DIS: Re: BUS: Yoink (@ADoP)

2024-09-29 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Mischief wrote:

On 9/29/2024 1:12 PM, Mischief via agora-business wrote:

On 9/22/24 9:11 PM, Paul McDowell via agora-discussion wrote:

Well I guess I better get to work, then!


I deputise as Prime Minister to appoint snail as Speaker

All the timestamps on this message are past 29 Sep at 20:12:00 UTC,
whereas the Date: header on the election resolution was 22 Sep at
20:11:58. So this almost certainly clears the bar of R2160(6).

snail won some time between 4 Aug 2024 and 9 Sep 2024 (per latest
Herald's report), but Speaker hasn't changed hands since July, so
installing em as Speaker was indeed overdue (unless someone else won
more recently).

I'll officially process this next weekend around the usual time, in
case there are any other nuances that I've overlooked.


DIS: Two protos

2024-09-22 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

[I had these sitting around from an old RtRW but never got around to
 fleshing them out.]

Proto-Proposal: Track quorum
(AI = 3)

Amend Rule 879 (Quorum) to read:

  Each Agoran decision has a quorum, a number set when the decision
  is created and fixed thereafter. When a person initiates an Agoran
  decision, that person SHALL (in the same message) state the quorum
  of that decision. However, incorrectly stating the quorum of a
  decision does not invalidate the initiation, nor does it change
  the decision's quorum.

  The quorum that an Agoran decision gains as it is created can be
  defined by other rules of power 2 or greater. If no other rule
  defines the quorum of an Agoran decision, the quorum for that
  decision is the Quorum Level.

  The Quorum Level is a singleton switch, tracked by the Assessor,
  whose values are the positive integers (default 1). When a person
  resolves one or more referenda, that person CAN and SHALL (in the
  same message) flip the Quorum Level to 2/3 of the number of voters
  on the last one, rounded to the nearest integer.

  The above notwithstanding, the minimum quorum of an Agoran
  decision is 2, or 1 if there are fewer than 2 players. If the
  rules would attempt to set the quorum of an Agoran decision to
  less than the minimum quorum, it is set to the minimum instead.


Proto-Proposal: ADoP self-service
(AI = 3)

Amend Rule 2154 (Election Procedure) by replacing this text:

  After the nomination period ends, the ADoP (or, if the office is
  the ADoP, the Assessor) CAN and, in a timely fashion, SHALL:

  1) If the election is contested, initiate an Agoran decision to
 select the winner of the election (the poll). For this
 decision, the Vote Collector is the ADoP (or, if the office is
 the ADoP, the Assessor), the valid options are the candidates

with this text:

  After the nomination period ends, the ADoP CAN and, in a timely
  fashion, SHALL:

  1) If the election is contested, initiate an Agoran decision to
 select the winner of the election (the poll). For this
 decision, the Vote Collector is the one who initiated the
 decision, the valid options are the candidates

and appending this paragraph:

  If the office is ADoP, then the ADoP's abilities and duties
  defined earlier in this rule are instead assigned to the Assessor;
  but the ADoP CAN initiate a decision for a contested election as
  described above, thus absolving the Assessor of that duty.

Amend Rule 955 (Determining the Will of Agora) by replacing the
section defining the outcome of an instant runoff decision with:

  2. For an instant runoff decision, the outcome is whichever option
 wins according to the standard definition of instant runoff.
 For this purpose, a ballot of strength N is treated as if it
 were N distinct ballots expressing the same preferences.

 If an entity that is part of a valid vote is not a valid option
 at the end of the voting period, or disqualified by the rule
 providing for the decision, then that entity is eliminated
 prior to the first round of counting.

 In case multiple valid options tie for the lowest number of
 votes at any stage, the vote collector CAN and must, in the
 announcement of the decision's resolution, select one such
 option to eliminate; if e is one of those options, then e
 CANNOT select another option; if, for M > 1, all eir possible
 choices in the next M stages would result in the same set of
 options being eliminated, e need not specify the order of


Re: DIS: Proto: Crystal Improvements

2024-09-22 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

This doesn't seem to actually address the issue of perverse incentives?
It creates *different* incentives (by creating but not transferring) but
doesn't change the fact that people are incentivized to vote against
proposals they didn't author in order to prevent them from gaining
economic benefits.

Some ideas:

Cap the crystal benefit from a single proposal. (Crystals aren't the
only economic benefit of proposals, e.g. there are also a couple Ribbons
that depend on them. So it depends on the benefit being large enough,
and/or the voter's interest in the proposal on its own merits being
small enough.)

Bring back disinterested proposals (a proposal identified as such when
submitted does not trigger other rules granting rewards to its author
or co-authors).


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: Stonemason Pro Tem's Report

2024-09-08 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Mischief wrote:

On 9/1/24 11:49 AM, ais523 via agora-business wrote:

CoE: The ownership of the Recursion Stone is disputed, and depends on
the outcome of CFJ 4093. (I know you know this, but as far as I can
tell snail would self-ratify as the owner if I didn't CoE, because the
report doesn't make it clear that that's the specific point under

Good call. I'm only under a SHOULD to respond, so I'm going to hold off 
for the moment to keep the CoE alive until the CFJ gets resolved. (I 
could cite the CFJ as a formal response, but it isn't clear to me 
whether or not rule 2201 would restart the one-week self-ratification 
clock if I do.)

My understanding is that it wouldn't restart it:

  * 2201(1) causes the CoE to stop counting as a CoE, thus restarting
the clock.

  * 2202(2) leaves the CoE in existence, thus keeping the clock stopped,
but the revision has its own clock.

  * 2202(3), either version, also leaves the CoE in existence, thus
keeping the clock stopped.


DIS: Re: OFF: [Arbitor] Administrative Regulations

2024-08-25 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Kate wrote:

   When a judgement is issued that has major implications for the
   interpretation of a rule, and it is highly unlikely that the rule
   will be changed to alter the interpretation or the case reopened
   in the near future, the Arbitor SHALL in an officially timely
   fashion write a brief description of the implication and
   communicate it to the Rulekeepor with a recommendation for
   inclusion in the Full Logical Ruleset. (This duty is immediately
   discharged if the office of Rulekeepor is vacant.)

How about "(or, if Rulekeepor is vacant, publish it)"? That will likely
suffice to communicate it to whomever ends up being the next Rulekeepor.


Re: OFF: [Arbitor] CFJs 4087 and 4088 assigned to Murphy (Re: BUS: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 9122-9124)

2024-08-18 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Kate wrote:

On Tue, 2024-06-25 at 13:58 -0400, Janet Cobb via agora-business wrote:

I CFJ: { Rule 1023 contains the text "Any anniversary." }

This is CFJ 4087.

I CFJ: { Rule 1023 contains a list with exactly 5 list items. }

This is CFJ 4088.

I assign CFJs 4087 and 4088 to Murphy.

Original CFJ and caller's arguments:

Gratuitous arguments from Mischief:

Gratuitous arguments from ais523:

Gratuitous arguments from Mischief:

As the numbering, content, and one version of the indentation (as
submitted) all consistently indicate "add to top-level list", I consider
it sufficiently clear. The other version of the indentation (as
distributed) is not enough of a difference to throw things into
confusion; only one space was added, whereas the nested list is indented
multiple spaces relative to the top-level list (five, as of the SLR
quoted in caller's evidence).

I judge CFJ 4087 TRUE.
I judge CFJ 4088 TRUE.


Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Registrar] Weekly report

2024-08-18 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

juan wrote:

4st nomic via agora-discussion [2024-08-14 10:13]:

Do we technically need to state "All unlisted persons are Unregistered",
since they are tracked also?

I think so. They are tracked only in the monthly report. So the weeklies
could ratify, given some ambiguity, to keeping previous information
unmodified. There's no “deregistration log” and no self-ratifying
document saying someone was deregistered, save exceptions.

However, there are strict requirements on consent for registration, so a
report couldn't reasonably register someone without express consent. But
that seems sketchy.

Of course, I could be wrong, and I always love to simplify reports!

Also couldn't reasonably re-register someone who deregistered (and
didn't subsequently intend to re-register).


DIS: Proto: No double harvest redux

2024-08-11 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Proto-Proposal: No double harvest redux
(AI = 3)

Amend Rule 2124 (Performing Tabled Actions) by replacing this text:

  An intent is ripe if was tabled within the past 14 days, the
  Speaker hasn't objected to it in the past 48 hours, and its
  conditions, if any, are each clearly and unambiguously met.

with this text:

  Untabling an intent is secured at the power of the rule enabling
  that action to be performed, and occurs immediately after the
  performance of an action that causes it to be untabled.

  An intent is ripe if was tabled within the past 14 days, it hasn't
  been untabled, the Speaker hasn't objected to it in the past 48
  hours, and its conditions, if any, are each clearly and
  unambiguously met.

Which tabled actions should untable relevant events once performed, and
how should each one restrict its scope?

Current actions With N Support:
  * R1006, resign while appointing successor
  * R2651, initiate election
  * R2689, flip delegate from None
  * R911, group-file Motion to Reconsider / Moot
  * R2480, start a Festival
  * R103, replace Speaker after 90 days

Current actions Without N Objections:
  * R478, flip publicity
  * R2646, deregister inactive player after 60 days
  * R1607, distribute otherwise undistributable proposal
  * R2221, clean / refile rule
  * R1006, vacate voluntary (elected or sortitioned) office
  * R2202, ratify document
  * R991, assign oneself to unassigned CFJ
  * R2450, destroy pledge
  * R2618, revoke promise from Library
  * R1742, terminate contract
  * R2576, transfer / destroy Lost and Found Department assets
  * R2465, declare apathy
  * R2415, award badge
  * R2566, end tournament with no winner
  * R2495, initiate / amend birthday tournament

Current actions With N Agoran Consent:
  * R2606, flip proposal to democratic
  * R2493, enact / amend / repeal regulation
  * R2614, enact / amend / repeal Emergency Regulation
  * R2614, Extend the Emergency
  * R2630, enact / amend / repeal Administrative Regulation
  * R2573, impeach officer
  * R2689, become delegate
  * R2632, flip complexity
  * R2676, forgive infraction within 30 days
  * R2585, declare Agoran Birthday
  * R649, award Patent Title
  * R2415, award badge
  * R1367, award degree
  * R2581, award Tapecutter etc.
  * R2582, award Silver Quill etc.
  * R2463, vacate Prime Minister (the one that started this discussion)
  * R2566, initiate tournament

Current actions With T notice:
  * R2646, deactivate player
  * R2614, repeal Emergency Regulations
  * R2689, take vacation
  * R2472, Demand Resignation from Overpowered player
  * R2556, deregister player with 40+ blots


DIS: Re: BUS: Keepalive

2024-08-11 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Aris wrote:


I hope everyone is doing well.


Turkey's a bit dry.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE] also maybe an election?

2024-07-28 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

On 7/28/24 20:04, Edward Murphy via agora-discussion wrote:

Janet wrote:

On 7/24/24 19:14, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:

I intend, with Agoran Consent, to cause the office of Prime Minister to
become vacant.

I support and do so.

Ineffective, snail already did.

That is not a requirement of R2124.

I guess you're right. Revision (and some proposals) coming up shortly.


DIS: Re: BUS: [MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE] also maybe an election?

2024-07-28 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

On 7/24/24 19:14, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:

I intend, with Agoran Consent, to cause the office of Prime Minister to
become vacant.

I support and do so.

Ineffective, snail already did.


Re: [CFJ] Re: DIS: Re: BUS: (@ADoP, @Tailor) Bad Prime Minister! BAD!

2024-07-28 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

ais523 wrote:

On Sun, 2024-07-28 at 16:25 -0700, Edward Murphy via agora-discussion wrote:


    * Jaff has been Speaker since April.

    * On or about June 4, ais523 won (Paradox, Zen, High Score).
    * On or about June 22, Janet won (Zen).
    * On or about June 27, snail won (Bangs).
    * On or about July 18, Mischief won (Bangs).

    * On or about July 23, 4st attempted to deputise to appoint snail
  (ineffective, the duty is to appoint a Laureled player, and snail
  was no longer Laureled), then attempted to appoint Mischief
  (ineffective because the previous attempt failed to make 4st PM).

    * In response to 4st's attempts, Janet attempted to deputise to
  appoint Mischief. PM is not vacant, so R2160(7) applies:

    a) wasn't true (intent wasn't announced earlier).

    c) wasn't true (attempted deputisation wasn't temporary).

    b) may have been true. If each win created a separate "CAN once"
   ability and corresponding duty, then exactly one of those
   duties (the one starting on or about June 27) was within the
   14-to-28 day window. If the first win created a single ability
   and duty that persisted thereafter (with the later wins merely
   moving its target), then it was outside that window.

I don't have a strong opinion which interpretation should win. I'm not
recording the events in the ADoP database at this time, but that's just
because from a technical standpoint it's easier to add them later if the
CFJ is judged TRUE, rather than revert them if it's judged FALSE.

Gratuitous: I won on July 19 (by exploiting a bug in the cleanup
procedure for Win by Paradox), which is probably relevant.

Oh yes, I forgot to catch up on ALT before writing the above. So this
should be a trivial FALSE, as Janet also attempted to appoint a player
no longer Laureled.


Re: [CFJ] Re: DIS: Re: BUS: (@ADoP, @Tailor) Bad Prime Minister! BAD!

2024-07-28 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

On Wed, 2024-07-24 at 11:25 -0400, Janet Cobb via agora-business wrote:

I believe I am Prime Minister.

I appoint Mischief (the sole Laureled player) to the office of

I appoint Mischief (the sole Laureled player) to the office of

I appoint Mischief (the sole Laureled player) to the office of

I appoint Mischief (the sole Laureled player) to the office of

I appoint Mischief (the sole Laureled player) to the office of

[Note: some or all of these may fail if (a) there is no outstanding
ability to appoint a player to Speaker or (b) it is not possible to
"appoint" the current Speaker to the office of Speaker.]

In the interests of stopping this from proliferating...

CFJ: Janet is the Prime Minister.

On the assumption that I will shortly be elected Arbitor, I invite
favours (from people other than 4st and Janet).



  * Jaff has been Speaker since April.

  * On or about June 4, ais523 won (Paradox, Zen, High Score).
  * On or about June 22, Janet won (Zen).
  * On or about June 27, snail won (Bangs).
  * On or about July 18, Mischief won (Bangs).

  * On or about July 23, 4st attempted to deputise to appoint snail
(ineffective, the duty is to appoint a Laureled player, and snail
was no longer Laureled), then attempted to appoint Mischief
(ineffective because the previous attempt failed to make 4st PM).

