Re: Encoding issue with solr querying

2009-05-06 Thread KK
Can someone tell me how to query for some raw unicode text[the one mentioned
in my last mail] through SolrJ?


On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 6:40 PM, KK wrote:

 I have indexed some non-english pages in solr index. From the solr admin
 interface I can query using the raw unicodes like this,

 \u062d\u06c2 \u0627\u0648\u0644\u202c

 and this gives the resulting page correctly. Now I'm trying to do that
 through java script in a web page via SolrJ for english queries it is
 working fine but not for non-english content.
 If I've to use the above unicoded query then how shall I proceed. I've a
 method to which I pass the query which returns back the result after quering
 solr. I even tried encoding the query in UTF-8 but of no use. The web page
 is like this

 *FORM NAME=form
 APPLET NAME=solrJava CODE=solrJava.class WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=125
 MAYSCRIPT id=talk
  setQuery() is part of solrJave class that just sets the query string and
 getQuery() function is emebeded inside the javascript like this,

 function getQuery() {
 return (encodeUTF8(non-english-query));   //my query, how to
 put the unicoded query here? for any english queries its working fine.

 I tried using some encode/decode for utf-8, the functions are given below,

 function encodeUTF8( s ){
   return unescape( encodeURIComponent( s ) );
 function decodeUTF8( s ){
   return decodeURIComponent( escape( s ) );

  Any advice will be highly appreciated.


Re p/ Marcos Narciso: [sapiensinfotec] Sinalização de setas no Thunderbird

2009-04-30 Thread KK Y-Br
So retificando, pela tua resposta a Sandra, q vc ainda nao sabe q
sou.. uma moça, r
É um k de Kitty e o outro k.. de Katchie, ou de KariocaKaprixosa, ou
outro nick tipo isso q me criaram e fui na carona, heheh...
Mas tá desculpado si, ninguem tem q adivinhar mesmo, clar...
Abçs de NYC, com saudades de sua terra...!

On 4/29/09, Marcos Narciso wrote:

 Ola KK,

 O seu achismo, acho que tem fundamento :)
 Acredito que possa ser isso mesmo.
 Com relação ao meu acervo de filmes, as vezes eu tenho dois filmes iguais,
 Um pode ser extraido do DVD (DVDRip) e o outro pode ser um filmado dentro do
 cinema (TC, CAM etc...) Mas tambem pode ter havido erro meu de digitação e
 eu ter duplicado, vou averiguar e consertar o erro. Obrigado.

 Um grande abraço

 Marcos Narciso
 Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil

 Meu Acervo de filmes e outros trecos:

 KK Y-Br escreveu:


 Nao uso o TB, so mesmo o web gmail, mas a logica me sugere q vc tenha
 respondido a uma das msgs, tenha repassado uma outra e fnalmente tenha
 tanto respondido como repassado essa 3a.
 Mas pode ser so um achismo...

 Grande abraço, e parabens pelo acervo no seu bau!
 Alias, detalhe q pode ser somente outro achismo bobo.. O divx 118 está
 rotulando dois dos filmes nacionais ou foi impressao...?

 Ate a proxima entao!

 On 4/27/09, Marcos Narciso wrote:


 Passei a usar o leitor de e-mail Thunderbird. Quando eu abro o programa
 e vou  na caixa de entrada, percebo que no campo assunto de algumas
 mensagens ja lidas  existe uma sinalização de setas. Por exemplo eu
 tenho tres mensagens que estão sinalizadas da seguinte forma: A primeira
 tem uma seta verde apontando para esquerda e a segunda uma seta azul
 apontando para direita e a terceira tem ambas as setas cada uma
 apontando para uma direção. O que elas significam?--

 Um grande abraço

 Marcos Narciso
 Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil

 Meu Acervo de filmes e outros trecos:


 *Links do Yahoo! Grupos


Re: [sapiensinfotec] Sinalização de setas no Thund erbird

2009-04-29 Thread KK Y-Br

Nao uso o TB, so mesmo o web gmail, mas a logica me sugere q vc tenha
respondido a uma das msgs, tenha repassado uma outra e fnalmente tenha tanto
respondido como repassado essa 3a.
Mas pode ser so um achismo...

Grande abraço, e parabens pelo acervo no seu bau!
Alias, detalhe q pode ser somente outro achismo bobo.. O divx 118 está
rotulando dois dos filmes nacionais ou foi impressao...?

Ate a proxima entao!

On 4/27/09, Marcos Narciso wrote:


 Passei a usar o leitor de e-mail Thunderbird. Quando eu abro o programa
 e vou  na caixa de entrada, percebo que no campo assunto de algumas
 mensagens ja lidas  existe uma sinalização de setas. Por exemplo eu
 tenho tres mensagens que estão sinalizadas da seguinte forma: A primeira
 tem uma seta verde apontando para esquerda e a segunda uma seta azul
 apontando para direita e a terceira tem ambas as setas cada uma
 apontando para uma direção. O que elas significam?--

 Um grande abraço

 Marcos Narciso
 Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil

 Meu Acervo de filmes e outros trecos:


 *Links do Yahoo! Grupos

Re: sample java application to test session replication in transparen failover cluster

2009-04-29 Thread dhanesh kk
Thanks for the information.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Pid wrote:

 dhanesh kk wrote:
  Does any one have a sample  java web application to share   to test a
  transparent failover cluster in   tomcat-6.0.8  (JDK 1.5.0_15)  .
   I want to trouble shoot  either  my cluster or my Java application.
  sessions are expiring  when I shutdown a one tomcat node .
  So to make sure whether my java application is the culprit not doing the
  session replication , I want a working copy of a web application  in a
  transparent cluster with tomcat 6.0.08 .
  Is any body willing to share I appreciate it so much .
  Thanks in advance
  K.K Dhanesh

 That's 3 messages you've sent in 24 hours asking the same thing.

 Tip #1 people typically don't have sample web applications that test
 specific functionality lying around, or if they do I've not seen people
 share them.

 Tip #2 people typically don't share generic configs, because they're all
 changed to suit specific needs.


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Latest version status

2009-04-29 Thread kk kailasam
I see a pretty nice writeup about memcached [1]. Have those changes merged
with the latest 'official' version of memcached?


transparent failover not working

2009-04-28 Thread dhanesh kk

 I am a newbe  in tomcat clustering .  I am looking to setup a transparent
failover cluster with 2 tomcats.

 I refered the documents of tomcat5.5  and I configured a transparent
failover cluster with 2 tomcat instances on  2 separate machines  on same

 Apahce is infront of this cluster as load balancer  with  mod_ajp ,
LoadBalancing is   working  good.  But   when I shutdown  one  tomcat
instancethen  users  need to login again  to the application.So the
transparent failover not taking place .  what I made wrong ?

I am attaching the server.xml and web.xml  of  one of the tomcat box  here
.  Let me request  you to have a look on the  config files  and   please
point out what I missed in the config files.



 if any one  have a  transparent failover cluster  please share me a copy
of   server.xml and web.xml for reference.

Thanks in advance
!-- Example Server Configuration File --
!-- Note that component elements are nested corresponding to their
 parent-child relationships with each other --

!-- A Server is a singleton element that represents the entire JVM,
 which may contain one or more Service instances.  The Server
 listens for a shutdown command on the indicated port.

 Note:  A Server is not itself a Container, so you may not
 define subcomponents such as Valves or Loggers at this level.

Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

  !-- Comment these entries out to disable JMX MBeans support used for the 
   administration web application --
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener /
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.storeconfig.StoreConfigLifecycleListener/

  !-- Global JNDI resources --

!-- Test entry for demonstration purposes --
Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer value=30/

!-- Editable user database that can also be used by
 UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --
Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
  pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /


  !-- A Service is a collection of one or more Connectors that share
   a single Container (and therefore the web applications visible
   within that Container).  Normally, that Container is an Engine,
   but this is not required.

   Note:  A Service is not itself a Container, so you may not
   define subcomponents such as Valves or Loggers at this level.

  !-- Define the Tomcat Stand-Alone Service --
  Service name=Catalina

!-- A Connector represents an endpoint by which requests are received
 and responses are returned.  Each Connector passes requests on to the
 associated Container (normally an Engine) for processing.

 By default, a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector is established on port 8080.
 You can also enable an SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 by
 following the instructions below and uncommenting the second Connector
 entry.  SSL support requires the following steps (see the SSL Config
 HOWTO in the Tomcat 5 documentation bundle for more detailed
 * If your JDK version 1.3 or prior, download and install JSSE 1.0.2 or
   later, and put the JAR files into $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext.
 * Execute:
 %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA (Windows)
 $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA  (Unix)
   with a password value of changeit for both the certificate and
   the keystore itself.

 By default, DNS lookups are enabled when a web application calls
 request.getRemoteHost().  This can have an adverse impact on
 performance, so you can disable it by setting the
 enableLookups attribute to false.  When DNS lookups are disabled,
 request.getRemoteHost() will return the String version of the
 IP address of the remote client.

!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --
Connector port=8080 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=100
   connectionTimeout=2 disableUploadTimeout=true emptySessionPath=true /
!-- Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout value
 to 0 --
	!-- Note : To use gzip compression you could set the following properties :
			   noCompressionUserAgents=gozilla, traviata 

Session expired in Cluster setup :

2009-04-28 Thread dhanesh kk

 I am a newbe  in tomcat clustering .  I am looking to setup a transparent
failover cluster with 2 tomcats.

 I refered the documents of tomcat5.5  and I configured a transparent
failover cluster with 2 tomcat instances on  2 separate machines  on same

 Apahce is infront of this cluster as load balancer  with  mod_ajp ,
LoadBalancing is   working  good.  But   when I shutdown  one  tomcat
instancethen  users  need to login again  to the application.So the
transparent failover not taking place .  what I made wrong ?

I am attaching the server.xml and web.xml  of  one of the tomcat box  here
.  Let me request  you to have a look on the  config files  and   please
point out what I missed in the config files.



 if any one  have a  transparent failover cluster  please share me a copy
of   server.xml and web.xml for reference.

Thanks in advance

 my server.xml   web.xml   as follows

!-- Note that component elements are nested corresponding to their
 parent-child relationships with each other --

!-- A Server is a singleton element that represents the entire JVM,
 which may contain one or more Service instances.  The Server
 listens for a shutdown command on the indicated port.

 Note:  A Server is not itself a Container, so you may not
 define subcomponents such as Valves or Loggers at this level.

Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

  !-- Comment these entries out to disable JMX MBeans support used for the
   administration web application --
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener /

  !-- Global JNDI resources --

!-- Test entry for demonstration purposes --
Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer value=30/

!-- Editable user database that can also be used by
 UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --
Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
  pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /

  !-- A Service is a collection of one or more Connectors that share
   a single Container (and therefore the web applications visible
   within that Container).  Normally, that Container is an Engine,
   but this is not required.

   Note:  A Service is not itself a Container, so you may not
   define subcomponents such as Valves or Loggers at this level.

  !-- Define the Tomcat Stand-Alone Service --
  Service name=Catalina

  !-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --
Connector port=8080 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=100
   connectionTimeout=2 disableUploadTimeout=true
emptySessionPath=true /
!-- Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout value
 to 0 --

!-- Note : To use gzip compression you could set the following
properties :

   noCompressionUserAgents=gozilla, traviata

!-- Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --

!--Connector port=8443 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
   enableLookups=false disableUploadTimeout=true
   acceptCount=100 scheme=https secure=true
   clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS

!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
Connector port=8009 enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
protocol=AJP/1.3 /

!-- Define a Proxied HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8082 --
 !-- See proxy documentation for more information about using this. --
Connector port=8082
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
   enableLookups=false acceptCount=100
   proxyPort=80 disableUploadTimeout=true /

!-- An Engine represents the entry point (within Catalina) that
 every request.  The Engine implementation for Tomcat stand alone
 analyzes the HTTP headers included with the request, and passes
 on to the appropriate Host (virtual host). --

!-- You should set jvmRoute to support load-balancing via AJP ie :

sample java application to test session replication in transparen failover cluster

2009-04-28 Thread dhanesh kk

Does any one have a sample  java web application to share   to test a
transparent failover cluster in   tomcat-6.0.8  (JDK 1.5.0_15)  .

