Re: DIS: Proto-proto: The Republic of Agora

2007-07-14 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Amend Rule 2126 to assign each player a state with a population,
some portion of which supports em.

What will this achieve?

Nothing directly, but maybe others will come up with new effects
based on these populations.  (This is roughly inspired by my
"Unruly Mob" proto from last year.)

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: The org chart is not flat

2007-07-14 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:


  gains two Green VCs if the office has a weekly report, or
  one Green VC if the office has only a monthly report,

What if the office has neither?

Then the office has no salary.

What about non-report duties?  The office of promotor has no official
report at all, but weekly duties.

That'll need to be fixed, either individually or by re-defining the
Proposal Pool as the Promotor's weekly report.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Expanded foreign relations

2007-07-14 Thread Ed Murphy

Eris wrote:

On 7/13/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Proto-Proposal:  Expanded foreign relations

Upon the adoption of this proposal, the Ambassador is ordered to
seek mutual recognition between Agora Nomic and Canada.


Why not?

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: The Republic of Agora

2007-07-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

  Mostly just renaming things for flavor, but there is a
bit of substance.]

I dislike most of the renaming.

Meh.  I dislike abstract names.  (In the first draft of the Card
rules, everything operated directly on "pending draws"; it was
later amended to operate on chips, which could be cashed in to
draw more cards.)

I considered basing the renaming on Parliament, but I don't know
how the houses' votes are weighted; the houses of Congress do
correspond pretty closely to what we're using.  (I also don't
know the short version of "bill originating in the House of ___".)

The substance is in fact that of proposal 5050, which was voted down.

F/A was 4/2, and one of those 2 was me.  (I think I misunderstood
the proposal's effect at the time.)

Please develop some new mechanics if you want to use the population

> concept.

I'm not using it for anything yet, which is why the mechanics are
fuzzy.  The idea is to get the concept out there, and if someone
does come up with a good use for it, then the mechanics can be
cleaned up to work with that use.

Re: BUS: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Ambassador] Ambassador's report for July 17, 2007

2007-07-17 Thread Ed Murphy

root wrote:

On 7/17/07, Peekee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On behalf of Agora I hereby repeal all rules, regulations, terms and
any and all other parts of the Primo Coporation and its charter. The
Primo Coporation no longer exists.


As Primo unconditionally allows Agora permission to change its charter
then any action in Agora must be able to change its charter. As this
message is a post to  the public forum in Agora it is an official
action of Agora.


 ^ ?

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: assignment of appeal 1684a to HP2/Murphy, Zefram, BobTHJ

2007-07-18 Thread Ed Murphy

root wrote:

[the purported judgement of CFJ 1623]

> was also a rather flimsy analysis.  It relied upon the assertion that

R754 was not clear on the matter,


which is patent nonsense


as "person" is not primarily a legal term.

That's precisely why it asserted that R754 was unclear.  Here is the
relevant portion of the purported judgement:

> Agoran law does not define "person" explicitly.  Rule 754 can be read
> as incorporating the legal definition (in its general form, of
> course), but its use of the word "primarily" casts some doubt on
> whether "person" is covered by that provision.  This judge finds that
> Rule 754 is unclear on this issue, and so it is necessary to consider
> other standards.

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: assignment of appeal 1684a to HP2/Murphy, Zefram, BobTHJ

2007-07-18 Thread Ed Murphy

root wrote:

On 7/18/07, *Ed Murphy* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

root wrote:

 > [the purported judgement of CFJ 1623]
 > was also a rather flimsy analysis.  It relied upon the assertion that
 > R754 was not clear on the matter,


 > which is patent nonsense


 > as "person" is not primarily a legal term.

That's precisely why it asserted that R754 was unclear.  Here is the
relevant portion of the purported judgement:

I don't think I follow you.  If we agree that "person" is not primarily 
a legal term, then provision 3 (legal definition) does not apply and 
provision 4 (common definition) does.  What's unclear about that?

"person" has multiple common definitions, of which the legal
definition is one.

DIS: Re: OFF: assignment of CFJ 1701 to Human Point Two

2007-07-18 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

I hereby assign CFJ 1701 to Human Point Two.

I intend to cause Human Point Two to judge this FALSE, with the
following arguments:

Most jurisdictions support a type of partnership in which some or
all partners are responsible for a proper subset of the partnership's
obligations.  Rule 2145 should therefore be interpreted as requiring
only what it explicitly says it requires.

Rule 2145's definition of "partnership" explicitly requires each of a
partnership's obligations to be devolved onto at least one of its
parties, but its definition of "member" does not explicitly require
each member (party responsible for at least one of those obligations)
to be responsible for all of them.

DIS: Re: OFF: assignment of appeal 1684a to HP2/Murphy, Zefram, BobTHJ

2007-07-18 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

If partnerships worked without legislation, the appellate judges for
appeal 1684a are Speaker Human Point Two, CotC Zefram, and BobTHJ.

If partnerships did not work without legislation, the appellate judges
for appeal 1684a are Speaker Murphy, CotC Zefram, and BobTHJ.

I proto-judge (on behalf of either HP2 or myself) REASSIGN, with
these arguments:

Was "person" defined by Rule 754 (3)?  The judgement of CFJ 1684
says "no"; the purported judgement of CFJ 1623 says "maybe not".  I
say "maybe not".

If "person" was defined by Rule 754 (4), then how was it defined?  The
judgement of CFJ 1684 says "human being"; the purported judgement of
CFJ 1623 says "entity capable of communication".  I'm not sure.

This pair of uncertainties, and Judge Eris's failure to address
significant sources (e.g.
expressing different viewpoints, suggests a judgement of REASSIGN.

I have maintained for some time that it is in the best interests of the
game to end up with a gamestate reflecting that partnerships were
persons all along.  (Tedious recalculations are no fun.)  However, this
is insufficient reason for a REVERSE; if the new judge justifies Eris's
claim and once again judges TRUE, then the goal can still be reached by
adopting a patch proposal.

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: assignment of appeal 1684a to HP2/Murphy, Zefram, BobTHJ

2007-07-18 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

is insufficient reason for a REVERSE; if the new judge justifies Eris's
claim and once again judges TRUE, then the goal can still be reached by

ITYM "FALSE" here.


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: result of CFJ 1694

2007-07-19 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

I call for appeal of Primo's judgement of CFJ 1694.  Arguments:


This case has similarities to CFJ 1704.  In that case, concerning Primo
Corporation, the judge ruled that the possibility of direct modification
of Primo's charter by the adoption of an Agoran proposal satisfied
the requirement of unrestricted access to modify.  However, that logic
only applies because Primo Corporation's charter is a R1742 agreement,
governed by the rules of Agora.

Gunner Nomic 2.0's ruleset is a binding agreement, according to its
rule 357.2, but it is not governed by the rules of Agora.  It was
formed independently from Agora, with no intention that it be subject
to modification by the operation of Agoran law.  Nothing in the Gunneran
ruleset makes it adjudicable under Agoran contract law.


Gunneran rule 358 copies Agoran Rule 106's force of law to Gunner
in exactly the same fashion as Primo charter section 1 copies it
to Primo.

Another question, addressed only tangentially so far, is whether
the Protectorate's rule allowing Agora to make changes is made
ineffective by other rules of the Protectorate.  Investigating
that question now, I find the following:

  * Other Gunneran rules regulated either resolutions (the Gunneran
equivalent of proposals), or rule changes in general.  The former
were inapplicable to Agoran proposals by definition; the latter
failed to impose any restrictions that would prevent Gunneran
rule 358.1(b) from doing what it said it did.

  * Similarly, other Primo charter sections (the Primo equivalent of
rules) regulate issues (the Primo equivalent of proposals), but
none of them regulate rule changes in general.

Gunner's current rules and resolution history are currently located at

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: result of CFJ 1694

2007-07-19 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Gunneran rule 358 copies Agoran Rule 106's force of law to Gunner
in exactly the same fashion as Primo charter section 1 copies it
to Primo.

No it doesn't.  Primo charter section 1 gives Agoran law the capacity
to modify Primo by the statement

  This is a binding Agreement governed by the Rules of Agora.

The Gunneran ruleset contains no such statement.

This much is clearly true.

Its section 358 is
the weak attempt to become a protectorate, which matches the *other*
part of Primo charter section 1.

