for  a  musical
 contest,  and  it was available online, but they were having problems
 getting software to convert it to readable music.  I recommended that
 she  learn  to read the ABC directly, and sent a brief description of
 how ABC works.  A day or so later, I got another message saying  that
 she had learned the tune from the ABC and was busy practicing.

 One of the benefits of any plain-text data format is that  you  don't
 necessarily  need  any  fancy tools to read it.  Plain text does work
 against the fancy formatting, fonts, etc.  that you can get with more
 complex  tools.  But if you just want the information, plain text can
 be a lot better than the fancier formats.

 Of course, there's a lot of ABC that's poorly formatted and difficult
 to read, justasreadingruntogetherEnglishtextwouldbe. But that's not a
 problem with ABC itself.

 | Also, when I'm in a session and someone plays a tune I'd like to
 | I can simply note down the first few bars in ABC more quickly (and
 | legibly) in ABC than stave notation.

 If you look up Chris Walshaw's story on how he invented  ABC,  you'll
 see that this was exactly where he started.  He was familiar with TeX
 and MusicTeX, and it occurred to him that a simple  translator  could
 turn  his  alphabetic  notation  into music notation.  The result was
 abc2mtex.  But the original form of ABC was handwritten music.

 | From what is being said on the list, I gather MusicXML would not
 have this
 | interface to the real world.

 MusicXML is intended as a computer-friendly music notation.  It's not
 at  all  a replacement or competitor for ABC.  The advent of powerful
 word  processor  software  hasn't  eliminated  the  usefulness   of
 plain-text  documents,  and  it's likely that ABC will continue to be
 used despite all the powerful music software that's being developed.

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Christian Marcus Cepel | And the wrens have returned 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] icq:12384980 | are nesting; In the hollow of
371 Crown Point, Columbia, MO | that oak where his heart once
65203-2202 573.999.2370 | had been; And he lifts up his
Computer Support Specialist, Sr. | arms in a blessing; For being
University of Missouri - Columbia | born again. --Rich Mullins
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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-04-01 Thread Phil Taylor
On 1 Apr 2004, at 22:19, Christian M. Cepel wrote:

With this in mind, I've been struggleing while editing ABC lately.
I'm not real good at reading music or ABC on the fly due to learing
disability (latent cognition between reading and comprehending).
There's a few things that prove to be making reading ABC on the fly a
real difficult task.
I wonder what other people feel about my stumbling stones.

1. inline chords. Flotsom floating down midstream making navigation
You mean guitar chords?  I agree with you.  They do interrupt the flow
of information.
2. spacing on either side of barlines...  this actually is a very
helpful deliniation for me...  the problem arises with the numbered
repeats |1 and :|2...  all the programs I've tried only recognize
these 'tokens' provided they do not have those spaces I like so much
for readability | 1 aBc aBc :| 2 abc abc |
Yes.  Bar lines are much more visible when they have spaces on either
side.  I don't have much problem with the numbered repeats though.
You can, of course write them as | [1 aBc aBc :| [2 if you really
need the space here.  (The programs are correct to object to
| 1 aBc aBc :| 2 abc abc |, since that's specifically declared
illegal in the standard.)
Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-27 Thread Jon Freeman

From: Richard Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:01 PM
Subject: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

 Is anybody else here looking much at MusicXML ? I've been having a look
 over the last few days, and I must say, I'm rather impressed. It seems
 to me that this could all be tremendously useful to us, as ABC users.

Starting from the position that as far as our site is concerned, abc's
importance lies more in a simple storage method and having nice programs to
produce graphics and MIDI than in human readability of abc. (perhaps John
Chambers for example to confirm or deny this... Do most casual visitors to a
site want a MIDI to play back or a GIF or to download the abc itself for a

If there were abc2MusicXML and MusicXML2abc converters, would it possible to
produce abc that always conformed to the same set of abc rules? One
problem I have that has been commented on by Jack Campin for one is that our
abc is not always as clear to read as it could be.  I agree with that but on
the otherhand, on a site stuggling to get any contributers, the last thing I
want to do is stipulate rules as to how the abc should be written
(especially given our main aims above -  that it works on abcm2ps and
abc2midi is the priority... but it would be nice to improve in our abc for
those who want to read it) or even what software should be used (e.g. our
main contributer uses Harmony Assistant) as the tougher I make it, the fewer
will be willing to try. A big problem with abc for me is the multiple ways
abc has of doing the same thing, e.g. broken notation vs explicit note
lengths, the ability to write 3/2 or 3/, etc. particularly when not everyone
[and that pretty much includes me because of music reading difficulties] can
use abc directly.)