 I want to trouble shoot  either  my cluster or my Java application. Because
sessions are expiring  when I shutdown a one tomcat node .

So to make sure whether my java application is the culprit not doing the
session replication , I want a working copy of a web application  in a
transparent cluster with tomcat 6.0.08 .

Is any body willing to share I appreciate it so much .

Thanks in advance
K.K Dhanesh

How to import modules from specific Python installation?

2009-04-26 Thread kk

I know there is a way to import from different Python installation but
I could not find the answer.  I have Python 2.6 and 2.5


Re: How to import modules from specific Python installation?

2009-04-26 Thread kk

Thank you for the suggestions, I will see what I can from here.

[Genome] retrieve alignment information of an SNP

2009-04-25 Thread Ross KK Leung
Take this as an example:


There's a section called: 


Alignment between genome (hg18 chr16:575595-576457, + strand; 863 bp) and
dbSNP sequence (rs8060585; 863 bp)


If I have a lot of rs numbers in hand, how can I obtain the alignment
information in batch? I can't simply use rs8060585 as the query submission
link because there're other arguments also that I cannot know them
beforehand until I submit the rs8060585 at the UCSC page. That means I have
to do that one by one. Does anybody have any ideas?



Genome maillist  -

Re: [Ubuntu-zh] 关于VIM

2009-04-21 Thread =KK=
:map de :r !datecr  怎么会不生效呢?很灵呀.

难道你是 WINDOWS ?
:map de :r !date /t cr

具体可以看 :help :r!

ubuntu-zh mailing list

[Genome] FW: sequence retrieval inquiry

2009-04-18 Thread Ross KK Leung
Dear all,

We would like to retrieve flanking sequences at UCSC site, e.g. for
rs17019583: 200 bases upstream, and 200 downstream for a total of 401 bases.
And then save as txt files.

How can we do that in batch if we have dozens of rs numbers in hand? Thanks
a lot for your advice.

Best regards, Ross

Genome maillist  -

TabPanel Memory Issue

2009-04-16 Thread kk


I have a gwt-ext tab panel that dynamically creates tabs. These tabs
can contain multiple gwt-ext widgets. When I try to close these tabs,
I notice that the memory indicated via the task manager of Internet
explorer does not decrease.
My question is: Should/Would IE7 free up the memory when we close
these tabs?

I have tried to manually destroy the tabs by overriding the
doBeforeRemove() method and calling the panel.destroy() method there,
but it does not free up memory.

We are overridding the following method in the PanelListenerAdapter of
the TabPanel
public boolean doBeforeRemove(Container self, Component component) {
Panel pp = appTabPanel.getItem(component.getId());
if(pp != null){
// Attempting to destroy/remove the tab
pp = null;
return true;

Any help would be appreciated.

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GWT-Ext Developer Forum group.
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AdWords API Re: Legality of Adwords API Usage

2009-04-07 Thread Kk

Hello Jeff,

Thanks for the response.

I went through the terms and conditions  I still needed clarification
on the Keyword Elite ( Brad Callen's Keyword Elite) works

When using Keyword Elite, the tool show a mini section which looks so
much like the free Keyword API tool. This is mini section show for
less than a second. The tool then proceeds asking the user to enter in
the Captcha code.

I am little confused here because to me, it looks like there's a
automated script running which queries the free keyword tool, fetches
the result and displays it to the user. If my observation is right,
then according to the terms an conditions this is illegal. Could you
please confirm this to me, because if it is not, I could build a tool
which has no recurring cost.


On Apr 7, 3:37 am, AdWords API Advisor

  I'm going to have to refer you to the Terms  Conditions for AdWords
 API usage, detailed at

 That's the same agreement that you need to accept before your
 Developer token is activated. It outlines what you can and cannot do
 using the AdWords API, and you should consider the information there

 -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

 On Apr 6, 1:17 pm, wrote:


  I am a developer using Google Adwords API for a long time . I have
  some queries on the same.

  1. I understand that to use Google Adword API's , I need to send the
  Developer token and Application token in the request header . If I
  want to make a adword tool and distribute it , then do all users need
  to have a developer token to use the API ?

  2.For every call to the keyword API , certain API units (20 I guess)
  is charged to the Adwords holders account . Are these API units
  charged for all accounts? Is there any kind of account which is not
  charged with these API Units?

  3. I notice there are many tools in the market like Keyword Elite
  which do not have a such recurring cost . In fact they have a
  provision to enter Captcha also. I assume they are accessing the
  external Adword keyword tool through automation .

  - How is this possible ?
  -Is that legal ?

  Thanks in advance for a quick reply

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
AdWords API Forum group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

[android-porting] Re: Porting Android to PXA310

2009-04-06 Thread KK

I know that this may be stupid, but after the kernel successfully
built and loaded, nothing happens on Zylonite, even not uncompressing
the zImage, what may I have done wrong?

On 4月3日, 下午2時56分, cxh wrote:
 when you build Linux kernel for running on PXA310 EVM,
 you should first run
 make menuconfig
 then check
 System Type  ---
  ARM system type-
   select a type of PXA310
 EVM,something like littleton、zylonite、PXA3xx

 On 4月2日, 下午5时28分, KK wrote:

  Not sure what you are talking about, can you elaborate more?

  On 4月2日, 下午5時09分, cxh wrote:

   Perhaps you may built for littleton_defconfig or

   On 4月2日, 下午4时43分, KK wrote:

Hi, I am quite new to Android. I already downloaded the source codes
and successfully built for generic. However, the target board is the
PXA310 EVM. Does anyone know that if there is already a ported one or
what steps I should follow to port Android to it. I have already the
BSP in hands now. Thanks.
KK- 隱藏被引用文字 -

   - 顯示被引用文字 -- 隐藏被引用文字 -

  - 显示引用的文字 -- 隱藏被引用文字 -

 - 顯示被引用文字 -

AdWords API Legality of Adwords API Usage

2009-04-06 Thread Kk


I am a developer using Google Adwords API for a long time . I have
some queries on the same.

1. I understand that to use Google Adword API's , I need to send the
Developer token and Application token in the request header . If I
want to make a adword tool and distribute it , then do all users need
to have a developer token to use the API ?

2.For every call to the keyword API , certain API units (20 I guess)
is charged to the Adwords holders account . Are these API units
charged for all accounts? Is there any kind of account which is not
charged with these API Units?

3. I notice there are many tools in the market like Keyword Elite
which do not have a such recurring cost . In fact they have a
provision to enter Captcha also. I assume they are accessing the
external Adword keyword tool through automation .

- How is this possible ?
-Is that legal ?

Thanks in advance for a quick reply


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
AdWords API Forum group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

[android-porting] Porting Android to PXA310

2009-04-02 Thread KK

Hi, I am quite new to Android. I already downloaded the source codes
and successfully built for generic. However, the target board is the
PXA310 EVM. Does anyone know that if there is already a ported one or
what steps I should follow to port Android to it. I have already the
BSP in hands now. Thanks.

[android-porting] Re: Porting Android to PXA310

2009-04-02 Thread KK

Not sure what you are talking about, can you elaborate more?

On 4月2日, 下午5時09分, cxh wrote:
 Perhaps you may built for littleton_defconfig or

 On 4月2日, 下午4时43分, KK wrote:

  Hi, I am quite new to Android. I already downloaded the source codes
  and successfully built for generic. However, the target board is the
  PXA310 EVM. Does anyone know that if there is already a ported one or
  what steps I should follow to port Android to it. I have already the
  BSP in hands now. Thanks.
  KK- 隱藏被引用文字 -

 - 顯示被引用文字 -

Re: Regarding the size of the greybox

2009-03-26 Thread Subeesh kk
Hi Prasad,

thanks for the info.
I will try it out and let you know the status soon.

thanks and regards,

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Lakshmiprasad Manchala

 HI, i cant remember the fn names...
 give like
 a rel=gb_pageset[width,height] href=url
 a onClick=gb_Center(url,height,width)

 u can check the fns in gb_script.js


 George Burns  - Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.

 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:44 PM, 

 Hi All,

 I am very new to the usage of greybox. It is really cool and easy to

 I am having multiple links and using greybox to display the pages with
 the option


 Is there any way to control the height and width of the popup when
 using this option. I read in the tutorial that, it can be done as
 rel=gb_page_center[640,480]. But how to achieve this usign
 option. I tried out  rel=gb_pageset[search_sites,640,480], but
 didn't work at all. Please help me.

 Thanks in advance,


Thanks and Regards


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
GreyBox group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Regarding the size of the greybox

2009-03-26 Thread Subeesh kk
Hi Prasad,

This is working

a href=; onclick=return

But the issue is, I have more than one links, and i m using pageset option
to iterate through all links..

I cant control the size of the height and width when I am using pageset.
Otherwise, its possible to display pages
in the given height and width for one link..

Any work around ?

Hope you got it, Thanks for your time..

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Subeesh kk wrote:

 Hi Prasad,

 thanks for the info.
 I will try it out and let you know the status soon.

 thanks and regards,

 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Lakshmiprasad Manchala wrote:

 HI, i cant remember the fn names...
 give like
 a rel=gb_pageset[width,height] href=url
 a onClick=gb_Center(url,height,width)

 u can check the fns in gb_script.js


 George Burns  - Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.

 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:44 PM,

 Hi All,

 I am very new to the usage of greybox. It is really cool and easy to

 I am having multiple links and using greybox to display the pages with
 the option


 Is there any way to control the height and width of the popup when
 using this option. I read in the tutorial that, it can be done as
 rel=gb_page_center[640,480]. But how to achieve this usign
 option. I tried out  rel=gb_pageset[search_sites,640,480], but
 didn't work at all. Please help me.

 Thanks in advance,


 Thanks and Regards


Thanks and Regards


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
GreyBox group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Regarding the size of the greybox

2009-03-26 Thread Subeesh kk
No, If I use it for all links, I cannot iterate .. ie, I can click on one
link and then iterate through all pages without going back to page and click
on other links..

In this page
I am referring to the section Website gallery. Exactly like that, I


On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Lakshmiprasad Manchala

 i didn't got exactly

 but still u  can use GB_showCenter('test',this.href,400,400) for all the
 links as u will have control on the height and width right..?

 Isaac Asimov  - I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them.

 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Subeesh kk wrote:

 Hi Prasad,

 This is working

 a href=; onclick=return

 But the issue is, I have more than one links, and i m using pageset option
 to iterate through all links..

 I cant control the size of the height and width when I am using pageset.
 Otherwise, its possible to display pages
 in the given height and width for one link..

 Any work around ?

 Hope you got it, Thanks for your time..

 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Subeesh kk wrote:

 Hi Prasad,

 thanks for the info.
 I will try it out and let you know the status soon.

 thanks and regards,

 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Lakshmiprasad Manchala wrote:

 HI, i cant remember the fn names...
 give like
 a rel=gb_pageset[width,height] href=url
 a onClick=gb_Center(url,height,width)

 u can check the fns in gb_script.js


 George Burns  - Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.

 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 4:44 PM, wrote:

 Hi All,

 I am very new to the usage of greybox. It is really cool and easy to

 I am having multiple links and using greybox to display the pages with
 the option


 Is there any way to control the height and width of the popup when
 using this option. I read in the tutorial that, it can be done as
 rel=gb_page_center[640,480]. But how to achieve this usign
 option. I tried out  rel=gb_pageset[search_sites,640,480], but
 didn't work at all. Please help me.