  * In response to 4st's attempts, Janet attempted to deputise to
appoint Mischief. PM is not vacant, so R2160(7) applies:

  a) wasn't true (intent wasn't announced earlier).

  c) wasn't true (attempted deputisation wasn't temporary).

  b) may have been true. If each win created a separate "CAN once"
 ability and corresponding duty, then exactly one of those
 duties (the one starting on or about June 27) was within the
 14-to-28 day window. If the first win created a single ability
 and duty that persisted thereafter (with the later wins merely
 moving its target), then it was outside that window.

I don't have a strong opinion which interpretation should win. I'm not
recording the events in the ADoP database at this time, but that's just
because from a technical standpoint it's easier to add them later if the
CFJ is judged TRUE, rather than revert them if it's judged FALSE.


Re: DIS: Re: ALT: [Promotor] Distribution of Propositions 9144-9147

2024-07-28 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

ais523 wrote:

On Sun, 2024-07-21 at 18:59 -0500, secretsnail wrote:

ID: 9145
Title: Pragmatic quarters
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: Murphy
Co-authors: Mischief

Amend Rule 2555 (Blots) by replacing this text:

    At the beginning of each quarter, half (rounded down) of each
    fugitive's blots are destroyed.

with this text:

    Once a quarter, the Referee CAN and SHALL publish a Notice of
    Clemency, upon which half (rounded down) of each fugitive's blots
    are destroyed.

This doesn't actually provide a mechanism for the Referee to do so
(likewise with the other similar obligations in this proposal) – it
just states that it's possible. (In particular, it gives no indication
of what a Notice of Clemency is – just labelling a message as one
probably wouldn't be enough, because the rules don't state that a
message labelled as a Notice of Clemency actually *is* a Notice of
Clemency.) What's our precedent on how to deal with this sort of

Partial precedent:

Rule 2651 (The Election Cycle), excerpt

  Once per quarter, the ADoP CAN and SHALL publish a Notice of
  Election specifying between 2-4 term-limited offices (if there
  fewer than 2 term-limited offices, the ADoP MUST instead list all
  of them).  Such a notice initiates elections for the specified
  offices.  The ADoP SHOULD prioritize offices that have gone
  longest since their last elections.

My take is, if the rules say something like "X CAN publish a Notice of
Y", then a message labeled "Notice of Y" *and published by X* is a
Notice of Y. (This breaks down if we're mistaken about who X is, but
generally some self-ratifying report papers over it in short order.)


Re: DIS: Re: OFF: Re: BUS: (@Arbitor, @Tailor)

2024-07-14 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

ais523 wrote:

On Sun, 2024-07-07 at 14:09 -0700, Edward Murphy via agora-official wrote:

snail wrote:

Do the awards, bozos

Wins in 2023, based on comparing the Herald's reports of 2023-01-02 vs
2024-01-27 (the latter of which mentions that there were no new patent
titles since Nov 2023):

     High Score: ais523, snail (x2), Yachay
    Masonry: Murphy ("Gauntlet" awards were also moved here)
   Rice: G.
   Stamp Collecting: snail
     Tournament: ais523
    Zen: ais523

I nominate ais523 and snail for Golden Glove 2023.

Are Zen and Masonry different win categories?

They should probably be merged, one way or the other at the H. Herald's

"Gauntlet" wins renamed to "Masonry":


"Zen" added:



DIS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Propositions 9125-9133

2024-06-30 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

I vote as follows (and have updated the spreadsheet):

9125~   4st 1.0   (n/a)


9126~   Mischief2.0   More Stone Cleanup

endorse Stonemason

9127~   Mischief2.0   There Aren't Many Stone Idioms in


9128~   Janet   2.0   Stone cost reset v2

endorse Stonemason

9129~   Janet   1.0   Amendments are hard, okay?


9130~   Janet, Gaelan   1.0   Revision numbers, revised


9131~   Mischief1.0   Rare Stamps

endorse Collector

9132*   Mischief, Janet 3.0   Fashionable Manners v1.1


9133*   snail   3.0   Last from the Past



Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2024-06-30 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Juniper wrote:

Query: This report lists my lateness as !!! - but Simplifior was only
enacted in the past 24 hrs, right? Am I misinterpreting something in
this report?

Yeah, the 'offices' table in the database doesn't track how recently an
office was created (it's available in the event history, but pulling it
from there would be more involved). Since this is a short-term situation
per office, I just updated the boilerplate text below the list.

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 9122-9124

2024-06-23 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

On 6/22/24 22:45, Janet Cobb via agora-official wrote:

ID: 9123
Title: Anniversaries
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Mischief

Amend rule 1023 (Agoran Time) by appending:

5. Any anniversary, monthly anniversary, or quarterly anniversary
   that would otherwise occur on a day of the month that does not
   exist (after considering any leap day) instead occurs on the
   following day.


Is this sufficiently clear and unambiguous about which list this is to
be added to? That is, the top-level list vs the nested list.

I know which it meant but it... makes me uncomfortable to decide that
solely based on the list item number or text of the list item

Given that it also covers a different topic than the nested list (yearly
and quarterly anniversaries don't pertain to "within a month"), I'd say
it's sufficiently clear and unambiguous that it's to be added to the
top-level list.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Propositions 9120-9121

2024-06-02 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

I vote as follows (and have updated the spreadsheet):

9120~   juniper 1.0   Labour Payment


9121~   juniper, mqyhlkahu  1.1   More Rules, Less Complex


DIS: Re: OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2024-05-25 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

I wrote:

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at 

Date of last report: 2024-05-19
Date of this report: 2024-05-21

Whoops, actually 2024-05-25. (The report-generating script uses the date
of the most recent event recorded, rather than the date that the script
was run; the idea is that if I record some events but haven't published
that week's report yet, then it shows that I'm behind. This is usually a
non-issue because I usually publish the report late on Sunday, and at
least one other officer usually publishes theirs earlier on Sunday. This
approach is more significant for Tailor, which sometimes goes a few
weeks between relevant events.)

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Referee] The Blotter (and a history lesson @Mischief)

2024-05-24 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

ais523 wrote:

On Sun, 2024-05-19 at 15:09 -0700, Edward Murphy via agora-discussion wrote:

ais523 wrote:

particular, if a contract would be given a Rest (the equivalent of a
Blot), every member of the contract would be given a Rest instead.

the Insulator (equivalent of today's Referee) was required to report
the Fugitive status.

For those wondering how "Rest" and "Insulator" fit together: the
primary currencies at the time were Notes, tracked by the Conductor,
whose author evidently had a shameless disregard for mixed metaphors.

It was quite a well-constructed series of interlocking puns (starting

The intended joke was that I authored the Notes/Rests economy, but it
turns out "Insulator" was actually added by omd and G. about a year
later; originally the Conductor tracked both Notes and Rests.

with "Notes" = banknotes or musical notes; and if you did something
helpful to Agora you would be noted for it). It is possible that some
of these were fortunate coincidences rather than intentional. A Rest
had a value of -1 Note (originally, you could use a Note to cancel out
a Rest). I am surprised that puns on "ar-Rest-ed" weren't made more

Incidentally, I vaguely remember that Notes and Ribbons were
descendants of the same system (i.e. originally a Ribbons win was
obtained via getting an ancestor-of-Notes from every possible source,
with the ancestors of Notes having ribbon-style colors rather than
musical pitches), although they had diverged somewhat before I started
playing and no longer matched up to each other. That economy ended up
being temporarily revived semi-recently under the Glitter system (which
was effectively an economic reward for doing something that would give
you a Ribbon).

Turns out you're right, the current Ribbons rule was a revival of a
2008-2010 version created at the same time as Notes. Here's their
common ancestor immediately before the split, with some context below.

Rule 2126/48 (Power=2)
Voting Credits

  Voting Credits (VCs) are a class of fixed assets that can be
  used to affect voting limits on ordinary proposals.  Changes to
  VC holdings are secured.  Ownership of VCs is restricted to

  Each VC has exactly one color.  Colors with different names are
  distinct, regardless of spectral proximity.  Each color of VC is
  a currency.  If a player is meant to lose a VC of a color that e
  does not possess, then e loses a VC of eir Party's color
  instead; if e has no VCs at all, then the loss is waived (you
  can't get blood from a turnip).

  The Accountor is the recordkeepor of VCs.

  VCs are gained and lost as follows:

  (+R) When an interested proposal is adopted, its proposer gains
   a number of Red VCs equal to the proposal's adoption index
   times its interest index (rounded down to the nearest
   integer), minus the number of Red VCs that e has gained in
   this way earlier in the same week (down to a minimum of
   zero), and each coauthor of the proposal gains one Red VC
   unless e gained a VC in this way earlier in the same week.

  (-R) When a proposal's voting index is less than half its
   adoption index, its proposer loses one Red VC, unless e
   lost a VC in this way earlier in the same week.

  (+O) When an interested proposal is adopted by voting with no
   valid votes AGAINST, its proposer gains one orange VC
   unless e gained a VC in this way earlier in the same week.

  (-O) When an interested proposal is rejected by voting with no
   valid votes FOR (other than possibly from its author), and
   having met quorum, its proposer loses one orange VC, unless
   e lost a VC in this way earlier in the same week.

  (+G) At the end of each month, for each office with a report,
   the player (if any) who held that office for the majority
   of that month gains two Green VCs (if the office has a
   weekly report) or one Green VC (if it has only a monthly
   report), unless another person deputised for that office
   while that player held that office during that month.

  (-G) At the end of each month, for each office, for each player
   who has held that office during that month, if another
   person deputised for that office while that player held
   that office during that month then that player loses one
   Green VC.

  (+C) When a player deputises for an office e gains one cyan VC,
   unless someone previously gained a VC in this manner for
   the same office in the same month.

  (+B) When a player assigns a judgement to a judicial question
   other than a question on sentencing, and has not violated a
   requirement to submit that judgement withi

DIS: Re: OFF: [Referee] The Blotter (and a history lesson @Mischief)

2024-05-19 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

ais523 wrote:

particular, if a contract would be given a Rest (the equivalent of a
Blot), every member of the contract would be given a Rest instead.

the Insulator (equivalent of today's Referee) was required to report
the Fugitive status.

For those wondering how "Rest" and "Insulator" fit together: the
primary currencies at the time were Notes, tracked by the Conductor,
whose author evidently had a shameless disregard for mixed metaphors.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposals (attn Promotor)

2024-05-19 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

wunst wrote:

Am 13.05.24 um 01:00 schrieb ais523 via agora-discussion:

On Sun, 2024-05-12 at 15:32 -0700, Edward Murphy via agora-business

Proposal: No apathetic apathy

Amend Rule 2465 (Victory by Apathy) by appending this text:

    A player SHALL NOT announce intent to Declare Apathy and then
    fail to Declare Apathy before that intent ceases to be ripe; 

    failure is the Class 5 Infraction of Not Reading the Room.

What's the intention behind this one (and why such a high class)? Is
the intention to make failed Apathy attempts illegal?

> I think the goal is to make it possible to shoot yourself in the foot
> with apathy.
> Intended effect (probably?):
> 1. A intents apathy
> 2. nobody objects
> 3. A has forgotten about intent, does nothing -> infraction
> But the current phrasing would also make unsuccessful attempts illegal
> as it says nothing about the intent having no objections

More than that, the goal is to discourage the trend of almost all
intents to declare apathy having no obvious path to success beyond
"lol maybe every single player will inexplicably either fail to
notice or fail to object", which is pretty boring IMO.

Now if e.g. you actually spot and try to exploit a subtle bug in the 
tabled-action rules, or try to bribe objectors to bury an "I withdraw my

objection" announcement in the middle of a long message (I have received
such bribe offers approximately zero times), then that is when apathy is
actually interesting. Even if it fails, if a good-faith attempt of this
sort was demonstrated, then I would advocate for a reduced NRtR fine.

Re: DIS: [proto] Another ratification rewrite

2024-04-21 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

When a document is to be ratified, the publication time is the instant
at which the document to be ratified was published. The truth time of
the document is the instant at which the document specifies that it was
true, if any, or the publication time otherwise. Ratification of a
document CANNOT occur if the truth time would be after the publication
time, or if the truth time would be after the time the document is to be

Recommend re-defining and re-using "application time" here, for
parallelism with the amended R1551.

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Revised Resolution of Proposals 9068-9069

2024-03-24 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

I previously wrote:


PROPOSAL 9068 (Agora of Empires)
AUTHOR: Yachay Wayllukuq
FOR (2): Murphy%, Yachay Wayllukuq%
AGAINST (2): Aris%, Janet+
PRESENT (2): juan$, snail^
AI (F/A): 10/14 (AI=1.0)

CoE on the above-quoted purported resolution: kiako voted but is not
listed as a voter.

PROPOSAL 9069 (Coauthored Crystals)
AUTHOR: snail
FOR (2): Aris%, snail^
PRESENT (4): Janet+, Murphy%, Yachay Wayllukuq%, juan$
AI (F/A): 11/0 (AI=1.0)
Murphy: 4st is the Geologist: Endorsement of non-voter 4st: Inextricable

CoE on the above-quoted purported resolution: kiako voted but is not
listed as a voter.

I respond to each of the above-quoted CoEs by publishing the following

Admitted. Neither of the above resolutions was effective. Both such
decisions have now been resolved with the below-quoted resolution.

This message does not resolve any Agoran decision.

Well, I for one am confused. What was this even /intended/ to do? It
appears to fail to resolve anything, due to ambiguity. Or was it
intended as "I already published a corrected resolution, now I'm
just quoting said correction in response to the CoE"?


9068  Agora of Empires ADOPTED
9069  Coauthored Crystals  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 6.


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
#: player has voting strength 3
$: player has voting strength 4
%: player has voting strength 5
^: player has voting strength 6
+: player has voting strength 9


PROPOSAL 9068 (Agora of Empires)
AUTHOR: Yachay Wayllukuq
FOR (2): Murphy%, Yachay Wayllukuq%
AGAINST (1): Janet+
PRESENT (3): juan$, kiako, snail^
AI (F/A): 10/9 (AI=1.0)

PROPOSAL 9069 (Coauthored Crystals)
AUTHOR: snail
FOR (1): snail^
PRESENT (5): Janet+, Murphy%, Yachay Wayllukuq%, juan$, kiako
AI (F/A): 6/0 (AI=1.0)
Murphy: 4st is the Geologist: Endorsement of non-voter 4st: Inextricable

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 9068
Title: Agora of Empires
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Yachay Wayllukuq

//Comment:  This subgame is a very rule-light and
experimental worldbuilding game that is officerless but CfJ-reliant (so I
encourage people to take into account the Arbitor's opinion on this). I
intend to play as some fantasy race and progress my civilization one step
at a time but feel free to play in any way you want - what goes and doesn't
will ultimately depend on our collective CfJs.