Also, if other programs can export XML directly, I guess that will help to
if we can produce abc from that?


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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-27 Thread Jack Campin

 as far as our site is concerned, abc's importance lies more in
 a simple storage method and having nice programs to produce
 graphics and MIDI than in human readability of abc. (perhaps
 John Chambers for example to confirm or deny this... Do most
 casual visitors to a site want a MIDI to play back or a GIF
 or to download the abc itself for a tune?)..

Most people want GIFs.  But if they're going to do it on their own
machines, rather than via the TuneFinder interface, the ABC better
be straightforward and easily editable, since the usual reason for
wanting a different score than the way it comes off the Web is if
you want to change the notes themselves in some way.

 If there were abc2MusicXML and MusicXML2abc converters, would it
 possible to produce abc that always conformed to the same set of
 abc rules?

It would be, but it would throw away many of the distinctive things
ABC can express.  For eample, look at the pibroch example in my modes
tutorial.  I put the canntaireachd form of the music at the right
margin as an ABC comment (it would be messy to include it as if it
were a song text).  Unless your ABC - XML translator retained the
original ABC source, there'd be no way to recover that information
after a round-trip translation.  What I've done there is perfectly
standard and works in any reasonable ABC implementation, but it's
not invariant under translation to anything else whatever.

 One problem I have that has been commented on by Jack Campin for
 one is that our abc is not always as clear to read as it could be.
 I agree with that but on the otherhand, on a site stuggling to get
 any contributers, the last thing I want to do is stipulate rules
 as to how the abc should be written (especially given our main aims
 above -  that it works on abcm2ps and abc2midi is the priority...
 but it would be nice to improve in our abc for those who want to
 read it) or even what software should be used (e.g. our main
 contributer uses Harmony Assistant) as the tougher I make it, the
 fewer will be willing to try.

The answer to that one is a human editor.  How much is there on your
site?  Maybe I could help if it isn't going to mean hours of connect
time link-hopping.

 A big problem with abc for me is the multiple ways abc has of doing
 the same thing, e.g. broken notation vs explicit note lengths, the
 ability to write 3/2 or 3/, etc. particularly when not everyone [and
 that pretty much includes me because of music reading difficulties]
 can use abc directly.)

It needs to be like that to handle different kinds of music.  Default
note length is the one that makes the largest difference - for songs,
you usually get the most readable source by making it 1/4, whereas
for 2/4 pipe marches it's usually 1/16, and the default is in between.
No way round that, there really are different numbers of notes per bar
in each, and if you pick the wrong one you will reduce readability by
introducing superfluous numerals or /'s.  (Bruce Olson made a very bad
decision of this type; his default length is twice what it should be,
so nearly every note on his site has a /2 associated with it).

 Also, if other programs can export XML directly, I guess that will
 help to if we can produce abc from that?

Only given a *very* sophisticated translator.  Why use ABC as an
intermediate format if you aren't using its distinctive advantages?
As a base for computer-translation-to-anything, XML is surely going
to outdo ABC as its toolbase grows.  ABC only wins out when you need
to tinker with the music yourself, and that needs readability.

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
-- off-list mail to j-c rather than abc at this site, please --

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-27 Thread Laura Conrad
 Jack == Jack Campin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jack It would be, but it would throw away many of the distinctive
Jack things ABC can express.  For eample, look at the pibroch
Jack example in my modes tutorial.  I put the canntaireachd form
Jack of the music at the right margin as an ABC comment (it would
Jack be messy to include it as if it were a song text).  Unless
Jack your ABC - XML translator retained the original ABC source,
Jack there'd be no way to recover that information after a
Jack round-trip translation.  What I've done there is perfectly
Jack standard and works in any reasonable ABC implementation, but
Jack it's not invariant under translation to anything else
Jack whatever.

The only translator I know at all well is the abc to lilypond one, and
it retains ABC comments as lilypond comments.  Wouldn't that be a
standard thing for any translator to do?