Gunner had a rule to the effect of "Agora can change our
rules".  Agora has rules to the effect of "Agora is governed
by the Rules of Agora".  This seems to imply that Gunner was
governed by the Rules of Agora, at least the ones involved
in Agora changing Gunner's rules.

Re: DIS: rules vs. proposals

2007-07-20 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Kerim Aydin wrote:

But a CFJ on the statement "a proposal (in general) can get around
R101" would have to be judged on the "current" ruleset, and it's
unclear to me whether the judge should judge it using (1) or (2).

There's nothing magical about rule changes that prevents a judge from
considering them as a mechanism.  The unclear bit is whether "get around
R101" means "do things that the present R101 forbids" or "do things that
the R101 at the time forbids".  But actually either way I'd judge that
statement TRUE: a proposal clearly *can* get around R101, of any version,
specifically by enacting an enabling rule.

Of course circumvention, as a concept, is not usual fare for a CFJ.
Perhaps that's why you find it odd for judicial reasoning to involve
hypothetical rule changes?

There have been a few CFJs along the lines of "Rule X prevents any
other rule from doing Y, unless the other rule takes precedence over
Rule X".  The analogue for proposals is less clear:  perhaps "Rule X
prevents any proposal from doing Y, unless the proposal alters the
operation of Rule X".

DIS: Re: BUS: post-judicial-reform proposals

2007-07-21 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

[The Order system is obsolete.  With Timing Orders gone, the only
remaining type of Order would be Legislative Orders, but a proposal
can do whatever it wants anyway without requiring this bulky mechanism
in the ruleset.]

Proposals with ongoing effects have always been a bit fuzzy.  It would
be good to retain at least a minimal "Players SHALL act as required to
do by adopted proposals" clause somewhere.

DIS: Proto: Interest Index

2007-07-21 Thread Ed Murphy

Proto-Proposal:  Interest Index
(AI = 2, please)

Change the title of Rule 2153 to "Interest Index", and amend it to read:

  The interest index of a proposal is a non-negative integer with
  a default value of 1 and a maximum value of 3.  Before the
  Promotor distributes a proposal, its proposer may modify its
  interest index by announcement.  A proposal's interest index
  SHOULD be proportional to its complexity.

  "Disinterested" is a synonym for "interest index 0".  A proposal
  SHOULD be disinterested if and only if its effects are limited
  to correcting errors and/or ambiguities.

Amend Rule 2126 (Voting Credits) by replacing this text:

  a) When an ordinary interested proposal is adopted, its proposer
 gains Red VCs equal to the integer portion of the proposal's
 adoption index (unless e gained VCs in this way earlier in
 the same week), and each co-author of the proposal gains one
 Red VC (unless e gained VCs in this way earlier in the same

with this text:

  a) When a proposal is adopted, its proposer gains Red VCs equal
 to the proposal's adoption index multiplied by its interest
 index, rounded down to the nearest integer (unless e gained
 VCs in this way earlier in the same week), and each co-author
 of the proposal gains one Red VC (unless e gained VCs in this
 way earlier in the same week).

Re: DIS: Proto: Interest Index

2007-07-21 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Second thoughts: with Red VC rewards now varying massively in magnitude,
the one-per-week clause needs to be refined.  I think that in each week
each proposer should receive the largest single Red VC reward available
from eir proposals that week, rather than whichever was chronologically
first.  How about

  When a proposal is adopted, its proposer gains Red VCs equal to
  the proposal's adoption index multiplied by its interest index,
  rounded down to the nearest integer, minus the number of Red VCs
  that e has gained in this way earlier in the same week (down to
  a minimum of zero).


There's also potential for arbitrarily large rewards, for high AIs,
which makes me uncomfortable.  Perhaps the AI should be capped at 4,
for the purposes of the reward.

Any proposal with an artificially inflated AI would presumably be
voted down to deny the reward, anyway - and the higher the AI, the
easier it is to do so.

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: assignment of CFJ 1707 to Human Point Two

2007-07-22 Thread Ed Murphy

I wrote:

Zefram wrote:

I hereby assign CFJ 1707 to Human Point Two.

I intend to cause Human Point Two to judge TRUE.


The statement "This nomic allows Agora unrestricted access to make
changes to its ruleset" is reasonably equivalent to "This nomic's
rules change whenever the rules of Agora say they do".  Thus, it
declared B Nomic as governed by Agoran law (at least for the purpose
of changing B Nomic's rules), and provided a mechanism for the process
(Agora's mechanism, the adoption of a proposal with AI >= 2 that says
it changes B Nomic's rules, was incorporated by reference).

I cause Human Point Two to judge as noted above.

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Voting Limits and Credits Report

2007-07-23 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Player   VLDP  EVLOP  VVLOP  VCs (* = Gray)

root   1 6 1111* 1B

You haven't applied the end-of-week change that copies VVLOP to EVLOP.

Thanks, fixed it in the draft copy.

DIS: Re: BUS: Intended [IADoP] Org Chart

2007-07-23 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Ambassador Protectorates   *Tue 17 Jun 07

Wooble recently reported on protectorates.

Message-ID?  I don't see this one in the a-o archive.

Additional reports that you don't list:

* CotC: open judicial cases (R1868)
* CotC: posture (R1871)
* CotC: active sentences (R1504)
* Scorekeepor: scores (R2136)

You also don't list the scorekeepor as an office.  I believe HP2 holds
it, since 18 July (P5076).

Fixed in the draft copy.

DIS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Voting Limits and Credits Report

2007-07-23 Thread Ed Murphy

Rule 1551 says, in part:

  When a document is ratified, the gamestate is modified so that
  the ratified document was completely true and accurate at the
  time it was published.  Nevertheless, the ratification of a
  document does not invalidate, reverse, alter, or cancel any
  messages or actions, even if they were unrecorded or overlooked,
  or change the legality of any attempted action.

The recently ratified Assessor's Report lists two dependencies
on CFJ 1688 in the history (left untouched by the second sentence of
the above excerpt), but not in the totals (which may or may not be
affected by the first sentence):

  1) My VCs.  Totals are not in question, as I spent myself down
 to zero on May 31 either way.

  2) Human Point Two's (V,E)VLOP.  Total would be 10 if CFJ 1688
 is judged TRUE, 8 if it is judged FALSE.

If CFJ 1688 is judged FALSE, then I'll likely CFJ on the following:

  * Human Point Two's VLOP increased from 0 to 10 between May 30
and June 2.

  * Human Point Two's EVLOP is 10.

I recommend a proposal to clarify this paragraph of Rule 1551 (which
Proposal 5101 does not attempt to alter), and solicit suggestions for
how it should be clarified.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Intended [IADoP] Org Chart

2007-07-23 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Zefram wrote:

Wooble recently reported on protectorates.

Message-ID?  I don't see this one in the a-o archive.


It was to a-o.  It replaced an earlier attempt at an ambassador's report,
also to a-o, on the same day.

Oh, I do have that on file, I just typoed the month in the proto-report.

DIS: Re: OFF: judicial status

2007-07-23 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

open judicial cases

For the benefit of those who prefer tables:

Case   Question Applicable   Open Assigned   Judge / Panel

1621   veracity  8 Feb 07  26 Jun 07  18 Jul 07  OscarMeyr
1651   veracity  6 May 07  12 Jul 07  18 Jul 07  BobTHJ
1684   veracity 26 May 07 *19 Jun 07  30 May 07  Eris
1684a  disposition  19 Jun 07  19 Jun 07  18 Jul 07  HP2, Zefram, BobTHJ
1688   veracity 15 Jun 07  15 Jun 07  18 Jul 07  comex
1698   veracity  9 Jul 07   9 Jul 07   9 Jul 07  
1699   veracity  9 Jul 07   9 Jul 07   9 Jul 07  
1702   veracity 12 Jul 07  12 Jul 07  18 Jul 07  Primo Corporation
1705   veracity 18 Jul 07  18 Jul 07  18 Jul 07  BobTHJ
1706   veracity 20 Jul 07  20 Jul 07  20 Jul 07  Pineapple P.

* = suspended

Assumes partnerships-yes

DIS: Judicial reform and the CotC DB

2007-07-23 Thread Ed Murphy

I've changed "Lying down" to "Supine".  I've added UNDECIDABLE,
(disposition) to the list of possible judgements.

I have not altered any data on past cases.

There is no code for recording judgements for culpability or
sentencing, nor (due to their relative rarity) am I strongly
inclined to attempt to create any; the Gratuituous Arguments
feature can instead be leveraged.

