Re: Restore from tape (not using Amanda) syntax

2002-09-25 Thread Frank Smith

--On Wednesday, September 25, 2002 21:38:55 +1000 Gordon Cormack 

 Hi Peoples,

 I'm trying to dump from an Amanda tape onto the hard-drive by not using
 Amanda. This is probably a you don't know how to use tar properly
 question but:

 I'm obviously doing something wrong here cause the command:
 #dd if=/dev/rmt/0n bs=32k skip=1 | /usr/local/bin/tar -cv -f
 /usr/local/bin/tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive

The 'c' option to tar means 'create'.  You need to extract so use 'x'


 The tape only has about 2GB of compressed data on it so it's not huge...

 Any ideas?


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Restore from tape (not using Amanda) syntax

2002-09-25 Thread Frank Smith

--On Wednesday, September 25, 2002 08:42:07 -0500 Frank Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --On Wednesday, September 25, 2002 21:38:55 +1000 Gordon Cormack 

 Hi Peoples,

 I'm trying to dump from an Amanda tape onto the hard-drive by not using
 Amanda. This is probably a you don't know how to use tar properly
 question but:

 I'm obviously doing something wrong here cause the command:
 # dd if=/dev/rmt/0n bs=32k skip=1 | /usr/local/bin/tar -cv -f
 /usr/local/bin/tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive

 The 'c' option to tar means 'create'.  You need to extract so use 'x'

I hate to reply to myself, but I didn't notice you were also giving tar
a filename.  If you just want the tar file that was on the tape, forget
the pipe and use of=/export/output.tar.  If you are trying to extract
the tar that is on the tape, leave off the filename and tar will extract
from stdin.


 The tape only has about 2GB of compressed data on it so it's not huge...

 Any ideas?


 Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
 Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Amanda 2.4.2p2 won't backup the backup server...

2002-09-26 Thread Frank Smith

--On Friday, September 27, 2002 13:48:20 +1000 Guy Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,
 I've been trying to get amanda 2.4.2p2 to back up the host that amanda is running on 
(Redhat 6.2, amanda built from source using egcs RPMs), and I can't seem to get it 
going. Amanda on this server happily backs up five other boxes (also RH6.2), but
 won't back up itself. If I do an amcheck, it comes back and says that everything's 
fine (i.e. it can check itself). One of the other five boxes used to be the amanda 
server (2.4.1p1), and it could happily back this server up, and itself.
 I created a special config called 'db1-only' (db1 is the name of the backup server), 
and when I run amanda with this config (amdump db1-only), I can see the dumper and 
taper processes start up on db1 and run for some time, and also a gzip process. The
 results email says the following (below) but I did notice the amanda process, and 
the gzip process, still running after I had received this email:
 These dumps were to tape ci_normal_0037.
 The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.
 db1 /exports lev 0 FAILED [Request to db1 timed out.]
 db1 /var lev 0 FAILED [Request to db1 timed out.]
 db1 /usr/local lev 0 FAILED [Request to db1 timed out.]
 db1 /usr lev 0 FAILED [Request to db1 timed out.]
 db1 / lev 0 FAILED [Request to db1 timed out.]
 driver: WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
 In /tmp/amanda, at the end of the amandad.***.debug file, it says this:
 amandad: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Connection refused
 amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, retrying
 amandad: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Connection refused
 amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, retrying
 amandad: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Connection refused
 amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, giving up!
 amandad: pid 371 finish time Fri Sep 27 12:48:36 2002
 Here's the /etc/inetd.conf lines relating to amanda:
 amandaidx   stream  tcp nowait  root.root 
/usr/local/inst/backup/amanda-2.4.2p2/libexec/amindexd amindexd
 amidxtape   stream  tcp nowait  root.root 
 amanda dgram   udp waitroot.root 
/usr/local/inst/backup/amanda-2.4.2p2/libexec/amandad   amandad
Shouldn't these processes be started as your backup user and not root?
Did you HUP inetd after changing inetd.conf?
Is your .amandahosts file in the right place and does it have the correct
Also, are you running ipchains/iptables/tcpwrappers or something else
that might be blocking connections?


 Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong? Any more info required?
 Thanks in advance,

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Permission denied errors

2002-09-27 Thread Frank Smith

To change NFS export options, you generally need to unmount the
filesystem on the client, change the export options on the NFS
server, re-export the filesystem on the server, and mount it
back on the client.
  If you change mount options on the NFS client, you just need
to remount the filesystem on the client.
  On the client side there may also be an option on whether
to honor SUID bits (Solaris, for example).
  Before you spend too much time with NFS options, verify that
is really the problem.  If you are root on the Amanda server
can you look at the files that Amanda gives errors on?  If not,
then you need to see why root on the Amanda host is being mapped
to a different user on your NFS server. If you can read the files
as root, then verify that a SUID-root executable on the NFS
server really runs as root on the client.


--On Friday, September 27, 2002 09:56:06 -0400 Ashwin Bijur [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 no_root_squash doesn't seem to work.  Should the machine be re-booted for the change 
to take effect?  Your help is appreciated.


 Frank Smith wrote:

 --On Friday, September 20, 2002 11:43:51 -0400 Ashwin Bijur

 We use amanda 2.4.2p2 on Red Hat Linux 7.3.  We have nfs mounted a
 directory on the amanda server called /xtreme23/scratch.  Some of the
 subdirectories and files under the scratch directory have permission
 600.  The /etc/exports file on the xtreme23
 machine has the scratch directory exported with read and write
 permissions (/scratch *(rw)).  When we run amanda, we get an error
 message saying Permission Denied for these files.  Now as
 user=amanda and group=disk, we should be able to backup these
 files.  What are we doing wrong?

 I'm assuming you are using tar (since I don't think you can use dump
 on an NFS mount).  Amanda uses the runtar wrapper script, which is
 suid root so that tar can run as root (since tar accesses via the
 filesystem it has to run as root to access all the files).
  Most OS's map NFS access requests from UID 0 (root) to nobody
 or some other non-root user for security reasons.  You probably
 need to change your export options on xtreme23 to include the
 no_root_squash option (or whatever its called on the NFS server's
 OS) for the export to the Amanda server so that root on the Amanda
 server has root access to /xtreme23/scratch, so tar can see all of
 the files.


 Thanks in advance,
 Ashwin Bijur
 Assistant Systems Administrator.

 Frank Smith
 Systems Administrator Voice:
 Hoover's Online Fax:

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: tar, amrecover problems

2002-10-04 Thread Frank Smith

--On Friday, October 04, 2002 13:39:03 -0400 James Shearer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am new to amanda, and recently attempted a test recovery using amrecover.
 Alas, I did not get very far.  I recieved the No index records for disk for
 specified date error, despite having enabled indexing in my amanda.conf.
 Google turned up alot of hits for this error, one of which pointed to what I
 thought was my culprit: tar 1.13.  The generated index files in my amanda
 index directory has the leading numerals described by previously troubled
 amrecover users.

 So, I wrote a quick perl script to fix up the files and upgraded tar
 (today).  I removed the leading [0-9]+/ from the entries.

I'm not sure editing is a fix. Someone on this list reported that restoring
from one of the bad tar archives resulted in the files being OK but the
directories were all renamed (I think to big numbers), and that if you
knew what the paths were supposed to be you could (with a lot of work)
restore everything as it was.

 Still, however, amrecover reports the *same error*.  Is there some problem
 with repairing the index files after their initial generation?  Is there
 some other aspect of indexing that could be affecting these files, or
 amrecover's ability to find/read them?  Again, I did enable indexing in my
 amanda.conf and I have had no problems with setdisk or sethost.

Did you  check to be sure that you have an amandaidx entry in your (x)inetd
config and that there are no packet filters in place that would block
connections to it?

 I will see if my situation improves after the next run (and thus, gnu tar is
 used), but I would really like to know what's going on, if for no other
 reason as to have a better understanding of indexing in amanda.



Good luck,

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: adding tapes, renaming configuration and columspec

2002-10-04 Thread Frank Smith

--On Friday, October 04, 2002 18:05:59 +0200 Marcus Huedepohl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 as i am finished with testing amanda, i wish to put it in production now.
 there are 3 questions i couldn't answer by searching the archives:
 1. how do i add tapes to the tape cycle?

Increase tapecycle and label new tapes.  Amanda will always take a
new tape if available, so if you like having your tapes in numerical
order you need to do this the day you would be overwriting your first

 2. how do i rename an amanda configuration? let's say from TestSet to

Depends on what you are trying to do.  You could just cd ~backupuser
and mv TestSet DailySet1 and edit your crontab to use DailySet1, but
that probably isn't what you want.  You would also need to edit your
amanda.conf to replace paths containing TestSet with DailySet1.  The
only remaining problem is your existing tapes.  If they are currently
labeled TestSet00 there is no way I can think of to replace the label
with DailySet100.
  You could modify your labelstring to match anything with a trailing
number and start feeding it tapes labeled with your new string, and
then when it finally cycles back to your old tapes relabel them. If
you currently run more than one config I wouldn't recommend this as
you would be in danger of overwriting another config's tape.
  You could also just create the DailySet1 directory, make a copy
of your disklist and amanda.conf, update the paths and labelstr in
the new config, label tapes for it, and just start running the new
config instead of the old one. Then you would have the old backups
to restore from if you need them.  Later on you could relabel the
old tapes and add them to your new config.

 3. why does amdump refuse to mail the backup reports to me, when i put this
 line in amanda.conf (remove CR/LF to get one line):


 i think, this should give me 10 columns, each with one space on the left and
 the width dynamically resized to fit the largest entry.

I've never used the negative entries, but assuming that they normally work
I would take a wild guess that it might be the 'Level' column, since
that is always 1 character wide.  Since you only need to specify the
columns you want to change from defaults, try just modifying one column
first, see how that runs, then add one more, etc., till you get it like
you want or find what breaks it.

 the amanda-version in use is 2.4.2p2 (debian-packages).



Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: kswapd goes nuts!

2002-10-07 Thread Frank Smith

I have observed the same thing on several Linux boxes.  It seems
to be a result of the changes made to the virtual memory manager
code in the mid 2.4 kernel series when using multiple processors.
2.4.7 sounds like about the time it started, but I don't remember
exactly.  We actually killed kerneld on a few machines and ran
without swap for quite awhile (they did have 2 - 4 gigs of ram in
them, so they didn't really need to swap).
   The bugs were ironed out of the kernel code sometime later (I
think early or mid teens) but are definitely fixed in the last few
versions (2.4.18 and 2.4.19), so I would recommend installing one
of those. Look in the changelogs on if you need to
know the exact versions to use or avoid. It wasn't a distribution-
specific problem, we had both Red Hat and Debian boxes with the
same problem, and a new kernel was the cure for both.
   Amanda seems to bring out the problem since there are multiple
processes simultaneously trying to allocate rather large buffers.

Good luck,

--On Tuesday, October 08, 2002 02:37:49 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My backups have recently slowed down...
 It is very peculiar and just started recently what seems to be out of
 the blue.  The network clients are backing up at full speed but the file
 systems on the dump-host itself have slowed to about one quarter of
 their normal speed.  I am using dump (as opposed to tar) and what I have
 observed is that a top shows kswapd and kreclaimd using 80% to 100% of
 the CPU when dump is running on the dump-host.
 I am running a dual 1Ghz PIII with 1G ram on the dump-host and top shows
 little (or no) swap space being used (though all of memory is used, but
 Linux does that no matter what). I am running redhat linux 7.2 with kernel:
   2.4.7-10enterprise #1 SMP Thu Sep 6 16:48:20 EDT 2001 i686 unknown
 I am running:
   dump 0.4b31 (which is the latest dump according to:
 I can't figure out what is causing kswapd and kreclaimd to go crazy when
 the dump program runs, and it only happens on the dump-host.  The other
 5 remote systems are all running Linux 7.2 or 7.3 and dump doesn't cause
 them any problems.  I.e. kswapd doesn't even show up in a top on the
 remote machines when dump is running.
 Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?
 Any suggestions what I can try to fix it?  (Please don't suggest I use
 tar.)  :)
 Let me know if I can provide any other details of interest.
 A sample of the output from top exhibits the problem:
   8:24pm  up  1:19,  2 users,  load average: 3.19, 2.88, 2.46
 110 processes: 108 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
 CPU0 states:  0.0% user, 83.0% system,  0.0% nice, 16.0% idle
 CPU1 states:  1.0% user, 92.0% system,  0.0% nice,  5.0% idle
 Mem:  1028364K av, 1020680K used,7684K free,   74916K shrd,  674280K buff
 Swap: 2104464K av,1144K used, 2103320K free  140432K cached
 5 root  19   0 00 0 SW   99.9  0.0  16:20 kswapd
 6 root  18   0 00 0 SW   88.4  0.0   7:45 kreclaimd
  2910 amanda 9   0  1320 1284   600 D14.8  0.1   4:07 dump
  2970 rwk   13   0  1084 1080   832 R 4.1  0.1   0:00 top
 1 root   9   0   520  520   452 S 0.0  0.0   0:08 init
 2 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0   0:00 keventd

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501


2002-10-08 Thread Frank Smith

While I'm building the latest release I thought I'd try specifying
portranges so I can tighten up some firewall rules.  My attempts
with an earlier version failed miserably (Amanda didn't like my port
ranges at runtime) but I recall seeing that issue was fixed.
   According to the 2.4.3 documentation (in docs/PORT.USAGE), I
should allocate the following numbers of ports:

TCP: Pick the max of (2 * inparallel) and (3 * largest maxdumps).
Allocate at least that many ports in the unprivileged (1024 or
larger) range.
UDP: Allocate at least inparallel many ports in the privileged
(1023 or smaller) range.

Is this correct, and should I add in some amount of extra ports?


Systems AdministratorVoice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's OnlineFax: 512-374-4501

Re: What tapecycle value to use?

2002-10-09 Thread Frank Smith

--On Wednesday, October 09, 2002 16:53:55 +0200 Toralf Lund [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Wednesday 09 October 2002 10:04, Toralf Lund wrote:
  I've never been quite able to figure out what value to use for
  I expect to run backups on first 4 days of week, so I've set
 runspercycle 4
  Tapes are labelled
  After the fourth weekly set, the first one is reused, then the
  2nd and 3rd. Set 4 is special, however - I don't want to reuse
  those tapes, but rather store them in a safe place and replace
  them with new ones. So after sets 1-4 are written, then sets 1-3
  once more, I want to be able to do
  amlabel ... Mon-4
  amlabel ... Tue-4
  without being told that those tapes are already active. What
  exactly do I set tapecycle to in order to allow this?

 You are trying to dictate to amanda, and that tends to be a hassle.
 With the inevitable, often human error generated reruns,
 (forgetting to change the tapes even after amanda sends you an
 email telling you too is a good example:-) that require the next
 tape in the tapecycle which in turn throws your carefully crafted
 schedule out the window, its easier to just let amanda do her
 thing.  She is very good at it.
 Well, no matter what I do, I need *some* way to label new tapes without too many 
'-f's etc. Also, I know some people are using separate configs for permanent backups, 
but it seems like this requires a lot of additional work, and also introduces the
 risk of not having the same directories backed up on normal and archival runs 
(which is essential.)

A separate config for archives is not much extra work at all. Just copy your 
make a few changes to fix paths and force fulls, and make the archive disklist a link
to your daily disklist so that you will always be archiving the same directories as in
your dailies.

 Tapecycle is however many tapes you actually have in the rotation,
 and should be enough that you have at least 2 consequitive fulls of
 each entry in the disklist on hand at all times.  Here it runs
 every night, so the dumpcycle is one week or 7 days.  runspercycle
 is then 7, and tapecycle is 20.
 Well, maybe I should just use 10 or something (4 runspercycle + 1 extra tape * 2), 
but what tapes will be used, then?

If you do that then your Monday tape will be used on Wednesday the second week.  
That's why
it's usually less confusing to label them something like config-01 to config-10.

 I think the real question is:

 How does Amanda decide what tape to use next, and what tapes are considered active, 
when there are more than tapecycle different labels?

I keep my tapecycle equal to the number of tapes for my dailies, so I'll leave this 
for others.


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: New tape nonsense

2002-10-09 Thread Frank Smith

--On Wednesday, October 09, 2002 22:41:05 -0500 Craig Hancock 

 John please forgive my assumptions. But I still don't understand.
 If tapecycles are defined by number of tapes. How is possible to double
 runspercycle if its meaurement is in weeks.

Runspercycle isn't measured in weeks, it is a number (I don't know
if Amanda ignores words after it or not).

Your dumpcycle was 28 days (if I remember correctly). So if you
run amanda every night your runspercycle is 28, and if you only
run it 5 nights a week then runspercycle is 20. If you only run
it once a week it is 4.  The number is used by planner to figure
out how many runs there are to fit in all the full backups. For
a simplistic example, with runspercycle of 28 and if there just
happened to be 28 equal sized partitions in your disklist, then
Amanda would try to to a full dump on one of them each day. If
runspercycle were 4 (once per week in your 28 day dumpclycle)
then Amanda would have to do a full of 7 filesystems each run
to get them all done during your dumpcycle.