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-27 Thread Richard Robinson
On Sat, Mar 27, 2004 at 05:17:14PM +, Jack Campin wrote:
  as far as our site is concerned, abc's importance lies more in
  a simple storage method and having nice programs to produce
  graphics and MIDI than in human readability of abc. (perhaps
  John Chambers for example to confirm or deny this... Do most
  casual visitors to a site want a MIDI to play back or a GIF
  or to download the abc itself for a tune?)..
 Most people want GIFs.  But if they're going to do it on their own
 machines, rather than via the TuneFinder interface, the ABC better
 be straightforward and easily editable, since the usual reason for
 wanting a different score than the way it comes off the Web is if
 you want to change the notes themselves in some way.

Or, maybe, to print ? web-gifs aren't normally (sensibly) at a decent
resolution for that. Though I know I've seen a lot of 72dpi
screen-dumps ...

  If there were abc2MusicXML and MusicXML2abc converters, would it
  possible to produce abc that always conformed to the same set of
  abc rules?
 It would be, but it would throw away many of the distinctive things
 ABC can express.  For eample, look at the pibroch example in my modes
 tutorial.  I put the canntaireachd form of the music at the right
 margin as an ABC comment (it would be messy to include it as if it
 were a song text).  Unless your ABC - XML translator retained the
 original ABC source, there'd be no way to recover that information
 after a round-trip translation.  What I've done there is perfectly
 standard and works in any reasonable ABC implementation, but it's
 not invariant under translation to anything else whatever.

  Also, if other programs can export XML directly, I guess that will
  help to if we can produce abc from that?
 Only given a *very* sophisticated translator.  Why use ABC as an
 intermediate format if you aren't using its distinctive advantages?
 As a base for computer-translation-to-anything, XML is surely going
 to outdo ABC as its toolbase grows.  ABC only wins out when you need
 to tinker with the music yourself, and that needs readability.

That's the way I see it, yes. If it catches on. ABC for people to interact
with, xml where machines are dealing with it (possibly up to and
including transferring it from one system to anoter), and storage
could be either depending on which of those 2 you're most interested in.

Depending on, as you say, sophisticated translation.

There are several different dialects of ABC - defined, on the ground, by
the parsers that people use, which ABC program they're feeding it into
(plus comments, layout, etc, intended for the direct benefit of humans,
so far as it can be shoehorned in).  Neatest here would be if the abc
parsers came to feel it was worth their while to translate the ABC that
they can parse into xml - rather than trying to build a one-program-fits-all
universal abc-xml translator that understands everything about all dialects.

The reverse translation, back into ABC - some programs are already
importing xml, presumably they generate ABC tailored to suit whichever
parser, style of ABC, that program uses. In the long run, we might
have .xls stylesheets independent of any particular ABC parser (decent
ones, I mean) - these might become a central point for bug reports,
wherever they generate ABC of a style that doesn't work as input to a
particular parser, in which case they could (presumably) be tweaked
till they generate your particular choice of dialect. In, as I say, the
long run; that's not the case yet.

The question that gets raised at this point, which I don't know the
answer to, is - how easy is it to translate abc to xml ? How well does
xml accomodate the concepts of ABC, how much of the possible information
in an ABC file does MusicXML have encodings for ? So far as there are
things in an ABC file that MusicXML can't represent, we'd have to invent
some way of wrapping them up in comments, or something - find a way of
shoehorning it into ABC - in a way that xml-abc translators could
recognise, preferrably a way generally agreed upon (rather than carry
the issue of dialects across to our generated XML).

(A further question here; are there descriptions of MusicXML anywhere ? I
have Recordare's Tutorial (V1.0), and I know the DTDs give all the sordid
details, but they're a bit bulky for a beginner to find their way around).

And, yes, I guess that points of formatting would the trickiest to preserve,
recording whitespace between ABC elements, comments and so on. Not
impossible, but I can imagine a temptation to cut corners in the coding.

Easy to test, of course. Take an ABC file, translate to MusicXML,
translate back to ABC, and keep on sending in bug reports until the 2
abc files match up ;-) And vice versa ... I imagine the reverse case
would be harder, preserving all xml information that ABC doesn't
represent inside an ABC file for xml-abc-xml.