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Voting Limits and Credits Report

2007-07-23 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

I recommend a proposal to clarify this paragraph of Rule 1551 (which
Proposal 5101 does not attempt to alter),

P5101 makes the scope of ratification clearer.  What aspect of R1551 do
you think needs to be further clarified?

What happens if the ratified material, despite becoming "completely
true and accurate" per R1551, is self-inconsistent?  This arguably
doesn't apply to the recent instance:

> I have interpreted these notes in the history as qualifying the table
> as well as the history.  I would have previously objected to the table
> if those notes did not exist.  I think, therefore, that the totals are
> still conditional on CFJ 1688 after the ratification.

but consider a hypothetical case in which a typo led to a flat-out
discrepancy between two sections, both of which were then ratified.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: distribution of proposals 5098-5106

2007-07-23 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ian Kelly wrote:

It would be good to have R2117 subsumed into deputation as well, but
that's a more complex change.

Yes, it seems odd to me that we have such a different procedure for that.

R2117 was one of the specific instances from which deputation was
generalized; the other was the ADoP's role in Speaker transitions,
back around late 2005 / early 2006.

What about agreements that lack timing requirements?

Would there be any problem with a rule stating "any time the rules
require X, but there would otherwise be no time limit, then the
time limit is ASAP"?

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: distribution of proposals 5088-5097

2007-07-23 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

The idea with these proposals is that you vote for your preferred minimum
quorum and also for all the higher ones.  Presumably if you want a minimum
quorum of three then you also think that four would be an improvement
(though a lesser one) on the present five.  If three doesn't attract
enough votes but four might, you'd want to have voted for four.  If both
are adopted then the later one (three) overrides the earlier one (four).

I did a similar thing earlier with restricting the domain of scores,
and Murphy did it for the power of MMI.  In all of these instances there
have been people perversely voting for later proposals but not earlier
ones in the sequence.  Don't you understand the structure?  I'm baffled.

As a side note, another method that I used once a few years ago
was a single proposal that allowed pseudo-votes on sections of
itself (defaulting to the same value as votes if not specified),
which sections were declared ineffective unless the pseudo-votes
favored them.  This wouldn't work for the power of MMI, but would
have worked for quorum and scores.  (For sections requiring
different power, it's easier to do multiple proposals with "proposal
2 is ineffective unless proposal 1 was adopted" type language.)

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Why not to repeal Rule 1795

2007-07-23 Thread Ed Murphy

BobTHJ wrote:

On 7/23/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Upon the adoption of this proposal, Zefram incurs a requirement
to publish a sonnet within three minutes after the adoption of
this proposal.

That's a bit harsh isn't it? I mean I would give em 5 minutes at least

Judge Lindrum has set precedent in this area.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Why not to repeal Rule 1795

2007-07-23 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Proto-Proposal:  Why not to repeal Rule 1795

R1795 wouldn't do much to stop you if you wanted to do that.  My favoured
arrangement is that proposals should not be able to impose obligations
directly (no more than they can create legal fictions), so if you wanted
to impose a sonnet-writing obligation you'd have to do it via a rule.
You can do it via a rule anyway, of course, and R1795 doesn't apply to
an obligation from a rule.

Which suggests that Rule 1795 should be generalized to all obligations
and upmutated to Power=2.

I think if the definition of Orders were repealed (or possibly just
the definition of Legislative Orders) then proposals would indeed lose
the capacity to generate orders directly.  To allow Legislative Orders
to work without a definition of Orders in the rules you'd need to have
proposals creating bits of game state that the rules don't admit the
existence of, which I think is is a bit of a stretch.

Hence the suggested "X incurs a requirement to Y" wording, which is
arguably given teeth by Rule 106.

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: inquiry 1699: assignment of judge BobTHJ

2007-07-24 Thread Ed Murphy

BobTHJ wrote:

On 7/23/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hereby change all sitting players to standing.

I hereby assign BobTHJ as judge of CFJ 1699.

I hereby rule FALSE. From the nature of the message in question it is
clear that Comex was not attempting to deliberatly or recklessly make
a false statement. While the statement has been found to be false, it
was made under the assumption that it would indeed be true.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: The Republic of Agora

2007-07-24 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

 Each player has a State with one or more Districts, a Base, and
 a Constituency.

These names are quite opaque as to the significance of the parameters,
and the relationships that the names evoke don't match the behaviour of
the concepts.

"State" and "Districts" go along directly with the House/Senate
analogy.  I'm open to suggestions on the other terms.

Is it to be impossible to have zero Districts (EVLOP)?  Your version of
R2126 still allows VVLOP (Constituency) to go down to zero.

Hmm, it probably should have a minimum of one.

 Each first-class player's Base is five.  Any other player's Base
 is zero.  A player's Base CANNOT be modified.

Is the change from four deliberate?

Yes.  Law of Fives and all.

 When a player registers,

Would be better to say "When a player is registered,", in case we ever
have a player registered by someone other than emself.  Same goes for
deregistration, generally: we have often (such as in the current R2126)
had rules assuming that registration and deregistration are always

Unnecessary generality.  First come up with a method for
non-reflexive registration that we might actually want to use.

 The Assessor's report includes each player's Constituency and
 number of Districts.

There's no real need for the assessor to report VVLOP (Constituency)
as well as EVLOP.  VVLOP can only differ from EVLOP by events during
the present week.

I would include it (along with a history of recent events) whether
it was required or not.

 Sheqels ($) are a measure of each player's ability to
 gerrymander the redistricting process.

I'd prefer not to use the dollar sign for this, especially since it's
not currency.

But it could be.  The two-for-one trading concept suggests
asymmetric exchange rates.

 When a player registers or deregisters, e loses all eir $.

There's the assumption of voluntary deregistration.  I think it would be
better to define that VCs (sheqels) CANNOT be possessed by non-players.
That's in my "tighten definition of VCs" proposal; you're welcome to
incorporate the fixes from there.

Point; exile is vanishingly rare, but a number of players have been
deregistered due to absence.

On a separate note, what about adding the ability for players to
will their VCs (sheqels) to other players upon eir deregistration?

 The adoption index of a proposal is an integral multiple of 0.1,
 with a default and minimum value of 1.0.  A proposal is initially
 a House proposal if its adoption index is less than 2.0, a Senate
 proposal otherwise.

You dropped the bit about the submitter setting the AI.  It would be
bad to lose the ability to make AI>1 proposals.

Will fix in the next draft.

DIS: Re: OFF: CFJ 1699: result FALSE

2007-07-24 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

==  CFJ 1699  ==


Judged FALSE by BobTHJ: 24 Jul 2007 17:12:45 GMT

BobTHJ's message was NttPF.  Rule 2158.

DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Civil cases revisited

2007-07-26 Thread Ed Murphy

Proto-Proposal:  Civil cases revisited

  A criminal case has the additional purpose of punishing the
  guilty.  A civil case's purpose is limited to determining
  guilt; any response to this determination is left to the

Alternate version:

  A criminal case has the additional purpose of punishing the
  guilty.  A civil case's purpose is limited to determining
  guilt, and recommending a course of action for punishing the
  guilty and compensating any damaged parties; implementing
  this course of action is left to the agreement.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: The Republic of Agora

2007-07-25 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Unnecessary generality.  First come up with a method for
non-reflexive registration that we might actually want to use.

Not that we want to use it, but it's happened before.  I believe you
were around when Morendil became Speaker while not a Player, and thus
involuntarily became a Player without registering (and possibly without
"being registered").  That was a mess.

In fact, one of my earliest memories of Agora was being assigned to a
CFJ pertaining to that situation.

It is to rule out this kind
of problem that I rewrote R869 to make some of the terms explicitly
synonymous.  Please keep this sort of problem ruled out, rather than
just hoping that it will never occur.

All right, I'll review this during the next revision.

On a separate note, what about adding the ability for players to
will their VCs (sheqels) to other players upon eir deregistration?

Remember Probate?  I'm sure we could draft it better than Kelly did,
and cause less chaos, but it's still quite a lot of extra complication
for the benefit it brings.  Anyone who's deregistering voluntarily can
spend all of eir VCs first (well, maybe all but one, under the current
rules), and I don't see much value in giving someone who abandons the
game the opportunity to make use of eir abandoned wealth.

My first thought was actually to auction such VCs, but what would
players bid with?  I suppose they could bid with their own VCs,
but then what ordering should be used?

