[android-beginners] Problems with alarmManager.setRepeating() not triggering subsequent alarms

2010-05-28 Thread Mike Wolfson
I am trying to set an alarm to occur every morning at 6:00am.  The
first alarm is being triggerred, but the subsequent alarms are not.
Anybody have any idea what I am doing wrong?

I am using a service as my PendingIntent, which triggers a

Here is a code snippet:
private void startservice() {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 6);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);

Intent contentIntent = new Intent(this,
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(this, 0,
contentIntent, Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY );
8640, pendingIntent);

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[android-beginners] Re: Ant build error : package R does not exist

2009-08-26 Thread Mike Wolfson

Delete the R.class, then rebuild.

On Aug 25, 10:36 pm, sagar sagar.india...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I am trying to build my project using ant. I first generate build.xml
 file using android update project command. Now i want to run it
 using ant. When i type ant debug commnad it generates error saying
 that package R does not exist while it has already been generated in
 gen folder by the android update project command.

 Plz help.
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[android-beginners] Re: Struggling with google maps

2009-08-11 Thread Mike Wolfson

NoClassDef always points me to think about Classpath, or
inconsistencies between packages on your system (perhaps you are
running a different version of Android out of eclipse, and linking to
a different library package on your system).

Maybe not that helpful, but something I was thinking about that may
point you to examine your system configuration, which is likely the
problem (as your code looks simple from what you have posted).

On Aug 9, 2:47 pm, Jack Ha jack...@t-mobile.com wrote:
 Which line in the code that caused the exception? Can you post the
 complete stack trace here?

 Jack Ha
 Open Source Development Center
 ・T・ ・ ・Mobile・ stick together

 The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of
 the author solely in their individual capacity, and do not
 necessarily represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

 On Aug 9, 2:20 pm, trostum tros...@gmail.com wrote:


  I was following this 
  on creating map activities, Now i am unable to understand why my
  application crashes. I get a NoClassDefFoundError and that exception
  is caused by a  Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: cross-loader
  access from pre-verified class.

  Now i have added the uses-library
  android:name=com.google.android.maps / as a child element to my
  aplication and
  permission and
  uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET/
  as children of the Manifest element.

  My avd is running on api level 4 with the google apis.

  What is wrong? i have searched the web, but nnot found a solution to
  my problem.

  Appreciate any thoughts or comments on what might be wrong
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[android-beginners] Re: How do i run the emulator?

2009-07-26 Thread Mike Wolfson

At a minimum, you will need to download the SDK, and install it on
your system.  (Which includes making sure everything is properly
configured in your path)

Then, you can issue the following command on at any command prompt:
emulator -avd avd name

You should have an avd named 'G1', I think it comes standard with the
SDK, otherwise, you will need to create an AVD for the emulator to

On Jul 24, 1:42 pm, popetorak popeto...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just want to run it. Dont want or need eclipse.

 The docs dont make sense
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[android-beginners] Re: How do i run the emulator?

2009-07-26 Thread Mike Wolfson

Jinx you owe me a coke ;-)

On Jul 26, 6:37 pm, greg sep...@eduneer.com wrote:
 The SDK has a tools directory that includes the emulator application,
 which you can start with the following command line:

    emulator -avd your_avd_name

 as described at


 On Jul 24, 4:42 pm, popetorak popeto...@gmail.com wrote:

  I just want to run it. Dont want or need eclipse.

  The docs dont make sense
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[android-beginners] Re: Developing on a G2.

2009-07-26 Thread Mike Wolfson

I did a little development on the G2  Lack of a physical keyboard was
a problem for some of the tools (like putting the phone in Recovery
Mode, etc).

Otherwise, for the most part there weren't any significant roadblocks
(the SDK works the same on both the G1 and the G2 - ie. the APIs are
all the same).

I think the problems caused by lack of a physical keyboard will be
quickly resolved (but were significant for me).  There were already
some tools available that support the virtual keyboard (ie. Terminal
apps, etc), it just requires working a little harder to find the ones
that will work.

As Disconnect mentioned, I don't believe that there is a Dev version
of the G2 out yet, but if you are just wanting to use your consumer
grade phone for development, it should work.