Richard Robinson
The whole plan hinged upon the natural 

Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-27 Thread Jon Freeman
- Original Message - 
From: Jack Campin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

 Most people want GIFs.  But if they're going to do it on their own
 machines, rather than via the TuneFinder interface, the ABC better
 be straightforward and easily editable, since the usual reason for
 wanting a different score than the way it comes off the Web is if
 you want to change the notes themselves in some way.

OK, for the sake or argument, how about pdf?  We try to make a png available
(instead of the gif) as a draft and try to produce the other for quality
print output.  An example, probably given before here is:

  If there were abc2MusicXML and MusicXML2abc converters, would it
  possible to produce abc that always conformed to the same set of
  abc rules?

 It would be, but it would throw away many of the distinctive things
 ABC can express.  For eample, look at the pibroch example in my modes
 tutorial.  I put the canntaireachd form of the music at the right
 margin as an ABC comment (it would be messy to include it as if it
 were a song text).  Unless your ABC - XML translator retained the
 original ABC source, there'd be no way to recover that information
 after a round-trip translation.  What I've done there is perfectly
 standard and works in any reasonable ABC implementation, but it's
 not invariant under translation to anything else whatever.

The inability to recover that information would be what I want but, yes, I
do see it is important that abc can be entered and used in other ways.

  One problem I have that has been commented on by Jack Campin for
  one is that our abc is not always as clear to read as it could be.
  I agree with that but on the otherhand, on a site stuggling to get
  any contributers, the last thing I want to do is stipulate rules
  as to how the abc should be written (especially given our main aims
  above -  that it works on abcm2ps and abc2midi is the priority...
  but it would be nice to improve in our abc for those who want to
  read it) or even what software should be used (e.g. our main
  contributer uses Harmony Assistant) as the tougher I make it, the
  fewer will be willing to try.

 The answer to that one is a human editor.  How much is there on your
 site?  Maybe I could help if it isn't going to mean hours of connect
 time link-hopping.

Feel free to take a look. I've been promising to sort out long line abcs for
ages for example but never got round to it mainly as I know how long it
would take me... Everything as entered in abc form can be found at:

It's only a few 100K and  500 songs. You may need to change the file type
or an extension on the download to get it to save or view.

 Only given a *very* sophisticated translator.  Why use ABC as an
 intermediate format if you aren't using its distinctive advantages?
 As a base for computer-translation-to-anything, XML is surely going
 to outdo ABC as its toolbase grows.  ABC only wins out when you need
 to tinker with the music yourself, and that needs readability.

The distinctive advantages to me are that it is very easy to store and makes
for a small compact file and that quality and reliable command line tools
such as abcm2ps I can run on the fly from the website (as well of course as
other good abc programs) exist.

Maybe one day perhaps a move to XML would make sense for me, but not yet and
when I started, I was quite keen to get out of the dt/mudcat songwright/midi
to hold songs thinking. One thing I will openly confess to is that I hadn't
realised how much there was to abc and the visual aspects. Also, whatever we
become (assuming we last as a site), I'd like to think we can at least
supply abc in a visual user friendly format in time.


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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-27 Thread Phil Taylor
On 27 Mar 2004, at 18:53, Richard Robinson wrote:
The question that gets raised at this point, which I don't know the
answer to, is - how easy is it to translate abc to xml ? How well does
xml accomodate the concepts of ABC, how much of the possible 
in an ABC file does MusicXML have encodings for ? So far as there are
things in an ABC file that MusicXML can't represent, we'd have to 
some way of wrapping them up in comments, or something - find a way of
shoehorning it into ABC - in a way that xml-abc translators could
recognise, preferrably a way generally agreed upon (rather than carry
the issue of dialects across to our generated XML).
MusicXML is a very comprehensive music description language.  For 
it is possible to include in a MusicXML file both the information to 
the staff notation, and that needed to construct a midi file.  These are
fairly independent of one another, so you can specify e.g. a mordent to 
printed, but the notes which correspond to be played.

The only feature I can think of which is present in abc but not 
MusicXML is
the bagpipe key signatures.  So abc - MusicXML is relatively easy.  The
reverse translation is much more difficult.  (e.g. MusicXML permits 
voices within the same part, so in a piano part, which may include four 
or more
voices, each bar has several backup tags to allow the different 
voices to
coexist.  The voices can move independently across staves, change clefs 
so on, and there's no way to do that in abc.)