 Thanks in advance,

 Thanks and Regards


 Thanks and Regards



Thanks and Regards


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[QUAD-L] OT - HULU.COM tv on-line

2009-03-24 Thread KK
Missed any episodes on tv lately?  I found out about this from a frugal living 
newsletter.  Of course they ray turn of cable  watch computer instead.

[QUAD-L] Wheelchair Batteries at Auto Zone?

2009-03-19 Thread KK
OK - my service contract was sold to another company that is 2 hours away from 
my home. I do not drive. It is impossible for me to go to them.

So today I get on the phone calling other wheelchair stores  one of them told 
me to go to Auto Zone. They would have to order them for me.

Is that correct? I have gone to Walmart  gotten a lot of supplies for my 
chair, rain poncho, gloves, etc. Maybe they could handle batteries.

[chromium-bugs] you have the golden oppourtunities to earn more money in the morden world

2009-03-16 Thread divya kk

no investment:

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free register more income:

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[android-porting] you have the golden oppourtunities to earn more money in the morden world

2009-03-16 Thread divya kk

no investment:

no physical work:

no tension:

free register more income:

earn more money in the home:

per day earning is  10$ to 12$:

we can do it as part time job:

minimum one or two hours:

click here below:


AdWords API you have the golden oppourtunities to earn more money in the morden world

2009-03-16 Thread divya kk

no investment:

no physical work:

no tension:

free register more income:

earn more money in the home:

per day earning is  10$ to 12$:

we can do it as part time job:

minimum one or two hours:

click here below:

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AdWords API Forum group.
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Re: [Ubuntu-zh] Help: sth. about gromacs

2009-03-12 Thread =KK=

2009/3/13 Stuart
 2009/3/12 DreamCatcher

     是否存在一种方式,跟安装gromacs 3.3一样,只需要一句简单的跟前面一样的命令,就可以把gromacs4.0.2也安装上?

 你可以升级到 Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty),然后用 sudo apt-get install gromacs 命令来安装,不过目前 9.04
 下的 gromacs 似乎是 4.0.3,不知道是否符合你的具体要求。()

 如果没有,那是不是有另外的方法可以把gromacs4.0.2版装到UBUNTU 8.04版上呢?

  直接去网上下载 gromacs 4.0.2 的 deb 包,用 sudo dpkg -i x.deb 命令安装。(需注意软件包依赖关系)


 ubuntu-zh mailing list

ubuntu-zh mailing list

Re: Django setup problem when executing syncdb

2009-03-10 Thread kk

Hi Karen,

 I'm having the same problem as ches and brita had. I downloaded the
link that you have given, but I'm unable to run as it is an
application. If you can guide me where to store that application and
how to run that, I will be glad. Also, for the DATABASEHOST in
settings do we need to give the path of mysql in our computer or can
we just mention localhost. Please, reply.

Thank you.

On Mar 6, 12:05 pm, Karen Tracey <> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 10:54 AM, bitra <> wrote:
> > Hi, I had the same problem with ches. I install mysql with Django
> > 1.0.2 and given the same error message, but I was using Python 2.5.2.
> > Do I have to install mysqldb module for this Python version?
> Yes.  You have to install a mysqldb built against Python 2.5 if you want to
> run with MySQL and any Python 2.5.x.   If you're on Windows (I don't know if
> the 'ches' you mention is an OS or an app or what) you can find Windows
> binaries for Python 2.4 and 2.5 here:
> Karen

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[T.S.R:7717] sbi deposit scheme

2009-03-10 Thread kk wazalwar
the news about SBIs new 50,000 Rs deposit plan,seems to be true,but why
doesnt any body, buy SBI shares which are very attractive and will provide
good returns .At present this stock is being hedged and short
sold,presumebly to support some big but fallable names in the market.In this
period of slow down ,SBI has recruited 25,000 officers and other staff,
which is 10% of its work force .It has opened more than 1000 new branches.
Its core banking network covers more than 8000 branches.It has shown net
profit in the last three quarters(see stock exchange filings).The employees
of SBI who hold the stock from employee quota/right issue @1590, can lower
there avarage cost of purchase by buying the stock at lower level.there are
aproximately 1,00,000 SBI employees who have subscribed tothis
right/employee quota issue last year, if most of them buy only five share
each again, we can call the bluff of a speculater... An informal SBI
Invester club needs to be formed. Please circulate. Thanking you

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RE: Expat List Looking for a Russian language teacher

2009-03-05 Thread D@RK_LORD KK


im currently looking for a t shirt printing cheap n .

From: Marie-Alexandra Veilleux
Sent: Sunday, 1 March, 2009 18:59:56
Subject: Expat List Looking for a Russian language teacher

I am looking for somebody to teach me Russian language (level: advanced 
beginner) for Russian classes 3 times a week (preferably in the morning), 
reliable and not too expensive.
Thanks in advance

NEW! Get Windows Live FREE.
Expat mailing list

[iklan-indonesia] If you are looking for a love!!

2009-02-28 Thread KK
If you are looking for a love!!
You Too Can Marry A Beautiful, Educated And Sincere Woman Much Younger Than You!
There are no magic tricks about it. You don't have to be rich, or famous, or 
handsome, or have a body like Hercules.
In fact, your appearance and money mean nothing.
You must just know what Russian women want - and give it to them. ANY man can 
do it!
Just click and check it out!!

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us know which group you are in when you write to us and, most importantly, DO 
read our reply. Thanks for your understanding.

[nox-dev] Batch insert for SQLite in NOX

2009-02-24 Thread kk yap

I was wondering how to do batch inserts to SQLite database in NOX.  I
have managed to do row by row insertion using
Sync_transactional_storage.  However, there does not seem to have any
batch insertion in storage from my grep efforts.  Can someone point me
to the correct place to hunt?

Thank you.


nox-dev mailing list

Re: [nox-dev] Batch insert for SQLite in NOX

2009-02-24 Thread kk yap

I mean in NOX.  :D


2009/2/24 Rob Sherwood
 Assuming this is a normal sqlite db, I would just use the
 /usr/bin/sqlite3 command line interface with the .import command;
 check out .help for the online help and instructions.

 - Rob

 On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:35 PM, kk yap wrote:

 I was wondering how to do batch inserts to SQLite database in NOX.  I
 have managed to do row by row insertion using
 Sync_transactional_storage.  However, there does not seem to have any
 batch insertion in storage from my grep efforts.  Can someone point me
 to the correct place to hunt?

 Thank you.


 nox-dev mailing list

nox-dev mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-zh] ubuntu-zh 摘要, 卷 45, 发 布 37

2009-02-20 Thread =KK=
回复摘要的拉出去喂小鸡 !!

2009/2/17 PT
 - Original Message -
 From: 刘先良
 Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 6:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-zh] ubuntu-zh 摘要, 卷 45, 发布 37


 ubuntu-zh mailing list

ubuntu-zh mailing list

[tanahkaro] Mohon Doa dan dukungan Caleg

2009-02-18 Thread Apoleus KK
Mjj Arons,

Selamat berjuang ibas pemilu 2009 enda, mbera2 seh sura-sura ndu
kerina ras pe ula kam lupa guna memperjuangkan si payo ras pe si

Kerna partai wong cilik, reh nina kade2 ta i kuta nta enda emkap lanai
bo PDI Perjuangan tapi enggo pindah ku Gerindra, nehen ndu lah maka
Gerinda si paling rajin ras siap menggalang dukungan ibas kalak
perjuma-juma, nelayan ras pertiga-tiga, em nina.. Mari kita ras2
megermet kerna sie...

Amin bage gia nina teman ta e, ula tama ku ukur ndu, tuduh ken
sura-sura ras kai nge si i perjuangken ndu adi kam duduk ibas dewan

Sibar e lebe...


Ma Karo

2009/2/18 hendra gunawan
 Mantap Pal, main terus.
 Saatnya partai wong cilik berjaya.
 PDI Perjuangan pasti menang.
 Atur strategi, rebut simpati rakyat.
 Selaku kader muda PDI Perjuangan akan kita perbuat semaksimal mungkin.

 --- On Tue, 2/17/09, heri soerbakti wrote:

 From: heri soerbakti
 Subject: [tanahkaro] Mohon Doa, dukungan, Kritikan dan Saran
 Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 12:07 PM

 Mejuah-juah! !
 Saya Heri Lesmana Surbakti, mohon doa,dukungan, kritikan dan saran dari
 Seluruh warga komunitas Karo pada pemilihan Legislatif  9 April 2009 untuk
 mewakili daerah kelahiran saya, Kabupaten Langkat dan Kota Binjai dari PDI
 Perjuangan untuk DPRD I Sumatera utara ( SumUt XI).Kritikan dan Saran dapat
 dikirim ke email saya di heri_1...@yahoo. com. Bujur ras mejuah-juah Kita
 Heri lesmana Surbakti

Re: [tanahkaro] Penginapan i Singapore

2009-02-18 Thread Apoleus KK

Bujur ibas informasi ndu, tentu mbelin gunana informasi ndu e, banci
ku peseh man keluaga ta si rencana berkat ku Singapore e.

Bp. Nico (Ma Karo)

2009/2/18 shodan purba
 Tergantung budget. Lit apartment si mindo SGD 50 per berngi, i sentra
 perbelanjaan bagi Lucky Plaza. Voucher hotel pe adi tukur ibas biro
 perjalanen banci sekitar SGD 50-en kang. Kalimbubu Victor Ginting pe lit
 nyediaken kamar kos. Nomor teleponna +65 915 11170 ras +65 901 17794.
 Mbera-mbera enda banci nuduhken dalan.

 Bp Nona Sampaguita

 From: Apoleus KK
 Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 12:23:07 PM
 Subject: [tanahkaro] Penginapan i Singapore

 Mjj Permilis Sirulo,

 Enda lit penungkunen ku man kam si tading entah pe pernah ku
 Singapore, emkap mohon informasi kerna penginapan i Singapore sebab
 lit rencana kade2 ta training ibas awal bulan si reh i Sinagapore e.

 Bujur ibas penampat ndu.

 Ma Karo

[tanahkaro] Penginapan i Singapore

2009-02-17 Thread Apoleus KK
Mjj Permilis Sirulo,

Enda lit penungkunen ku man kam si tading entah pe pernah ku
Singapore, emkap mohon informasi kerna penginapan i Singapore sebab
lit rencana kade2 ta training ibas awal bulan si reh i Sinagapore e.

Bujur ibas penampat ndu.

Ma Karo

[nox-dev] Fwd: Questions on Location Binding

2009-02-16 Thread kk yap
HI All,

Below is a question about location binding.  The new upgraded version
from Natasha looks very useful, and we would love some help in getting
to use it.



-- Forwarded message --
From: Te-Yuan Huang
Date: 2009/2/16
Subject: Questions on Location Binding
Cc: kk yap, Nikhil Handigol, Michael Chan,
Masayoshi Kobayashi

Hi all,

I am trying to use Bindings_Storage to retrieve information
about which datapath(switch) a host is connected to.

1. Which function should I look into?
I did found that get_location_by_name might be helpful,
but I would like to confirm the functionality of it.
Or would love to know where can I find documentations about
functions inside Bindings_Storage.

2. In order to use get_location_by_name, I need to supply a name for
host in string format.
There is a get_name_by_ip() function, but there is no return value.
 I guess the information is passed by reference through callback functions.
 But I have no clue about which function I should pass into the
get_name_by_ip() function.
 Is there any sample code that I can take a look at ?


nox-dev mailing list

Re: [nox-dev] FLOW_MOD message ignored

2009-02-15 Thread kk yap

I managed to do the flow mod by changing the command the ADD instead
of MODIFY.  Can someone explain what is the difference?



2009/2/14 Justin Pettit
 Can you send us a either a pcap file or a printout of the bytes on the wire?