On Jul 26, 6:36 pm, Dale Wiles dale.wi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is anyone developing code on a G2 phone?  If so have you run into any
 real world problems?

 I know I wouldn't be able to flash custom OS's.  Is that a real
 problem?  I don't have a clue how often that's needed.

 If anyone has had any successes or failures I'd like to hear them.
 I'm sure it would be useful to the rest of the group too.

 - Dale
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[android-beginners] Problem: Holding the Home button, and powering on the device doesn't send me into recovery mode.

2009-07-24 Thread Mike Wolfson

Trying to apply a manual update to my phone, and can't get the phone
to go into recovery mode.

I have tried all sorts of permutations of holding down the power and
home buttons on startup (holding them both, holding home, and
releasing power, pressing power, then holding both, etc).  I have been
trying for about an hour.

All that happens is I get the G1 flash screen (and the vibrate), and
it flashes, then repeats (until I release the buttons at which point
it boots normally).

I am in the middle of updating the phone, so I can get root.  I think
I have successfully completed the rooting (I have downgraded to RC29
successfully, and applied the telnet commands).

(I think my trouble getting to recovery mode isn't related to my
rooting process, but wanted to make full disclosure)

I ran through this procedure to manually update to Cupcake a few
months ago, and it worked fine.  I have no idea why I can't get to
recovery more now!  Help, I really want to successfully flash some of
the latest ROMs (which is why I am going through this in the first
place), and obviously can't do this without recovery mode.

BTW, I confirmed I do have a Update.zip file in the root of my SDCARD
(but suspect that even if I didn't I should still be able to enter
recovery mode).
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[android-beginners] Re: G2 vs G1

2009-07-16 Thread Mike Wolfson

The lack of a physical keyboard was a problem for me on the Magic
(some of my applications - like Teminal wouldn't work).   There are
workarounds, but require some advanced techniques, or downloading
alternative applications.

The lack of a physical keyboard also made flashing a new ROM more
difficult (which may or not be something you chose to do), since there
is not way to hit Alt-L or Alt-R during the reboot process.  Again,
there are workarounds (using Fastboot, etc), but I didn't have success
with them.

The G1 is not spec'ed as high as the magic (it has less internal
memory, and a slower processor).   I don't have resource limitations
with my G1, but some people might.

My personal recommendation would be to get the G1 Dev phone if you
can.  It will be easy to root, if it doesn't come that way anyway, and
has the physical keyboard, which is important for certain applications
and activities.

On Jul 15, 9:30 am, Rafa Perfeito rafa.perfe...@gmail.com wrote:
 (Now with an actual subject...)

 Hey all,
 Been doing some work in the emulator but the idea (as obvious) is to test
 them in an actual physical device. The HTC Magic is already available in my
 area, but i'm still thinking of its advantages to the Dev Phone 1...
 Especially because i've seen some people with problems connecting the G2 to
 the debugger... What is your thoughts about this? Would you pick a G2?
 'Cause the price difference is still significative...

 I've read somewhere (http://www.anddev.org/usb_host_mode_on_g2_-t6866.html)
 that the G2 would support host USB. The G1 does not? I will need to
 integrate an external device, so that's kind of a big deal there...



 Hugo Rafael Augusto
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[android-beginners] Re: creating an avd

2009-07-01 Thread Mike Wolfson

Eclipse lives entirely in the folder you initially installed it to
(meaning the folder you unzipped the download to - in my case it is C:

Your eclipse projects live in a different directory (this is unique to
each machine, so there would be no way to tell what it might be on
your own machine).  To find that directory, look at the Workspace
prompt Eclipse gives you when you start it up (or look in project

To completely get rid of Eclipse, delete these 2 directories (the
Eclipse Workspace dir, and the Eclipse Install dir)..

IMHO, I wouldn't use the latest version of Eclipse (the newly released
3.5) for Android dev.  Use the previously approved (and thoroughly
tested) version (3.4), to eliminate any strangeness you might get from
using the latest version.

