Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-10 Thread Bob Hrbek (Loganet) via Af
And we even virtualized that with fantasy  :)

On Oct 9, 2014, at 7:18 PM, Bill Prince via Af wrote:

 We're OK until we start sending Gladiators into the arena
 Oh wait, that's NFL football.
 We're doomed.
 On 10/9/2014 5:13 PM, Bob Hrbek via Af wrote:
 no moral or ethical foundation
 This is the demise of every great civilization 
 Sent from my mobile device.   Please excuse my brevity or misspellings. 
 On Oct 9, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:
 It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  Between 
 continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration and growth of 
 an uneducated population, and lawlessness from the President on down, 
 Capitalism won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it fails, then so does the 
 country and as evidenced by the unchecked growth of evil philosophies such 
 as radical Islam, dictatorships masquerading as Communism, and Communist 
 countries with no moral or ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide.  
 Capitalism funds and drives the United States to continue to be a leader in 
 the world.
 From: Af [] On Behalf Of Chris Wright via Af
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare
 While capitalism may have built the greatest country in the world, some 
 think capitalism cannotsustain the greatest country in the world.
 Chris Wright
 Velociter Wireless
 From: Af [] On Behalf Of Rory Conaway via Af
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare
 Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What 
 happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the 
 greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep 
 wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.
 Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
 care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome 
 cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, 
 etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea 
 that socialized medicine is a great idea.
 From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare
 Amen brother Conlin.  
 The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
 enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the 
 costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other 
 developed countries.  
 Just peruse this:
 On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:
 What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always 
 make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s premiums 
 go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if it is 
 universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like 
 Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone 
 pays.  Spreads out the costs.
 ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing 
 coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If 
 you want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our 
 system of providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath 
 costs.  It is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer 
 system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to 
 minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper 
 (negative) feedback system that has inheritably more control.  Canada, for 
 the record, is not privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the 
 opposite.  The Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from 
 private entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media 
 in the USA.
 It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it was 
 mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and 
 I guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market 
 and let industry to its thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to 
 mention its inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and 
 private industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth 
 distribution system that makes people with money pay more and people 
 without pay less.  Ok, so that is two reasons they hate it.
 The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system simultaneously 
 with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from the former 
 would pay for the later resulting in no increase in out-of-pocket

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-10 Thread Chuck McCown via Af

Some of us are do it yourselfers.  Out of 8 kids, 5 didn't cost a dime.
Kinda like, some of us climb our own towers too ...

-Original Message- 
From: Seth Mattinen via Af

Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

On 10/9/14, 16:06, Dan Petermann via Af wrote:

My wife wanted her doctor to deliver our son. He told her that if he
delivered a baby, even on the side of a road in an emergency, his
malpractice insurance would increase by $30,000.00/year. Think about that.


Our legal, insurance, and medical industry is completely out of touch.

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-10 Thread Adam Moffett via Af

My mom did it that way a few times
I'm told getting born in a hospital is a 20th century thinglike 
before that you did it at home.  I assume we have a better infant 
mortality rate this way, but man we do burn a lot of money for it.

Some of us are do it yourselfers.  Out of 8 kids, 5 didn't cost a dime.
Kinda like, some of us climb our own towers too ...

-Original Message- From: Seth Mattinen via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

On 10/9/14, 16:06, Dan Petermann via Af wrote:

My wife wanted her doctor to deliver our son. He told her that if he
delivered a baby, even on the side of a road in an emergency, his
malpractice insurance would increase by $30,000.00/year. Think about 


Our legal, insurance, and medical industry is completely out of touch.

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Paul Conlin via Af
What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always make 
money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s premiums go up.  
By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if it is universal 
(code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, opting 
out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  Spreads out 
the costs.


ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing coverage. 
 More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If you want to 
control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our system of 
providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath costs.  It is 
a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer system, like 
Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to minimize costs and 
who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback 
system that has inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not 
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite.  The 
Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private entities, like 
Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media in the USA.


It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it was 
mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and I 
guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market and let 
industry to its thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention its 
inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and private 
industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth distribution 
system that makes people with money pay more and people without pay less.  Ok, 
so that is two reasons they hate it. 


The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system simultaneously 
with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from the former would 
pay for the later resulting in no increase in out-of-pocket costs.  Then the 
other benefits of such a privatized system would start to kick in and the open 
market competition for services will drive costs down.  With health care 
general health would improve and costs would go down even more.


Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance of overcoming 
the trillions of dollars companies are making off of the existing out of 
control health care system.  And if they could pass the laws, would anyone 
trust our Government to run such a program?  And there is the root problem.


Obviously an over simplification but now back to my real job.



Blaze Broadband




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Rory Conaway via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


People with pre-existing conditions are one of the few groups benefitting from 




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Jeremy via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


We pay about the same as we did but our deductible is lower, our out of pocket 
max is lower, and they covered our pregnancy.  We switched during the first 
trimester because we didn't have maternity coverage (no self-insured plans in 
our state had it), and Obamacare made pregnancy not count as a pre-existing 
condition.  It saved us about $7,000-$8,000 this year.  The craziest part is 
that we actually stayed with the same provider, Select Health (IHC).  It was 
just the difference between them providing maternity and not providing 
maternity.  We have been very happy with our Obamacare.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:

Further the subsidies have been deemed unconstitutional, so they're forcing us 
to pay insurance with the promise of subsidies that they are now going to take 

Bait and switch.


The whole thing has been a screwup from day one.


It is actually cheaper for me to pay out of pocket than pay for this insurance, 
but the fines will get you either way.



- Original Message - 

From: Rory Conaway via Af  


Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:03 PM

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


And so did the quality and options of your care.  I know that 2 of my doctors 
retired early and the other one doesn’t take Obamacare.   Fortunately I don’t 
have to use it.


Here is my question though, doesn’t the fact that the federal government wasted 
a couple billion dollars of your taxes on websites that don’t work, companies 
that are paying workers to do nothing, and companies that are friends with the 
First Lady with no bid process in place? 




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Sean Heskett via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Please don't forget

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Wireless Admin via Af

Thanks for the detailed response.  I like it and it shows you're thinking.
My simple way of explaining the healthcare problem is that you can take
something that is royally F!@KED up, add government and expect it to be
cheaper and better.  





From: Af [] On Behalf Of Paul Conlin via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always
make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else's premiums
go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if it is
universal (code for mandatory).  Can't have people who can do math, like
Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone
pays.  Spreads out the costs.


ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing
coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If
you want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our
system of providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath
costs.  It is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer
system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to
minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper
(negative) feedback system that has inheritably more control.  Canada, for
the record, is not privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the
opposite.  The Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from
private entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media
in the USA.


It is hard to understand why the Republican's hate ObamaCare since it was
mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and I
guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market and
let industry to its thing is normally what Republican's want.  Not to
mention its inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and
private industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth
distribution system that makes people with money pay more and people without
pay less.  Ok, so that is two reasons they hate it. 


The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system simultaneously
with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from the former
would pay for the later resulting in no increase in out-of-pocket costs.
Then the other benefits of such a privatized system would start to kick in
and the open market competition for services will drive costs down.  With
health care general health would improve and costs would go down even more.


Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance of
overcoming the trillions of dollars companies are making off of the existing
out of control health care system.  And if they could pass the laws, would
anyone trust our Government to run such a program?  And there is the root


Obviously an over simplification but now back to my real job.



Blaze Broadband




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Rory Conaway via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


People with pre-existing conditions are one of the few groups benefitting
from this.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Jeremy via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


We pay about the same as we did but our deductible is lower, our out of
pocket max is lower, and they covered our pregnancy.  We switched during the
first trimester because we didn't have maternity coverage (no self-insured
plans in our state had it), and Obamacare made pregnancy not count as a
pre-existing condition.  It saved us about $7,000-$8,000 this year.  The
craziest part is that we actually stayed with the same provider, Select
Health (IHC).  It was just the difference between them providing maternity
and not providing maternity.  We have been very happy with our Obamacare.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:

Further the subsidies have been deemed unconstitutional, so they're forcing
us to pay insurance with the promise of subsidies that they are now going to
take away.

Bait and switch.


The whole thing has been a screwup from day one.


It is actually cheaper for me to pay out of pocket than pay for this
insurance, but the fines will get you either way.



- Original Message - 

From: Rory Conaway  via Af 


Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:03 PM

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


And so did the quality and options of your care.  I know that 2 of my
doctors retired early and the other one doesn't take Obamacare.
Fortunately I don't have to use it.


Here is my question though, doesn't the fact that the federal government
wasted a couple

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Paul McCall via Af

I am glad this worked out well for you financially.  Most people have been very 
unhappy with the effect of this, and in then we ALL pay for any costs that are 
lowered, subsidized etc.   Financially for this country as a whole, today and 
in the future, Obamacare is a disaster.  There is NO free lunch system that 
doesn’t cost everyone the same money, plus bureaucratic and administration 
costs to get the results.  It just doesn’t work that way.  Insurance company 
profits are at an al- time high.  TPA’s profits are at an all-time high.

Glad I’m making decent money doing what I do …   blessed and grateful


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Jeremy via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

We pay about the same as we did but our deductible is lower, our out of pocket 
max is lower, and they covered our pregnancy.  We switched during the first 
trimester because we didn't have maternity coverage (no self-insured plans in 
our state had it), and Obamacare made pregnancy not count as a pre-existing 
condition.  It saved us about $7,000-$8,000 this year.  The craziest part is 
that we actually stayed with the same provider, Select Health (IHC).  It was 
just the difference between them providing maternity and not providing 
maternity.  We have been very happy with our Obamacare.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:
Further the subsidies have been deemed unconstitutional, so they're forcing us 
to pay insurance with the promise of subsidies that they are now going to take 

Bait and switch.

The whole thing has been a screwup from day one.

It is actually cheaper for me to pay out of pocket than pay for this insurance, 
but the fines will get you either way.

- Original Message -
From: Rory Conaway via
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

And so did the quality and options of your care.  I know that 2 of my doctors 
retired early and the other one doesn’t take Obamacare.   Fortunately I don’t 
have to use it.

Here is my question though, doesn’t the fact that the federal government wasted 
a couple billion dollars of your taxes on websites that don’t work, companies 
that are paying workers to do nothing, and companies that are friends with the 
First Lady with no bid process in place?


From: Af [] On Behalf 
Of Sean Heskett via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Please don't forget that this whole obamacare thing was invented by the 
American Heratage Foundation which is a republican think tank.  And the 
republicans tried to squash Hillarycare with it in the 1990's.

Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it.

Also, so far in the states that set up their own exchanges medical costs and 
premiums have been going down...mine sure did :)



On Wednesday, October 8, 2014, Travis Johnson via Af wrote:

I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save everyone 
money and provider better health care. We just received our group health 
insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our rates will go up by 10% 
starting 2015.

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their personal 
income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings to me... :(


Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Rory Conaway via Af
The big mistake of the public was that Obamacare was about bringing down health 
costs.  That was a complete lie.  Obamacare was a wealth transfer from the rich 
to the poor.  Then it was burdened by the political correctness bug making 
everyone pay for every service everyone else needed such as pregnancy coverage 
for 60 year old women.  Throw in the corruption and inefficiency of any 
government program, and there was no way it was going to be cheaper.What 
they thought was that they could squeeze doctors and hospitals even further on 
costs than Medicare and Medicaid already had.  What they ended up with is 50% 
of the hospitals not taking it and some of them going out of business, doctors 
leaving the profession in droves, and small  practices having to be bought up 
by bigger practices or simply go out of business.  The problem was that 
Obamacare never covered the malpractice costs and subsequent insurance costs 
which are really driving medical care costs up along with the uninsured and 
illegal alien population burdening the hospitals with uncollectible debt.  


The consequences of Obamacare have been far more devastating short term and 
long term than anyone ever thought of (Dodd—Frank and U.S. tax policy comes 
into play here also).  Small businesses stopped hiring and modified their 
workforces by letting go full-time employees and moving them to part-time.   
This has resulted in 75% of all new jobs being part time instead of full time 
which means that those workers are now on Obamacare if anything.  These aren’t 
the people subsidizing everyone else.


Businesses kept workforces at 50 employees, started hiring more contractors, or 
simply let people go to avoid being forced into buying health care.  Even 
worse, with the costs of health care going up, companies are dropping what 
health care they had and letting those employees move to Obamacare or cutting 
the health care insurance that they had back.


And everyone keeps touting the “great” systems of health care in Canada and 
Europe.  Those systems are fine if you have the flu but if you need an MRI, it 
could take  months.  If you have cancer late in life, I suggest your will is 
ready.  It’s easier to get an MRI for your dog.  And when the money runs out in 
a fiscal year for a specific treatment, you wait until the next fiscal year for 
that treatment.  In Europe, they have lottery’s to see the dentist and if you 
don’t get picked, hopefully you get picked the next time.


Everyone keeps saying that this was a Republican idea.  It was actually an idea 
by the Heritage Foundation and supported by many Republicans, even Newt 
Gingrich.  That doesn’t mean it was ever a good idea, it just means Republican 
politicians pander to their constituents to stay in office as much as 
Democratic politicians at the taxpayers’ expense. 


The best idea would have been simple and cheap.


1)  Don’t let insurance companies keep people with existing conditions out.

2)  Beef up review of bad doctors and get rid of them

3)  Pass Tort reform and limit lawyers from suing for excessive malpractice 

4)  Get rid of state regulations on health insurance and let insurers sell 
all over the country








From: Af [] On Behalf Of Paul McCall via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare




I am glad this worked out well for you financially.  Most people have been very 
unhappy with the effect of this, and in then we ALL pay for any costs that are 
lowered, subsidized etc.   Financially for this country as a whole, today and 
in the future, Obamacare is a disaster.  There is NO free lunch system that 
doesn’t cost everyone the same money, plus bureaucratic and administration 
costs to get the results.  It just doesn’t work that way.  Insurance company 
profits are at an al- time high.  TPA’s profits are at an all-time high.  


Glad I’m making decent money doing what I do …   blessed and grateful






From: Af [] On Behalf Of Jeremy via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


We pay about the same as we did but our deductible is lower, our out of pocket 
max is lower, and they covered our pregnancy.  We switched during the first 
trimester because we didn't have maternity coverage (no self-insured plans in 
our state had it), and Obamacare made pregnancy not count as a pre-existing 
condition.  It saved us about $7,000-$8,000 this year.  The craziest part is 
that we actually stayed with the same provider, Select Health (IHC).  It was 
just the difference between them providing maternity and not providing 
maternity.  We have been very happy with our Obamacare.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:

Further the subsidies have been deemed unconstitutional, so they're forcing us

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Glen Waldrop via Af
The best idea would have been simple and cheap.


1)  Don’t let insurance companies keep people with existing conditions out.