Create a new Power-1 rule called "Agora of Empires" with this content:

"There exists a document known as the Empireworld, which should describe in
some way a fictional world. Each player that has amended this document is
said to have their own Empire in the Empireworld, and such players are

A player CAN amend the Empireworld once per week by announcement to
narratively progress the Empireworld in some reasonable fashion. The
message with this kind of announcement MUST include the latest form of the
Empireworld post-amendment. These amendments MUST follow relevant guidance
given in CfJs. Imperials are ENCOURAGED to shape this subgame through CfJs.

Any person can amend the Empireworld without 2 objections and Imperials are
ENCOURAGED to attempt this action when ey believe it to be appropriate.

An Imperial can, by announcement, win the game without 2 objections if the
Empireworld shows that ey have accomplished at least 3 extraordinary feats
in the fictional world that the Empireworld describes since ey last won the
game in this way. This rule does not describe what qualifies as an
extraordinary feat."

ID: 9069
Title: Coauthored Crystals
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: snail

Amend Rule 2685 (Crystals) by replacing

- If that crystal's owner is not the author of that proposal, the
 instability of that crystal is increased by 3.




- If that crystal's owner is not the author of that proposal, the
 instability of that crystal is increased by 1.

- If that crystal's owner is not the author or coauthor of that proposal,
 instability of that crystal is increased by 2.


[This makes the rule function the same when there's no coauthors, but if
there's a coauthor that owns the crystal of the modified rule, its
instability is only increased by 1 instead of 3.]

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Deputy Geologist] Weekly Report

2024-03-24 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

4st wrote:

CoE: I destroyed the crystals in L&FD

NttPF. (If you already TTttPF'd then ignore this, I'm just catching up
on a-d first as usual.)

Re: DIS: Photo: officially official

2024-03-24 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Gaelan wrote:

I proto-submit the following proposal: {
   Title: Officially Official (and Backuply Backup)
   Authors: Gaelan
   AI: 1

   Create a power-1 rule titled “Forum Purposes”, with the following
   text: {
 Purpose is a public forum switch, with values Business (default),
 Official, and Backup.

 Players SHOULD send public messages to a Business forum unless
 otherwise specified.

 Players SHOULD send public messages to an Official forum where they
 relate to the duties of an office.

"where they relate to performing the duties of an office they hold"

 Players SHOULD send public messages to a Backup forum when
 technical issues prevent the usage of other fora.

"when they believe that technical issues may prevent the usage of
another forum that e would otherwise use"

DIS: Re: BUS: Rulekeeping is hard, turns out

2024-03-17 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

... Okay, so it turns out I can't read and "denial" isn't by
announcement (I could have sworn it was at some point, but I can't find
that). So the above probably did not discharge my duty.

Rule 2201 (Self-Ratification), in part (according to the latest SLR,
modulo all existential questions about the actual state of the rules):

  When this happens, the publisher of the original document SHALL
  (if e was required to publish that document) or SHOULD (otherwise)
  do one of the following in a timely fashion, in an announcement
  that clearly cites the claim of error:

 1. Deny the claim (causing it to cease to be a doubt).

Re: DIS: Re: Assignment of CFJ 4069 to 4st [Re: BUS: Overly Effective Identity Theft Protection, Or, Is There A Rule 105]

2024-03-17 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

nix wrote:

On 3/14/24 15:08, 4st nomic via agora-discussion wrote:

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 3:53 PM nix via agora-business <
agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

On 3/11/24 17:41, Gaelan Steele via agora-business wrote:

CFJ: There exists a rule 105.

I number this CFJ 4069. I assign CFJ 4069 to 4st.


Also, I do plan to still judge this, whether or not I'm deregistered by
then, and whether or not it is possible for me to provide a judgement.
I will probably provide a draft late tomorrow.

As a point of clarification, the possible values of a judge switch are
'any person or former person, or "unassigned"' (R991). You are still the
lawful judge of this CFJ, so feel free to judge away.

Yeah, that was an intentional change from a while back, to avoid "this
assignment is ambiguously active because we're not sure whether the
judge is a player". And I guess "former person" is to avoid the risk of
accidentally requiring old CFJs judged by a corporation to be assigned
a new judge, even though they have a judgement well past the point of
reasonable appeal.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [Arbitor] New Arbitor in Town @kiako @Kate @Yachay @ais523 @Janet @Murphy

2024-03-10 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

snail wrote:

On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:03 PM Janet Cobb via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

On 3/10/24 19:01, secretsnail9 via agora-discussion wrote:

On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:45 PM ais523 via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

On Sun, 2024-03-10 at 15:38 -0700, Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

If so, and if Kate indeed gained five Ribbons on 2023-08-31, and no
one else gained as many, then:
* Only Kate's vote counted on any proposal resolved after 230.
* Only Kate's support counted on any tabled action resolved after
which should have been enough for eir dictatorship to become

What was quorum? If it ever got low enough for that to work, then there
is something badly broken with the quorum rules and we need to revise


from Rule 2481 (Festival Restrictions) Power 3.1:

  While Agora's Festivity is nonzero, the following apply:

   2. Quorum for Agoran Decisions is equal to half the number of
  Festive players, rounded up;


Quorum was 1 if Festivity was 5, since Kate would be the only Festive
player. Except!

Rule 879/40 (Power=3)

   Each Agoran decision has a quorum. This is a number set when the
   decision is created, and thereafter cannot be changed. When a
   person initiates an Agoran decision, that person SHALL state the
   quorum of that decision. However, incorrectly stating the quorum
   of a decision does not invalidate the initiation, nor does it
   actually change the quorum of the decision.

   The quorum that an Agoran decision gains as it is created can be
   defined by other rules of power 2 or greater. If no other rule
   defines the quorum of an Agoran decision, the quorum for that
   decision is equal to 2/3 of the number of voters on the referendum
   that had been most recently resolved at the time of that
   decision's initiation, the whole rounded to the nearest integer.

   As an exception to the previous paragraph, the minimum quorum of
   an Agoran decision is 2, or 1 if there are fewer than 2 players in
   the game. If the rules would attempt to set the quorum of an
   Agoran decision to less than the minimum quorum, it is set to the
   minimum instead.

It seems like because of Rule 879, Rule 2481 attempts to set quorum as 1,
but then it is set to 2 instead. This means if festivity was 5, all
distributions initiated would fail quorum.

Incidentally, no, because R2481 takes precedence over R879.


A voter is voting strength 0 still counts for quorum purposes.

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, Stonemason

Oh. Well that's silly, scammable, and we should probably change it. Players
"voting" but having no effect on the decisions besides quorum doesn't
really seem right. In real agora this could lead to just 1 person having a
say whether a proposal passes or fails.


  a) If there are fewer than 5 Festive players, any player CAN flip
 Festivity to 0 by announcement (R2480). Kate's scam depended on eir
 opponents not noticing the Festival until after eir dictatorship
 was already in place.

  b) As (I think) Kate pointed out when the scam was first revealed,
 in real Agora there are several high-Laudability players, so a
 Festivity scam would require buying off enough of them (or somehow
 tampering with Laudability). Kate's scam also depended on this not
 being the case in Agoran't.

DIS: Re: BUS: [Arbitor] New Arbitor in Town @kiako @Kate @Yachay @ais523 @Janet @Murphy

2024-03-10 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

nix wrote:

I assign CFJ 4059 to Murphy.

("As a result of the 2023 Agoran't Birthday Tournament, Murphy won the

Draft judgement:

Without performing an exhaustive analysis of the Agoran't archives, I'm
assuming that (a) either Kate or snail had a dictatorship, and (b) in
either case there were at least as many rules at the end as the
beginning. Accordingly, I judge FALSE.

Kate's dictatorship mainly depends on whether Festivity was set to 5,
due to "Festivity is 5." hidden in this ADoP report self-ratifying:

If so, and if Kate indeed gained five Ribbons on 2023-08-31, and no one
else gained as many, then:
  * Only Kate's vote counted on any proposal resolved after 230.
  * Only Kate's support counted on any tabled action resolved after 230.
which should have been enough for eir dictatorship to become effective.

If Kate's dictatorship was effective, then this message brought the
number of rules up to 132 (equal to the starting number):
unless (a) there were less than 118 rules beforehand (I think some rules
were repealed up to that point, but probably not that many), or (b) it
was ineffective for some other reason, despite the dictatorship being
effective in general.

If Kate's dictatorship didn't succeed, then it's likely (though not
guaranteed) that snail's did:

If snail's dictatorship was effective, then e enacted/repealed rules as
  https://agoranomic.groups.io/g/agorant/message/325 (-1)
  https://agoranomic.groups.io/g/agorant/message/326 (-1 +13)
  https://agoranomic.groups.io/g/agorant/message/327 (+1)
  https://agoranomic.groups.io/g/agorant/message/328 (+13 +13)
  https://agoranomic.groups.io/g/agorant/message/371 (+1)
which again brought the number of rules up to at least 132, unless (a)
there were less than 93 rules beforehand, or (b) some of these were
ineffective for some other reason.

Judge's evidence:

Initiation of Agoran't


Agoran't starting ruleset (132 rules)


Recap of Agoran't messages (at least what they alleged to do):

 30 Janet's first attempt at rule "Public Speaking" (dictatorship by 

 34 Janet's second attempt
128 Janet's attempts rejected

 75 snail's first attempt at "Public Speaking"
195 snail's second attempt
223 snail's second version adopted

 51 Ruleset as of 2023-08-25 (132 rules)
138 Ruleset as of 2023-09-05 (129 rules)

230 Registrar report with "Festivity is 5." hidden in it
231 Arbitor report
232 Kate creates and distributes proposal "Restoration of the Monarchy" 
(create two rules, give Kate a power 3 dictatorship)

233 Kate votes FOR RotM
234 Janet votes FOR RotM
235 4st votes AGAINST RotM
236 nix registers
237 snail votes AGAINST RotM
238 snail intends to (with notice) exercise eir dictatorship (create one 
rule, give snail power to hand out 100-blot fines for voting against eir 

239 response to a CoE (Daily Dose of Vitamin C's power is 1, not 0.5)
240 snail intends to (with notice) exercise eir dictatorship (create one 
rule, give snail power to hand out 100-blot fines for objecting to eir 
tabled intents)

241 various crimes dismissed for not being investigated quickly enough
242 Referee report (snail 1, others 0)
243 Janet says that DDoVC's distribution failed, despite 239
244 CoE of stuff meant for Agora
245 kiako votes AGAINST RotM
246 snail exercises eir dictatorship (e succumbs 9 times)
247 snail exercises eir dictatorship (4st and kiako each succumb 9 times)
248 Murphy votes AGAINST RotM
249 Kate initiates elections, becomes candidate
250 Janet becomes candidate
251 4st becomes candidate
252 Kate changes vote on RotM to AGAINST
253 kiako becomes candidate
254 Janet changes vote on RotM to AGAINST
255 snail repeats intent from 238, 104 times
256 snail repeats intent from 240, 104 times
257 snail intends to (without objection) ratify blots: snail kiako 4st 
0, others 100

258 Kate CoEs 257
259 Kate points out that CoE is only meaningful for self-ratification, 
not for RWO

260 Registrar report
261 kiako CoEs Registrar report
262 kiako CoEs Registrar report
263 snail creates and distributes proposal "The End is Nigh" (alter 
rules "Public Speaking" and 105)

264 Janet votes AGAINST TEiN
265 Kate votes AGAINST TEiN
266 Kate creates and distributes proposal "Restoration of the Monarchy 
v2" (revert rules with power <= 3 to 2023-10-20, create one rule, give 
Kate a power 3 dictatorship)

267 Kate votes FOR RotM v2
268 Janet votes FOR RotM v2
269 Kate reiterates 267 in case of ambiguity
270 snail votes AGAINST RotM v2
271 kiako votes FOR TEiN

DIS: Re: BUS: Registering

2024-03-10 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Aris wrote:

Erm... that CFJ doesn't do what you want it to. CFJs are supposed to be
statements, not questions, and interpreting something out of context is
different from interpreting it in context.

At one point we did legislate that, for CFJs asking yes/no questions, a
judgement of TRUE/FALSE is appropriate if the answer is yes/no
(respectively). Is it worth bringing that back?

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: 𐑕𐑑𐑦𐑤 𐑦𐑯𐑜𐑤𐑦𐑖 (𐑯𐑴𐑚𐑩𐑛𐑰 𐑒𐑨𐑯 𐑕𐑑𐑪𐑐 𐑥𐑰)

2024-03-10 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

On 3/4/24 13:19, Goren Barak via agora-business wrote:

𐑣𐑧𐑤𐑴 𐑩𐑜𐑹𐑩,
𐑲 𐑛𐑧𐑒𐑤𐑺 𐑝𐑦𐑒𐑑𐑹𐑰 𐑚𐑲 𐑨𐑐𐑩𐑔𐑰 𐑓 ·𐑚𐑧𐑯 𐑯 ·𐑜𐑹𐑧𐑯
𐑑 𐑳𐑚𐑡𐑧𐑒𐑑, 𐑮𐑲𐑑 "𐑲 𐑳𐑚𐑡𐑧𐑒𐑑 𐑑 𐑝𐑦𐑒𐑑𐑹𐑰 𐑚𐑲 𐑨𐑐𐑩𐑔𐑰"

𐑜𐑫𐑛𐑚𐑲 𐑩𐑜𐑹𐑩

Transliterated from the Shavian alphabet to standard English:


Hello Agora,
I declare victory by apathy for Ben and Goren. To object, write "I
object to victory by apathy"

Goodbye Agora


This wasn't reasonable effort, by our precedents, almost surely does
nothing. In any case, can you point to any prior intent made?

On the topic of "reasonable effort": A web search for "𐑣𐑧𐑤𐑴" identifies
the script. Then, after a couple other searches that went nowhere
useful, "Shavian to English" turns up


which produces:

  Helou əgorə,
  ai dekler viktorii bai aepəthii f ·ben n ·goren
  t ubjekt, rait "ai ubjekt t viktorii bai

  gəədbai əgorə

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Propositions 9068-9069

2024-03-03 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

On 3/3/24 16:24, Edward Murphy via agora-business wrote:

9068~   Yachay 1.0   Agora of Empires

FOR (without 2 objections is a reasonable guard against trivial
wins, other issues can be ironed out later)

That's not the only method to amend. There's also a "by announcement"
method in the previous paragraph.