As an addenda to your original question, Amanda is asking for
a new tape because your tapecycle is set to 25 but you only
have 18 tapes, so Amanda is looking for one of the remaining

A few definitions to review:
dumpcycle - Amanda will do a level 0 backup of each disklist
entry at least once during this time period
runspercycle - how many times during the dumpcycle Amanda
will be run. It shouldn't be more than dumpcycle or some
parts of Amanda will get confused since only the date is
used for many Amanda files
runtapes - maximum number of tapes to use for each run
tapecycle - minimum number of tapes to use before overwriting
the oldest tape. As Gene pointed out, Amanda doesn't append
but always overwrites whatever tapes it uses on a run

Good luck,
 *Relizes that he will get slammed for this but still confused*
 Craig Hancock

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: appending

2002-10-10 Thread Frank Smith

--On Thursday, October 10, 2002 12:15:37 -0700 Jerry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am a little confused but I thought amander never
 appends.  I noticed when I do amadmin find I see
 backups on a different file location.

 2002-10-09 bolla/ 2 daily7
4 OK

 System bolla, drive / backup level 2, *file* 4.
 Does amanda append if it's in the same run?

Yes, an entire run goes on 1 (or more) tapes.  Each disklist entry is a
separate file on that tape.  The 'Amanda won't append' quote means that
today's run won't append to yesterday's tape, even if there is plenty of
free space left on it.


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: New tape nonsense

2002-10-10 Thread Frank Smith

--On Thursday, October 10, 2002 14:18:06 -0700 John Koenig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Related question

 A single amdump run if larger than a single tape can be placed on
 multiple tapes if the runtapes parameter is  1.

 I have a scenario with a changer wherein the runtapes is 1 however some days it does 
not manage to schedule the backups such that it uses only one tape...

 Are there some guidelines one can use to modify  parameters in amanda.conf such that 
the behavior of AMANDA changes enough to use one tape per run instead of one tape 70% 
of the time?

 Or should I post a representative history of my amdump summaries with the hope that 
someone can make specific suggestions, that way?

Just set runtapes to 2. If the second tape isn't needed it won't be used.
runtapes just defines the maximum number of tapes to use per run.


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: reply-to in mailing list

2002-10-10 Thread Frank Smith

--On Thursday, October 10, 2002 17:56:14 -0400 Chris Noon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   o A stronger community results when individuals respond to
 individuals as opposed to responding to all members of the the list...

 I don't doubt that you are right about that, but I do read threads that have
 nothing to do with me.  And I have gained quite a bit of personal knowledge
 by doing so.  So when I have a problem and ask the list for help, I like to
 think that by replying to the list I help to further other's knowledge as
 well... but maybe thats just me ;)

There are several good reasons why all relevant QA should stay on list:

Everyone has a chance to learn from the collective wisdom of the group. Like
Chris, I have learned a lot from reading the list about topics I never posted
a question about.

There is a chance to get corrected or clarified answers, since different people
notice different facets of the posted problems and proposed solutions, and
on rare occasions may give out incorrect or incomplete answers which need to
be corrected, so as not to confuse people later in the archives.

The archives - no words of wisdom in private replies make it into the archives,
so the same question will have to be asked (and answered) again later on the list.

Total resolution time can be shorter, since everyone has different times they
are available to read and answer email.  If I reply to a question on Friday
night and you reply back only to me, I may not see it until Saturday or maybe
Sunday, and could possibly be gone on vacation for a week. If the followup
goes to the group, someone else may see and respond to it sooner.

Most people are more familiar with the parts of Amanda they use, so the person
that knew all about how to configure your changer may not be as confident on
answering a followup question on multiple configs or firewall settings.


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: What tapecycle value to use?

2002-10-11 Thread Frank Smith

--On Friday, October 11, 2002 09:56:46 +0200 Toralf Lund [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 01:38:18PM +0200, Toralf Lund wrote:
   On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 04:53:55PM +0200, Toralf Lund wrote:
   - As was mentioned earlier, your tapes won't stay synchronized to the
   calendar.  If Monday is a holiday and the tape doesn't get switched,
   amanda will ask for the Monday tape on Tuesday.
  Doesn't really matter. The day names are just meant to make it easier
  the person managing the tapes (not me) to know which one to bring. I
  thought about using labels of the form week no or simple
  sequencing, but I decided that would be more confusing.

 Your confusion level may vary from mine and from the person managing the
 I would certainly be confused when amanda needs a tape labeled Monday on
 Well, I may be wrong, but I'm assuming that would be the case only if an exceptional 
event that would have to be addressed anyway, occured.

It doesn't happen often, but sooner or later you will have a tape failure, power 
wrong tape loaded, unexpected reboot, or whatever that will get your names out of sync.
What happens when your data grows enough that you need to increase runtapes to 2 ?

 Trust the collective experience of the list, they will get out of your
 planned sequence.
 I still find it hard to convince myself that a simple sequencing number, like most 
people suggest, would be better.

OK, but don't say we didn't warn you ;-).


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amanda clinet in RH6.2 giving error

2002-10-11 Thread Frank Smith

--On Friday, October 11, 2002 15:26:45 +0530 Vijay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 11 October 2002 12:18 pm, John Koenig wrote:
 you need to post your log files... more data, etc...

 The amandad log file generated in the client is appended below. It shows that
 authentication of the remote machine as amanda fails. but for no reason.
 because rsh amanda works very fine passwordless as .rhosts has been set.
 mail me if anything else has to be checked.


 amandad.log file generated in amanda client machine

 amandad: debug 1 pid 12131 ruid 1079 euid 1079: start at Sat Sep 21 11:10:24
 amandad: version 2.4.3b4-20020917
 amandad: build: VERSION=Amanda-2.4.3b4-20020917
 amandad:BUILT_DATE=Thu Sep 19 10:00:14 IST 2002
 amandad:BUILT_MACH=Linux darter 2.4.7-10 #1 Thu Sep 6 17:27:27 EDT
 2001 i686 unknown
 amandad:CONFIGURE_COMMAND='./configure' '--with-user=amanda'
 '--with-group=disk' '--without-amandahosts'
 amandad: paths: bindir=/usr/local/bin sbindir=/usr/local/sbin
 amandad:libexecdir=/usr/local/libexec mandir=/usr/local/man
 amandad:AMANDA_TMPDIR=/tmp/amanda AMANDA_DBGDIR=/tmp/amanda
 amandad:CONFIG_DIR=/usr/local/etc/amanda DEV_PREFIX=/dev/
 amandad:RDEV_PREFIX=/dev/ DUMP=/sbin/dump
 amandad:RESTORE=/sbin/restore SAMBA_CLIENT=/usr/bin/smbclient
 amandad:GNUTAR=/bin/gtar COMPRESS_PATH=/usr/bin/gzip
 amandad:UNCOMPRESS_PATH=/usr/bin/gzip MAILER=/usr/bin/Mail
 amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER=darter DEFAULT_CONFIG=DailySet1
 amandad: time 0.000: got packet:
 Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 000-B0670808 SEQ 1032586800
 SERVICE selfcheck
 OPTIONS features=feff9f00;maxdumps=1;hostname=darter;
 GNUTAR /home/kuruvi2/cygnet  0 OPTIONS
| ;auth=bsd;index;exclude-list=/usr/local/etc/amanda/cygnetbkup/homeexclude;
 GNUTAR /var/lib/mysql  0 OPTIONS
| ;auth=bsd;index;exclude-list=/usr/local/etc/amanda/cygnetbkup/rootexclude;

 amandad: time 0.000: sending ack:
 Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-B0670808 SEQ 1032586800

 amandad: time 0.003: bsd security: remote host user
 amanda local user amanda
 amandad: time 20.103: bsd security check to amanda from

Looks like authentication worked OK ^

 amandad: time 20.104: running service /usr/local/libexec/selfcheck
 amandad: time 20.173: sending REP packet:
 Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 000-B0670808 SEQ 1032586800
 OPTIONS features=feff9f00;
 OK /home/kuruvi2/cygnet
 OK /home/kuruvi2/cygnet
 OK /home/kuruvi2/cygnet
 OK /var/lib/mysql
 OK /var/lib/mysql
 OK /var/lib/mysql
 ERROR [can not execute /usr/local/libexec/runtar: Permission denied]

This seems to be your real problem ^^


 OK /bin/gtar executable
 OK /etc/amandates read/writable
 OK /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/. read/writable
 OK /usr/bin/gzip executable
 OK /dev/null read/writable
 OK /tmp/amanda has more than 64 KB available.
 OK /tmp/amanda has more than 64 KB available.
 OK /etc has more than 64 KB available.

 amandad: time 20.175: got packet:
 Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-B0670808 SEQ 1032586800

 amandad: time 20.175: pid 12131 finish time Sat Sep 21 11:10:44 2002

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: exclude list problems (PEBKAC?)

2002-10-11 Thread Frank Smith

--On Friday, October 11, 2002 10:26:58 -0500 pointer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've checked the docs/FAQ/google/archives and I must be missing
 something really simple. :\

 I have an amanda client that I'm backing having problems backing up.

 We're using tar for /usr on this client:

 SNIP disklist snippet
 client /usr no-mirror-tar

 Here's the def for no-mirror-tar:

 SNIP amanda.conf snippet
 define dumptype no-mirror-tar {
 program GNUTAR
 compress client fast
 comment usr partitions dumped with tar
 exclude list .amanda-exclude.gtar
 priority medium

 The global config only has a comment and 'index yes.'

 The exclude list (on the client) has this:

 $ cat /usr/.amanda-exclude.gtar

 The runtar.debug looks like this:

 gtar: version 2.4.2
 running: /usr/local/bin/tar: gtar --create --directory /usr
 --listed-incremental /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/
 --sparse --one-file-system --ignore-failed-read --totals --file -
 --exclude-from /usr/.amanda-exclude.gtar .

 And the backup of this partition errors out with this:

 /-- client  /usr lev 0 FAILED [/usr/local/bin/tar returned 2]
 sendbackup: start [client:/usr level 0]
 sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/local/bin/tar
 sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/local/bin/gzip -dc |/usr/local/bin/tar
 -f... -
 sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
 sendbackup: info end
 ? gtar: Cannot add file ./local/mirror/pub/redhat/i386
| Total bytes written: 8484853760
 ? gtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
 sendbackup: error [/usr/local/bin/tar returned 2]

 There's also a 'file changed as we read it' error, but all of these
 errors come from ./local (/usr/local) in places that are excluded (see




Your config looks correct to me.  What does '/usr/local/bin/tar --version'
show? Can your backup user read the exclude file?


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: exclude list problems (PEBKAC?)

2002-10-11 Thread Frank Smith

--On Friday, October 11, 2002 11:58:27 -0500 pointer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 10:50, Frank Smith wrote:
 Your config looks correct to me.
 What does '/usr/local/bin/tar --version' show?

 $ /usr/local/bin/tar  --version
 tar (GNU tar) 1.13

 Copyright (C) 1988, 92,93,94,95,96,97,98, 1999 Free Software Foundation,
 This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is

 Written by John Gilmore and Jay Fenlason.

 Can your backup user read the exclude file?


 $ ls -al /usr/.amanda-exclude.gtar
 -rw-r--r--   1 root other  32 Oct 10 10:22



I'm stumped on why your excludes aren't working.

Possible unrelated problem for you: does anyone on the list remember if
tar 1.13 was one of the versions with the bad index file problem (the
infamous 'big numbers')?


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: exclude list problems (PEBKAC?)

2002-10-11 Thread Frank Smith

--On Friday, October 11, 2002 15:11:00 -0400 Gene Heskett [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Friday 11 October 2002 12:58, Frank Smith wrote:

 Possible unrelated problem for you: does anyone on the list
 remember if tar 1.13 was one of the versions with the bad index
 file problem (the infamous 'big numbers')?


 That was officially fixed with 1.13-19 Frank, it and 1.13-25 both
 seem to work just fine.

 What burns me a bit is that the usual tar --version, doesn't eject
 the minor number, so thery are all 1.13's.  One must forcibly
 remove any tar thats there, and reinstall a known good one to be

Hmm, on my Debian linux server here I get:
# /usr/local/bin/tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.13.19

and on one of my Solaris boxes:
# /usr/local/bin/tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.13.25

Both were compiled from source, but even on a RedHat 7.2 box I see:
#/bin/tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.13.19

Maybe they started including the minor number in the version string
somewhere along the line.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: questions about proposed amanda hardware solution

2002-10-11 Thread Frank Smith

--On Friday, October 11, 2002 12:13:46 -0700 John Koenig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The amanda control host would be a smallish Linux rackmount job with
 attached SCSI+RAID disk enclosure -- currently I'm considering a Dell
 PowerEdge 1650 (1U, PIII-based) with a Dell PowerVault 220S (3U, 14 x
 36 GB Ultra160 SCSI disks + PERC/3 RAID controller).  Doing a RAID-5 +
 hot spare across the fourteen disks would give me 400 real GB
 (1024^3) of holding disk.

 One comment...

 When I was pricing holding disk storage about 6 months ago, I came to the conclusion 
that I would rather pay a buck or $1.25 per GB (ATA 100) than the $6-$6.50 per GB 
premium for Ultra 160...

 Though this may alter your vertical height requirements as I am not aware of any 
high-end rackmount IDE/ATA storage solutions...but I presume they exist... as it 
would be a business opportunity due to the cost per GB.

If rack space is an issue, the are servers like the QSOL Q416r that are 4u
with 16 hot-swappable IDE drives.  Now that several vendors are making
reasonably priced IDE RAID controllers it's no longer a major expense to
create terabytes of storage.


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: questions about proposed amanda hardware solution

2002-10-14 Thread Frank Smith

--On Monday, October 14, 2002 08:13:20 -0500 Mike Simpson 

 Folks --

 I want to thank everybody for all the feedback.  Diskwise, it's nice
 to know that IDE solutions are workable, and I'm going to look into
 them.  Politically (isn't it always about the politics?) I'm in all
 likelihood going to be forced into using Dell hardware, and as far as
 I can tell from some site browsing at, Dell stuff is all
 SCSI-based once you get into that kind of capacity.

There are many PC server vendors, quite a few can beat Dell's prices
by a wide margin.  But sometimes politics does win over economics.

 I'm still curious about hooking up an AIT3 tape library to Linux, and
 whether or not the mtx or scsi-changer drivers can actually control
 something like a QualStar or Overland tape library.  Is anyone out
 there using AIT3 tape libraries, and if so, what are you using to
 connect the amanda software to them?

I'm controlling a Qualstar TLS4480 library with AIT-2 drives using a
modifed chg-mtx on my Linux Amanda server with no problems.




Systems AdministratorVoice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's OnlineFax: 512-374-4501

Re: Amanda Backup Client Host Check

2002-10-14 Thread Frank Smith

--On Monday, October 14, 2002 16:57:56 +0200 O-Zone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,
 i've just solved any problems with conf but i have a new worry...when i'm
 running amcheck it say to me:

 ERROR: moon: [access as backup not alloweb from [EMAIL PROTECTED]] open
 of /home/backup/.amandahost failed

 Why ?

Because Amanda couldn't open the file /home/backup/.amandahost to see who to
allow connections from.  Make sure it exists, is mode 400 or 600, and is
owned by your backup user.



 O-Zone 2001 !
 WEB @
 Key fingerprint = BF36 D825 283A 9493 4513  E809 6F1B 9F14 DAE5 0C48
 [expires: 2003-04-19]

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Slow dumper

2002-10-16 Thread Frank Smith

On Tue, 2002-05-28 at 05:09, Bartho Saaiman wrote:
I have a problem where my dumper is slow and the taper seems to be faster:

Total   Full  Daily
 Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:02
 Run Time (hrs:min)11:21
 Dump Time (hrs:min)9:42   9:42   0:00
 Output Size (meg)   14818.314818.30.0
 Original Size (meg) 20804.720804.70.0
 Avg Compressed Size (%)71.2   71.2--
 Filesystems Dumped1  1  0
 Avg Dump Rate (k/s)   434.8  434.8--
 Tape Time (hrs:min)1:37   1:37   0:00
 Tape Size (meg) 14818.414818.40.0
 Tape Used (%)  74.1   74.10.0
 Filesystems Taped 1  1  0
 Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  2606.1 2606.1--
 Is there a way of changing this to speedup backups.
Since that is apparently a single 20+G filesystem, that seems to
be an exceesive amount of time to back it up.  Is it local disk,
NFS, Samba, or what? Also, is it the backup server itself or a
remote host? How fast is the CPU? Is Amanda the only thing
running or is the host(s) busy?
   We need more info to help you find why it is taking so long.


Systems AdministratorVoice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's OnlineFax: 512-374-4501

Re: Bkp Summary Report

2002-10-18 Thread Frank Smith

--On Friday, October 18, 2002 10:34:38 + Prods6 - AMANDA - Bkp Mannager [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear friends ...

 My Amanda is installed and goes on  GOOOD ... but
 Look ... please ... the summary report below, at end of bkp process:

 . . .
-- -

prods6.hc.un -hc/convert 08469   7776  91.8   0:061235.5   0:30
 . . .