2)  Beef up review of bad doctors and get rid of them

3)  Pass Tort reform and limit lawyers from suing for excessive malpractice 

4)  Get rid of state regulations on health insurance and let insurers sell 
all over the country



Well said.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Rory Conaway via Af 
  Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 10:10 AM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

  The big mistake of the public was that Obamacare was about bringing down 
health costs.  That was a complete lie.  Obamacare was a wealth transfer from 
the rich to the poor.  Then it was burdened by the political correctness bug 
making everyone pay for every service everyone else needed such as pregnancy 
coverage for 60 year old women.  Throw in the corruption and inefficiency of 
any government program, and there was no way it was going to be cheaper.
What they thought was that they could squeeze doctors and hospitals even 
further on costs than Medicare and Medicaid already had.  What they ended up 
with is 50% of the hospitals not taking it and some of them going out of 
business, doctors leaving the profession in droves, and small  practices having 
to be bought up by bigger practices or simply go out of business.  The problem 
was that Obamacare never covered the malpractice costs and subsequent insurance 
costs which are really driving medical care costs up along with the uninsured 
and illegal alien population burdening the hospitals with uncollectible debt.  


  The consequences of Obamacare have been far more devastating short term and 
long term than anyone ever thought of (Dodd—Frank and U.S. tax policy comes 
into play here also).  Small businesses stopped hiring and modified their 
workforces by letting go full-time employees and moving them to part-time.   
This has resulted in 75% of all new jobs being part time instead of full time 
which means that those workers are now on Obamacare if anything.  These aren’t 
the people subsidizing everyone else.


  Businesses kept workforces at 50 employees, started hiring more contractors, 
or simply let people go to avoid being forced into buying health care.  Even 
worse, with the costs of health care going up, companies are dropping what 
health care they had and letting those employees move to Obamacare or cutting 
the health care insurance that they had back.


  And everyone keeps touting the “great” systems of health care in Canada and 
Europe.  Those systems are fine if you have the flu but if you need an MRI, it 
could take  months.  If you have cancer late in life, I suggest your will is 
ready.  It’s easier to get an MRI for your dog.  And when the money runs out in 
a fiscal year for a specific treatment, you wait until the next fiscal year for 
that treatment.  In Europe, they have lottery’s to see the dentist and if you 
don’t get picked, hopefully you get picked the next time.


  Everyone keeps saying that this was a Republican idea.  It was actually an 
idea by the Heritage Foundation and supported by many Republicans, even Newt 
Gingrich.  That doesn’t mean it was ever a good idea, it just means Republican 
politicians pander to their constituents to stay in office as much as 
Democratic politicians at the taxpayers’ expense. 


  The best idea would have been simple and cheap.


  1)  Don’t let insurance companies keep people with existing conditions 

  2)  Beef up review of bad doctors and get rid of them

  3)  Pass Tort reform and limit lawyers from suing for excessive 
malpractice amounts

  4)  Get rid of state regulations on health insurance and let insurers 
sell all over the country








  From: Af [] On Behalf Of Paul McCall via Af
  Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 7:11 AM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare




  I am glad this worked out well for you financially.  Most people have been 
very unhappy with the effect of this, and in then we ALL pay for any costs that 
are lowered, subsidized etc.   Financially for this country as a whole, today 
and in the future, Obamacare is a disaster.  There is NO free lunch system that 
doesn’t cost everyone the same money, plus bureaucratic and administration 
costs to get the results.  It just doesn’t work that way.  Insurance company 
profits are at an al- time high.  TPA’s profits are at an all-time high.  


  Glad I’m making decent money doing what I do …   blessed and grateful






  From: Af [] On Behalf Of Jeremy via Af
  Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


  We pay about the same as we did but our deductible is lower, our out of 
pocket max is lower

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Seth Mattinen via Af

On 10/9/14, 8:10, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

And everyone keeps touting the “great” systems of health care in Canada
and Europe.  Those systems are fine if you have the flu but if you need
an MRI, it could take  months.  If you have cancer late in life, I
suggest your will is ready.  It’s easier to get an MRI for your dog.
And when the money runs out in a fiscal year for a specific treatment,
you wait until the next fiscal year for that treatment.  In Europe, they
have lottery’s to see the dentist and if you don’t get picked, hopefully
you get picked the next time.

As someone with Canadian family, the normal procedure is to come over to 
the US and get an MRI or whatever if you can't get one there or your 
place on the waiting list sucks.


Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Duncan Scott via Af
Item 1 only works if you require that people have coverage.  Otherwise 
lots of people will wait until they have a significant medical issue and 
then go buy coverage.

I'm skeptical that 2 or 3 would have any effect on costs.

4. So much for state rights...

I have an alternate list:

1. Make it illegal for companies to provide health care. This is the 
root of the problem and has all sorts of negative effects.


On 10/9/2014 8:56 AM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:

The best idea would have been simple and cheap.

1)Don’t let insurance companies keep people with existing conditions out.

2)Beef up review of bad doctors and get rid of them

3)Pass Tort reform and limit lawyers from suing for excessive 
malpractice amounts

4)Get rid of state regulations on health insurance and let insurers 
sell all over the country


Well said.

- Original Message -
*From:* Rory Conaway via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 10:10 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

The big mistake of the public was that Obamacare was about
bringing down health costs.  That was a complete lie. Obamacare
was a wealth transfer from the rich to the poor.  Then it was
burdened by the political correctness bug making everyone pay for
every service everyone else needed such as pregnancy coverage for
60 year old women. Throw in the corruption and inefficiency of any
government program, and there was no way it was going to be
cheaper.   What they thought was that they could squeeze doctors
and hospitals even further on costs than Medicare and Medicaid
already had.  What they ended up with is 50% of the hospitals not
taking it and some of them going out of business, doctors leaving
the profession in droves, and small  practices having to be bought
up by bigger practices or simply go out of business.  The problem
was that Obamacare never covered the malpractice costs and
subsequent insurance costs which are really driving medical care
costs up along with the uninsured and illegal alien population
burdening the hospitals with uncollectible debt.

The consequences of Obamacare have been far more devastating short
term and long term than anyone ever thought of (Dodd—Frank and
U.S. tax policy comes into play here also).  Small businesses
stopped hiring and modified their workforces by letting go
full-time employees and moving them to part-time.   This has
resulted in 75% of all new jobs being part time instead of full
time which means that those workers are now on Obamacare if
anything.  These aren’t the people subsidizing everyone else.

Businesses kept workforces at 50 employees, started hiring more
contractors, or simply let people go to avoid being forced into
buying health care.  Even worse, with the costs of health care
going up, companies are dropping what health care they had and
letting those employees move to Obamacare or cutting the health
care insurance that they had back.

And everyone keeps touting the “great” systems of health care in
Canada and Europe.  Those systems are fine if you have the flu but
if you need an MRI, it could take  months.  If you have cancer
late in life, I suggest your will is ready.  It’s easier to get an
MRI for your dog.  And when the money runs out in a fiscal year
for a specific treatment, you wait until the next fiscal year for
that treatment.  In Europe, they have lottery’s to see the dentist
and if you don’t get picked, hopefully you get picked the next time.

Everyone keeps saying that this was a Republican idea.  It was
actually an idea by the Heritage Foundation and supported by many
Republicans, even Newt Gingrich.  That doesn’t mean it was ever a
good idea, it just means Republican politicians pander to their
constituents to stay in office as much as Democratic politicians
at the taxpayers’ expense.

The best idea would have been simple and cheap.

1)Don’t let insurance companies keep people with existing
conditions out.

2)Beef up review of bad doctors and get rid of them

3)Pass Tort reform and limit lawyers from suing for excessive
malpractice amounts

4)Get rid of state regulations on health insurance and let
insurers sell all over the country


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Paul McCall
via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 7:11 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


I am glad this worked out well for you financially.  Most people
have been very unhappy with the effect of this, and in then we ALL
pay for any costs that are lowered, subsidized etc.   Financially
for this country as a whole, today and in the future, Obamacare is
a disaster.  There is NO free lunch system that doesn’t

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Bill Prince via Af

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on 
the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to 
other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They 
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone 
else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance 
can work is if it is universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have 
people who can do math, like Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people 
saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  Spreads out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing 
coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at 
this?  If you want to control costs you have to redesign the way money 
flows.  Our system of providers and insurance companies is 
**designed** to maximize heath costs.  It is a positive feedback loop. 
What is needed is a single payer system, like Canada, where one paying 
party can have maximum leverage to minimize costs and who has limited 
ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback system 
that has inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not 
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite.  The 
Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private 
entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media in 
the USA.

It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it 
was mostly their idea. Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by 
Obama and I guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the 
free market and let industry to its thing is normally what 
Republican’s want.  Not to mention its inherent ability to make more 
money for insurance companies and private industry.  Sure, they are 
upset that it is being used as a wealth distribution system that makes 
people with money pay more and people without pay less.  Ok, so that 
is two reasons they hate it.

The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system 
simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving 
from the former would pay for the later resulting in no increase in 
out-of-pocket costs.  Then the other benefits of such a privatized 
system would start to kick in and the open market competition for 
services will drive costs down.  With health care general health would 
improve and costs would go down even more.

Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance of 
overcoming the trillions of dollars companies are making off of the 
existing out of control health care system.  And if they could pass 
the laws, would anyone trust our Government to run such a program?  
And there is the root problem.

Obviously an over simplification but now back to my real job.


Blaze Broadband

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Rory Conaway via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:33 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

People with pre-existing conditions are one of the few groups 
benefitting from this.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Jeremy via Af
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:32 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

We pay about the same as we did but our deductible is lower, our out 
of pocket max is lower, and they covered our pregnancy.  We switched 
during the first trimester because we didn't have maternity coverage 
(no self-insured plans in our state had it), and Obamacare made 
pregnancy not count as a pre-existing condition.  It saved us about 
$7,000-$8,000 this year.  The craziest part is that we actually stayed 
with the same provider, Select Health (IHC).  It was just the 
difference between them providing maternity and not providing 
maternity.  We have been very happy with our Obamacare.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:

Further the subsidies have been deemed unconstitutional, so they're 
forcing us to pay insurance with the promise of subsidies that they 
are now going to take away.

Bait and switch.

The whole thing has been a screwup from day one.

It is actually cheaper for me to pay out of pocket than pay for this 
insurance, but the fines will get you either way.

- Original Message -

*From:*Rory Conaway via Af


*Sent:*Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:03 PM

*Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

And so did the quality and options of your care.  I know that 2 of
my doctors retired early and the other one doesn’t take
Obamacare.   Fortunately I don’t have

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Rory Conaway via Af
Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What happened 
to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the greatest health 
care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep wanting to go back 
to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.


Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health care.  
If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome cancer 
treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all 
you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized 
medicine is a great idea.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Amen brother Conlin.  

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far enough.  
We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the costs.  The 
cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other developed countries.  

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They 
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s 
premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if 
it is universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like 
Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  
Spreads out the costs.


ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing 
coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If you 
want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our system of 
providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath costs.  It is 
a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer system, like 
Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to minimize costs and 
who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback 
system that has inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not 
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite.  The 
Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private entities, like 
Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media in the USA.


It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it 
was mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and 
I guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market and 
let industry to its thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention 
its inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and private 
industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth distribution 
system that makes people with money pay more and people without pay less.  Ok, 
so that is two reasons they hate it. 


The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system 
simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from the 
former would pay for the later resulting in no increase in out-of-pocket costs. 
 Then the other benefits of such a privatized system would start to kick in and 
the open market competition for services will drive costs down.  With health 
care general health would improve and costs would go down even more.


Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance of 
overcoming the trillions of dollars companies are making off of the existing 
out of control health care system.  And if they could pass the laws, would 
anyone trust our Government to run such a program?  And there is the root 


Obviously an over simplification but now back to my real job.



Blaze Broadband




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Rory Conaway via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


People with pre-existing conditions are one of the few groups 
benefitting from this.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Jeremy via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


We pay about the same as we did but our deductible is lower, our out of 
pocket max is lower, and they covered our pregnancy.  We switched during the 
first trimester because we didn't have maternity coverage (no self-insured 
plans in our state had it), and Obamacare made pregnancy not count as a 
pre-existing condition.  It saved us about $7,000-$8,000 this year

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread That One Guy via Af
wealth transfer? Im not rich. Last year when contemplating going out on my
own and opening up shop one of the huge factors was insurance. The plan I
got quoted was going to run me around 450 a month to cover me and my kids
with a comparable amount of coverage to what i was getting through work. I
went last week to see what the cost was, the only thing remotely close has
3 times the deductible and higher copays for close to 900. I guess maybe im
misunderstanding what rich is, I was under the impression I was not,
financially at least, in spirit, im filthy rich. Is it my spirit that
defines my rich/poor status? I dont have the wealth to deliver to the poor
in spirit.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

 Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What
 happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the
 greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep
 wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.

 Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health
 care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome
 cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research,
 etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea
 that socialized medicine is a great idea.


 *From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince via Af
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM

 *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

 Amen brother Conlin.

 The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far
 enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the
 costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other
 developed countries.

 Just peruse this:


 On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

 What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always
 make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s premiums
 go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if it is
 universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like
 Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone
 pays.  Spreads out the costs.

 ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing
 coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If
 you want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our
 system of providers and insurance companies is **designed** to maximize
 heath costs.  It is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single
 payer system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage
 to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a
 proper (negative) feedback system that has inheritably more control.
 Canada, for the record, is not privatized health care like the VHA.  In
 fact it is the opposite.  The Government of Canada purchases all its
 healthcare from private entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be
 discovered by the media in the USA.

 It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it was
 mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and
 I guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market
 and let industry to its thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to
 mention its inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and
 private industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth
 distribution system that makes people with money pay more and people
 without pay less.  Ok, so that is two reasons they hate it.

 The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system
 simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from
 the former would pay for the later resulting in no increase in
 out-of-pocket costs.  Then the other benefits of such a privatized system
 would start to kick in and the open market competition for services will
 drive costs down.  With health care general health would improve and costs
 would go down even more.

 Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance of
 overcoming the trillions of dollars companies are making off of the
 existing out of control health care system.  And if they could pass the
 laws, would anyone trust our Government to run such a program?  And there
 is the root problem.

 Obviously an over simplification but now back to my real job.


 Blaze Broadband

 *From:* Af [] *On
 Behalf Of *Rory Conaway via Af
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:33 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

 People with pre-existing conditions are one of the few groups benefitting

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Travis Johnson via Af
We currently pay about $1,200/month for our benefits package, per 
employee (and family). That's health, dental and vision.