That's to add extraordinary feats, I was referring to winning as a
result of them.

DIS: Re: BUS: (@Promotor) Proposal - Agora of Empires

2024-03-03 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Yachay wrote:

An Imperial can, by announcement, win the game without 2 objections if the
Empireworld shows that ey have accomplished at least 3 extraordinary feats
in the fictional world that the Empireworld describes since ey last won the
game in this way. This rule does not describe what qualifies as an
extraordinary feat."

"Wonder is an untracked non-negative integer Imperial switch. When an
Imperial accomplishes an extraordinary feat as described by Empireworld,
eir Wonder is increased by 1. An Imperial whose Wonder is at least 3
CAN, without 2 objections, ; upon doing so, e wins the game,
and eir Wonder is reset to default."

Re: DIS: ranting about potential ruleset issue

2024-02-25 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

4st wrote:

Right, but I'm not happy to accept the gamestate we're currently playing in.

Right, I agree with the platonists that the gamestate is wrong and that
ratification is wrong, just... definitely not in the same sense of wrong.
Wrong as in it feels wrong, whether or not anything is actually wrong.

I think I get where you're coming from, but I don't think you'll make
any headway by just saying "more people should be pragmatists because
platonism is tedious". Either you have a majority-pragmatist player base
or you don't, and as long as the rules continue to specify a certain
level of platonism, swinging that pendulum will be an uphill battle.

I think the majority of players are currently aiming for such a
ratification, but only as a first step, to be followed by amending the
rules to fix at least some of the tedium. Where you might make some more
headway is to push that second step further, so that the rules /tell/
people to use a more pragmatic interpretation; I think even most
platonists would accept that if it was adopted, similar to how they
accept successful ratification rather than try to recompute whatever the
ratification would paper over (unless it's believed to be gumming up the
ratification process itself, as in the Points/Marks crisis, or the
current debate).

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Potential ruleset issue

2024-02-18 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

nix wrote:

On 2/15/24 19:07, Janet Cobb via agora-business wrote:

So, we've discovered on Discord a potential issue that could have
wide-ranging effects. Consider the four-day rule as stated in the
(purported) Rule 105/23:

   A rule change is wholly prevented from taking effect unless its
   full text was published, along with an unambiguous and clear
   specification of the method to be used for changing the rule, at
   least 4 days and no more than 60 days before it would otherwise
   take effect.


Importantly, this requires "an unambiguous and clear specification of
the method to be used" to be published before each rule change.

When was this clause added? I'm wondering what was meant by "method" in
it. We use "method" to refer to the mechanism for CAN actions, but we
also use it for other things. For example, the "methods of obtaining
[ribbons]" in 2438 and voting strength increases in 2632 (which says "by
this method" in reference to a continuous occurrence, not something
someone does).

I think it's feasible to interpret "method" in 105 as just the specifics
of the rule change in the proposal itself, meaning the proposal text has
to be clear and unambiguous about what it does. Knowing the context it
was written in might give some clarity.


Proposal 7710 (AI=3) by G.
Defining Reasonable Review

Amend Rule 105 (Rule Changes) by replacing:
   A rule change which would otherwise take effect without its
   substance being subject to general player review through a
   reasonably public process is wholly prevented from taking
   A rule change is wholly prevented from taking effect unless
   its full text was published, along with an unambiguous and
   clear specification of the method to be used for changing the
   rule, at least 4 days and no more than 60 days before it would
   otherwise take effect.

Submitted on Oct 23, subject "legislative solution", apparently
regarding CFJ 3429:


9 FOR, 2 AGAINST. The AGAINST votes were omd (no comment) and Warrigal:
> I think a proposal should be able to effect a rule change without
> actually literally containing the text of the rule change.

Personally, I think that normal proposal distributions constitute an
implicit, yet still sufficiently unambiguous and clear specification of
the proposal system as a whole, and furthermore that "its full text"
refers to the *rule change* (e.g. "Amend Rule X by replacing Y with Z")
rather than the post-change version of the rule, and that a four-factors
analysis ought to back up these interpretations. But as usual, it
wouldn't be a bad idea to adopt a just-in-case patch proposal.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: (@Promotor) No Taxation Without Representation

2024-02-18 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

So, I don't think basing quorum on Activity is a good idea at all, and
there's no obvious change (to me) that would avoid these problems.

Whereas quorum is currently based on a specific type of activity (voting
on other recent decisions), which seems a lot more appropriate.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Registrar] Birthday Announcement

2024-01-28 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

juan wrote:

   The 27th of October of 2023
   Murphy's 16th Agoran Birthday!

Actually that was my third registration; I confirm that the following
registrations were also me:
  (v) Murphy  (< 1996-01-23--2007-09-24)
  (d) Murphy  (2007-10-27--2017-11-17)

Proto: The day(s) on which a player re-registered are eir Unbirthday(s).

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [ADoP] Election stuff

2024-01-07 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

I also initiate an Agoran decision to select the winner of the Prime
Minister election.
* The Vote Collector is the ADoP (me).
* The valid options are the candidates (Janet, nix, and any others
who become candidates by end of voting).
* The voting method is instant runoff.
* Quorum is 5 (based on 8 voters on Proposal 9048).


I become a candidate for Prime Minister. Campaign speech: a vote for me
is a vote for me!

This fails because you were already a candidate.

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Propositions 9046-9048

2023-12-17 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

ais523 wrote:

9048*   nix, 4st, snail 3.0   It's been 4+ years, Agora. 4+

AGAINST. Proposal result ratification appears to be broken in the
ruleset being ratified (and thus probably the current ruleset) – this
is one of the things I check for when it comes to doing ruleset
ratifications. (Ratification requires the document or statement to have
been published, but proposal result ratification is defined as a self-
ratifying attestation to an unpublished statement, so the ratificaiton
rules don't seem to work properly.) Additionally, proposal distribution
appears to rely on a rule 217 disambiguation (of "authorized" – the
Promotor CAN distribute proposals but no rule explicitly says that they
MAY distribute proposals, and "authorized" means "explicitly
permitted". As such, the published ruleset is dangerously close to not
having the proposal system work at all, with neither the primary method
nor the safeguard unambiguously working.

Recommendation: As you suggested on Discord, have the Assessor
explicitly announce the things being attested. Then submit a new
proposal to fix the rule bug.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Geologist] shiny stuff

2023-12-10 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

4st wrote:

Here are the crystals and their owners (geologist required monthly report)

Weekly, actually. (R2162 section 3, and R2685 doesn't specify otherwise)

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: (@Herald) Maze protocol

2023-12-03 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Ben wrote:

I agree that 1 would need to be clarified, building off what nix said, since 
you could declare yourself inactive and active again to flip a switch.

I think that was intended to count; the idea wasn't "find the one
super-obscure thing that counts", it was "find literally anything
that counts". (Maybe flipping citizenship by registering should
also count, but only if the player realizes that and points it
out. Handing players a crib sheet of "here's how to do all these
things" is kind of against the spirit of this, though arguably
that would still be better than just leaving them directionless
until/unless they individually try stuff or ask for guidance.)

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Propositions 9035-9039

2023-12-03 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Gaelan wrote:

9038~   Murphy  1.0   Ratify the Ruleset Week

PRESENT - not sure how I feel about this. I worry an explicit SHALL to
propose ruleset ratification at a given time runs the risk of rushing us
into ratification without proper due diligence first? It seems like, at
minimum, there should be something along the (very rough) lines of “or
defer ratification by announcement, in which case e SHALL make such a
proposal in the two months following the Ides of March."

Also, is “last time the ruleset was ratified” a term we can just use
without definition?

Thinking about it, "published after the most recent ruleset already
ratified, but before the intent" would probably be better/clearer.

Re: DIS: [proto] Unforceability

2023-11-26 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

To address some of the holes that befell Agoran't:


Add (somewhere? enact a new rule? at power 2 or 3?):


A Rule that purports to designate an action as "unforceable" thereby
designates that a player NEED NOT comply with any provision of any Rule
that requires or forbids em from performing or refraining from
performing that action, unless the provision merely requires em to abide
by an agreement to which e has consented.

Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the following actions are

* Tabling an intent

* Becoming or ceasing to be a supporter or objector to an intent.

* Initiating, voting on, or resolving an Agoran decision.

* Submitting or distributing a proposal.



I would add withdrawing votes.

Would this prevent the Promotor/Assessor from being dinged for failing
to distribute/resolve proposals in a timely fashion? Maybe add another
exception for "merely requires em to perform the duties of an office
which e holds based on eir prior consent, such as becoming a candidate
or deputising".

DIS: Re: BUS: Player/person analysis update

2023-11-12 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

4st wrote:

I couldn't find these three players (so far, maybe I can't find more):
Douglas Hofstadter, General Chaos, Troublemaker At Large
and Ørjan is listed differently.

General Chaos, Kelly (1996), and Kelly (1997-1999) are a single person.

Ørjan / Oerjan (1995, 1996, 1996-2000) are a single person (I assume;
the first two pre-dated me, but if they weren't the same person as the
third, then surely someone would have caught on and said something at
the time).

I don't remember Troublemaker At Large using any different nickname.

I unofficially petition the Registrar to retain a copy of the old-style
monthly list, or at least the parts not already incorporated into the
new style, in case any oldbies ever come back and go "oh yeah, that was
me" or "oh yeah, I remember such-and-such".

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Registrar] Monthly report: Arrivals and Departures

2023-11-12 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

4st wrote:

Operating solely off the registrar's report, then, there could probably be
some notations to players that are c/o or otherwise proxies: so the
registrar could have some corrections on their report that have gone
unnoticed for quite some time, and I have taken those to be fact due to

In fact, I think past Registrar's reports did list some partnerships as
"c/o ", typically whoever
was doing the bulk of the partnership's bookkeeping. Though I think at
least one first-class player was listed as "c/o ", as they were sharing an e-mail account, and good faith was
assumed that the former would clearly identify which messages from that
account were eirs.

Anyhow, I'm not going to be discouraged, and I'm going to try to take it as
early helpful feedback to the thesis I'm working on. WALRUS was not a
person, rather a partnership, and human point whatever were similar proxy
players during a time of player shenanigans, and it's probably important to
note that these are probably not persons, but we simply have no idea.

I've updated the lists I have to accommodate. The reason for merging
records is that I want to be conservative sometimes with reasons for not
playing: I am trying to give Agora the benefit of the doubt in reducing the
amount of players that stop playing for good. I think I'll report separate
statistics for merged records and unmerged then though, for your benefit.

I do think that an analysis along the lines of "these nicknames refer to
the same person" and "these were partnerships" would be interesting. And
"these partnerships' members included these other persons" as well,
though that would get more complicated (as many of them had members come
and go).

And I'll keep a separate track of all the "c/o" players, and I don't really
know what to do with weird records like Ted and duck, since what are those

Absent a preponderance of evidence to the contrary, I would just assume
that they're first-class players distinct from any other first-class
players. (If/when such evidence is presented after the fact, we would
presumably fix any major breakages by adopting a legal fiction that
the actions in question were taken by a separate person, similar to one
case that actually came up several years back.)

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Propositions 9011-9019

2023-10-29 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

4st wrote:

CoE: the proposal pool lacks my proposals submitted October 9th.


Re: DIS: [Proto] Some are more equal v2

2023-07-02 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

juan wrote:

Janet Cobb via agora-discussion [2023-06-26 13:08]:

"Why should this be in the rules?" is a valid question. Putting
something in the rules means that everybody has to pay attention to it,
lest it change out from under them to actually do something, and that
people (like me) have rule-mandated obligations to track it.

We have contracts for things that only people who are interested want to
pay attention to.

That is not the point. Drafts are for gauging interest. And this draft
clearly is demonstrating a mechanic, not a complete game. Judge it for
what it's worth.

If it turns out nobody likes it, I'll abandon it. The problem, for me,
is the tone.

Imagine showing someone a recipe for a nice and refreshing juice, to
see what they think, and they responding “but this is not a complete
meal. I'm hungry”.

I think that's a misleading analogy. It would be more like offering to
sell an obscure cooking utensil to someone, without any information on
what types of cuisine it's typically used for, whether they like any of
those, or whether it will fit awkwardly in their kitchen cabinet.

Any process that eventually plugs into a well-established game mechanic
is off to a good start, because it's easy to identify why those game
mechanics are well-established: winning = bragging rights, extra votes =
more influence over how the rules are changed, and so on. Even if the
process is initially wonky, it /can/ be fixed via followup proposals
(if the players don't get too fed up with it first). In contrast,
floating game mechanics often seem to follow a pattern of "get adopted,
no one ever gets around to building a use case for them, eventually they
get repealed without having been used for anything".

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: Initiating elections

2023-06-25 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

snail wrote:

I vote as follows in the prime minister election: [snail]

This vote was ineffective, as voting was not yet open.

Re: BUS: Re: DIS: (@herald) did I win?

2023-06-25 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

4st wrote:

I deputise as Prime Minister to appoint G to the office of Speaker.

I believe this actually was effective even if not overdue, as Prime
Minister was vacant. (If for some reason it was ineffective, then
please let me know; that would also mean that snail remains Speaker.)

Re: DIS: [Proto] Some are more equal v2

2023-06-25 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

juan wrote:

Edward Murphy via agora-discussion [2023-06-18 13:38]:

But, based on this proto alone, the Equality switch doesn't do anything
either (e.g. grant radiance). And there's a strong implication that
Policies /should/ do something more, but no context for what that
something might be. At least with the "publish the hash of a message
ahead of time" proposal, we were able to come up with some reasonable
examples on our own, but this is so much of a blank slate as to just be
rather baffling.

I mean… it's a game. They are points. What else does one need?

Literally any explicit use case, even if it's just a suggestion in
comments. For Equality, would there be a wincon similar to radiance,
or could you spend some Equality for other perks, or what? For
Policies, would certain types of change to the gamestate be
restricted to 'via one or more listed Policies'?

Re: DIS: More Drafts

2023-06-18 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

4st wrote:

Left and Right are player switches that can have a value of any player,
defaulting to emself. Once each week, each player CAN, by announcement,
either set eir Left to any player, or set eir Right to any player.

Left and Right are tracked by the Lorax.

A player CAN reach a player on eir Left or on eir Right, or on the Left or
Right of any player e can reach. When a player announces that e can reach
all players, e wins, and all Lefts and all Rights are set to their defaults.

Needs more Thneeds.


Re: DIS: [Proto] Some are more equal v2

2023-06-18 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

4st wrote:

On Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 5:41 AM juan via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

I would really love some feedback.

EQUALITY (Power 1.0)

For the purposes of this rule, a Player Property is defined by a set
of values (its range) and a way of naturally and unambiguously
assigning at each point in time a value in that set to each player at
that time.