 On Feb 14, 2009, at 5:31 AM, kk yap wrote:


 I have sent a ofp_flow_mod message, which I verified to be correctly
 formed using a wireshark to a software reference switch.  However, I
 do not see the flow entry when I do a dpctl dump-flows.  The entry is
 made to be Permanent (both hard and idle timeout).  Can anyone think
 of a reason why this is so?

 Thanks in advance.


 nox-dev mailing list

nox-dev mailing list

[nox-dev] send_openflow_packet command needs in port?

2009-02-15 Thread kk yap

I was trying to send an entire packet to some port on an openflow
switch.  I realized that the send_openflow_packet takes the in port as
a parameter.  Why is that even needed if I am sending an packet not
stored in the buffer of the switch?  In my case, where I am sending a
packet from elsewhere, what should I put as the in port number?

Any advice is appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


nox-dev mailing list

[nox-dev] FLOW_MOD message ignored

2009-02-14 Thread kk yap

I have sent a ofp_flow_mod message, which I verified to be correctly
formed using a wireshark to a software reference switch.  However, I
do not see the flow entry when I do a dpctl dump-flows.  The entry is
made to be Permanent (both hard and idle timeout).  Can anyone think
of a reason why this is so?

Thanks in advance.


nox-dev mailing list

[fsug-tvm] Re: [fsug-tvm 4123] Re: python+numpy instead of Matlab

2009-02-10 Thread Jemshid KK
currently i have windows xp based systems for programming dsp kit with code
composer studio and for programming fpga with xilinx ise.
can you suggest any free software solutions.

2009/1/5 David John

 Hi Subin
  I use FEL regularly for teaching at institutes, I know atleast 10
 others in India who are doing so. FEL is well supported by Chitlesh 
 team and gets regular releases
 with each Fedora version, starting from Fedora 8.

 Model Eng College, ECE dept is one of the departments running only
 open source software (mostly inside FEL) in their labs. It is part of
 the institute policy and I have seen it working very well in action.

 Please contact me in case you have trouble installing  running FEL. I
 can help you and also possibly come down to your campus for a 1-3 day
 workshop on how to use these tools to do good electronic designs.


 On Jan 4, 12:00 am, Subin Mathew wrote:
  hi, this is Subin, Mar Baselios College, s7 Ec, Kerala University, I
  think its not only Kerala University, but also most other universities
  in Kerala, prefer MATLAB as a program for signal processing and
  SIMULINK ( a sub program inside MATLAB) for system simulation.
  These programs are taught (as far as i know) to Electronics and
  Electrical students in various semesters. For the EC batch, the
  program is taught in s4, s7 and the EEE in other semester ( which i
  don't know). I have attached a copy of the syllabus(a jpeg file) of
  only MATLAB from the S4 syllabus.
  The fault lies in not having a very stable program (like MATLAB) to
  run most commands. I have used octave and found it just OK, but not
  anywhere near the skill of MATLAB, the commands are similar, but
  Octave or even GNU-plot fails in providing all features used in
  today's electronic industry.(of course you can share the commands and
  functions and make octave better)
  There was once an OS that came through called FEL (Fedora Electronics
  LAB) but it didnt install properly or i think the md5sum ckeck didnt
  work, its available at zyxware, and the softwares need a lot of
  updation, and validation, but their backup services (or the prople who
  once wrote those GPL programs) have been stopped, and some of the
  documentation is in languages other than English.
  In S4 we had learned about simple stuff that could be done through
  Octave, but in S7, i think Python also needs to be implemented for the
  set of experiments, or so. The MATLAB works on large features like
  DSP, Image Processing, Mathematics, Signal Processing simulatons and
  so on, SO the question becomes when we have one program, why care to
  learn more?
  Still Octave seemed to work with much lesser RAM suck-up when i tried
  complex Amplitude and Frequency bandlimitted wave programs on it,
  where as MATLAB drained our college Win-XP's ram for 5 to 10 minutes
  Guys trying to learn matlab programming, Octave is a nice choice too,
  same commands work, the matlab looks like a notepad model (like gedit)
  and all (command window, editor, graph's, errors) integrated as one
  unit, where as Octave looks like terminal ( or like MATLAB's Command
  window) and  slower, but safer on the PC, as i didn't need to upgrade
  to 1GB + ram (as MATLAB will hang your PC even at 1GB)
  S4 also uses circuit programs like PSPICE, ORCAD, but i heard some
  colleges ( i dont know which) use also GEDA, (which i used for my s6
  project and found as easy as PSPICE except some minor errors here and
  The S7 we use some more programs for reading from DSP kits, those
  programs are usually shipped from Texas Instruments, so i guess then
  we cant say anything to them.
  By the way have anyone used scilab , how is it?

Jemshid KK
calicut, kerala, india
0495 4013776

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[GreenYouth] Re: see this ?

2009-02-09 Thread Shahina KK
Shall we send pinkcheddis to our police force also..? thanks renu for this
stinki news... being in Delhi, not very regular with 'muthassi papers..'

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:37 AM, ranju radha wrote:

 this is really ridiculous !!
 high time to tell these vanara senas to mind their business and stop moral

  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 6:45 PM, renu ramanath 

  did anyone see this news item from alappuzha, in mathrubhumi ? do we
 ever need a sree ram sena here ?

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[fsug-tvm] Re: [fsug-tvm]

2009-02-06 Thread Jemshid KK
in a fully automated installation, ubuntu allocated thrice the ram size to
swap partition. (and so far i did it only once).

2009/2/6 Aneesh A

 Could you give me the 'source', that is in odf format?


Jemshid KK
calicut, kerala, india
0495 4013776

Freedom is the only law. 
Freedom Unplugged

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[KLuB] Re: minta bantuan sebentar (kernel)

2009-02-05 Thread kk

Wisnu Manupraba wrote:
 /proc/config.gz: No such file or directory

 itu punya saya ubuntu 8.04

terimakasih sebelumnya :)

tapi sepertinya kernel ubuntu dan keturunannya memang tidak di enable
config.gz -nya (tau deh kenapa, ngehemat space HD 23 kilo byte kali
yah :p)

tp masih ada jalan lain :) coba yang pakai ubuntu dan turunannya

grep -i CONFIG_DEFAULT_IOSCHED /boot/config-*

terimakasih bantuannya :)
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[KLuB] Re: OOT Handphone ilang

2009-02-05 Thread kk

LiQuid Kermit wrote:
 Hari ini kebetulan disantronin maling HP. Harga hape nya sih paling cuman
 laku 50 rebu doang. Tapi nomornya tuh, ilang.

wew.. coba deh om idup tanpa hape enak lho damai :) kalo butuh banget
nge-cumi ajah :p
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[KLuB] Re: Kumpul KLub Bulan ini -- Feb 09

2009-02-05 Thread kk

zuhair al-bantani wrote:
 Kumpul yuk, kumpul..
 Mangan ora mangan, sing penting ngumpul..
 .. atau, kumpul ora ngumpul, sing penting mangan?

 Ah, pokoknya gitu, lah..

 Usulan saya,
  waktu: Ahad, 15 Februari 2009, pkl. 16.00 - maghrib
  tempat: ...?

 Gimana, kawan-kawan?

kalau udah aki2 boleh ikutan gak? ntar takutnya di kira pedo lagi :D
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Re: [nox-dev] nox_core test fails

2009-02-04 Thread kk yap
Hi Kyrialos,

If you are using a virtual setup, check your vdeslirp.


2009/2/4 kyriakos zarifis
 Hi and thanks for the quick reply
 yes, I noticed that you answered the same thing only some hours ago.

 However even if I ignore the test result, I still get the problems when
 connecting nox to the switch, as described below:

 Any clues there?

 (ps. sorry for the duplicate Martin)

 When I tried the next the next step of ( ./nox_core -v -i pgen:10 packetdump ) I got:

 1|packetgen|DBG:waiting for features request
 2|packetgen|DBG:waiting for features request
 ...   /(this went on for 5 secs)/
 01599|packetgen|DBG:waiting for features request
 01600|packetgen|DBG:waiting for features request
 01601|packetgen|DBG:waiting for features request
 01602|packetgen|DBG:waiting for features request
 01603|packetgen|DBG:waiting for features request
 01604|packetgen|DBG:waiting for features request
 01605|nox|WARN:pgen:: closing connection due to timeout after 5 seconds in
 sending features request state


 I moved on with the guide and tried to set up nox with openflow, setting
 up the switch looked ok:

 hda:/cdrom# ./dpctl addif nl:0 eth0
 eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x05E1
 device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
 send_openflow_skb: send failed: -3  ---(I'm
 not sure if this is supposed to be here, i guess not)

 hda:/cdrom# ./dpctl addif nl:0 eth1
 eth1: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x05E1
 device eth1 entered promiscuous mode
 send_openflow_skb: send failed: -3 ---(same)

 hda:/cdrom# ./dpctl show nl:0
 features_reply (xid=36c3c26e):dp id:50540003
 tables: exact:131072, compressed:0, general:100
 buffers: size:-1, number:256
 features: capabilities:0x17, actions:0xff
 0(eth0): addr:50:54:00:00:00:03, speed:100, flags:0, feat:0xf
 1(eth1): addr:50:54:00:00:00:04, speed:100, flags:0, feat:0xf
 LOCAL(of0): addr:3a:7e:bd:e6:fc:7a, speed:0, flags:0, feat:0
 get_config_reply (xid=f93e7de): miss_send_len=128


 and the same problem reflected when I tried to connect the controller with
 the switch :

 [NOX screen]:

 (initialization ommited but looked fine)
 00028|openflow|DBG:Passive tcp interface bound to port 2525
 00029|openflow|DBG:Passive tcp interface received connection
 00030|nox|WARN:stream: closing connection due to timeout after 5 seconds
 in sending features request state
 00031|openflow|DBG:Passive tcp interface received connection
 00032|nox|WARN:stream: closing connection due to timeout after 5 seconds
 in sending features request state
 00033|openflow|DBG:Passive tcp interface received connection
 00034|nox|WARN:stream: closing connection due to timeout after 5 seconds
 in sending features request state
 00035|openflow|DBG:Passive tcp interface received connection
 00036|openflow|WARN:stream: connection closed by peer
   ---(this was when i sent Ctrl^C to the openflow switch (screen below)
 00037|nox|WARN:Error sending features request: Unknown error 4294967295


 [openflow switch screen]:

 hda:/cdrom# ./secchan nl:0 tcp:
 1|rconn|WARN:nl:0: connected
 2|rconn|WARN:tcp: connected
 3|rconn|WARN:tcp: connection
 4|rconn|WARN:tcp: connected
 5|rconn|WARN:tcp: connection
 6|rconn|WARN:tcp: connected
 7|rconn|WARN:tcp: connection
 8|rconn|WARN:tcp: connected


 Has anyone come across any similar problem?
 Any input appreciated



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[KLuB] Re: pdf reader yang bisa nge-garis bawah tulisan

2009-02-04 Thread kk

kk wrote:
 Kira-kira ada yang bisa gk yah? saya sudah nyoba:
 - evince (sempurna tp gk bisa garis bawah dan annotation)
 - okular (aduh kde-nya itu lho :) )
 - acroread (gendutnya minta ampun)
 - epdfview (suka crash)
 - foxitreader versi linux (ehm.. berat + jelek di tile WM)
 - foxitreader + wine (kasihan CPU -- loadnya terlalu tinggi)

 jadi bagaimana? ada saran? yang program windows juga gk apa2 kok asal
 jalan di wine :p

Sementara ini jadinya pakai PDF Xchange viewer (+wine) -

lumayan annotation, garis bawah, dll bisa dan lebih ringan drpd foxit
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[KLuB] Re: Nanya installasi VMware di ubuntu 8.10

2009-01-29 Thread kk

arief nur andono wrote:
 virtualbox nyeting jaringannya mesti di patch bisa
 langsung di pake.

iya gitu? bukannya tinggal rebuild module kalo update kernel dan
nyeting jaringan tinggal pilih yg opsi pake nat ato yg host interface
networking (kl yg ini tinggal ngeload module apa gitu.. saya lupa :p)
ato kl yg hardcore pake bridge network dll..

lagian kl langsung pake kan gk asik hehe :p
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[KLuB] Re: Software Web design di Linux

2009-01-29 Thread kk

emacs + yasnipet FTW :)
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[ubiquity] Customised search for basic linux definitions

2009-01-23 Thread KK
Hi All.