On 10/9/2014 10:54 AM, That One Guy via Af wrote:
wealth transfer? Im not rich. Last year when contemplating going out 
on my own and opening up shop one of the huge factors was insurance. 
The plan I got quoted was going to run me around 450 a month to cover 
me and my kids with a comparable amount of coverage to what i was 
getting through work. I went last week to see what the cost was, the 
only thing remotely close has 3 times the deductible and higher copays 
for close to 900. I guess maybe im misunderstanding what rich is, I 
was under the impression I was not, financially at least, in spirit, 
im filthy rich. Is it my spirit that defines my rich/poor status? I 
dont have the wealth to deliver to the poor in spirit.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work. 
What happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest

country and the greatest health care in the world.  Why does
everybody forget that and keep wanting to go back to the failed
systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our
health care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI
machines, genome cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs,
Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a
hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized medicine is a
great idea.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM

*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go
far enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a
handle on the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double
the cost to other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house. 
They always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions

everyone else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way
health insurance can work is if it is universal (code for
mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck,
opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in. 
Everyone pays.  Spreads out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about
increasing coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are
people surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you
have to redesign the way money flows.  Our system of providers
and insurance companies is **designed** to maximize heath
costs.  It is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a
single payer system, like Canada, where one paying party can
have maximum leverage to minimize costs and who has limited
ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback
system that has inheritably more control. Canada, for the
record, is not privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact
it is the opposite.  The Government of Canada purchases all
its healthcare from private entities, like Medicare.  A fact
yet to be discovered by the media in the USA.

It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare
since it was mostly their idea. Well, other than ObamaCare was
championed by Obama and I guess that is enough reason.  The
basic concept to use the free market and let industry to its
thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention its
inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies
and private industry. Sure, they are upset that it is being
used as a wealth distribution system that makes people with
money pay more and people without pay less.  Ok, so that is
two reasons they hate it.

The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system
simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated
the saving from the former would pay for the later resulting
in no increase in out-of-pocket costs.  Then the other
benefits of such a privatized system would start to kick in
and the open market competition for services will drive costs
down.  With health care general health would improve and costs
would go down even more.

Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Josh Reynolds via Af

Yeah, the state regulations were a total clusterf!@k.

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/09/2014 07:56 AM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:

The best idea would have been simple and cheap.

1)Don’t let insurance companies keep people with existing conditions out.

2)Beef up review of bad doctors and get rid of them

3)Pass Tort reform and limit lawyers from suing for excessive 
malpractice amounts

4)Get rid of state regulations on health insurance and let insurers 
sell all over the country


Well said.

- Original Message -
*From:* Rory Conaway via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 10:10 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

The big mistake of the public was that Obamacare was about
bringing down health costs.  That was a complete lie. Obamacare
was a wealth transfer from the rich to the poor.  Then it was
burdened by the political correctness bug making everyone pay for
every service everyone else needed such as pregnancy coverage for
60 year old women. Throw in the corruption and inefficiency of any
government program, and there was no way it was going to be
cheaper.   What they thought was that they could squeeze doctors
and hospitals even further on costs than Medicare and Medicaid
already had.  What they ended up with is 50% of the hospitals not
taking it and some of them going out of business, doctors leaving
the profession in droves, and small  practices having to be bought
up by bigger practices or simply go out of business.  The problem
was that Obamacare never covered the malpractice costs and
subsequent insurance costs which are really driving medical care
costs up along with the uninsured and illegal alien population
burdening the hospitals with uncollectible debt.

The consequences of Obamacare have been far more devastating short
term and long term than anyone ever thought of (Dodd—Frank and
U.S. tax policy comes into play here also).  Small businesses
stopped hiring and modified their workforces by letting go
full-time employees and moving them to part-time.   This has
resulted in 75% of all new jobs being part time instead of full
time which means that those workers are now on Obamacare if
anything.  These aren’t the people subsidizing everyone else.

Businesses kept workforces at 50 employees, started hiring more
contractors, or simply let people go to avoid being forced into
buying health care.  Even worse, with the costs of health care
going up, companies are dropping what health care they had and
letting those employees move to Obamacare or cutting the health
care insurance that they had back.

And everyone keeps touting the “great” systems of health care in
Canada and Europe.  Those systems are fine if you have the flu but
if you need an MRI, it could take  months.  If you have cancer
late in life, I suggest your will is ready.  It’s easier to get an
MRI for your dog.  And when the money runs out in a fiscal year
for a specific treatment, you wait until the next fiscal year for
that treatment.  In Europe, they have lottery’s to see the dentist
and if you don’t get picked, hopefully you get picked the next time.

Everyone keeps saying that this was a Republican idea.  It was
actually an idea by the Heritage Foundation and supported by many
Republicans, even Newt Gingrich.  That doesn’t mean it was ever a
good idea, it just means Republican politicians pander to their
constituents to stay in office as much as Democratic politicians
at the taxpayers’ expense.

The best idea would have been simple and cheap.

1)Don’t let insurance companies keep people with existing
conditions out.

2)Beef up review of bad doctors and get rid of them

3)Pass Tort reform and limit lawyers from suing for excessive
malpractice amounts

4)Get rid of state regulations on health insurance and let
insurers sell all over the country


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Paul McCall
via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 7:11 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


I am glad this worked out well for you financially.  Most people
have been very unhappy with the effect of this, and in then we ALL
pay for any costs that are lowered, subsidized etc.   Financially
for this country as a whole, today and in the future, Obamacare is
a disaster.  There is NO free lunch system that doesn’t cost
everyone the same money, plus bureaucratic and administration
costs to get the results.  It just doesn’t work that way.
Insurance company profits are at an al- time high.  TPA’s profits
are at an all-time high.

Glad I’m making decent money

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Chuck McCown via Af
One of my daughters lives in England.  She loves the health care system there.  

From: Rory Conaway via Af 
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What happened 
to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the greatest health 
care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep wanting to go back 
to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.


Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health care.  
If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome cancer 
treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all 
you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized 
medicine is a great idea.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Amen brother Conlin.  

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far enough.  
We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the costs.  The 
cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other developed countries.  

Just peruse this:

bpOn 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

  What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always make 
money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s premiums go up.  
By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if it is universal 
(code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, opting 
out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  Spreads out 
the costs.


  ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing 
coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If you 
want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our system of 
providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath costs.  It is 
a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer system, like 
Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to minimize costs and 
who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback 
system that has inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not 
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite.  The 
Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private entities, like 
Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media in the USA.


  It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it was 
mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and I 
guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market and let 
industry to its thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention its 
inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and private 
industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth distribution 
system that makes people with money pay more and people without pay less.  Ok, 
so that is two reasons they hate it. 


  The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system simultaneously 
with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from the former would 
pay for the later resulting in no increase in out-of-pocket costs.  Then the 
other benefits of such a privatized system would start to kick in and the open 
market competition for services will drive costs down.  With health care 
general health would improve and costs would go down even more.


  Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance of 
overcoming the trillions of dollars companies are making off of the existing 
out of control health care system.  And if they could pass the laws, would 
anyone trust our Government to run such a program?  And there is the root 


  Obviously an over simplification but now back to my real job.



  Blaze Broadband




  From: Af [] On Behalf Of Rory Conaway via Af
  Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:33 AM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


  People with pre-existing conditions are one of the few groups benefitting 
from this.




  From: Af [] On Behalf Of Jeremy via Af
  Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


  We pay about the same as we did but our deductible is lower, our out of 
pocket max is lower, and they covered our pregnancy.  We switched during the 
first trimester because we didn't have maternity coverage (no self-insured 
plans in our state had it), and Obamacare made pregnancy not count as a 
pre-existing condition.  It saved us about $7,000-$8,000 this year

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Chuck McCown via Af
We were paying more, something like $1500.  On self insurance that went below 
$750 for the same coverage.  

From: Travis Johnson via Af 
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

We currently pay about $1,200/month for our benefits package, per employee (and 
family). That's health, dental and vision.


On 10/9/2014 10:54 AM, That One Guy via Af wrote:

  wealth transfer? Im not rich. Last year when contemplating going out on my 
own and opening up shop one of the huge factors was insurance. The plan I got 
quoted was going to run me around 450 a month to cover me and my kids with a 
comparable amount of coverage to what i was getting through work. I went last 
week to see what the cost was, the only thing remotely close has 3 times the 
deductible and higher copays for close to 900. I guess maybe im 
misunderstanding what rich is, I was under the impression I was not, 
financially at least, in spirit, im filthy rich. Is it my spirit that defines 
my rich/poor status? I dont have the wealth to deliver to the poor in spirit.

  On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What 
happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the 
greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep 
wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome cancer 
treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all 
you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized 
medicine is a great idea.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.  

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the 
costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other developed 

Just peruse this:

bpOn 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

  What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always 
make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s premiums go 
up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if it is 
universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, 
opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  
Spreads out the costs.

  ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing 
coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If you 
want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our system of 
providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath costs.  It is 
a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer system, like 
Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to minimize costs and 
who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback 
system that has inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not 
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite.  The 
Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private entities, like 
Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media in the USA.

  It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it was 
mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and I 
guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market and let 
industry to its thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention its 
inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and private 
industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth distribution 
system that makes people with money pay more and people without pay less.  Ok, 
so that is two reasons they hate it. 

  The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system 
simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from the 
former would pay for the later resulting in no increase in out-of-pocket costs. 
 Then the other benefits of such a privatized system would start to kick in and 
the open market competition for services will drive costs down.  With health 
care general health would improve and costs would go down even more.

  Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance of 
overcoming the trillions of dollars companies are making off of the existing 
out of control health care system.  And if they could pass the laws, would

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Simon Westlake via Af
I thought it was great when I was there. Granted, I left 12 years ago, 
the rest of my family is still using it though. My grandmother just had 
to have some pretty significant treatment on the NHS.

On 10/9/2014 12:54 PM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:
One of my daughters lives in England.  She loves the health care 
system there.

*From:* Rory Conaway via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 10:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What 
happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and 
the greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that 
and keep wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, 
Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome 
cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug 
research, etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep 
holding to the idea that socialized medicine is a great idea.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on 
the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to 
other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house. They
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone
else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health
insurance can work is if it is universal (code for mandatory). 
Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, opting out.  Or

healthy people saying no.  Everyone in. Everyone pays.  Spreads
out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about
increasing coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people
surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you have to
redesign the way money flows.  Our system of providers and
insurance companies is **designed** to maximize heath costs.  It
is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer
system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum
leverage to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise
taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback system that has
inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not
privatized health care like the VHA. In fact it is the opposite. 
The Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private

entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media
in the USA.

It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since
it was mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was
championed by Obama and I guess that is enough reason.  The basic
concept to use the free market and let industry to its thing is
normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention its inherent
ability to make more money for insurance companies and private
industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth
distribution system that makes people with money pay more and
people without pay less.  Ok, so that is two reasons they hate it.

The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system
simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the
saving from the former would pay for the later resulting in no
increase in out-of-pocket costs.  Then the other benefits of such
a privatized system would start to kick in and the open market
competition for services will drive costs down. With health care
general health would improve and costs would go down even more.

Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance
of overcoming the trillions of dollars companies are making off of
the existing out of control health care system.  And if they could
pass the laws, would anyone trust our Government to run such a
program? And there is the root problem.

Obviously an over simplification but now back to my real job.


Blaze Broadband

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Rory
Conaway via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:33 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

People with pre-existing conditions are one of the few groups
benefitting from this.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Jeremy via Af
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:32 PM

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Rory Conaway via Af
If you don’t get subsidies or if you make over $250K per year, welcome to the 
rich category as defined by the government.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of That One Guy via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


wealth transfer? Im not rich. Last year when contemplating going out on my own 
and opening up shop one of the huge factors was insurance. The plan I got 
quoted was going to run me around 450 a month to cover me and my kids with a 
comparable amount of coverage to what i was getting through work. I went last 
week to see what the cost was, the only thing remotely close has 3 times the 
deductible and higher copays for close to 900. I guess maybe im 
misunderstanding what rich is, I was under the impression I was not, 
financially at least, in spirit, im filthy rich. Is it my spirit that defines 
my rich/poor status? I dont have the wealth to deliver to the poor in spirit.


On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What happened 
to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the greatest health 
care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep wanting to go back 
to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.


Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health care.  
If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome cancer 
treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all 
you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized 
medicine is a great idea.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Amen brother Conlin.  

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far enough.  
We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the costs.  The 
cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other developed countries.  

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They 
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s 
premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if 
it is universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like 
Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  
Spreads out the costs.


ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing 
coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If you 
want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our system of 
providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath costs.  It is 
a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer system, like 
Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to minimize costs and 
who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback 
system that has inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not 
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite.  The 
Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private entities, like 
Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media in the USA.


It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it 
was mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and 
I guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market and 
let industry to its thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention 
its inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and private 
industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth distribution 
system that makes people with money pay more and people without pay less.  Ok, 
so that is two reasons they hate it. 


The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system 
simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from the 
former would pay for the later resulting in no increase in out-of-pocket costs. 
 Then the other benefits of such a privatized system would start to kick in and 
the open market competition for services will drive costs down.  With health 
care general health would improve and costs would go down even more.


Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance of 
overcoming the trillions of dollars companies are making off of the existing 
out of control health care system.  And if they could pass the laws, would 
anyone trust our Government to run such a program?  And there is the root 

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread That One Guy via Af
The plan was private not group, does group cost more? I would expect it to
be less.
if I made 250k I wouldnt really care about paying double for a plan
I never looked at group because I assumed I wouldnt have staff for at least
a year.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

 If you don’t get subsidies or if you make over $250K per year, welcome to
 the rich category as defined by the government.


 *From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *That One Guy via
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:54 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

 wealth transfer? Im not rich. Last year when contemplating going out on my
 own and opening up shop one of the huge factors was insurance. The plan I
 got quoted was going to run me around 450 a month to cover me and my kids
 with a comparable amount of coverage to what i was getting through work. I
 went last week to see what the cost was, the only thing remotely close has
 3 times the deductible and higher copays for close to 900. I guess maybe im
 misunderstanding what rich is, I was under the impression I was not,
 financially at least, in spirit, im filthy rich. Is it my spirit that
 defines my rich/poor status? I dont have the wealth to deliver to the poor
 in spirit.

 On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

 Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What
 happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the
 greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep
 wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.

 Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health
 care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome
 cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research,
 etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea
 that socialized medicine is a great idea.


 *From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince via Af
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM

 *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

 Amen brother Conlin.

 The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far
 enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the
 costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other
 developed countries.

 Just peruse this:


 On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

 What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always
 make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s premiums
 go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if it is
 universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like
 Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone
 pays.  Spreads out the costs.

 ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing
 coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If
 you want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our
 system of providers and insurance companies is **designed** to maximize
 heath costs.  It is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single
 payer system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage
 to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a
 proper (negative) feedback system that has inheritably more control.
 Canada, for the record, is not privatized health care like the VHA.  In
 fact it is the opposite.  The Government of Canada purchases all its
 healthcare from private entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be
 discovered by the media in the USA.

 It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it was
 mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and
 I guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market
 and let industry to its thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to
 mention its inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and
 private industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth
 distribution system that makes people with money pay more and people
 without pay less.  Ok, so that is two reasons they hate it.