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto-verdict on 1684a

2007-07-27 Thread Ed Murphy

Eris wrote:

On 7/27/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   a) Should Rule 754 (3)'s "primarily used in ... legal contexts" be
  interpreted as "primarily used by Agora in legal contexts", or
  "primarily used by the English-speaking population in general in
  legal contexts"?  In the former case, Rule 754 (3) applies; in
  the latter, it does not.

This is somewhat time-reversed analysis. "person" was "human" until
Zefram decided that maybe legal "persons" might be allowed.

Are you going to be the one to tell Blob that?

Re: BUS: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Voting results for Proposals 5080 - 5087

2007-07-31 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

On Monday 23 July 2007, Ed Murphy wrote:

Wooble wrote:

I believe my votes on these proposals were submitted within the voting
period to the proper forum and were not counted.

Correct.  Those votes were as follows:

   5080  5081  5082  5083  5084  5085  5086  5087

Wooble 4A F F F4F4A F4F

All the proposals were still adopted.

Except 5080.  Blah.

I think that neither this message nor the previous fulfilled all of the 
requirements of Rule 208.  This does not clearly identify the options 
available (among other things), and the tally in the previous was 

I believe that the options-available requirement is implicitly
fulfilled by clearly indicating that the decision being resolved
is whether to adopt a proposal.  The tally issue is fuzzy.  Various
fixes coming up...

DIS: Re: OFF: CFJ 1651: recuse, assign Murphy

2007-07-31 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

I hereby recuse BobTHJ from CFJ 1651.  I hereby assign Murphy as judge
of CFJ 1651.

Statement: if a R107 notice initiating an Agoran decision does not contain
   an explicit list of the eligible voters, and there is later a
   dispute (evidenced by submission of a CFJ) over which voters
   were eligible at that time, then the notice's description of
   the class of eligible voters was necessarily insufficient to
   enable public agreement on which persons are eligible


Rule 107/3 was in effect at the time this CFJ was called, so 107/4's
one-week cutoff for challenges does not apply.

The statement is straightforwardly true.  For instance, if a notice
says that the eligible voters are the active players, and there is
later a dispute over whether a player was active (and thus is eligible)
at that time, then the notice's description is insufficient to enable
public agreement on whether that player is eligible.  I therefore
(proto-)judge TRUE.

Even Rule 107's claim that "an explicit list ... is always sufficient
for this purpose" may be counter to fact, if there is a dispute over
whether one of the explicitly-listed persons was eligible.  This clause
should probably be reworded along the lines of "is considered to satisfy
this requirement".

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: CFJ 1708: assign Murphy

2007-08-01 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Per the judgement of CFJ 1703, comex's claim was false.  However,
only "deliberately or recklessly" making a false statement
violates Rule 2149, and per the judgement of CFJ 1699, comex
did neither.  Accordingly, I judge UNIMPUGNED.

You seem to have misunderstood the available verdicts, and possibly also
the charge.

I intended the charge to be interpreted as "doing that which R2149
prohibits, on this particular occasion".  Doing that would certainly
be a rule violation, so UNIMPUGNED would not be an appropriate verdict.
If comex has not violated the rule then e has not done what e was charged
with, and so a verdict of INNOCENT would be appropriate.

If you ignore the "violating rule 2149 by" part of the charge, then the
(as you point out) the charge is not sufficiently specific to make the
action it describes necessarily illegal.  In that case a judgement of
UNIMPUGNED is appropriate, and what comex did is irrelevant to that.

Your judgement mixes parts of these two scenarios.  What reasoning did
you intend?

The latter.

Rule 1504 requires the initiator to specify "the action ... by which the
defendant allegedly breached the rules".  I do not consider "violated
rule X" to be part of this specification; if it were, then UNIMPUGNED
would be trivially inappropriate for any case using that phrasing.

A case avoiding that phrasing is possible, e.g. in this hypothetical

  "I hereby initiate a criminal case.  The defendant is Zefram, and
   the action is wearing a hat."

but this has a different problem, i.e. the judge must consider the
entire ruleset and determine whether the action violates any rule.

Rule 1504 should probably be amended to require a separate specification
of the rule allegedly violated.  But this has problems, too:  What if
multiple rules are allegedly violated?  What if the defendant is found
to have breached some of them, but not others?

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Another CFJ

2007-08-01 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

I call for judgement to determine whether CotC Zefram violated
Rule 1871 (The Standing Court) by changing all sitting players
to standing on or about Mon, 30 Jul 2007 22:11:48 +0100.

"determine whether" indicates an inquiry case, although your mention
of a sentence indicates that you intended to initiate a criminal case
(which has a different type of purpose).  I'm not sure how to treat
your message.  Please clarify.

It was intended as a criminal case.

immediately before the change, Human Point Two was qualified to
be assigned as judge of CFJ 1688,

No it was not.  R1868:

  Except where modified by other rules, the entities qualified to
  be assigned as judge of a judicial case are the active
  first-class players.

Human Point Two is not first-class.

Ah, I was wondering if I had missed something.  Another UNIMPUGNED
coming up, then.  I'll see about adjusting the database to flag
non-first-class players.

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Voting results for Proposals 5080 - 5087 (corrected)

2007-08-01 Thread Ed Murphy

root wrote:

On 8/1/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

   For each decision, the options available are

No they're not.  The options are FOR, AGAINST, and PRESENT.

There's a distinction between the options available to the voters on a
proposal (FOR, AGAINST, PRESENT; defined by Rule 106) and the options
available to Agora on any Agoran decision (ADOPTED, REJECTED, FAILED
QUORUM; defined by Rule 955).

Since Rule 208 is generic to all Agoran decisions, not specific to
proposals, it seems to me that the options to which it is referring
are the latter set.

The significant distinction here is that between the options available
to the voters individually and the options available to Agora
collectively.  For instance, if "Really Generalize Dependent Actions"
is adopted, then for dependent actions the former set will be
(SUPPORT, OBJECT) and the latter set will be (APPROVED, REJECTED).

Proto-proto:  Re-factor each type of Agoran decision into its own rule;
define quorum as a default that can be overridden by the rule defining
a type of Agoran decision.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: proposal: legal

2007-08-01 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

Perhaps I need to read the archives, but I am uncertain of what is the 
default for regulated actions.

Game custom is CANNOT and (not MAY NOT).

A simple example of an action allowed only 
with CAN is in Rule 1868; one allowed only with "MAY" is in Rule 1607.  If 
the actions CAN be done by default, then 1868 is a tautology, and if they 
MAY be done by default 1607 is a tautology.   However neither being true by

default makes most actions either criminally punishable or impossible.

Neither CAN nor MAY is explicitly defined by Rule 2152, so ordinary
language applies.  Game custom for both is (not CANNOT) and (not

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: proposal: legal

2007-08-02 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

On Wednesday 01 August 2007, Ed Murphy wrote

Neither CAN nor MAY is explicitly defined by Rule 2152, so ordinary
language applies.  Game custom for both is (not CANNOT) and (not

This is severely broken.  Certainly MAY/CAN are not capitalized merely for 

They're capitalized because some of us (primarily Zefram, I think)
have been preparing in advance for a presumed revision of MMI that
does explicitly define CAN and MAY.

Re: DIS: proto: clarify Mother, May I?

2007-08-02 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

proto-proposal: clarify Mother, May I?

  *  CAN : it is POSSIBLE for  to .

  *  CANNOT : it is IMPOSSIBLE for  to .

This eliminates " CAN  only if " as a synonym for
" CANNOT  if not ".  Similarly for the other cases.

In particular, we might want to amend Rule 101 to say "an
entity CAN perform a regulated action only if the rules
explicitly allow it".

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: Faction anyone ?

2007-08-02 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

On Friday 27 July 2007, Antonio Dolcetta wrote:

I was wandering if anyone is interested in creating a faction.
Since the faction rules have been introduced no one has made one, Is
there any interest at all in playing factions out ?

I cause Agora to join B Nomic per rule 5-2.

For reference, here's the relevant section of B Nomic's ruleset:

5-3 says that factions can vote, but doesn't say how.  Is it
assumed that factions will define their own methods of acting
through the agency of their parties?

Re: DIS: proto: clarify Mother, May I?

2007-08-02 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

This eliminates " CAN  only if " as a synonym for
" CANNOT  if not ".  Similarly for the other cases.

Those semantics are the usual meaning of "only if", aren't they?
How else might "only if" be interpreted?