I've been using Linux for quite a descent amount of time. I started using
ubiquity around a month ago and surprisingly I got addicted to ubiq. As an
avid linux user I most often look for various basic definition for things
related to Linux and find google quite daunting. Also you dont everything on
wikipedia. So I was thinking of writing a simple ubiq command [call it nix]
, obviously we just have to modify some existing search commands which I
don't know to finer details, which will fire the query to multiple sites[we
can start with say, etc] and put results the way
the wiki command does or similar to define command.

I might be talking about something thats already existing in which case I
request you guys to point me to that script. In the other case can some one
let me get started by giving some basic tips. I don't know much of JS, which
I'm eager to learn BTW.

One more thing, the lates google command does no job at all precisely. It
throws 3 results and 2 lines of explanation apart from the bold heading
line. Also it mentions the corresponding site. I want to modify all these
parameters so that we can get reasonably good amount of information instead
that will let us decide which page to look into, which I'm not able to do as
of now. Also the letters are very small. So can someone help me customizing
all these parameters.

Thank you very much.


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[QUAD-L] Bill targets handicapped parking violators

2009-01-19 Thread KK

Bill targets handicapped parking violators
The Post and Courier
Monday, January 19, 2009

Special Section:

People use handicap placards that don't belong to them. Drivers park in the 
striped access aisles next to designated spaces. And confusion abounds over who 
is responsible for catching violators.

There's a continual problem of people abusing handicap placards, parking in 
spaces without a placard or having a placard they're not entitled to, said 
Sen. Vincent Sheheen of Camden.

Sheheen and Sen. Dick Elliott of North Myrtle Beach, both Democrats, introduced 
a bill last week to create more accountability in the process of acquiring a 
placard. The state Senate already has passed the legislation twice, but the 
bill stalled in the House both times, Sheheen said.

Angela Jacildone, state advocacy manager for the mid-Atlantic chapter of the 
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, said record keeping is part of the problem.

There's a disconnect between the forms from the DMV and the physician who 
writes the prescription (for the placard), Jacildone said.

A Watchdog report earlier this year found the Department of Motor Vehicles does 
not record physicians' information, leaving no way to check whether a physician 
actually filled out the form. The bill would connect those dots with a form 
that will stay on file with the DMV.

The proposed law also would redefine a person with a disability.

The current law may not include a person with Multiple Sclerosis because they 
may not look like they have a disease, she said. Many people with MS suffer 
fatigue, which worsens throughout the day.

And finally, the legislation would connect the person and the placard with an 
identification card, which law enforcement personnel could look at and match.

Although not part of the proposed law, the MS society would like to see more 
clarification in the law regarding who has jurisdiction for enforcement.

Some agencies will tell us they will go to business parking lots. Others say 
it's private property, Jacildone said.

We would also like to see more language about access aisles, she said.

Cars sometimes park in the striped areas next to designated spaces. That aisle 
is necessary for a person with a disability to get in and out of their 
wheelchair or scooter.

Reach Jill Coley at 937-5719 or

[Rails] openid in rails

2009-01-19 Thread Ss Kk

  I have implement 'acts_as_authenticate' in my application,I have
followed all steps given in readme file.
   Even tried to run application given at
And getting exception:  Sorry, the OpenID server couldn't be found

Not getting what goes wrong.

Can anybody help me?

My rails version is 2.1.0 and ruby-openid (2.1.2)
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[komunitas-fotografer] sharing foto

2009-01-16 Thread dhafie kk
Rekan-rekan, mohon kritik dan saran nih..
galeri bisa diliat di :

Makasih ya

Re: HSSF: Write Excel-spreadsheets

2009-01-16 Thread kk
Hi Pierre,

many thanx for the quick response. I was away from my mails to answere sooner.

Just call HSSFFormulaEvaluator.evaluateAllFormulaCells(workbook) to refresh 
the whole workbook formula results.

Seems excactly the thing I was searching for but didn't finde.

For you getRow() issue, I think this has been changed since POI 3.2.
In this version the method signature is :
HSSFRow org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet.getRow(int rowIndex)

I'll try the new library 3.2 (or wait till the stable version 3.5 soon comming).

Best regards


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[nox-dev] Inability to connect more than one switch

2009-01-13 Thread kk yap

I was running NOX without any external components invoked.  With more
than one switch connected to it, I have the following error.  A hint
as to where to narrow down the bug would be nice.  Thanks.


1|nox|DBG:Starting nox_core
2|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
3|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
4|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
5|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
6|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file 'nox/coreapps/hub/meta.xml'.
7|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
8|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
9|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00010|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00011|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00012|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00013|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00014|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00015|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00016|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file 'nox/netapps/lavi/meta.xml'.
00017|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00018|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00019|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00020|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00021|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00022|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00023|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00024|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00025|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00026|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
00027|nox|DBG:Application installation report:
Current state: INSTALLED
Required state: INSTALLED

built-in DSO deployer:
Current state: INSTALLED
Required state: INSTALLED

built-in event dispatcher:
Current state: INSTALLED
Required state: INSTALLED

00028|openflow|DBG:Passive tcp interface bound to port 2525
00029|openflow|DBG:Passive tcp interface received connection
00030|openflow|DBG:Passive tcp interface received connection
00031|openflow|DBG:stream: negotiated OpenFlow version 0x97 (we
support versions 0x97 to 0x97 inclusive, peer no later than version
00034|openflow|DBG:stream: negotiated OpenFlow version 0x97 (we
support versions 0x97 to 0x97 inclusive, peer no later than version
00037|nox|DBG:No switch auth module registered, auto-approving switch
00038|nox|DBG:Registering switch with DPID = 2320fff491
00039|nox|DBG:No switch auth module registered, auto-approving switch
00040|nox|DBG:Registering switch with DPID = 2320d919c9
/usr/include/c++/4.3/backward/auto_ptr.h:199: _Tp*
std::auto_ptr_Tp::operator-() const [with _Tp = vigil::Buffer]:
Assertion '_M_ptr != 0' failed.
Caught signal 6.
  0x7ff00105f36d   64 (vigil::fault_handler(int)+0x3d)
Aborted (core dumped)

nox-dev mailing list

Re: [nox-dev] Inability to connect more than one switch

2009-01-13 Thread kk yap

I found the bug.  It was something about the way I throw an event in



2009/1/13 Martin Casado
 Is this reproducible?  Do you have a core file we can poke around in?

 On Jan 13, 2009, at 2:07 PM, kk yap wrote:


 I was running NOX without any external components invoked.  With more
 than one switch connected to it, I have the following error.  A hint
 as to where to narrow down the bug would be nice.  Thanks.


 1|nox|DBG:Starting nox_core
 2|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 3|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 4|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 5|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 6|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 7|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 8|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 9|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00010|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00011|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00012|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00013|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00014|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00015|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00016|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00017|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00018|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00019|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00020|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00021|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00022|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00023|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00024|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00025|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00026|pyrt|DBG:Loading a component description file
 00027|nox|DBG:Application installation report:
Current state: INSTALLED
Required state: INSTALLED

 built-in DSO deployer:
Current state: INSTALLED
Required state: INSTALLED

 built-in event dispatcher:
Current state: INSTALLED
Required state: INSTALLED

 00028|openflow|DBG:Passive tcp interface bound to port 2525
 00029|openflow|DBG:Passive tcp interface received connection
 00030|openflow|DBG:Passive tcp interface received connection
 00031|openflow|DBG:stream: negotiated OpenFlow version 0x97 (we
 support versions 0x97 to 0x97 inclusive, peer no later than version
 00034|openflow|DBG:stream: negotiated OpenFlow version 0x97 (we
 support versions 0x97 to 0x97 inclusive, peer no later than version
 00037|nox|DBG:No switch auth module registered, auto-approving switch
 00038|nox|DBG:Registering switch with DPID = 2320fff491
 00039|nox|DBG:No switch auth module registered, auto-approving switch
 00040|nox|DBG:Registering switch with DPID = 2320d919c9
 /usr/include/c++/4.3/backward/auto_ptr.h:199: _Tp*
 std::auto_ptr_Tp::operator-() const [with _Tp = vigil::Buffer]:
 Assertion '_M_ptr != 0' failed.
 Caught signal 6.
  0x7ff00105f36d   64 (vigil::fault_handler(int)+0x3d)
 Aborted (core dumped)

 nox-dev mailing list

nox-dev mailing list

Re: [komunitas-fotografer] perkenalan

2009-01-11 Thread dhafie kk
salam kenal pak,

saya Dhafi -Bandung-...sama2 pemakai canon nih..yang saya 30D


2008/12/3 Robertus

Salam kenal pak william. Alat kita sama nih.. C 450D



 *From*: William Darmawan
 *Date*: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 19:50:04 -0800 (PST)
 *Subject*: [komunitas-fotografer] perkenalan

 Silahkan memperkenalkan diri anda dengan menyebutkan nama lengkap,
 nickname, lokasi kediaman, profesi, kamera (jika punya), dan hal lain yang
 menurut anda perlu untuk diketahui.

 Salam kenal,
 Nama: William Darmawan
 Nick: Wd
 Lokasi kediaman: Taman kota, daan mogot jak-bar
 profesi: wiraswasta
 kamera: Canon eos 450D
 terima kasih.


[android-beginners] Unable to run android thru emulator on Fedora 9 Kernel-2.6.27

2009-01-09 Thread KK
Hi All,

I'm completely new to all this things. I downloaded the SDK and tried to run
it as given in s home page. It runs and the UI comes up with
the logo o android blinking nicely but when i try to click on any of the
buttons of the handset, no response comes. Wehn I google out I found that
the kernel messages are correct till the final UI comes up and my xterm
shows me the following

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[Nagios-users] accessing a remote kannel sms gateway for a Nagios box

2009-01-09 Thread KK CHN
How can I configure my nagios box to send sms  through a  kannel sms
gateway  setup which is on another PC.

Note : both nagios  kannel box in the same network..

from My nagios box , I can send sms through web browser (here  is the kannel gateway box )

I can send this message(eg:serverdown)  from my  nagios box's firefox
browser  to my cellphone (I am geeting message in my cellphone)

But for nagios to do this what config I have  to write  in config file ?can
anyone help me how can I do it for nagios  ?

Thanks in advance
Check out the new Marketplace.
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::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

[QUAD-L] Mac Invents Keyless Keyboard

2009-01-09 Thread KK
When first reading about this I thought it would be good for the handicapped 
but after watching what the guy had to do to type an email - took 45 minutes - 
I don't think so.

Mac Invents World's First Keyboardless Laptop
Anytime Mac makes some shiny new product and slaps that little Apple logo on 
it, chances are two-thirds of the country's population will stand in lines for 
hours just to be the first to have it. But when you stop to think about it, 
it's pretty hilarious the kind of mass appeal those Mac products have on us — 
and this spoof really hits that point home when it introduces how much people 
can't get enough of the Macbook Wheel. Sad part? You know very well that 
someday one giant button will be all you need

RE: Write a (very) huge Excel file.

2009-01-09 Thread kk
Hi Winarto,

It is always throwing java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:
Java heap space error in around 15-16k records. Is there any tips or
advise that I can use to avoid that error?

had the same problem, just give the Java virtual machine more heap.