 The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system
 simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from
 the former would pay for the later resulting in no increase in
 out-of-pocket costs.  Then the other benefits of such a privatized system
 would start to kick in and the open market competition for services will
 drive costs down.  With health care general health would improve and costs
 would go down even more.

 Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Bill Prince via Af
Obamacare provides subsidies if your income is  $63,000 per year.  Over 
that, and the subsidy is zip.


On 10/9/2014 11:14 AM, James Howard via Af wrote:

According to the insurance guy I was talking to recently, in Wisconsin 
the private plans are what had a 200% increase (or more) this year.  
Sounds like you might have had that happen in Illinois too.  Group 
rates are generally lower.  I think you can qualify for a group rate 
with a very small number but I don’t know about it being just 1 
employee.  Before Obamacare, you could often get into groups by 
joining a Chamber of Commerce.

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *That One Guy via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 1:03 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

The plan was private not group, does group cost more? I would expect 
it to be less.

if I made 250k I wouldnt really care about paying double for a plan

I never looked at group because I assumed I wouldnt have staff for at 
least a year.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

If you don’t get subsidies or if you make over $250K per year, welcome 
to the rich category as defined by the government.


*From:*Af [] 
*On Behalf Of *That One Guy via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:54 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

wealth transfer? Im not rich. Last year when contemplating going out 
on my own and opening up shop one of the huge factors was insurance. 
The plan I got quoted was going to run me around 450 a month to cover 
me and my kids with a comparable amount of coverage to what i was 
getting through work. I went last week to see what the cost was, the 
only thing remotely close has 3 times the deductible and higher copays 
for close to 900. I guess maybe im misunderstanding what rich is, I 
was under the impression I was not, financially at least, in spirit, 
im filthy rich. Is it my spirit that defines my rich/poor status? I 
dont have the wealth to deliver to the poor in spirit.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What 
happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and 
the greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that 
and keep wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, 
Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome 
cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug 
research, etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep 
holding to the idea that socialized medicine is a great idea.


*From:*Af [] 
*On Behalf Of *Bill Prince via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM

*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on 
the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to 
other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone
else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health
insurance can work is if it is universal (code for mandatory).
Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, opting out.  Or
healthy people saying no.  Everyone in. Everyone pays.  Spreads
out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs. It was about
increasing coverage. More coverage costs more.  Why are people
surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you have to
redesign the way money flows.  Our system of providers and
insurance companies is **designed** to maximize heath costs.  It
is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer
system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum
leverage to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise
taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback system that has
inheritably more control. Canada, for the record, is not
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite.
The Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private
entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media
in the USA.

It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since
it was mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Rory Conaway via Af
Groups rates either went up or services went down.  We will spend at least $6K 
more this year minimum.  The year isn’t over yet.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Obamacare provides subsidies if your income is  $63,000 per year.  Over that, 
and the subsidy is zip.


On 10/9/2014 11:14 AM, James Howard via Af wrote:

According to the insurance guy I was talking to recently, in Wisconsin 
the private plans are what had a 200% increase (or more) this year.  Sounds 
like you might have had that happen in Illinois too.  Group rates are generally 
lower.  I think you can qualify for a group rate with a very small number but I 
don’t know about it being just 1 employee.  Before Obamacare, you could often 
get into groups by joining a Chamber of Commerce. 


From: Af [] On Behalf Of That One Guy via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


The plan was private not group, does group cost more? I would expect it 
to be less. 

if I made 250k I wouldnt really care about paying double for a plan

I never looked at group because I assumed I wouldnt have staff for at 
least a year.


On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Rory Conaway via Af 

If you don’t get subsidies or if you make over $250K per year, welcome 
to the rich category as defined by the government.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of That One Guy via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


wealth transfer? Im not rich. Last year when contemplating going out on 
my own and opening up shop one of the huge factors was insurance. The plan I 
got quoted was going to run me around 450 a month to cover me and my kids with 
a comparable amount of coverage to what i was getting through work. I went last 
week to see what the cost was, the only thing remotely close has 3 times the 
deductible and higher copays for close to 900. I guess maybe im 
misunderstanding what rich is, I was under the impression I was not, 
financially at least, in spirit, im filthy rich. Is it my spirit that defines 
my rich/poor status? I dont have the wealth to deliver to the poor in spirit.


On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Rory Conaway via Af 

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What 
happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the 
greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep 
wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.


Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome cancer 
treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all 
you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized 
medicine is a great idea.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Amen brother Conlin.  

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the 
costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other developed 

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  
They always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s 
premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if 
it is universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like 
Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  
Spreads out the costs.


ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about 
increasing coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at 
this?  If you want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  
Our system of providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath 
costs.  It is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer 
system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to 
minimize costs and who has limited ability

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Rory Conaway via Af
It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  Between 
continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration and growth of an 
uneducated population, and lawlessness from the President on down, Capitalism 
won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it fails, then so does the country and as 
evidenced by the unchecked growth of evil philosophies such as radical Islam, 
dictatorships masquerading as Communism, and Communist countries with no moral 
or ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide.  Capitalism funds and drives 
the United States to continue to be a leader in the world. 




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Chris Wright via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


While capitalism may have built the greatest country in the world, some think 
capitalism cannot sustain the greatest country in the world.


Chris Wright

Velociter Wireless 


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Rory Conaway via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What happened 
to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the greatest health 
care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep wanting to go back 
to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.


Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health care.  
If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome cancer 
treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all 
you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized 
medicine is a great idea.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Amen brother Conlin.  

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far enough.  
We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the costs.  The 
cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other developed countries.  

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They 
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s 
premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if 
it is universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like 
Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  
Spreads out the costs.


ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing 
coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If you 
want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our system of 
providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath costs.  It is 
a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer system, like 
Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to minimize costs and 
who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback 
system that has inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not 
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite.  The 
Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private entities, like 
Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media in the USA.


It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it 
was mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and 
I guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market and 
let industry to its thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention 
its inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and private 
industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth distribution 
system that makes people with money pay more and people without pay less.  Ok, 
so that is two reasons they hate it. 


The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system 
simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from the 
former would pay for the later resulting in no increase in out-of-pocket costs. 
 Then the other benefits of such a privatized system would start to kick in and 
the open market competition for services will drive costs down.  With health 
care general health would improve and costs would go down even more.


Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance of 
overcoming the trillions of dollars companies are making off of the existing 
out of control health care system.  And if they could pass the laws, would 

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Paul McCall via Af

From: Af [] On Behalf Of Rory Conaway via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  Between 
continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration and growth of an 
uneducated population, and lawlessness from the President on down, Capitalism 
won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it fails, then so does the country and as 
evidenced by the unchecked growth of evil philosophies such as radical Islam, 
dictatorships masquerading as Communism, and Communist countries with no moral 
or ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide.  Capitalism funds and drives 
the United States to continue to be a leader in the world.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Chris Wright via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

While capitalism may have built the greatest country in the world, some think 
capitalism cannot sustain the greatest country in the world.

Chris Wright
Velociter Wireless

From: Af [] On Behalf Of Rory Conaway via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What happened 
to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the greatest health 
care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep wanting to go back 
to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health care.  
If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome cancer 
treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all 
you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized 
medicine is a great idea.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far enough.  
We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the costs.  The 
cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other developed countries.

Just peruse this:

On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:
What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always make 
money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s premiums go up.  
By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if it is universal 
(code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, opting 
out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  Spreads out 
the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing coverage. 
 More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If you want to 
control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our system of 
providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath costs.  It is 
a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer system, like 
Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to minimize costs and 
who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback 
system that has inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not 
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite.  The 
Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private entities, like 
Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media in the USA.

It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it was 
mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and I 
guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market and let 
industry to its thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention its 
inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and private 
industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth distribution 
system that makes people with money pay more and people without pay less.  Ok, 
so that is two reasons they hate it.

The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system simultaneously 
with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from the former would 
pay for the later resulting in no increase in out-of-pocket costs.  Then the 
other benefits of such a privatized system would start to kick in and the open 
market competition for services will drive costs down.  With health care 
general health would improve and costs would go down even more.

Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance of overcoming 
the trillions of dollars companies are making off

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Adam Moffett via Af

If you go into a Doctor's office and receive aspirin and a hug, you'll 
still get a $500 bill (or your insurance will).

I'd love it if we could address whatever drives the costs up.

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work. What 
happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and 
the greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that 
and keep wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, 
Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome 
cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug 
research, etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep 
holding to the idea that socialized medicine is a great idea.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on 
the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to 
other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone
else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health
insurance can work is if it is universal (code for mandatory). 
Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, opting out.  Or

healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  Spreads
out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about
increasing coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people
surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you have to
redesign the way money flows.  Our system of providers and
insurance companies is **designed** to maximize heath costs.  It
is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer
system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum
leverage to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise
taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback system that has
inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite.
The Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private
entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media
in the USA.

It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since
it was mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was
championed by Obama and I guess that is enough reason. The basic
concept to use the free market and let industry to its thing is
normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention its inherent
ability to make more money for insurance companies and private
industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth
distribution system that makes people with money pay more and
people without pay less.  Ok, so that is two reasons they hate it.

The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system
simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the
saving from the former would pay for the later resulting in no
increase in out-of-pocket costs. Then the other benefits of such a
privatized system would start to kick in and the open market
competition for services will drive costs down.  With health care
general health would improve and costs would go down even more.

Unfortunately the Government is dysfunctional and has zero chance
of overcoming the trillions of dollars companies are making off of
the existing out of control health care system. And if they could
pass the laws, would anyone trust our Government to run such a
program?  And there is the root problem.

Obviously an over simplification but now back to my real job.


Blaze Broadband

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Rory
Conaway via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:33 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

People with pre-existing conditions are one of the few groups
benefitting from this.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Jeremy via Af
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:32 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

We pay about the same as we did but our deductible is lower, our
out of pocket max is lower, and they covered our pregnancy.  We
switched during the first trimester because we didn't have
maternity coverage (no self

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Sean Heskett via Af
Yes corporate welfare is very damaging to capitalism and the economy.
Banks, car manufactures, airlines, on and on.

On Thursday, October 9, 2014, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

 It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  Between
 continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration and growth of
 an uneducated population, and lawlessness from the President on down,
 Capitalism won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it fails, then so does the
 country and as evidenced by the unchecked growth of evil philosophies such
 as radical Islam, dictatorships masquerading as Communism, and Communist
 countries with no moral or ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide.
 Capitalism funds and drives the United States to continue to be a leader in
 the world.


 *From:* Af [
 javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');] *On Behalf Of *Chris
 Wright via Af
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
 *To:* javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');
 *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

 While capitalism may have *built* the greatest country in the world, some
 think capitalism cannot *sustain* the greatest country in the world.

 Chris Wright

 Velociter Wireless

 *From:* Af [
 javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');] *On Behalf Of *Rory
 Conaway via Af
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
 *To:* javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');
 *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

 Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What
 happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the
 greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep
 wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.

 Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health
 care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome
 cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research,
 etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea
 that socialized medicine is a great idea.


 *From:* Af [
 javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');] *On Behalf Of *Bill
 Prince via Af
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
 *To:* javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');
 *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

 Amen brother Conlin.

 The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far
 enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the
 costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other
 developed countries.

 Just peruse this:


 On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

 What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always
 make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s premiums
 go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if it is
 universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like
 Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone
 pays.  Spreads out the costs.

 ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing
 coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If
 you want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our
 system of providers and insurance companies is **designed** to maximize
 heath costs.  It is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single
 payer system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage
 to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a
 proper (negative) feedback system that has inheritably more control.
 Canada, for the record, is not privatized health care like the VHA.  In
 fact it is the opposite.  The Government of Canada purchases all its
 healthcare from private entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be
 discovered by the media in the USA.

 It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since it was
 mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was championed by Obama and
 I guess that is enough reason.  The basic concept to use the free market
 and let industry to its thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to
 mention its inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and
 private industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth
 distribution system that makes people with money pay more and people
 without pay less.  Ok, so that is two reasons they hate it.

 The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system
 simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the saving from
 the former would pay for the later resulting in no increase in
 out-of-pocket costs

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Josh Reynolds via Af
Awesome. Then do what Germany recently did, which is making college 
virtually free by removing tuition costs.

Now you have a population that isn't drowning in 1.2TRILLION dollars in 
student debt.

OTOH, having a college degree doesn't amount to a hill of beans when the 
QUALITY of our educational institutions(especially public) is horrible.

There's also a huge amount of skilled trades that really need workers to 
fill them. Plumbers, electricians, etc need able educated hands to build 
infrastructure for the next few generations.

I'll leave you with this:

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/09/2014 12:53 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up. Between 
continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration and 
growth of an uneducated population, and lawlessness from the President 
on down, Capitalism won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it fails, then 
so does the country and as evidenced by the unchecked growth of evil 
philosophies such as radical Islam, dictatorships masquerading as 
Communism, and Communist countries with no moral or ethical 
foundation, complete anarchy worldwide. Capitalism funds and drives 
the United States to continue to be a leader in the world.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Chris Wright via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

While capitalism may have *built* the greatest country in the world, 
some think capitalism cannot *sustain* the greatest country in the world.

Chris Wright

Velociter Wireless

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Rory Conaway via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work. What 
happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and 
the greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that 
and keep wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, 
Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome 
cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug 
research, etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep 
holding to the idea that socialized medicine is a great idea.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on 
the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to 
other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect? Insurance companies are the house.  They
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone
else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health
insurance can work is if it is universal (code for mandatory). 
Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, opting out.  Or

healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  Spreads
out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about
increasing coverage. More coverage costs more.  Why are people
surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you have to
redesign the way money flows.  Our system of providers and
insurance companies is **designed** to maximize heath costs.  It
is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer
system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum
leverage to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise
taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback system that has
inheritably more control. Canada, for the record, is not
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite. 
The Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private

entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media
in the USA.

It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since
it was mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was
championed by Obama and I guess that is enough reason.  The basic
concept to use the free market and let industry to its thing is
normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention its inherent
ability to make more money for insurance companies and private

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Glen Waldrop via Af
I think the general population thinks machines do all the technical work.

Finding someone that knows how to work concrete, run electrical, plumbing, etc, 
correctly is much harder than it was 20 years ago.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Josh Reynolds via Af 
  Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 4:50 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

  Awesome. Then do what Germany recently did, which is making college virtually 
free by removing tuition costs.

  Now you have a population that isn't drowning in 1.2 TRILLION dollars in 
student debt.

  OTOH, having a college degree doesn't amount to a hill of beans when the 
QUALITY of our educational institutions (especially public) is horrible.

  There's also a huge amount of skilled trades that really need workers to fill 
them. Plumbers, electricians, etc need able educated hands to build 
infrastructure for the next few generations.