As "if not , then the rules do not specify whether  CAN or
CANNOT ".  (Do the rules regulate  doing  in general,
or  doing  while ?  Challenge:  find a hypothetical case
in which the latter interpretation would arguably be preferable.)


2007-08-03 Thread Ed Murphy

Peekee wrote:


Channeling Syllepsis, are we?

'whois' returns "Registrant: Alan Riddell", the same
name given by the player who used the nickname Peekee in 2002-2004
(and probably 1998-2001 as well, though the archives
only go back to November 2002).

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: judicial status

2007-08-12 Thread Ed Murphy

root wrote:

On 8/12/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dates given are generally from the "Date:" header of the applicable
message.  This is not the legally effective time (CFJ 1646), but is an
approximation of it.  See the message in question for exact timing.

Eep.  Looking at CFJ 1646, I'm somewhat disappointed that the Judge
offered no arguments for eir departure from the previous findings of
CFJs 707 and 866.  Now all my timestamps are wrong.

707 and 866 both pertain to time of receipt; 1646 pertains to time of

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Intent to ratify

2007-08-13 Thread Ed Murphy

Peekee wrote:

Quoting Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I intend to ratify the VC holdings listed in the Assessor's Report
that I published within the past hour.

Could that cause problems if it turns out I am not a player anymore?

In that situation, the first paragraph of Rule 2126 would cause you
to lose any VCs that you might possess as a result of the ratification.

Is anyone going to own up to triggering the web form?  (I triggered
the "Fnord!" message to a-d, but did not trigger either "Support
Ordinary" or the purported deregistration.)

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Return of Zeitgeist

2007-08-13 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

 If such a proposal received no AGAINST votes, its proposer
 gains one Zinnwaldite VC.

Zinnwaldite isn't a colour AFAICT.  Otherwise I like the proto.

Re: BUS: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: judicial status

2007-08-13 Thread Ed Murphy

root wrote:

Incidentally, I don't like these new dependent action rules; all the
Agoran decision cruft makes them much more heavyweight than they
really have any need to be.  When are we ever going to use a dependent
action with a majority index other than one?

When we think of something important enough.

For reference, here are all the current uses of Agoran consent:

  * Install an officer
  * Deregister a redundant partnership
  * Declare a protectorate (Ambassador only)

and With Support:

  * Change an ordinary proposal's AI to 2 (2 support)
  * Appeal a judgement (2 support)
  * Grant/revoke Patent Title of Bard (2 support, or a Bard
  with 1 Bard support)

and Without Objection:

  * Make a player inactive
  * Change a forum's publicity (Registrar only)
  * Ratify part of a report

Also, as long as I'm looking at it, "less than or equal to" in
R955(d)(3) should probably just be "less than", since the vote
collector implicitly counts as 1 support.

This should be handled by amending R1729(d) so that the vote
collector is not auto-disqualified in this case.  (Consider the
IADoP's duty to attempt to change officers; e should be free to
object to eir own attempt.  Unless e is ineligible for other
reasons, e.g. the current IADoP is a partnership.)

Re: DIS: proto: more knaves

2007-08-13 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

Amend the rule titled "Truthiness, or the Island of
Knights and Knaves" by replacing the entire text of the rule with:
  Knight and Knave are player switches with values NAY and YAY,
  tracked by the Speaker, with default values of YAY and NAY,


Come to think of it, there should be a way to flip Truthiness.

  A knight SHALL NOT publish statements that e believes are
  false.  A knave SHALL NOT publish statements that e believes
  are true.

Ooh, tricky.  Does "6000 FOR" count as a statement?

DIS: Re: OFF: map, again

2007-08-13 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

For the agoran decision I initiated in this message:
(published 7 days ago) 
the options available are APPROVED and REJECTED.

No votes were made.

The option therefore selected by Agora is APPROVED;

No, it isn't.  S/(S+O) = 0/(0+0) = 0/0 = 0 (Rule 2146), which
is <= 1/2 (Rule 2124), so the OSbA is REJECTED (Rule 955).

I hereby politely ask 
the rulekeepor to move the map to the beginning of the FLR.

You did, but not dependently.

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: map, again

2007-08-13 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

On Monday 13 August 2007, Ed Murphy wrote:

No, it isn't.  S/(S+O) = 0/(0+0) = 0/0 = 0 (Rule 2146), which
is <= 1/2 (Rule 2124), so the OSbA is REJECTED (Rule 955).

You're right.  Therefore, my notice resolving the decision was invalid, so 
the decision is still active.  Would you like to vote SUPPORT or OBJECT?


Re: DIS: proto: more knaves

2007-08-13 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

On Monday 13 August 2007, Ed Murphy wrote:


I couldn't think of a better way to allow a player to be a Knight and a 
Knave at the same time.

Smullyan is rolling over in his grave.  Peekee is jumping for
joy, but you can't tell which ones are him and which ones are
just pointing and saying "That's me over there".

Ooh, tricky.  Does "6000 FOR" count as a statement?

I don't see how this modification makes the issue (which could be CFJed) 
any *more* relevant.

SHOULD NOT doesn't count as a rule violation.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Contest: The Variety Show

2007-08-13 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

On 8/14/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hereby agree to be bound by the following agreement:

This contract does not exist until someone else agrees to it, correct?

Someone has.  Two someones, in fact.

d) 1 point to a contestant who was an officer all week.
e) 1 point to a contestant who was not an officer all week.
j) 1 point to a contestant who is a partnership.

Whereas the others are nice, these (and maybe h)) seem boring as you
could award these every week to the same officeholder,
non-officeholder, and partnership.

Any suggestions?

P.S. If a player consents to the agreement, then deregisters, e
remains a contestant.

Interesting loophole.  R2136 allows non-players to be contestants
(or contestmaster) and gain points - but they can't win, and can't
keep their points if they register.  The Scorekeepor is responsible
for keeping track of their scores, but need not report them.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: The Republic of Agora

2007-08-16 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:



Google and Wikipedia both say no.

  (S, sing. sheqel) are a measure of each player's
 ability to gerrymander the redistricting process.

I dislike the "are a measure of" wording.  The important bit here is
that they're items that players can possess, but describing them as
"a measure" doesn't express that.

This gets into the attribute vs. possession debate.

 Each S has exactly one color (Gray if not otherwise

Colour is specified for all VCs that currently exist and for all new
VCs being created, and you don't change that for sheqelim.  The "Gray"
bootstrapping clause is irrelevant now.

It's a safety clause, in case a future proposal accidentally omits
a color.

(various corrections incorporated into a fix proto)

   If the proposal received no AGAINST votes,
  its author gains one Zinnwaldite S.

I think this should be a separate list item.

It's a proposal award, it goes with the proposal award.

> And why the aversion to primary colours?

All three primary colors are already in use.  Zinnwaldite is the only
color I found that starts with the same letter as Zeitgeist.

   c) When a player submits a judgement on veracity or culpability,

I wish you'd propose these small changes (this, minimum EVLOP, Zeitgeist)
separately, so that we can choose them independent of each other and
independent of the district terminology.

This is arguably a bug fix.  Do you really intend a player who judges a
criminal case GUILTY to receive a second salary for sentencing?

   c) A player may spend two S of different colors to decrease
  another player's state's planned districts by one.

Not clear on whether planned districts can go to zero.  Not helped by
the duality (again) of treating "planned districts" both as objects and
as a number.

Planned districts are not objects, and can go negative (but districts
remain subject to the district minimum).

   d) A player may spend three S of different colors to decrease
  another player's state's planned districts by ten percent.

Can planned districts be non-integral?  Surely half a district is just
a smaller district, and you can't very well plan to do something that's
categorically impossible.

See above.

Re: DIS: Proto: recognize holidays

2007-08-16 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Benjamin Schultz wrote:
I'm open to  suggestions on an appropriate color.  Mauve is my  
current choice.

I suggest sticking to the primary colours, because they have well-known
letter abbreviations.  So far we're not using any of the subtractive
primaries (C, M, Y) or the endpoints of the greyscale (K, W).

Something else to do with more colours: we could add progressively
more extravagant things that can be done by spending higher numbers of
colours together.  Collect all eight colours to win the game.

ROY G BIV + Ultraviolet?

(Specific information regarding Gamma Clearance is restricted to
citizens of Gamma Clearance.)

Re: BUS: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: judicial status

2007-08-16 Thread Ed Murphy

1) Amend R955(d)(3) to make majority index actions require the ratio
be greater than or equal to the index if the actor is an (active)
first-class player; strictly greater otherwise.