%jre_path%java -Xms128m -Xmx512m -classpath ...

The parameters -Xms128m -Xmx512m are responslibe for the RAM. Just goole what 
the mean in detail.

Best regards...


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HSSF: Write Excel-spreadsheets

2009-01-09 Thread kk
Hello togeher,

I've written an application using POI for creating and writing Excel 

Works fine so far but I've got following problem:

I've got an existing Excel spreadsheet which I'd like to customize, e.g.

1 0
2 0
3 0 (content of cell:=sum(A1..A2))

then after Java-processing the Excel spreadsheet

1 4
2 5
3 0 (content of cell:=sum(A1.A2))

The cell A3 with the sum expression isn't recallculatet by Excel, even pressing 
F8 (for manually recalculating the spreadsheet) doesn't work out. If I go with 
the cursur in the cell A3 and press return, then the correct number 9 is shown 
in the cell. It seems to be so that Excel doesn't realize that the cells A1 and 
A2 got new numbers via HSSF. The code looks like this:

HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs);

HSSFRow row;
HSSFCell cell;

HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);

row = sheet.getRow((short)28);
cell = row.getCell((short)5);

Is there somthing like sheet.flush() which calculates the sum expressions new 
in the spreadsheet? I didn't find anything which this does. Perhaps anybody 
knows about this problem.

One thing more.

row = sheet.getRow((short)28);

getRow allows only a short value, so I can only address the lines from 0 to 
32K, Excel prior to 2007 is able to address the lines till 64K. How can I 
address the lines starting from 32K+1 - 64K? I don't have any idea.

Thanx and best regards...


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[Rails] Re: could not find [gem] locally or in a repository

2009-01-09 Thread Ss Kk

MaD wrote:
 i don't work on windows, but nmake can be found here:
 additionally i want to say, that i never used this program and i'm not
 sure if you really need it, but form your output
'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
 operable program or batch file.
 it seems you should take a look at it.

I have installed it from
But still it's giving the same error
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[Rails] Re: could not find [gem] locally or in a repository

2009-01-09 Thread Ss Kk

MaD wrote:
 for your OS to find the programm you need to add it to your path
 variable. look here (or google for it):
 this should be very easy. when you adjusted your path variable try to
 invoke nmake from the command line to check if it is found correctly
 (should then be possible from any folder).

Path variable are already set,Can you tell me where i will get json 
1.1.3 windows version?
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[KLuB] Re: ASK Ganti proxy di firefox ubuntu

2009-01-08 Thread kk

 2009/1/7 LiQuid Kermit
  firefox yg di-build oleh sekelompok orang
  ber-orientasi pada optimisasi firefox
  termasuk didalamnya compile dengan flag mcpu yang spesifik
  seperti p3, p4, i686, dll
  mirip2 iceweasel nya debian lah
  banyak jenis2 re-master firefox diinternet
  swiftfox salah satu yg populer

ada yang tahu flag optimmisasi swiftfox? dulu saya juga compile
sendiri firefox di sesuaikan dengan cpu saya dll, dan hasilnya gk ada
bedanya dengan swiftfox dan gk gitu jauh beda dengan tanpa optimisasi
(bawaan distro) juga, jadi penasaran saja soalnya mereka gak mau
ngasih tahu flag optimisasinya :p CMIIW.

Tapi sekarang sudah males build sendiri, bisa makan 1 jam lebih bo..
(maklum komputer lama :p). sekarang pakai conkeror aja deh.. :)

[ott] kalau reply ke milis KLUB dr mail client (mutt) kok gk pernah
masuk yah.. bisanya kalau lewat group langsung, kenapa yah?
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[Rails] Re: Code reviews: my dumb use of acts_as_commentable (newbie

2009-01-08 Thread Ss Kk

William Pratt wrote:
 Ahh, don't be so hard on yourself, everyone has been where you are. I
 enjoy helping on this list and so do many others. This list truly has a
 good group of people. Have fun and let me know if I can help with
 anything else.

Can we use acts_as_commentable for different models in same app?
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[Rails] Re: Code reviews: my dumb use of acts_as_commentable (newbie

2009-01-08 Thread Ss Kk

MaD wrote:
 Can we use acts_as_commentable for different models in same app?
 yes. i don't see why not.

Thanks for replying.

Do you have some sample code?

I am bit confused,we are using comments for say blog and note in one app 
so are they going to refer same table comment or what?
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[Rails] Re: could not find [gem] locally or in a repository

2009-01-08 Thread Ss Kk

Frederick Cheung wrote:
 On 17 Nov 2008, at 08:03, Remco Swoany wrote:

 i just tried gem install json-1.1.3.gem but again..the error- 
 ERROR:  could not find json-1.1.3.gem locally or in a repository

 That will only work if you have a file called json-1.1.3.gem sitting
 right there. To install over the network you need
 gem install json
 or gem install json --version=1.1.3
 if you want that version (although as others have said you may not be
 able to build the c extension required for that particular gem if you
 don't have the appropriate version of visual studio installed)

I have json 1.1.3 locally on my machiene and i am trying to install 
it,and it's giving an error:
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing d:\json-1.1.3.gem:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

c:/ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb install d:\json-1.1.3.gem
creating Makefile

'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Gem files will remain installed in 
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/json-1.1.3 for
Results logged to 

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[Rails] Re: could not find [gem] locally or in a repository

2009-01-08 Thread Ss Kk

MaD wrote:
 you're obviously on windows. have you installed nmake? did you add it
 to your path-variable? it seems like it is not found on your machine.

Thanks for the reply.

Any hints how to do that?
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[java programming] Volatile and Transient keywords

2009-01-06 Thread KK

Hi all,

 I want to know about the usage of the keywords Volatile and
 What is purpose of these keywords and in what kind of situations will
they be used exactly ?

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[Bug 314287] [NEW] Upgrading 7.10 = 8.04, see rpt

2009-01-06 Thread KK
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: serpentine

I'm new to Ubuntu, so no accurate rpt description here (yet).

ProblemType: Crash
Architecture: i386
Date: Sun Jan  4 23:45:48 2009
Disassembly: 0xb7c9f213:
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 8.04
ExecutablePath: /usr/bin/serpentine
InterpreterPath: /usr/bin/python2.5
NonfreeKernelModules: cdrom
Package: serpentine 0.9-5ubuntu2
PackageArchitecture: all
ProcCmdline: /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/serpentine -o
Signal: 11
SourcePackage: serpentine
 ?? ()
 ?? ()
 ?? ()
 ?? ()
 ?? ()
Title: serpentine crashed with SIGSEGV
Uname: Linux 2.6.24-22-generic i686
UserGroups: adm admin audio cdrom dialout dip floppy lpadmin netdev plugdev 
powerdev scanner video

** Affects: serpentine (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: apport-crash

Upgrading 7.10 = 8.04, see rpt
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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

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[Bug 314287] Re: Upgrading 7.10 = 8.04, see rpt

2009-01-06 Thread KK

** Attachment added: CoreDump.gz

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

** Attachment added: ProcMaps.txt

** Attachment added: ProcStatus.txt

** Attachment added: Registers.txt

** Attachment added: Stacktrace.txt

** Attachment added: ThreadStacktrace.txt

Upgrading 7.10 = 8.04, see rpt
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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Rails] Acts_as_commentable_with_threading

2009-01-06 Thread Ss Kk

Has anybody used plugin 'Acts_as_commentable_with_threading'?

Can anybody tell me how to use it or implement it in my application?

Thanks in advance.
Posted via

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on Rails: Talk group.
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[fsug-tvm] Re: [fsug-tvm 4123] Re: python+numpy instead of Matlab

2009-01-02 Thread Jemshid KK
the ec stream of engineering has matlab based experiments in the fourth
and the current set of experiments suggested by university can be carried
out with octave.
so the first step towards developmental works in octave is to include octave
in the engineering syllabus.


2008/12/29 Sasi Kumar

 On Sunday 28 December 2008 22:31:49 Jemshid KK wrote:

  but both tools are no where near matlab from the perspective of an
  or mathematician.

 Since Octave is useful in engineering colleges, why not we put some efforts
 make it better? Making it as good as Matlab may take some time, but,
 we can start implementing features that Matlab has but Octave does not.
 some of the student projects could be aimed at it.


 V. Sasi Kumar
 Free Software Foundation of India
 Please see:


Jemshid KK
calicut, kerala, india
0495 4013776

Freedom is the only law. 
Freedom Unplugged

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[Nagios-users] 3 doubts on SMS alert system for Nagios : by kannel SMS gateway

2008-12-30 Thread KK CHN
Hi all ;

I followed this tutorial

   I would like to test the sms alert system from a GSM SMS gateway , I have
added these lines in  commands.cfg

define command{
command_line$USER1$/notify_sms -a   MY_MOBILE_NUMBER-u

I have 3 doubts

doubt 1) is the above configuration correct ?

 where   MY_MOBILE_NUMBER  = my cell phone number and
MY_USER_NAME = sms gateway user account


MY_PASSWORD = sms gateway user password

doubt 2  ) why I have to add again  the following  config section ? i mean
the purpose of the following lines ?

define command{

  command_line/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/notify_sms -a 1012345 -u
myusername_for_gw -p mypassword_for_gw -m \'$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$:


doubt 3)   if I added the 2  define command sections   in commands.cfg   as
in the website  , can I get an sms alert ?anything else  I have to add in
localhost.cfg   ? (where I have services to check ssh,ping,http   in the
localhost . )

These are the Nagios packages I have in my box



I untared this notify_sms-1.1.tar.gz package and copied it to
/usr/local/libexec/nagios/   (in this directory I hvae all the
check_ssh  check_ping etc etc comamndsby default)

Let me request you to clarify my doubts , sorry for my ignorance ,

NOTE :  The SMS gateway is in another PC , but I configured Nagios in a
localbox ,but both  machines in the same network   .
so can I use this SMS gateway   ? how to make this sms gateway service
available for  nagios box ?

Thanks in Advance
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

[Nagios-users] 3 doubts on SMS alert system for Nagios : by kannel SMS gateway

2008-12-30 Thread KK CHN
Please excuse me if this mail all ready posted to the list.

Hi all ;

I followed this tutorial

   I would like to test the sms alert system from a GSM SMS gateway , I have
added these lines in  commands.cfg

define command{
command_line$USER1$/notify_sms -a   MY_MOBILE_NUMBER-u

I have 3 doubts

doubt 1) is the above configuration correct ?

 where   MY_MOBILE_NUMBER  = my cell phone number and
MY_USER_NAME = sms gateway user account


MY_PASSWORD = sms gateway user password

doubt 2  ) why I have to add again  the following  config section ? i mean
the purpose of the following lines ?

define command{

  command_line/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/notify_sms -a 1012345 -u
myusername_for_gw -p mypassword_for_gw -m \'$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$:


doubt 3)   if I added the 2  define command sections   in commands.cfg   as
in the website  , can I get an sms alert ?anything else  I have to add in
localhost.cfg   ? (where I have services to check ssh,ping,http   in the
localhost . )

These are the Nagios packages I have in my box



I untared this notify_sms-1.1.tar.gz package and copied it to
/usr/local/libexec/nagios/   (in this directory I hvae all the
check_ssh  check_ping etc etc comamndsby default)

Let me request you to clarify my doubts , sorry for my ignorance ,

NOTE :  The SMS gateway is in another PC , but I configured Nagios in a
localbox ,but both  machines in the same network   .
so can I use this SMS gateway   ? how to make this sms gateway service
available for  nagios box ?

Thanks in Advance
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [QUAD-L] QUAD Weight And Exercise

2008-12-21 Thread KK
Got another question for you.  How do you weigh?  Last time I weighed was in 
the hospital.  The bed had a scale in it.