  I'll leave you with this:

  Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

  On 10/09/2014 12:53 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  Between 
continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration and growth of an 
uneducated population, and lawlessness from the President on down, Capitalism 
won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it fails, then so does the country and as 
evidenced by the unchecked growth of evil philosophies such as radical Islam, 
dictatorships masquerading as Communism, and Communist countries with no moral 
or ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide.  Capitalism funds and drives 
the United States to continue to be a leader in the world. 


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Chris Wright via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

While capitalism may have built the greatest country in the world, some 
think capitalism cannot sustain the greatest country in the world.

Chris Wright

Velociter Wireless

From: Af [] On Behalf Of Rory Conaway via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What 
happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the 
greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep 
wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome cancer 
treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all 
you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized 
medicine is a great idea.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.  

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the 
costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other developed 

Just peruse this:

bpOn 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

  What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always 
make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s premiums go 
up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if it is 
universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, 
opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  
Spreads out the costs.

  ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing 
coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If you 
want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our system of 
providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath costs.  It is 
a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer system, like 
Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to minimize costs and 
who has limited ability to raise taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback 
system that has inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not 
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the opposite.  The 
Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare from private entities, like 
Medicare.  A fact yet to be discovered by the media in the USA.

  It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare since

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Rory Conaway via Af
Part of this problem is that unchecked immigration has driven down the wages in 
these fields.  It’s harder today to raise a family as a carpenter or mechanic 
than it was 40 years ago.




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Glen Waldrop via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


I think the general population thinks machines do all the technical work.

Finding someone that knows how to work concrete, run electrical, plumbing, etc, 
correctly is much harder than it was 20 years ago.



- Original Message - 

From: Josh Reynolds via Af  


Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 4:50 PM

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Awesome. Then do what Germany recently did, which is making college 
virtually free by removing tuition costs.

Now you have a population that isn't drowning in 1.2 TRILLION dollars 
in student debt.

OTOH, having a college degree doesn't amount to a hill of beans when 
the QUALITY of our educational institutions (especially public) is horrible.

There's also a huge amount of skilled trades that really need workers 
to fill them. Plumbers, electricians, etc need able educated hands to build 
infrastructure for the next few generations.

I'll leave you with this:

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/09/2014 12:53 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  
Between continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration and growth 
of an uneducated population, and lawlessness from the President on down, 
Capitalism won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it fails, then so does the country 
and as evidenced by the unchecked growth of evil philosophies such as radical 
Islam, dictatorships masquerading as Communism, and Communist countries with no 
moral or ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide.  Capitalism funds and 
drives the United States to continue to be a leader in the world. 


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Chris 
Wright via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

While capitalism may have built the greatest country in the 
world, some think capitalism cannot sustain the greatest country in the world.

Chris Wright

Velociter Wireless 

From: Af [] On Behalf Of Rory 
Conaway via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t 
work.  What happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and 
the greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep 
wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our 
health care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome 
cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, etc…  
If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea that 
socialized medicine is a great idea.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince 
via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.  

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't 
go far enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on 
the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other 
developed countries.  

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the 
house.  They always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone 
else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work 
is if it is universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, 
like Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone 
pays.  Spreads out the costs.


Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Chuck McCown via Af
Most of my kids have gone to BYU, so... pretty conservative fare.  I have a 
couple of heretics that went to USU and one that got a degree in Cornwall 
England.  But none of them have complained about liberal agendas.

From: Travis Johnson via Af 
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

OTOH, I have two girls in college... both honor students with a 4.0 at two 
different colleges. They both hated all the dumb classes they had to take at 
first, but then after a year or two, they both recognized the value in those 
type of classes. They are involved in many outside associations and activities, 
mainly because of those type of classes. They have received many scholarships 
and awards due to some of those classes. Yes, there are classes they hate and 
wished they didn't have to take... but as my oldest nears graduation this May, 
her depth on many subjects is awesome. :)

Part of the issue could be the exact class your boys are selecting... I know at 
both of my daughter's schools there are literally hundreds of humanities 
classes available, and they have never taken a Beatles History class. LOL


On 10/9/2014 4:16 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

  I have 2 boys in college.  Both boys are going into science fields of one 
kind or another and both will get post-graduate degrees.  However, as a parent, 
when I have to pay for classes such as Beatles History, sexual history of the 
human race, or a couple other really stupid humanities classes such as these 
that have nothing whatsoever in common with their degrees, I have no sympathy 
for colleges that need more money.  I estimate we personally wasted $3000 or 
more on these classes that are nothing more than to keep some useless professor 
employed. That is money I would rather have spent on lab resources, additional 
classes, or something pertaining to their real education.  Want to make college 
more affordable, put these inane classes under scrutiny to the taxpayers and 
see how fast the budgets start getting cut.





  From: Af [] On Behalf Of Josh Reynolds via Af
  Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 2:50 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


  Awesome. Then do what Germany recently did, which is making college virtually 
free by removing tuition costs.

  Now you have a population that isn't drowning in 1.2 TRILLION dollars in 
student debt.

  OTOH, having a college degree doesn't amount to a hill of beans when the 
QUALITY of our educational institutions (especially public) is horrible.

  There's also a huge amount of skilled trades that really need workers to fill 
them. Plumbers, electricians, etc need able educated hands to build 
infrastructure for the next few generations.

  I'll leave you with this:

  Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

  On 10/09/2014 12:53 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  Between 
continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration and growth of an 
uneducated population, and lawlessness from the President on down, Capitalism 
won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it fails, then so does the country and as 
evidenced by the unchecked growth of evil philosophies such as radical Islam, 
dictatorships masquerading as Communism, and Communist countries with no moral 
or ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide.  Capitalism funds and drives 
the United States to continue to be a leader in the world. 




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Chris Wright via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


While capitalism may have built the greatest country in the world, some 
think capitalism cannot sustain the greatest country in the world.


Chris Wright

Velociter Wireless


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Rory Conaway via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What 
happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the 
greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep 
wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.


Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome cancer 
treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all 
you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized 
medicine is a great idea.




From: Af [mailto:af

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Glen Waldrop via Af
Check the prices for those procedures in other countries.

Our medical system is out of touch with the rest of the world.

I spoke with another Lyme patient who went to visit friends in Japan and got an 
MRI done there. The expense from the trip and testing still didn't touch what 
an MRI costs in the US.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Travis Johnson via Af 
  Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 5:22 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

  It's not the routine care and occasional small health issue, it's when the 
$500,000 heart attack happens. Or the $300,000 kidney failure. Or even the 
$100,000 surgery... that's really what insurance is for.

  They charge full retail when they have to bill insurance because it's such 
a pain to actually collect. I work with several medical billing offices. These 
are full time companies that do nothing but handle insurance billing for 
doctors, etc... it's THAT big of a job to actually collect from all these 
insurance companies (the same ones that are making billions in profits each 


  On 10/9/2014 3:45 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:

The hospital, yes. The doctor's office, no.

I was a cash patient going to a specialist. My insurance price is around 
$175, my cash price was $130. Same with my meds, I paid cash price at my 
pharmacy and one run would be $66. With insurance they bill full retail which 
is closer to double that and I pay a $20 co pay. The pharmacy makes more money 
with my insurance, but they still made a profit without. I'm good friends with 
my pharmacist.

I ran the numbers, even dealing with Lyme disease I was spending around 
$2500 a year, including supplements that aren't covered by insurance. I'm 
paying around $4000 a year for my insurance and still paying a chunk of my 
doctor bill and my medications, still paying for my supplements. My total 
healthcare is more like $5000 to $6000 a year now.

I spent less on healthcare by paying cash.

The testing was nice to have covered by insurance, but I'd have still come 
out cheaper at the end of the year to pay cash for those than pay my insurance.

I will say this, my wife had a miscarriage last month. Insurance came in 
handy on that bill, however, paying cash for the same service would have only 
made our healthcare equal what I'm paying for insurance every year.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Adam Moffett via Af 
  Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 4:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

  If you go into a Doctor's office and receive aspirin and a hug, you'll 
still get a $500 bill (or your insurance will).

  I'd love it if we could address whatever drives the costs up.

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What 
happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the 
greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep 
wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome cancer 
treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all 
you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized 
medicine is a great idea.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.  

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the 
costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other developed 

Just peruse this:

bpOn 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

  What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They 
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s 
premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if 
it is universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like 
Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  
Spreads out the costs.

  ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing 
coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If you 
want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our system of 
providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath costs.  It is 
a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer system, like 
Canada, where one paying party can have maximum leverage to minimize costs and 
who has limited ability

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Bill Prince via Af

Or cut out HALF of the $3 TRILLION we spend on alleged health care.


On 10/9/2014 2:50 PM, Josh Reynolds via Af wrote:
Awesome. Then do what Germany recently did, which is making college 
virtually free by removing tuition costs.

Now you have a population that isn't drowning in 1.2TRILLION dollars 
in student debt.

OTOH, having a college degree doesn't amount to a hill of beans when 
the QUALITY of our educational institutions(especially public) is 

There's also a huge amount of skilled trades that really need workers 
to fill them. Plumbers, electricians, etc need able educated hands to 
build infrastructure for the next few generations.

I'll leave you with this:

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/09/2014 12:53 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  
Between continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration 
and growth of an uneducated population, and lawlessness from the 
President on down, Capitalism won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it 
fails, then so does the country and as evidenced by the unchecked 
growth of evil philosophies such as radical Islam, dictatorships 
masquerading as Communism, and Communist countries with no moral or 
ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide.  Capitalism funds and 
drives the United States to continue to be a leader in the world.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Chris Wright 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

While capitalism may have *built* the greatest country in the world, 
some think capitalism cannot *sustain* the greatest country in the world.

Chris Wright

Velociter Wireless

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Rory Conaway 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work. What 
happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and 
the greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget 
that and keep wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, 
Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our 
health care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, 
genome cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug 
research, etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep 
holding to the idea that socialized medicine is a great idea.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle 
on the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost 
to other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone
else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health
insurance can work is if it is universal (code for mandatory). 
Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, opting out.  Or

healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  Spreads
out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about
increasing coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people
surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you have to
redesign the way money flows.  Our system of providers and
insurance companies is **designed** to maximize heath costs.  It
is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer
system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum
leverage to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise
taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback system that has
inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the
opposite.  The Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare
from private entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be
discovered by the media in the USA.

It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare
since it was mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was
championed by Obama and I guess that is enough reason. The basic
concept to use the free market and let industry to its thing

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Josh Reynolds via Af
Reduce the cost of education and healthcare and you have a educated, 
healthy workforce with more disposable income. Not only are they able to 
produce more, but they also have more disposable income.

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/09/2014 02:45 PM, Bill Prince via Af wrote:

Or cut out HALF of the $3 TRILLION we spend on alleged health care.

On 10/9/2014 2:50 PM, Josh Reynolds via Af wrote:
Awesome. Then do what Germany recently did, which is making college 
virtually free by removing tuition costs.

Now you have a population that isn't drowning in 1.2TRILLION dollars 
in student debt.

OTOH, having a college degree doesn't amount to a hill of beans when 
the QUALITY of our educational institutions(especially public) is 

There's also a huge amount of skilled trades that really need workers 
to fill them. Plumbers, electricians, etc need able educated hands to 
build infrastructure for the next few generations.

I'll leave you with this:

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/09/2014 12:53 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  
Between continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration 
and growth of an uneducated population, and lawlessness from the 
President on down, Capitalism won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it 
fails, then so does the country and as evidenced by the unchecked 
growth of evil philosophies such as radical Islam, dictatorships 
masquerading as Communism, and Communist countries with no moral or 
ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide.  Capitalism funds 
and drives the United States to continue to be a leader in the world.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Chris Wright 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

While capitalism may have *built* the greatest country in the world, 
some think capitalism cannot *sustain* the greatest country in the 

Chris Wright

Velociter Wireless

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Rory Conaway 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  
What happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country 
and the greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody 
forget that and keep wanting to go back to the failed systems in 
Europe, Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our 
health care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI 
machines, genome cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, 
Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a 
hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized medicine is a 
great idea.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go 
far enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a 
handle on the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double 
the cost to other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house. 
They always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions

everyone else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way
health insurance can work is if it is universal (code for
mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck,
opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in. 
Everyone pays.  Spreads out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about
increasing coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people
surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you have to
redesign the way money flows.  Our system of providers and
insurance companies is **designed** to maximize heath costs.  It
is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer
system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum
leverage to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise
taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback system that has
inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the
opposite.  The Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Bill Prince via Af

Correction.  This Forbes article claims we spend $3.8 TRILLION per year.

Pretty soon, you're talking real money.


On 10/9/2014 3:54 PM, Josh Reynolds via Af wrote:
Reduce the cost of education and healthcare and you have a educated, 
healthy workforce with more disposable income. Not only are they able 
to produce more, but they also have more disposable income.

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/09/2014 02:45 PM, Bill Prince via Af wrote:

Or cut out HALF of the $3 TRILLION we spend on alleged health care.

On 10/9/2014 2:50 PM, Josh Reynolds via Af wrote:
Awesome. Then do what Germany recently did, which is making college 
virtually free by removing tuition costs.

Now you have a population that isn't drowning in 1.2TRILLION dollars 
in student debt.

OTOH, having a college degree doesn't amount to a hill of beans when 
the QUALITY of our educational institutions(especially public) is 

There's also a huge amount of skilled trades that really need 
workers to fill them. Plumbers, electricians, etc need able educated 
hands to build infrastructure for the next few generations.

I'll leave you with this:

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/09/2014 12:53 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  
Between continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked 
immigration and growth of an uneducated population, and lawlessness 
from the President on down, Capitalism won’t survive.  
Unfortunately, if it fails, then so does the country and as 
evidenced by the unchecked growth of evil philosophies such as 
radical Islam, dictatorships masquerading as Communism, and 
Communist countries with no moral or ethical foundation, complete 
anarchy worldwide. Capitalism funds and drives the United States to 
continue to be a leader in the world.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Chris Wright 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

While capitalism may have *built* the greatest country in the 
world, some think capitalism cannot *sustain* the greatest country 
in the world.

Chris Wright

Velociter Wireless

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Rory Conaway 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  
What happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest 
country and the greatest health care in the world.  Why does 
everybody forget that and keep wanting to go back to the failed 
systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our 
health care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI 
machines, genome cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, 
Hepatitis drug research, etc… If all you want is an aspirin and a 
hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized medicine is a 
great idea.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go 
far enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a 
handle on the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double 
the cost to other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect? Insurance companies are the house. 
They always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions

everyone else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way
health insurance can work is if it is universal (code for
mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck,
opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in. 
Everyone pays. Spreads out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about
increasing coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people
surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you have to
redesign the way money flows.  Our system of providers and
insurance companies is **designed** to maximize heath costs. 
It is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single

payer system, like Canada, where one paying party can have
maximum leverage to minimize costs and who has limited ability
to raise taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback system that
has inheritably more control. Canada

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Dan Petermann via Af
My wife wanted her doctor to deliver our son. He told her that if he delivered 
a baby, even on the side of a road in an emergency, his malpractice insurance 
would increase by $30,000.00/year. Think about that. 