I prefer amending R1728(d) so that the vote collector is generally
allowed to vote on actions with Agoran consent, and eir vote is
defaulted to SUPPORT.

2) Amend R2124(a) to add 1 to the support index iff the actor is not
an (active) first-class player.

If we end up defining second-class players etc., then some interesting
formulas could be thrown around here.

3) While we're at it, I think we should forbid inactive players from
performing dependent actions in general.

Hmm, maybe.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Two protos

2007-08-16 Thread Ed Murphy

root wrote:

On 8/16/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   (a) With N Supporters.  For this method, the support index is N,
   and the tally of votes need only include a number of SUPPORT
   votes sufficient to approve the action.  "With Support" is
   synonymous with "With 1 Supporter".

   (b) Without N Objections.  For this method, the objection index
   is N, and the tally of votes need only include a complete
   list of OBJECT votes (if any).  "Without Objection" is
   synonymous with "Without 1 Objection".

How would this work for actions that are with N supporters and without
M objections?

We haven't got any of those at the moment.  If we added one, then these
could be reworded as "the tally of votes MUST include ", with the
R208 amendment allowing the irrelevant bits to be omitted.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Republic repair

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Proto-Proposal:  Republic repair

I'm opposed to this being a separate proposal from the Republic of Agora.
Merge the fixes into the main proposal.

I plan to; that was written before I saw the votes swinging
roughly 2 to 1 against.

Re: DIS: proto: reward deputisation

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

proto-proposal: reward for deputisation
AI: 2


Amend rule 2126 by appending to the list of ways that VCs can be gained:

  d) When a player deputises for an office e gains one Cyan VC,
 unless someone previously gained a VC in this manner for the
 same office in the same month.

[Another rarer action to reward with a new colour.]

I suggest Magenta (opposite of Green) for this, and Yellow (opposite of
Blue) for judging sentencing on time.  Cyan (opposite of Red) could be
used for the Zeitgeist award.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Transfinite arithmetic

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Proto-Proposal:  Transfinite arithmetic

Do you have a use for more of those identities, then?

Variety Show agreement, item 6c.  Standard arithmetic covers that
particular case, but still.

Re: DIS: proto: reward deputisation

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

I suggest Magenta (opposite of Green) for this,

Pavitra already claimed magenta as the celebratory colour.

Mauve, actually.

I was thinking orange would be suitable for zeitgeist, being adjacent
and similar to red.

Orange alert.  Orange alert.

I was originally hoping that we could make something of the mathematical
relationships between the primary colours, perhaps a way of generating
one colour from another like the Beads proto some months ago.  But the
associations you're suggesting in the meanings are too weak to make
any semantics from.  I think we're better off seeking psychological
associations with the colours.  I have a couple more ideas for VC colours
that I'm doing this way.

Here's a list of things that you could get Boons for, about a year ago:

  * Recognizing Agora's birthday
  * Speaker's choice on April Fool's Day
  * Having zero Blots
  * Protege naming up to four mentors within four weeks after
  eir 60-day Grace Period
  * Repealing a rule when there are 100+ rules and the Rulekeepor
  feels the repeal simplifies the rules
  * Proposal adopted during one's Grace Period
  * Proposal adopted on Guy Fawkes Day
  * Speaker's choice once a week

DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Transfinite arithmetic

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Proto-Proposal:  Transfinite arithmetic

d) 0 / Y = 0
   +inf / +inf = undefined
   +inf / Y= +inf otherwise
   X/ +inf = 0otherwise
   (-X) / Y = X / (-Y) = -(X/Y)

X / 0 = +inf if X > 0
X / 0 = -inf if X < 0

+inf's could also be sorted based on the numbers that led
to them, e.g. 2/0 > 1/0, but that would be complicated and
sometimes inappropriate (e.g. a democratic proposal receiving
votes F F F F F F is arguably more strongly supported than an
ordinary proposal receiving votes 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F).

Re: DIS: proto: reward deputisation

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Here's a list of things that you could get Boons for, about a year ago:

What was a Boon?

Boons and Albatrosses were Ephemeral Patent Titles.  At the end of each
quarter, each player's Kudos (used to pay for various interesting
actions) were reset to a baseline + #Boons - #Albatrosses, then all
Boons and Albatrosses were revoked.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: The Republic of Agora v1.1

2007-08-19 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Amend Rule 106 (Adopting Proposals) by replacing the paragraph
containing "The adoption index of a proposal is" with this text:

Since you've moved the change in the "Support Democracy" procedure to
a separate proposal, this amendment to R106 should not be inserting
the word "initially".  The insertion of that word should go with the
procedure change that detaches chamber from AI.

That would force those proposals to AI = 3.  On the other hand, if this
passes but the amendment to R2142 doesn't, then R2142 would increase AI
without changing chamber.  (On the gripping hand, have we actually used
R2142 yet, in any of its various forms?)

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Generalize power-based allowance

2007-08-19 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

 A permissively regulated attribute CANNOT be modified, and a
 permissively regulated action CANNOT be performed, except by an
 instrument with power at least as great as that of the rule
 defining that attribute or action as permissively regulated.

This is a nifty thing to factor out.  However, I find the term
"permissively regulated" to be misleading.  The regulation is essentially
restrictive, with permission appearing only in exceptions.  Sorry I
can't suggest a better term at the moment.

My dissatisfaction with the term is the primary reason this is
still stuck in the proto stage.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: Refactor regulation

2007-08-19 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

 An action is regulated if any of the following is true:

What is the effect of an action being regulated?

The new Rule 2125 would specify the effect, depending on how
it is regulated.  Furthermore, Rule 101 (ii) fails to grant
players the right to perform regulated actions.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Generalize power-based allowance

2007-08-19 Thread Ed Murphy

Pavitra wrote:

 A permissively regulated attribute CANNOT be modified, and a
 permissively regulated action CANNOT be performed, except by an
 instrument with power at least as great as that of the rule
 defining that attribute or action as permissively regulated.

How about:

A secured attribute CANNOT be modified, and a secured action CANNOT be
performed, except by an instrument with power at least as great as
that attribute's or action's security level. If a rule specifies that
an attribute or action is secured, but does not list the security
level of that attribute or action, then the security level defaults to
the power of that rule.

I like "secured attribute".

There's little point in a security level higher than the power of the
securing rule, because a rule of equal power can simply claim precedence
over the securing rule (the point of this construction is to save it the
trouble of doing so).  There might be a point for non-rule instruments,
which are not covered by the current precedence rules; here's the rule
that used to do so:

Rule 1513/4 (Power=1)
Authority of Non-Rule Entities

  The Rules may grant to certain entities the power to require
  Players to perform (or refrain from performing) actions.  Such
  Entities shall have whatever power is granted to them by the
  Rules.  In the event that the requirements of such an Entity
  conflicts with the Rules, the Rules shall always take

  If two or more such Entities conflict with one another, then the
  relative precedence of the respective Rules which grant coercive
  Power to the Entities in conflict shall determine which
  requirements take precedence.  If two or more Entities
  authorized by the same Rule conflict, then the Entity mentioned
  first in that Rule takes precedence over the others.

  No entity (including any body of text) may require a Player to
  perform or refrain from performing any action unless that
  Player has previously been provided with the information of
  which actions may be required of or prohibited em by that

Created by Proposal 1704, Sep. 1 1995
Amended(1) by Proposal 2805 (Andre), Feb. 8 1997, substantial
Amended(2) by Proposal 3884 (harvel), Jul. 26 1999
Amended(3) by Proposal 3999 (harvel), May 2 2000
Amended(4) by Proposal 3999 (harvel), May 2 2000
Repealed by Proposal 4866 (Goethe), Aug 28 2006

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Generalize power-based allowance

2007-08-19 Thread Ed Murphy

Pavitra wrote:

There's little point in a security level higher than the power of the
securing rule.

Actually, that's under the old system.  Under the new system, there
would be little point in a security level higher than the power of the
rule defining security levels.  (And so that rule should have Power 3,
otherwise other rules with Power 3 can't use it to full effect.)

Oh yes, I meant to write in a clause about that. Append the sentence
"A rule CANNOT specify a security level greater than its own power."

And so this makes some sense (assuming that security levels can ever
be different from Power); we probably don't want a rule with Power 2
declaring a security level of 3.