From: Merrill
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008 4:23:37 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] QUAD Weight And Exercise

The abdominal binder is the best
prevention to avoid the quad belly.  If the belly is already there I can
see how the binder riding up can be a problem.  No suggestions from me
though on the butt spread.  Radical weight loss only through small food
intake and proper food works for me. I do not feel hunger nor being full. 
Grazing by eating small amounts through out the day with one small well rounded
healthy meal seems best for me.  
My binder is the 11” with definitely
supports.  Riding up is not one of my problems.  For an exhilarating
exercise for quads or anyone, my aerobic and muscle building exercise is the
hand cycle.  I love the exhilaration on light tension, light resistance
for 10 minutes.  

May I ask what people’s weight is?
I am male C5, I am most comfortable around
130 lbs.  

From:Joan Anglin
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008
10:00 AM
To: 'Merrill';
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Exercise
Ouch, the suspender idea could be very
uncomfortable? Of course, my solution for the quad gut is a bodysuit, which is
not uncomfortable for me, but is difficult for my attendants. I’ve gotten
so used to it that I feel uncomfortable without it. And I agree with Lori, that
one of the biggest problems it is my butt spreading sideways. LOLI still wear a
size 10, but I definitely hang over the 16 inch cushion. Oh well, it could be
As far as exercise, my greatest achievement
is successfully blowing the hair out of my eyes. Seriously, although I cannot
do more than a shoulder shrug, I really bounce myself around just going around
the property. So I guess that would qualify as exercise. I still do shoulder
exercises with my arm in a sling suspended from the ceiling, I’ve never
gotten any return, but my neck and shoulder muscles are still quite strong. I
do not use a headrest, since I use a chin control I did not want to be smacked
in the mouth by a chin controller and on the back of the head by a headrest,
and that has helped to keep my neck muscles strong.
Those of you in the northeast states stay
warm. It’s been cold here, but for the most part sunny, with highs in the
low twenties. We finally got snow several days ago, and it is still hanging
around, but nothing like the northeast states-thank goodness.
I hope everybody has a great day Joan

[nox-dev] OpenFlow message parsing in noxcore

2008-12-20 Thread kk yap

I have wanted to received OpenFlow messages received by NOX but it
seems that the parsing of the messages are done in, and some other files.  Also, vendor extension stat
and flow_stat_reply are not being parsed from what I can see.

So, the question is if this increases code efficiency? Or will a more
extensible parsing done via a OpenFlow message event be more
appropriate?  If the latter is desirable, we can push our changes back
to once tested.


nox-dev mailing list

Re: [nox-dev] OpenFlow message parsing in noxcore

2008-12-20 Thread kk yap

I am intrinsically not inclined to work very hard.  So, I have added a
Openflow_msg_event that is posted whenever a message is received.

The usual parsing in noxcore (i.e., openflow_packet_to-event) is still
being called.  This parsing can be shifted to some component that
parse Openflow_msg_event instead if not efficiency constrained.  Else
we can have both concurrently (as I have it now).


2008/12/20 Martin Casado
 Hi KK,

 This is a good question and one worth thinking about.  Currently there is no
 way to add OF parsing code behind digging around the guts of src/lib/ and
 src/include/.  Eventually it would be nice to provide a more flexible
 framework for adding parsers.  How where you thinking of going about it?

 On Dec 20, 2008, at 4:11 PM, kk yap wrote:


 I have wanted to received OpenFlow messages received by NOX but it
 seems that the parsing of the messages are done in, and some other files.  Also, vendor extension stat
 and flow_stat_reply are not being parsed from what I can see.

 So, the question is if this increases code efficiency? Or will a more
 extensible parsing done via a OpenFlow message event be more
 appropriate?  If the latter is desirable, we can push our changes back
 to once tested.


 nox-dev mailing list

nox-dev mailing list

[flex_india:17542] Re: browse and load image in flex application

2008-12-18 Thread KK

Using Flash Player 10 u you can directly get the contents of the

Use FilReference to browse and load() to load the image


On Dec 18, 2:33 pm, wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have a flex application wherein i need to browse for an image file
 and load in onto my flex application
 any ideas??

 Thank You

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India Community group.
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[flex_india:17544] possibility of request variables and session variables in Flex..??

2008-12-18 Thread KK

I am re developing struts app in flex, i had lot of code in struts
action class which was written with help of hidden variables  request
 session variables.

Is it possible to develop that code in AS3.

Any posibility of sending data in requestsession in flex?

I am new to flex. Any help is greatly appriciated.

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India Community group.
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Re: [TYPO3-english] PMK-Slimbox and Cal or: Why isn't the ATagParams rendered?

2008-12-16 Thread Hayri kk

STOP E-MAIL From: To: 
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 15:46:40 +0100 Subject: Re: [TYPO3-english] PMK-Slimbox 
and Cal or: Why isn't the ATagParams rendered?  Am Dienstag, 16. Dezember 
2008 15:40:09 schrieb Peter Klein:  Hi Matthew.   If you use = 
(Reference to original object)   image = tt_content.image.20   And not 
 (Copy)   image  tt_content.image.20   Then your image object is 
a reference to the tt_content.image.20,  and changes you do to the image 
object will not be registered.  Of course, dammit, I forgot to change that. 
  So unless you want the EXACT same setup as in tt_content.image.20,  you 
should use:   image  tt_content.image.20  Thanks, actually that was what 
I wanted in the beginnig, but then I realised  the trigger used for the 
tt_content variant won't work for cal do to missing  fields (enable.field = 
image_zoom). Somehow I forgot to change = to   only. Now everything 
works the way I expected. Thank you very much.  I will write another post 
with the complete code and the same subject.  Cheers M@ --  Peter 
Klein / Umloud Untd.On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 15:10:43 +0100, Matthew 
Colton   wrote:  Hi,  I've been using PMK-Slimbox 
for my own FCEs which works fine. But now I   would like to use Slimbox with 
Cal.As a default Cal uses the following:  
plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.event.event.image = tt_content.image.20
Ok, so I thought i might as well alter it a bit so i works with cal.   
Here's what I did:  *** 
 plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.event.event {   image = 
tt_content.image.20   image {   textPos.override = 17   
layout.key.override = 17   1 {   imageLinkWrapimageLinkWrap {  
 enable = 1   typolink {   parameter.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE = TSFE:lastImageInfo|origFile   
parameter.cObject.file.maxW = 800   parameter.cObject.file.maxH = 600   
  ATagParams = rel=lightbox[sb{field:uid}]   ATagParams.insertData = 1 
  }   }   } imageCount = 4   imgList
imgList.override.current = 1   imgPath = 
{$plugin.tx_cal_controller.uploadPath.image} stdWrap.dataWrap =|   
stdWrap.required = 1   maxW = 400   }  }  
works fine, but no rel tag is rendered, which means the   ATagParams 
parameter is ignored. Why? I tried setting it to:ATagParams = 
rel=lightbox  # ATagParams.insertData = 1But even that doesn't 
work...Any ideas where my mistake is?Cheers  M@   
___  TYPO3-english mailing list  
Ciao M@ ___ TYPO3-english 
mailing list
Windows Live maakt van je online leven een feest...
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] PMK-Slimbox and Cal or: Why isn't the ATagParams rendered?

2008-12-16 Thread Hayri kk

FUCK YOU!!! From: To: Date: Tue, 
16 Dec 2008 15:44:34 +0100 Subject: Re: [TYPO3-english] PMK-Slimbox and Cal 
or: Why isn't the ATagParams rendered?   FUCK 
YOU!! From: 
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 15:40:09 +0100 To: 
Subject: Re: [TYPO3-english] PMK-Slimbox and Cal or: Why isn't the ATagParams 
rendered?  Hi Matthew.  If you use = (Reference to original object)  
image = tt_content.image.20  And not  (Copy)  image  
tt_content.image.20  Then your image object is a reference to the 
tt_content.image.20, and changes you do to the image object will not be 
registered.  So unless you want the EXACT same setup as in 
tt_content.image.20, you should use:  image  tt_content.image.20  -- 
Peter Klein / Umloud Untd.   On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 15:10:43 +0100, Matthew 
Colton wrote:  Hi, I've been using PMK-Slimbox for my 
own FCEs which works fine. But now I would  like to use Slimbox with Cal.  
 As a default Cal uses the following: 
plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.event.event.image = tt_content.image.20  
Ok, so I thought i might as well alter it a bit so i works with cal. Here's  
what I did: *** 
plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.event.event {  image = tt_content.image.20  
image {  textPos.override = 17  layout.key.override = 17  1 {  
imageLinkWrapimageLinkWrap {  enable = 1  typolink {  
parameter.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE = 
TSFE:lastImageInfo|origFile  parameter.cObject.file.maxW = 800  
parameter.cObject.file.maxH = 600   ATagParams = 
rel=lightbox[sb{field:uid}]  ATagParams.insertData = 1  }  }  }   
imageCount = 4  imgList   imgList.override.current = 1  imgPath = 
{$plugin.tx_cal_controller.uploadPath.image}   stdWrap.dataWrap =|  
stdWrap.required = 1  maxW = 400  } } 
***  Everything works 
fine, but no rel tag is rendered, which means the ATagParams  parameter is 
ignored. Why? I tried setting it to:  ATagParams = rel=lightbox # 
ATagParams.insertData = 1  But even that doesn't work...  Any ideas 
where my mistake is?  Cheers M@ 
___ TYPO3-english mailing list 
_ Hotmail 
staat volledig in het nieuw… 
___ TYPO3-english mailing list
Alle fun stuff van Messenger nu verzameld op één coole site!
TYPO3-english mailing list


2008-12-16 Thread Hayri kk

I want stop my registration
 I want no mail have
Windows Live maakt van je online leven een feest...
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] PMK-Slimbox and Cal or: Why isn't the ATagParams rendered?

2008-12-16 Thread Hayri kk

FUCK YOU!! From: Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 15:40:09 +0100 To: Subject: Re: [TYPO3-english] PMK-Slimbox 
and Cal or: Why isn't the ATagParams rendered?  Hi Matthew.  If you use 
= (Reference to original object)  image = tt_content.image.20  And not 
 (Copy)  image  tt_content.image.20  Then your image object is a 
reference to the tt_content.image.20, and changes you do to the image 
object will not be registered.  So unless you want the EXACT same setup as in 
tt_content.image.20, you should use:  image  tt_content.image.20  -- 
Peter Klein / Umloud Untd.   On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 15:10:43 +0100, Matthew 
Colton wrote:  Hi, I've been using PMK-Slimbox for my 
own FCEs which works fine. But now I would  like to use Slimbox with Cal.  
 As a default Cal uses the following: 
plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.event.event.image = tt_content.image.20  
Ok, so I thought i might as well alter it a bit so i works with cal. Here's  
what I did: *** 
plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.event.event {  image = tt_content.image.20  
image {  textPos.override = 17  layout.key.override = 17  1 {  
imageLinkWrapimageLinkWrap {  enable = 1  typolink {  
parameter.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE = 
TSFE:lastImageInfo|origFile  parameter.cObject.file.maxW = 800  
parameter.cObject.file.maxH = 600   ATagParams = 
rel=lightbox[sb{field:uid}]  ATagParams.insertData = 1  }  }  }   
imageCount = 4  imgList   imgList.override.current = 1  imgPath = 
{$plugin.tx_cal_controller.uploadPath.image}   stdWrap.dataWrap =|  
stdWrap.required = 1  maxW = 400  } } 
***  Everything works 
fine, but no rel tag is rendered, which means the ATagParams  parameter is 
ignored. Why? I tried setting it to:  ATagParams = rel=lightbox # 
ATagParams.insertData = 1  But even that doesn't work...  Any ideas 
where my mistake is?  Cheers M@ 
___ TYPO3-english mailing list
Hotmail staat volledig in het nieuw…
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] PMK-Slimbox and Cal or: Why isn't the ATagParams rendered?