 My Question:

 How to change this report to show the complete name of directories
 backuped  ??  (column DISK)

 Thanks in advance, Floriano

man amanda, look for columnspec.


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Multiple tape sizes

2002-10-21 Thread Frank Smith
Depending on how many of each you have, you could make a separate config for
each. Or possibly just use them for archives.  I think it would be impossible
for planner to level out daily runs if you didn't know what size tapes were
going to appear.
  One other option would be to change to your longest tapelength and increase
runtapes, letting Amanda hit EOM  on the shorter tapes and just starting again
on the next tape.  If your DLEs are large then this could waste a fair amount
of tape and time.


--On Monday, October 21, 2002 13:55:53 -0400 Adam D. Read [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Presently, I inherited a VXA-1 rakpak and an assortment of tapes.  I have V6, V10, and V17 tapes.  Besides under using the v10 and v17, is there any other way to fit different tape capacities into amanda scheduling?

Adam Read
LocalNet Corp.

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: permission problems

2002-10-22 Thread Frank Smith
--On Tuesday, October 22, 2002 15:37:54 +0200 Mozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I run amcheck I get the following:

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: [Can't open exclude file '/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar': No such file or directory]
ERROR: [Can't open exclude file '/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar': No such file or directory]
ERROR: [Can't open exclude file '/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar': No such file or directory]
ERROR: [Can't open exclude file '/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar': No such file or directory]
ERROR: [can not read/write /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/.: No such file or directory]
Client check: 3 hosts checked in 0.679 seconds, 5 problems found

Now all those directorys on both the servers have the correct ownership and are writeable by the user

The only difference is that I used tar and not dump


So on you can actually 'su - backupuser' and read the file
/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar and also create a file in the directory
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/ ?


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Amcheck not emailing

2002-10-22 Thread Frank Smith
--On Tuesday, October 22, 2002 12:20:15 -0400 Thom Paine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 12:03, Martin Schwarz wrote:

IMO you are experiencing perfectly normal behaviour:

- amcheck -m doesn't find any errors, thus is keeping quiet. You will
  only get mail from amcheck -m if it has encountered some errors:

  Nothing is printed, but mail is sent if any errors are detected.
  (amcheck manpage)

- amdump runs the backup and sends out its usual report about the run.

Oh, well then. I thought it would email with an okay similar to the
amcheck DailySet1.


If you want it to send you an 'ok' message, then don't use '-m'.


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Performance degrading over time?

2002-10-29 Thread Frank Smith
allianz01 c1t0d0s6   0 51422368 51422368   --   108:54 7870.1  108:54 7869.9
1. August 2002 04:02

  Total   Full  Daily
Dump Time (hrs:min)4:29   4:27   0:00   (0:02 start, 0:00 idle)
Output Size (meg)   72585.272585.20.0
Original Size (meg) 72585.272585.20.0
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --
Tape Used (%)  36.3   36.30.0
Filesystems Dumped2  2  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)  4643.9 4643.9--
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  4643.5 4643.5--

allianz01 c0t0d0s0   0  1635936  1635936   -- 6:46 4033.56:47 4022.0
allianz01 c1t0d0s6   0 72691360 72691360   --   260:00 4659.8  260:00 4659.7
1. September 2002 05:11

  Total   Full  Daily
Dump Time (hrs:min)5:38   5:36   0:00   (0:02 start, 0:00 idle)
Output Size (meg)   75128.875128.80.0
Original Size (meg) 75128.875128.80.0
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --
Tape Used (%)  37.6   37.60.0
Filesystems Dumped2  2  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)  3815.1 3815.1--
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  3814.9 3814.9--

allianz01 c0t0d0s0   0  1637600  1637600   -- 6:42 4076.96:43 4066.0
allianz01 c1t0d0s6   0 75294240 75294240   --   329:23 3809.8  329:23 3809.8
Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2002 05:42

  Total   Full  Daily
Dump Time (hrs:min)6:10   6:07   0:00   (0:02 start, 0:00 idle)
Output Size (meg)   76080.976080.90.0
Original Size (meg) 76080.976080.90.0
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --
Tape Used (%)  38.0   38.00.0
Filesystems Dumped2  2  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)  3534.0 3534.0--
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  3533.8 3533.8--

allianz01 c0t0d0s0   0  1640384  1640384   -- 6:47 4030.06:48 4018.8
allianz01 c1t0d0s6   0 76266496 76266496   --   360:38 3524.7  360:38 3524.7
29. Oktober 2002 07:08

  Total   Full  Daily
Dump Time (hrs:min)7:36   7:34   0:00   (0:02 start, 0:00 idle)
Output Size (meg)   79742.479742.40.0
Original Size (meg) 79742.479742.40.0
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --
Tape Used (%)  39.9   39.90.0
Filesystems Dumped2  2  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)  2998.6 2998.6--
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  2998.4 2998.4--

allianz01 c0t0d0s0   0  1643072  1643072   -- 6:48 4025.56:49 4014.8
allianz01 c1t0d0s6   0 80013184 80013184   --   447:04 2982.9  447:04 2982.9

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Avoiding incremental backups (how?)

2002-10-31 Thread Frank Smith
runspercycle needs to be 1 to do what you want.


--On Thursday, October 31, 2002 04:13:11 -0500 Cory Visi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have been trying to make an archival tape configuration for some time
now. I have tried numerous suggestions, but nothing seems to be
effective in stopping Amanda from doing incremental backups. I am using
Amanda 2.4.3b4.
The point of this configuration is to run once every 4 weeks and always
do a full backup to tape. There are two tapes in the rotation and one is
aways off-site.

My amanda.conf:

dumpcycle 0
runspercycle 2
tapecycle 2 tapes

define dumptype comp-root-full {
record no
index yes
comment Root partitions with compression
compress client fast
priority low
skip-incr yes

define dumptype comp-user-full {
record no
index yes
comment Non-root partitions on reasonably fast machines
compress client fast
priority medium
skip-incr yes

define dumptype comp-user-full-gnutar {
record no
index yes
program GNUTAR
comment user partitions dumped with tar and compression
compress server fast
maxdumps 4
exclude ./RECYCLER
skip-incr yes

My disklist:


If you reply to this, please reply to me directly in addition to the
list, as I am no longer subscribed.
Cory Visi

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: More than one dump per server

2002-10-31 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, October 31, 2002 13:33:46 +0200 Du-Wayne Rood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All

I was wondering if someone can tel me how to configure amanda to run more than one dump per server?


If you mean back up more than one filesystem, just add another line in the
disklist with the additional path.
If you mean back up the same data twice (such as for offsite storage), then
you need a separate config and need to be aware of the issues involved.


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Backup Scenario

2002-10-31 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, October 31, 2002 22:07:48 +0500 Steve Simeonidis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone,

If I want to backup 2 partitions of the localhost in 2 tapes,
is that possible by doing something like that?

dumpcycle 0 days   # for full backups
runspercycle 5   # backup weekdays only ???
tapecycle 5 tapes

runtapes 2
# Do I have to define this??
# tpchanger chg-manual

localhost /var always-full # I want this to tape 1
localhost /home always-full # This to tape 2

Also how should I label the tapes, can I give them any name??

Can someone help please??


If you want them to go to separate tapes, you need separate configs.


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: forcing amanda to not go into degraded mode

2002-10-31 Thread Frank Smith

--On Thursday, October 31, 2002 11:18:34 -0600 Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

in my amanda.conf file I have the line:

reserve 10 # percent

which as I read the comments, means that amanda will still do full backups,
if they'll fit in the other 90% of the 80GB disk I'm using as a 'holding'

You've got it backwards, the 10% you reserved is used for fulls, the other
90% is used for incrementals.


however, when the dump runs, I get the ever-popular:
lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump skip-incr disk]
error for a number of filesystems that didn't make it onto tape. :(
(even tho the disk being backed up is 500MB, and should happily fit in
the 40+GB of space on the holding disk that ought to be available in any case)

What I'm trying for here, is to have the backup dump as much to tape as it
can, and then leave the rest on disk, so I can run amflush the next morning
when I come in.
(we don't have a tape changer, and backups need to be automated, so
chg-manual isn't an option as I understand its usage).

is there some setting that I'm missing, to tell amanda don't go into
degraded mode when dumping to disk after a tape error?

Carl Soderstrom.
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Tapetype for a Sony SDX-500C

2002-10-31 Thread Frank Smith
Try this:

define tapetype AIT-2 {
   comment SDX-500C
   length 54538 mbytes
   filemark 1541 kbytes
   speed 2920 kps

It seems a little off but works.

Make sure compression is turned off on the drive or you will
only get about 44GB on a tape.


--On Thursday, October 31, 2002 12:00:59 -0800 Kathy Ange [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have searched the FAQ and the archives but I can
find a typetype for a Sony SDX-500C which is an AIT-2
tape drive.  If anyone can help I would appreciate it.

Kathy Ange
Virginia Department of Agriculture  Consumer Services
Information Systems
(804) 786-1340 Voice Mail
(804) 786-2110 FAX

Do you Yahoo!?
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Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: forcing amanda to not go into degraded mode

2002-10-31 Thread Frank Smith

--On Thursday, October 31, 2002 16:14:28 -0600 Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't think Amanda is telling you that the level 0 won't fit on the
holding disk.  It is telling you that it won't fit on the tape.

	no, in that case it usually gives the 'dumps too big for tape' error

If you want to have Amanda backup more than will fit on the tape and leave
the rest for a manual flush, as you describe, you could try a tapetype that
claims the tape is much larger than it actually is.

	I already turned my supposed tape length up 10GB larger than the
actual tape; and some of these partitions that are failing, only have 500MB
of data.

The other option is the manual changer configuration.  I haven't used this,
but my understanding is that you tell Amanda that you have 2 (or more
tapes), and that manual intervention is required to go to subsequent tapes.
Amanda will fill the first tape for you overnight, and in the morning you
change tapes, tell Amanda, and it will use the second tape.  No need for a
manual flush in this scenario.

the faq-o-matic seems to indicate that the chg-manual configuration only
works when started interactively (so you have a console with which to send a
signal to amanda that there's a new tape in the drive). I know there's ways
to delay backups (I use them for some machines already), so even if I
started backups at 6pm, machines could be delayed until the early morning;
but I don't trust myself or the tape monkey to remember (or be available) to
start a backup every night.

If you have enough holding disk, don't configure a changer and specify an
absurdly large tapetype.  Then Amanda will do all the backups required and
give you an EOT error in your daily report. Then run amflush in the morning
as many times as required (each time you hit EOT it will error out and email
you, then change tapes and run it again.  This way your backups will all occur
at the scheduled time and you can flush during the day when you're available
to change tapes.  The emails will remind you to do the tape changing.


Carl Soderstrom.
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amrecover questions

2002-11-01 Thread Frank Smith
--On Friday, November 01, 2002 19:21:50 -0500 Galen Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: seems I sent my last reply only to Joshua..anywho...anyone have any clue as to which maillist one needs to be on for tar issues?   I had responded to Joshua that I'm beginning to believe that tar is at issue here (tar 1.13.25).  It's either
tar or the options fed to it but I can't find where in the code the options are fed to tar for the backup so I can try to give it a -g instead of -G (it was easy to find for amrecover).

GNU tar bug reports should go to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but see below..


Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

On Fri, 1 Nov 2002 at 4:59pm, Galen Johnson wrote

I also have an issue with recover in that it deletes files when the
incremental is restored.  I can almost understand why.  It seems that
if the files aren't included in the incremental (and they won't be if
they haven't changed) the tar command seems to assume that the files
have been removed and deletes them to have the directory appear to be
in the same state as it thinks it was.  Anyone else run into this?
Is there some subtle configuration I'm missing?

What exactly is the problem?  The purpose of doing a restore (to most people)
is to make the filesystem after the restore be just like it was at the time
of the backup.  This means that files deleted between backup levels need to
be deleted by the corresponding restore level.
  If you need a file that was deleted before the incremental, restore it from
the next lower level backup.
  On filesystems with limited space and a fair amount of churn, restoring all
the files ever deleted could also cause you to fill up your filesystem.


Sorry, I didn't quite understand this the first time.  This seems like a
tar bug.  What version are you running?  If it's recent, I'd report it to
the tar maintainers.  If not, try the latest.

I need an answer for this...if amrecover is gonna botch the restores I'm
gonna have to find a different solution which I would prefer not to do
since I like relative ease of Amanda.  I'm using 2.4.3 with tar...which
I suspect may be part of the problem since the arguments ot restore are
'xpGvf' but I'm not familiar enough with how the old gnu style used to work.

You could always just 'amrestore' the tar images off the tape(s) and
fiddle with the tar options to see if you can get it do what you
want/what it should...

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Performance degrading over time?

2002-11-04 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, November 04, 2002 15:04:27 +0100 Patrick M. Hausen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Paul Bijnens wrote:

Patrick M. Hausen wrote:

 Seems like Oracle likes to create a lot of small .trc files over
 time. The filesystem in question is littered with thousands of them.

 Once we archived and deleted them, backup performance was back to normal.

 Would separate holding disk (we don't use one at all at the moment)
 help in a configuration like this? Additionally I'd suggest deleting

Probably, then your tapedrive can keep streaming (could half your
backuptime!), and amanda can do much more parallel then it can do
without holdingdisk (another doubling or more if you have many

Precisely. In all multi-client installations I run in my own network
I have holding-disks, so dumps can be run in parallel and output
buffered. But the machine in question is a one-server-client
installation that only backs up itself. And in addition it mainly backs
up one single file system.

So my question is: does a holding-disk speed up this process? I mean,
Amanda will start a dumper on the filesystem that starts filling
the holding-disk. At the same time (?) a taper will start wrtiting
the holding-disk's contents to tape. Now imagine the dumper getting
to slow for the tape ... the holding-disk won't be filled quick
enough either. Then there's a lot of seeks on the holding-disk
itself, if it's read and written at the same time.

Or is the mental picture I have about Amanda's operation incorrect?

What should happen is that dumper will write the entire dump to the
holding disk (either in one piece or in N chunksize pieces if you
specify chunksize) and then when it is done stream the entire image
to tape.
 If your holding disk is smaller than your dump then it will be
bypassed and you will be dumping directly to tape with the pauses
and reseeks you are seeing now.



Patrick M. Hausen
Technical Director
-- GmbH Internet - Dienstleistungen - Beratung
Scheffelstr. 17 a Tel. 0721 9109 -0 Fax: -100
76135 Karlsruhe

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amanda.conf w/ qualstar tape library question

2002-11-06 Thread Frank Smith
--On Wednesday, November 06, 2002 16:23:05 -0700 Gustave Eiffel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have amanda 2.4.2 and a Qualstar TLS-6430 30 tape 2 drive ( DLT8000 ) robot
library.  I have installed mtx and am able to control the robot well with mtx
commands.  eg:

mtx -f /dev/sg/h0c0t0l0 inquiry
Product Type: Medium Changer
Product ID: 'TLS-6430'
Revision: '2.18'
Attached Changer: No

What I am having some problems with is the amanda.conf section that deals with
tpchanger and such.  My robot is conrtoled with the device name of /dev/sg/h0c0t010

Here is a ( porrly done and not working ) section of my config file:

runtapes 1  # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump
tpchanger chg-zd-mtx  # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev /dev/nst0 # the no-rewind tape device to be used
rawtapedev /dev/nst0  # the raw device to be used (ftape only)
changerfile  mtx-1.2.16/contrib/mtx-changer
# changerfile /var/lib/amanda/DailySet1/changer-status
# changerfile /etc/amanda/DailySet1/changer.conf
changerdev /dev/nst0

What is wrong in this section?  Does anyone have a working config file with this
or a similar unit that I can see?

All help is greatly appreciated.



Your changerdev should be /dev/sg/h0c0t010 instead of /dev/nst0 and you need
to customize mtx-changer if you haven't already.  You probably need to set
DRIVE_MUST_EJECT to 1 for your Qualstar and make sure all the devices and
slot ranges are correct.
  I'm using a slightly modified version of Mark Holm's chg-qs-mtx script (which
I believe he modified from chg-mtx to better support Qualstar libraries) which
was posted to the list quite awhile back, so I'm probably not the best person
to answer chg-mtx questions.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: wishlist suggestions

2002-11-07 Thread Frank Smith

--On Thursday, November 07, 2002 07:34:32 -0600 Todd T. Fries [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The defragmentation I hope I explain properly, if not, ask for more/better
explanation.  To need defragmentation, you also need support for multiple
(partial)backups per tape.  It is best done with alot of holding disk and
a tape silo, but can be done otherwise.  The concept stems from adsm's
reality of doing a full backup once, then incremental always afterwards.
There is a concept of 'keep only one copy of a file if the most recent modification is over x days old' and 'keep at max x copies of a file if the modification
times are since x days old' and 'keep all files since x days old'.  This may
make more sense with an example:

	- keep only one copy of each file if the most recent modification date
		is older than 90 days
	- keep at max 3 copies of a file if the modification times are newer
		than 90 days
		- or -
	  keep all files newer than 90 days

When you do things like the above, you end up having to go through a tape
that has many files backed up, and remove a few files that are outside
the scope of backup.  The tape gets dumped to the holding area, and then
the data is manipulated to remove the files not needed in the backup system
anymore, then spooled with other data heading to tape.  In general data
gets spooled to tape together, but each tape (or 'volume') gets fully
used each time it is written to.