On Jun 30, 4:02 pm, ain kodeni...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was following the instructions in the development portion from the
 adroid website.
 New Question how do i delete eclipse and all the associated files

 On Jun 30, 3:56 pm, Paul Turchenko paul.turche...@gmail.com wrote:

  Why do you need to use command line to create adv? Is there any
  particular reason for that?

  On Jun 30, 10:42 pm, ain kodeni...@gmail.com wrote:

   There is its for creating an android virtual device.
   go tohttp://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/avd.html
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[android-beginners] Can I get Root access on my Google IO Magic?

2009-06-26 Thread Mike Wolfson

I know the Magic phone I got at IO is unlocked, but it doesn't have
root enabled out of the box (I tried to install an app that required
Root, that wouldn't work).

Is there a specific way I can enable root on the phone (ie. a setting
some where)?  Is this possible on this phone?

I know I can flash a new ROM (which I will be doing at some point
anyway, as I want to try some of the alternatives for the phone), but
I am looking for something quicker and easier.  .
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[android-beginners] Re: Problem when trying to run the emulator

2009-06-25 Thread Mike Wolfson

Just run the emulator with the G1 avd (which I think is shipped with
the SDK), you shouldn't need to create your own (unless you have a
specific need for something special).

emulator -avd g1

On Jun 24, 4:36 am, ники тончев ton...@gmail.com wrote:
 when i run the emulator either from the cmd with the emulator command
 or the exe file it says that i need to create avd but when i try to
 create one it says
 C:\Users\D.N.E.Aandroid create avd --target 2 --name my_avd
 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
 operable program or batch file.

 i have the latest java version installed and i still get this errror
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[android-beginners] Re: adb: command not found

2009-06-22 Thread Mike Wolfson

you should issue the command as: ./adb   (the ./ tells UNIX that you
are looking for the file in the current dir).

Double check your path, and ensure that you sourced the file in the
window you are trying to run (either open a new terminal window, or
type source ~/.bash_profile in the window you are currently using).

On Jun 19, 10:37 am, droiddroid dmo...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is more of a unix question.  In my terminal, I cd to my tools
 directory, adb is right there, and I type adb, and get adb: command
 not found.   If I cat ~/.bash_profile, I get the path that I expect
 (It looks right, is there a way to verify?).

 What can I try next?  I am Unix challenged, so pls explain with
 detail, if you have suggestions, thanks.

 I am on Mac OS X 10.5.6, and Android SDK 1.5.
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[android-beginners] Re: adb: command not found

2009-06-22 Thread Mike Wolfson

'echo $PATH' will output the path that is set in the window you are
running.  This will allow you to verify that the directory is properly

On Jun 19, 10:37 am, droiddroid dmo...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is more of a unix question.  In my terminal, I cd to my tools
 directory, adb is right there, and I type adb, and get adb: command
 not found.   If I cat ~/.bash_profile, I get the path that I expect
 (It looks right, is there a way to verify?).

 What can I try next?  I am Unix challenged, so pls explain with
 detail, if you have suggestions, thanks.

 I am on Mac OS X 10.5.6, and Android SDK 1.5.
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[android-beginners] Re: fBook on G2

2009-06-08 Thread Mike Wolfson

Disconnect, why be so harsh?

Debasish, I assume you are asking about the HTC Magic (or Ion it is
also called).

I can't find the 'fbook' app at all in the TMobile Marketplace (in the
US).  No big loss, I didn't find it reliable when I installed it on my

Bottom line, looks like the app is gone, and not available on any
platform right now (regardless of which particular phone you are

On Jun 8, 11:18 am, Disconnect dc.disconn...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thats pretty weird - g2 is a tmobile trademark, and I haven't seen HTC
 announce anything with that name yet.

 Since nobody knows what phone you are on or even what market it might
 be using, maybe you should ask your vendor.

 On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Debasishpadhy.debas...@ensarm.com wrote:

  Hi guys,

  I can't find the fBook free app on my G2 HTC phone. This app is
  clearly visible on Social section on the market section on the

  any pointers ?

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[android-beginners] Re: Is there any official way to upgrade Android OS?

2009-06-02 Thread Mike Wolfson

To be clear, I don't have a dog in this race (I don't work for
TMobile, or any other company related to this).

Here is a link to the TOS, with specific language restricting
modifying devices:

16. * Misuse of Service or Device. You agree not to misuse the Service
or any Device, including: (c) tampering with or modifying your Device;

Bottom line, I stand by my substantiated statement that flashing a new
OS (which would require bypassing a locked bootloader) would not sit
well with TMobile if you bricked your phone (and directly violates the

Likely you would be able to play it off (Gee, I don't know what
happened, I accepted the OTA update, and the phone never worked after
that).  But this would not be an officially supported upgrade (which
is what the original poster asked) even if it worked.

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[android-beginners] Re: Is there any official way to upgrade Android OS?

2009-06-01 Thread Mike Wolfson

Bottom line, if you buy a carrier supported phone (I am using my
experience with TMobile for this discussion, not sure about
Vodaphone), you will not be able to upgrade the phone manually on a
regular basis.

Most of the upgrades currently have come over the air (OTA).   For the
cupcake release, there was a manual upgrade procedure available, that
wasn't supported by the carrier (read, if anything went wrong, the
warranty was likely voided, etc).

The Android OS is officially upgradeable (meaning, there likely isn't
a 1.5 version phone, that won't be allowed to be updated).  So Android
will support upgrading to 2.0 (when it officially is released, and
supported by your carrier).

The only way to be allowed to upgrade your phone manually, would be to
buy the phones that are released for developer use (called Android Dev
Phone - ADP1 and ADP2).  However, they are much more expensive (they
are not subsidized by the carrier).  If you have either of these
phones, you can flash whatever software you want, whenever you want
(and also have root access to the deep core of the OS, which is
another thing missing from the carrier provided phones).

Bottom line, if you absolutely need to upgrade manually, you will need
to buy a unlocked phone, at increased expense.  Otherwise, you will be
only be allowed to upgrade a carrier provided phone, when they
officially release the upgrade (at which time, you may be able to
speed up the process with a manual procedure, to avoid the wait for an
OTA update).

On Jun 1, 9:52 am, Koala Yeung koa...@gmail.com wrote:
 I need to ask more specific on this.

 I'm going to buy a HTC Magic, which comes with Android 1.5
 I also know that Android 2.0 is under development.
 What I really want to know is:

 Will I be able to upgrade HTC Magic to Android 2.0?

 I know I might be able to upgrade manually.
 I want to know if Android officially support this.



 On 6月1日, 下午7時24分, Disconnect dc.disconn...@gmail.com wrote:

  It depends on the phone but for G1 and Magic (T-mobile and Vodafone)
  you receive updates automatically off the air (OTA).  The ADP1 (and if
  it comes out, the ADP2) upgrade manually by copying a file to sdcard.
  (The files appear on HTC's web site, or you can use community versions
  such as JF's - jf.andblogs.net.) The final option is that one provider
  evidently used a desktop application to do the same thing, but I don't
  know the details.

  On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 2:26 AM, Koala (Shu Hung) koa...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm planning to buy an Android powered phone. But I want to be sure of
   what I'm buying. One of my concern is upgrade. I want to buy a phone
   which I can upgrade my OS easily. Android, like other phone OS, rolls
   out new version frequently. I don't want to miss those lovely new
   features. With an iPhone, I can upgrade my firmware through App Store.
   Can I do the same with an Android phone?

   Is there any official way to upgrade Android OS?
   For example, can I do OS upgrade through Android Market?
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[android-beginners] Re: HTC G1 vs G2

2009-06-01 Thread Mike Wolfson

To clear things up, the phone given away at Google IO was the HTC
Magic (also named the Ion; and when someone referred to it as the
G2 at the fireside chat, the Android guys shivered, and clearly
didn't like that moniker for it).

That phone is fully unlocked, and rooted.  So, it is a true dev phone
(I am not sure if  we can call it ADP2).  I would expect that they
will make this phone available to the masses soon (but it will be

The Magic phones given away are showing up on Ebay, if you really want
to buy one (but I won't condone this).

As far as what type of phone you use for development, it is pretty
much up to you.  The hardware is not that important to Android
development (as long as the hardware meets the minimum requirements,
which both the HTC phones do).  Pick what phone you would like
(biggest difference is one has a keyboard, and the other doesn't).

It is also not necessary to have a Dev phone to develop.  Getting a
locked phone from a carrier (which comes at a subsidized price) will
be adequate for most people trying to create apps that will run on the

On May 28, 4:53 pm, Bruce Boyes bbo...@systronix.com wrote:
 So Google gave away hundreds of the newer HTC G2. Will there be a
 developer version available soon, as the G1 is now?

 Is the G2 preferable for someone just starting with Android development?



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[android-beginners] Re: How can I install my app to Dev G1 phone?

2009-06-01 Thread Mike Wolfson

Looks like you need to upgrade the software on the phone.  You
developed your app using 1.5, and the software on the phone is 1.0.
(Read the stack).

Upgrade your device.

On May 28, 1:59 pm, zirubak ziru...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have Android Dev G1 phone. I try to install my app to phone. But
 error is occurred.
 How can I solve this problem? Could you help me?
 I use SDK 1.5 version. but when I made app, I use API 1.1.

 [2009-05-27 20:45:36 - myboy_for_android_1_0] ERROR: Application
 requires API version 2. Device API version is 1 (Android 1.0).
 [2009-05-27 20:45:36 - myboy_for_android_1_0] Launch canceled!
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[android-beginners] Re: Is there any official way to upgrade Android OS?

2009-06-01 Thread Mike Wolfson

It should be noted, that the G1 (meaning the TMobile released phone)
has a locked boot loader, so I would expect modifying the phone to
manually flash a new OS would violate the terms of service.  So while
it might not officially void the warranty, I am sure TMobile wouldn't
be helpful fixing any problems encountered while flashing the phone.

There are definitely ways you can manually update the phone, but I
think the original poster was trying to determine which ways would be
officially supported.

I personally wouldn't flash a non-official release to my G1, but
jumped at the opportunity to manually update to Cupcake, once the
instructions came out early last week (knowing that there was a
minimal risk I could brick my phone).

On Jun 1, 1:36 pm, Disconnect dc.disconn...@gmail.com wrote:
 In the USA you can't void the warranty with software. Especially with
 carrier provided software. Nice try though.

 For all the 5 or 6 tmobile-usa updates you could download the official
 OTA zip and apply it manually.

 And as far as sticking to official updates, I think we mostly agree
 that the only option he has is to ask his carrier/cellphone provider
 how long they plan to support his device.

 2009/6/1 Mike Wolfson mwolf...@gmail.com:

  Bottom line, if you buy a carrier supported phone (I am using my
  experience with TMobile for this discussion, not sure about
  Vodaphone), you will not be able to upgrade the phone manually on a
  regular basis.

  Most of the upgrades currently have come over the air (OTA).   For the
  cupcake release, there was a manual upgrade procedure available, that
  wasn't supported by the carrier (read, if anything went wrong, the
  warranty was likely voided, etc).

  The Android OS is officially upgradeable (meaning, there likely isn't
  a 1.5 version phone, that won't be allowed to be updated).  So Android
  will support upgrading to 2.0 (when it officially is released, and
  supported by your carrier).

  The only way to be allowed to upgrade your phone manually, would be to
  buy the phones that are released for developer use (called Android Dev
  Phone - ADP1 and ADP2).  However, they are much more expensive (they
  are not subsidized by the carrier).  If you have either of these
  phones, you can flash whatever software you want, whenever you want
  (and also have root access to the deep core of the OS, which is
  another thing missing from the carrier provided phones).

  Bottom line, if you absolutely need to upgrade manually, you will need
  to buy a unlocked phone, at increased expense.  Otherwise, you will be
  only be allowed to upgrade a carrier provided phone, when they
  officially release the upgrade (at which time, you may be able to
  speed up the process with a manual procedure, to avoid the wait for an
  OTA update).

  On Jun 1, 9:52 am, Koala Yeung koa...@gmail.com wrote:
  I need to ask more specific on this.

  I'm going to buy a HTC Magic, which comes with Android 1.5
  I also know that Android 2.0 is under development.
  What I really want to know is:

  Will I be able to upgrade HTC Magic to Android 2.0?

  I know I might be able to upgrade manually.
  I want to know if Android officially support this.



  On 6月1日, 下午7時24分, Disconnect dc.disconn...@gmail.com wrote:

   It depends on the phone but for G1 and Magic (T-mobile and Vodafone)
   you receive updates automatically off the air (OTA).  The ADP1 (and if
   it comes out, the ADP2) upgrade manually by copying a file to sdcard.
   (The files appear on HTC's web site, or you can use community versions
   such as JF's - jf.andblogs.net.) The final option is that one provider
   evidently used a desktop application to do the same thing, but I don't
   know the details.

   On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 2:26 AM, Koala (Shu Hung) koa...@gmail.com 

I'm planning to buy an Android powered phone. But I want to be sure of
what I'm buying. One of my concern is upgrade. I want to buy a phone
which I can upgrade my OS easily. Android, like other phone OS, rolls
out new version frequently. I don't want to miss those lovely new
features. With an iPhone, I can upgrade my firmware through App Store.
Can I do the same with an Android phone?

Is there any official way to upgrade Android OS?
For example, can I do OS upgrade through Android Market?
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[android-beginners] Re: Today New Posting at funfashion4u

2009-04-23 Thread Mike Wolfson


This has nothing to do with Android.  Please stop posting to this
group!  (Admin's can you block this poster please?)

On Apr 23, 1:47 am, tariq hassan tariqfwo2...@gmail.com wrote:
    - Beavis http://funfashion4u.blogspot.com/2009/04/beavis.html
    - Beatles Abbey
    - Beach Head http://funfashion4u.blogspot.com/2009/04/beach-head.html
    - Be there when market
    - Bathroom 
    - Bat Cave http://funfashion4u.blogspot.com/2009/04/bat-cave.html
    - Banana Creamhttp://funfashion4u.blogspot.com/2009/04/banana-cream.html
    - Beautiful Chickens in
    - Beautiful Chickens in
    - Beautiful Chickens in
    - Beautiful Chickens in
    - Beautiful Chickens in
    - Ride up 
    - Balloon 
    - Both 
    - Balanced Balls for
    - Bad Winter http://funfashion4u.blogspot.com/2009/04/bad-winter.html
    - Shocking 
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[android-beginners] Re: Today New Posting at funfashion4u

2009-04-23 Thread Mike Wolfson

I reported it to the admin too.

Sorry about the post.  I guess I was just blowing off some steam.

On Apr 23, 8:34 am, Jean-Baptiste Queru j...@android.com wrote:
 Please report it 
 throughhttp://groups.google.com/group/android-beginners/about- Send email
 to the owner.


 On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Mike Wolfson mwolf...@gmail.com wrote:


  This has nothing to do with Android.  Please stop posting to this
  group!  (Admin's can you block this poster please?)

  On Apr 23, 1:47 am, tariq hassan tariqfwo2...@gmail.com wrote:
     - Beavis http://funfashion4u.blogspot.com/2009/04/beavis.html
     - Beatles Abbey
     - Beach Head http://funfashion4u.blogspot.com/2009/04/beach-head.html
     - Be there when market
     - Bathroom 
     - Bat Cave http://funfashion4u.blogspot.com/2009/04/bat-cave.html
     - Banana 
     - Beautiful Chickens in
     - Beautiful Chickens in
     - Beautiful Chickens in
     - Beautiful Chickens in
     - Beautiful Chickens in
     - Ride up 
     - Balloon 
     - Both 
     - Balanced Balls for
     - Bad Winter http://funfashion4u.blogspot.com/2009/04/bad-winter.html
     - Shocking 

 Jean-Baptiste M. JBQ Queru
 Android Engineer, Google.

 Questions sent directly to me that have no reason for being private
 will likely get ignored or forwarded to a public forum with no further
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[android-beginners] Re: Having Problems with Layout

2009-04-01 Thread Mike Wolfson

You could:
- Use a different layout (grid perhaps), which would allow you to
define your layout more directly
- set specific width values (instead of fill_parent) which would force
the layout you want.

Not sure what might be happenning with this layout (not able to mess
with it at work), but this should get you past your problem.

On Mar 30, 3:58 pm, rch ravichitt...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trYing to define a Layout which is a very simple Linear Layout
 that has a TextView and ListView.
 My activity is a ListActivity.  I am trying out few things on top of
 the Notepad sampleApp. The problem I am facing is TextView and
 ListView are displayed in two columns.  I want them displayed one
 below the other.  I am not sure what mistake I am making.

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/

   TextView android:id=@+android:id/test
         android:text=test test
   ListView android:id=@android:id/list
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[android-beginners] Re: Problems with R.java in Eclipse 3.4

2009-01-19 Thread Mike Wolfson

Not sure but sounds like you need to add android.jar to the project
classpath (somewhere in Project/properties menu of eclipse).

It's always the classpath.  Good Luck.

On Jan 18, 8:26 pm, djupp manuelkaepp...@swissworld.com wrote:
 Hello all
 I'm sorry, but I couldn't find anything searching for this (maybe I'm
 just really bad at searching :))

 The issue is the following:  I'm trying to write a little app to learn
 programming to android devices, but it seems as if my installation of
 either Eclipse or the Android SDK is screwed up.
 I cannot access any items from my R.java in my 'HelloWorld.java'; and
 eclipse refuses to build. But the items are there in R.java (for
  public final class R {
     public static final class id {
         public static final int btn_clickme=0x7f050001;
         public static final int txt_name=0x7f05;
   [...]) returns a cannot resolve name when used in findViewById

 Any ideas?
 Thank you very much!
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[android-beginners] Google please give us 'su -' was:Re: Am I root?

2009-01-19 Thread Mike Wolfson

I can certainly appreciate that the dev phone ships with root access
available (and would love my retail one to have that capability).

But I can certainly understand why Google would ship with it disabled
by default.  Let the people, who maybe shouldn't be root in the
first place save themselves from a stupid 'rm -Rf' execution.

On a side note, I would love if TMob\Google would just implement a 'su
-' for the retail phone.  It would help me a lot if I could actually
just look around
(with restrictions) on the whole phone.  I can't even 'ls'  the data
\data and data\app folders on my phone).

BTW: To me it seems like a great idea to ship the dev phone with root
access. After all this is true openness..

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[android-beginners] Re: Google please give us 'su -' was:Re: Am I root?

2009-01-19 Thread Mike Wolfson

What I really meant was 'sudo'.


On Jan 19, 4:02 pm, Mike Wolfson mwolf...@gmail.com wrote:
 I can certainly appreciate that the dev phone ships with root access
 available (and would love my retail one to have that capability).

 But I can certainly understand why Google would ship with it disabled
 by default.  Let the people, who maybe shouldn't be root in the
 first place save themselves from a stupid 'rm -Rf' execution.

 On a side note, I would love if TMob\Google would just implement a 'su
 -' for the retail phone.  It would help me a lot if I could actually
 just look around
 (with restrictions) on the whole phone.  I can't even 'ls'  the data
 \data and data\app folders on my phone).

 BTW: To me it seems like a great idea to ship the dev phone with root
 access. After all this is true openness..
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[android-beginners] Re: sluggishness of G1 android

2008-12-29 Thread Mike Wolfson

I was having the same problem.  This is likely a memory leak caused by
one of the applications you are running (which you could try to figure
out using a variety of methods).

Simplest way to fix this is to reboot the computer (ie. G1).
Easiest way to power-cycle the phone is to hold down the home, and
power button together.  After a few seconds, the screen will ask you
if you want to power down the phone.  Select yes.

This will fix your sluggishness, but in order to eliminate it (which
might be close to impossible if you wish to continue to run
applications), you will need to discover what is causing the problem
in the first case (which is a whole other discussion).

On Dec 25, 1:25 am, Lehel Kovach lehelkov...@gmail.com wrote:
 i notice that sometimes the os on my G1 starts slowing down.  not sure what
 the major causes of that is.  if anyone can point me in the right direction,
 it would be much appreicated.
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[android-beginners] Re: Andriod on Sidekick

2008-09-08 Thread Mike Wolfson

It shouldn't be lost in the discussion, that Microsoft now owns
Danger.  So, they certainly don't have an incentive to make porting
Android to their device easy (in fact, I would imagine they would
prefer it is hard).

Doesn't mean it can't be done, just that I wouldn't depend on
company(MS - Danger) support to provide much assistance.

On Sep 6, 10:11 am, SaltyDawg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has there been any advancement on the Sidekick 3 running Android? I'd
 love to get Android running on it.
 As for Linux on the Sidekick 3- does it enable the camera/email/data/
 etc? Or does it render the device unusable as a phone but still boots
 in Linux?

 On Aug 3, 7:24 pm, Sirus20x6 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've been following that guys site for a while and it looks like he
  must still be with the company. I've tried about 4 times to get a dev
  key and danger wont so much as give me the courtesy of an email. I
  have 1 working sidekick 3 and one with a broken screen that I picked
  up for experimentation so I don't break my working one. Anyone know if
  the jtag pins have been found on the sidekick 3. I've googled
  everywhere and can't find it. I'd love to have android on it, and
  maybe even get android or linux on the one with the broken screen and
  use it as a server or who knows what!

  On Jun 29, 11:10 pm, rdesfo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I found these instructions on how to download linux on a sidekick and
   was hoping they could be adjusted to download android instead.  here
   are the instruction


   How to install linux on Danger Hiptop:
   1.If you do not have linux desktop, download live linux on cd
   knoppix from  www.knoppix.org, burn it to cd and boot off of this cd.
   You'll have linux without having to mess with installation and
   2.Get jtag source from the downloads section on my website.
   3.Read README file in the jtag directory. It tells what additional
   are required and where to get them. It also tells how to compile
   4.Run jtag as root.
   5.Type cable parallel 0x378 DLC5
   6.Type detect this should show S3C44B0x id.
   7.Type detectflash this should show info on your flash chip.
   8.Type readmem 0 0x3f dangeros.image this should create
   file in the directory where you've started jtag. Note that complete
   download of the image may take few hours. Jtag is very slow. SAVE THIS
   9.Download blob.bin from downloads section into directory where
   you've started jtag.
   10.Type flash blob.bin 0 this will flash blob.
   11.You can do the same with kernel and ramdisk by downloading binaries
   and typing flash ramdisk.bin 0xb, flash kernel.bin 0x1 or
   alternatively you can set up debugging/development environment as
   in the next section.
   12.Type cable parallel 0x378 WIGGLER or just disconnect jtag.
   13.Do hardware reset - press power button and button under LCD at the
   same time.
   12.To restore danger OS, follow steps 1 through 7 and then type
   flash 0 dangeros.image. This reflashing will take even longer then
   downloading image - 10hours or so.

   How to set debugging/development environment.

   You've got to flash blob over jtag first!

   1.Get a laptop with irda port. Make sure IRDA is enabled in the
   system boot menu.
   2.Download a copy of Knoppix - linux on CD, burn it to CD. Boot from
   CD. You'll have a linux running on the laptop without having to deal
   installation, configuration etc.
   3.Start shell, type minicom. Press simultaneously CTRL A
   and then press letter O. You should see config menu. Select serial
   config, select 38400 baud rate and turn off hardware flow control. In
   filename and paths menu type in path to your upload directory -
   directory keeping ramdisk and kernel images.
   4.Align laptop's IRDA port with port on the sidekick. Reset sidekick
   should see blob messages showing up on the laptop screen. After
   kernel and ramdisk from flash, blob waits for 10 secs before booting
   linux. If you want to stop boot process press any key on the laptop
   5.To upload  kernel, type xdownload kernel, for ramdisk - xdownload
   ramdisk, for blob - xdownload blob. Press CTRL A
   simultaneously and then S, select xmodem and then a file to send.
   Note that, since knoppix loads software from CD, blob may timeout
   rxsxz utility is being loaded from CD. Try it again, and see if you
   start xmodem transfer quickly after typing xdownload