Our legal, insurance, and medical industry is completely out of touch.

On Oct 9, 2014, at 4:34 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:

 Check the prices for those procedures in other countries.
 Our medical system is out of touch with the rest of the world.
 I spoke with another Lyme patient who went to visit friends in Japan and got 
 an MRI done there. The expense from the trip and testing still didn't touch 
 what an MRI costs in the US.
 - Original Message -
 From: Travis Johnson via Af
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 5:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare
 It's not the routine care and occasional small health issue, it's when the 
 $500,000 heart attack happens. Or the $300,000 kidney failure. Or even the 
 $100,000 surgery... that's really what insurance is for.
 They charge full retail when they have to bill insurance because it's such 
 a pain to actually collect. I work with several medical billing offices. 
 These are full time companies that do nothing but handle insurance billing 
 for doctors, etc... it's THAT big of a job to actually collect from all these 
 insurance companies (the same ones that are making billions in profits each 
 On 10/9/2014 3:45 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:
 The hospital, yes. The doctor's office, no.
 I was a cash patient going to a specialist. My insurance price is around 
 $175, my cash price was $130. Same with my meds, I paid cash price at my 
 pharmacy and one run would be $66. With insurance they bill full retail 
 which is closer to double that and I pay a $20 co pay. The pharmacy makes 
 more money with my insurance, but they still made a profit without. I'm good 
 friends with my pharmacist.
 I ran the numbers, even dealing with Lyme disease I was spending around 
 $2500 a year, including supplements that aren't covered by insurance. I'm 
 paying around $4000 a year for my insurance and still paying a chunk of my 
 doctor bill and my medications, still paying for my supplements. My total 
 healthcare is more like $5000 to $6000 a year now.
 I spent less on healthcare by paying cash.
 The testing was nice to have covered by insurance, but I'd have still come 
 out cheaper at the end of the year to pay cash for those than pay my 
 I will say this, my wife had a miscarriage last month. Insurance came in 
 handy on that bill, however, paying cash for the same service would have 
 only made our healthcare equal what I'm paying for insurance every year.
 - Original Message -
 From: Adam Moffett via Af
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 4:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare
 If you go into a Doctor's office and receive aspirin and a hug, you'll still 
 get a $500 bill (or your insurance will).
 I'd love it if we could address whatever drives the costs up.
 Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What 
 happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the 
 greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep 
 wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.
 Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
 care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome 
 cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, 
 etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea 
 that socialized medicine is a great idea.
 From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare
 Amen brother Conlin.  
 The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
 enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the 
 costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other 
 developed countries.  
 Just peruse this:
 On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:
 What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always 
 make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s premiums 
 go up.  By definition.  The only way health insurance can work is if it is 
 universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like 
 Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone 
 pays.  Spreads out the costs.
 ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing 
 coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If 
 you want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Bill Prince via Af
Actually, it's the mega hospital bill that accumulates when you are on 
your death bed, and they spare no expense at keeping you alive despite 
the fact that you're going to die anyway.  And probably in significant 
pain, with no hope of getting better.

Last statistic I heard/read was 80% of your health care expenses occur 
in the last 3 months of life.

Personally, I'd like to just sit out on the deck and enjoy the fresh air 
for the last days of my life.


On 10/9/2014 3:22 PM, Travis Johnson via Af wrote:
It's not the routine care and occasional small health issue, it's when 
the $500,000 heart attack happens. Or the $300,000 kidney failure. Or 
even the $100,000 surgery... that's really what insurance is for.

They charge full retail when they have to bill insurance because 
it's such a pain to actually collect. I work with several medical 
billing offices. These are full time companies that do nothing but 
handle insurance billing for doctors, etc... it's THAT big of a job to 
actually collect from all these insurance companies (the same ones 
that are making billions in profits each year).


On 10/9/2014 3:45 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:

The hospital, yes. The doctor's office, no.

I was a cash patient going to a specialist. My insurance price is 
around $175, my cash price was $130. Same with my meds, I paid cash 
price at my pharmacy and one run would be $66. With insurance they 
bill full retail which is closer to double that and I pay a $20 co 
pay. The pharmacy makes more money with my insurance, but they still 
made a profit without. I'm good friends with my pharmacist.
I ran the numbers, even dealing with Lyme disease I was spending 
around $2500 a year, including supplements that aren't covered by 
insurance. I'm paying around $4000 a year for my insurance and still 
paying a chunk of my doctor bill and my medications, still paying for 
my supplements. My total healthcare is more like $5000 to $6000 a 
year now.

I spent less on healthcare by paying cash.
The testing was nice to have covered by insurance, but I'd have still 
come out cheaper at the end of the year to pay cash for those than 
pay my insurance.

I will say this, my wife had a miscarriage last month. Insurance came 
in handy on that bill, however, paying cash for the same service 
would have only made our healthcare equal what I'm paying for 
insurance every year.

- Original Message -
*From:* Adam Moffett via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 4:04 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

If you go into a Doctor's office and receive aspirin and a hug,
you'll still get a $500 bill (or your insurance will).

I'd love it if we could address whatever drives the costs up.

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t
work.  What happened to the idea that Capitalism built the
greatest country and the greatest health care in the world.  Why
does everybody forget that and keep wanting to go back to the
failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our
health care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI
machines, genome cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs,
Hepatitis drug research, etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and
a hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized medicine is
a great idea.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill
Prince via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't
go far enough.  We really, really need to have a system that
gets a handle on the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more
than double the cost to other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house. 
They always make money.  By accepting pre-existing
conditions everyone else’s premiums go up.  By definition. 
The only way health insurance can work is if it is universal

(code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math,
like Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no. 
Everyone in. Everyone pays.  Spreads out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about
increasing coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are
people surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you
have to redesign the way money flows.  Our system of
providers and insurance companies is **designed** to
maximize heath costs.  It is a positive feedback loop.  What

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Josh Reynolds via Af
If you are only a good person because of some promise of your own 
personal utopia in the afterlife, then you're pretty much a PoS as an 

The Golden Rule goes a long way.

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/09/2014 04:13 PM, Bob Hrbek via Af wrote:

no moral or ethical foundation

This is the demise of every great civilization

Sent from my mobile device.   Please excuse my brevity or misspellings.

On Oct 9, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  
Between continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration 
and growth of an uneducated population, and lawlessness from the 
President on down, Capitalism won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it 
fails, then so does the country and as evidenced by the unchecked 
growth of evil philosophies such as radical Islam, dictatorships 
masquerading as Communism, and Communist countries with no moral or 
ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide.  Capitalism funds and 
drives the United States to continue to be a leader in the world.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Chris Wright 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

While capitalism may have *built* the greatest country in the world, 
some think capitalism cannot *sustain* the greatest country in the world.

Chris Wright

Velociter Wireless

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Rory Conaway 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  
What happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country 
and the greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget 
that and keep wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, 
Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our 
health care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, 
genome cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug 
research, etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep 
holding to the idea that socialized medicine is a great idea.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle 
on the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost 
to other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone
else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health
insurance can work is if it is universal (code for mandatory). 
Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, opting out.  Or

healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  Spreads
out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about
increasing coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people
surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you have to
redesign the way money flows.  Our system of providers and
insurance companies is **designed** to maximize heath costs.  It
is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer
system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum
leverage to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise
taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback system that has
inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the
opposite.  The Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare
from private entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be
discovered by the media in the USA.

It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare
since it was mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was
championed by Obama and I guess that is enough reason.  The basic
concept to use the free market and let industry to its thing is
normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention its inherent
ability to make more money for insurance companies and private
industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth
distribution system that makes people with money pay more and
people without pay less.  Ok, so that is two reasons they hate it.

The mistake made

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Bob Hrbek via Af

Sent from my mobile device.   Please excuse my brevity or misspellings. 

 On Oct 9, 2014, at 6:34 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:
 Check the prices for those procedures in other countries.
 Our medical system is out of touch with the rest of the world.
 I spoke with another Lyme patient who went to visit friends in Japan and got 
 an MRI done there. The expense from the trip and testing still didn't touch 
 what an MRI costs in the US.
 - Original Message -
 From: Travis Johnson via Af
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 5:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare
 It's not the routine care and occasional small health issue, it's when the 
 $500,000 heart attack happens. Or the $300,000 kidney failure. Or even the 
 $100,000 surgery... that's really what insurance is for.
 They charge full retail when they have to bill insurance because it's such 
 a pain to actually collect. I work with several medical billing offices. 
 These are full time companies that do nothing but handle insurance billing 
 for doctors, etc... it's THAT big of a job to actually collect from all these 
 insurance companies (the same ones that are making billions in profits each 
 On 10/9/2014 3:45 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:
 The hospital, yes. The doctor's office, no.
 I was a cash patient going to a specialist. My insurance price is around 
 $175, my cash price was $130. Same with my meds, I paid cash price at my 
 pharmacy and one run would be $66. With insurance they bill full retail 
 which is closer to double that and I pay a $20 co pay. The pharmacy makes 
 more money with my insurance, but they still made a profit without. I'm good 
 friends with my pharmacist.
 I ran the numbers, even dealing with Lyme disease I was spending around 
 $2500 a year, including supplements that aren't covered by insurance. I'm 
 paying around $4000 a year for my insurance and still paying a chunk of my 
 doctor bill and my medications, still paying for my supplements. My total 
 healthcare is more like $5000 to $6000 a year now.
 I spent less on healthcare by paying cash.
 The testing was nice to have covered by insurance, but I'd have still come 
 out cheaper at the end of the year to pay cash for those than pay my 
 I will say this, my wife had a miscarriage last month. Insurance came in 
 handy on that bill, however, paying cash for the same service would have 
 only made our healthcare equal what I'm paying for insurance every year.
 - Original Message -
 From: Adam Moffett via Af
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 4:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare
 If you go into a Doctor's office and receive aspirin and a hug, you'll still 
 get a $500 bill (or your insurance will).
 I'd love it if we could address whatever drives the costs up.
 Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  What 
 happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country and the 
 greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget that and keep 
 wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, Socialism, Communism.
 Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our health 
 care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, genome 
 cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug research, 
 etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep holding to the idea 
 that socialized medicine is a great idea.
 From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince via Af
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare
 Amen brother Conlin.  
 The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
 enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle on the 
 costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost to other 
 developed countries.  
 Just peruse this:
 On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:
 What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They always 
 make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone else’s premiums 
 go up.  By definition.  The only way healthinsurance can work 
 is if it is universal (code for mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do 
 math, like Chuck, opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  
 Everyone pays.  Spreads out the costs.
 ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about increasing 
 coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people surprised at this?  If 
 you want to control costs you have to redesign the way money flows.  Our 
 system of providers and insurance companies is *designed* to maximize heath 
 costs.  It is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer 
 system, like Canada, where one paying

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Bill Prince via Af

We're OK until we start sending Gladiators into the arena

Oh wait, that's NFL football.

We're doomed.

On 10/9/2014 5:13 PM, Bob Hrbek via Af wrote:

no moral or ethical foundation

This is the demise of every great civilization

Sent from my mobile device.   Please excuse my brevity or misspellings.

On Oct 9, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  
Between continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration 
and growth of an uneducated population, and lawlessness from the 
President on down, Capitalism won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it 
fails, then so does the country and as evidenced by the unchecked 
growth of evil philosophies such as radical Islam, dictatorships 
masquerading as Communism, and Communist countries with no moral or 
ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide.  Capitalism funds and 
drives the United States to continue to be a leader in the world.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Chris Wright 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

While capitalism may have *built* the greatest country in the world, 
some think capitalism cannot *sustain* the greatest country in the world.

Chris Wright

Velociter Wireless

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Rory Conaway 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  
What happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country 
and the greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody forget 
that and keep wanting to go back to the failed systems in Europe, 
Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our 
health care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI machines, 
genome cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, Hepatitis drug 
research, etc…  If all you want is an aspirin and a hug, you keep 
holding to the idea that socialized medicine is a great idea.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince via Af
*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go far 
enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a handle 
on the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double the cost 
to other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect?  Insurance companies are the house.  They
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions everyone
else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way health
insurance can work is if it is universal (code for mandatory). 
Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck, opting out.  Or

healthy people saying no.  Everyone in.  Everyone pays.  Spreads
out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about
increasing coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people
surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you have to
redesign the way money flows.  Our system of providers and
insurance companies is **designed** to maximize heath costs.  It
is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer
system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum
leverage to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise
taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback system that has
inheritably more control.  Canada, for the record, is not
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the
opposite.  The Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare
from private entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be
discovered by the media in the USA.

It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare
since it was mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was
championed by Obama and I guess that is enough reason.  The basic
concept to use the free market and let industry to its thing is
normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention its inherent
ability to make more money for insurance companies and private
industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as a wealth
distribution system that makes people with money pay more and
people without pay less.  Ok, so that is two reasons they hate it.

The mistake made, was not implementing a single payer system
simultaneously with universal coverage.  The CBO calculated the
saving from the former would pay for the later resulting

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-09 Thread Josh Reynolds via Af

MMA doesn't count? :)

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/09/2014 04:18 PM, Bill Prince via Af wrote:

We're OK until we start sending Gladiators into the arena

Oh wait, that's NFL football.

We're doomed.

On 10/9/2014 5:13 PM, Bob Hrbek via Af wrote:

no moral or ethical foundation

This is the demise of every great civilization

Sent from my mobile device.   Please excuse my brevity or misspellings.

On Oct 9, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Rory Conaway via Af wrote:

It can’t if it’s constantly chipped apart from the bottom up.  
Between continued growth of the welfare state, unchecked immigration 
and growth of an uneducated population, and lawlessness from the 
President on down, Capitalism won’t survive.  Unfortunately, if it 
fails, then so does the country and as evidenced by the unchecked 
growth of evil philosophies such as radical Islam, dictatorships 
masquerading as Communism, and Communist countries with no moral or 
ethical foundation, complete anarchy worldwide. Capitalism funds and 
drives the United States to continue to be a leader in the world.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Chris Wright 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:58 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

While capitalism may have *built* the greatest country in the world, 
some think capitalism cannot *sustain* the greatest country in the 

Chris Wright

Velociter Wireless

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Rory Conaway 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Collin, socialized medicine or socialized anything doesn’t work.  
What happened to the idea that Capitalism built the greatest country 
and the greatest health care in the world.  Why does everybody 
forget that and keep wanting to go back to the failed systems in 
Europe, Socialism, Communism.

Costs go up because of attorney’s and the technology behind our 
health care.  If you want cheap health care, get rid of MRI 
machines, genome cancer treatments, laser surgeries, AiDs drugs, 
Hepatitis drug research, etc… If all you want is an aspirin and a 
hug, you keep holding to the idea that socialized medicine is a 
great idea.