This seems pretty scary, since it means you only have one copy of static files.
When you have a tape error on that tape how do you recover?

The indexing mechanism for adsm required several tuning stages, since there
was a site I used to work for that used adsm that had a 500gb filesystem
with a poor algorithm for spreading out data (usually about 5 subdirs
deep to find a file and one or two files in the subdir, if any).  It took
the indexing mechanism 22 hours to do a search for what to backup, then
about 20 minutes to do the actual backup.

It could get time consuming, perhaps the indexes would save time, but the
concept of doing 'ls -allverions file' and seeing each version of a specific
file that is in the backup set was extremely useful in adsm, users that
were very uncertain as to when the file was removed could be told we have
a file from the 10th, the 11th, and the 13th.

This would be a nice feature, and if indexing is available shouldn't be too
hard to implement (although probably easier to implement as a stand-alone
program to browse indexes than to add in to amrecover).



(last updated $ToddFries: signature.p,v 1.2 2002/03/19 15:10:18 todd Exp $)

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Error received on amcheck. Config problem assistance please....

2002-11-07 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, November 07, 2002 15:08:01 -0700 Gustave Eiffel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have tried many things, so I am really hoping some people can help me out..

On RedHat 8 Linux
amanda 2.4.2p2-9
Qualstar Library (robot) /dev/sg/h0c0t0l0
2 tape drives: /dev/st/nh0c0t1l0  /dev/st/nh0c0t2l0

When I run this command:  sudo -u amanda amcheck DailySet1/ ( run as the amanda

I get this output error:
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /var/tmp: 2872580 KB disk space available, that's plenty
amcheck-server: slot 1: reading label: Input/output error
amcheck-server: fatal slot /usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx:: line 253: [: too many

Check the values of the variables being passed to the test operator in line
253 of /usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx.

ERROR: new tape not found in rack
   (expecting a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
NOTE: info dir /var/lib/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo: does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run
NOTE: index dir /var/lib/amanda/DailySet1/index/localhost: does not exist
Server check took 334.347 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 1 host checked in 0.018 seconds, 0 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)

What can I check?  Where do those files ( the not found ones) come from?

Don't worry about files missing in NOTES:, they will be created when Amanda

Here are my configs:
In my /etc/amanda/DailySet1 directory I have these files:


Here is my amanda.conf (usefull parts)
runtapes 1  # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump
tpchanger chg-zd-mtx  # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev /dev/st/nh0c0t1l0 # the no-rewind tape device to be used
# rawtapedev /dev/null # the raw device to be used (ftape only)
changerfile /etc/amanda/DailySet1/changer
# changerfile /var/lib/amanda/DailySet1/changer-status
# changerfile /etc/amanda/DailySet1/changer.conf
changerdev /dev/sg/h0c0t0l0

# tapetype DLT8000-40# what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)
tapetype DLT# what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)
labelstr ^DailySet1[0-9][0-9]*$   # label constraint regex: all tapes must

Here is my changer.conf ( this is the whole thing )
firstslot=1  First storage slot (element) -- required
lastslot=30    Last storage slot (element) -- required
cleanslot=6    Slot with cleaner tape -- default is -1
#    Set negative to indicate no cleaner available
#   # Do you want to clean the drive after a certain number of accesses?
#   # NOTE - This is unreliable, since 'accesses' aren't 'uses', and we
#   #have no reliable way to count this.  A single amcheck could
#   #generate as many accesses as slots you have, plus 1.
#   # ALSO NOTE - many modern tape loaders handle this automatically.
autoclean=1  Set to '1' or greater to enable
autocleancount=99    Number of access before a clean.
havereader=1 If you have a barcode reader, set to 1.
offline_before_unload=1    Does your robot require an

and my disklist
localhost /etc comp-root-tar

What tests can I run?  mtx tests?  mt tests?

Possibly try the chg-qs-mtx I sent you.


All help or suggestions appreciated.



Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Need help getting started.

2002-11-09 Thread Frank Smith
--On Saturday, November 09, 2002 23:20:07 -0500 Eric Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Howdy folks.  To keep it short:
 1) Can someone point me to online docs that I have seen allusions to in the 
 archives but haven't found online yet?  Useful links near the bottom include the FAQ-O-Matic
(occasionally referred to as the FOM in this group) and the chapter
from Unix Backup  Recovery.  Start with the chapter, it has both
a good overview and a lot of detail.

 2) amcheck reports the messages below.  Is there a requirement to label tapes 
 prior to usage?  The tapes in my changer are used:
amcheck-server: slot 0: not an amanda tape
amcheck-server: slot 1: not an amanda tape
amcheck-server: slot 2: not an amanda tape
amcheck-server: slot 3: not an amanda tape
amcheck-server: slot 4: not an amanda tape
ERROR: new tape not found in rack
   (expecting a new tape)
Yes, you need to label the tapes first before Amanda will
use them (it prevents you from accidently overwriting some
other tape left in the drive).

 3) If I attempt what I believe to be labelling a tape, I get:
labeling tape in slot 0 (/dev/nst0):
rewinding, reading label, not an amanda tape
rewinding, writing label test00
amlabel: writing label: tape is write-protected
Tape is write-protected.  Check the write-protect tab on the tape.
An outside possibility is that the Amanda user doesn't have write
permissions on the device, but I think that would give you a
different error. 

 4) My planner is failing and giving up, supposedly because it isn't receiving 
 and responses on the estimates.  Shouldn't it calculate these on its own?  
 I'm confused about how the estimate system works.

Planner runs on the Amanda server and determines what needs
to be backed up at what level in order to use approximately
the same amount of tape each day while still honoring your
dumpcycle, runspercycle, runtapes, etc.  In order to do that
it collects estimates of how much space would be needed for
different levels of dumps from each client.  Basically, it
does a dump to /dev/null and counts the bytes.  If you have
large filesystems you may need to increase etimeout in your
config.  If there are other problems, post the exact error
messages so the group will be better able to help pinpoint
the problem(s).


 Amanda 2.4.3
 Linux 2.4.18 / GCC 2.95.3
 Adaptec 2940UW and HP 24/48 (DDS-2, 4GB 6-slot internal)
 Using chg-scsi 

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: crash recovery

2002-11-10 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, November 11, 2002 04:36:12 -0500 Gene Heskett [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hi everybody;
 Its Gene, the old f--- ahhh, man, back from 2 weeks worth of trying 
 to make a tv station or 4 out of not very much.  Hindered by the 
 help that I was promised doing a disappearing act to goto a funeral 
 in texas on the second day, and turning it into 2 weeks vacation.  
 Damn, I just *love* being thrown to the wolves like that . . .
 Unforch, in the process of shutting things down as I was leaving for 
 the western slopes of colorado, I grabbed the wrong line cord and 
 did a rather instant powerdown on this machine, something that 
 appears to be a huge no-no for active ext3 systems.  To be exact, 
 it totally wrecked /, something I'm not a happy camper over at all.  
 I was under the impression that ext3 was never in an invalid 
 condition.  By-by about 30 gigs of data.  fsck reported many 
 thousands of inodes as invalid.  Bah!

I've had power failures on a couple of ext3 systems and only lost
the bit of data that was being written at the time, with no fsck
delays.  Sorry to hear it didn't work as well for you.

 So I fdisk'ed /dev/hda, re-arranged it a bit, formatted and 
 installed RH8.0, followed by ripping out their KDE and installing 
 the good KDE-3.0.4, or I woudn't even be doing email as evolution 
 doesn't seem to like pop servers at all.  It cannot send to one but 
 can suck from one.  Go figure.
 Anyway, the advise on how to recover useing tar  gzip doesn't seem 
 to want to work.  The only way to get dd to actually write a disk 
 file is with dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k of=tape.contents.# where the # 
 is a sequence # extension in /tmp.  And that only works if an 'mt 
 tell' says its at block 64.
 I can probably do a pretty good recovery IF I could figure out how 
 to keep tar from telling me its not a tar file, skipping to the 
 next header.
 The worst part is that without any indexes, or a disklist (which 
 wouldn't be valid now anyway) I've N.D.I. whats been gzipped and 
 what hasn't.  My disklist was, shall we say, an eclectic mixture.
 My dumpcycle was 6 days, so the last 6 tapes should cover me ok.
 I'm dd'ing the tapes to the drive, and really should have enough 
 scratchpad room to pull this off as I'd added another 60 gig drive 
 just a month back.
 Ideas/hints/elevated noses/scorn/tar for dummys messages ?  Proper 
 tar syntax, etc ... will be very much appreciated.

So I assume you've already tried the instructions from the chapter?
What exactly did that result in?  The Amanda header blocks on the
tapes should give you the filesystem name and level, as well as the
command needed to do the restore. 


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: using two tape units

2002-11-10 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, November 11, 2002 16:17:20 +1100 Joseph Sirucka 

 Hi All
 I have two dds3 tape changer units and would like to know if amanda can
 use both of these units simultaneously. Can I do some sort of raid
 backup across two tapes in two different machines of just use two tape
 units at once.

I think the latest (2.4.3) release lets you stripe or mirror across
multiple tape drives one one machine (I remember reading it was a
feature of the betas, don't know for sure if it stayed in the final
release).  I don't think taper will write two different dumps to two
drives simultaneously.
  Maybe someone who knows for sure will jump in and clarify.
  If the changers are on two separate machines then you can run an
Amanda server on each with their own config and have each one backup
its own set of clients.  Make sure each client is only being backed
up by one server or the client process might get confused as to
who it is answering about what.


 Hope to hear from someone soon.

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Question about Amanda features

2002-11-11 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, November 11, 2002 08:18:09 +0100 Nicolas Cartron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [sorry i didn't put the object in my previous mail]
 I want to install Amanda on a production environment,
 backup server on FreeBSD and clients running Linux, Solaris or FreeBSD.
 I read in the section dedicated to Amanda (in the 'Unix backup 
 recovery', O'reilly) the following lines :
 AMANDA currently starts a new tape for each run and does not provide a
 mechanism to append a new run to the same tape as a previous run
 We are currently running Brightstor from Computer Associates,
 doing a full backup every sunday, and incremental backups on ONE tape
 Does that mean that if i want to do the same with Amanda, i have to
 rotate the tape every day ?
 (I forgot to explain that I have 2 DLT tapes backuping the datas).
Yes, Amanda normally uses a different tape for each run.  If you are
feeling lucky and have enough holdingdisk space, then you could just
let the backups accumulate on disk and then flush them all to one
tape the day before your full backup.
  You are living dangerously with your current setup. Each time
you write a tape you are overwriting the only copy of your data.
If you ever have a tape error you have nothing to restore from.
And if you need a file that was deleted the day before your full
but wasn't new enough to be on your incremental then you are out
of luck.
  Amanda wasn't really designed for the all fulls on one night
incrementals every other night schedule.  It can be forced to do it
that way but it takes more work to set it up like that.  The idea of
Amanda is to spread the fulls and incrementals around so as to use
about the same amount of tape on each run.


 Thanks in advance for your explanations.
 Nicolas CARTRON

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Question about Amanda features

2002-11-11 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, November 11, 2002 09:12:33 +0100 Nicolas Cartron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You are living dangerously with your current setup. Each time
 you write a tape you are overwriting the only copy of your data.
 If you ever have a tape error you have nothing to restore from.
 And if you need a file that was deleted the day before your full
 but wasn't new enough to be on your incremental then you are out
 of luck.
 not really, in fact the datas are truncated to the previous datas,
 i.e. the tape continues recording where it stopped.
 Am I wrong ?

Maybe I misinterpreted your setup.  What I thought you were doing
is using a total of 2 tapes.  One tape would get a full backup of
everything written on it.  The other would get incrementals written
to it the next day, and would stay in the drive the rest of the week
with each day's incrementals appended to it.  If that is the case,
then it works as long as nothing goes wrong.  However, when (not if)
there is a problem, then you have little or nothing to restore.
If the tape server would happen to reboot during the week the tape
would most likely get rewound and the next incremental run would
overwrite all the previous ones.  If an error occurs during the
full backups, you have no full backups to restore from since you
were in the process of overwriting your last good one.  Also, when
a tape read error occurs, you won't have an older tape to at least
restore some of the files from.

   Amanda wasn't really designed for the all fulls on one night
 incrementals every other night schedule.  It can be forced to do it that
 way but it takes more work to set it up like that.  The idea of Amanda
 is to spread the fulls and incrementals around so as to use about the
 same amount of tape on each run.
 Can you explain me what you mean by
 'spread the fulls and incrementals around' ?

For a simple case, assume you back up 7 filesystems that are each
about the same size and have about the same amount of changes each
day, and Amanda runs 7 days a week with a dumpcycle of 7 days.
You would probably end up with one full backup and 6 incrementals
on each day's tape, so each day about the same amount of tape would
be used.  Even when you add filesytems or have unusual amounts of
data changes, Amanda will postpone some full dumps, change dump
levels, and move ahead other full dumps in order to keep the tape
size about the same so you won't run out of tape on those days.
  With the more traditional 'full on weekend, incremental weekdays'
approach you end up with a huge run doing the fulls, and very small
runs during the weekdays, so most of your tape capacity goes unused
(except in your case where you do appends to one tape, but that
has other issues).


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: dump/ufsdump instead of tar/dd

2002-11-11 Thread Frank Smith
--On Tuesday, November 12, 2002 14:26:05 +1100 Joseph Sirucka 

 Can Amanda use dump/ufsdump instead of tar/dd.

Yes.  Use 'program DUMP' in your dumptype definition instead
of 'program GNUTAR'.  Actually, I think it defaults to dump
if you don't have a program line in your dumptype.



Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amanda support

2002-11-12 Thread Frank Smith
--On Tuesday, November 12, 2002 16:48:50 -0500 Eric Bergeron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My company is looking for a tech. support company to solve any problems that come up.

While this is not needed in my mind, due to this mailing list, management wants to pay someone and point fingers at.

Since the support on this list is (IMO) better than the support you can get
for any other product (HW or SW, free or paid), I doubt anyone could make a
go of providing paid support for Amanda.  Then again, I may be underestimating
the number of PHB's in the world.
  Possibly one of the consultants that pop up occasionally on this list will
offer to take your money in exchange for posting to the list if you have any


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: weird problem

2002-11-13 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, November 14, 2002 12:02:41 +1100 Joseph Sirucka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All

I have removed the /usr/dumps and you stated, but the amandahost
problems exists.

I do have .amandahosts file with 600 permission and in the file I have	amanda

is there anything else I am missing out on.



On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 11:36, Galen Johnson wrote:

Joseph Sirucka wrote:

 Hi All

 just got this problem as below, anyone know how to resolve this

 [amanda@olbs3]$ amcheck daily
 Amanda Tape Server Host Check
 WARNING: holding disk /usr/dumps: only 486732 KB free, using nothing
 Holding disk /home/dumps: 1011652 KB disk space available, using 909252
 amcheck-server: slot 1: date Xlabel daily-008 (exact label
 NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
 Tape daily-008 label ok
 Server check took 1.309 seconds

This sounds like your /usr/dumps dir isn't as large as you've told
amanda to expect so it's just ignoring it.  It's using the /home/dumps,
though.  You may want to remove the /usr/dumps from the amanda.conf file.

 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
 ERROR: [access as amanda not allowed from
 amanda@olbs3] amandahostsauth failed

Whenever you see:

ERROR: : [access as  not allowed from @] amandahostsauth failed

then client   needs the following line in its .amandahosts


Be sure that you substitute exactly for  and w.  In your case
you need the line:

olbs3	amanda

Evidently your name resolution isn't consistant on appending domain names.


 Client check: 12 hosts checked in 1.225 seconds, 1 problem found

 (brought to you by Amanda 2.4.3)



Sounds like you don't have your .amandahosts file set up on that server.


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: GNUTAR not found on my system

2002-11-26 Thread Frank Smith
--On Tuesday, November 26, 2002 21:55:43 + Niall O Broin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tuesday 26 November 2002 20:23, Ivan Zaigralin wrote:

 calcsize: gnutar not available on this system
 calcsize: gnutar not available on this system
 calcsize: gnutar not available on this system
 calcsize: gnutar not available on this system

I tried to look this up in the provided documentation  forums,
but found nothing. What could be causing the problem?

Absolute and total stab in the dark here, but perhaps gnutar is not available
on this system ? If that is indeed the case, then backing up using tar is
going to be rather difficult. If gnutar is available on the system, then you
need to investigate why amanda isn't finding it - is it not in a standard
location ?

Whether it is in a standard location or not really shouldn't matter, it is whether
it is where Amanda thinks it should be (the path compiled into it).  Also make
sure that your backup user has permissions to execute it.  One unrelated thing
to check before doing real backups is to verify that your version of tar doesn't
have the bug that creates corrupted index files (  1.13.19, I think.  I thought
that would be in the FOM but I couldn't find it if it was).


Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: host timed out

2002-11-28 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, November 28, 2002 16:56:09 +0200 Mozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hallo all
 I installed amanda and I backup with it daily.
 Evereything looks just wonderfull.
 a week or so ago I had to cut over to a new mailserver(more powerfull) but now when 
I tried to get amanda back up it is just not happening!!!
 I did not change a single thing on the tapehost and I still use exactly the same 
 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
 WARNING: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
 Client check: 6 hosts checked in 29.952 seconds, 1 problem found
 (brought to you by Amanda 2.4.3)
 I have searched the FOM and ran all the tests they mentioned there, I just don't get 

Did you:
install the client software on the new client
move the .amandahosts file to the new client
verify that the client can resolve the Amanda server's IP
add the necessary entries to /etc/services and inetd.conf (or xinetd)
check the system logs on the client for errors from (x)inetd
look in the debug files in /tmp/amanda on the new client
check connectivity (ping the client from the Amanda server,
  telnet to the amandad port on the client from the Amanda server)



Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: I'm in a pickle

2002-12-18 Thread Frank Smith
There are certainly people on this list that could get Amanda running in
a day, but a lot depends on your environment:  single- or multi-platform
(and which ones), number and capacity of tapes, drives, and libraries, amount
of data to back up, etc.  Installing on a single popular unix/linux OS with a
single library should be doable in a day (although two would be a safer bet), if
you thoroughly read the docs and ask questions properly on the list (that means
including all relevant details of your setup, exactly what you were trying to
do, the exact results or error messages, and relevant log file snippets), so
that you can get an answer right off instead of having to post follow-ups.
   Be aware that from a cold start you need to do a full backup of everything
right away, so unless you have very large and fast tapes and/or not too much
data, you may not be physically able to get it all backed up today.  Amanda
normally spreads the fulls around to different days so it's not a problem in
the future, but when you first start out there are no fulls to do incrementals


--On Wednesday, December 18, 2002 14:01:51 -0500 Jozwiak, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have had a drastic turn events.  We had Legato installed and working.  To
renew our support with them would have been $$$ costly.  We entertained the
idea going with a competitor.  To make a long story short, they came in and
recommended we uninstall legato and install their product.  We did Now,
their product will not initialize properly with the Spectra logic tape
library and to make matters worse we cannot get Legato to re-install
properly.  Needless to say, we have no backups now.  How feasible is it to
install Amanda and getting it working like, in one day?  Any and all input
would greatly appreciated.


Paul D Jozwiak
WebsitePros, Inc. (Software Systems Analyst)
W 904.680.6602
C  904.219.4981

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Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
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Re: To mount the tape

2002-12-18 Thread Frank Smith
If you have mtx (from on the system you can use:
mtx load slotnumber drivenumber
where 'slotnumber' is the number of the slot to get the tape from and
'drivenumber' is the tape drive number (probably 0 if you only have one drive).


--On Wednesday, December 18, 2002 18:32:56 -0500 Jozwiak, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a SUNE150 with a Spectralogic 1 40 slot tape array attached.
Does any know of a way to mount the one of the drives from the command on
the server remotely.

Paul D Jozwiak
WebsitePros, Inc. (Software Systems Analyst)
W 904.680.6602
C  904.219.4981

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Re: Permissions with Amanda-client

2002-12-19 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, December 19, 2002 18:21:35 +0200 Oleksandr Darchuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thursday 19 December 2002 17:49, you wrote:

Oleksandr Darchuk wrote:
 On Thursday 19 December 2002 17:13, you wrote:

 what's the permissions for /usr/local/libexec/runtar on the client?
 usually this is setuid root.

 This is from my client:
 -rwsr-x---1 root archiver   114708 Dec 13 16:15 runtar
 You are right about setuid, but as I understand, group archiver can
 execute this file. What probles?

hmm ok looks good, and the amanda user is group archiver I presume..

Yes. I have builded amanda with option --with-user archiver -with-group

What do the debug files in /tmp/amanda on the client say?

ERROR [can not execute /usr/local/libexec/runtar: Permission denied]

Is /usr/local NFS-mounted?  If so, check your mount options to see if
you are mounting it nosuid.  Also make sure your archiver user has
execute permissions on each of the parent directories (and if on
Solaris, the underlying mount point as well).  Can you su to archiver
and run runtar on the command line (you should just get a usage message).

OK /bin/gtar executable
ERROR [can not read/write /etc/amandates: Permission denied]

touch /etc/amandates
chown archiver:archiver /etc/amandates

ERROR [can not read/write /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/.: No such file
or directory]

mkdir /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists
chown archiver:archiver /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists

OK /bin/gzip executable
OK /dev/null read/writable

Nothing new as I see :( May be I've done something wrong, but what?

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Re: No index records for host

2002-12-19 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, December 19, 2002 18:53:44 -0500 Steve Bertrand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In order to have indexing on your backups, you must specify 'index yes' inside of the backup type in amanda .conf. ie:

define dumptype nocomp-user {
comment Whatever comment you want
compress client fast
priority medium
index yes

The next backups using your dumptype with index yes inserted will be indexed for amrecover.

Steve Bertrand

Is there a reason indexing isn't on by default?  They don't really take up
that much space, and recovery is an all or nothing deal without them.  Just
curious as why some of the defaults are the way they are.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
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Re: No index records for host

2003-01-04 Thread Frank Smith
--On Friday, January 03, 2003 22:18:18 -0500 John R. Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a reason indexing isn't on by default?  They don't really take up
 that much space ...
 I beg to differ:
   $ du -sk /var/amanda/index/champion
   4641743 /var/amanda/index/champion
 Yup.  Four and a half *GBytes*.
 Now, granted, this is on a very large Amanda configuration.  But it's
 not peanuts even in my small configs.

OK, size is a relative thing.  If all you back up is a 9 gig disk
then 4,5 G would be huge, if you are backing up terabytes then it
is just dust.  I would still guess that as a percentage of total
disk backed up it is a relatively small number, unless you have
an unusually high percentage of your disk occupied by tiny files.

 ... and recovery is an all or nothing deal without them.  ...
 Not at all, although it depends on how things are set up.  Using dump
 (instead of GNU tar) provides a fairly easy to manage shell to pick
 and choose what to restore.  Knowing which tapes are needed might be an
 issue -- it depends on the restore scenerio.

But dump limits you to filesystems smaller than your tape since
Amanda won't span tapes on a single DLE. So those of us that
prefer larger filesystems are forced to use GNU tar, and indexes
make restoring with tar much simpler.

 Just curious as why some of the defaults are the way they are.
 Ah, now that's a completely different question :-).  The answer, as is
 often the case, is because it's always been that way.  Changing the
 default could be a *big* surprise to folks who upgrade.

Like suddenly making the existance of a listed exclude file required
in 2.4.3 when it used to be optional?

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread Frank Smith
You could just rotate your older tapes offsite, making sure that you keep
at least a dumpcycle's worth of tapes offsite.  If you want something
easier to restore from, set up a separate config that does fulls on
everything(don't forget 'record no' or you'll confuse your regular config),
run it weekly (or however current you need), and take those tapes offsite
after each run.
  If you have two tape drives and plenty of tapes you could use the RAIT
drivers in the latest version and mirror your normal backup tapes as you
write them (has anyone actually tried this?).


--On Monday, January 06, 2003 13:18:42 -0500 David Lebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm new to Amanda;  I'm more used to traditional solutions like
Networker or NetBackup.  That being said, the setup I'm currently
administrating has been put in place by my predecessor and I'm wondering
if people are using Amanda in an offsite strategy, where there is one
cycle of tapes offsite (usually a few weeks old) and another cycle
residing onsite (ie. the current ongoing cycle).

My point is that I would like to be able to store a full cycle offsite
in case of a disaster so I can full rebuild all my machines without the
worries of having only partials full backups.

Any hints?


// david lebel lebel@{,,} //
// //
// pgp: 3633 6999 D47E 73ED 099F  4341 08A4 8E48 EF56 61D1 //

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
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Re: mtx sources

2003-01-06 Thread Frank Smith
It's on sourceforge,


--On Monday, January 06, 2003 16:46:02 -0500 Brian Cuttler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm configuring Amanda 2.4.2 to access StorEdge 9 tape jukebox
on Solaris 8. Much thanks to Darin Perusich.

Unfortunately I'm unable to access, the site given
in the faq-o-matic as the mtx source site. DNS is not resolving
the address.

Is there an alternate source ?
Is there a binary around someplace that I could grab ?



   Brian R Cuttler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
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Re: advantages of amanda over ADSM or other backup utilities?

2003-01-12 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, January 13, 2003 01:56:16 -0500 Jon LaBadie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 10:36:33AM +0530, Nitesh Kumar A. wrote:
 I am yet to understand the advantages of AMANDA over other backup
 utilities like ADSM, etc other than AMANDA being a freebie? 
 May I know some of the reasons why AMANDA edges over other traditional
 Unix backup utilities.
 does what it claims
 source available
 well supported
 good, unique scheduling module
 scales well from a single system to moderatly large installations
Also that it uses native utilities for the backup images, so you
can do a restore without having to reinstall Amanda first.

 From your yet to understand, I assume you have compared amanda to
 other traditional unix backup utilities.  May we know some of your
 comparison results?  Or the features you find attractive in other
 traditional unix backup utilities?
  JG Computing
  4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
  Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: features: append, span tapes, compress?

2003-01-23 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, January 23, 2003 01:53:07 -0500 Scott Mcdermott 

 After searching around in the FAQ-O-MATIC, current projects page, and in
 the mailing list archives, I believe what I understand is that:
- the largest filesystem backed up must be smaller than the size of
  the tapes used (possibly after compression is considered)

Using dump, true, but using tar you can backup subdirectories of the
filesystem and so split your large disk into smaller pieces. Also see
RAIT comments below.

- amanda can't do hardware compression without breaking easily

Not true.  Software compression gives you better tape utilization (as
Amanda then knows exactly the size of the backups and whether it will
fit on the current tape, but many people on the list do use hardware
compression successfully.
- amanda doesn't do parallel backups under any circumstances

Amanda does parallel backups, but only one is streamed to tape
at any one time.  However, with the current version you can do
RAIT and stripe your data across several tape drives.  This gives
you higher throughput and a way to backup an entity larger than
a single tape (but still smaller than your RAIT set).

 do I understand these points correctly? I have several issues this will
 create for me and no idea how to solve them:
- I have some filesystems that are LARGE and have no hope of fitting
  on a single tape, and no hope of fitting in a staging/holding area
  on a disk.  These are large logical volumes that span across
  multiple RAID arrays.  Amanda simply can't handle these because it
  can't span tapes, correct?
See above.

- I have a nice fast compression ASIC in my tape drives which can
  probably compress at the drive's write speed, while my backup host
  is slow and intended mainly for IO.  Do I have it right that Amanda
  can't just write until EOT (allowing the drive to compress), rewind
  to last EOF, and move on to the next tape? Instead I have to use
  CPU in my backup server to do compression?

Yes, you can use your tape's compression, but when Amanda hits EOT
it starts over with the disk entry it was writing.  This can waste
a fair amount of tape with large disks and small tapes.
- my library has 4 drives in it, which can all write at once.  Do I
  need to go out and buy 3 more backup hosts, split up my changer's
  SCSI bus and partition the library into 4 virtual libraries in
  order to actually do concurrent backups? Maybe I can run separate
  amdump instances that don't know anything about each other? ugh :)

I'm not sure its possible to run concurrent Amanda's (at least not
without compiling different versions using different ports, etc).
Your best bet would be to use the RAIT driver, which would also raise
the limit on filesystem/directory size to be larger than your tape


 A lot of the FAQs and stuff have $Id$ strings from eg 2000, so I'm
 hoping that a lot of this is stale information and Amanda can actually
 be used in shops with non-trivial backup requirements (after all if it
 is used for a UMD, those folks must have huge backup requirements)...
 Anyone know if I am mistaken, or have workarounds to address these
 Any help or comments are greatly appreciated.

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501


2003-01-24 Thread Frank Smith
--On Friday, January 24, 2003 08:45:24 -0500 Gene Heskett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Friday 24 January 2003 06:00, Simon Young wrote:


I'm using tar for backup, but my DLEs refer to device names. For

henry   /dev/sda1   root-tar
henry   /dev/sda2   user-tar

I'm also trying to use exclude lists, but these don't seem to be
working as I would expect them to (it looks like they're being

The question is, should I be refering to paths rather than devices
when using tar? Like this:


henry   /   root-tar
henry   /usruser-tar

Your first line will also cover the second one, and on todays
systems, either will likely generate a level 0 bigger than the
tape. I don't do /, but each subdir, and /usr is further broken
down into /usr/bin, /usr/etc, /usr/local and so on entries.
Here, /usr/src and /usr/dlds can make a tape full each by themselves
with /usr/music bringing up the next biggest file. YMMV of course.

If both the above examples are the same system (i.e. / is /dev/sda1
and /usr is /sda2), then using / for a DLE won't include /usr.  Dump
limits itself to a single filesystem, and gnutar is called with the
--one-file-system option so it won't traverse mounted subdirectories.


...and have an exclude file for, say, the root filesystem which
ignores all the mount points covered by the other DLEs?

The format of the exclude files entries is in relative format, as in
./entry.  So if you had an entry that was ./etc, it would skip
all the etc dirs it runs into in that dle.

Or at least thats how I had it setup.  I'm not using the excludes
now as I just don't put them into the disklist in the first place,
so this info may be old.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.22% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: question

2003-01-31 Thread Frank Smith
Check the /tmp/amanda/*debug files on the client for the gnutar
path it is trying to use.  My guess is that it's not in the same
place that was defined in the Amanda build.


--On Friday, January 31, 2003 13:39:24 -0500 Lee, David, arvato services [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I got GNUTAR program not available error when ran 'amcheck'.
The client is a Sun Solaris system.
I  already installed gnu tar 1.13 on the client.
Why still got this error?



Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
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Re: problems with failing (timeout) dupms after upgrade

2003-02-01 Thread Frank Smith
--On Saturday, February 01, 2003 08:49:26 -0500 stan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm in the process of changing my Amanda tape server from an HP 9000/735 to
an Athaolon 1.2GHZ. I'm using the same HP branded DLT40, and i've upped the
holding disk from 2G to 40G. The clients are the same. I've also upgraded
(almost all) of the clients to 2.4.3N4.

I am having major problems with dumps failing because of timeouts. What
appears to be happening is that the clients are losing there concretion to the
host in mid dump. I;ve decreased the number of dumpers, and put in network
bandwidth limiting (using Amanda.conf), and I;ve had a couple of nights
where everything went OK. But the whole situation seems awfully fragile.
Before last nights run, i bumped dumpers back up to 16 from 8, and I had 3
filessystems fail! Some filessystems on the same machines succeed.

I don;t believe i have any specific network issues, as no other network
tasks seem to be having problems. The new tapesever is running FreeBSD 4.7

Are you sure it's not a networking related?  No errors from ifconfig
or on your switch?  Also, check your etimeout and dtimeout settings
(estimates or data transfer timeouts), maybe one or both need to
 If you're using the same config file as the previous machine,
and the machine is the only thing that changed, I'd bet on network
problems (a duplex-mismatch the most likely cause).


I'm going nuts here, and am looking for any thoughts on this.


They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety.
		-- Benjamin Franklin

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape

2003-02-03 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, February 03, 2003 13:07:51 -0500 Joshua Baker-LePain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 at 12:26pm, John wrote

*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [cannot overwrite active tape Daily01].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.

Is there a way to make it use the existing 7 remaining tapes instead of
throwing a new tape at it? It's mostly a time thing for getting a new
tape, but it'd be nice to be able to go on with the next tape in the

Change your tapecycle to match how many tapes you have.

And make sure tapecycle is still = runspercycle * runtapes)
or you risk overwriting your last full.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: a very lost changer user

2003-02-05 Thread Frank Smith
 an interface does not force the traffic to pass
#  through that interface.  Your OS routing tables do that.  This
#  is just a mechanism to stop Amanda trashing your network.
# Attributes are:
#	use		- bandwidth above which amanda won't start
#			  backups using this interface.  Note that if
#			  a single backup will take more than that,
#			  amanda won't try to make it run slower!

define interface local {
comment a local disk
use 1000 kbps

define interface le0 {
comment 10 Mbps ethernet
use 400 kbps

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Re: question

2003-02-06 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, February 06, 2003 12:48:44 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My tape server only has a tape driver with a single slot.
We have to manually change tapes when do backup.
So far, amanda doesn't ask user to change tape when a tape is full.
The 'amdump' process just exits and write error message to log.
Is this a configuration issue?
What should I do?

Option 1:
Make 'runtapes' greater than 1 in your config.
Configure a changer (use 'chg-manual' to manually change tapes).
Note: You have to be there to change the tape, the dumps stop until
you do.

Option 2:
Configure a large holdingdisk.
Set 'reserve' to a low number (or 0)
Backups that don't fit on your tape will keep going to the holdingdisk,
then you run amflush to write them out to tape (if that tape fills,
you can keep running amflush until it all ends up on a tape).