For the purposes of this rule, a Criteria on a set of values is
defined by a subset of that set of values specified naturally and

For the purposes of this rule, a Class is a set of players defined as
those whose value under a clearly specified Player Property is inside
the set of a clearly specified Criteria.

Equality is a natural player switch tracked by the Nomos.

The Protected Classes is a singleton switch tracked by the Nomos with
values on lists of Player Properties, without repetition, defaulting
to the empty list. To protect a class means to set The Protected
Classes to its former value with the specified Player Property
appended. A Player Property is protected if it is listed in The
Protected Classes, and unprotected if it isn't.

A Policy is a document unambiguously specifying a Class of players.

A Policy is Discriminatory if the specified Player Property of its
Class is protected.

A player CAN, with agoran consent, protect a class, by specifying the
Player Property to be protected.

A player CAN, once a week, by announcement, enact a Policy, provided
that Policy is not Discriminatory. When e does so, the players in that
Class have eir Equality increased by one.


Just to be clear: my idea is to create an exploratory experiment on the
concept of protecting classes of people. I want to see the limits of
how can formalistic reasoning protect against discrimination based on
certain characteristics.

As far as I understand, in law (at least U.S. law) the idea is that a
rule is valid, despite desproportionally affecting individuals in certain
protected classes, if it can be shown that it is the least burdensome
way to accomplish certain valid policy goals.

That is, a rule is discriminatory if it affects protected classes
disproportionally in any way. I.e., if the criteria it establishes is
not independent (in a statistical, or event-based sense) to the protected
criteria. Since this would rule-out basically any meaningful legislation,
there are provisions for allowing this indirect discrimination when it
is justified.

So, the rule I'm proposing is exploring how far we can get in protecting
classes (through politically motivated action) when all that is forbidden
is *direct* discrimination.

There are some restrictions, though: the “natural” criteria is to
avoid certain logical sheananigans that would sidestep the
protections. I know, it isn't formal, but I can't think of a better


Ok, so, I'm just imagining the implementation of this right now.
The only way player properties exist is by a clear and unambiguous
definition, which the nomos would have to track each definition if it has a
reference. Are definitions meant to be like "player birthdays" or
something? otherwise I'm not sure what other protected properties exist
"how many assets owned by that player" "player names" "total blots in the
past year" "number of CFJs judged" "total months in an office" "number of
reports published" "total rules proposed".

As I understand it, player properties are indeed any such things that
already exist based on otherwise-existing gamestate, however the Nomos
only needs to track the ones currently in the Protected Classes list.

I also imagine that just because
it is clear and unambiguous doesn't necessarily mean "easily resolvable",
making this a very complex office if e is responsible for determining

Yeah, I would suggest shifting the burden to the player adding a player
property to the Protected Classes, and require em to accompany eir
announcement with a good-faith effort of specifying which players have
that property at that time (e.g. "Alice, Bob, and possibly Charlie
depending on CFJ 9001"). Then the Nomos's report of Equality (including
things like "Charlie: 2 or 3, depending on CFJ 9001") would self-ratify
as usual.

But that's just what happens when they're added. What happens after
they're added is also complex and unclear:

4st> Secondly, Policies don't do anything, which might be intentional,
4st> so that's probably fine I guess.

juan> Yes they do. Or rather, things are done with them. When players
juan> enact policies, certain players gain points in the form of the
juan> Equality switch.

But, based on this proto alone, the Equality switch doesn't do anything
either (e.g. grant radiance). And there's a strong implication that
Policies /should/ do something more, but no context for what that
something might be. At least wi

DIS: Re: (@Collector, Herald) BUS: The Never-Ending Dance

2023-05-28 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

nix wrote:

On 5/17/23 16:45, ais523 via agora-business wrote:

My radiance is 100 or more (specifically 100). The announcement in the
previous sentence causes me to win the game.

If I can do so (based on the current moot, which is leaning towards
yes), I award ais623 the title of Champion.

I was going to quote "Babylon Four was /green/, you see" from
_Undocumented Features_ here, but apparently they retconned that
particular story at some point. Alas.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [proposal] Sacrilege, but more this time

2023-05-21 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

ais523 wrote:

On Thu, 2023-05-18 at 21:32 +0100, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:

On Thu, 2023-05-18 at 13:16 -0700, Kerim Aydin via agora-business

I informally risk being guilty of favoritism 7 days from now, by
saying that the combination of CFJ calling and parenthetical reminder
that it may fail is enough disclaimer to avoid no faking.  I'll also
note that Janet pointed out CFJ 1881 which asked if R2029 created a
duty to dance, and in fact Judge omd of that case found that R2029
*does* apply penalties to the Marvy (if there were any Marvy), and
CFJ 2589 which raised the matter again/independently. So it's not
100% cut-and-dried that R2029's exhortation to dance has no legal
effect. And I'd forgotten at least one of those cases myself, so I
wouldn't expect 4st to know about them.

Are there any Marvy at the moment? IIRC the definition was something
along the lines of "a player who has increased voting power but is not
an officer", but I can't properly remember it (it was over a decade ago
at this point).

Just happened to notice this:

On Tue, 2023-05-16 at 15:21 -0500, nix via agora-official wrote:

 Marvy:4st, ais523, CreateSource,
   cuddlybanana, duck, G., Janet,
   juan, Murphy, R. Lee, snail,
   Trigon, Vitor Gonçalves

Marvy is a patent title that's currently in use. I suspect that this
has no impact on rule 2029 for much the same reason that a player named
"Marvy" wouldn't, but it feels like a relevant data point.

IIRC, that Patent Title was awarded by proposal, then after its adoption
the author claimed that R2029 penalized those players, but it was indeed
shot down for much the same reason as a player named "Marvy" would have.

Re: Very Proto Economy (Re: DIS: Re: BUS: (@Promotor) Proposal Submission - Democratization_

2023-05-21 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

nix wrote:

On 5/19/23 11:50, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:

I'd much rather take the route of trying to get the Radiance/Stamps
system functional again, than of trying to repeal it. (Stamps in
particular are one of the most powerful "new player perks" we've seen,
and I suspect that that's a good thing.) I'd especially be against
repealing it without a replacement.
I do somewhat regret the *full* repeal we did, tho it was an interesting 
experiment (that got my a Silver Quill). I've been trying to be more 
hands off with economic writing because I want to see other ideas (and 
I've written two of the recent ones), but I have had some ideas floating 
around that would at least incorporate Stamps. The idea is basically:

* replace dreams with focuses, and have 3 or 4 focuses. Something like 
Voting, Proposing, etc.

* each stamp type inherits a focus from the person it's minted by, with 
stamps belonging to non-players being wildcards for focus

* players automatically get stamps of eir type, maybe at a rate similar 
wealth dream (2 when there's less than 8 total of your type, 1 when 
there's less than 16 total, 0 otherwise)

* cash stamps in sets, where each stamp in the set is of the same class 
(or wildcard) to get the associated bonus. Cash voting stamps and get a 
voting power increase, cash proposing stamps and get the ability to pend 
X proposals. Scale it to large payouts for larger cashing sets, and also 
larger payouts for the number of *different* stamps used.

And increasingly larger payouts for having greater military strength
than one's neighbors.

DIS: Re: BUS: (@Herald, @Stonemason) Watch this!!!!

2023-05-14 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

snail wrote:

I wield the radiance stone. (Woah! So cool!)

(Wait! Oh my gosh! it's)

I reach for the Recursion stone.

(with a steel chair)

As $DEITY is my witness, that rule is broken in half!

DIS: Proto: More Factors

2023-05-07 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Proto-Proposal: More Factors
(AI = 3)

Amend Rule 217 (Interpreting the Rules) by replacing this text:

  When interpreting and applying the rules, the text of the rules
  takes precedence. Where the text is silent, inconsistent, or
  unclear, it is to be augmented by game custom, common sense, past
  judgements, and consideration of the best interests of the game.

with this text:

  When interpreting and applying the rules, the text of the rules
  takes precedence. Where the text is silent, inconsistent, or
  unclear, it is to be augmented by game custom, common sense,
  probable intent of rule authors, past judgements, and
  consideration of the best interests of the game. This includes
  (but is not limited to) the scope of a definition or restriction,
  and whether an attempted action succeeds as intended.

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [ADoP] Election updates

2023-05-07 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

nix wrote:

On 4/23/23 18:45, Edward Murphy via agora-official wrote:

I initiate an Agoran decision to select the winner of the Assessor
   * The Vote Collector is the ADoP.
   * The valid options are the candidates (currently 4st, Janet).
   * The voting method is instant runoff.
   * Quorum is 5 (based on 8 voters on Proposal 8955).

I vote [Yachay, Janet]. Given recent discussion and that Yachay has some

Unless I missed something, voting already closed (and met quorum), so
this vote is ineffective. I'll resolve the elections shortly.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [Proposal] Delegation

2023-05-07 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

nix wrote:

On 5/1/23 15:05, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion wrote:

When you do a job manually for a while, you start to use shortcuts, get
faster, streamline, then maybe join a couple of steps using a bit of code…
there’s really no sharp line between “automation” and plain old
“experience” - the two naturally go hand in hand.

Yea, that's why I was thinking "doable". I did Stamps with a script, but
I think snail is doing it by hand. It doesn't need a script, but it's
nice to simplify. A good spot IMO would be for a weekly report to take
*at most* 60-90m for a busy week to do by hand, and automation might
bring it down to 15-30.

If something takes longer than that to do by hand, it basically requires
automation for anyone to do it regularly.

I think I could do the bare minimum of an ADoP report within 60-90m per
week by hand. Automation mainly adds some nice-to-haves that aren't
required by the rules (report content, as well as making it vastly
simpler to compile recap data for periodic awards).

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Ratification without Objection intent - Continuity of the game since 1993

2023-04-23 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

nix wrote:

But it's also worth noting that the very original Agora doesn't seem to 
have played as platonically as we currently do; ie, an accepted mistake 
would be treated as the reality of the game often-times, without need 
for some ratification process. There's another thesis, Vanyel's 
*Pragmatism and Platonism* that deals with the early history of this. If 
you interpret Agora pragmatically, then nothing can really break it as 
long as players collectively agree on what to do next.

I think it was more that there was significant disagreement over which
way to play, with "Plato-Pragmatism" (methods of adjusting the Platonic
actual gamestate to match the Pragmatic what-we-thought-it-was
gamestate) eventually emerging as a compromise. A couple of examples
that significantly pre-dated the general ratification rules:

  1) A rule defining something similar to self-ratification, but limited
 to the points report.

  2) The Marks crisis (Proposal 2662 IIRC), a change of economic systems
 that was discovered several months after the fact to have been
 rejected due to an obscure issue with voting strength. Eventually
 resolved by having everyone announce "I resign as Promotor, naming
  as successor", and same for
 Assessor, and then processing a proposal similar to "the alleged
 adoption of Marks is ratified".

IIRC, Kelly left the game some time over frustration that, having come
up with this approach, we didn't always cover our bases as thoroughly as
we did for #2. It's certainly theoretically possible that some old
mistake went collectively unnoticed, and still hasn't been fixed by all
the various ratifications since then (especially if it pre-dated the
adoption of the general ratification rules); but most of us probably
dismiss it as "even if it does exist, I'll probably never find it, so
not worth worrying about", just as most people not pursuing a career in
theoretical physics don't worry that gravity might suddenly work vastly
differently tomorrow for some previously unforeseen reason.

Re: DIS: Free ideas

2023-04-16 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

4st wrote:

Not sure if this is intended, but for festivity, we can't set it to the
maximum ever, so any player who is 1 away from laudable is going to be
(given the standard definition of "exclusive" and "greater than or equal"
in that rule.)

This is adequately covered by R2480:

  If Agora's Festivity has had the same nonzero value for 14 days or
  more, or if it has a nonzero value and fewer than 5 players are
  Festive, then any player CAN flip it to 0 by announcement.

in rule 2125, regulated actions, it says OR, not AND. The second part of
the rule,
"A Regulated Action CAN only be performed as described by the
   Rules, and only using the methods explicitly specified in the
   Rules for performing the given action."
could be removed if we just switched that OR to AND?

Apples and oranges. The first part defines which actions are regulated
(and changing "or" to "and" would significantly alter that definition),
the second part defines what it means to regulate an action.

Rule 1688 and rule 2162 duplicate the idea of secured (in what appears to
be the same way, but still duped)

R1688 defines "secured" in the context of a change/action/value. R2162
defines "secured" in the context of a switch, as shorthand for applying
R1688's definitions to various things related to that switch.

Rule 107: looks like agoran decisions need not be public by default,
however, it looks like everything that uses them enforces them as public.

Various aspects use "public", or "publish" (defined elsewhere as
public). Votes need not be public, and in fact have been private
in the past (though I think it may have been many years ago).

Re: DIS: 2023 Tech Survey

2023-04-16 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

nix wrote:

Honestly just kinda curious what people use, but I figured it might also 
just be helpful to have more clarity. I'll compile the results in a week.


2023 Agora Nomic Technology and Accessibility Poll

For each question please first give a basic quantifiable answer (unless 
it is open-ended). You can optionally give more detail after it.

Basic Access

1. What email client(s) do you use to access Agora?

[Examples: thunderbird, gmail web client, apple mail, fairmail]

2. How often do you check agora emails?

[daily, weekly, monthly, rarely, never]

3. How often do you access the Discord?

[daily, weekly, monthly, rarely, never]

4. How often do you access the irc?

[daily, weekly, monthly, rarely, never]

5. How often do you access the matrix?

[daily, weekly, monthly, rarely, never]

6. What, if any, assistive technology do you use?

[none, screen reader, screen magnification, alternate input]

Email Resources

7. Do you use an email account (non-alias) exclusively for Agora?

8. (Open Ended) How do you organize agora emails? Do you use filters, 
folders, labels, aliases, or other features of email?

9. (Open Ended) How do you access old agora messages/emails?


10. How often do you use the website?

[daily, weekly, monthly, rarely, never]

11. What pages on the website do you use most frequently?


12. (Open Ended) What is the most difficult part of Agora, from a 
tech/accessibility standpoint?

13. (Open Ended) What technology would you like to see Agora adopt or 
use more?

14. (Open Ended) What other questions should this survey include, and 
what would your answer be?