I hadn't considered the other direction (a rule declaring a security
level lower than its Power).  Now that I do, it seems equally pointless,
e.g. why bother enshrining the basic behavior of some concept in a
Power 3 rule if you're going to let Power 2 rules modify that behavior?

In short, I don't see any good reason for a security level different
from the securing rule's Power, in either direction, and so I don't see
any good reason to define security level as a separate concept.

DIS: Re: BUS: proposals: truthfulness

2007-08-20 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Amend rule 2149 by inserting the words "or which e is reckless
regarding the veracity of" at the end of each sentence in the second

I still think this should define "reckless", perhaps by example.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Generalize power-based allowance

2007-08-20 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

e.g. why bother enshrining the basic behavior of some concept in a
Power 3 rule if you're going to let Power 2 rules modify that behavior?

Perhaps some aspects need to be power=3 difficult to modify, but other
aspects should be modifiable at power=2 in certain well-defined ways.
Makes perfect sense to me.

Ah, point.  Well, that can be added if/when we come up with such a case
in practice.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: distribution of proposals 5147-5171

2007-08-20 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Geoffrey Spear wrote:

5158  Di  2Zefram  Agora is (nearly) a republic



5160  Di  2comex   Agora is (nearly) a republic


When I left in a huff in 1997, I did so largely because I perceived that
people bore a grudge against me.  I had the impression that, whereas my
proposals were almost never voted for, equivalent proposals from other
players attracted votes.  My paranoia has reduced, and when I started
playing again this year I thought that my perception had probably been
mistaken.  But here's a much clearer case.  Back in 1997 there weren't
actually identical pairs of proposals.

Whence the anti-Zefram movement?

It might be a tall-poppies thing.  Let's look at the VLOP and VC
leaders, grouping partnerships with the players who most often
control them in practice:

  27  33  Zefram + Pineapple
  15  23  Murphy + Human Point Two
  12   9  BobTHJ + Primo
  11  14  root
   9   6  Wooble
   8   2  comex

followed by roughly half a dozen players at around 5 and 0 - and
most of that is not because of the BVLOP increase, but rather
because I've been spreading VLOP around in recent months.

DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: Refactor regulation, take three

2007-08-20 Thread Ed Murphy

Proposal:  Refactor regulation
(AI = 3, please)

Amend Rule 2125 (Regulation Regulations) to read:

  An action is regulated if any of the following is true:

(a) The rules specify that the action CANNOT be performed, or
CAN be performed ONLY IF certain conditions are satisfied.

It occurs to me that this does not cover "X CAN Y if Z", and similarly
for (b) and "X MAY Y if Z".  I think pretty much all such cases are
covered by (c), though.

DIS: Re: BUS: win

2007-08-20 Thread Ed Murphy

Levi wrote:

By Rule 2136:

  A player with 100 or more points may win the game by announcing
  this fact.  Upon such an announcement, each player's score is
  set to zero.

I announce that I now have 100 points. Therefore I win the game.

Actually, you have 101 points.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: distribution of proposals 5147-5171

2007-08-21 Thread Ed Murphy

Peekee wrote:

Problems are the discussion forums defined in the rules? I suspect there 
would be little way of regulating protos.

Yes, Rule 478:

  Publicity is a forum switch with values Public, Discussion, and
  Null (default), tracked by the Registrar.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Votes

2007-08-21 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

5171 AGAINST (invisible F)

Ah, you're in the "unless" == "iff not" camp too?  Curious.  I had
no idea that interpretation of "unless" existed in formal logic.
I've always used it to mean "if not".

I'm undecided.  I think the matter warrants further discussion.

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Voting Limits and Credits Report

2007-08-21 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Player (* = inactive)VLDP  EVLOP  VVLOP  VCs

eekeeP is not listed.

I expect CFJ 1724 to be judged FALSE.

[When ties for determining Party were broken by alphabetical order,
Quazie's Party was Blue.  Now that they are broken by order of VC
gain, eir Party is indeterminate.]

No such change has occurred, it's only been proposed.

Fixed in next draft.

This problem seems like a good reason to not make such a change.

Can be solved by retaining alphabetical order as a secondary
tiebreaker to cover such cases.  (Can't assign them to the Gray
Party, as it would break the "lose a VC of a color you don't
have -> lose a VC of your Party's color instead" clause.)

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: distribution of proposals 5147-5171

2007-08-21 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

On 8/20/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That's strictly on the merits.  With 5159 I nearly voted PRESENT, but
I'm worried that it's a scam setup.  I had a nightmare two nights ago
that involved a R2134 win being sprung, which is probably related.)

You're correct in that the purpose of the proposal is to allow
conspiracies to make other players R2134 win.  But since you'd have to
have nearly every VLOP-powerful player other than the target cooperate
and risk losing VLOP for nothing if something goes wrong, and allow
the target to become the speaker even if it works, that's not really a

Much the same can be done under the current system:  conspirators can
spend VCs to raise the target's VLOP; the target can spend VCs to raise
someone else's VLOP, preferably someone inactive or like-minded.

DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal

2007-08-21 Thread Ed Murphy

Levi wrote:

In Rule 2139 replace the following text:

  The Registrar's report shall include the following:


  The Registrar's report SHOULD include the following:

I agree with the idea of saying "The X's report includes Y", and
leaving it to other rules to place requirements on publication.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Ministers Without Portfolio

2007-08-22 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

   a) Default Officeholder.

We repealed this for a good reason.

And what reason was that, then?

   b) Default Justice.

This is a better way to handle a default justice than what we had before.


   c) Wielder of Veto.



I'm opposed to the whole principle of prerogative powers.  (But you knew
that already.)

Increased VLOP is a prerogative power.  Discuss.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Ministers Without Portfolio

2007-08-22 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

And what reason was that, then?

Having a default officeholder makes officeholding indeterminate when
we're not sure who the default officeholder is.  It spreads uncertainty
regarding the game state.  We ran into this recently regarding the CotC,
when resolving CFJ 1684a, where we couldn't be sure who was speaker.

And, of course, we don't need offices to be filled immediately.  We can
install a new officer in a mere four days if there's no disagreement, and
if an office remains vacant for long then we can deputise quite easily.

If there's disagreement but no uncertainty, then the default
officeholder gets to pull an extra Green VC or two.  If there
is uncertainty, then deputisation gets around that as well; VC
awards/penalties remain uncertain, but that's an argument for
the long-overdue Plato-Pragmatisation of VCs.

Increased VLOP is a prerogative power.  Discuss.

It's not a prerogative power in the executive sense.  One has increased
VLOP not due to holding an exclusive position of authority but due to
game actions that are open to everyone simultaneously.  Variable VLOP
*is* undemocratic, but the scope of its effect is restricted, so the
important matters are properly democratic.

Winning the game is also open to everyone simultaneously, and the
scope of two out of these four prerogatives is restricted in the
same way that variable VLOP is.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: CFJs 1724-1725: Lets tidy up

2007-08-22 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

(I think there is CFJ evidence that Jon is a person already)

CFJ 1700.  Murphy wants to appeal it.

Not because I doubt the outcome, but because Judge Wooble didn't so
much as ask for Jon to send a message from eir own e-mail address.

Re: DIS: Proto: MMI change

2007-08-22 Thread Ed Murphy

Levi wrote:

Just noticed that Rule 2160 uses POSSIBLE.

If it's the reverse of IMPOSSIBLE, it would be defined the same as CAN.

But then, in Rule 2160, I'm not sure POSSIBLE is the right term?

There was a proposal to change it to LEGAL, whereupon it was pointed
out that many actions are LEGAL but IMPOSSIBLE due to R2125(c); I think
this spawned much of the recent MMI debate, in fact.  Changing it to
POSSIBLE-and-LEGAL would avoid this problem.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: VCs for voting

2007-08-22 Thread Ed Murphy

Levi wrote:

  At the end of a proposal's voting period, each player who was
  the only player to cast a valid vote for a given option on it
  gains one Pink VC.

Not totally sure this is a good idea. I'd be voting FORx1 AGAINSTx1 
PRESENTx1 on all Ordinary proposals, and the higher power proposals 
should probably be adopted/rejected based on merit rather than votes 
cast to win a VC.

I don't see that the latter is significantly different from votes
cast to deny the proposer an Orange VC (I think that was the color
Zefram proposed for the Zeitgeist concept).

But, I do like the idea of VCs that can be gained just through the 
voting process.