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince 
via Af

*Sent:* Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Amen brother Conlin.

The way I see it, the biggest problem is that ObamaCare didn't go 
far enough.  We really, really need to have a system that gets a 
handle on the costs.  The cost to US citizens is more than double 
the cost to other developed countries.

Just peruse this:


On 10/9/2014 5:12 AM, Paul Conlin via Af wrote:

What did people expect? Insurance companies are the house.  They
always make money.  By accepting pre-existing conditions
everyone else’s premiums go up.  By definition.  The only way
health insurance can work is if it is universal (code for
mandatory).  Can’t have people who can do math, like Chuck,
opting out.  Or healthy people saying no.  Everyone in. 
Everyone pays. Spreads out the costs.

ObamaCare was never about controlling costs.  It was about
increasing coverage.  More coverage costs more.  Why are people
surprised at this?  If you want to control costs you have to
redesign the way money flows.  Our system of providers and
insurance companies is **designed** to maximize heath costs.  It
is a positive feedback loop.  What is needed is a single payer
system, like Canada, where one paying party can have maximum
leverage to minimize costs and who has limited ability to raise
taxes.  It is a proper (negative) feedback system that has
inheritably more control. Canada, for the record, is not
privatized health care like the VHA.  In fact it is the
opposite.  The Government of Canada purchases all its healthcare
from private entities, like Medicare.  A fact yet to be
discovered by the media in the USA.

It is hard to understand why the Republican’s hate ObamaCare
since it was mostly their idea.  Well, other than ObamaCare was
championed by Obama and I guess that is enough reason.  The
basic concept to use the free market and let industry to its
thing is normally what Republican’s want.  Not to mention its
inherent ability to make more money for insurance companies and
private industry.  Sure, they are upset that it is being used as
a wealth distribution system that makes people with money pay
more and people without pay less.  Ok, so that is two reasons
they hate it.

The mistake made

[AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Travis Johnson via Af


I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save 
everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our 
group health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our 
rates will go up by 10% starting 2015.

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their 
personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings 
to me... :(


Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Tushar Patel via Af
Ours went up, 19%.


 On Oct 8, 2014, at 10:42 AM, Travis Johnson via Af wrote:
 I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save everyone 
 money and provider better health care. We just received our group health 
 insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our rates will go up by 
 10% starting 2015.
 On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their personal 
 income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings to me... :(

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread James Howard via Af
Only 10%?!  I was talking to an insurance agent.  He said that on the personal 
policies they didn't see anything less than a 200% increase for this year.

If anyone believed that this was supposed to lower costs or actually provide 
better health care they should probably be looking for some bridges they can 
buy.  I hear there are some really good deals out there!

From: Af [] On Behalf Of Travis Johnson via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:42 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save
everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our
group health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our
rates will go up by 10% starting 2015.

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their
personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings
to me... :(


Total Control Panel




Message Score: 2

High (60): Pass

My Spam Blocking Level: High

Medium (75): Pass

Low (90): Pass

 this sender / 
 this sender enterprise-wide

Block / 
Block enterprise-wide

This message was delivered because the content filter score did not exceed your 
filter level.

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Paul McCall via Af
My personal went up 60%

From: Af [] On Behalf Of James Howard via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Only 10%?!  I was talking to an insurance agent.  He said that on the personal 
policies they didn't see anything less than a 200% increase for this year.

If anyone believed that this was supposed to lower costs or actually provide 
better health care they should probably be looking for some bridges they can 
buy.  I hear there are some really good deals out there!

From: Af [] On Behalf Of Travis Johnson via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:42 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save
everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our
group health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our
rates will go up by 10% starting 2015.

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their
personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings
to me... :(


Total Control Panel




Message Score: 2

High (60): Pass

My Spam Blocking Level: High

Medium (75): Pass

Low (90): Pass

 this sender / 
 this sender enterprise-wide

Block / 
Block enterprise-wide

This message was delivered because the content filter score did not exceed your 
filter level.

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Chuck McCown via Af
Anyone with 10 employees or more should be self insured.  It saves you 30-50%.  
I can put you in touch with a third party administrator that will take over all 
the administrative tasks as well as beating down the health care providers on 
costs and providing a catastrophic stop loss policy.  

From: Paul McCall via Af 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

My personal went up 60%


From: Af [] On Behalf Of James Howard via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Only 10%?!  I was talking to an insurance agent.  He said that on the personal 
policies they didn’t see anything less than a 200% increase for this year.


If anyone believed that this was supposed to lower costs or actually provide 
better health care they should probably be looking for some bridges they can 
buy.  I hear there are some really good deals out there!


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Travis Johnson via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:42 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] ObamaCare



I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save 
everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our 
group health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our 
rates will go up by 10% starting 2015.

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their 
personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings 
to me... :(


Total Control Panel
   Message Score: 2
 High (60): Pass
  My Spam Blocking Level: High
 Medium (75): Pass
 Low (90): Pass
  Block this sender / Block this sender enterprise-wide
  Block / Block enterprise-wide
This message was delivered because the content filter score did not 
exceed your filter level.


Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Mike Hammett via Af
A local county with ~1500 switched from BCBS to BCBS administering a 
self-insured policy... saved them money... I forget how much. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

- Original Message -

From: Chuck McCown via Af 
Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 11:06:53 AM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare 

Anyone with 10 employees or more should be self insured. It saves you 30-50%. I 
can put you in touch with a third party administrator that will take over all 
the administrative tasks as well as beating down the health care providers on 
costs and providing a catastrophic stop loss policy. 

From: Paul McCall via Af 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:04 AM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare 

My personal went up 60% 

From: Af [] On Behalf Of James Howard via Af 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 12:01 PM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare 

Only 10%?! I was talking to an insurance agent. He said that on the personal 
policies they didn’t see anything less than a 200% increase for this year. 

If anyone believed that this was supposed to lower costs or actually provide 
better health care they should probably be looking for some bridges they can 
buy. I hear there are some really good deals out there! 

From: Af [ ] On Behalf Of Travis Johnson via Af 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:42 AM 
Subject: [AFMUG] ObamaCare 


I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save 
everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our 
group health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our 
rates will go up by 10% starting 2015. 

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their 
personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings 
to me... :( 


Total Control Panel 



Message Score: 2
High (60): Pass 

My Spam Blocking Level: High
Medium (75): Pass 

Low (90): Pass 

Block this sender / Block this sender enterprise-wide   

Block / Block enterprise-wide   

This message was delivered because the content filter score did not exceed your 
filter level. 

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Sterling Jacobson via Af
After I sold last year I did Cobra until 2014, then used Obamacare to get 
pretty much the same exact policy for about 10 percent less.

But that was on a family policy, not a group policy anymore.

Sounds like group policy has gone way up.

One more reason not to hire employees anymore, lol!

-Original Message-
From: Af [] On Behalf Of Tushar Patel via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Ours went up, 19%.


 On Oct 8, 2014, at 10:42 AM, Travis Johnson via Af wrote:
 I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save everyone 
 money and provider better health care. We just received our group health 
 insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our rates will go up by 
 10% starting 2015.
 On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their personal 
 income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings to me... :(

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Rory Conaway via Af
Along with the price increases, the deductibles went up and the amount
covered went down.  In addition, medical savings accounts dropped 50%.
I think with all the help Google gave to the Democrats by data-mining
our internet habits, they should be paying my medical premiums.


-Original Message-
From: Af [] On Behalf Of Sterling Jacobson
via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

After I sold last year I did Cobra until 2014, then used Obamacare to
get pretty much the same exact policy for about 10 percent less.

But that was on a family policy, not a group policy anymore.

Sounds like group policy has gone way up.

One more reason not to hire employees anymore, lol!

-Original Message-
From: Af [] On Behalf Of Tushar Patel via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Ours went up, 19%.


 On Oct 8, 2014, at 10:42 AM, Travis Johnson via Af
 I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save
everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our
group health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our
rates will go up by 10% starting 2015.
 On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their
personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings
to me... :(

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Glen Waldrop via Af
Well said.

Can I borrow your hat?

  - Original Message - 
  From: That One Guy via Af 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 11:55 AM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

  is the 3% on income tax for this years income or next years income, and is it 
part of the current standard withholding?

  As bad as this is, and as bad as it is going to get, it needed to happen. Not 
because it was a good idea, but because it was inevitable. It needed to make 
its way through and fail otherwise it would delay other action every four 
years. Its like the knife in your leg, youre eventually going to have to pull 
it out, otherwise its going to continue stoping you from doing anything, theres 
a real risk you will bleed out, theres also a chanche it can heal, but it never 
will heal while its in there.

  I wish the douchebag republican side would have at least helped guide it into 
something less damaging instead of laying on the floor throwing a temper 
tantrum like a 2 year old child. With them having refused to have anything to 
do with it and throwing wrenches every step of the way it only guarantees that 
when this revision failed there will be an affordable care act 2.0 pushed 
through by the left again, excuse being the aforementioned sissyfits. Hopefully 
the right will not kill more Americans that time around too.

  there are going to be alot of older folks whos health wont have time to 
recover from the implications of no affordable healthcare, and that really 
sucks, but im banking on being able to get my kids through this disaster alive 
and them seeing a functional healthcare system of some sort.

  The middle aged are going to totally drain the system, their pockets are 
going to be empty on the premiums, so they wont seek healthcare because of the 
deductibles, there are going to be long term costs associated with that, but I 
think the left is confident a good number of them will die too. (tin foil hat 
on) there is a real possibility that there is a reason the illegal immigrans 
are being dispersed throughout the country so abruptly and the whole ebola 
thing isnt being taken seriously. A pandemic resulting in mass deaths 
eliminates a good share of the associated cost of maintaining a population. 
Ebola and Magic Johnson have proven without a doubt that the right amount of 
dollars can keep anybody healthy, so really the population loss isnt going to 
be the ones that matter. (tin foil hat off)

  On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:

Not sure they do all states, but if not they can point you in the right 
Grant North
Tall Tree Administrators
(801) 274-8100

Generally the stop loss insurance policy would kick in over $40K.  There 
are higher policies out there but you will frequently have one a year or one 
every other year that will hit the limit.

You can pick and choose exactly what you cover and what you don’t.
You can educate your employees as to the fact that when they go to the 
doctor, it comes out of your wallet so please think twice.

Employees get a regular insurance card.  You get to pick co-pay, and 
deductibles etc.  It is form fit and function equivalent to regular insurance 
from the employees point of view.

From: Mark Radabaugh via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Send me the info.   With 16+ employees and a 10-12k/month insurance bill, 
it's past time to do something different.


On 10/8/14, 12:06 PM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:

Anyone with 10 employees or more should be self insured.  It saves you 
30-50%.  I can put you in touch with a third party administrator that will take 
over all the administrative tasks as well as beating down the health care 
providers on costs and providing a catastrophic stop loss policy.

-- Mark Radabaugh Amplex 419.837.5015 x 1021 


  All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the 
parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can't 
get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a 
hammer. -- IBM maintenance manual, 1925

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Travis Johnson via Af
This sounds good in theory, but it does not provide the same level of 
coverage as we currently provide for all of our employees. We checked 
into this a few years ago, and it was pretty basic coverage.

We cover 100% of health, dental and vision for all of my employees AND 
their entire families at NO COST to them. $500 deductible, 80% 
co-insurance, $30 co-pay, $1,000 maximum out of pocket, $1mm maximum per 
person. Dental is the best policy you can buy (example: root canals are 
like $100 total), and vision covers 100% of exams and needs (contacts or 
glasses) per year for $0 cost to the employee.


On 10/8/2014 10:06 AM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:
Anyone with 10 employees or more should be self insured. It saves you 
30-50%.  I can put you in touch with a third party administrator that 
will take over all the administrative tasks as well as beating down 
the health care providers on costs and providing a catastrophic stop 
loss policy.

*From:* Paul McCall via Af
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:04 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

My personal went up 60%

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *James Howard via Af
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 12:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Only 10%?!  I was talking to an insurance agent.  He said that on the 
personal policies they didn’t see anything less than a 200% increase 
for this year.

If anyone believed that this was supposed to lower costs or actually 
provide better health care they should probably be looking for some 
bridges they can buy.  I hear there are some really good deals out there!

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Travis Johnson 
via Af

*Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:42 AM
*Subject:* [AFMUG] ObamaCare


I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save
everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our
group health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our
rates will go up by 10% starting 2015.

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their
personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings
to me... :(


*Total Control Panel*




Message Score: 2

High (60): Pass

My Spam Blocking Level: High

Medium (75): Pass

Low (90): Pass

this sender / Block 
this sender enterprise-wide

Block / Block enterprise-wide

/This message was delivered because the content filter score did not 
exceed your filter level./

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Ken Hohhof via Af
Are you talking about the 3.8% additional tax?  I think that’s already in 
effect, but it only applies to certain income.  I know when I looked at the tax 
consequences of possibly selling my business, it definitely came into the 
picture in an unpleasant way, but otherwise I don’t think it applies to most of 
us.  Maybe you’re talking about something else.  But here is some info:

From: That One Guy via Af 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

is the 3% on income tax for this years income or next years income, and is it 
part of the current standard withholding? 

As bad as this is, and as bad as it is going to get, it needed to happen. Not 
because it was a good idea, but because it was inevitable. It needed to make 
its way through and fail otherwise it would delay other action every four 
years. Its like the knife in your leg, youre eventually going to have to pull 
it out, otherwise its going to continue stoping you from doing anything, theres 
a real risk you will bleed out, theres also a chanche it can heal, but it never 
will heal while its in there.

I wish the douchebag republican side would have at least helped guide it into 
something less damaging instead of laying on the floor throwing a temper 
tantrum like a 2 year old child. With them having refused to have anything to 
do with it and throwing wrenches every step of the way it only guarantees that 
when this revision failed there will be an affordable care act 2.0 pushed 
through by the left again, excuse being the aforementioned sissyfits. Hopefully 
the right will not kill more Americans that time around too.

there are going to be alot of older folks whos health wont have time to recover 
from the implications of no affordable healthcare, and that really sucks, but 
im banking on being able to get my kids through this disaster alive and them 
seeing a functional healthcare system of some sort.

The middle aged are going to totally drain the system, their pockets are going 
to be empty on the premiums, so they wont seek healthcare because of the 
deductibles, there are going to be long term costs associated with that, but I 
think the left is confident a good number of them will die too. (tin foil hat 
on) there is a real possibility that there is a reason the illegal immigrans 
are being dispersed throughout the country so abruptly and the whole ebola 
thing isnt being taken seriously. A pandemic resulting in mass deaths 
eliminates a good share of the associated cost of maintaining a population. 
Ebola and Magic Johnson have proven without a doubt that the right amount of 
dollars can keep anybody healthy, so really the population loss isnt going to 
be the ones that matter. (tin foil hat off)

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:

  Not sure they do all states, but if not they can point you in the right 
  Grant North
  Tall Tree Administrators
  (801) 274-8100

  Generally the stop loss insurance policy would kick in over $40K.  There are 
higher policies out there but you will frequently have one a year or one every 
other year that will hit the limit.