 1. Thunderbird
 2. Weekly
 3. Usually daily
 4. Last time was years ago, probably pre-dating the Discord bridge
 5. Never
 6. None
 7. Mostly
 8. Filter to folders (technically labels), manually move some to others
 9. Save reports to local files like ruleset.txt; "Archive" label;
  search private web archives
10. Sporadically, usually if away from my PC
11. Ruleset, CFJ archive, usually if away from my PC
12. High message volume during archive searches
13. Something like Blognomic's generic database (perform actions by
  updating relevant entries), with option to generate list of
  recent changes to copy/paste into a report
14. Where do you place yourself on the new/experienced player spectrum

Re: DIS: Looking for coauthors

2023-03-12 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

juan wrote:

Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion [2023-03-09 15:12]:

On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 5:05 AM juan via agora-discussion

On thing your recent Fingerprints proposal got me wanting to try is
pre-planned moves with cards - that is, you have to commit to "these
are my next three card plays" ahead of time.  That would be really
interesting to me (we've done a couple trading card games before, they
can be really fun, but we've never done anything other than "play when
you want" in terms of play mechanics).

Ok. Here's what I had thought of. It's only in that sense of playing
matches against each other, but it could be modified because its quite

Cards would be assets. They'd have the following attributes:

* Rarity (some kind of number)
* Name (a string)
* Action (a text)
* Condition (a text)
* Effect (a text)

A player would have a deck (the cards e owns) and a hand (the cards e's
able to use). The rate at which one can draw cards from the deck is a way
to control the flow of the minigame. But not the only one: revealing cards
(the equivalent of putting them down at the table) is one as well. At
last, cards could also be discarded, if it was a kind of one-off game.

A match (or something else) would grant or remove tcg-points according to
the results (tcg-points could be a kind of card with no actions!). At the
end of the month, a pool of Agoran points would be distributed according
to the ranking.

"Points card with no actions" works well for Dominion, along with
starting with a small deck and buying more cards as you go. (Generally
you want to build an efficient buying engine, then use it to buy points
cards; buy points cards too early and you stall your engine, buy them
too late and you can't catch up before someone else triggers endgame.)

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00075 - Rule Selection

2023-03-05 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2327
("Read the Ruleset Week"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2327 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2327/3 (Power=1)
Read the Ruleset Week

   The first Agoran week each year which falls entirely in February
   is Read the Ruleset Week. Agorans are encouraged to read the
   ruleset during Read the Ruleset Week.

The first Agoran device each year which falls entirely in February is
Read the Ruleset Device.

Re: DIS: Revamping public secrets

2023-03-05 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

juan wrote:

Here's the new version:

A Fingerprint for a document (the Plaintext) is a document that could
not have been reasonably created without knowledge of the Plaintext, and
which is related to the Plaintext in such a way that one could not
reasonably produce another document related to that Fingerprint in the
same way.

Where the rules define an action that a person CAN perform "by
commitment" to a particular kind of document, that person performs
that action by performing it by announcement while, in the same
message, also publishing a what is purportedly a Fingerprint for a
document of that kind.

I think this needs at least a write-up for the second half of the
process, e.g.

  Where the rules define an action (the Pitch) that a person CAN
  perform "by fulfillment" to a particular kind of document, that
  person performs that action by performing it by announcement
  while, in the same message, also publishing a document of that
  kind, specifying an action (the Wind-Up) that e previously
  performed by commitment to that kind of document, and specifying
  enough information to verify that the Wind-Up's Fingerprint
  corresponds to the Pitch's document. The Wind-Up is thereby
  fulfilled. A person CANNOT perform a Pitch by specifying a Wind-Up
  that was previously fulfilled.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: (@Distributor/Proposal) Player-Defined Nonsense

2023-02-17 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

ais523 wrote:

(Also, nkep feels like it fits into this sort of framework somehow, but
I'm not sure how.)

For those unfamiliar, "nkep" was basically the "I floop" concept
combined with private-agreement shenanigans. A search of the CFJ
archive turns up the following, there were probably some others:



DIS: Proto: Schrodinger's Dice

2023-02-12 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Proto-Proposal: Schrodinger's Dice
(co-author = ais523)

Amend Rule 2505 (Random Choices) by replacing this text:

  The selecting person SHOULD make the selection method
  public, and SHOULD use a method for which the final probability
  distribution can be readily confirmed.

with this text:

  The selecting person SHOULD announce the selection
method ahead of time, SHOULD use a method for which the final
probability distribution can be readily confirmed, and SHALL NOT
perform any other regulated actions between performing the selection
method and announcing its result.

[Maybe these SHOULDs should be upgraded to SHALLs, either across the
 board, or in certain cases such as officer duties. Or we could just
 impeach officers suspected of abusing their discretion. Lying about
 the validity of a method would constitute a No Faking violation,
 though I expect we will continue to generally trust that Agorabot is
 not being tampered with behind the scenes, just as we generally trust
 that no one is using sock-puppet accounts.

 For context, all random choices currently defined are tied to
 offices: the Stonemason for Collection Notices, the Mad Engineer for
 rule selections to mutate the Device, and the Horsened for motivating
 the horses (anyone CAN do it, but the Horsened SHALL do it unless
 someone else already did that week).]

Re: DIS: Proto: Limited tracking

2023-02-05 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

On 2/5/23 19:18, Edward Murphy via agora-discussion wrote:

Proto-Proposal: Limited tracking
(AI = 3)

Amend Rule 2162 (Switches) by replacing "other instances are at their
default value" with "other tracked instances are at their default

Amend Rule 2606 (Proposal Classes) by replacing this text:

Proposals created since the enactment of this rule have a secured
untracked Class switch with possible values ordinary (the default)
and democratic.

with this text:

Proposals created since the enactment of this rule have a secured
Class switch, tracked only for proposals in the Proposal Pool,
with possible values ordinary (the default) and democratic.

Amend Rule 1950 (Decisions with Adoption Indices) by replacing this

Adoption index (AI) is an untracked switch possessed by Agoran
decisions and proposals, secured at power 2.

with this text:

Adoption index (AI) is a switch possessed by Agoran decisions and
proposals, secured at power 2, tracked only for Agoran decisions
not yet resolved and proposals in the Proposal Pool.

Amend Rule 991 (Calls for Judgement) by replacing this text:

Judge is an untracked CFJ switch with possible values of any
person or former person, or "unassigned" (default).

with this text:

Judge is a CFJ switch, tracked for all CFJs except those which
have been assigned a judgement for at least the past week, with
possible values of any person or former person, or "unassigned"

Tracked by whom?

Oh right, by the Promotor (proposals) / Assessor (decisions) / Arbitor

DIS: Proto: Limited tracking

2023-02-05 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Proto-Proposal: Limited tracking
(AI = 3)

Amend Rule 2162 (Switches) by replacing "other instances are at their
default value" with "other tracked instances are at their default

Amend Rule 2606 (Proposal Classes) by replacing this text:

  Proposals created since the enactment of this rule have a secured
  untracked Class switch with possible values ordinary (the default)
  and democratic.

with this text:

  Proposals created since the enactment of this rule have a secured
  Class switch, tracked only for proposals in the Proposal Pool,
  with possible values ordinary (the default) and democratic.

Amend Rule 1950 (Decisions with Adoption Indices) by replacing this

  Adoption index (AI) is an untracked switch possessed by Agoran
  decisions and proposals, secured at power 2.

with this text:

  Adoption index (AI) is a switch possessed by Agoran decisions and
  proposals, secured at power 2, tracked only for Agoran decisions
  not yet resolved and proposals in the Proposal Pool.

Amend Rule 991 (Calls for Judgement) by replacing this text:

  Judge is an untracked CFJ switch with possible values of any
  person or former person, or "unassigned" (default).

with this text:

  Judge is a CFJ switch, tracked for all CFJs except those which
  have been assigned a judgement for at least the past week, with
  possible values of any person or former person, or "unassigned"

DIS: Proto: Yes, Prime Minister

2023-02-05 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Proto-Proposal: Yes, Prime Minister
(AI = 3)

Amend Rule 2139 (The Registrar) by replacing "The Registrar is an
office;" with "The Registrar (syn. Minister of Domestic Affairs) is an

Amend Rule 1607 (Distribution) by replacing "The Promotor is an office;"
with "The Promotor (syn. Minister of Suggestion) is an office;".

Amend Rule 2137 (The Assessor) by replacing "The Assessor is an office;"
with "The Assessor (syn. Minister of Reform) is an office;".

Amend Rule 1051 (The Rulekeepor) by replacing "The Rulekeepor is an
office;" with "The Rulekeepor (syn. Minister of Law) is an office;".

Amend Rule 2138 (The Associate Director of Personnel) by replacing "The
Associate Director of Personnel (ADoP) is an office;" with "The
Associate Director of Personnel (ADoP) (syn. Minister of Administrative
Affairs) is an office;".

Amend Rule 2616 (The Webmastor) by replacing "The Webmastor is an
office." with "The Webmastor (syn. Minister of Information Retrieval) is
an office."

Amend Rule 2555 (Blots) by replacing "The Referee is an office," with
"The Referee (syn. Minister of Health) is an office,".

Amend Rule 991 (Calls for Judgement) by replacing "The Arbitor is an
office," with "The Arbitor (syn. Minister of Justice) is an office,".

Amend Rule 2608 (The Notary) by replacing "The Notary is an office."
with "The Notary (syn. Minister of Commerce) is an office."

Amend Rule 2659 (Stamps) by replacing "The Collector is an office." with
"The Collector (syn. Minister of Representation) is an office."

Amend Rule 2675 (Dream of Wandering, or whatever it may have been
retitled to) by replacing "The Dream Keeper is an office;" with "The
Dream Keeper (syn. Minister of Imagination) is an office;".

Amend Rule 2640 (Stones) by replacing "The Stonemason is an office,"
with "The Stonemason (syn. Minister of Excavation) is an office,".

Amend Rule 2655 (The Mad Engineer) by replacing "The Mad Engineer is an
office;" with "The Mad Engineer (syn. Minister of Pseudoscience) is an

Amend Rule 2668 (Horses) by replacing "The Horsened is an office" with
"The Horsened (syn. Minister of Competition) is an office".

Amend Rule 2438 (Ribbons) by replacing "The Tailor is an office," with
"The Tailor (syn. Minister of Celebration) is an office,".

Amend Rule 649 (Patent Titles) by replacing "The Herald is an office;"
with "The Herald (syn. Minister of Distinction) is an office;".

Amend Rule 2575 (The Distributor) by replacing "The Distributor is an
imposed office" with "The Distributor (syn. Minister of Communication)
is an imposed office".

Amend Rule 103 (The Speaker) by replacing "The Speaker is an imposed
office" with "The Speaker (syn. Minister Without Portfolio) is an
imposed office".

DIS: RtRW brain dump

2023-02-04 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion
Rule 869 (How to Join and Leave Agora): What would count as "duly 

Rule 2679 (Restrictions on Participation): Either change the definition 
of "unwelcome" to "if and only if", or change the securing of 
"designations of unwelcomeness" to "other designations". Also, maybe be 
more explicit here and/or Rule 2678 (Expectations of Participation) that 
being unwelcome is "not in line with Agora's rules".

Rule 2152 (Mother, May I?): We should probably amend it to confirm that 
it also covers passive uses, e.g. a player who interpreted the rules as 
proscribing an unregulated action would thereby violate the SHALL NOT in 
Rule 2125 (Regulated Actions).

Rule 1728 (Tabled Actions): "e is authorized to perform its action due 
to holding a rule-defined position" (etc.) should probably either 
specifically check who held it when the action was tabled - rather than 
potentially requiring someone to check whether e ever held that position 
over the entire history of Agora - or not care at all whether the person 
who tabled it previously held it. Maybe e expected to hold it later, or 
maybe e just wanted to get the ball rolling and nudge the holder.

Rule 2518 (Determinacy): If we enacted a rule "Humidity is a singleton 
number switch that, once the Forecastor announces a Prediction, is 
thereafter flipped to (1 - its current value) at the start of each day", 
would that count as "alternat[ing] indefinitely between values"; in 
particular, would it trigger the anti-indeterminate guard clause in Rule 
2162 (Switches)?

Rule 1586 (Definition and Continuity of Entities): "A rule, contract, or 
regulation ... when the rule first came to include ..." should mention 
contracts and regulations again in the second clause, or define a term 
for the phrase and then use that term in both clauses. Speaking of, how 
is precedence between two non-rule entities within this set resolved? 
Regulation vs regulation, Rule 2493 (Regulations) says that a regulation 
"has only the effect that rule explicitly gives it", so such a conflict 
would create a conflict between the authorizing rules. Contract vs 
contract, Rule 1742 (Contracts) requires you to obey them all (and if 
they're contradictory, then tough), and limits CANs to a few things that 
shouldn't cause any overlap issues.

Rule 2162 (Switches): Annotate that "To become X", where the value X 
corresponds to another entity, does not cause the first entity to become 
the same entity as the second.

Rule 2350 (Proposals): "A list of one or more co-authors (none of which 
is the author)". Also, is the omission of co-authors from "cannot be 
changed" intentional? (It may be impossible anyway if the rules don't 
specify a method.) Probably should reuse "essential parameters" from 
Rule 1607 (Distribution); Rule 2141 (Role and Attribute of Rules) 
instead uses "substantive aspects", but this is probably too generic a 
phrase for a generic definition to be useful. Also, add this: "In 
general, proposals in the Pool are distributed by the Promotor (removing 
them from the Pool and creating an Agoran decision), as described by 
other rules." Until then, the Rulekeepor can add unofficial historical 
annotations, but only to the FLR, per Rule 1681 (The Logical Rulesets). 
(And add more "in general ... as described elsewhere" clauses, e.g. "a 
higher Adoption Index is required to affect higher-Power rules, but also 
requires stronger support from voters".)

Rule 2606 (Proposal Classes): "Untracked" should be dialed down to e.g. 
"tracked by the Promotor, but only for proposals>", and similar for other untracked switches. Then Rule 2162 
(Switches) should be changed from "other instances are at their default 
value" to "other tracked instances".

Rule 217 (Interpreting the Rules): Probably should add "reasonable 
expectation of " to (2), otherwise it either goes too far 
(someone could spam CFJs "I should not be punished for X") or not far 
enough (we could theoretically enact "All CFJs submitted by Alice are 
dismissed one second later", as opposed to something reasonable like 
"All CFJs after the submitter's fifth per week", noting that X can be 
e.g. "any of this long list of things").

Rule 105 (Rule Changes): Reenacting a rule should explicitly state that 
it becomes a rule again.

Rule 2486 (The Royal Parade): Still needs a name updated.

Rule 879 (Quorum): What about moving this to a singleton switch? The 
Assessor could track it (giving em a report on top of eir non-report 
duties), and update it up to once per week based on the previous week's 
referenda (if any).