(A further question here; are there descriptions of MusicXML anywhere 
? I
have Recordare's Tutorial (V1.0), and I know the DTDs give all the 
details, but they're a bit bulky for a beginner to find their way 
I think that's all there is.  There is also a MusicXML mailing list, 
which is
quite active, and is usually the best place to go to ask questions.

And, yes, I guess that points of formatting would the trickiest to 
recording whitespace between ABC elements, comments and so on. Not
impossible, but I can imagine a temptation to cut corners in the 
Yes, whitespace which doesn't convey any information (as opposed to 
that which
determines beaming) would be very hard to preserve.  Since MusicXML is 
intended to be read by humans, comments in the source would be useless, 
abc comments would have to be preserved differently.

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-26 Thread Jeremy Cowgar
--On Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:08 PM -0500 Jeff Szuhay [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Try looking at LilyPond.
Their is also Pmw which produces some beautiful music. A Win32 release is 
going to be available in a few days also.


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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-26 Thread Joerg Anders
On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, Phil Taylor wrote:

 On 25 Mar 2004, at 22:14, I. Oppenheim wrote:
  Are many ABC programs currently capable of generating MusicXML ? 
  a command-line Windows/Linux abc2xml
  There's also BarFly (Mac) and Noteedit (Linux).
 At the moment, BarFly only imports MusicXML.  Export is still to come.

I really don't know why I announce the newest version of
NoteEdit (
to this list. Again:

NoteEdit is able to:

-  import MusicXML 
-  export MusicXML 
-  export ABC music, thus converting MusicXML to ABC music 

and ...

   On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Jeff Szuhay wrote:

 Try looking at LilyPond.

 export LilyPond, thus converting MusicXML to LilyPond 
(BTW: and export MusiXTeX and PMX and implicitely MUP)

NoteEdit-2.5.2. which comes soon can even export/import guitar chord
diagrams from/to MusicXML and export to ABC music.

Please have a look at:

There you find:

 - Your original files file1.xml, file2.xml, and file3.xml.
 - The NoteEdit files made by importing file1.xml, file2.xml, and file3.xml.
 - The ABC music files, made by NoteEdit's ABC music exporter,
 - The Postscript files made by abcm2ps (,
 - The LilyPond files made by NoteEdit's LilyPond exporter
 - and the scores as image, again the abcm2ps output.

Ok, NoteEdit is not prepared to import File Four. This is outside
of NoteEdit's scope.

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-26 Thread Richard Robinson
On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 11:14:45PM +0100, I. Oppenheim wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Richard Robinson wrote:
 I concur: musicxml is a wondeful development,
 which will finally make it feasible to exchange scores
 between different music processing software, without
 loosing too much information.
 There's a small error in the example files on your
 webpage: the DOCTYPE tags refer to local file:// URLS,
 which won't work on other computers.

That's be the file:/c:/Program Files/MusicXML/partwise.dtd bit ? It
doesn't work on mine, either. But it doesn't seem to stop things doing
what they should - perhaps because I have a permanent net onnection so
the external DTD reference can be used. Did it stop you being abe to
use/render the files ? My processor also seems able to process without
validation, which seems to stop it trying to use either (so the complaints
go away). I did say the converter I'm using isn't perfect. But from the
responses so far, it seems to be the only one. That's disappointing.

Richard Robinson
The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes - S. Lem

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-26 Thread Phil Taylor
On 26 Mar 2004, at 16:23, Richard Robinson wrote:

There's a small error in the example files on your
webpage: the DOCTYPE tags refer to local file:// URLS,
which won't work on other computers.
That's be the file:/c:/Program Files/MusicXML/partwise.dtd bit ? It
doesn't work on mine, either. But it doesn't seem to stop things doing
what they should - perhaps because I have a permanent net onnection so
the external DTD reference can be used. Did it stop you being abe to
use/render the files ? My processor also seems able to process without
validation, which seems to stop it trying to use either (so the 
go away). I did say the converter I'm using isn't perfect. But from the
responses so far, it seems to be the only one. That's disappointing.
You haven't actually included the external DTD reference.  In place of
the file:/c:/Program Files/MusicXML/partwise.dtd you should use;, then it should work for 
who has an internet connection.  The original file:// specification will
only work  if you happen to have a disk named c with the appropriate 
on it.