2008-12-16 Thread Hayri kk

fuck you
Vanaf nu heb je je vrienden overal bij!
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [QUAD-L] In case of emergency

2008-12-16 Thread KK
I have 2 ICE people listed on my cell.  Also have notes attached about power of 
attorney  medical release info stored at the same place.

My home health agency put it in for me.  Fine motor control being so bad.  

From: Joan Anglin
To:; Sherry Rai;;;
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 2:06:59 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] In case of emergency

received this from our POA chat line-pony of America-thought it was a good
enough idea to share with everybody.
in sunny Reno-although it’s only 12°
this is a standard procedure all paramedics follow at the scene of an accident
when they come across your cell phone.   
- 'In Case of Emergency' 
all carry our mobile phones with names  numbers stored in its memory but
nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to our
closest family or friends.  
we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending
us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call. Yes, there are
hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an
emergency? Hence this 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency) Campaign The concept of
'ICE' is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency
situations. As cell(mobile) phones are carried by the majority of the
population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or
persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name 'ICE' ( In Case
Of Emergency).  
idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of
accidents, th ere were always mobile phones with patients, but they didn't know
which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a  good idea
if there was a nationally recognized name for this purpose. In an emergency
situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital Staff would be able to
quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored
as 'ICE.'  
more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc. A great idea
that will make a difference! 
spread the concept of ICE by storing  an ICE number in our  Mobile
phones today! 
forward  this. It won't take too many 'forwards' before everybody will
know about this .  It really could saveyour life, or put a loved one's
mind at rest . ICE will speak for you when you can not 
“Change - When one door closes, another opens but we often
look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one
which has opened for us.Alexander
Graham Bell

Re: [twincling] Remote X session

2008-12-15 Thread kk
--- On Mon, 8/12/08, Anil Kumar S. R. wrote:

You can start VNC Server on the remote desktop and use VNC viewer on the 
local desktop, to view the desktop environment of the remote system.

Anil Kumar S. R.

if ur working on a Linux box and u wan to connect to another remote Linux 
machine with in the network use XDMCP.

KK  09731293000

Re: [twincling] Need RedHat installation CDs

2008-12-15 Thread kk
--- On Sat, 13/12/08, Shahid Ahmed wrote:

I need Red Hat Linux 9 installation CDs. Please suggest me from where
can i get them.
I stay in Hyderabad.

Shahid Ahmed

Hi Shahid ;
check this link

KK  09731293000

Re: Fw: [QUAD-L] Apartments - accessibility - Todd

2008-12-11 Thread KK
You haven't been to one of his.  A real stickler on the rules for ADA.

Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 7:54:14 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [QUAD-L] Apartments - accessibility - Todd

He builds banks, eh?  I don't remember the last bank I was in that was 
truly accessible.  
Go to your CIL.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/11/2008 7:51:01 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
This is architect sons answer.  He builds banks  knows all  those laws.


- Forwarded Message 
From: Eric Batte
To: KK
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 5:57:41  PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  Apartments - accessibility

Typically no accessibilty updates are required until/unless remodeling of  a 
certain scope takes place. In my experience I don't see how the apt owner  
would be obligated to pay for the alterations if this is the only work being  

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 11, 2008, at 11:17 AM, KK  wrote:

Opinion needed

- Forwarded Message 
From: Todd Daugherty
To: Quad
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008  10:17:53 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Apartments - accessibility

Can an apartment complex with old buildings charge me to widen a door  or put a 
curb cut in so that I would have access to a ground level  apartment?  They 
only have one handicapped 3br unit that is  occupied. 

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[KLuB] Re: MySQL tidak bisa di akses dari komputer berbeda. Ada yang tau kenapa?

2008-12-11 Thread kk

Ahmad Tanwir wrote:
 Hai Guys...
 Aku ada problem nih.. Mohon pencerahannya...
 Begini, aku udah melakukan setingan standard pada mysql yang ada di
 slackware. mengikuti tutorial di sini .
 Nah yang jadi masalah, MySQLnya ga bisa di akses dari komputer lain dalam
 satu jaringan (kalo dr komputer sendiri sih bisa). Ada yang tau solusinya

 Berikut error yang ditampilkan

 a...@akreditasi:~$ mysql -h -u root
 ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)

mungkin ip komputer lain perlu di masukin di /etc/hosts.allow, mungkin
lho :p

btw ott, saya kl nge-reply dr email langsung kok suka gk masuk yah..
harus ke grupnya dulu..
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Re: PresShell of PrintPreview

2008-12-10 Thread kk
On Dec 8, 6:50 pm, Boris Zbarsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 kk wrote:
  GetBoundingClientRect gives me offset of the link in the Browsers
  content pane. What I want is the offset of the link when the Page is

 Ah, good point.  It sounds like we should expose some sort of API for
 this use case.  Bug filed?


Hi Boris,

Is this  a bug or Feature request? I am not clear.
Should I be asking for a new API or GetBoundingClientRect should have
returned what i was looking for.

- Kanth
dev-tech-layout mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-zh] 我是初学者^o^

2008-12-07 Thread =KK=
xmodmap -pke试试
ubuntu-zh mailing list

Re: PresShell of PrintPreview

2008-12-05 Thread kk
On Dec 4, 6:38 pm, Boris Zbarsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 kk wrote:
  We have a application built around Mozilla. We do a PrintPreview and
  use the GetNumberOfShells and GetShellAt methods on nsIDocument for
  getting the PressShell of the PrintPreview.

 The usual obligatory question:  Why do you need this?

  Starting mozilla 1.9 the
  methods GetNumberOfShells and GetShellAt are removed from the
  Is there another way for getting the PressShell of the Print Preview
  in mozilla 1.9.

 You can walk the presshells using nsPresShellIterator.


Hi Boris,

We have a application that uses mozilla for converting HTML Pages to
PDF and other formats.
We do a Print Preview and get the Positions of the hyperlinks with
respect to the page origin. We use that information for adding
Bookmarks into the Output PDFs.

thanks for your reply. I got the PresShell from the Iterator.

dev-tech-layout mailing list

Re: Re: [QUAD-L] Hallow!

2008-12-01 Thread KK
But today is when they have all the sales on line.  Been on line all day but 
haven't even looked to buy anything.


[GreenYouth] melting down?

2008-12-01 Thread Shahina KK
  Pink slip time

 *Layoffs in the media sector have begun. Sakal Times abruptly tells 70
people in Delhi that they are not needed any more.* HOOT, with IANS.
Pix:Abhijit Pawar
Posted Monday, Dec 01 01:04:36, 2008

 Initially it was just postponed launches and new ventures put into cold
storage.. Now it is time for media sector layoffs.  After a few people were
told to leave a few weeks ago, and notice served to a dozen others
thereafter, *Sakal Times* apparently posted a notice on its Delhi  office
door on Sunday morning saying The editorial work carried out at Delhi is no
longer required to be continued.

*Sakal Times* is published from Pune while the group also runs a popular
Marathi daily, *Sakal*. There were around 70 employees in Delhi, including
editorial staff, who camped at the gate for several hours, angry over the
management's decision to close down the Delhi operation a mere six
months after *Sakal Times* was launched May 7. The employees instantly
constituted an action committee to protest the lock-out.

Asia Pacific Communications Associates (APCA) which had been contracted by
the Sakal Group to start up *Sakal Times* exited the operation at the end of
September. Several editions across the country were on the anvil, but a few
months after the launch of the paper from Pune it became obvious that those
plans would have to be shelved. After APCA exited the editor who came from
Pune to take charge was Dhananjay Sardeshpande.

At the beginning of this year Sakal announced a number of expansion plans.
The global affairs quarterly IGA was launched, the flagship Marathi  paper
*Sakal *was relaunched,  Cuban designer Mario Garcia was hired for both, and
the launch of a national English paper which would replace ae, going to whom
seems to have become de rigueur for Indian publishers. Scheduled for later
in the year is the launch of a national English paper *Sakal Times,* and two
TV channels, in Marathi and in Hindi. Sakal Times was to replace the group's
two English dailies: *Maharashtra Herald* and *Gomantak Times* in Goa, was

IGA is also produced for Sakal by APCA. Now there will be a change there
too, with APCA taking over the running and financing of this journal for the
year 2009 while Pawar will remain publisher. At the end of that year the
situation will be reviewed.

Things have not been smooth since the May launch. In October  a signed email
from a number of people describing themselves as the Pune Newspaper Readers
Forum was circulated describing in colourful language all manner of goings
on in *Sakal Times'* Delhi office, and complaining about the newspaper going

Sakal proprietor Abhijit Pawar (who is Sharad Pawar's nephew) might have
overreached in attempting this huge expansion in a year when rising
newsprint prices spelt bad news and the global down turn began to be felt.

Earlier this year he had said in an interview that the  scale of expansion
that was on the cards would need a private equity partner in the short term,
and in the longer term an IPO partner who can take us to a scale and level
far, far beyond what we can do on our own. Evidently, such financial
support has not been forthcoming. The absence of  investors coincided with
the global downturn. Starting up TV channels this year did not help, and
contributed to the group's current dire financial straits.

Though it became clear earlier this month that there was trouble coming, the
staff did not anticipate that they would be dealt with so abruptly.  They
issued a statement saying that their  anger was not so much about the shut
down but about the way it was done.  Their belongings are inside, they have
no idea about salary and compensation, and of course jobs to look for in an
industry no longer booming. Senior Pune management have switched off their
phones. The lock-out is illegal as they have not followed labour laws. The
journalists have formed an action committee that plans to move court. The
nearly 50 journalists are angry and aghast at such despicable treatment.
This is an insult to journalists all over India who should rise to the
occasion and send their condemnation to Sakal Papers Ltd, the statement

Legally what the paper has done is not sustainable. The law requires that
layoffs be preceded by written notice.

Member of Parliament Supriya Sule is on the board of Sakal Papers Ltd.

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~ aga ~ Re: Fwd: g-talk

2008-11-28 Thread Kk' niee
yeee,, emang paling paling niee cewe satu... dikasih obat ape sih lo sama
paling paling ,, oncom..

Pada 29 November 2008 12:49, It@ [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:

 akhirnya keluar jg dia.

 2008/11/29, Kk' niee [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 yeee.. oncomm..
 kurang ajar ni cewe satu...
 fab, lo ninggalin gw kopdar niee wahhh,
 gw buka inboxx ga taunye banyak banget yang masuk... aga mo dateng ga
 nama gw masukin dong,,, tapi gw ga janji bisa dateng... gw malemnye ada
 acara di luar kota  pulang pagi,,,
 klo gw ga cape gw langsung ke plangi dehhh

 Pada 29 November 2008 12:35, It@ [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:

 lagi buat cd blue bajakan dia.
 buat modal kawin katanya...
 mangkanya jdi sibuk..

 Pada tanggal 29/11/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Taa...loe dapat imel dari si Ade yeaa
 kemana aja tuh anak kabarnyaa..???

 Sent by:

 29/11/2008 12:23
   Please respond to
 aga groups   cc
 ~ aga ~ Re: Fwd: g-talk

 eh salah mesejnya google.

 ayo ayo
 nie mesejnya yahoo nie
 cuma tambahin e dibelakangnya...

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: 29 Nov 2008 12:00
 Subject: g-talk

 tar lo ubah extensionnya
 tadi kan namanya googletalk-setup.ex

 nahh lo ubah (rename) jadi googletalk-setup.exe

 cuma tambahin e dibelakangnya...

 LuV rEgArD's,

 ```hiDuP iNi iNdAh```


 LuV rEgArD's,

 ```hiDuP iNi iNdAh```


LuV rEgArD's,

```hiDuP iNi iNdAh```

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