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amdump problem

2003-02-06 Thread Frank Smith
On many (some?) OSs you can't use dump on a subdirectory. Use GNU tar
instead, or use dump on the entire filesystem.


--On Thursday, February 06, 2003 18:46:37 -0300 Luis E. Cruz Campos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a problem with my server, i try configure amanda, buy I get this mail
when run amdump:

These dumps were to tape hosting01.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.

  ns.webspac /usr/local/backup/data lev 0 FAILED [/sbin/dump returned 1]

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:00
Run Time (hrs:min) 0:01
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Output Size (meg)
Original Size (meg)
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --
Filesystems Dumped0  0  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s) -- -- --

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Tape Size (meg)
Tape Used (%)
Filesystems Taped 0  0  0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) -- -- --


/-- ns.webspac /usr/local/backup/data lev 0 FAILED [/sbin/dump returned 1]
sendbackup: start [ level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/sbin/dump
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/sbin/restore -f... -
sendbackup: info end
|   DUMP: You can't update the dumpdates file when dumping a subdirectory
|   DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
sendbackup: error [/sbin/dump returned 1]

I hope anyone can help me,

Pd. sorry my english...


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Almost there, Now the Amanda Client...

2003-02-07 Thread Frank Smith
--On Friday, February 07, 2003 11:04:54 -0800 Amro Radwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've pretty much setup everything I need on the Amanda Backup Server..
but now I'm trying to configure the Amanda Client.  I've got to say the
documentation in the Unix Backup and Recovery by W. Preston, doesn't
really go into depth of configuring the client.

Can anyone recommend any good reading of how to configure the Amanda
client?  I'm using a predominantly Sun environment, with a few NT/2000


Install the software (you can configure with the  --without-server option
if it will never be used as the Amanda server).
Create the backup user and group (if they don't already exist)
Create backup user's home directory if needed
Create ~backupuser/.amandahosts:
serverhost.dom.ain	backupuser
chmod 600 ~backupuser/.amandahosts
mkdir ~backupuser/gnutar-lists   (if you're using tar, directory should be
whatever specified in configure's --with-gnutar-listdir=)
touch /etc/amandates
chown backupuser:group all of the above
Add to /etc/services:
amanda  10080/udp   # Amanda backup
Add to /etc/inetd.conf:
amanda  dgram   udp waitbackup  /amanda/install/path/libexec/amandad amandad
kill -HUP inetd PID
If using tar and you have an exclude file in your dumptype called amanda.exclude, at
the top level of each DLE create amanda.exclude  (i.e., if your DLE is /home then
create /home/amanda.exclude containing lines like:

Add the DLE to your disklist, then run amcheck config to verify it all works.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: a very lost changer user

2003-02-08 Thread Frank Smith
--On Saturday, February 08, 2003 16:12:45 -0500 John R. Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 ADIC Scalar 100 - 4x Quantum DLT7000 Drives
   - the picker has a barcode scanner
 120 DLT IV's
 dumpcycle 4 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
 Are you sure you want this?  It means that each disklist entry (DLE) will only
 be gauranteed a full backup every 4 weeks.  IT also means that if you need to
 restore it you have to use up to 20 tapes to do it (since your running 5 days/
 We run configs here with a four week cycle due to the quantity of data
 backed up per night.  Simple math of bytes dumped divided by drive
 bytes/second.  Something had to give, so it was the dumpcycle which
 has the effect of lowering the daily dump amount (and thus the time to
 dump it).
 DLT7000 drives are ~5 MBytes/s, so in a typical 8 hour backup window you
 can do at most ~140 GBytes (~4 tapes at 35 GBytes/tape).  Those estimates
 are high, however, due overhead in various places.

If you have the luxury of enough holdingdisk space (as large as your
total backup, for example), then the tape speed becomes less relevant
since your backup window can end once it all goes to the holdingdisk,
and you can take the rest of the day to finish streaming it to tape.

 Geoff may have to use a larger dumpcycle than normal.  However, I
 agree with Frank that it should probably start smaller and only crank
 up if necessary.
 Also, the maximum number of tapes you will ever have to use for a restore
 is 10.  Amanda never runs an incremental level higher than 9, so a full
 dump plus 9 incrementals is the worst case.
 Not that 10 is much more pleasant than 20 :-).

True, I didn't think about there only being 10 levels.  But on an active
filesystem, won't you get to level 9 early in a long dumpcycle, increasing
the total size of your dumps?  I can see that on some partitions you may
never even need an incremental, even on a long dumpcycle, but depending on
your mix of stable and churning filesystems, there has to be a maximum
length of dumpcycle before the total size actually starts increasing instead
of decreasing as the cycle is lengthened.  Or is Amanda smart enough to
decide to schedule an early level 0 (or drop back to 8 or 7 or ..) instead
of yet another large level 9?

 use 290 Mb  # how much space can we use on it
 If your DLEs are larger than this number then it won't do you any good ...
 I agree that 290 MBytes seems very small.  The more you can give Amanda,
 the better it can parallelize/buffer the backup process.
 On the other hand, if this is all you have, it's better than nothing.

Yes, it would help on incrementals that would fit on it, I was just thinking
about the initial runs having to go directly to tape.


Amanda, multiple tape drives, and native restores

2003-02-08 Thread Frank Smith
I thought about using RAIT when it was added to Amanda, but didn't
since it broke the ability to do native restores in a DR situation.
However, I did have an idea on how to use multiple drives to gain
backup speed while still being able to do a native restore.
   Has anyone considered setting up a pool of 2 or more drives, and
having a master taper process that would assign DLEs to a particular
drive whenever a drive was available?  It could be round-robin, with
a little extra logic to do some size leveling.  If you had two drives,
half of your DLEs (size-wise) would end up on drive 1 and half on
drive 2.  To restore a given DLE you would only need one of those tapes.
   Is this doable within the current framework of Amanda's codebase, or
would it require major rewrites?  Conceptually it seems fairly simple,
but I realize many things are much easier said than done.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

RE: Almost there, Now the Amanda Client...

2003-02-09 Thread Frank Smith
--On Sunday, February 09, 2003 18:22:29 +0100 liam pace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 for the client part, does the disklist reside on the client or on the server

The disklist is on the server. That is the file the Amanda server uses to
know which disks on which machines to back up.  The client has no knowledge
of what is supposed to be backed up, it just does whatever the server asks
it to.

 also, why is the command touch /etc/amandates needed. What does amandates do

If you only use dump and not GNU tar, you don't need it.  For tar it provides
the same function as /etc/dumpdates (recording when and at what level each
filesystem was last backed up).  Since the backup user doesn't normally have
permissions to create a file in /etc, root has to create it first and chown it.
I don't remember if the location and name amandates is a configure option
or not.

 one last thing. can u explain:
 mkdir ~backupuser/gnutar-lists   (if you're using tar, directory should be
 whatever specified in configure's --with-gnutar-listdir=)
 why is gnutar--lists used?

Also tar-specific.  I should think more generically before I reply late at
night and not assume everyone's doing things the same way I am.  If you are
using tar, that is where it keeps a list of what files were backed up when
so tar can do incrementals properly.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Frank Smith
 Sent: 07 February 2003 20:51
 To: Amro Radwan; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 Subject: Re: Almost there, Now the Amanda Client...
 --On Friday, February 07, 2003 11:04:54 -0800 Amro Radwan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I've pretty much setup everything I need on the Amanda Backup Server..
 but now I'm trying to configure the Amanda Client.  I've got to say the
 documentation in the Unix Backup and Recovery by W. Preston, doesn't
 really go into depth of configuring the client.
 Can anyone recommend any good reading of how to configure the Amanda
 client?  I'm using a predominantly Sun environment, with a few NT/2000
 Install the software (you can configure with the  --without-server option
 if it will never be used as the Amanda server).
 Create the backup user and group (if they don't already exist)
 Create backup user's home directory if needed
 Create ~backupuser/.amandahosts:
 chmod 600 ~backupuser/.amandahosts
 mkdir ~backupuser/gnutar-lists   (if you're using tar, directory should be
 whatever specified in configure's --with-gnutar-listdir=)
 touch /etc/amandates
 chown backupuser:group all of the above
 Add to /etc/services:
 amanda  10080/udp   # Amanda backup
 Add to /etc/inetd.conf:
 amanda  dgram   udp waitbackup  /amanda/install/path/libexec/amandad
 kill -HUP inetd PID
 If using tar and you have an exclude file in your dumptype called
 amanda.exclude, at
 the top level of each DLE create amanda.exclude  (i.e., if your DLE is /home
 create /home/amanda.exclude containing lines like:
 Add the DLE to your disklist, then run amcheck config to verify it all
Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: The Old Selfcheck Issue

2003-02-10 Thread Frank Smith
Sounds like you may still have the server's old IP address somewhere
in your hosts file, or in DNS/NIS.  See if 'nslookup servername'
returns what you expect.


--On Monday, February 10, 2003 14:17:15 -0500 Brad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


We change the IP address on our amanda server because we moved to a new
building. Now, when we run su amanda -c amcheck daily we continually
get the 'selfcheck request timed out' error, but the server can still
check the other hosts it backs up. No other changes were made to the
server. It was up and running for several months before the move w/o any
problems. Here's what I've verified:

amanda can write to /var/tmp/amanda
there are no firewalls in place
according to lsof, all amanda services are still running
I can ping the server from itself and from other clients on the network
Restarting xinetd or rebooting does not correct the problem
The server has entries for itself in /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts

Any ideas? We're using version 2.4.2p2-7 on a RH 7.3 server (it was
installed with RH's default rpms). Like I said earlier, it worked
perfectly for several months before we moved to the new building and
changed IPs, but that doesn't seem like it should cause this.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Tape running out of space, NOT possible

2003-02-12 Thread Frank Smith

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.2p2)

Any ideas?

Rebecca A. Crum
Systems Administrator
Unterberg  Associates, P.C.
(219) 736-5579 ext. 184

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Amanda not scheduling dumps properly

2003-02-12 Thread Frank Smith
--On Wednesday, February 12, 2003 08:50:56 -0800 John Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm still having a problem with one partition that amanda keeps trying
to do a level 0 backup for, and fails.  Why will it not back up this
partition all by itself, or with just a couple of other things?

Is it larger than the 18GB taper was able to write to tape?  Also, did
all the output come from the same run, because taper claims it wrote 18GB
when it hit EOT, but the stats only show writing 564MB.


These dumps were to tape Indyme001.
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [[writing file: No space left on device]].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: Indyme002.

  cm /dev/hda2 lev 0 FAILED [out of tape]
  cm /dev/hda2 lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:04
Run Time (hrs:min) 4:08
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:18   0:07   0:11
Output Size (meg) 564.1  553.4   10.8
Original Size (meg)  1905.4 1683.6  221.8
Avg Compressed Size (%)29.6   32.94.9   (level:#disks
Filesystems Dumped   17  2 15   (1:15)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)   531.0 1304.4   16.9

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:08   0:07   0:00
Tape Size (meg)   564.9  553.5   11.5
Tape Used (%)   (level:#disks
Filesystems Taped17  2 15   (1:15)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  1263.6 1322.5  401.5

  planner: Last full dump of cm:/dev/hda2 on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  taper: tape Indyme001 kb 18078912 fm 18 writing file: No space left on
  driver: dumper0 pid 25723 is messed up, ignoring it.
  driver: dumper0 exited with signal 9

-- -

backup   /dev/hda1   15230576  11.0   0:02 270.1   0:02
cm   /dev/hda1   1  10 64 640.0   0:01   0.0   0:02
cm   /dev/hda2   0 FAILED
cm   /dev/hda3   1 490 64  13.1   0:26   0.2   0:02
cm   /dev/hda5   1 200 64  32.0   0:07   2.4   0:02
cm   /dev/hda7   18930   1472  16.5   0:09 167.3   0:02
devcoll  /dev/hdc2   14550448   9.8   0:59   6.9   0:02
devdb/dev/hda2   1   80380   2432   3.0   1:04  37.3   0:03
devdist  /dev/hda2   15730832  14.5   1:01  13.1   0:02
devweb   /dev/hda2   19980   1024  10.3   1:00  16.4   0:02
proddb   /dev/sda2   0 1052760 339392  32.2   4:131340.9
proddist /dev/hda2   14510448   9.9   0:59   6.9   0:02
prodweb  /dev/sda2   0  671220 227360  33.9   3:011253.3
qaall/dev/hdc2   14550448   9.8   0:59   6.9   0:02
qacoll   /dev/hda2   14550448   9.8   1:04   6.3   0:02
qadb /dev/hda2   1   80800   2048   2.5   1:05  30.5   0:02
qadist   /dev/hda2   14610448   9.7   0:58   7.0   0:02
qaweb/dev/hdc2   1   12640928   7.3   0:59  14.9   0:02

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.3)

John Oliver, CCNA
Linux/UNIX/network consulting
***   sendmail, Apache, ftp, DNS, spam filtering ***
Colocation, T1s, web/email/ftp hosting  

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amrecover problems ....

2003-02-14 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, February 13, 2003 22:02:46 -0700 Jim Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't seem to get amrecover to work.
 I have a single server running amanda, with an SDLT drive attached to
 it. All my clients are being backed up without problems. (I have done
 recent recoveries manually.)
 However, when I try to run amrecover from a client, when I issue the
 extract, amrecover fails and tells me to check the amidxtaped log file
 on the server.
 I do and at the end of it I see:
 Ready to execv amrestore with:
 path = /usr/local/sbin/amrestore
 argv[0] = amrestore
 argv[1] = -h
 argv[2] = -p
 argv[3] = /dev/nst0
 argv[4] = lun
 argv[5] = ^/home$
 argv[6] = 20030120
 amrestore: could not open tape /dev/nst0: Permission denied
 amidxtaped: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
 Rewinding tape: no tape online
 amidxtaped: pid 27373 finish time Thu Feb 13 17:16:29 2003
 the amrecover command I use on the client:
 /usr/local/sbin/amrecover -C set1 -s godzilla -t godzilla -d /dev/nst0
 godzilla is my amanda/tape server, lun is the client I'm trying to run
 it on.
 all the clients are having no problem talking to /dev/nst0 on the tape
 server during backup, why would amrecover be having a problem. Something
 to do with having to run amrecover as root on the client 

Are you running amrecover as root on the client?  You should be.


 Clues ??

Re: tapemanagement II

2003-02-17 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, February 17, 2003 12:01:21 -0500 Axel Haenssen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I apologize for the first mix up. I used s/mime signing that couldn't be
read by many people. Here the text again unsignend.

Hi Guys,
Amanda is asking me for a new tape at the end of my dumpcycle instead of
asking for the first tape DMP01.
My Amanda.conf has the standard entries:
dumpcycle 4 weeks
runspercycle 20
tapecycle 25 tapes
How do I get Amanda to ask for the first tape DMP01

Amanda wont ask for DMP01 again until after 'tapecycle' tapes have been used,
in your case 25.  If you are using one tape per run it will be 6 runs into
your next dumpcycle, or sooner if you had to run amflush or sometimes use
more than one tape.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Re-registering?

2003-02-18 Thread Frank Smith

--On Tuesday, February 18, 2003 06:58:18 -0800 Potts, Ross A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Has anyone else already on the list gotten the message that Someone
(possibly you) has requested that your email address be added?

It is dated today.

Yes, someone evidently tried to subscribe the list to itself.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Problem with compression?

2003-02-24 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, February 24, 2003 10:03:53 -0800 John Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 09:10:35PM -0500, Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 03:49:32PM -0800, John Oliver wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 06:14:37PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:

  Throw in that marketing is usually a bit optimistic in saying its a
  20 gigger without compression, and that always needs a fudge factor
  when actually estimating, and it likely this will happen.