Tried it on my Mac with three different browsers:

Internet Explorer objected to that file reference;  if I download the 
file and
change it as above, IE downloads all the DTDs, but then just displays 
the source.

Safari gave this, so it's clearly trying:

	the Female Rake 	 	 		 			abc2xml 			2004-03-23 			Richard Robinson 
			Jig 			England 		 	 	 		 			 		 	 	 		 			 960  	2 
	major   	6 	8   	G 	2  			 			 
 	A 	4  480 eighth 			 		 		 			  	D 
	5  480 eighth begin 	


iCab opened the source.

You can, of course download the source and import it with BarFly, but I 
a snag here too.  Safari downloads the file as untyped, and BarFly 
won't recognise
it as a text file.  Curiously, if you change the file extension to 
.txt it
works fine.  (One more little thing to fix.)

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-26 Thread Richard Robinson
On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 10:24:58PM +, Bernard Hill wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Richard Robinson
 Is anybody else here looking much at MusicXML ? I've been having a look
 over the last few days, and I must say, I'm rather impressed. It seems
 to me that this could all be tremendously useful to us, as ABC users.
 Why? It doesn't have the ability to write your own, and isn't a format
 you could play from as ABC is on both counts.

Not sure what you mean ? Write your own - if you mean convert from abc,
no it seems we can't do much of that, yet. But write directly in a text editor,
you could do that. I doubt if anyone would want to, given ABC, which is nicer.
Play from - you mean to look at directly ? Likewise (if you were using, for
example, abcMIDI, it would be possible to convert it and carry on doing that).

I'm not proposing it as an alternative to ABC, but as a complement.
ABC is a very good way for us, people, to interact with computers
on the subject of music. The advantages of MusicXML come into play when
computers interact with each other. Easy interconversion would give us
the best of both worlds.

So, why ?

1) the traditional advantages of a transfer format. Export our ABC to
 Sibelius-users, gain access to stuff written in Finale. If/as it becomes
 a well-known readable format, it could become the obvious format in
 which to archive/distribute stuff, for greatest readability.

 For example, to the extent that the examples on the webpage I put up
 work for people here, I should perhaps already be considering making available in that format.

 I notice nobody's yet said whether they do or not ?

2) if easy interconversion became possible, between the various ABCs and
 MusicXML, that advantage of transferability could extend to ABC softwares.
 See the comparison on the website - I took 2 files, and put them through
 abcm2ps. One was Finale-generated xml, one was native ABC, which I knew
 to have been tested against an ABC-parser I don't use (ie, a different dialect
 of ABC). Both, it's fair to note, had an element of selection - there is much
 about MusicXML that couldn't have been handled by the conversions I have
 available, and the ABC was chosen as being likely to be correct but challenging.

 Both generated errors, which required editing to fix, but the first was much
 easier to fix up than the second - MusicXML _can_ already be more accessible to
 an ABC user than a different dialect of ABC. If ABC writers were able to convert ABC
 into MusicXML when they need to pass their work onto anyone else, and ABC users
 were able to convert this back into ABC, this would give us all a new and useful
 handle on The Question Of The Dialects.

 The ABC file in question, by the way, was Jack Campin's I
 await BarFly's MusicXML-export with interest ...

3) doing things to MusicXML with XSLT stylesheets is, I propose, a
 possibility of great interest to the coders, hackers, tinkerers and
 question-askers among us - there are a vast number of things that are
 much easier done that way to a tune than by parsing the ABC. Since XML/XSLT
 proposes itself as a write-once-run-anywhere, platform-independent technique,
 it might be possible to develop libraries of useful tricks, open to any ABC
 user who can convert into xml (and, indeed, maybe, non-ABC users who come to xml
 from elsewhere. There's potentially a much wider pool of interested people here).
 And even more tricks would be possible if you could convert results back to abc
 when appropriate.

 For example, Jack Campin was asking a few months back about looking
 through a collection of tunes and finding those with a range suitable
 for a specific instrument. I can't remember if it was here or elsewhere,
 but I remember seeing it. Did you ever get any answers, Jack ?