Maybe something like each player who cast a valid vote on a proposal 
that didn't reach quorum gets a VC would be a good idea? (either in 
addition to, or instead of this)

The old "penalize voter apathy" concept would fit here, too.

All this was really an afterthought to the "penalize excessive invalid
votes" concept; the initial title was "The Assessor Strikes Back".  :)

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: VCs for voting

2007-08-23 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

 At the end of a proposal's voting period, each player who cast
 at least one valid vote on it, but cast more invalid votes than
 valid votes on it, loses one Pink VC.

Cute.  BobTHJ will hate you.

It's principle rather than practice.  If e believed eir VLOP was
somewhere from 4 to 6, then e could simply cast 7 or 8 votes,
and I'd still have to check.

Re: DIS: proto: VC award for triplication

2007-08-23 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

[I'm concerned that the fiddliness of the condition might increase the
assessor's workload unreasonably.  Murphy?]

I'm already publishing F/A totals, so identical results there would
trigger a count of PRESENT votes.  However, checking this condition
would potentially require digging into past voting results, so I would
recommend adding a requirement for some player to announce the gain or

"order of voting period ending" should break ties in order of ID number.

Re: DIS: proto: distributor as an office

2007-08-24 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

  The distributor is an office.  The distributor SHALL send eir
  weekly report to each non-null forum at least once each quarter.

This could be a monthly report; it's not like the fora change very
often.  I don't know whether the Distributor's workload is large
enough to merit a weekly-report-level Green VC salary.

Re: DIS: proto: allow non-player wins

2007-08-24 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

proto-proposal: allow non-player wins

Create a rule titled "Non-Player Wins" with this text:

  When a non-player wins the game, e becomes a player.

Re: DIS: proto: distributor as an office

2007-08-24 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

This could be a monthly report;

Yes.  I wanted to make it a monthly report, but that would depend on
the ability to report switches monthly.  You protoed something to that
effect, but it's not in the ruleset yet.

I don't recall that offhand, and don't have time to run a full
search.  Should be fairly simple, though:

Amend Rule 2162 (Switches) by replacing "That officer's report"
with "That officer's report (or monthly report, if the switch is
defined as a monthly switch".

DIS: Re: BUS: Resubmitting refactor regulation

2007-08-29 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

I submit the following proposal:

Proposal:  Refactor regulation
(AI = 3, please)

Murphy is a coauthor of this proposal.

Why?  And why did those who voted AGAINST it do so?  Perhaps this one
could do with some more cooking time.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: CFJ on knavitude

2007-08-29 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

On 8/29/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

comex wrote:

But it is still a quote.

Quotation is an aspect of its construction, yes.  That doesn't exempt
it from R2149.

I CFJ, barring Zefram, on the statement:

A part of a message sent to a Public Forum that is quoting another
message (even if the quote is intended to perform an action) is never
a violation of Rule 2149 to publish.

Rule 2149 states
  Merely quoting a statement does not constitute publishing it for
  the purposes of this rule.

Gratuituous argument for FALSE:  If the quote is intended to perform
an action, then it is not "merely" quoting.

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: CFJ 1738: assign root

2007-08-29 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

On 8/29/07, Ian Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I concur with the Initiator's arguments and enter a judgement of TRUE.

I intend, with 2 support, to appeal this.

I vote SUPPORT.  At least wait for our sole knave to weigh in on the
discussion (in a-d, so as to avoid further entangling the issue).

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Resubmitting refactor regulation

2007-08-29 Thread Ed Murphy

root wrote:

On 8/29/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

comex wrote:

I submit the following proposal:

Proposal:  Refactor regulation
(AI = 3, please)

Murphy is a coauthor of this proposal.

Why?  And why did those who voted AGAINST it do so?  Perhaps this one
could do with some more cooking time.

Primarily because I don't think that impossible actions should
necessarily be considered regulated.

Which of the sections do you think this applies to?  For each of those
sections, can you give a hypothetical example of an impossible action
that should not be considered regulated?


2007-08-30 Thread Ed Murphy

I've updated the database code to identify criminal cases and recognize
the possible judgements on culpability, and filled in the correct values
for the past judgements.  Please let me know if you spot any problems.

Eris, how do I regenerate cotc_amend.pyc from  Not that
it matters AFAICT, since I'm not setting matters.typecode = 'Criminal'
directly when entering the CFJ, but adjusting it manually afterward.

DIS: Re: BUS: Nominees for Herald

2007-08-30 Thread Ed Murphy

comex wrote:

I intend, with Agoran Consent, to make Peekee the holder of the office
of Clerk of the Courts.  (E will have a chance to register shortly
before the 14-day limit expires.)

I vote OBJECT.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: I feel, therefore I act

2007-08-30 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

 then the knave is considered to /feel/
 the announcement to be true, and this rule prohibits neither
 the announcement nor the action.

Yuck.  If you want to make such an exception, please do it without this
false distinction.

If you want a loophole for knaves then it has to be bigger than this.
The rules in some cases require information to be published, and the
publication of those statements is significant to the rules even though
they do not constitute an action by announcement.

That was written in a hurry (and as a direct reference to the origin
of "truthiness").  Would "unless required by other rules to publish
such a statement" be a sufficient extension of the loophole?

Also, I'll oppose removal of the recklessness clauses.  Feel free to
replace them with something clearer, but don't just drop them.  If a
player doesn't think about the veracity of a statement at all then e
is in the clear under your version of the rule, but under my version a
judge would be likely to rule em reckless.

I asked (twice) what you had in mind by "reckless", but you didn't
answer, until this.  How about:

  A knight SHALL NOT publish a statement unless e believes it
  may be true, and SHOULD NOT do so unless e believes it is.

and similarly for knaves (with some sort of loophole as noted above).

DIS: More CotC DB stuff

2007-08-30 Thread Ed Murphy

I added a "Criminal cases" link, just above "All cases".

comex, your mirror is broken; please let me know if something on
my end's caused it, though I can't think of anything that would.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: I feel, therefore I act

2007-08-30 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

comex wrote:

but possibly end up just a useless pain.

How exactly was truthiness ever going to avoid this fate?

It was perfectly fine in its original form, if you ask me.

DIS: Notes on Herald's report

2007-08-30 Thread Ed Murphy


Listing date-awarded would make for a nice research project.

Ephemera were repealed long ago, so that note can be removed.

> First Speaker:  Michael

This is defined by the rules, but not as a Patent Title.  If e was
awarded the title as a Patent Title at some point, then this should
go into Items of Past Significance.

> Fantasy Rule Catalyst:Peter

This set, too.  Or possibly a separate list of Patent Titles that
were awarded by proposal but never defined by the rules.


This note on Ephemera can also be removed.

An explanation of the meaning of the titles (since the rules no longer
provide that information) would make for another nice research project.


> Peekee 11 Apr 04 13:52:56

Did this change when e re-registered?


This was repealed and can thus be removed.


This was moved to a Rule and can thus be removed, or possibly adjusted
to note the rule number.

DIS: Notes on CotC's report

2007-08-30 Thread Ed Murphy

> open judicial cases

Can this be given in tabular format, please?  e.g.

Inquiry   Caller   Called  Judge   Assigned
1729  Zefram   21 Aug  root21 Aug
1730  Pavitra  22 Aug  BobTHJ  22 Aug
1731  Zefram   23 Aug  Murphy  23 Aug

Criminal  Caller   Called  Judge   Assigned  Defendant  Notified

1708  Zefram   23 Jul  Murphy  30 Julcomex  13 Aug
1733  comex23 Aug  root23 AugEris   ---
1735  comex23 Aug  BobTHJ  23 AugEris   ---
1736  comex23 Aug  Murphy  23 AugP.P.   ---

Exceptions (e.g. question suspended pending appeal, defendant ended
pre-trial phase early) could be described below the table.

Exact timestamps can IMO just be looked up in the archives, which
anyone who needs to know them will probably be doing anyway.

> future events

This should note who is required to do what.  Or it could just be
described generally ("e.g. judges required to judge ASAP after
applicable and open, R2158; inquiry/veracity always applicable, R591;
criminal/culpability applicable after pre-trial, criminal/sentencing
applicable after judgement of GUILTY, R1504").

> posture and qualification

For completeness, this could have four columns (player, posture,
active, first-class) with all players explicitly included, and a
note on the conditions for qualification ("active first-class
player, R1868", plus something about R1871).  Possibly a fifth
column to show which players are qualified.

<    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >