Re: [analog-help] Analog 5.22 Problem

2002-04-23 Thread Duke Hillard

Have you tried running analog without using a format command?
Analog usually detects the format automatically and users seldom
need to specify a format.

If you do need to specify a format, be sure to specify it before
specifying the log file.  If the log file appears first, the format
won't be applied to it.

APACHELOGFORMAT behaves differently than LOGFORMAT.
The former expects the configuration string that appears after the
LogFormat command in the Apache "httpd.conf" file.  For example,
APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l %u %t %v \"%r\" %>s %b)
The latter expects a symbolic word or log format string.  For example,
LOGFORMAT (%S - - [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j] "%j %r %j" %c %b)

Comprehensive information with many good examples appears online
at "";

-- Duke Hillard

Gregory N. Latiak wrote:

>My webhost has recently converted to Apache from Netscape. I have been
>having a nightmare trying to get analog to read the new log format. I found
>after much fiddling that I could use the +V+C command to enable debugging.
>'Debug on' in the cfg file had no effect. The format in my config file is:
>APACHELOGFORMAT ( %j %s %j %u %j [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j]  "%j %r %j" %c %b
>"%f" )
>This format appears to be ignored by analog. By enabling debugging I get:
>.\analog: Warning M: Logfile e:\weblogs\access contains lines with no dates,
>  which are being filtered
>C: - - [19/Apr/2002:11:43:55 -0300] "GET /
>HTTP/1.0" 304 0 "-"
>C: *
>C: - - [19/Apr/2002:11:43:55 -0300] "GET
>/_themes/clear-teal/clea.css HTTP/1.0" 304 0 "";
>C: *
>I originally tried '%S' for the first field, then replaced it with %j. Also,
>have tried to quote the '[]'s, which has no effect. Started out with '- %u
>-' but replaced it with '%j %u %j'. Since all users are anonymous, will
>always be blank.
>I have spent hours trying different combinations, but analog just seems to
>ignore my format statements.
>Any help would be appreciated.
>Gregory Latiak
>Technology Strategists, Inc.
>Tel: (416)540-7384
>Fax: (416)766-7241

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Re: [analog-help] establishing 7-day period

2002-04-09 Thread Duke Hillard

Thanks for the tip, Stephen.  In spite of using analog for awhile,
it's difficult, at times, to keep track of its many features (in spite
of excellent documentation).

In my original message, I mentioned that I had experienced lag
times of an hour or less in the past.  So, I was surprised when
the lag time jumped up to 7 hours after upgrading to 5.22.  But,
I don't know that the increase is related to analog.  I had hoped
that using the ERRFILE command would help me track analog's
progress, but the ERRFILE is overwritten every time I run analog.
I didn't see a command line equivalent of ERRFILE in the manual.
A command line equivalent could help analog users who have a
large number of runs or config files by allowing a command line
argument like the following example in Unix

for cfg in /web/utils/analog/cfg/*; do
/web/utils/analog/analog +g$cfg +ERR/tmp/analogerrors/$cfg

Thank you for considering the idea.  And thank you for analog.

-- Duke Hillard

Stephen Turner wrote:

>On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Duke Hillard wrote:
>>Why is there a difference of almost 7 hours from the time of my
>>last log entry and the end of the 7-day period?  How does Analog
>>establish the 7-day period?
>See docs/defns.html or docs/reports.html

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Re: [analog-help] Report results comparison (Analog vs Web Trends)

2002-04-03 Thread Duke Hillard

Berigan, Matthew wrote:

>I'm finally past bad log data and I think that I'm getting inconsistencies
>between WebTrends and Analog that can't be explained by INCLUDES or
>First, here's the summary results:
>Program started at Wed-03-Apr-2002 09:38. 
>Analysed requests from Sun-24-Mar-2002 00:04 to Sat-30-Mar-2002 23:58 (7.00
>Successful requests: 76,490 <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>
>Average successful requests per day: 10,933 <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>
>Successful requests for pages: 25,765 <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>
>Average successful requests for pages per day: 3,682 <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>
>Failed requests: 760 
>Redirected requests: 680 
>Distinct files requested: 2,047 
>Distinct hosts served: 5,009 <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>
>Corrupt logfile lines: 4 
>Data transferred: 792.723 megabytes 
>Average data transferred per day: 113.313 megabytes 
>Date & Time This Report was Generated Wednesday April 03, 2002 - 09:17:45 
>Timeframe 03/24/02 00:04:41 - 03/30/02 23:58:54 
>Number of Hits for Home Page N/A 
>Number of Successful Hits for Entire Site 77138 <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>
>Number of Page Views (Impressions) 25816 <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>
>Number of User Sessions 8488 <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>
>User Sessions from United States 0% 
>International User Sessions 0% 
>User Sessions of Unknown Origin 100% 
>Average Number of Hits per Day 11019 <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>
>Average Number of Page Views Per Day 3688 <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>
>Average Number of User Sessions per Day 1212 
>Average User Session Length 00:08:36 
>Most everything (A-D)appears to be close enough that I don't even consider
>it worthy of question. Item E, however, bugs me. Can anybody guess why
>Distinct Hosts [Analog] and User Sessions [WT] should be so different? I
>think this is supposed to be the same data and my assumption is that it is
>the number of distinct IP addresses listed in the log (I suppose I could
>count those (ck!!)).
>Any thoughts?
In a Unix shell environment (including Cygwin), it's not
difficult to count the number of unique hosts from a log.
Something similar to the following should work fine.  It
works with Apache combined log format in Solaris 8.
Adjusting the delimiter (-d) and field number (-f) in cut
might be necessary for other log formats.

-- Duke Hillard

cut -d" " -f1 /dir/subdir/server.log > /dir2/somefile.txt
sort -u -o /dir2/anotherfile.txt /dir2/somefile.txt
grep -c "." /dir2/anotherfile.txt

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[analog-help] establishing 7-day period

2002-04-02 Thread Duke Hillard

I am running Solaris 8.  I recently upgraded to Analog 5.22.
Previously, I ran Analog 4.16.  Log files are rotated every
Sunday morning at approximately 3:00AM and Analog runs
shortly thereafter.  The typical report ranges from 6.96 days
to 7.04 days.

My question concerns the figures in parenthesis mentioned in
the General Summary.  When running 4.16, the 7-day period
usually ended at the same time as my log file or a little before.
Now, with 5.22, for two weeks in a row, the 7-day period in
the parenthesis ends significantly after my log file ends.  For my
most recent run, my first log entry was "24/Mar/2002:03:55:05"
and my last log entry was "31/Mar/2002:03:00:47".  So, I was
surprised to see the 7-day period end "Mar 31 2002 at 9:55 AM.
My report is at "";.

I don't have any TO or FROM statements in my configuration file.
Why is there a difference of almost 7 hours from the time of my
last log entry and the end of the 7-day period?  How does Analog
establish the 7-day period?

-- Duke Hillard

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Re: [analog-help] Unix help running analog.

2002-04-02 Thread Duke Hillard

Default values for configuration files were probably compiled
into the file that you have.  Neither renaming nor relocating the
file will change those default values.  But, Analog allows you
to specify other configuration files in the Unix shell (i.e., at the
command line).  The Syntax of Configuration Commands page
at ""; covers this topic.

Root access shouldn't be needed to compile a newer version
of Analog.  SunOS 5.6 users who can telnet to a server and
access gcc, acc, or cc can likely compile Analog. Users who
are near quota can download the tarball to temp space (/tmp)
and compile the binary.  Essential information for compiling
on Unix is on the Starting to Use Analog on Other Platforms
page at "";.

-- Duke Hillard


>Thanks to all who helped me wtih the Logfile format.  It works!  On to my
>next problem..
>I am trying to run my own copy of analog on a Unix web server.   I have
>successfully tested it on my win2000 machine so I know the CFG works.  Our
>web server already has a working copy of analog.  I copied their analog
>executable to my home directory renamed it to analog_john and set proper
>permissions on it.  When I telnet in and try to run it, it runs their cfg
>file.  What I mean is that it ignores my local cfg file and and
>log file and runs the cfg file they set up.  My config file is the default
>one with the only change being Logformat and OUTFILE Report.html. So it
>should have the default HOSTNAME "[my organisation]" and be looking for the
>logfile in my directory.
>I do not have root access so I cannot "Install" a newcopy of analog.  I
>would like to upgrade to the latest if someone can tell me how to do it.
>Here is a copy of the telnet session
>[snip, snip]

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[analog-help] Helper Applications: DNS Lookups: jdresolve

2002-03-25 Thread Duke Hillard

At "";
(Analog Helper Applications: DNS Lookups), it
might be advisable to modify the link for jdresolve
to ""; (the author appears
to be renovating his site; the current link is a 404).

For those looking for DNS resolution, you might
do well to employ jdresolve.  99.99% resolution
is our typical result when using recursion (faking
a hostname based on the network that the IP #
belongs to).  Recursion suits our purposes well,
but it might not be suitable in all environments.

-- Duke Hillard

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Re: [analog-help] Version?? Also, uk.lng too long

2002-03-21 Thread Duke Hillard

After reading the security warning on the Analog site,
I suspect that most folks will want to migrate to 5.22.
However, I have language files that were distributed
with versions 3.11, 3.2, 4.01, 4.1, 4.11, 4.13, 4.16.
I would be happy to e-mail a copy to anybody who
needed a language file.

-- Duke Hillard

Stephen Turner wrote:

>On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Aengus wrote:
>>(Actually, I just checked, and I can't find old language files on the
>>analog website. Does anyone know where they are?)
>Why would they be needed? If you've got an old version of analog, you've
>already got its language files.
>In any case, for anyone not following analog-announce, I issued a security
>warning yesterday, and everyone should be using 5.22 now.

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Re: [analog-help] generating pure numbers (txt or csv file) as report output

2002-03-18 Thread Duke Hillard

Did you see "Configuring the output" at

-- Duke Hillard

Thomas Voßfeldt wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder if and how I can configure Analog 5.21 (Windows version)  to 
> give me pure
> numeric data as report output, so that I can do further processing in 
> other
> statistics or visualisation software. The best format for other 
> Software to read
> Analogs output and to process it further would therefore be a *.txt- 
> or *.csv file .
> Can Analog 5.21 be configured to produce reports in those raw file 
> formats?
> I checked the FAQ and other parts of the documentation material, but I 
> couldn´t
> find anything on that topic.
> Thanks & regards,
> Thomas

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Re: [analog-help] session length, pages per session visit

2002-03-18 Thread Duke Hillard

Your cookies might not be working as you hope.
When I visit your Flash page, your site attempts
to place a cookie on my machine (which I refuse
to accept with no apparent loss of site function).
When I visit your main page or text only page, I
see no attempt by your site to place a cookie on
my machine.  Did you hope to have cookies on
all pages?  Will visitors who refuse cookies but
continue to surf your site confound your system?

-- Duke Hillard

Bryan Ax wrote:

>I've got the cookie to track my user. I didn't see in the analog
>documentation where I could configure the LOGFORMAT to do the
>USERINCLUDE field. I'll give that a shot and see what happens. Can you
>please refer me to more information on setting that up?
>Unfortunately, I DO actually care about the 50,000 visitors. Except
>there won't be quite that many - more like 1000. However, I need to be
>able to track every bit of data about that user, their sessions, where
>they go and when.
>[snip, snip]

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[analog-help] legacy domains in version 4.16

2002-03-08 Thread Duke Hillard

The following TLDs are in the for analog 4.16
but don't appear at IANA.  I am guessing that they don't
appear in latest version analog, or that they do appear in
latest version analog for sake of legacy logs or servers.

cs = Czech Republic and Slovakia
fx = France (European Territory)
gb = United Kingdom
su = Former USSR
zr = Democratic Republic of the Congo

-- Duke Hillard

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Re: [analog-help] overriding host exclusions

2001-07-16 Thread Duke Hillard

The key is that it is an item by item process.
HOSTEXCLUDE is one item.
HOSTINCLUDE * is another item.  Placing
HOSTINCLUDE in your extra
configuration file might do the trick as that would
be a second reference to the same item.  I pointed
to that particular page in the documentation because
I like the example that is used.  My first time out with
includes and excludes would have been a mess if not
for that example.

-- Duke

Phil Glatz wrote:

> At 04:17 PM 07/16/2001 -0500, Duke wrote:
> >Remember, that the analog.cfg is
> >parsed before other configuration files.  By excluding
> >a host in analog.cfg, it cannot be included in another
> >configuration file.
> What I tried was doing an excluding in analog.cfg, then negating that with
> an INCLUDE * in a subsequently read config file.
> according to the manual:
>All the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE commands for that item are considered one by
> one in
>order, and the item is included or excluded according to the last
> command it matched.
> I took that to mean that an action in an earlier config file could be
> reversed.  Perhaps I am wrong in this assumption; using the -settings
> option, I see:
> Including (+) and excluding (-) the following hosts:
>All included, then
>+ *
> This sounds like all hosts should be included, hence my confusion.
> +
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title:University Webmaster & Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] overriding host exclusions

2001-07-16 Thread Duke Hillard

Read the documentation for inclusions and exclusions
( is one
of the mirror sites).  Remember, that the analog.cfg is
parsed before other configuration files.  By excluding
a host in analog.cfg, it cannot be included in another
configuration file.  What to do?  One suggestion is to
delete all HOST??CLUDE statements in analog.cfg
and insert a HOSTEXCLUDE statement in another
configuration file.  Run analog with the analog.cfg file
when all hosts are desired and run the alternate file
when exclusions are desired.  Another suggestion
is to comment the HOSTEXCLUDE statement in
the analog.cfg file when all hosts are desired (this
has the benefit of only one configuration file, but it
has the disadvantage of checking whether the line
is commented before beginning).

-- Duke Hillard

Phil Glatz wrote:

> In my general analog.cfg file, I have
> This is so I can exclude traffic from a particular host I do development on.
> However, I'd like to do a raw traffic report that includes everything, so I
> read in a second config file to turn this exclusion off.  But I can't get
> it to take.  I've tried:
> I've even put it in analog.cfg immediately following the HOSTEXCLUDE
> command, but these hosts are still being excluded - what am I doing wrong?
> thanks
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title:University Webmaster & Computing Resources Coordinator
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Re: [analog-help] List administrator wanted

2001-07-16 Thread Duke Hillard

If you're willing, I will try it out through the end of the year.
If all goes well, I will probably extend for a year at a time.

-- Duke Hillard

Stephen Turner wrote:

> On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Duke Hillard wrote:
> > Is time zone important?  I notice that there is a lot of European
> > traffic on the list.  Though I check mail throughout the day, I am
> > 6 to 9 hours behind Europe due to my location in the US.  Thus,
> > a person seeking subscription approval at 8 a.m. in France isn't
> > likely to see action until 3 p.m. in France.  Of course, if there is
> > also a lot of American traffic, this might not be an issue.
> >
> No, I don't think timezone is that important. There are always going to be
> some people who experience a several hour delay. As it is, I get a lot of US
> traffic just after I leave work, which doesn't get dealt with for maybe 15
> hours.
> --
> Stephen Turner
>   Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
> "This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01

org:University of Louisiana at Lafayette;University Computing Support Services
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email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:University Webmaster & Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] List administrator wanted

2001-07-05 Thread Duke Hillard

Is time zone important?  I notice that there is a lot of European
traffic on the list.  Though I check mail throughout the day, I am
6 to 9 hours behind Europe due to my location in the US.  Thus,
a person seeking subscription approval at 8 a.m. in France isn't
likely to see action until 3 p.m. in France.  Of course, if there is
also a lot of American traffic, this might not be an issue.

-- Duke Hillard

Stephen Turner wrote:

> I'm looking for someone to take over the administration of the analog
> mailing lists from me. This involves such exciting tasks as approving
> subscription requests, and telling people to subscribe before posting if
> they haven't done so. It doesn't require much work, but it does require
> someone who can turn around mail in a reasonably short time, in other words
> someone who typically checks their mail a few times a day. Any volunteers?
> --
> Stephen Turner
>   Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
> "This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC, 2/Jul/01
> +
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title:University Webmaster & Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] where is the web site

2001-06-29 Thread Duke Hillard

The CX extension on the domain name would seem
to indicate Christmas Island.  Isn't that quite a swim
from the UK?  

-- Duke Hillard

Stephen Turner wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Stephen Turner wrote:
> >
> > Yes, appears to have been down since Saturday morning. In fact the
> > whole of, including, appears to have been
> > swallowed up in a black hole. Obviously I can't email them, but I have just
> > phoned them, and they have promised to phone me back. More news as
> > available.
> >
> Update. Planet Three failed to return two calls, so no news there. But
> is now up at another location and says:
> >>>>>>>>>
> Planet Three is currently restructuring its operations and particularly it's
> CX domain name registrations services. Unfortunately t his has
> caused an outage and we are endeavouring to remedy this as soon as possible.
> The situation is due to be remedied shortly and we will be contacting all of
> the CX registrants soon to explain the situation.
> Thanks for your patience.
> >>>>>>>>>
> Sounds ominous.
> --
> Stephen Turner
>   Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
>   "Your account can only be used for a single internet session at any one
>time and for no more than 24 hours in any one day." (NTL terms of use)

org:University of Louisiana at Lafayette;University Computing Support Services
adr:;;P.O. Box 42770;Lafayette;LA;70504-2770;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:University Webmaster & Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] StyleSheet

2001-06-22 Thread Duke Hillard

In our implementation of analog 4.16, we specify the
path of the CSS file relative to the document root of
the Apache server:

STYLESHEET /Web/Stats/analog.css

This eliminates confusion for us and the browser.

-- Duke Hillard

P.S.  As I recall, analog didn't place the stylesheet
in the desired location; we placed it there manually.

"Andres Pastor, Nuria" wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to specify a StyleSheet for the output of Analog4.16, but it doesn´t work. I 
>have put in the analog.cfg file,
> the following line:
> STYLESHEET estilos.css
> is it needed anything else?.
> I include in the mail, the file estilos.css.
> Many thanks
> Best Regards
> Nuria

org:University of Louisiana at Lafayette;University Computing Support Services
adr:;;P.O. Box 42770;Lafayette;LA;70504-2770;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] searching for special file types or url

2001-06-04 Thread Duke Hillard

Are you looking for ht://Dig, the complete world wide web
indexing and searching system for a domain or intranet?
If so, you can visit their site at "";
The mail list is at "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
but you will need to sign up through SourceForge at
""; before
you can send and receive messages on the list.  You
can view the archived mail list without signing up at


-- Duke Hillard

"Mazanke, Michael 3753 EXT SFA-5" wrote:

> Hello,
> how can I search special file types or a url? I didn't found anything in
> documentation.
> Is it possible to enter in the search field (from search.html) a string
> which performs a search of special file types or urls?
> With Verity a can search for PDF Documents with a string like this:
> url  pdf
> How can I perform this search with ht://Dig?
> Thank you
> Michael

org:University of Louisiana at Lafayette;University Computing Support Services
adr:;;P.O. Box 42770;Lafayette;LA;70504-2770;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] site slow?

2001-05-29 Thread Duke Hillard

I've had both quick and slow responses recently.
I ran a traceroute this a.m. and am attaching the
results.  The trace begins in Lafayette, LA, and
is routed via T1 to Baton Rouge, LA, where it
exits the state network and enters the network
maintained by BellSouth.

-- Duke Hillard

Stephen Turner wrote:

> Has anyone except me found getting pages from to be
> ridiculously slow in the last few weeks? I'm wondering if it's just the path
> between me and there, or whether there is a more general problem.
> --
> Stephen Turner
>   Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
>   "Your account can only be used for a single internet session at any one
>time and for no more than 24 hours in any one day." (NTL terms of use)
> +
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> +

 1 (  2 ms  2 ms  1 ms
 2  laf1-eth2.eth10-bl.La.Net (  57 ms  172 ms  52 ms
 3  isp1-laf1.atm.La.Net (  224 ms  127 ms  13 ms
 4 (  68 ms  23 ms  17 ms
 5 (  21 ms  25 ms  23 ms
 6  Serial3-6.GW3.NOL1.ALTER.NET (  33 ms  22 ms  12 ms
 7  133.ATM2-0.XR2.DFW4.ALTER.NET (  27 ms  72 ms  121 ms
 8 (  55 ms  26 ms  28 ms
 9  184.ATM7-0.BR4.DFW9.ALTER.NET (  26 ms  49 ms  90 ms
10 (  72 ms  63 ms  42 ms
11 (  27 ms  29 ms  37 ms
12 (  31 ms  38 ms  31 ms
13 (  77 ms  82 ms  73 ms
14 (  96 ms  81 ms  65 ms
15 (  80 ms  75 ms  82 ms
16 (  127 ms  100 ms  82 ms
17 (  129 ms  116 ms  96 ms
18 (  99 ms  83 ms  82 ms
19 (  167 ms  171 ms  183 ms
20 (  167 ms  179 ms  153 ms
21 (  180 ms  157 ms  160 
22 (  201 ms  217 ms  196 ms
23 (  222 ms  179 ms  267 ms

org:University of Louisiana at Lafayette;University Computing Support Services
adr:;;P.O. Box 42770;Lafayette;LA;70504-2770;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] help

2001-05-25 Thread Duke Hillard

I went to the Debian site and noticed that they offer
versions 4.01 (stable) and 5.02 (development).  This
surprised me as I thought that version 5.01 was stable.
But I don't use Debian, so I might be way off base.

Compiling might be an option to consider if  problems
with the Debian download aren't resolved. I work in a
Solaris 8 environment and compile analog from the
source code.  I am not a wizard in C++, but Stephen
has built and packaged analog in a foolproof manner.
I know that compiling isnt' for everybody and that it
can present its own unique set of problems at times,
but it has been working very well for us.

-- Duke Hillard

Bill Pulte wrote:

> I used the precompiled version set up on the Debian server.  I found an
> analog.conf file but it is located in my /etc directory. The other installed
> stuff seems to be located in the /usr/doc/analog directory.  don't know if
> this is any help, but thanks for your time
> Bill
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Duke Hillard
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 1:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [analog-help] help
> Yes, analog can generate HTML pages to be read from
> an intranet or internet server via a browser. Analog also
> has the capacity to produce text files (plain and ASCII),
> LaTeX code, and delimited flat files with the analog user
> specifying a special string to use as delimiter (very handy
> for importing into spreadsheets).
> Concerning setup, analog usually produces an analog.cfg
> file in the main analog directory (same place in which the
> analog binary resides).  Which version do you have?  Did
> you download source code that you compiled or did you
> download a pre-compiled executable file?
> Please respond to the list (more help that way).
> -- Duke Hillard
> Bill Pulte wrote:
> > I am new to this analog thing and am looking for guidance.  I work for a
> > school district and I want a number of people to access the analog
> > information for logging purposes (ie) through a browser.  I am running
> > Apache on Debian Gnu/Linux and I added the analog module, but there is no
> > .cfg file listed within the database.  My two questions are
> >
> > 1) first will analog do what I want it to.
> >
> > 2) Second what am I missing in the setup.
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] help

2001-05-23 Thread Duke Hillard

Yes, analog can generate HTML pages to be read from
an intranet or internet server via a browser. Analog also
has the capacity to produce text files (plain and ASCII),
LaTeX code, and delimited flat files with the analog user
specifying a special string to use as delimiter (very handy
for importing into spreadsheets).

Concerning setup, analog usually produces an analog.cfg
file in the main analog directory (same place in which the
analog binary resides).  Which version do you have?  Did
you download source code that you compiled or did you
download a pre-compiled executable file?

Please respond to the list (more help that way).

-- Duke Hillard

Bill Pulte wrote:

> I am new to this analog thing and am looking for guidance.  I work for a
> school district and I want a number of people to access the analog
> information for logging purposes (ie) through a browser.  I am running
> Apache on Debian Gnu/Linux and I added the analog module, but there is no
> .cfg file listed within the database.  My two questions are
> 1) first will analog do what I want it to.
> 2) Second what am I missing in the setup.
> Any help would be appreciated

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Help with using Analog for accounting

2001-05-14 Thread Duke Hillard

Analog is designed to parse raw data in one or more log files.
Do you have data about your subnets in some type of log file?

-- Duke Hillard

Jayesh Jina wrote:

> Hi All
> Is there anyone that can help me with the following
> Can I use Analog to do give me a list of IP Subnets in our Company and the amount of 
>bytes downloaded..
> eg -  2000 bytes
> - 1 000 000 bytes
> - 1 387 000 bytes and so on to
> Thanx
> JJ
> Jayesh Jina
> NT Systems Administrator (MCSE)
> Tel :- 27 12 841 4903
> Cell :- 082 448 2153
>Jayesh Jina.vcfName: Jayesh Jina.vcf
>   Type: Plain Text (text/plain)

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Failed requests higher than Successful requests

2001-05-14 Thread Duke Hillard

Maybe an image, such as a mailbox,
that appears at the end of each page.

-- Duke Hillard

Doug Nelson wrote:

> ...or it could be just one file link referenced a lot which is failing a lot...
> -Original Message-
> On Mon, 14 May 2001, Kenneth Pedersen, Agdernett wrote:
> > Successful requests for pages 50.179
> > Successful requests for pages in last 7 days 19.880
> > Failed requests 80.700
> > Failed requests in last 7 days 33.837
> >
> > The failed requests are higher than successful requests. What could be wrong
> > here?
> >
> There are lots of broken links to your website?
> You can get a complete list of all the files which failed in the Failure
> Report. But in fact you might find it easier just to look directly in the
> logfile.

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Analog's Primary Site Generates Proxy Error

2001-05-11 Thread Duke Hillard

No problem.  I simply wanted to bring it
to your attention in case your service had
been inadvertently disconnected.  Thanks
for your quick response.  And thanks for
analog.  I hope to install the new version
next week.

-- Duke Hillard

Stephen Turner wrote:

> On Thu, 10 May 2001, Duke Hillard wrote:
> > When attempting to reach "";,
> > I receive a proxy error.  The error message is below.
> Sorry, the site was down for a scheduled power cut.
> --
> Stephen Turner
>   Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
>   "Your account can only be used for a single internet session at any one
>time and for no more than 24 hours in any one day." (NTL terms of use)

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] requests monitoring

2001-05-10 Thread Duke Hillard

If only one line is desired for all log entries that
begin with "/case/book/buy", then the following
might be helpful (covered in docs/args.html):

ARGSEXCLUDE /case/book/buy*

-- Duke Hillard


> I need some help with monitoring this one url that shows up with
> multiple parameters in the request section.
> For example  I need to monitor
> The thing is that the url shows up in the logs in multiple formats like
> - - [01/Jan/2001:00:10:11 -0700] "GET /case/book/buy
> HTTP/1.0" 200 1
> - - [01/Jan/2001:00:10:11 -0700] "GET /case/book/buy?this=1234
> HTTP/1.0" 200 1
> - - [01/Jan/2001:00:10:11 -0700] "GET /case/book/buy?here=ABCD
> HTTP/1.0" 200 1
> - - [01/Jan/2001:00:14:11 -0700] "GET /case/book/buy?hey=SKDSKLDSKDS
> HTTP/1.0" 200 1
> etc.
> I tried using this
> REQINCLUDE /case/book/buy*
> REQINCLUDE */case/book/buy*
> REQINCLUDE */case/book/buy?*
> This does not work I end up getting a bunch of requests in my report like
> /case/book/buy.rm
> /this_book
> etc.
> I tried putting this in along with everything above
> FILEINCLUDE /case/book/buy*
> Then it complains of this and produces an empty log file.
> /usr/bin/analog: analog version 4.16/Unix
> /usr/bin/analog: Warning R: Turning off empty time reports
>   (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)
> /usr/bin/analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Request Report
> /usr/bin/analog: Warning R: Turning off empty File Type Report
> /usr/bin/analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Directory Report
> /usr/bin/analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Domain Report
> /usr/bin/analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Organisation Report
> /usr/bin/analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Search Word Report
> /usr/bin/analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Operating System Report
> /usr/bin/analog: Warning R: Turning off empty File Size Report
> /usr/bin/analog: Warning R: Turning off empty Status Code Report
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Free, encrypted, secure Web-based email at

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

[analog-help] Analog's Primary Site Generates Proxy Error

2001-05-10 Thread Duke Hillard

When attempting to reach "";,
I receive a proxy error.  The error message is below.

-- Duke Hillard

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.

The proxy server could not handle the request GET /.

Reason: Could not connect to remote machine: No route to host

Apache/1.3.12 Server at Port 80

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] problem with *ARGSINCLUDE/EXCLUDE on 4.90Beta3

2001-03-09 Thread Duke Hillard


I encountered a similar problem last week.
I use analog 4.16 on Solaris 8, but the solution
might fit your situation.  The Referrer Report
don't recognize your domain as do some other
reports (e.g., Request Report).  This might be
due to the structure of server log files.  So, the
domain name is needed.  Or to put it differently.

ARGSEXCLUDE /cgi-bin/*
works for the Request Report

doesn't work for the Referrer Report

works for the Referrer Report

-- Duke Hillard

David Keppler wrote:

> I've been testing out the new 4.90 betas for a site I work on. I've been
> having some trouble getting the ARGSINCLUDE options to work properly for
> the Referrer and Request reports. I'm trying to set the report up so it
> reports back the arguments for a particular script in the referrer report
> but no arguments elsewhere in the referrer or requests reports. With
> ARGSEXCLUDE * , which from the documentation I think should just disable
> argument reporting for the request report only, all argument reporting
> everywhere is disabled. And there is no option like REQARGSEXCLUDE which
> is the type of filter I want to use.
> REFARGSINCLUDE and REFARGSEXCLUDE appear to have absolutely no effect on
> the final report. I've tried dozens of combinations of these but nothing
> works. I have a partial solution by setting REQARGSFLOOR to a ridiculously
> high setting like 1000r to hide all the arguments in the request
> report, but doing something similar to hide all but the one referrer I
> want to display doesn't work. In fact, REFARGSFLOOR seems to do absolutely
> nothing at all no matter what I set it to.
> These are the lines in my analog.cfg file that relate to this:
> REQFLOOR -200r
> REFARGSINCLUDE /clickthrough.php3
> This gives me just argument break downs for the referrer report. But the
> floor of 50 requests to display particular argument is ignored, as far as
> I can tell, and it defaults to using 10r for some reason.
> Am I doing something blatantly wrong here or did I run across a bug in the
> new beta?
> Thanks,
> -- David Keppler
> Testing can show the presense of bugs, but not their absence.
> -- Dijkstra

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] *EXCLUDE

2001-03-05 Thread Duke Hillard

That's fine, but I thought that * matches any sequence of characters.
I had hoped that REFARGSEXCLUDE /cgi-bin/* would eliminate
all arguments in one statement.

-- Duke Hillard

Stephen Turner wrote:

> On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Duke Hillard wrote:
> > I've read the documentation several times, but am still confused
> > about *EXCLUDE.  I want to eliminate arguments from cgi-bin
> > in the Redirected Referrer Report and the Referrer Report.
> >
> > Two examples of that which I wish to eliminate are:
> >
> >
> >
> > What I want to appear in their place is:
> >
> >
> > I have used these (but found no joy):
> > ARGSEXCLUDE /cgi-bin/*
> > REFARGSEXCLUDE /cgi-bin/*
> >
> I think you want
> --
> Stephen Turner
>   Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
>   "Your account can only be used for a single internet session at any one
>time and for no more than 24 hours in any one day." (NTL terms of use)

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adr:;;P.O. Box 42770;Lafayette;LA;70504-2770;USA
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

[analog-help] *EXCLUDE

2001-03-02 Thread Duke Hillard

I've read the documentation several times, but am still confused
about *EXCLUDE.  I want to eliminate arguments from cgi-bin
in the Redirected Referrer Report and the Referrer Report.

Two examples of that which I wish to eliminate are:

What I want to appear in their place is:

I have used these (but found no joy):
ARGSEXCLUDE /cgi-bin/*

Are either of these useful for my goal?

-- Duke Hillard

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adr:;;P.O. Box 42770;Lafayette;LA;70504-2770;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] HEADERFILE

2001-02-28 Thread Duke Hillard

HEADERFILE inserts the contents of a specified file
into output.  If OUTPUT is HTML, it appears shortly
after the opening BODY tag.  The placement using
Analog 4.16 on Solaris 8 is:

[top of document]
[several lines]

Web Server Statistics for...

[contents of HEADERFILE]
[will occupy as many lines as original HEADERFILE]

HEADERFILE documentation available at


-- Duke Hillard

CAPRON Patrick wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to insert a line :
>  type="text/javascript">
> just after the "body" tag in each output-file. How can I do this? May I use
> the
> HEADERFILE command, and in this case, how does it really work?
> Thanx
> Patrick CAPRON

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] FILEALIAS for files under multiple dirs

2001-02-23 Thread Duke Hillard

Understood.  I guess my UNIX experience influenced my expectations.

I sifted through the documentation to see if the behavior of the asterisk
is defined, but I didn't see anything.  I looked in the obvious places like
Aliases, Inclusions and Exclusions, Syntax of Configuration Commands,
and the Quick Reference. If it's behavior isn't defined elsewhere in the
documentation, it might be appropriate to include it in future versions
as other users might also expect *NIX-like behavior.

-- Duke

Stephen Turner wrote:

> On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Duke Hillard wrote:
> > Assuming that TYPEOUTPUTALIAS isn't the intended command,
> > my impression from the Analog documention page for Aliases
> > ( is that an asterisk
> > represents one directory level.  If so, this behavior would
> > be consistent with the behavior of UNIX's "ls" command
> It would, but it isn't. * matches any sequence of characters, including /'s.
> --
> Stephen Turner
>   Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
>   "Your account can only be used for a single internet session at any one
>time and for no more than 24 hours in any one day." (NTL terms of use)

org:University of Louisiana at Lafayette;University Computing Support Services
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] FILEALIAS for files under multiple dirs

2001-02-23 Thread Duke Hillard

Assuming that TYPEOUTPUTALIAS isn't the intended command,
my impression from the Analog documention page for Aliases
( is that an asterisk
represents one directory level.  If so, this behavior would
be consistent with the behavior of UNIX's "ls" command where

   ls /directory/*/somefile.txt

  is not equivalent to

   ls /directory/*/*/somefile.txt

If I am correct, a series of FILEALIAS commands is needed
according to the depth of your directory structure.  The
following would cover the document root and one level of
directories/subdirectories immediately underneath it.

   FILEALIAS /*.gif "All Images"
   FILEALIAS /*.GIF "All Images"
   FILEALIAS /*.jpg "All Images"
   FILEALIAS /*.JPG "All Images"
   FILEALIAS /*.jpeg "All Images"
   FILEALIAS /*.JPEG "All Images"

   FILEALIAS /*/*.gif "All Images"
   FILEALIAS /*/*.GIF "All Images"
   FILEALIAS /*/*.jpg "All Images"
   FILEALIAS /*/*.JPG "All Images"
   FILEALIAS /*/*.jpeg "All Images"
   FILEALIAS /*/*.JPEG "All Images"


-- Duke Hillard

P.S.  If a file (including an image) is missing from a site,
it would ordinarily be listed in the Failure Report.  Using
FILEALIAS on a large scale can affect the ability to easily
spot missing files.  In some cases, this might be an issue.

Chuck Pierce wrote:

> FILEALIAS *.gif "All Images"
> FILEALIAS *.GIF "All Images"
> FILEALIAS *.jpg "All Images"
> FILEALIAS *.JPG "All Images"
> FILEALIAS *.jpeg "All Images"
> FILEALIAS *.JPEG "All Images"
> why is this only working for the images on the root dir??  How do I get
> all files (under any dir) to follow this alias..
> also, anyone know if FILEALIAS is case sensitive??  do I need to have
> both gif and GIF?
> thanks - Chuck

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Reports

2001-02-22 Thread Duke Hillard

You might want to look at Analog's Helper Applications page at
"".  Of particular interest might be
the section concerning DNS Lookups (jump straight there with
"").  One item has been a big
help for our institution: jdresolve.  It constructs a fake name for
unresolvable addresses based on resolving the parent domain.
This is also known as recursion.  Fake addresses aren't an ideal
solution for everybody.  In our case, they proved helpful given
that we need general information about the domains which are
hitting our site.  With recursion, we consistently achieve 99.7%
name resolution.

-- Duke Hillard

P.S.  I would be remiss if I didn't mention Analog's documentation
page for DNS Lookups at "".

D&D Jordan wrote:

> Why do these occur? ***I intentionally left out the majority of the domains
> that did resolve for space.Domain Report
> #reqs: %bytes: domain
> -: --: --
>83: 66.29%: .net (Network)
> ***   21: 17.12%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
>14: 16.59%: .com (Commercial)
> Organization Report
> #reqs: %bytes: organization
> -: --: 
>***   21: 17.12%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
>16: 10.33%:
> 8:  9.56%:
> 6:  5.96%:
> Host Report
> #reqs: %bytes: host
> -: --: 
> ***  118:   100%: [not listed: 31 hosts]
> Referrer Report
> #reqs: URL
> -: ---
> ***   30: [not listed: 8 URLs]
> Also, I have 304 ISSUCCESS OFF and yet I continue to receive 304 reports.
> Thanks for any assistance, including telling me to go back and re-read the 

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] GMT time offset not working

2001-02-15 Thread Duke Hillard

Is there a conflicting offset in the default configuration file (analog.cfg)?
Try turning settings on (
to see the values of all the variables in all applicable configuration files.

-- Duke Hillard

Dave Atkins wrote:

> I am in the Pacific I set up the first few lines of my config
> files like this:
> then, I call analog from the command line like this:
> analog
> \\crwwwlogs\logs\audio\ex0102*.log.gz,\\crwwwlogs\logs\audio\wait\*.log.gz
> +F010201 +T010228 +O\\office\wwwroot\crhq\pm\logstats\audio_M0102.html
> +gaudio.cfg
> My log files are all in GMT format, but the resulting reports show hourlies
> that match the logfiles instead of being adjusted.
> I'm using the current beta of analog.
> Dave Atkins
> Product Manager

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
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Re: [analog-help] Best DNS resolver

2001-02-15 Thread Duke Hillard

jdresolve is fairly quick and doesn't need much overhead.
It takes a little time to determine the optimal configuration
for jdresolve, but the results at the end of each run provide
useful data to use in the configuration process.  If you intend
to use large log files (2.5+ GB), you might wish to use a small
sample (100 MB) of a log file to find the optimal configuration
before using it on a production level.  The feature that seems
to separate jdresolve from the other DNS resolvers is its
recursive mode.  It was this feature which causes us to use
jdresolve.  Using recursion, we consistently exceed 99.7%
name resolution.  If this seems appealing, be sure to read
exactly what recursion is and is not in the jdresolve docs.

-- Duke Hillard

James Herrmann wrote:

> Hi,
> I was browsing through the list of DNS resolvers that
> Steve posted on the Analog site.  There are quite a
> few and probably more that didn't make the list.
> Logresolve seems pretty slow.  Analog's built-in
> resolve mechanism has the cool feature of caching
> previous lookups.  Do any of the standalone scripts
> offer this functionality?
> Which is the best for Windows? For Mac?
> Thanks, folks.
> - Jim
> __
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> Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
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> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] How to resolv IP

2001-02-15 Thread Duke Hillard

The documentation page about DNS lookups at
"" might have
useful configuration information.  Another place to
look is the DNS lookups section of Helper apps
at "".


-- Duke Hillard

Morgan Norell wrote:

> Hi
> I have a problem.
> In some of my old logfiles I have resolved ip adresses but when I updated
> analog the ip numers doesen't resolv anymore, witch make Domain Report and 
>Organisation Report usless.
> My question is, are there any way to turn it on so the ip numbers will be resoved in 
>the future and are there any way to make the log who allredy have lots of 
>unresolved(ip) to show the results for domain and organisation report.
> Morgan.
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at

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Re: [analog-help] Using JDResolve

2001-02-02 Thread Duke Hillard

We rotate logs every Sunday a.m. when system load is minimal.
We then run jdrsolve on the most recent log and produce a new
file.  Next we run analog on the new file produced by jdresolve.
After analog has produced all reports, we discard the new file
and archive the original log file (we can reproduce another file
with jdresolve, but we cannot reproduce the original log file).

We get 99.7% name resolution in recursive mode.  jdresolve
is fairly quick and doesn't need much overhead.  It takes a
little time to determine the optimal configuration for jdresolve,
but the results at the end of each run provide useful data to
use in the configuration process.  If you intend to use large
log files (2.5+ GB), you might wish to use a small sample
(100 MB) of your log file to find the optimal configuration
before using it on a production level.


-- Duke Hillard, UL Lafayette

Peter Johnson wrote:

> Hi There
> I am trying to use helper application with analog, but I am a
> bit confused about when I should be running it and on what.  Am I right in
> thinking that jdresolve should be run on the actual webserver log files
> which analog then processes, or should jdresolve be run on the dnsfile
> produced by analog after it has attempted to do it's own dns lookups?
> Thanks in advance for any help
> Peter
> -
> Peter Johnson
> Unified Solutions Ltd
> Web:
> Tel: 01753 775050
> Fax: 01753 775020
> Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---
> The information in this internet eMail is confidential and is
> intended solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of
> information in it by anyone else is unauthorised. Any views or
> opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not
> necessarily represent those of Unified Solutions Ltd or any of
> its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient please
> contact Unified Solutions Ltd, +44 (0) 1753 775050

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] US English question

2001-02-02 Thread Duke Hillard

Of the five suggestions below, the first two are preferred (IMHO).
Of the first two suggestions, the first is a little easier to implement.

  1. (Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days through [date])
  2. (Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending [date])
  3. (Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days ending [date])
  4. (Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days ending on [date])
  5. (Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days that end on [date])

-- Duke Hillard, University Webmaster, UL Lafayette

P.S.  See the ground hog at "".

Stephen Turner wrote:

> Hello American helpers! If we had Groundhog Day, or even groundhogs, here,
> they certainly wouldn't be able to see their shadows today. It's grey and
> drizzling. Apparently this is a good omen if you're American, but I'd rather
> have it sunny.
> That wasn't the US English question. :) Someone just suggested to me that
> one of the phrases sounded unnatural:
> > There is a string (lines 243 and 354) that is used for the top of the
> > output that says:
> >
> > (Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days to [date])
> >
> >I believe the word "prior" should be added:
> >
> >  (Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days prior to [date])
> To me, "prior to" has too much of the sense of "strictly before" rather than
> the intended "up to and including". But would any native speakers care to
> comment?
> --
> Stephen Turner
>   Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
>   "Your account can only be used for a single internet session at any one
>time and for no more than 24 hours in any one day." (NTL terms of use)

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Re: [analog-help] Couple of ?'s regarding Spiders, Crawlers, Search Engines and Logging

2001-01-26 Thread Duke Hillard

For information about analyzing search engines requests,
you might want to look at SEARCHENGINE commands
in the Configuration Files section of the Helper Applications
page ( and
at the SEARCHENGINE command itself in the Analog docs

-- Duke Hillard, University Webmaster, UL Lafayette

Ian Stong wrote:

> Perhaps a bit of a side topic - but trying to see what people are doing
> relating to Spiders, Crawlers and Search Engines and the logging, blocking,
> tracking of them, etc.
> Specifically wondering if it's possible to limit spiders/crawlers to only
> certain parts of your web site (perhaps with robot.txt files)?
> Also found a 3rd party file with Analog called srch.cfg that lists search
> engines, etc in the file.  I've mentioned it in my analog.cfg file but not
> sure how to make use of it.  Is it used to generate a seperate report to track
> search engine accesses to your site or something else?
> Looking for someone who has implemented ways to track spider. crawler, search
> engine access to a site and ways to minimize/block that traffic.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ian

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Re: [analog-help] Resolving Hostname

2000-12-18 Thread Duke Hillard

There are several helper applications that assist with DNS lookups
(  Among those listed
is "jdresolve" which has an optional recursive mode.  Using recursion,
I have 99.7% resolution on a typical run (was previously below 50%).
Installation was worth the effort.  And, it's free.

-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette

Ben wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a dns file with quite a few resolved hosts in it, however, this
> still only resolves about 1/2 the hosts servered on my site! Is there
> another way to resolve hostnames? Also on sections such as referrer and
> referring, at the bottom, I get [not listed: 66 URLs] (number varies)
> why are they not listed? and is there a way to list them?
> Regards
> Ben
> Hot-Key International
> Hotel Booking Systems Over the Web

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
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Re: [analog-help] 12-hour clock

2000-12-13 Thread Duke Hillard

The two most widely used forms are "p.m." and "PM".  The former case
(p.m.) is preferred in formal writing as it follows the conventional form of
Latin abbreviations (for example, i.e., e.g., and others).  Where informal
writing is acceptable, the latter instance (PM) is widely used as it's more
easily typed or written (two fewer characters).  In both forms, it's proper
to use a space between numeric and alphabetic characters (12:01 a.m.,
and 12:01 AM).  In informal usage, one might write 12:00 Noon, but is
unlikely to write 12:00 NOON.  In formal usage, one writes 12:00 p.m.

Technically speaking, 12:00 a.m. on the 12-hour clock is equal to 00:00
on the 24-hour clock (the start of a new day).  Common usage, though,
considers Midnight Tuesday to equal Wednesday at 12:00 a.m.  This is
often a source of confusion.  As a result, most businesses avoid the use
of Midnight in contracts (for instance, my automobile coverage expires
at 11:59 p.m. and transportation schedules typically list departures and
arrivals shortly before or after Midnight rather than Midnight itself).  On
a related note, many users of the 24-hour clock seem unaware that the
often used time of 24:00 does not exist (that is, 24:00 Tuesday is really
00:00 Wednesday).

-- Duke Hillard, University Webmaster, UL Lafayette

Stephen Turner wrote:

> Maybe some kind American can help me with this 12-hour-clock localisation:
> 1) 1am or 1AM? We would always use lower case, but I think Americans
> generally prefer upper case, right?
> 2) Midnight is 12am, not 12pm, right? (I find this very confusing. "Midnight
> Wednesday" is always the time at the end of Wednesday. So that's 12am
> Wednesday, or 12am Thursday, or what??)
> Thanks,
> --
> Stephen Turner
>   Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
>   "The new operating system will recover more easily from system crashes."
>   (Microsoft, aiming high with Windows Millennium)
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at

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Re: [analog-help] Web site gone?

2000-12-13 Thread Duke Hillard

I am able to reach the site ( at the moment
(local date and time: Wednesday, 13-Dec-2000 18:54:22 CST.)

The current version is 4.13.

Duke Hillard, University Webmaster, UL Lafayette

P.S.  If the connection problem persists, post your location and
somebody can send URIs for the nearest mirror sites.

"Meredith, Nick (N.)" wrote:

> I've been out of the loop for some while - but still using Analog. Today I
> went to look at the site to check up on version numbers, and it
> seems that the site has gone.
> Have I missed something?
> --
> Nick Meredith - Project Analyst,
> Jaguar Cars - Sales & Marketing Systems
> +44 (0)24 7620 3905 - Voice - 726 3905
> +44 (0)24 7620 2605 - *Fax* - 726 2605
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] config file for computer output

2000-12-07 Thread Duke Hillard

Have you tried specifying the absolute path for the OUTFILE
(e.g., OUTFILE /web/docs/Web/Stats/admissions.html)?

The page entitled "What was new in version 3?" available at
"" will probably be
helpful in jumping from 2.11 to 3.31.  But, you might want to
ask your ISP about upgrading to the latest version (4.13).

-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette

Chris Geake wrote:

> I am trying to configure analog to generate a computer output file to
> the server (report.dat) to use with report magic to display graphs and
> charts to print.
> I have added the following lines to the config file to no avail;
> OUTFILE report.dat
> I don't see the file in the ftp directory, I would like this in the same
> directory as analog and analog2.cfg is there something obvious that I am
> doing wrong, I would really appreciate some help, I have spent nearly
> all day on this! the ISP (webfusion) has 'pre-configured' analog to
> work, which it does fine but it will only display as html page, can I
> convert this info to computer output?
> Is the config file the same for all versions? the server is running
> ananlog 3.31, Unix, but the config file says 'Configuration file for
> analog 2.1'
> I appreciate all help.
> Many Thanks.
> Chris Geake
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

[analog-help] FYI: Online Article: Traffic Analysis

2000-12-05 Thread Duke Hillard

The feature article in the December issue of SecondMoment
( concerns statistics and web
traffic analysis.

-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
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Re: [analog-help] Double Counting

2000-11-29 Thread Duke Hillard

Report Magic for Analog offers its own free peer
support through its Report Magic Help mailing list.
To subscribe to the list, send a message to:

-- Duke Hillard, University Webmaster, UL Lafayette


> Ive run across what I think is a bug in Report Magic... whenever I specify
> the word "top" in a directory path... neither the index file NOR the nav
> file will generate, though strangely everything else does (the reports
> themselves run fine):
> Heres are the relevant pieces of my confi file:
> [statistics]
> File_In = whatever
> Frame_File_Out =
> ../htdocs/reports/top/Wed-Nov-29-00-18.59.14-supportreport/index.html
> Reverse_Time = 1
> Format= XHTML 1.0
> [reports]
> Active_Column=R
> Stylesheet = ../../rmagicstyle.css
> File_Out = ../htdocs/reports/top/Wed-Nov-29-00-18.59.14-supportreport/
> [navigation]
> Font_Color = #cc6600
> Font = Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
> Stylesheet = ../../rmagicnavstyle.css
> BG_Color = #cc;
> File_Out =
> ../htdocs/reports/top/Wed-Nov-29-00-18.59.14-supportreport/nav.html
> The problem for me is the head of the marketing department here logs onto
> the lan as xxxtopp and I use his $ENV{REMOTE_USER} name to store his
> files in directories seperate from other users (I also use that parameter to
> send an email to him when the report is complete)...
> Its gonna look bad but for the interum Im going to have to cheat a bit and
> grep out the p's in his name :).  Ill go over the file
> tomorrow and see if I can spot anything
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Error Messages

2000-11-22 Thread Duke Hillard


More information about the reports is available online
at "".

The Search Word Report relies on SEARCHENGINE
commands.  Information about them is available online at
and at "".

The Operating System Report will be empty when data
about operating systems does not appear in server logs.
For example, if a server's configuration file specifies that
the log file(s) use COMMON format, operating system
information is not captured.  But, COMBINED format
does capture operating system information.  A thorough
discussion concerning log formats is available online at

Happy Thanksgiving (in America, anyway),

-- Duke Hillard, University Webmaster, UL Lafayette

"Mills, Wallace" wrote:

> I have just install analog and am trying to set up the configuration
> parameters to achieve the results required.
> When I run analog I receive the following error messages:
> Turning off empty search word report
> Turning off empty operating system report.
> I have looked in the FAQ and other relevant docs but can not find any
> mention of these errors, (I may have missed it of course), can anyone please
> point me in the correct direction as what is causing these error messages
> and how to rectify same.
> Many thanks in advance for any assistance.
> Wallace Mills

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Mail Reports No Longer Works

2000-11-15 Thread Duke Hillard

As the fatal error indicates that analog failed to open an output file,
it seems likely that directory/file permissions won't allow analog to
create/overwrite your stats file.  Did you check permissions for the
directories/files in your path?

-- Duke Hillard, University Webmaster, UL Lafayette

"Kristi A. Borst" wrote:

> My service provider moved my site to a new server and upgraded analog (UNIX) from 
>4.02 to
> 4.13. Now I am getting empty reports emailed to me. When I "telnet" to the site and
> execute the commanding file, I get this error message:
> yanni:~/analog$ weekly
> /usr/local/bin/analog: analog version 4.13/Unix
> /usr/local/bin/analog: Fatal error: failed to open output file
>   /home/httpd/html/stats.html for writing: exiting
>   (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)
> Null message body; hope that's ok
> yanni:~/analog$
> I see nothing on your site regarding emails? Can you help?
> Thank you,
> Kristi Borst
> --
> Ad·Mark·Com
> Advertising & Marketing Communications
> 190 Glenwood Road
> Wells, Maine 04090-6403
> 207 646 8988 v
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

[analog-help] wishing for automated inclusion of domains in US English

2000-11-13 Thread Duke Hillard

In future versions of analog, it would be nice if selecting
'US_ENGLISH' for 'LANGUAGE' in 'anlghea2.h' had
the effect of also selecting a domains file that contained
the US English spelling of the word 'organization' for the
'org' domain.  Perhaps, 'lang/'?  Yes, I know
that we Americans have this bad habit of misspelling and
mispronouncing perfectly good British words.  ;-)

-- Duke Hillard, University Webmaster, UL Lafayette

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] gzip problems [Analog 4.13, on Windows NT]

2000-11-08 Thread Duke Hillard

On a UNIX box with analog 4.13, I'm using:

UNCOMPRESS *.gz,*.Z  /usr/bin/zcat
LOGFILE /var/adm/httpd-xfer.0.gz


-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette

Daniel Gehriger wrote:

> Nathan,
> doesn't help... I tried
> gunzip -c
> zcat
> I also compressed the files using UNIX compress, and the used uncompress
> (with the flag to send to STDOUT, I don't remember), but it wouldn't help.
> I also tried to compress witz bzip2, and the uncompressing with bzip2 -cd,
> nothing...
> - Daniel
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nathan Wilbert
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 6:43 AM
> > Subject: RE: [analog-help] gzip problems [Analog 4.13, on Windows NT]
> >
> >
> > How about the command 'gunzip *.gz' ?  instead of uncompress.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Daniel Gehriger
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 2:45 PM
> > Subject: RE: [analog-help] gzip problems [Analog 4.13, on Windows NT]
> >
> >
> > Thanks, but I already tried it.
> >
> > - Daniel
> >
> > > Usually you need to specify the full path to the gzip
> > > application. I assume
> > > (since this works without the -c part, that you have it on your
> > > path. You might
> > > also try this format, perhaps your command line will like it better:
> > >
> > > UNCOMPRESS *.gz "C:\Path\to\gzip.exe -cd"
> > >
> > >
> > > HTH,
> > >
> > > Jeremy Wadsack
> > > Wadsack-Allen Digital Group
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > > This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> > > mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> > > List archived at
> > 
> >
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] (no subject)

2000-11-06 Thread Duke Hillard

Report Magic for Analog turns analog output into pretty graphs.
It is freeware distributed by the Wadsack-Allen Digital Group at
"".  Installing Report Magic is your
option.  Report Magic for Analog requires that the OUTPUT
command in Analog be set to COMPUTER.  COMPUTER is
a special format suitable for reading by a computer (useful for
reading into a spreadsheet, or post-processing with a graphics
package, for example). There is a separate section about this
in Analog's docs at "".

If you wish to generate Analog reports as HTML pages (that
is, you don't wish to use Report Magic for Analog at this time),
you will need to set Analog's OUTPUT command to HTML.
Information about this appears in the Analog documentation
at "".  There
is an entire page of documentation devoted to configuring the
output from Analog (
that is very useful for tweaking your reports.


-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette


> Dear JWadsack -
> Thanks for the assist.
> You indicate that I seem to have configured correctly and can get a
> "Computer Readable Output Format"
> What do I need to do now to actually see my statistics?  Do I need to
> install Report Magic to do so?
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] site response time (off topic)

2000-11-02 Thread Duke Hillard

Cricket is a highly extensible and scalable application for trending
and analysis.  It is also highly scalable and platform independent,
which makes it a useful successor to tools like mrtg.  Cricket is
written entirely in Perl and is distributed under the GNU General
Public License. Visit Cricket's site (
for more information.  Be sure to browse the documentation page


-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette


> Hi,
> any ides on what tools are available on mesuring/ verifying response time
> for a given site would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> --Josef D.
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Time for each unique visit

2000-10-31 Thread Duke Hillard

There is a lot of valuable information related to your question
in analog's documentation.  Particularly applicable is the page
titled What the Results Mean.  It's included in the distribution
in the 'docs' subdirectory and can also be viewed at the main
analog site ( and its
mirror sites.  Be sure to read the section about the manner in
which the Web works.  It describes the processes that occur
when somebody connects to your web site, and what you can
and can't find out about them.

-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette


> How can I see how much time a user spend on a unique session?
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
> List archived at

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Xferlog format question

2000-10-30 Thread Duke Hillard

Hi Gary,

  Small world, indeed!  Yes, USL "graduated" to its new name
(University of Louisiana at Lafayette) on September 10, 1999.
The athletic teams are now called Louisiana's Ragin' Cajuns.
We had some wonderful football when Brandon Stokely was QB
just a few years ago, but the team is struggling this year.
Overall, other sports are doing well.

  Concerning your analog situation, 'sed' might be helpful
as it's possible to denote text at the beginning of a line
or at the end of the line (^ for BOL, and $ for EOL).  The
following example might be useful.  Note that the script
creates a new file for the updated content and preserves
the original content (old filename with '.old' extension).
Of course, the original file should already be circulated
out of active logging.  At UL Lafayette, we maintain logs
for four weeks.  At the end of the week, we stop the HTTP
server, rename the log file, restart the server, analyze
the log file, and zip it.  After this, the oldest zipped
log file is deleted from the server to conserve space.
As to LOGFORMAT, I leave that to the analog wizards on
the list.  Some of these folks know analog inside out.

-- Duke


cd /directory/subdirectory # change to subdirectory where the action is

# foreach file ( *.txt ) # call files by extension(s)
foreach file ( file1 file2 ) # call files by filename(s)

  sed 's/c$/200/' < $file > $file.tmp # parse log file, create temp file
  sed 's/i$/404/' < $file.tmp > $ # parse temp, create perm file
  rm $file.tmp # keep the old file around just in case # remove temp
  mv $file $file.old # keep the original log file around just in case
  mv $ $file # call the new file by the old name for apps sake


Gary Kliethermes wrote:

> Hi Duke,
> Thanks for the response.  I'm using Red Hat Linux, version 6.2, and although
> I've been running a web hosting service (on NT)  for over 4 years, I'm new
> to the Unix world.
> If I understand you correctly, you're suggesting that I run 'sed' against
> the logfile (/var/log/xferlog) and replace the 'i' and 'c' at the
> end-of-line before using Analog to create a report.  Correct?
> If this is correct, could you give an example of how to use sed to do this?
> I looked at the man page for it, and I'm guessing that I would use the
> 's/regexp/replacement/' option in sed, but I'm hesitant to try it on a
> running machine.
> Do you have any suggestions on what the LOGFORMAT command should look like
> in order to process the log after the change?
> UL Lafayette?  Isn't that the "new" name for USL?  It's still the Ragin'
> Cajuns isn't it?  I lived in Lafayette from '84 to '90 (I'm married to a
> 'Bourque') and I even took a few EE classes at USL.  I saw quite a few
> football games at Cajun Field when Brian Mitchell was the QB there.
> It's a small world after all...  :-)
> Thanks for your time,
> Gary
> The Web Depot, Inc.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Duke Hillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 6:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [analog-help] Xferlog format question
> > Gary,
> >
> > A simple idea that might be useful if you're on a UNIX box.
> > End-of-line is easily recognized by 'sed' in text substitutions.
> > If the completion status always appears at the end-of-line, you
> > could use 'sed' to convert the completion status to information
> > that analog does use (e.g., convert 'c' to '200' and 'i' to '404').
> > An analog wizard might have a better solution, though.
> >
> > -- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette
> >
> >
> > Gary Kliethermes wrote:
> >
> > > Hello, I'm using Analog 4.11 to analyze the logs from an anonymous FTP
> > > server.  The FTP server (WU-FTP) uses the standard xferlog format.  I'm
> using
> > > the xferlog format as given in the /examples directory, which is:
> > > (%j %M %d %h:%n:%j %Y %t %S %b %r %j %j o %j %u ftp %j %j)
> > > LOGFORMAT (%j %j %j %j %j %j %j %j %j %j %j i%j) According to the docs
> on
> > > WU-FTP, the xferlog format consists of:current-time   transfer-time
> > > remote-host   file-size   filename   transfer-type   special-action-flag
> > > direction   access-mode   username   service-name
> authentication-method
> > > authenticated-user-id   completion-status Analog is working fine with
> the
> > >

Re: [analog-help] Xferlog format question

2000-10-27 Thread Duke Hillard


A simple idea that might be useful if you're on a UNIX box.
End-of-line is easily recognized by 'sed' in text substitutions.
If the completion status always appears at the end-of-line, you
could use 'sed' to convert the completion status to information
that analog does use (e.g., convert 'c' to '200' and 'i' to '404').
An analog wizard might have a better solution, though.

-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette

Gary Kliethermes wrote:

> Hello, I'm using Analog 4.11 to analyze the logs from an anonymous FTP
> server.  The FTP server (WU-FTP) uses the standard xferlog format.  I'm using
> the xferlog format as given in the /examples directory, which is: LOGFORMAT
> (%j %M %d %h:%n:%j %Y %t %S %b %r %j %j o %j %u ftp %j %j)
> LOGFORMAT (%j %j %j %j %j %j %j %j %j %j %j i%j) According to the docs on
> WU-FTP, the xferlog format consists of:current-time   transfer-time
> remote-host   file-size   filename   transfer-type   special-action-flag
> direction   access-mode   username   service-name   authentication-method
> authenticated-user-id   completion-status Analog is working fine with the
> above LOGFORMAT except that it doesn't use the "completion-status" field.  The
> completion-status that's logged is either an "i" (incomplete) or a "c"
> (complete) which indicates if the requested file was successfully
> transferred. Here are a couple of examples from the xferlog file. Mon Oct 23
> 02:01:36 2000 344 1769585
> /home/audiotrack/ftp//activatedaudio.exe b _ o a IEUser@ ftp 0 * c
> Mon Oct 23 02:02:55 2000 243 73728
> /home/audiotrack/ftp//TerrisGarden_ActivatedAudio.mp3 b _ o a IEUser@ ftp 0 *
> i The first line shows a successful transfer, while the second is a transfer
> that was incomplete for whatever reason.I need some way to determine the
> number of successful transfers.  Since the info I need is in the logfile there
> should be a way to use it, but I haven't found a way using Analog. Can Analog
> do this?  If not, does anyone know of any other reporting program that
> can? Thanks, [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Web Depot, Inc.

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Re: [analog-help] Decompiling analog

2000-08-31 Thread Duke Hillard

There is usually more than one way to skin a cat (regardless of method,
the cat is usually not very happy about it).  If I understand your request,
I think that I would be using the OUTPUT command instead of doing a
recompile.  With OUTPUT, an Analog user can produce plain text files,
ASCII text files, or a special format suitable for reading by a computer
(useful for reading into a spreadsheet, or post-processing with a graphics
package, for example).  Of course, producing Web pages is a possibility.
This info comes directly from the Analog docs.  The master copy resides
online at "".

-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Ben Blackmore wrote:

> I have had some experiance with compiling and decompiling programs and I
> have read the Licence.txt on analog, and it says you are allowed to re-
> compile it. I don't want to change it that much, its just I want to use
> the reports not so much as web pages but as print offs to include in a
> more detailed report. And I would like to remove the (Go To: General
> Summary.) links Section from the report because it would have no
> use on a print out, and I think it would look better. Would this be easy
> to do? I was hoping there was a variable to configure in the config file
> to remove it but there wasn't. Has anyone else done this? Did you have
> much success?
> Ben
> --
> Ben Blackmore
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> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [analog-help]

2000-08-09 Thread Duke Hillard

They can be useful when using cgi-bin.  More info online at

Morten Helgaland wrote:

> Hello
> I'm using analog (and reportmagic) for an intranet site, on which I use
> Ultraboard (perl script for discussions for those of you who haven't heard
> of it). The following requests are logged when someone accesses a special
> board in ultraboard:
> or different variations of this, all of which have "Board=teamlederinfo" in
> common. What I want to accomplish is to only see "Informasjon fra Teamleder
> Stavanger" whenever requests with that pattern are analysed, as that will
> allow me to roughly see how many times the board has been accessed and
> maybe read. (Later I can do this in more detail and log how many times a
> specific posting has been read and so on). I can read this out of the
> regular analog output, but there's no way my bosses can do this.
> So I tried the following:
> /cgi-bin/ultraboard/ultraboard*board=teamelederinfo* "Informasjon fra
> Teamleder Stavanger"
> I also tried REQALIAS and FILEALIAS, though they were all to no avail, and
> tried to put the wildcards in different places. The docs were fairly
> helpful in explaining me how FILEALIAS worked per se, but the line: "The
> behaviour of FILEALIAS and REFALIAS can be slightly unintuitive if the file
> has search arguments." kind of puzzled me.
> Does anyone have any suggestions towards solving this problem?
> I'm using analog 4.11 on w2k.
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
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Re: [analog-help] Figures in parens. refer to the 7 days to ...

2000-08-07 Thread Duke Hillard


Is your report at a URI (Web address) that the group can see?

-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette

"Kubalak, Janet" wrote:

> I apologize ahead of time for asking a question that may have been answered
> about 100 times already, but at the top of the report output by Analog I get
> a line like the first one below and then all subsequent lines have two sets
> of numbers-- one in parens and one not.
> (Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days to 31-Jul-2000 23:59).
>  Successful requests: 1,073,078 (274,551)
> What are "the 7 days to 31-Jul-2000 23:59"  ???  The report was run August 7
> against a log file that contained only July stats, i.e., it was created 2
> seconds after midnight, August 1, 2000.
> If it means that it is also showing logged requests from Aug 1-7, how is it
> doing that?  The file it's supposed to be operating against doesn't contain
> log info from those dates.
> Thanks.
> Janet Kubalak
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> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
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[analog-help] Analog Site Recently Redesigned

2000-07-13 Thread Duke Hillard


The new site design is sleek and functional.  Excellent work!

-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette


> Hi,
> Many thanks to S Turner  whose work is greatly appreciated.
> I am only recently introduced  to Analog and wanting to try it out, the
> report sample  produced by the sample logfile
>  seems to provide me with useful information. However when run against a
> sample logfile of my own, it doesn.t
> seem to work. The reason appears to be documented at various places in the
> Web site and Archive file.
> My problem is as described by a lead in the Web site.
> Analog can't process logs which have the time on each line but the
> date only in a header, because it has no way to tell if the date has changed
> during the logfile.
> So here are two scripts to add the date to every line of an extended
> format log. The first uses Perl, and the second uses the Windows Scripting
> Host.
> Please read the warnings at the top of each program or you might get
> wrong data: they both assume that there are no 24-hour gaps in the logfile.
> Neither of these may be true in practice (especially on intranets). The
> convlog program comes with the Microsoft IIS server and will do a similar
> job, but also has to make these assumptions. So it is much better to log the
> date on every line initially.
>   by Jeremy Wadsack, freeware.
> logfix.vbs   by Aengus Lawlor, freeware.
> Please advice how to make the log record the date time on every line
> initially. I will advice the admin guy to implement it.
> If anyone has used logfix , can you advice me how to do it ?.
> Thank you very much.
> Mai Tran
> Technical Services
> Bendigo Bank
> Phone 61-3-54339891
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> This transmission may contain information which is confidential and
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> Bendigo Bank
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] servlets and file type report

2000-07-10 Thread Duke Hillard

Have you tried with an asterisk after the slant?

TYPEOUTPUTALIAS /servlet/* "servlet [Java Servlet]"
TYPEOUTPUTALIAS /servlets/* "servlets [Java Servlet]"
TYPEOUTPUTALIAS /admin-servlets/* "admin-servlets [Java Servlet, Admin]"

-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette

Tim Stoop wrote:

> Hi there,
> I'm looking for a solution to my problem. I have a lot of servlets on my
> webserver which are all either in "/servlet/", "/servlets/" or
> "/admin-servlets/". As you may know, servlets do not have an extension. So
> in the File Type Report, I get every single servlet as a seperate file. I
> want to group them according to the directory. Can someone give me a clue on
> how to do that?? I tried the following in the analog.cfg, but none worked...
> REFALIAS /servlet/ "servlet [Java Servlet]"
> REFALIAS /servlets/ "servlets [Java Servlet]"
> REFALIAS /admin-servlets/ "admin-servlets [Java Servlet, Admin]"
> and
> REQOUTPUTALIAS /servlet/ "servlet [Java Servlet]"
> REQOUTPUTALIAS /servlets/ "servlets [Java Servlet]"
> REQOUTPUTALIAS /admin-servlets/ "admin-servlets [Java Servlet, Admin]"
> and the above, with instead of REQOUTPUTALIAS TYPEOUTPUTALIAS.
> Thanks in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Tim Stoop
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Mini-faq about text formats

2000-06-26 Thread Duke Hillard

Allaire's Homesite and Macromedia's Dreamweaver also allow choices among
[1]  LF (line feed - Unix/Linux)
[2]  CR (carriage return - Mac)
[3]  CR LF (carriage return followed by line feed - Windows)

-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Marco Bernardini wrote:

> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> > > Convert the pl-script to UNIX-Format should help.
> Mini-faq about text formats (my 2 euro-cents )
> The problem arising when converting between various text formats is how the
> end of the line is indicated:
> - MS-DOS/Windows uses 2 characters (hex 13 and hex 10)
> - Unix and Linux use 1 character (hex 13)
> - Mac uses 1 character (hex 10)
> There is a nice Win text editor able to manage all 3 formats called NoteTab
> Light.
> You can download it from (or
> on this side of the ocean).
> It's just 1.4 Mb, it does more things than M$ Word, it has a wonderful
> support ... and it's free !
> So you can read an Unix text on a Win machine without all these little
> black squares shown by MS-Notepad and, when you save it, it don't loose its
> format.
> On Mac platform BBEdit makes the same thing.
> Bye!
> Marco Bernardini
> Warning: Dates in calendar
> are closer than they appear.
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> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

[analog-help] CONFIGFILE: specifying multiple files

2000-06-22 Thread Duke Hillard

I have read the manual, and have given special attention to
/docs/syntax.html#CONFIGFILE, but I am a bit puzzled.

In my main analog directory, I have the standard analog.cfg file.
I also have subdomain.cfg (1,000+ lines used in domain report)
and searchengine.cfg (for search query & search word reports).
I currently include subdomain.cfg in analog.cfg file like this:

CONFIGFILE /web/utils/analog/subdomain.cfg

Soon, I will want to process subdomain.cfg & searchengine.cfg.
May I specify both the subdomain.cfg and searchengine.cfg files
within the analog.cfg file?  If so, what is the proper syntax?

-- Duke Hillard, Webmaster, UL Lafayette

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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Stalling? Memory problems?

1999-08-06 Thread Duke Hillard


When running top, what is the percentage of CPU utilized by analog?
Are there other programs consuming significant amounts of CPU or RAM?

-- Duke Hillard, USL Webmaster

Sue wrote:

> We ran top and came up with some figures and I was hoping that I could run them by
> you to see if they are coherent with your experiences.
> On my 133 MHz, linux : 460 000 lines used up approximately 43 MB
> On his Sun Ultra 5 : 2 280 000 lines used up about 230 MB
> Is our system simply not capable of coping with the data load?  You wrote that  you
> were uncompressing and processing 2 million lines per minute and that a site  was
> using it on over 250 million lines.  What do we do?
> Thanks!
> Sue
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> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Multiple Domains and cfg files

1999-06-11 Thread Duke Hillard


My mistake.  Things were not as I remembered.  Here is the setup.

The analog.cfg resides in the same directory as the analog executable.
It specifies settings that apply to all analog reports on the site.  Individual
cfg files reside in a subdirectory.  Each of them specifies four settings as
in the example below.

HOSTNAME "USL Enrollment Management"
OUTFILE /web/docs/Webmaster/Statistics/admissions.html
FILEINCLUDE /Admissions/*

Once a week, cron calls a file which contains the following information.


export PATH

umask 022

for cfg in /web/utils/analog/config/*; do
  analog +g$cfg

exit 0

I hope that this information is helpful to somebody on the list.

-- Duke Hillard, USL Webmaster

Stephen Turner wrote:

> On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Duke Hillard wrote:
> > Another solution exists for UNIX when there are many cfg files.
> > Put all cfg files in one directory/subdirectory, then use a wildcard.
> >
> > 0,30 * * * * /usr/local/bin/analog +g/web/utils/analog/config/*.cfg
> >
> That will not have the desired effect. It will produce a single report using
> all four configuration files, not four different reports.
> --
> Stephen Turner[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Statistical Laboratory, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1SB, England
>   "Due to the conflict in Kosovo, we will not be showing the movie Wag the
>Dog. Instead, we will show Mortal Kombat: Annihilation." Cable & Wireless
> This is the analog-help mailing list. To unsubscribe from this
> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe analog-help" in the main BODY OF THE MESSAGE.
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
fn:Duke Hillard

Re: [analog-help] Multiple Domains and cfg files

1999-06-09 Thread Duke Hillard

Another solution exists for UNIX when there are many cfg files.
Put all cfg files in one directory/subdirectory, then use a wildcard.

0,30 * * * * /usr/local/bin/analog+g/web/utils/analog/config/*.cfg

-- Duke Hillard, USL Webmaster

"Brian K. Gibbins" wrote:

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew Brosnan
> Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 9:05 AM
> Subject: [analog-help] Multiple Domains and cfg files
> I do this exact thing and I finally resolved that problem.  The answer is
> you must call out the full path to the config file.  Analog is looking in
> the wrong directory which is why it can't open the file (it doesn't exist in
> the declared location).
> Following is an excerpt from my cronfile that I use to handle Analog
> reporting..
> 0,30 * * * * /usr/local/bin/virtual /usr/local/etc/httpd/analog/analog
> +g/usr/local/etc/httpd/analog/hsedm_host.cfg
> 0,30 * * * * /usr/local/bin/virtual /usr/local/etc/httpd/analog/analog
> +g/usr/local/etc/httpd/analog/hsedm_refer.cfg
> 0,30 * * * * /usr/local/bin/virtual /usr/local/etc/httpd/analog/analog
> +g/usr/local/etc/httpd/analog/hsedm_comp.cfg
> Also note that because of cron I had to declare the path for analog itself.
> Hope this helps.
> Brian K. Gibbins
> HSE - Diverse Media
> Welcome To The World Wide Web
> Shields Corporation
> **
> TheResourceDen
> http://www.TheResourceDen
> **
> **
> SuperUniverse
> **
> Pianos New And Used
> **
> Faerie Tir
> **
> Youth Outreach
> **
> Boxcar Records
> **
> If you liked these websites, you might
> like many more at
> I host several sites on a Unix Virtual Server, using Analog3.11. I need to
> generate individual reports for each domain.
> I have created cfg files for each domain, but when I use 'analog
> +gfilename.cfg' from command line, I get an 'F error couldn't open file,
> ignoring it.'
> I have also tried including the other files from within the default cfg
> file with 'CONFIGFILE filename.cfg.' This seems to work, however I get
> warnings that log files may be  overlapping and data from the default file
> domain shows up in the other domains reports.
> What am I missing here?
> Thanks for your time and effort creating and supporting the program!
> Andrew
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> mailing list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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title:Computing Resources Coordinator
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