 I have ways of doing things like that. You need to parse the ABC,
 unroll the repeat-loops, and so on, and then identify the note-pitches.
 This is not trivial. I've been using James Allwright's abcMIDI parser
 for this (because it seemed the closest to being quickly adaptable). Having
 obtained a list of pitches, I pick the information I'd like out of it, using
 whatever hack seems convenient. Perl, for nstance. For Jack to use this, he'd
 need to get my C source (somewhere under my Leeds tunebook), compile it, install
 perl ... and get used to working that way, which I doubt seems very natural in
 his environment, if it was even possible, which I doubt - my C wasn't
 written with Macs in mind, and even if it compiled, it probably wouldn't
 accept his ABC input. Techniques and tricks for processing ABC are not
 nearly as transportable as the data is to other people/platforms/ways
 of working.

 Whereas, when I started looking nto MusicXML, one of the first
 stylesheet example I saw is noteReport.xsl. Which works through the
 notes of a tune, counting lengths and pitches, and 

Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-26 Thread Richard Robinson
On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 04:31:56PM -0500, Steven Bennett wrote:
 Richard Robinson wrote:
  Is anybody else here looking much at MusicXML ? I've been having a look
  over the last few days, and I must say, I'm rather impressed. It seems
  to me that this could all be tremendously useful to us, as ABC users.
 I looked at it and can see a number of places where it could be useful as a
 computer music storage and interchange format, but I don't see it as
 something that fits my own needs.
 It seems mostly useful as a intermediate step when converting from one music
 format to another - and not as useful as a native format, IMHO.  Nobody is
 likely to write in MusicXML directly -- it's almost certainly going to
 either be a conversion from some other format, or someone using a computer
 program to enter notation.
 MusicXML is kind of the opposite end of the spectrum from ABC -- it's
 computer friendly, but not very human friendly, whereas ABC is very human
 friendly, but not so much computer friendly.

That's what attracts me about seeing if they could be brought closer
together. It's the opposite end of the _same_ spectrum. They're the same
sort of thing - a textfile containing one or more tunes - people could
manage them pretty much in the same ways they're already managing ABC.
Indeed - ABC is better for humans, MusicXML is better for machines. So
the best thing would be if we could interact with a tune as ABC and let
the machines interact with it as MusicXML.

One thing I've gained from looking at a different language is an
appreciation of just how good ABC is, for humans. It's a perl among
music-description languages (heh heh, sorry), in that it's suprising
how often it _can_ see what you mean. It's a *good* interface (and that
was a bad analogy, of course, ABC isn't the interpreter). And if it could
become an interface into MusicXML as well as to screen, printing, MIDI,
tab, storage, and so on, the world might become a bigger and more
interesting place ...

Richard Robinson
The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes - S. Lem

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-26 Thread Richard Robinson
On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 05:41:01PM +, Phil Taylor wrote:
 On 26 Mar 2004, at 16:23, Richard Robinson wrote:
 There's a small error in the example files on your
 webpage: the DOCTYPE tags refer to local file:// URLS,
 which won't work on other computers.
 That's be the file:/c:/Program Files/MusicXML/partwise.dtd bit ?...
 You haven't actually included the external DTD reference.

Thanks for this. There are things I need to look into here, I'll get
back on this when I've had time. I'm experiencing 2 different New
Language Learning-Curve Syndromes at the same time. *grin*

 Tried it on my Mac with three different browsers:
 Safari gave this, so it's clearly trying:
   the Female Rake  
   abc2xml 2004-03-23   Richard 
   Robinson URL:  
   Jig England   
   960  2 

Odd. The information's being extracted from the tags so the file's being
parsed in some way, but not according to the supposed file sheet. Perhaps
Safari supports XML but not XSLT ?

 Safari downloads the file as untyped, and BarFly won't recognise
 it as a text file.  Curiously, if you change the file extension to 
 .txt it works fine.  (One more little thing to fix.)

It's served from the website as Content-Type: text/xml and the filename
extensions are .xml. I don't know how a Mac manages these things ?

Richard Robinson
The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes - S. Lem

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-26 Thread Richard Robinson
On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 09:48:11PM +, Richard Robinson wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 05:41:01PM +, Phil Taylor wrote:
  On 26 Mar 2004, at 16:23, Richard Robinson wrote:
  There's a small error in the example files on your
  webpage: the DOCTYPE tags refer to local file:// URLS,
  which won't work on other computers.
  That's be the file:/c:/Program Files/MusicXML/partwise.dtd bit ?...
  You haven't actually included the external DTD reference.
 Thanks for this. There are things I need to look into here, I'll get
 back on this when I've had time. I'm experiencing 2 different New
 Language Learning-Curve Syndromes at the same time. *grin*

Ah, I see. I failed to RTFM. The abc-xml program has an option that
you're supposed to use when making files to be distributed. Having done
that, the files on the website now contain a DOCTYPE whose system part
points to And if you don't do
that it emits a local-filesystem thing (which you can choose).