Rule 2127 (Conditional Votes): Instant runoff could use an example, e.g. 
"Alice, ([Bob, Charlie] if  is true, [David] otherwise), Egbert".

Rule 2168 (Extending the Voting Period): "...except if it is already at 
least that long and/or this has already happened for the decision in 

Rule 2630 (The Administrative State): 2) seems redundant with promises.

Rule 2154 (Election Procedure):

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00071 - Rule Selection

2023-01-29 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2575
("The Distributor"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2575 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2575/3 (Power=3)
The Distributor

   The Distributor is an imposed office whose holder is generally
   responsible for the management of the primary Agoran fora. The
   holder CANNOT be changed except without objection or by proposal.
   Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Distributor CANNOT
   deregister or be deregistered.

The device CANNOT be changed except without objection or by proposal.

Re: DIS: [agoranomic.org] How To Play Page

2023-01-29 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

nix wrote:

I added a new page to the website, intended to give people an idea of
what to do after they join. Any feedback appreciated:

Vote on Proposals: May want to explain PRESENT as "you just count toward
the minimum number of voters", and endorse as "you vote the same way
they do".

Submit Proposals: May want to add "[proposal]" to the template at the
end, and also explain "if your proposal would add/change/remove any rule
with Power > 1, then you need to request an Adoption Index to match, or
it won't work". May also want to move this to "Things to Do Once You
Feel Comfortable with the Basics", along with "Run for Office".

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [proposal] Slightly less self-interested proposal

2023-01-29 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

On 1/22/2023 1:55 PM, Janet Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:

On 1/22/23 12:42, Edward Murphy via agora-discussion wrote:

Janet wrote:

[Currently, I'm effectively locked out of owning any actually useful
stone without setting a Dream, which isn't really fair. If I attempt to

Is this actually true? I thought that had something to do with auctions,
which were repealed about a month ago, and any rule or regulation
actually putting the Stonemason on different footing may have been
repealed earlier than that (I spot-checked about four months back but
didn't spot anything relevant).

The Mason's stone both does nothing and will generally be owned by me,
and thus count towards the 30-day lockout for getting actually useful

Seems like just repealing it would fix both issues. Does being the
Stonemason give any advantage on the 30-day thing? Again, I suspect
it was originally enacted to solve some problem that no longer exists.

It would theoretically give the Stonemason first dibs after collection

How about just disallowing transfers within 24 hours after a collection
notice, or something like that?

DIS: Re: OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2023-01-22 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

I wrote:

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at 

Date of last report: 2023-01-15
Date of this report: 2023-01-20

Unofficial CoE, accepted: "Date of this report" should have been

(The script that generated the report uses the most recent event date,
which is appropriate for the web site to not seem more up-to-date than
it is, but potentially needs to be tweaked when copy/pasting it into
e-mail. It usually isn't an issue for ADoP because there are usually
some events earlier that day anyway, but I've got a thing this afternoon
so I worked on it earlier than usual.)

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00070 - Rule Selection

2023-01-22 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2630
("The Administrative State"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2630 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2630/2 (Power=2.0)
The Administrative State

   Each officer CAN, with 1.5 Agoran consent, enact, amend, or repeal
   eir own office's Administrative Regulations. If e has won an
   election for the office in the last 7 days, e CAN repeal them by
   announcement.  Administrative Regulations have the following
   1. An officer SHALL NOT violate requirements in eir office's

  administrative regulations clearly intended to be punishable as
  rules violations in the discharge of eir office.
   2. Any player CAN act on behalf of an officer to exercise eir
  official powers as authorized by eir office's administrative
   3. All players SHOULD abide by an officer's administrative
  regulations in matters relating to eir area of responsibility.

Each officer CAN, with 1.5 Agoran consent, enact, amend, or repeal eir
own office's devices.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [proposal] Slightly less self-interested proposal

2023-01-22 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

[Currently, I'm effectively locked out of owning any actually useful
stone without setting a Dream, which isn't really fair. If I attempt to

Is this actually true? I thought that had something to do with auctions,
which were repealed about a month ago, and any rule or regulation
actually putting the Stonemason on different footing may have been
repealed earlier than that (I spot-checked about four months back but
didn't spot anything relevant).

The Mason's stone both does nothing and will generally be owned by me,
and thus count towards the 30-day lockout for getting actually useful

Seems like just repealing it would fix both issues. Does being the
Stonemason give any advantage on the 30-day thing? Again, I suspect
it was originally enacted to solve some problem that no longer exists.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00069 - Rule Selection

2023-01-15 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2641
("Wielding Stones"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2641 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2641/2 (Power=2)
Wielding Stones

   Except as otherwise specified by the rules, the owner of a stone
   CAN wield it by announcement specifying any values needed to
   interpret the stone's effects.
   A stone with a frequency that has been wielded in the corresponding

   Agoran time interval is Hot for the remainder of the time period
   (e.g. if the frequency is daily, it is hot for the remainder of the
   Agoran day it was wielded during).
   While a stone is hot, it is IMPOSSIBLE to wield it or to transfer

   it by announcement
   When a stone is wielded, the Rule defining that stone applies any

   effects that it defines as occurring when the stone is wielded.
   The wielding of stones is secured.

Except as otherwise specified by the rules, the owner of a device
CAN wield it by announcement specifying any values needed to
interpret the device's effects.

When a device is wielded, the Rule defining that device applies any
effects that it defines as occurring when the device is wielded.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00068 - Rule Selection

2023-01-15 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2556
("Penalties"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2556 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2556/1 (Power=3)

   Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, an impure person CANNOT win
   the game.
   The voting strength of a player on an Agoran decision is reduced

   by 1 for every 3 blots in eir possession.
   A player CAN, with 7 days notice, deregister (exile) a specified

   player (the outlaw) who has more than 40 blots.

The voting strength of a player on an Agoran decision is reduced
by 1 for every 3 devices in eir possession.

DIS: Re: BUS: [proposal] Slightly less self-interested proposal

2023-01-15 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:

[Currently, I'm effectively locked out of owning any actually useful
stone without setting a Dream, which isn't really fair. If I attempt to

Is this actually true? I thought that had something to do with auctions,
which were repealed about a month ago, and any rule or regulation
actually putting the Stonemason on different footing may have been
repealed earlier than that (I spot-checked about four months back but
didn't spot anything relevant).

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00067 - Rule Selection

2023-01-01 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2201
("Self-Ratification"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2201 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2201/10 (Power=3)

   When a public document is continuously undoubted for one week
   after publication:
   - If the rules define it as self-ratifying, it is ratified.
   - If the rules define it as a self-ratifying attestation to a

 given statement, the statement is ratified.
 This clause is inapplicable if the statement to be ratified

 cannot be reasonably ascertained from the ruleset and the
 contents of the message.
   Any person CAN by announcement issue a doubt (syn. claim of

   error), identifying a document and explaining the scope and nature
   of a perceived error in it (or in a statement it attests to).
   When this happens, the publisher of the original document SHALL

   (if e was required to publish that document) or SHOULD (otherwise)
   do one of the following in a timely fashion, in an announcement
   that clearly cites the claim of error:
  1. Deny the claim (causing it to cease to be a doubt).
  2. Publish a revision.
  3. Initiate an inquiry case regarding the truth of the claim

 (if the subject is actually a matter of law), or cite a
 relevant existing inquiry case.

  Any person CAN by announcement issue a doubt (syn. claim of
  error), identifying a device and explaining the scope and nature
  of a perceived error in it (or in a statement it attests to).

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00066 - Rule Selection

2022-12-25 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2478
("Justice"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2478 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2478/24 (Power=1.7)

   An Infraction is a violation of a rule. The person who committed
   an infraction is its infracter.
   The Investigator for an infraction is the Referee unless e is the

   infracter. Otherwise, it is the Arbitor.
   The Class of an infraction is 2 unless a rule specifies a

   different Class for it.
   The Base of an infraction is N, where N is the number of

   previously-investigated, unforgiven infractions that have been
   committed by the same person in the last 30 days. The previous
   notwithstanding, if the base of an infraction would be greater
   than its class, the infraction's base is equal to its class.
   Within 14 days of an infraction being committed, the Investigator

   CAN investigate the infraction by announcement, specifying a
   number of blots between the Base and the Class of the infraction,
   inclusive. When e does so, that many blots are created in the
   possession of the infracter.
   The previous notwithstanding, an Investigator CANNOT investigate

   an infraction that has already been investigated or forgiven. The
   Investigator of a noted, unforgiven infraction SHALL investigate
   the infraction in a timely manner after it has been noted;
   failure to do so is the Class N crime of Favoritism, where N is
   equal to the Class of the noted infraction.
   A player CAN, by announcement, "note" an unforgiven infraction

   committed by any other player in the last 7 days, specifying the
   incident and the rule it violates (or name of the Infraction if
   it has one).
   The Referee's weekly report contains a list of noted and

   investigated Infractions committed in the previous week.

A device is a violation of a Rule.

Otherwise, it is the device.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Horsened] The Horses Finish! (1st Race)

2022-12-18 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

snail wrote:

The Horsened's Final Standings Report! Winning calculations and state
immediately before the race began anew.

Here's a quick and dirty Javascript animation of the full race:

Displaying additional events is left as an exercise for someone more
motivated than I am.

Re: DIS: Unofficial executive summary of Proposal 8872

2022-12-11 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

I wrote:

Coins were converted to score bonuses, roughly 25 per boatload,

I thought that sounded unusually high. Looks like I somehow botched my
arithmetic, and it was instead roughly 1 point per 25 boatloads.

DIS: Unofficial executive summary of Proposal 8872

2022-12-11 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Coin and stamp balances were reverted to mid-November values.

Coins were converted to score bonuses, roughly 25 per boatload, then
repealed, along with coin awards:
  * Monthly base income
  * Adopted proposals / ratio of votes in favor
  * Judging CFJ on time (replaced with +2 score)
  * Publishing report (replaced with increased voting strength on
  ordinary proposals equal to total complexity of your offices,
  max total +3)
  * Resolving referendum
  * Gaining a Degree
  * Charities
  * Welcome Package (now limited to 1 Stamp)
  * Birthday
  * Quarterly for top 3 score
as well as paying coins to create Stamps (now requires Dream of
Wealth, see below).

Auctions were repealed (replaced with Dream of Charity, see below).

Win by score is now limited to one player at a time, and must be
announced by that player.

Patent Title of Tycoon was repealed.

Score award for having an Agoran Birthday was changed from 15 to the
number of active players.

Score awards for Patent Titles and Ribbons were repealed.

Paying Stamps for coins was changed to paying Stamps for score.

Dreamor was replaced by Dream Keeper, snail (Dreamor) was installed.

Dreams are now updated weekly instead of monthly, with simplified
transition mechanics.

Dream options:
  * Wandering (default) does nothing.
  * Charity (new) gets one of the item type that the L&FD owns the
  most of.
  * Justice gets to expunge a blot (previously 4 per month).
  * Sharing (new) gains score (roughly 0.5 per active player, split
  evenly across all players with this option).
  * Wealth gains stamps of eir type based on how many already exist (2
  per week up to 8, then 1 per week up to 16, previously 5 per
  month). This is now the only way to create stamps.
  * Machinery can do stuff with the Device.
  * Gardens can gain the stone that Agora has owned the longest
  (previously could pay stamps to reduce chance of losing one of
  eir own stones).
  * Power has +2 voting strength on ordinary proposals.
  * Revolution (new) loses 1 score, unless it has a majority, in which
  case all scores are inverted (furthest from winning <-> closest to
  winning) and all Dreams are reset to Wandering.
  * Victory and Beasts were repealed.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00064 - Rule Selection

2022-12-11 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 1607
("Distribution"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 1607 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 1607/55 (Power=3)

   The Promotor is an office; its holder is responsible for receiving
   and distributing proposals.
   A referendum is the Agoran decision to determine whether to adopt

   a proposal.  For this decision, the vote collector is the
   Assessor, the adoption index is initially the adoption index of
   the proposal, or 1.0 if the proposal does not have one, and the
   text, author, coauthors, and class of the proposal are essential
   parameters. Initiating a referendum is known as distribution, and
   removes the proposal from the Proposal Pool.
   The Promotor CAN distribute a proposal which is in the Proposal

   Pool at any time.
   In a given Agoran week, the Promotor SHALL distribute each

   proposal that was in the Proposal Pool at the beginning of that
   week, except for those excepted from automatic distribution by
   other rules, or those that are otherwise removed from the Pool. If
   there are ten or more undistributed proposals in the proposal
   pool, the promotor MAY refrain from distributing the most recently
   added 5 proposals if e distributes each other proposal in that
   Agoran week.
   Distributed proposals have ID numbers, to be assigned by the

   If there is a Proposal in the Pool that it would otherwise be

   IMPOSSIBLE for any player to distribute, then any player CAN
   distribute that Proposal without 3 objections.
   The Promotor's report includes a list of all proposals in the

   Proposal Pool, along with their text and attributes. This portion
   of a public document purporting to be a Promotor's report is

In a given Agoran week, the Promotor SHALL distribute each device that
was in the Device Pool at the beginning of that week, except for those
excepted from automatic distribution by other rules, or those that are
otherwise removed from the Pool.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00063 - Rule Selection

2022-12-04 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2415
("Badges"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2415 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2415/1 (Power=1.5)

   A Badge is any patent title with the word 'badge' as part of its
   name. A badge SHOULD be used to award multiple persons for
   participating in specific event of note within Agora.  Any player
   CAN award a badge that does not yet exist to three or more persons
   simultaneously, with Agoran consent. The Herald CAN award an
   existing badge to persons without objection.

The Herald CAN award an existing device to persons without objection.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00062 - Rule Selection

2022-11-27 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2677
("Etiquette"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2677 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2677/0 (Power=0.5)

   Officers SHOULD:
- publish dates in -MM-DD or DD Mon YY format in reports,

  whichever is more fitting to the situation;
- communicate a schedule of when regularly timed duties will

  usually be done;
- maintain an online version of eir report(s) in a browser-native

  format (such as html); AND
- maintain a repository of eir report(s) in a public place.
   Players SHOULD:
- signal the official name of the primary action and/or the

  relevant officer that tracks said actions in the title of a
  public message; AND
- be kind.