 But fudging by 100%?  I don't buy that... :-)
You don't have to.  Gene was only talking about a few percent.
No... if my tape is theoretically capable of 20GB uncompressed and 40GB
compressed, and after compression amanda can only fit 20GB on it, that
would hypothetically demonstrate a 10GB un-compressed capacity.  Or,
half of what it's actually doing.  I do not believe Quantum sells a
10/20 tape drive as a 20/40  I'm sure there *is* some fudging going on,
but not, like I said, 100%.  I'm apparently loosing about half of the
capacity of my tapes, and I'm puzzled why I'm the only one who sees a
problem with that... :-)
The only capacity number that matters on a tape is the raw 'uncompressed'
capacity.  The 'compressed' numbers are just a marketing ploy to make the
tape capacity seem higher.  Yes, some data will compress nicely, giving
you the appearance of writing 40 or even 60 GB to that tape, but you are
still only writing 20 GB of ones and zeroes to the tape.
  If you are backing up filesystems with mostly uncompressible data, then
the amount of disk space used will approximate the amount of tape used,
or possibly be even larger on tape if you try to compress already compressed
data. I have one 5.4GB directory that is 5.3GB compressed, but a 6.2GB
directory I have only uses 2.6GB compressed.  Depending on your data you
could get anywhere from 20 to 100 GB on that same tape, with the odds
much greater of being near the low end of that range rather than the high

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Q: NOTE by amcheck

2003-03-06 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, March 06, 2003 10:21:05 +0100 Raúl Wild-Spain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi! After my first succesfully try with amanda I've been changed my disklist to adjust them not for filesystems but for the important directories I want to backup. In this case amcheck says the following:

NOTE: info dir /var/lib/amanda/furv/curinfo/xaloc/_.notesini: does not exist
NOTE: index dir /var/lib/amanda/furv/index/xaloc/_.notesini: does not exist
NOTE: info dir /var/lib/amanda/furv/curinfo/xaloc/_.recursosBD: does not exist
NOTE: index dir /var/lib/amanda/furv/index/xaloc/_.recursosBD: does not exist
NOTE: info dir /var/lib/amanda/furv/curinfo/xaloc/_.namesBD: does not exist
NOTE: index dir /var/lib/amanda/furv/index/xaloc/_.namesBD: does not exist
NOTE: info dir /var/lib/amanda/furv/curinfo/xaloc/_.mail: does not exist
NOTE: index dir /var/lib/amanda/furv/index/xaloc/_.mail: does not exist
NOTE: info dir /var/lib/amanda/furv/curinfo/xaloc/_.aplicacionsFURV: does not exist
NOTE: index dir /var/lib/amanda/furv/index/xaloc/_.aplicacionsFURV: does not exist
Should I suppose that amanda will create the necessary directories and files when needed although it not indicates  NOTE: it will be created on the next run? or I must to do this by hand?

The man page of amcheck isn't clear about this ...
As many others have already answered, these will be created by Amanda.

- comment : -  /.x are softlinks to every directory or file I want to backup
If you are saying that all of the paths you tell Amanda to back up  are soft links,
you have a big problem.  All that will be backed up are the links themselves, not
the directories they point to.   Also, disklist entries are usually directories or
partitions and not files, but if you are using GNU tar I suppose passing it a filename
instead of a directory would work (anyone here know for sure?).

Best Regards,


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: The Million Dollar amcheck Question (host down)

2003-03-14 Thread Frank Smith
--On Friday, March 14, 2003 15:02:22 + ljrsnn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi folks!
I know this question is asked a lot, and I've looked
through various
solutions, and the FAQ but can't seem to solve my
problem. (I'm trying to run this on Linux)
When I run amcheck, I get the following error:
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /usr/local/etc/amanda/Test/dumps: 692120
KB disk space
available, that's plenty
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Tape Test02 label ok
Server check took 3.230 seconds
Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

WARNING: snitch: selfcheck request timed out.  Host
Client check: 1 host checked in 30.024 seconds, 1
problem found
(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.4)

-This creates an amcheck.*.debug file with the
appropriate timestamp,
and this file is as follows:
amcheck: debug 1 pid 3264 ruid 0 euid 0: start at Thu
Mar 13 16:33:09
amcheck: dgram_bind: socket bound to
amcheck: pid 3264 finish time Thu Mar 13 16:33:39 2003
As Gene pointed out, you really shouldn't be using localhost.

-However, NO amandad.*.debug file is created. (using ls -
lu /usr/local/libexec/amandad, the file is not being accessed when
amcheck is run)
Please note that I am using xinetd instead of inetd.
In /etc/xindetd.d , I have the amanda,amidxtape and
amindexd files as
# default: off
# description: Part of Amanda server package
service amanda {
disable = no
socket_type = dgram
protocol= udp
wait= yes
user= root
group   = disk
server  = /usr/local/libexec/amandad
Are you really using 'root' for the Amanda user?  If so you should change it
to another user, some Amanda utilities won't run if started by root (although
I don't know if that is still true if it was configured with --with-user=root).

# Converted by Linux-Mandrake_inetdconvert
service amidxtape
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= yes
user= root
server  =
server_args = amidxtaped
disable = no
# Converted by Linux-Mandrake_inetdconvert
service amindexd
 socket_type= stream
 protocol  = tcp
 wait   = yes
 user   = root
 server   = /usr/local/libexec/amindexd
 server_args= amindexd
 disable   = no
This being said, I've also checked my firewalling, and the
tcpwrappers, and these seem to have no effect.
I've also tried restarting xinetd, and I made sure that amanda shows
up in ntsysv.
If you run /usr/local/libexec/amandad from the command line as the Amanda
user does it behave as expected (i.e., does nothing for a minute or so,
then returns, or returns instantly if you hit a key) or does it return some
error message?

Can someone PLEASE give me a hand with this?
Thanks so much!
Lauren Bridges
Lauren Bridges
Development Tools Analyst, ACE
Cedara Software Corp.
(905) 672-2101 X 1464

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: extracting log data during dump

2003-03-24 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, March 24, 2003 10:11:59 -0500 Matthew Moffitt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a simple perl script that pulls out entries from the amdump log file to track 
total number of files dumped, bytes output to tape, etc, then feeds these out for 
processing by MRTG.  It works nicely but I can't grab the data during the actual
dump phase, only after it's complete when the entire log is written out.
Is there a file I could be pulling data from DURING the dump so I can chart, for instance, 
number of files systems that have been backed up, or a count of bytes sent off to tape?  
admump.1 or log.currentdate.0 only seem to be updated once the dump
is complete so I only have the summary information after it is finished.
Thanks much for any help.

You could run amstatus and parse the output from that.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Amanda thru a firewall

2003-06-06 Thread Frank Smith
If you run a Linux 2.5 kernel there is Amanda support built in to the kernel
(actually its an option in the netfilter section of the kernel config, you
have to enable it).  On older kernels, your best bet is to rebuild your
Amanda server and clients using the 'portrange' options to limit Amanda
to a narrow range of ports and have your firewall rules allow traffic on
those ports between the client and server.
 Another option is to rsync the desired directories on the remote server
to somewhere local that you could then back up.

--On Friday, June 06, 2003 10:52:10 -0500 F.M. Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am attempting to backup a system that is on the other side of an iptables/netfilter 
firewall.  I have opened ports 10080 10082 an 10083 for udp and tcp.  The system 
passes amcheck, but the dump give me this report. (dogs is in fact offline, I am
trying to backup ftp)
   planner: ERROR Request to dogs timed out.
   ftp/ lev 0 FAILED 20030606[could not connect to ftp]
   ftp/home/ftp lev 0 FAILED 20030606[could not connect to ftp]
   dogs   /export/home RESULTS MISSING
All the other systems in this set backup just fine.

What am I missing here.

Mike Taylor. GSEC/GCFW 'Non Impediti Ratione Cogitationis'
Coordinator of Systems Administration and Network Security
Indiana State University.   Rankin Hall Rm 052
210 N 7th St. Terre Haute, IN.
Voice: 812-237-8843

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: A doubt about Amanda

2003-06-06 Thread Frank Smith
--On Friday, June 06, 2003 19:39:39 -0300 Roberto Samarone Araujo (RSA) [EMAIL 

   Sorry for the question but, if I have a 'dump cycle 7' and a 'runs per
 cycle 5', Amanda will do backup five days of a Week. What's happen if the
 server where I'm getting a backup down on the 3th day ? Could I recover the
 backup until the 2st day ?

You will be able to recover up to whenever Amanda last ran.  So if you run
Monday through Friday night and your disk dies early Monday, you will
be able to restore the disk to the way it was Friday night.


   ROberto Samarone Araujo

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: restoring question

2003-05-27 Thread Frank Smith
--On Tuesday, May 27, 2003 14:48:39 -0500 Martin, Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have amanda working ok backing the server up as well as another client. However I'm still not quite certain I understand how the restore process works.

I want to have one full backup every 7 days, so I understand that each day the tape 
(still just using a local folder to simulate tapes for now) would get about 1/7th of the data 
written to it + any incremental data. But I'm not sure how I can
determine which tapes I need to restore in the event that a restore is necessary.
Let's say I have been backing up the /usr folder and it has been slightly change every 
day for the past week. So I'd have to restore the backup from 7 days ago, then from 6 
days ago, then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 days ago? Or does amanda have some way to search
for a given file name or folder name and it will then spit out which tape(s) I'd need 
to restore to get those files or that folder back?
Amanda keeps track of what is on which tape, so amrecover will tell you which 
tape(s) you
need and prompt you for them as they are needed.  Also, you probably won't end up with 
backup levels but most likely just need two or three tapes since Amanda will fall back 
a lower level backup if too much has changed.

Apologies if this gets asked a lot, I've found answers to a number of other questions I had in the list archive but I couldn't figure out what terms to search for to find the answer to this.

Jeremy Martin
Network Technician

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amcheck - linux client problem

2003-06-11 Thread Frank Smith
--On Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:32:36 -0400 Bill Nolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ext3 and tar

Tar does filesystem-level backup, dump deals with devices.  Try
changing your disklist entry to /  (or whatever /dev/hda1 is
mounted as).

 Server - Solaris 8 Client - Red Hat Linux 7.2
 When I run amcheck -cl normal
 I get the following back from the linux client:
 ERROR: /dev/hda1 selftest does not support device
 ERROR: /dev/hda1 sendbackup does not support device
 What type of filesystem is on /dev/hda1 and what program are you trying
 to back it up with?
 Frank Smith
 Systems Administrator  Voice:
 Hoover's Online  Fax:
 Bill Nolf
 Argon Engineering Associates, Inc.
 SSEE-E Sr. System Administrator

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: NetApp request

2003-06-12 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, June 12, 2003 14:56:18 -0600 George Kelbley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I may be missing something simple here, but, we want to back up a
 Network Appliance using amanda.  2.4.4 seems to have patches to collect
 the correct size, and I installed the perl scripts and dump program that
 I found at, but the dump
 script exits with cannot handle dump, and I think its because it
 doesn't like the 'S' argument its getting from amanda.  
 Since the 2.4.4 code has been patched for a NetApp, I'm assuming someone
 is actually using it?

Never tried the ndmp stuff since I started using Amanda before it was
included, so I NFS-mounted the NetApp filesystems on the backup server
and treat them as local disks.  Probably not quite as fast, especially
if you do client-compress and don't have a lot of CPU on the server, but
it works.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: NetApp request

2003-06-12 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, June 12, 2003 14:41:13 -0700 Ashwin Kotian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you saying that you are able to successfully
 backup the Netapp without using the modified dump
 program  using Amanda version earlier than 2.4.4 ?

I's still running 2.4.2p2 and use GNU tar to back up
subdirectories since the filer volumes are larger than
a tape, and some of the directories are not worth backing
up at all (temp space, web caches, duplicated data, etc.)
 If you are successfully able to do so, can you send me
 your disklist for the Netapp part so that I can
 compare with mine ?

Nothing special, just entries like: /mnt/filer/home/lib   high-tar /mnt/filer/home/local high-tar

 The modified dump program for Netapp works fine for
 smaller directories. But I'm using DDS4 tapes (20Gb
 uncompressed)  my filesystem on the Netapp is about
 90 Gb, so usually backups for the directories on the
 Netapp that are greater than 20 Gb fail.

I use tar, subdirectories, and exclude lists to make
reasonably-sized pieces to backup.


 --- Frank Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --On Thursday, June 12, 2003 14:56:18 -0600 George
 Kelbley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I may be missing something simple here, but, we
 want to back up a
  Network Appliance using amanda.  2.4.4 seems to
 have patches to collect
  the correct size, and I installed the perl scripts
 and dump program that
  I found at, but
 the dump
  script exits with cannot handle dump, and I
 think its because it
  doesn't like the 'S' argument its getting from
  Since the 2.4.4 code has been patched for a
 NetApp, I'm assuming someone
  is actually using it?
 Never tried the ndmp stuff since I started using
 Amanda before it was
 included, so I NFS-mounted the NetApp filesystems on
 the backup server
 and treat them as local disks.  Probably not quite
 as fast, especially
 if you do client-compress and don't have a lot of
 CPU on the server, but
 it works.
 Frank Smith 
 Systems Administrator   
   Voice: 512-374-4673
 Hoover's Online 
 Fax: 512-374-4501
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Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: NetApp request

2003-06-12 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, June 12, 2003 17:23:41 -0700 Ashwin Kotian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How big are the filesystems that you backup from the
 netapp filer ?
 If you are happy using TAR for doing Amanda backups on
 the Netapp, I'd like to try the same on my backup
 host. Since my Netapp is at about 90 Gb usage with one
 of the mounted directories close to 50 Gb, backups
 using dump/restore fail for the Netapp.

The NetApps are hundreds of gigs, I backup filesystems
on it that are less than 20GB.  Just make sure that
a full backup of each filesystem will fit on one tape.
Also, you might want a 'catch-all' entry with the proper
excludes to pick up anything new.
   For example, if you have a /filer/home directory with
subdirectories of bob, carol, and ted, and you make a
disklist entry for each of those, also make one for
/filer/home with excludes for ./bob ./carol and ./ted
so that if someone later adds an 'alice' directory it
will also get backed up.

 Is the restore process starightforward, while
 amdumping using the TAR program ?

Yes, especially if you turn on indexing


Re: NetApp request

2003-06-12 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, June 12, 2003 18:29:10 -0700 Ashwin Kotian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok so I finally took a chance and have installed the
 latest amanda version 2.4.4 as follows:
 ./configure --with-user=amanda --with-group=disk \
 I thought this is what is needed to tell Amanda to use
 GNUTAR instead of DUMPhowever I'm not sure if that
 worked. I say this because if I rename the dump
 binary, amanda complains about unable to execute
 Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong ?

Your disklist entry needs to specify a dumptype that
uses GNU tar.


 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

Re: no more holding disk space

2003-06-13 Thread Frank Smith

--On Friday, June 13, 2003 12:24:45 +0200 Markus Dohmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using Amanda 2.5 on Solaris 8 and Amanda has a problem with the degraded 
 mode. Only one filesystem is dumped to the holding disk, all other dumps fail.
 The capacity of the holding disk is about 30GB and amcheck reports no problems.
 Amanda reports in the status e-mail:
   b3sn16 /home/b3sn16 lev 0 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
   b3sn16 /home2/b3sn16 lev 0 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
   b3sn30 /disk18/b3sn30 lev 0 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
   b3sn20 /etc lev 0 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
   b3sn30 /disk21/b3sn30 lev 0 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
 In the attachment the config file for Amanda.  

From your config:
reserve 50 # percent

 Could someone please give me a hint?

You're reserving half of your holding disk for incrementals, leaving
half (~15GB) for fulls in degraded mode.  I would guess that after
one filesystem is dumped to disk there isn't room for a second (you
didn't say how big your directories are).

 Thanks in advance.

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: no more holding disk space

2003-06-13 Thread Frank Smith
--On Friday, June 13, 2003 10:48:15 -0400 Jon LaBadie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 09:12:29AM -0500, Frank Smith wrote:
 --On Friday, June 13, 2003 12:24:45 +0200 Markus Dohmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm using Amanda 2.5 on Solaris 8 and Amanda has a problem with the degraded 
  mode. Only one filesystem is dumped to the holding disk, all other dumps fail.
  The capacity of the holding disk is about 30GB and amcheck reports no problems.
  Amanda reports in the status e-mail:
b3sn16 /home/b3sn16 lev 0 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
b3sn16 /home2/b3sn16 lev 0 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
b3sn30 /disk18/b3sn30 lev 0 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
b3sn20 /etc lev 0 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
b3sn30 /disk21/b3sn30 lev 0 FAILED [no more holding disk space]

  In the attachment the config file for Amanda.  
  From your config:
 reserve 50 # percent
  Could someone please give me a hint?
 You're reserving half of your holding disk for incrementals, leaving
 half (~15GB) for fulls in degraded mode.  I would guess that after
 one filesystem is dumped to disk there isn't room for a second (you
 didn't say how big your directories are).
 Those are some of my initial thoughts too.  How big are these things?
 However, on reflection, IIRC, shouldn't insufficient holding space
 merely force direct to tape backups, not failed backups?
 So my question is, you say the first DLE is making it to the holding
 disk, does that one ever make it to tape?  Maybe a failure to do
 taping is your real problem.

His question was about degraded mode (I missed it myself the first
time through), so there wouldn't be a tape to write to.  


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: Tape host server cannot find client on the same computer.

2003-06-16 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, June 16, 2003 16:09:52 -0400 Harry Mbang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all, thanks for your suggestions.  I am at the point where I think
 the problem has shifted from being one of tape drive specification to
 communication between the Tape host server and the client.  When I run
 amcheck this is the part of the message I get:
 WARNING: linux.local: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down? Client
 check: 1 host checked in 30.016 seconds, 1 problem found

You'll be much beter off in the long run if you use a FQDN instead of
localhost (or its varients) in your disklist.  Does linux.local resolve
to an IP?

 The logs in /tmp/amanda give amcheck: debug 1 pid 1316 ruid 37 euid 0
 start time Mon Jun 16 04:51:42 2003
 amcheck: dgram_bind: socket bound to
 amcheck: pid 1316 finish time Mon Jun 16 04:52:12 2003
 Is the Amanda user supposed to have a uid below or above 500?  Mine has
 one below and was created when I installed Amanda, i.e. the Amanda user
 was not directly created by me.  Also in .amandahosts I have using root
 along with the hostname.  Has anybody got an idea of what could be
 wrong?  Thanks.

uid shouldn't matter as long as the user is in the right group to be able
to access the disk. And .amandahost should contain something like:
amandaserver.domain.nam backupuser
There's a list of things to check in the FAQ-o-matic for selfcheck timed
out errors, try checking all of those and see what happens.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amdump to many taper retries

2003-06-17 Thread Frank Smith
--On Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:01:23 +0200 Stefan Noll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 4 months ago I installed amanda 2.4.2p  and it worked fine.
 but now I get following strange error:
 localhost  /home/samba/projekte/Laufende lev 0 FAILED [too many taper retries]
 taper: tape met053 kb 17996640 fm 21 writing file: No space left on device
 taper: retrying localhost:/home/samba/projekte/Laufende.0 on new tape: [writing 
 file: No space left on device]

As others have pointed out you hit EOT, probably because you were using hardware 
on already compressed data.

 taper: tape met055 kb 17488544 fm 1 writing file: Input/output error
 taper: retrying localhost:/home/samba/projekte/Laufende.0 on new tape: [writing 
 file: Input/output error]
 taper: tape met054 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]

Possibly met055 is a bad tape, or you may need to add a sleep in your changer script. 
takes awhile for most changers to unload and load a new tape.  I had to add some sleep
time to mine to keep from getting I/O errors trying to read the label while the new
tape was still being loaded.


   driver: Could not rmdir /var/tmp/20030529: Directory not empty
 the directory contains 29 Gbytes Data
 compressed to 17 GBytes
   -e/Laufende 0 29245560  17775744  60.8 242:101223.4  FAILED
 I'm using DLT IV Tapes with 20 Gbytes capacity.
 Any tipps?
 regards stefan
 Stefan Noll

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: adding snapshot backups?

2003-06-23 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, June 23, 2003 14:10:58 -0400 lloyd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Brian Cuttler wrote:
 You have a tape cycle of 10, what is your dump cycle ? Certain less than
 10, hopefully less than 5. 5 given one untouched copy of the your level
 0 backup while the older level 0 is being overwritten (assuming a single
 level 0 per dump cycle).
 the dump cycle, runs per cycle, and tape cycle are 10.
 What are you trying to do ?
 just ensure there is some kind of snapshot history going back, say three months, in 
 case i need to reach into the distant past for a file.  maybe a once-weekly 

Clone your daily config but use 'dumpcycle 0' to force full dumps on everything,
'record no' so as not to clobber the dumpdates on your daily runs, and a different
log/index directory and tape labels than your normal run.
   If you make the disklist for your archive config a link to the one in your
daily config you won't have to remember to update them both when you add something.


 Are you looking for periodic level 0 that are outside of the
 normal tape pool or rotation ?
 i think this is what i'm after.  perhaps combine this with your suggestion to lower 
 the dump cycle to  5 ?  can i just change this value in amanda.conf?

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amrestore question

2003-06-23 Thread Frank Smith

--On Monday, June 23, 2003 16:46:28 -0400 Jon Sippel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've just finished setting up amanda here, and am making sure I know how to
 do full-volume restores with amrestore before disaster strikes and I
 _NEED_ to know.  That said, I'm running into a problem:  I have a level 0
 dump of a filesystem from one server, and am trying to restore it to a
 different server (same model and drive config/partitions as the original)  I
 am using amanda 2.4.4 with gnutar (and a SDLT160, if that matters) on
 Solaris8.  When I run:
# rsh -n /usr/local/sbin/amrestore -p /dev/rmt/0cn '\^/sybase\$' | tar t
 from the client, all of the files returned are listed under numerical
 directories, for example:

Indexes with really_big_number directories usually indicate
a defective version of GNU tar (  1.13.19, I believe).
What does 'gtar --version' show  (substitute whatever path
to gnutar you compiled into Amanda)?

If that is the case, update your tar and force a full
backup as soon as possible.  If you need to restore a file
before that happens, all your files are there, just mapped
into meaningless numeric directory names.  I think someone
on the list had a script to help with the process, but I
assume there is still a lot of manual labor involved.


 The disklist entry for this filesystem is as follows: user-tar
 And the dumptype is straight from the amanda defaults:
 define dumptype root-tar {
 program GNUTAR
 comment root partitions dumped with tar
 compress none
 exclude list /usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar
 priority low
 define dumptype user-tar {
 comment user partitions dumped with tar
 priority medium
 The exclude file is currently empty.  So, where are all these directories
 coming from, and more importantly, how can I make them go away?
 Thanks for your help,
 Jon Sippel

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: large parts of /tmp/amanda-dbg/* disappear

2003-07-05 Thread Frank Smith
--On Saturday, July 05, 2003 07:15:54 -0400 Gene Heskett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Greets everyone;
 I got a rather large email from amanda this morning, some of which was 
 caused by my online activities while it was running, as in several 
 tens of kilobytes worth of socket ignored warnings.  As I'm 
 occasionally out browseing the rest of the planet that time of the 
 night, I've seen those before in the amanda report.
 But there were also a rather largish amount of warnings because it 
 appears that the /tmp/amanda-dbg directory was cleaned out and the 
 earliest files left were 5 of the from 20030701.
 The other 39 of those from that date, and likewise for the remainder 
 of that date for the other functions was on the missing list.  And no 
 dates earlier than 20030701 existed at all.
 I was under the impression that these were kept for tapecycle number 
 of runs, so to have all of the 200306xx files go missing without 
 amanda noticeing also surprised me.
 Can someone comment?  I'm sitting here scratching my ageing brain and 
 comeing up blank.
 Amanda is 2.4.4p1-20030703, system is rh8.0 with all updates, but 
 homebrewed kde-3.1.1a.

Could you (or a system update) have added a cron job to clear out
old files in /tmp periodically?  Perhaps someplace like in the
cron.weekly or cron.monthly directories?

Just a thought,

Re: newbie problems

2003-07-23 Thread Frank Smith
--On Wednesday, July 23, 2003 11:12:02 -0600 Yogish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am a newbie with amanda,  I have configured amanda according to a
 book, However when I try to amdump it gives me following error.I have
 also attached the amanada.conf and disklist files.Can anyone please help
 This was the error I ran into when I checked the log files
 START planner date 20030722
 INFO planner Adding new disk localhost:/home/.
 START driver date 20030722
 WARNING driver WARNING: ignoring holding disk /home/tmp: Permission

You've said /home/tmp is your holdingdisk, but evidently your backup
user doesn't have permission to write there, so it isn't used.

 FINISH planner date 20030722
 STATS driver startup time 14.803
 ERROR taper no-tape [not an amanda tape]

Looks like you forgot to label your tape or some other tape was left
in the drive (man amlabel,  probably 'amlabel normal normal01')

 FAIL driver localhost /home/ 0 [can't switch to incremental dump]

Since it couldn't find the correct (labeled) tape to write to, it
would normally dump to your holding disk, but since that wasn't
available either, it quit.

Also, don't use 'localhost', use the fully-qualified name of the
server (i.e., instead. The use of 'localhost'
will bite you sometime in the future during a restore.

 FINISH driver date 20030722 time 28.470

Other comments:

1. Usually it is best to try 'amcheck config' before trying an amdump,
as it gives meaningful errors for most config problems before wasting
time doing estimates and dumps that might not work.

2. Your config is not quite right:
   dumpcycle 7 weeks
   runspercycle 5 weeks
   tapecycle 25 tapes

dumpcycle is the max time between full (level 0) backups.  7 weeks seems
like a long time, but maybe thats what you want

runspercycle is how many times during the dumpcycle Amanda runs.  It is
just a number with no units of measure.  I'm sure you are planning on
running Amanda more than 5 times in 7 weeks.

tapecycle is the total number of tapes to rotate through before over-
writing the first one.  It must be at least equal to runspercycle times
runtapes, but you normally want twice that so you don't take a chance
on overwriting your last full dump  with a failed one, plus a couple
extra to allow for a bad tape or two to be removed.
   For example, with a dumpcycle of 1 week, and runspercycle of 5 (for
Monday-Friday backups), you need a bare minimum of 5 tapes but 12 would
be much safer.

3.  Mentioning your OS and Amanda version, as well as if it was installed
from a package or source, often help people find your problem.  It wasn't
necessary for your current problem, but will if you have more subtle
problems in the future.


 American Healthcare Solutions Inc
 405, South Lincoln
 Steamboat Springs CO-80487
 Ph-970-870-6232 ( EXT 106) (office)

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: newbie problems

2003-07-24 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, July 24, 2003 08:56:29 -0600 Yogish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was successfully able to perform a backup yesterday,thanks all of your
 help. I have a couple of doubts (trivial I'm sure). 
 1.How can I restore just a few files from a complete backup, for

If you have indexing enabled, amrecover is the easiest way to browse
and restore individual files.
There is also an example in the amrestore man page for doing an interactive
restore, although amrestore seems (to me, anyway) more geared to restoring
an entire filesystem.

 2. I want to do I complete backup,once a week and the incremental backup
 the remaining days,however when I try to backup data for the first time
 on tape, should I specify to amanda to do full backup or it will only do

If your dumpcycle is set to a week then Amanda will do this naturally (as
long as you don't want all of the fulls done on the same day, that is much
more difficult to accomplish and uses more time and tape).

 3. Can I get a good documentation for Amanda?

The Amanda chapter in 'Unix Backup  Recovery' (a.k.a. 'The Chapter') is
the most complete, but the FAQ-O-Matic and the mailing list archive are
also very helpful.


  Please help if you can
 American Healthcare Solutions Inc
 405, South Lincoln
 Steamboat Springs CO-80487
 Ph-970-870-6232 ( EXT 106) (office)

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amrecover Problem

2003-07-24 Thread Frank Smith

--On Thursday, July 24, 2003 12:10:28 -0600 Yogish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to get into amrecover on the server, but it says the
 connection refused. I typed 'amrecover -C normal -s localhost'. I have
 also entered the name of the host on .amandahosts. Can anyone suggest
 why this problem might be occuring. I am not sure if amanda uses the
 ethernet interface to do recover,if this is not the case, then it should
 not encpunter any problem with Firewall settings.
 wainting for replies

Do you have entries in inetd.conf (or xinetd if you are using that) for
the amandaidx and amidxtape services?  And did you remember to restart
(x)inetd after adding them?  Also check to see there is anything in
your system logs about errors starting those processes.
   There's also the chance you have paranoid settings in your hosts.allow
and hosts.denied files.


Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amrecover index Problem

2003-07-25 Thread Frank Smith
--On Friday, July 25, 2003 14:10:10 -0600 Yogish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have some problems regarding amrecover. I have enable amanda,amidex
 and amandaidx and have put the line
 amanda dgram udp wait Amanda /PATH/libexec/amandad amandad
 in/etc/xinetd.d ,however I get the following errors after I get into
 501 no index records for the host. 

Do you have index yes in the dumptype used for that disk?

But I get the amrecover prompt. When
 I try to setdisk, it says  '501 must setconfig,home before setting
 disk'. I dont know what exactly this means. I would appreciate if anyone
 can help me out.

At the amrecover prompt, try the following:
sethost host
where 'host' is the name of the host whose data you are trying to restore,
exactly like it is in the disklist.  Then,
setdisk diskname
where 'diskname' is the name of the filesystem as it appears in your disklist
Then see if you can 'cd' and 'ls' and see your files.  If so, then you can
'add' what you want to restore and after you're finished adding things you
give the 'extract' command to restore. 


 American Healthcare Solutions Inc
 405, South Lincoln
 Steamboat Springs CO-80487
 Ph-970-870-6232 ( EXT 106) (office)

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: no slots available error with amanda and chg-zd-mtx

2003-08-01 Thread Frank Smith
--On Friday, August 01, 2003 11:44:07 -0400 Woodman, Joel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello Amanda folks,
 I'm a shiny new Amanda user, with a Dell PowerEdge 6450 server and a
 PowerVault 120T tape pod. The server's running RedHat Linux 9 and Amanda
 2.4.4p1, with chg-zd-mtx managing the tape changer. mtx is mtx 1.2.18rel,
 from As far as I can tell, I've configured everything
 properly, however I've been stumped by one serious error:
# /usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx -info
 none no slots available
 Here's what the system has to say about the hardware:
 cat /proc/scsi/scsi
 Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00
   Vendor: ADIC Model: FastStor DLT Rev: D116
   Type:   Medium Changer   ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 03 Lun: 00
   Vendor: QUANTUM  Model: DLT7000  Rev: 2561
   Type:   Sequential-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02
 mtx -f /dev/sg0 status
   Storage Changer /dev/sg0:1 Drives, 7 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
 Data Transfer Element 0:Empty
   Storage Element 1:Full 
   Storage Element 2:Full 
   Storage Element 3:Empty
   Storage Element 4:Empty
   Storage Element 5:Empty
   Storage Element 6:Empty
   Storage Element 7:Empty
 This is correct-- There are tapes in slots 1 and 2, and no tapes are loaded.
 The chg-zd-mtx log does show that something's gone wrong:
 chg-zd-mtx: debug 1 pid 26374 ruid 0 euid 0: start at Fri Aug  1 11:21:48
 11:21:49 Using config file /etc/amanda/cas-unix/changer.conf
 11:21:49 Arg info:
  $# = 1
  $0 = /usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx
  $1 = -info
 11:21:49 Running: mtx status
 11:21:49 Exit code: 127
 /usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx: line 381: mtx: command not found


This is most likely your problem.  Since you were able to run mtx from
the command line, either the path specifies for it in chg-zd-mtx is
incorrect, or it is called without a path and it is not in the Amanda
user's default search path.


 11:21:49 Exit (2) - none no slots available
 chg-zd-mtx: pid 26452 finish time Fri Aug  1 11:21:49 2003
 Here's the changer.conf file:
 ... and here's the pertinent bits of amanda.conf:
 runtapes 7  # number of tapes to be used in a single run of
 tpchanger chg-zd-mtx  # the tape-changer glue script
 tapedev /dev/nst0 # the no-rewind tape device to be used
 changerfile /etc/amanda/cas-unix/changer
 changerdev /dev/sg0
 tapetype DLT7000-IV-C # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)
 labelstr ^cas-unix-[0-9][0-9][0-9]*$  # label constraint regex: all tapes
 must match
 So-- what gives? If I run amtape, it says that no slots are available, just
 like chg-zd-mtx does.

Systems Administrator  Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online  Fax: 512-374-4501

Re: amrecover

2003-08-11 Thread Frank Smith
--On Monday, August 11, 2003 07:22:06 -0700 Dege, Robert C. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Okay, I've got a problem here.  I running amanda-2.4.4p1 on a linux Redhat
 9.0, with a tape changer connected directly to the machine.  I'm trying to
 restore a few directories, and am having problems getting the amrecover to
 After I set host, disk, date, and extraction list, I start the extract, but
 it fails.  When looking at the logs, it tells me the following:
 amrestore: could not stat 0: No such file or directory
 amidxtaped: time 0.041: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
 amidxtaped: could not stat 0: No such file or directory
 amidxtaped: time 0.042: could not stat 0: No such file or directory
 amidxtaped: time 0.042: pid 1305 finish time Mon Aug 11 09:54:03 2003
 I'm assuming that this refers to config 0 in chg-scsi.conf.  So I set the
 settape to /dev/st0, and rerun extract.  Now I get this error:

Amanda always expect the no-rewind device (/dev/nst0) so that the tape
remains in the correct position for the next read or write. Chances are
it is reading the header, rewinding, and then not finding a dump image.

 changer: got exit: 2 str: error could not read result from
 amidxtaped: could not get changer info: could not read result from
 amidxtaped: time 0.067: could not get changer info: could not read 
   result from /usr/local/amanda/libexec/chg-scsi
 amidxtaped: time 0.067: pid 1268 finish time Mon Aug 11 09:47:55 2003
 So I figure this is a result of amrecover trying to read the amanda.conf
 file  trying to talk with the tape changer using the /dev/st0 I specified
 when I did a settape.  So I change settape to /dev/sg0 (the tpae changer).
 Now I get this error:
 amrestore: Could not rewind device '/dev/sg0': tape_rewind: 
rewinding tape: /dev/sg0: Operation not permitted
 amidxtaped: time 30.127: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
 amidxtaped: time 30.128: rewinding tape ...
 amidxtaped: time 60.226: tape_rewind: rewinding tape: /dev/sg0: Operation
 not permitted
 amidxtaped: time 60.226: pid 1272 finish time Mon Aug 11 09:50:42 2003
 What do I have to do to get data from a restore tape???  I have reports
 showing the data was backed up, so I know the data is there.

Re: dump cycle

2003-08-14 Thread Frank Smith
--On Friday, August 08, 2003 17:05:59 -0300 Marcelo Block Teixeira [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I'd like understand this dump cycle.

dumpcycle is the longest time allowed between level 0 backups.

 If I setup one area bigger than tape space. What wil happen?

If you mean you want to back up a filesystem larger than a tape,
you need to use GNU tar to backup subdirectories that are each
smaller than a tape.


 Sem mais,
 Marcelo Block - CPD
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