Now fixed, perhaps it works better ?

I notice also, the public part of this refers to a 0.6 spec, whereas
someone (Stephen Kellet, I think) posted a reference to a v1.0 spec
a couple of months back.

Richard Robinson
The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes - S. Lem

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-26 Thread Phil Taylor
On 26 Mar 2004, at 22:40, Richard Robinson wrote:
I notice also, the public part of this refers to a 0.6 spec, whereas
someone (Stephen Kellet, I think) posted a reference to a v1.0 spec
a couple of months back.
Current spec is 1.0.  See
Quite a lot has been added, but everything in v0.6 is a still there in 
so it should be backward-compatible.

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-26 Thread Phil Taylor
On 26 Mar 2004, at 21:48, Richard Robinson wrote:

Safari downloads the file as untyped, and BarFly won't recognise
it as a text file.  Curiously, if you change the file extension to
.txt it works fine.  (One more little thing to fix.)
It's served from the website as Content-Type: text/xml and the filename
extensions are .xml. I don't know how a Mac manages these things ?
That's fine.  It's just that at the moment the Mac is in transition 
two different systems for identifying the type of files, and which 
owns a particular file.  Safari makes no concession to the older way 
doing things, and in some respects BarFly hasn't yet caught up.

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-25 Thread Steven Bennett
Richard Robinson wrote:
 Is anybody else here looking much at MusicXML ? I've been having a look
 over the last few days, and I must say, I'm rather impressed. It seems
 to me that this could all be tremendously useful to us, as ABC users.

I looked at it and can see a number of places where it could be useful as a
computer music storage and interchange format, but I don't see it as
something that fits my own needs.

It seems mostly useful as a intermediate step when converting from one music
format to another - and not as useful as a native format, IMHO.  Nobody is
likely to write in MusicXML directly -- it's almost certainly going to
either be a conversion from some other format, or someone using a computer
program to enter notation.

MusicXML is kind of the opposite end of the spectrum from ABC -- it's
computer friendly, but not very human friendly, whereas ABC is very human
friendly, but not so much computer friendly.

I've often considered the idea of designing a more structured variant of ABC
that would still be easy to read and write, but at the same be more
flexible, expandable, and more computer friendly.   I pretty much know
exactly what needs to be done, but need to find time to write it up and
create a sample parser.  One of these years I may get around to doing just
that... :)

--Steve Bennett

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-25 Thread Jeff Szuhay
Try looking at LilyPond.

On Thursday, March 25, 2004, at 04:31 pm, Steven Bennett wrote:

I've often considered the idea of designing a more structured variant 
of ABC
that would still be easy to read and write, but at the same be more
flexible, expandable, and more computer friendly.   I pretty much know
exactly what needs to be done, but need to find time to write it up and
create a sample parser.  One of these years I may get around to doing 
that... :)
   The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics
   is to be governed by men worse than themselves.
-- Plato, philosopher (427-347 BCE)
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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-25 Thread I. Oppenheim
On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Richard Robinson wrote:

I concur: musicxml is a wondeful development,
which will finally make it feasible to exchange scores
between different music processing software, without
loosing too much information.

There's a small error in the example files on your
webpage: the DOCTYPE tags refer to local file:// URLS,
which won't work on other computers.

 Are many ABC programs currently capable of generating MusicXML ? There's
 a command-line Windows/Linux abc2xml

There's also BarFly (Mac) and Noteedit (Linux).

 Irwin Oppenheim

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Re: [abcusers] ABC and MusicXML

2004-03-25 Thread Phil Taylor
On 25 Mar 2004, at 22:14, I. Oppenheim wrote:

Are many ABC programs currently capable of generating MusicXML ? 
a command-line Windows/Linux abc2xml
There's also BarFly (Mac) and Noteedit (Linux).
At the moment, BarFly only imports MusicXML.  Export is still to come.

Phil Taylor

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