  Players SHOULD:

   - signal the official name of the primary device and/or the
 relevant officer that tracks said devices in the title of a
 public message; AND

   - be kind.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00061 - Rule Selection

2022-11-20 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Jason wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2585
("Birthday Gifts"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2585 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2585/7 (Power=1)
Birthday Gifts

   It is considered to be a player's Agoran Birthday on the
   anniversary of the day e first registered. If the day a player
   first registered is unknown, that player CAN, with Agoran consent,
   declare a day to be eir Agoran Birthday. As long as the day a
   player first registered remains unknown, it is considered to be
   eir Agoran Birthday on the anniversary of the day e most recently
   declared as eir Agoran Birthday.
   During a player's Agoran Birthday and the 7 days following, each

   other player CAN once acknowledge that person's birthday by
   announcement.  Doing so grants the birthday player 3 boatloads of
   coins if it is actually the day of the player's birthday, and 2
   Players are ENCOURAGED to announce their Agoran Birthdays.

"It is considered to be a player's Agoran device on the anniversary of
the day e first registered."

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00060 - Rule Selection

2022-11-13 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Jason wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 1023
("Agoran Time"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 1023 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 1023/40 (Power=2)
Agoran Time

   The following terms are defined:
   1. The phrase "in a timely fashion" means "within 7 days". This

  time period is set when the requirement is created (i.e. X days
  before the limit ends). A requirement to perform an action at
  an exact instant (e.g. "when X, Y SHALL Z"), but not "in the
  same message", is instead interpreted as a requirement to
  perform that action in a timely fashion after that instant.
   2. The phrase "in an officially timely fashion" means "before the

  end of the next Agoran week". This time period is set when the
  requirement is created (i.e. between 7 and 14 days before the
  period ends).
   3. Agoran epochs:
1. Agoran days begin at midnight UTC.
2. Agoran weeks begin at midnight UTC on Monday. Eastman

   weeks begin at midnight UTC on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd,
   and 29th of each Gregorian month; the fifth one of the
   month (if any) lasts till the end of the month.
3. Agoran months begin at midnight UTC on the first day of

   each Gregorian month.
4. Agoran quarters begin when the Agoran months of January,

   April, July, and October begin.
5. Agoran years begin when the Agoran month of January

6. A pivot is either the instant at which Agora Nomic began

   (June 30, 1993, 00:04:30 GMT +1200) or an instant at which
   at least one person won the game. When used as a period of
   time, a "Round" (historical syn: "game") is the period of
   time between a pivot and the next pivot.
  The "Agoran" qualifier is assumed unless a different definition

  is indicated (e.g. Eastman weeks). These definitions do not
  apply to relative durations (e.g. "within  days after
   4. Two points in time are within a month of each other if:
   1. they occur in the same Agoran month;
   2. they occur in two consecutive Agoran months, and the later

  of the two occurs in an earlier day in the month than the
  earlier one;
   3. they occur in two consecutive Agoran months on the same day

  of the month, and the later of the two occurs at the same
  or earlier time of day.

"Agoran devices begin at midnight UTC."

DIS: Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00059 - Rule Selection

2022-11-06 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Jason wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2632
("Complexity"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2632 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2632/0 (Power=1.0)

   Complexity is an office switch reflecting how complex it is to
   fulfill the duties of its office. Its possible values are all
   integers from 0 to 3 inclusive, where 1 is the default. It is
   tracked in the ADoP's weekly report. The ADoP CAN, with 2 Agoran
   consent, flip the complexity of an office.

The ADoP CAN, with 2 Agoran consent, flip the complexity of a device.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 4000 Assigned to Murphy

2022-10-23 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

G. wrote:

[A nice historical question for the occasion!]

The below CFJ is CFJ FOUR THOUSAND (4000).  I assign it to Murphy.

status: https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/#4000

===  CFJ 4000  ===

   It is round 2,098.



Judge: Murphy



Called by nix:20 Oct 2022 17:20:44
Assigned to Murphy:   [now]


Caller's Arguments:

Rounds are defined in R1023 alongside pivots:

   A pivot is either the instant at which Agora Nomic began
(June 30, 1993, 00:04:30 GMT +1200) or an instant at which
at least one person won the game. When used as a period of
time, a "Round" (historical syn: "game") is the period of
time between a pivot and the next pivot.

By my calculations, there have been 2,097 wins. If each win is a pivot
that starts a new round, then this is round 2,098.

However, rounds are defined as "the period of time between a pivot and
the next pivot". Many wins have happened in the same message (notably
Jason won 1000 times in one message). Messages are considered to happen
instantaneously but sequentially. Arguably, there is no "period of time"
between these wins, and no rounds occurred between them. If this is the
case, then we are closer to round 599.


As the caller notes, there can be multiple events occurring at the same
instant. The pivot is defined as the instant, not the individual events.

The most recent Herald's report lists (by my count) 1714 distinct wins,
including Jason x1000 (which I believe were indeed simultaneous) and D.
Margaux x501 (likewise). Whatever the exact number of rounds currently
is, it clearly isn't nearly as high as 2098.

I judge FALSE.

DIS: Re: BUS: Intent to initiate Registrar election

2022-09-18 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

ziproot wrote:

FALSE:  One section of "Performing Tabled Actions" says "A rule
purporting to allow a person to perform a tabled action allows em to do
so by announcement, if, considering only intents for that action/method
combination." Purporting is not defined anywhere, so a common sense
definition is "whose purpose is." The purpose of "The Election Cycle"

According to the Global Overmind, the primary definition of "purport" as
a verb is "appear or claim to be or do something, especially falsely;
profess". Due to Cretans, The Election Cycle does not purport to allow
starting a Registrar election while another one is still ongoing.

I think "purport" came into common Agoran usage in the context of "A
document purporting to be X constitutes a self-ratifying Y". An early
example was X = "'s report", which may self-ratify even if
it turns out that the author didn't hold that office at the time (which
I'm pretty actually happened at least once, prompting the legislation
of the general pre-emptive approach).

DIS: An Agoran Rebuttal

2022-09-11 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Regarding the recent troubles, and in particular Anti-Cleisthenes's
Cantus Cygneus:

In one sense, nothing new has happened. Rules whose effects clearly
include "Players can be deregistered via proposal" have been on the
books for a long time. The reasons could be anything from "repeal
corporate personhood", to "clean up after an ambiguous deregistration
attempt", to "clean up after something that was intended to trigger
deregistration but a mechanism turned out to be broken", to "execute a
scam that involves the scammer and eir confederates briefly being the
only players".

In another sense, as far as I remember (having played Agora for most of
its existence), the recent situation is indeed unprecedented. While a
few other players have caused widespread upset, that was due to their
disruptive actions affecting gamestate (e.g. Maud causing the Annabel
Crisis, or Fool repeatedly doing something ambiguously effective and
then intentionally going against the Agoran tradition of minimizing
knock-on ambiguities); Madrid is the first instance of causing such
upset via the discussion fora, with eir discussion pertaining more to
the people playing the game than to the game itself.

That said, A-C's claim that we jumped from zero to expulsion is
disingenuous. There were some intermediate steps, also via discussion
fora (and/or private e-mails / Discord messages): e was kicked off the
Discord server (though allowed to rejoin); e was informed of the
recurring and upsetting nature of eir actions in the eyes of several
others, and presumably was similarly informed at various points in the
past. Eir complete failure to express concern or attempt compromise,
sticking to "I'm not actually X because Y", is on eir own head. (In
contrast, Maud was clearly apologetic. Also, that particular form of
disruption is basically a solved problem now, anyway.)

The claim that the Banned switch is only intended for Madrid is also
disingenuous. It's only intended for Madrid /right now/ because Madrid
is the only person /right now/ who (a) is considered to warrant it due
to eir behavior, and (b) would likely continue otherwise. Hopefully that
remains the case, but if a new player joined the game and behaved
similarly, then it would likely be applied to them at some point. Or if
Fool returned and resumed eir previous style of gameplay, then it would
probably at least be sincerely discussed as a hypothetical.

I spent several years running a different type of game (I've mostly
retired to an advisory role) that had a ban policy from day one (written
by my predecessors, but it seemed sensible to me). It was intentionally
broad (and has been used several times). Here are the high points,
paraphrased, as they may offer useful guidance for an Agoran framework
going forward (combined with a summary of some specific things agreed to
be detrimental, such as R. Lee's recent proto).

  * The person's behavior must be doing the game more harm than good,
and they must be very unlikely to behave differently in the future.

  * Almost always a judgment call. An objective system like "three
strikes" lets a bad-faith person get away with it twice, while
penalizing a good-faith person who makes mistakes.

  * Lesser in-game penalties are ineffective, as are shaming/belittling
the person.

  * Actively hostile people should be told to stop. If they don't, then
they may be temporarily banned to achieve a stop and demonstrate
that this will happen. [The game uses real-time communication, plus
mail/forum systems; standard length of a temporary ban there is
three days.]

DIS: Proto: Lucid dreaming

2022-09-11 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Proto-Proposal: Lucid dreaming
(AI = 2, co-author = ziproot)

[Converts " Dreamer" to a switch, adds whitespace to the list
 of Mindsets and their effects, and generally cleans up wording.

 Includes changes based on ziproot's recent proto.]

Change the title of Rule 2675 (Dream of Wandering) to "Dreams", and
amend it to read:

  The Dreamor is an office; its holder is responsible for keeping
  track of the dreams of all active players.

  Mindset is a secured active player switch, tracked by the Dreamor
  in eir monthly report, with possible values Dream of Wandering
  (the default) and any Dream.

  Dream State is a secured active player switch, tracked by the
  Dreamor in eir monthly report, with values Sleeping (default),
  New, and Recurring. " Dreamer" is shorthand for "active
  player whose Dream State is ".

  An active player CAN Plan to Flip eir Mindset, specifying any
  valid value for eir Mindset, by announcement.

  The wandering occurs at the beginning of each month.

  When the wandering occurs, for each active player:

  - If e Planned to Flip eir Mindset since the last wandering, then
eir Mindset is flipped to the value e most recently specified by
Planning to Flip, and eir Dream State is flipped to New.

  - Otherwise, eir Dream State is flipped to Recurring.

  If an active player's Mindset is flipped to its default value due
  to being invalid, then eir Dream State is flipped to Sleeping.

  The following rules apply to each active player based on that
  player's Mindset:

  - Dream of Wandering: While e is a Recurring Dreamer, e CAN by
announcement flip eir Mindset, upon which eir Dream State is
flipped to New.

  - Dream of Victory: Upon a correct announcement of being the only
player with eir Mindset Flipped to Dream of Victory, e wins the
game. Upon winning the game, eir Mindset is flipped to its
default value and eir Dream State is flipped to Sleeping. While
e is a New Dreamer, e CAN by announcement gain 10 points, upon
which eir Dream State is flipped to Sleeping.

  - Dream of Wealth: While e is a New or Recurring Dreamer, e CAN by
announcement grant 5 stamps of eir own type to emself, upon
which eir Dream State is flipped to Sleeping.

  - Dream of Justice: While e is a New or Recurring Dreamer, e CAN
by announcement expunge up to 4 blots from emself, upon which
eir Dream State is flipped to Sleeping.

  - Dream of Machines: E CAN, with Agoran consent, Flip the Device
to either on or off. E CAN, with support, act on behalf of the
device to take any action that the device CAN take by

  - Dream of Gardens: While E is a New or Recurring Dreamer, E CAN
pay a fee of N stamps, specifying one of eir stones whose escape
chance is not currently reduced in this way, and that stone's
escape chance is reduced by N*5%, to a minimum of 0%, where N is
a positive integer, upon which eir Dream State is flipped to
Sleeping. This reduction is removed after the Stonemason
publishes a collection notice.

  - Dream of Power: Eir Voting Strength is 2 greater.

Each active player who was a Sleeping/New/Recurring Dreamer immediately
before the adoption of this proposal has eir Dream State flipped to
Sleeping/New/Recurring, respectively.

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Dreamor] Dream Journal (August 2022)

2022-09-05 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

juan wrote:

On 9/1/2022 6:40 AM, juan via agora-business wrote:

secretsnail9 via agora-official [2022-08-31 18:57]:


All active players have a mindset of Dream of Wandering.

All active players are Sleeping Dreamers.

CoE: My mindset is Dream of Victory.


If I am the only player with that Mindset, I announce that fact.

I thought mine was, too (though if something set yours to something
else, then it probably did the same to mine).

DIS: Re: BUS: [proposal] Extermination

2022-09-05 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

Jason wrote:

On 8/31/22 20:13, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:

I submit the following proposal

Title: Extermination

Author: Jason


Adoption index: 1.0


Each of the following rules is repealed, in ascending numerical order by ID:

* Rule 2660 (Birds)

* Rule 2661 (Permits)

* Rule 2662 (Playing with Birds)

* Rule 2663 (Bird Migration)

* Rule 2664 (One with Nature)

* Rule 2665 (The Birds)


I withdraw the above proposal.

I submit the following proposal:

Title: Extermination v1.1

Author: Jason


Adoption index: 1.0


Repeal each of the following rules, in ascending numerical order by ID:

* Rule 2660 (Birds)

* Rule 2661 (Permits)

* Rule 2662 (Playing with Birds)

* Rule 2663 (Bird Migration)

* Rule 2664 (One with Nature)

* Rule 2665 (The Birds)


You missed the opportunity to title it "Birds Aren't Real".

Re: DIS: A proto

2022-09-05 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-discussion

juan wrote:

Jason Cobb via agora-discussion [2022-08-29 13:23]:

We now have a player who is directly responsible for three FAGEs. I
believe that it's time we discuss a mechanism similar to the one below.

Title: Unfortunately
Author: Jason
Adoption index: 3.0


Amend Rule 869 by appending the following paragraph:

Banned is a secured negative boolean person switch. A person is
unwelcome if e is Banned or if at least one part of em is unwelcome.
Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, an unwelcome person CANNOT
register or be registered, and e is immediately deregistered if e is
ever a player. Designations of unwelcomeness are secured.


But it's not. In adopting it, we would be stating clearly that we
believe in ostracism, and, most worringly for me, that we believe in
punishment for life.


* Bans should not be permanent. There should be a way to appeal them,
   and they should have time limits (though those can be unspecified and
   unlimited). Times change, and so should we.

* We should have formal processes that implement some form of
   restorative justice, upon whose failure, and only then, extreme
   measures such as ostracism should prevail.

I don't disagree with either of these points, but I do disagree with
your characterization of this proto as clearly going against them (at
least the first one). It doesn't add any specified mechanism for
actually flipping a person's Banned switch, in either direction;
presumably that would be left up to proposals of the form "Flip
's Banned switch to ". And presumably such a
proposal would generate plenty of careful discussion, but adopting
rules along the lines of "a Banned switch can only be flipped if
 was attempted and failed to achieve acceptable
resolution" may be a good idea; something similar to Defendant's
Rights, but addressing the rights of the people on both sides of
a "maybe this calls for a ban" dispute.

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