  You can pick and choose exactly what you cover and what you don’t.
  You can educate your employees as to the fact that when they go to the 
doctor, it comes out of your wallet so please think twice.

  Employees get a regular insurance card.  You get to pick co-pay, and 
deductibles etc.  It is form fit and function equivalent to regular insurance 
from the employees point of view.

  From: Mark Radabaugh via Af
  Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:22 AM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

  Send me the info.   With 16+ employees and a 10-12k/month insurance bill, 
it's past time to do something different.


  On 10/8/14, 12:06 PM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:

  Anyone with 10 employees or more should be self insured.  It saves you 
30-50%.  I can put you in touch with a third party administrator that will take 
over all the administrative tasks as well as beating down the health care 
providers on costs and providing a catastrophic stop loss policy.

  -- Mark Radabaugh Amplex 419.837.5015 x 1021 


All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the parts 
you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can't get them 
together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a hammer. -- 
IBM maintenance manual, 1925

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Josh Reynolds via Af

That sounds excellent. Signme up on your insurance plan :)

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/08/2014 09:00 AM, Travis Johnson via Af wrote:
This sounds good in theory, but it does not provide the same level of 
coverage as we currently provide for all of our employees. We checked 
into this a few years ago, and it was pretty basic coverage.

We cover 100% of health, dental and vision for all of my employees AND 
their entire families at NO COST to them. $500 deductible, 80% 
co-insurance, $30 co-pay, $1,000 maximum out of pocket, $1mm maximum 
per person. Dental is the best policy you can buy (example: root 
canals are like $100 total), and vision covers 100% of exams and needs 
(contacts or glasses) per year for $0 cost to the employee.


On 10/8/2014 10:06 AM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:
Anyone with 10 employees or more should be self insured.  It saves 
you 30-50%.  I can put you in touch with a third party administrator 
that will take over all the administrative tasks as well as beating 
down the health care providers on costs and providing a catastrophic 
stop loss policy.

*From:* Paul McCall via Af
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:04 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

My personal went up 60%

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *James Howard 
via Af

*Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 12:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Only 10%?!  I was talking to an insurance agent.  He said that on the 
personal policies they didn’t see anything less than a 200% increase 
for this year.

If anyone believed that this was supposed to lower costs or actually 
provide better health care they should probably be looking for some 
bridges they can buy.  I hear there are some really good deals out there!

*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Travis Johnson 
via Af

*Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:42 AM
*Subject:* [AFMUG] ObamaCare


I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save
everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our
group health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our
rates will go up by 10% starting 2015.

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their
personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings
to me... :(


*Total Control Panel*




Message Score: 2

High (60): Pass

My Spam Blocking Level: High

Medium (75): Pass

Low (90): Pass

this sender / Block 
this sender enterprise-wide

Block / Block enterprise-wide

/This message was delivered because the content filter score did not 
exceed your filter level./

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread That One Guy via Af
Are you hiring Travis?

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Travis Johnson via Af wrote:

  This sounds good in theory, but it does not provide the same level of
 coverage as we currently provide for all of our employees. We checked into
 this a few years ago, and it was pretty basic coverage.

 We cover 100% of health, dental and vision for all of my employees AND
 their entire families at NO COST to them. $500 deductible, 80%
 co-insurance, $30 co-pay, $1,000 maximum out of pocket, $1mm maximum per
 person. Dental is the best policy you can buy (example: root canals are
 like $100 total), and vision covers 100% of exams and needs (contacts or
 glasses) per year for $0 cost to the employee.


 On 10/8/2014 10:06 AM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:

  Anyone with 10 employees or more should be self insured.  It saves you
 30-50%.  I can put you in touch with a third party administrator that will
 take over all the administrative tasks as well as beating down the health
 care providers on costs and providing a catastrophic stop loss policy.

  *From:* Paul McCall via Af
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:04 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

 My personal went up 60%

 *From:* Af [] *On
 Behalf Of *James Howard via Af
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 12:01 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

 Only 10%?!  I was talking to an insurance agent.  He said that on the
 personal policies they didn’t see anything less than a 200% increase for
 this year.

 If anyone believed that this was supposed to lower costs or actually
 provide better health care they should probably be looking for some bridges
 they can buy.  I hear there are some really good deals out there!

 *From:* Af [] *On
 Behalf Of *Travis Johnson via Af
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:42 AM
 *Subject:* [AFMUG] ObamaCare


 I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save
 everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our
 group health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our
 rates will go up by 10% starting 2015.

 On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their
 personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings
 to me... :(



 *Total Control Panel*




 Message Score: 2

 High (60): Pass

 My Spam Blocking Level: High

 Medium (75): Pass

  Low (90): Pass

 this sender / Block
 this sender enterprise-wide

   Block / Block enterprise-wide

 *This message was delivered because the content filter score did
 not exceed your filter level.*

All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the
parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you
can't get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not
use a hammer. -- IBM maintenance manual, 1925

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Chuck McCown via Af
With a self insurance plan you can select 100% or 1% it is  all up to  you.

From: Josh Reynolds via Af 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

That sounds excellent. Sign me up on your insurance plan :)

Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer

On 10/08/2014 09:00 AM, Travis Johnson via Af wrote:

  This sounds good in theory, but it does not provide the same level of 
coverage as we currently provide for all of our employees. We checked into this 
a few years ago, and it was pretty basic coverage. 

  We cover 100% of health, dental and vision for all of my employees AND their 
entire families at NO COST to them. $500 deductible, 80% co-insurance, $30 
co-pay, $1,000 maximum out of pocket, $1mm maximum per person. Dental is the 
best policy you can buy (example: root canals are like $100 total), and vision 
covers 100% of exams and needs (contacts or glasses) per year for $0 cost to 
the employee.


  On 10/8/2014 10:06 AM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:

Anyone with 10 employees or more should be self insured.  It saves you 
30-50%.  I can put you in touch with a third party administrator that will take 
over all the administrative tasks as well as beating down the health care 
providers on costs and providing a catastrophic stop loss policy.  

From: Paul McCall via Af 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

My personal went up 60%


From: Af [] On Behalf Of James Howard via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Only 10%?!  I was talking to an insurance agent.  He said that on the 
personal policies they didn’t see anything less than a 200% increase for this 


If anyone believed that this was supposed to lower costs or actually 
provide better health care they should probably be looking for some bridges 
they can buy.  I hear there are some really good deals out there!


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Travis Johnson via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:42 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] ObamaCare



I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save 
everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our 
group health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our 
rates will go up by 10% starting 2015.

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their 
personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings 
to me... :(


Total Control Panel
   Message Score: 2
 High (60): Pass
  My Spam Blocking Level: High
 Medium (75): Pass

 Low (90): Pass
  Block this sender / Block this sender enterprise-wide
  Block / Block enterprise-wide
This message was delivered because the content filter score did 
not exceed your filter level.


Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Traci via Af
Actually, Grant is with GG Insurance, he is the agent who puts together 
the policies. Tall Tree is the plan administrator.

Grants office # is 801-566-5585. Tell him WB Mfg gave you his name ;-)

On 10/8/2014 10:33 AM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:
Not sure they do all states, but if not they can point you in the 
right direction.

Grant North
Tall Tree Administrators
(801) 274-8100

Generally the stop loss insurance policy would kick in over $40K. 
There are higher policies out there but you will frequently have one a 
year or one every other year that will hit the limit.

You can pick and choose exactly what you cover and what you don’t.
You can educate your employees as to the fact that when they go to the 
doctor, it comes out of your wallet so please think twice.

Employees get a regular insurance card.  You get to pick co-pay, and 
deductibles etc.  It is form fit and function equivalent to regular 
insurance from the employees point of view.

From: Mark Radabaugh via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Send me the info.   With 16+ employees and a 10-12k/month insurance 
bill, it's past time to do something different.


On 10/8/14, 12:06 PM, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:

Anyone with 10 employees or more should be self insured.  It saves you 
30-50%.  I can put you in touch with a third party administrator that 
will take over all the administrative tasks as well as beating down 
the health care providers on costs and providing a catastrophic stop 
loss policy.

-- Mark Radabaugh Amplex 419.837.5015 x 1021

Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Jeremy via Af
We pay about the same as we did but our deductible is lower, our out of
pocket max is lower, and they covered our pregnancy.  We switched during
the first trimester because we didn't have maternity coverage (no
self-insured plans in our state had it), and Obamacare made pregnancy not
count as a pre-existing condition.  It saved us about $7,000-$8,000 this
year.  The craziest part is that we actually stayed with the same provider,
Select Health (IHC).  It was just the difference between them providing
maternity and not providing maternity.  We have been very happy with our

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:

  Further the subsidies have been deemed unconstitutional, so they're
 forcing us to pay insurance with the promise of subsidies that they are now
 going to take away.

 Bait and switch.

 The whole thing has been a screwup from day one.

 It is actually cheaper for me to pay out of pocket than pay for this
 insurance, but the fines will get you either way.

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Rory Conaway via Af
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:03 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

  And so did the quality and options of your care.  I know that 2 of my
 doctors retired early and the other one doesn’t take Obamacare.
 Fortunately I don’t have to use it.

 Here is my question though, doesn’t the fact that the federal government
 wasted a couple billion dollars of your taxes on websites that don’t work,
 companies that are paying workers to do nothing, and companies that are
 friends with the First Lady with no bid process in place?


 *From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *Sean Heskett via
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 08, 2014 5:00 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

 Please don't forget that this whole obamacare thing was invented by
 the American Heratage Foundation which is a republican think tank.  And the
 republicans tried to squash Hillarycare with it in the 1990's.

 Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it.

 Also, so far in the states that set up their own exchanges medical costs
 and premiums have been going down...mine sure did :)



 On Wednesday, October 8, 2014, Travis Johnson via Af wrote:


 I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save
 everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our
 group health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our rates
 will go up by 10% starting 2015.

 On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their
 personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings to
 me... :(


Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Mike Hammett via Af
Illinois has an exchange. 

My premiums doubled. 

Coverage is less. 

I should be glad? 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

- Original Message -

From: Sean Heskett via Af 
Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 7:00:04 PM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare 

Please don't forget that this whole obamacare thing was invented by the 
American Heratage Foundation which is a republican think tank. And the 
republicans tried to squash Hillarycare with it in the 1990's. 

Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it. 

Also, so far in the states that set up their own exchanges medical costs and 
premiums have been going down...mine sure did :) 



On Wednesday, October 8, 2014, Travis Johnson via Af  wrote: 


I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save everyone 
money and provider better health care. We just received our group health 
insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our rates will go up by 10% 
starting 2015. 

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their personal 
income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings to me... :( 


Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Ken Hohhof via Af
Yes, but when we all get Ebola, the joke’s on the insurance companies.

And why do you need health insurance anyway?  I thought on the farm when you 
got sick, they just fed you to the pigs.  Mm, that made me hungry for some 

From: Mike Hammett via Af 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Illinois has an exchange.

My premiums doubled.

Coverage is less.

I should be glad?

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

From: Sean Heskett via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 7:00:04 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

Please don't forget that this whole obamacare thing was invented by the 
American Heratage Foundation which is a republican think tank.  And the 
republicans tried to squash Hillarycare with it in the 1990's. 

Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it.

Also, so far in the states that set up their own exchanges medical costs and 
premiums have been going down...mine sure did :)



On Wednesday, October 8, 2014, Travis Johnson via Af wrote:


  I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save everyone 
money and provider better health care. We just received our group health 
insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our rates will go up by 10% 
starting 2015.

  On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their personal 
income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings to me... :(


Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Glen Waldrop via Af


  - Original Message - 
  From: Ken Hohhof via Af 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:20 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

  Yes, but when we all get Ebola, the joke’s on the insurance companies.

  And why do you need health insurance anyway?  I thought on the farm when you 
got sick, they just fed you to the pigs.  Mm, that made me hungry for some 

  From: Mike Hammett via Af 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

  Illinois has an exchange.

  My premiums doubled.

  Coverage is less.

  I should be glad?

  Mike Hammett
  Intelligent Computing Solutions


  From: Sean Heskett via Af
  Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 7:00:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

  Please don't forget that this whole obamacare thing was invented by the 
American Heratage Foundation which is a republican think tank.  And the 
republicans tried to squash Hillarycare with it in the 1990's. 

  Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it.

  Also, so far in the states that set up their own exchanges medical costs and 
premiums have been going down...mine sure did :)



  On Wednesday, October 8, 2014, Travis Johnson via Af wrote:


I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save 
everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our group 
health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our rates will go up 
by 10% starting 2015.

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their personal 
income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings to me... :(


Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare

2014-10-08 Thread Rory Conaway via Af
People with pre-existing conditions are one of the few groups benefitting from 




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Jeremy via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


We pay about the same as we did but our deductible is lower, our out of pocket 
max is lower, and they covered our pregnancy.  We switched during the first 
trimester because we didn't have maternity coverage (no self-insured plans in 
our state had it), and Obamacare made pregnancy not count as a pre-existing 
condition.  It saved us about $7,000-$8,000 this year.  The craziest part is 
that we actually stayed with the same provider, Select Health (IHC).  It was 
just the difference between them providing maternity and not providing 
maternity.  We have been very happy with our Obamacare.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Glen Waldrop via Af wrote:

Further the subsidies have been deemed unconstitutional, so they're forcing us 
to pay insurance with the promise of subsidies that they are now going to take 

Bait and switch.


The whole thing has been a screwup from day one.


It is actually cheaper for me to pay out of pocket than pay for this insurance, 
but the fines will get you either way.



- Original Message - 

From: Rory Conaway via Af  


Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:03 PM

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


And so did the quality and options of your care.  I know that 2 of my 
doctors retired early and the other one doesn’t take Obamacare.   Fortunately I 
don’t have to use it.


Here is my question though, doesn’t the fact that the federal 
government wasted a couple billion dollars of your taxes on websites that don’t 
work, companies that are paying workers to do nothing, and companies that are 
friends with the First Lady with no bid process in place? 




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Sean Heskett via Af
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] ObamaCare


Please don't forget that this whole obamacare thing was invented by 
the American Heratage Foundation which is a republican think tank.  And the 
republicans tried to squash Hillarycare with it in the 1990's.


Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it.


Also, so far in the states that set up their own exchanges medical 
costs and premiums have been going down...mine sure did :)





On Wednesday, October 8, 2014, Travis Johnson via Af 


I'm not sure exactly how this ObamaCare thing was supposed to save 
everyone money and provider better health care. We just received our group 
health insurance premium notice for the upcoming year, and our rates will go up 
by 10% starting 2015.

On top of that, everyone is now paying a 3% ObamaCare tax on their 
personal income taxes. This doesn't really seem like much of a savings to me... 
