Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Zoran Vasiljevic
On Monday 07 February 2005 23:25, Dossy Shiobara wrote:

  Seems fair. I assume you will be putting responses bypassing this
  public list in some place where everybody can see them, right?

 Unfortunately, no.  I thought about this and decided that I want to
 respect people's desire to remain anonymous in order to encourage their
 continued contribution.  I hope this makes sense to everyone.

 People who wish their position to be public should do so by posting it
 in a public place (a website they control, mailing it to this mailing
 list, etc. -- but please, email me a copy or a link directly so I know
 about it).

Well, I can't imagine why *anybody* would want to post his/her's
wish-list secretly... But I can follow your reasoning.

 If you don't ask for it, you will likely not get it.  Period.

This is my wish-list. Do whatever you consider appropriate.
It is *far* from complete, but I guess I have to start with something.
(I have no reason of hiding it, I'm not secret service):

- Refactor core to make http-protocol second-class citizen which
  would live peacefully with other protocols i.e. make http
  yet-another pluggable protocol

- Add hooks to plugin alternate filesystems (Tcl VFS) so you can serve
  stuff out of zipfiles, for example

- Examine what it takes to make a starkit out of the AS so that core
  plus selection of modules can be delivered as a single executable

- Make the entire beast as Tcl module so you can plug it in the Tcl
  shell via package require aolserver. Note: not just the libnsd,
  the entire thing, rather.

- Add better nsv's with more datatypes and shared Tcl object store
  plus more advanced thread handling (see Tcl threading extension)

- Add process/machine-wide shared variables for simpler communication
  between server instances on one or several machines (this might
  be more of a module than core-stuff, ok).

- Add Apple's Rendesvous (zero-config networking) so people can
  dynamically locate services provided by the AS platform

- Make the server configuration dynamic instead of relying on the
  arcane ns_section/ns_param type of things. Ideally, one should
  be able to have a config repository in-memory with ability to
  set/change server parameters on-the-fly instead of on-the-startup
  only, if/where feasible.

- Improve Tcl integration so sourcing of code in one becomes
  automagically available in other threads w/o much fuss (i.e.
  much better ns_eval pendant). Perhaps my ttrace module may be
  rewritten in C for better speed although I'm using the Tcl-pendant
  for about a year w/o visible speed penalty and memory footprint
  to about 1/3 of the initial.

- Refactor ifdef'ed windows support into generic/platform-specific
  stuff for easier maintenance

- Make windows a first-class-citizen platform

- Add nsd watchdog-process respawning nsd if it dies. This can be
  extended to allow simple Tcl scripts which ping the server on
  the app-level and do some assert-like things to assure server is
  still behaving as expected

- Convert docs in Tcl doctools format so you get instant HTML and
  nroff output and deliver that with the distro

... with more to follow.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Andrew Piskorski
On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 04:25:46PM -0500, Dossy Shiobara wrote:

  Let's admit it, AS will never get so popular as apache or IIS and all
  efforts for making it popular without something that will
  differentiate it from apache is waste of time.

 Maybe I'm deluded, but I'm not ready to admit this yet.  Just as we
 learned about the web browser war ... the web server war is far from

This raises another thought.  Dossy wants AOLserver to be much more
popular than it is.  Ok, what is most likely to cause that?  Simple:
One or more killer apps that happen to use AOLserver.

Think about it this way, what percentage of AOLserver's popularity is
entirely due to ACS/OpenACS?  A big chunk, I bet.  And OpenACS never
became hugely popular, but it what if it had?  AOLserver popularlity
would have rode with it.  And OpenACS is an example of just ONE
potential AOLserver-using killer app.  How many COULD there be?  LOTS!

Here's the ironic bit:  Where could these new killer apps come from?
Quite possibly, from projects like those using Stepen D.'s or Vlad's
patches for multi-protocol support (using Asterisk, etc.) - which the
AOLserver maintainer has been blocking.  Or from some other entirely
different enhancement to AOLserver, which will never be contributed
because AOLserver has a pretty strong record of rejecting (or worse,
ignoring) any such contributions.  Oops, no more killer app!

Just this week, a bunch of OpenACS folks were discussing (yet again)
how to sell OpenACS into Apache shops.  Technically, the two major
proposals boiled down to:

1. Add FastCGI support to AOLserver.  (Then AOLserver can be used as
just another application server running behind Apache, just like the
Java application servers, etc. that lots of Apache shops already run.)

2. Work on portable.nsd a lot more.  (Use it with Apache, no AOLserver
involved at all.)

Here's the kicker:

The guy who'd probably do most of the work, John Sequeira, seems to
think that option 1. is a better idea technically, but is leaning
towards 2. instead, because after following the AOLserver
multi-protocol discussions, he doubts that any FastCGI work would ever
be accepted by the AOLserver maintainers, no matter what!

That looks symptomatic of a problem in how the AOLserver codebase is
managed to me.  Dossy, doesn't it look that way to you too?

Andrew Piskorski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Bernd Eidenschink
Hi Dossy,

 I think the reason behind both issues is because the proposed
 contributions weren't that great.  I'm sure this statement tweaks a lot
 of people, but I think it's the truth.

I'm not the expert to verify that on the C level, but the situation was: There
was a solution done by aD from Rob Mayoff and at least one version that
patched the aD Part into the main 3.x line. The aD version was unmaintained
with the fall of the company. And if your own company relies on AOLserver you
would always like to see things incorporated into the main line rather in
patches you don't know how many people use them (missing a lot of
collaborative testing effort) and if they would work with the next server
I guess the encoding/charset thing was one of the main stoppers for a lot of
people to join the AOLserver community. So at that time it was not easy to
understand why existing _and_ working code was not incorporated.
Optimizations and code refactorings are always possible later on. JMHO.

 The upside is that in 4.1.x, expect to see a better way of handling the
 whole encoding/charset mess, along with better support for non-HTTP
 protocols in the core.  Done right.  (Yes, it's another major
 contribution from Jim Davidson.)

Thats great. The current discussion, your RoadMaps, Feature Lists etc. reveal
a lot of information. It would be great to have developments like these from
the Core developers being summarized early on the Wiki!

  No matter if the changes are led by a Core Team or a Steering
  Committee, the important step would be decisions at all.

 For better or worse, I think I've been good about making decisions and
 following through as best I can.

Of course! I like the activities that are going on! With decisions at all I
specifically meant the result of all of what is being talked about in the
moment. Everything is a process (tm).


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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Stephen Deasey
On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 09:06:21 +0100, Zoran Vasiljevic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is my wish-list. Do whatever you consider appropriate.
 It is *far* from complete, but I guess I have to start with something.
 (I have no reason of hiding it, I'm not secret service):

Interesting list.  Here's what I've been up to and what I'm planning:

I've incorporated all the bug fixes and feature request I listed on
sourceforge, plus the following additional items:

Added a simple cookie API in C and Tcl.

Ns_ParseObjv: A routine to ease writing Tcl procs in C by parsing
switches, converting data types, writing error/usage messages etc.

Created a Tcl callback infrastructure.  This makes it easy to create
Tcl versions of the many C hooks.  Converted some existing code
(tclresp.c, tclsched.c etc) to use this.

Modified interp allocation to enter interps recursively.  This
prevents multiple interps per thread being allocated needlesly for the
case when you call some command in Tcl which is a hook function, and
the hook itself is implemented is Tcl.

Virtualised page root handling.  You can now register a function (C or
Tcl) which returns the page root for the current server.  This is
*not* the same as url2file as the latter depends on the URL (but see
my patches on sf where I've extended this).

Create a simple nsmassvhost module which alters the page-root
depending on the HTTP Host header.  No config file entry needs to be
made ahead of time, making it efficient to handle many virtual hosts.


At the moment I'm attempting a re-write of Ns_Cache, i'm about 70%
done.  A much simpler interface is presented: Ns_CacheEval(), inspired
by the Tcl module.  No explicit locking is required.  The Tcl API has
been incorporated.  The code is much smaller.

I've written a new database driver manager, nsdbi.  It's functional
and aprox. 80% complete, although there are a lot of extra features
that I'd like to add.  Has native support for bind variables, doesn't
use ns_set, gathers statistics, presents a nice Tcl API etc.


Re-introduce the old Ns_ModLog or something similar.  *everyone*
re-writes this in Tcl.

Authentication and authorization API.  Important for multi-protocol work.

More introspection, for example  registered procs/filters (Rob Seeger
mentioned this)

Config parsing work: better handling of defaults, a command line
switch to dump current state, etc.  Tom mentioned this.

Export more functionality to libnsd.  I'm thinking that dummying up a
conn request environment will allow easier testing.

Plus a whole lot more.  There's really a lot of great things that could be done.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Dave Bauer

 - Add hooks to plugin alternate filesystems (Tcl VFS) so you can serve
   stuff out of zipfiles, for example

This in on my wish list as well. It would make plug-in storage for tDAV much
easier. Right now tDAV cannot take advantage of fastpath since it makes
C calls to the filesystem (for obvious performance reasons, i think).

 - Improve Tcl integration so sourcing of code in one becomes
   automagically available in other threads w/o much fuss (i.e.
   much better ns_eval pendant). Perhaps my ttrace module may be
   rewritten in C for better speed although I'm using the Tcl-pendant
   for about a year w/o visible speed penalty and memory footprint
   to about 1/3 of the initial.

Dave Bauer

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Bernd Eidenschink
 This is my wish-list. Do whatever you consider appropriate.
 It is *far* from complete, but I guess I have to start with something.
 (I have no reason of hiding it, I'm not secret service):

* A debug/development mode that reveals all running filters,
  triggered filters,  better insight in memory consumption(s),
  encoding/charset stuff

* Filters/Procedures: Have them as a list, delete them,
  reorder them

* Don't having to restart the server only to re-read
  some config values. Maybe only as an option: For security
  reasons the current way is ok.

* Having a 'real' config file with _all_ default values.
  Maybe the current grep-thru-code way could somehow be simplified.

* Altering pageroot depending on HTTP host header plus
  dis-allowing any adp/tcl funcionality for these pageroots
  on a file level (no interpretation) as an option

* Server-wide shared variables

* Up-to-date patches for PHP (...) integration

* Some kind of watchdog functionality



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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Jim Wilcoxson
Hi - I read the entire thread mentioned below, and missed any mention of
anyone saying the AS maintainers would not accept FastCGI.

The other thing I guess I'm confused about, is that CGI is implemented
as an AS module.  Why can't someone write a FastCGI module, and
whoever wants it can load it to get FCGI support?  Does the core have
to be modified to support FastCGI?

And just as a my dog isn't in this fight observer, this discussion
seems to be getting rather personal, which probably is not going to
help it proceed productively.


 Here's the kicker:

 The guy who'd probably do most of the work, John Sequeira, seems to
 think that option 1. is a better idea technically, but is leaning
 towards 2. instead, because after following the AOLserver
 multi-protocol discussions, he doubts that any FastCGI work would ever
 be accepted by the AOLserver maintainers, no matter what!

 That looks symptomatic of a problem in how the AOLserver codebase is
 managed to me.  Dossy, doesn't it look that way to you too?

 Andrew Piskorski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Andrew Piskorski
On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 11:04:24AM +0100, Bernd Eidenschink wrote:

  I think the reason behind both issues is because the proposed
  contributions weren't that great.  I'm sure this statement tweaks a lot
  of people, but I think it's the truth.

 I'm not the expert to verify that on the C level, but the situation was: There
 was a solution done by aD from Rob Mayoff and at least one version that
 patched the aD Part into the main 3.x line. The aD version was unmaintained

When he said, the proposed contributions weren't that great, I
believe Dossy was referring to the multi-protocol support patches, not
the Rob Mayoff's much older ad-* patches.  (I will ignore for now any
question of whether his evaluation was accurate or not.)

I have NEVER heard anyone even suggest that Rob Mayoff's ad-13 patches
were anything other than top quality work.  I've also looked at some
(not all) of that code myself in the past, and it seemed quite careful
and conservative - targetted to be just what a project maintainer
should want in a patch.

AFAIK, Rob's series of ad-* patches were ignored simply because the
then-current AOLserver maintainer was a jerk.  (I was not following
the AOLserver list then, but MANY people who were have made exactly
that comment.)  The fact that each of Rob's patches either fixed
memory leaks or other bugs, or added critical-to-ACS functionality
(encoding support, ns_cache Tcl API, *.tcl page bytecode cacheing),
was apparently of no concern to that guy.

Now that we have a better AOLserver maintainer, I'm SOMEWHAT confident
that most of the old ad-* patches would have been accepted relatively
smoothly.  The AOLserver project finally reached the, all bugfix
patches accepted smoothly point some time ago, and in fact has gone a
bit beyond that.  (E.g., Mayoff's old encoding work was finally
forward ported, and I know Dossy accepted a small feature improvement
patch from me; no doubt from others as well.)

That's all good.  The big open question in my mind is whether this
progress will be extended to having more than two people, both of whom
work for AOL, touch the AOLserver core code.  Especially given the
feature lists Zoran and Stephen D. just posted, (many of which they've
already implemented!) I see LOTS of potential value in giving these
guys free rein to contribute.

Note that to date, the AOLserver project seems to have always had the
not enough contributions accepted problem, NEVER the too many
incompetent cooks stirring the soup problem.  And so far all the
cooks look pretty darn competent to me, so the main question is
whether the door to the kitchen will be unlocked or not.

I say unlock the door, and then all you chefs figure out how to
coordinate your cuisines.  Fearing that you might not care for the
taste of some of the new dishes is not a good reason for keeping the
kitchen door locked.

Andrew Piskorski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Andrew Piskorski
On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 06:16:58AM -0800, Jim Wilcoxson wrote:
 Hi - I read the entire thread mentioned below, and missed any mention of
 anyone saying the AS maintainers would not accept FastCGI.

Read the end John's 2005-02-07 post to that thread again.

 The other thing I guess I'm confused about, is that CGI is implemented
 as an AS module.  Why can't someone write a FastCGI module, and

This is a technical question, and once John investigates further maybe
it will out that all the FastCGI work he wants to do is best done
entirely in an AOLserver module, without any changes to the core.

But he probably can't KNOW that for sure until AFTER he's in the
middle of doing the work!  And damn, but what if when he's 80% done,
it turns out that all his work is useless unless he can get a few
small changes made to the AOLserver core?  The risk that those changes
might well be REFUSED regardless of their actual merit, is a serious
risk to anyone like John interested in doing such work.

And that is my main point.  The harder you make it for people to
contribute, the fewer people will bother to even TRY to contribute.

In any human group, whether a tribe of African hunter gatherers or an
Open Source project, there is some optimal point for how many
obstacles you force new candidate members of the tribe to overcome.

Too easy, with standards too lax, and you get herds of losers who muck
things up, do lousy work, and don't much care because they place
little value on their membership and status in the tribe anyway.  Too
hard, and only the obsessively perseverant bother to even try to jump
through all the hoops, and the project eventually dwindles and dies
from lack of new blood.

I suggest that reaching the upper echelon of chiefs or respected
elders in the AOLserver project - by which I mean those who are
allowed and encouraged to hack on the core code - is currently too
hard, not too easy.  Tone down the obstacles a bit, get a few more
smart hackers committing freely to the CVS Head - and I think we will
all reap the benefits.

Andrew Piskorski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [AOLSERVER] ns_encrypt error

2005-02-08 Thread Daniel P. Stasinski
On Tue, 2005-02-08 at 11:33 -0500, Brooks Robertson wrote:
 Hmm, I have a pub and priv key in the nsecrypt dir. The log also
 indicates that the module was successfully loaded at startup. Would
 bad keys cause an invalid command name error on ns_encrypt?

Nope.  Are you using AOLserver 3.5.x or 4.x?  I never updated the source
to run under 4.x so no idea what problems could be caused.


| ---
| Daniel P. Stasinski |
| --- |

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Re: [AOLSERVER] ns_encrypt error

2005-02-08 Thread Brooks Robertson

In a message dated 2/8/2005 11:47:46 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Nope. Are you using AOLserver 3.5.x or 4.x? I never updated the sourceto run under 4.x so no idea what problems could be caused.
I'm running 4.03 and using a binary from Not sure where togo from here.Thanks for the information.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Tom Jackson
On Tuesday 08 February 2005 06:20, Bernd Eidenschink wrote:

 * Having a 'real' config file with _all_ default values.
   Maybe the current grep-thru-code way could somehow be simplified.

Check my new, 'complete' config file: starting at jnm.tcl
Config file is broken into different files, based on branching/repeated
In the example case, I have three virtual servers: jnm, configtest and cf2,
with jnm being the name of the 'main' or default server, although there isn't
supposed to be a default.
There are three nssock modules loaded and the three servers are spread among
these, I have nsdb support shown, and threadpools, nscgi and a tcl module.
The main config file is jnm.tcl here's the structure:
/web/m2/jnm.tcl -- main config
   /nsdb-jnm.tcl -- main nsdb for the jnm server
   /nsdb-jnm-pg.tcl -- postgres db pool config
   /nsdb-jnm-pool[1-3].tcl -- symlinks to nsdb-jnm-pg.tcl
   /servers/jnm/config/ -- config directory for jnm
   /servers/jnm/config/server.tcl -- main server config for jnm
   /servers/jnm/config/nslog.tcl -- access log module configuration
   /servers/jnm/config/nscgi.tcl -- module named nscgi config
   /servers/jnm/config/threadpool-fast.tcl -- threadpool named fast
   /servers/jnm/config/module-name.tcl -- for other modules

The scripts included try to be smart about loading virtual servers. First the
config files for the server are read. If there are simple syntax errors,
these are caught and the virtual server is removed from the list of servers.

Next successful servers are added to ns/servers and mapped to the nssocks.
If an nssock ends up with no virtual servers mapped, or the default virtual
server for that sock had an error, the nssock is not added, otherwise the
whole jnm server would fail to startup.

Successful nssocks are read into the configuation file.

It is easy to extend the functionality of this setup. Module maintainers can
simply add a single file, containing all the config parameters (if one is
needed). You just add the module name to the server.tcl file for the virtual

NOTE: there is currently a bug in the virtual server loading. The nssock
section must contain a defaultserver parameter, or the nssock, and the whole
server fail to start (This is by design, and is correct). However, only the
defaultserver of the last registered nssock is used. That is, one virtual
server serves as the default virtual server for every nssock, even if there
were never any maps to that virtual server in the nssockX/servers section.

NOTE2: users of virtual servers running 4.0.8 or 4.0.9 should upgrade to
4.0.10, due to a DOS bug. If you need info, email me directly.

 * Altering pageroot depending on HTTP host header

Should require one new api call, oh, and why not allow threadpools to operate
on this info as well? As a fast workaround, chechout ns_rewriteurl, you can
map within the server pageroot. Although this sounds not that good, since the
actual pageroot might look like:
You can 'disable' the main, or non-matching host header by having a default
mapping, i.e. you could never reach /pages/.

   dis-allowing any adp/tcl funcionality for these pageroots
   on a file level (no interpretation) as an option

 * Server-wide shared variables

Maybe we can get AOL to release the PROXY support which has a 'specialized
tclsh', probably requires all this and more. Although Rob Mayoff's threadpool
module seems great, I believe the threads are clones of the server they run
in, thus they could be fat. If virtual servers could communicate to each
other (on a publish/subscribe basis), just about any smallish server could be
used, but I suspect the PROXY module used by AOL has even more useful

 * Up-to-date patches for PHP (...) integration

 * Some kind of watchdog functionality

Actually only a built in module would work very well, and fast. Every solution
I've seen is a true hack, which is why it needs to be in core.

tom jackson

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2005.02.08, Tom Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 NOTE2: users of virtual servers running 4.0.8 or 4.0.9 should upgrade to
 4.0.10, due to a DOS bug. If you need info, email me directly.

Unless this is a different DoS issue than the one we discussed, the
fix requiring defaultservers was added in 4.0.8.  So, as long as
you're on = 4.0.8, you should be okay.  Actually, I think only 4.0.6
had the DoS bug?  Our email discussion said you were able to crash 4.0.7
without the Host: header, but that was exactly what the 4.0.7 release
was supposed to fix (the bug was introduced in 4.0.6).

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Tom Jackson
On Tuesday 08 February 2005 02:24, Stephen Deasey wrote:
sourceforge, plus the following additional items:

 Added a simple cookie API in C and Tcl.

Check out a tcl version of cookie code. It reads the Cookie header and writes
both Set-Cookie and Set-Cookie2 headers. I believe it parses correctly,
char-by-char, avoiding regexp. It is efficient in that it only runs once per
connection, so if you need multiple cookies, you don't hunt through all the
headers for every one.

The package writes correct cookies with the exception of the path and max-age
attributes. After developing the code, I discovered a bug in the Mozilla
codebase, which includes Netscape and Firefox, where the surrounding quotes
were not removed from either path or max-age. This caused the cookie to not
be returned when path was set (it never matched), and/or for the cookie to be
set as a session cookie if max-age was sent (since 800, with the quotes,
isn't an integer value). The bug may be fixed by now, but I have no idea how
long it has been there. Mozilla doesn't recognize the Set-Cookie2 header, so
quotes could be added here without effect.

tom jackson

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Zoran Vasiljevic
On Tuesday 08 February 2005 18:32, Andrew Piskorski wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 09:12:06AM -0800, Tom Jackson wrote:

   * Some kind of watchdog functionality
  Actually only a built in module would work very well, and fast. Every 
  I've seen is a true hack, which is why it needs to be in core.

 A while back, didn't Zoran offer a simple patch to add in-core
 watchdog functionality?  I think he did, but I don't remember for

I think Tom was referring to PHP, not to the watchdog.

But, speaking of watchdog, I do have the watchdog done
for us. Apparently most people are happy with servertools
(is this the thing?). We're not since this is not something
you can wrap in a product. It complicates installation/distribution.
The AS is part of our product and our target is simple
operation and simple installation/update.  The built-in
brain-dead watchdog process sits on top of nsd and respawns
it in case it exits with code !=0 or signals. Not the
rocket science but proved immensely important for support.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Tom Jackson
On Tuesday 08 February 2005 09:31, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
 On 2005.02.08, Tom Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  NOTE2: users of virtual servers running 4.0.8 or 4.0.9 should upgrade to
  4.0.10, due to a DOS bug. If you need info, email me directly.

 Unless this is a different DoS issue than the one we discussed, the
 fix requiring defaultservers was added in 4.0.8.  So, as long as
 you're on = 4.0.8, you should be okay.  Actually, I think only 4.0.6
 had the DoS bug?  Our email discussion said you were able to crash 4.0.7
 without the Host: header, but that was exactly what the 4.0.7 release
 was supposed to fix (the bug was introduced in 4.0.6).

Yep, you're right. I was running 4.0.7. But it does have the DOS bug, or at
least on my machine, right now. I don't think I have tried 8 or 9.

tom jackson

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Re: [AOLSERVER] the something that is not right with the AOLserver project ... was Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Adam Turoff
On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 01:39:28 -0500, Andrew Piskorski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please, *OF COURSE* the 3 guys who want to add multi-protocol support
 to the AOLserver core are a minority of AOLserver users!  *YOU* are a
 minority of AOLserver users too, Dossy.

Right.  There's a huge difference between majority rules and
stewardship.  Today's installed base may not care one whit about
multiprotocol support, OCaml integration or better documentation in
Japanese.  Today's users aren't the target audience, so trying to
identify demographics in the current userbase is a strawman.  Placating
the majority here is a path towards stagnation and death, not innovation
and growth.

For the sake of argument, ~95% of AOLServers users don't and won't
modify the codebase (including docs).  And those same users don't use
more than ~50% of the features in AOLServer.  The issue isn't whether or
not to enlarge the scope of the project to include a feature, like
multiprotocol support.  The issue *should* be whether to include that
feature based on its merits.  If ~95% of users next year do not use
multiprotocol support, who cares?

If we were talking about, say, turning AOLServer into an X-Window
manager, mail reader and web browser, then the proposed changes would be
questionable, because they are not in scope with the mission/goals of
the project.

-- Adam

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Re: [AOLSERVER] the something that is not right with the AOLserver project ... was Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Greg Wolff
BNA uses AOLserver to produce publishing artifacts on web pages.  We
publish subscription content on the web.  We use the server to produce
HTML over the HTTP protocol.  Our subscribers log into the web site and
read / print what they need to get their own jobs done.  End of story.

The 5 line code change supports a dirt simple means of doing what looks
like virtual hosting to the subscriber so that the product name appears as
the hostname in the HTTP header.

In the content on the web publishing business BNA is a late adopter and
not exceptional at all.  All BNA needs is a fast, stable, easy to use web
server.  AOLserver is all of those things and more.  We just don't need to
use the more part of it.

I perceive the conversation to be about project support for the none HTTP
business, the more part, that AOLserver also supports.

Dossy Shiobara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2005.02.07, Greg Wolff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We LOVE AOLserver from at least one point of view:  we don't need to
  do anything to it to make it work.  It just works.
  In all our years of using AOLserver we have made exactly ONE source
  change to the core C code.  [...]

 So, this raises the following questions:

 Is BNA an exceptional case?  Or, do most users of AOLserver share a
 similar experience?  Are the folks who are asking for changes in the
 core in the majority or minority?

 I think the answers to these questions are important.

 -- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: AOLserver Discussion AOLSERVER@LISTSERV.AOL.COM
02/07/2005 04:37 PM
Please respond to AOLserver Discussion

cc: (bcc: Greg Wolff/BNA Inc)
Subject:Re: [AOLSERVER] the something that is not right with 
the AOLserver
project ... was Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

Dossy Shiobara   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver manpages as HTML (was Re: AOLserver facelift.)

2005-02-08 Thread Zoran Vasiljevic
On Tuesday 08 February 2005 17:54, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
  - Convert docs in Tcl doctools format so you get instant HTML and
nroff output and deliver that with the distro

 I'm not convinced that the Tcl doctools format is the way to go

Have you ever tried doctools? Why are you not convinced?
I've switched from hacking the XML and nroff sources to doctools for
the Tcl threading extension and I never regreted the decision.
It is very similar to Perl POD, but written with Tcl and the syntax
is trivial - very much like the wiki. BTW, all Tcl Lib modules use it
and I don't think people are unhappy with it.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] ns_encrypt error

2005-02-08 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2005.02.08, Brooks Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm running 4.03 and using a binary from Not sure where
 to go from here. Thanks for the information.


Brooks NOT using the nsencrypt module that's in SourceForge and
available from  He's using a totally different (and
AOL-internal) nsencrypt module which has a different Tcl API from the
open source nsencrypt module.

For those who are curious: the AOL nsencrypt module uses the RSA BSAFE
library instead of OpenSSL.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] multi protocol question

2005-02-08 Thread Rick Cobb
We're interested in using this work, too. A lot of our deployments (especially 
those that are focused on getting live [no-refresh] updates via JavaScript) end 
up being slowed down by the requirement to adapt to Javascript cross-domain 
security; we'd like to be able to run as an appserver behind other web servers, 
if it was easy.

-- Rick Cobb

 -Original Message-
 From: AOLserver Discussion
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
 Of John Sequeira
 Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 10:51 AM
 Subject: [AOLSERVER] multi protocol question

 I have a question regarding the multi-protocol patches
 discussed on the
 list in August.  Was a decision made on these?  Is it likely that
 AOLServer core would include this support anytime soon?

 I'm investigating whether it would be an option to add FastCGI support
 to AOLServer.  I and a few others would like for Openacs to add other
 webservers to it's list of supported platforms while
 stealthily running
 AOLServer as an app server tier.  This would get around a lot of the
 checkbox-based resistance encountered in the early sales process,  and
 (we think) would allow organizations to consider AOLServer
 even if their
 infrastructure is locked into a particular web server.

 John Sequeira

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Re: [AOLSERVER] multi protocol question

2005-02-08 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2005.02.08, John Sequeira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a question regarding the multi-protocol patches discussed on
 the list in August.  Was a decision made on these?  Is it likely that
 AOLServer core would include this support anytime soon?

It depends on how you define soon but my answer is yes, definitely.
I'm hoping it's something we can get into 4.1.0.  It can already be
hacked into the 4.0.x tree, but hacked is the reason I'm not
enthusiastic about doing it ...

 I'm investigating whether it would be an option to add FastCGI support
 to AOLServer.  I and a few others would like for Openacs to add other
 webservers to it's list of supported platforms while stealthily running
 AOLServer as an app server tier.  This would get around a lot of the
 checkbox-based resistance encountered in the early sales process,  and
 (we think) would allow organizations to consider AOLServer even if their
 infrastructure is locked into a particular web server.

To clarify, you want AOLserver to act as a FastCGI client?  Can you
explain the benefit of this approach, rather than having the front-end
webserver simply proxy HTTP requests to AOLserver?  This is where the
Apache team is going with Tomcat with their mod_ajp connector for
mod_proxy.  Granted, the inter-server protocol will be AJP and not HTTP,
but is that a material difference?

To make AOLserver act as a FastCGI client, I'm thinking we should/could
be able to do this without any changes to the AOLserver core.

I would suggest we reserve the nsfastcgi module name for the module
which allows AOLserver to run FastCGI apps under it.  (And, you can
already kinda do this today using the cgi-fcgi program to run FastCGI
apps as normal CGI under AOLserver.)

So, I suggest the name nsfastcgisock (akin to nssock which probably
should be named nstcpsock for clarity).  If the FastCGI Dev. Kit is
thread-safe, we can just use FCGI_Accept() and take the data it hands
back and craft a Ns_Conn request and do normal request processing and
then send back the response however FastCGI wants it.  /OR/, if we don't
get adequate performance this way, we implement another DriverThread
that speaks the FastCGI protocol and does its own socket handling.

Obviously, the more refactoring that happens to the AOLserver core to
decouple the network I/O from the ADP/HTTP request processing, the
easier this will be to implement.  However, I don't immediately see
reasons why an nsfastcgisock (nsfcgisock?) can't be implemented today,
with minimal changes to the core.  And, if those changes to the core can
be implemented by properly refactoring and decoupling the code, I'm all
for it.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver manpages as HTML

2005-02-08 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2005.02.08, Zoran Vasiljevic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 08 February 2005 17:54, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
   - Convert docs in Tcl doctools format so you get instant HTML and
 nroff output and deliver that with the distro
  I'm not convinced that the Tcl doctools format is the way to go

 Have you ever tried doctools? Why are you not convinced?

While I would have no problems authoring in Tcl doctools, I expect not
going with a more popular format will cause even fewer people to
contribute documentation, if that's even possible.  It's the reason why
I've been tempted to try and reflow all the existing AOLserver
documentation in DocBook XML -- not because I particularly care for
DocBook or XML in general, but there's bound to be more people who know
DocBook XML or at least more people who want to learn it.

FYI, it's important to qualify it with Tcl doctools since there have
been other implementations of documentation tools and formats called
doctools in the past ...

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] multi protocol question

2005-02-08 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2005.02.08, Rick Cobb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We're interested in using this work, too. A lot of our deployments
 (especially those that are focused on getting live [no-refresh]
 updates via JavaScript) end up being slowed down by the requirement to
 adapt to Javascript cross-domain security; we'd like to be able to run
 as an appserver behind other web servers, if it was easy.

If other webservers we mean Apache, it should already be possible to
use Apache's mod_proxy to turn Apache into a reverse proxy in front of
AOLserver.  Using mod_rewrite, you could do this selectively for only a
subset of URLs to be passed through to AOLserver.

I'm not sure what additional support we could incorporate into the
core to make this work better.  And, whatever that enhancement would be
wouldn't really benefit anyone unless a complimentary change was made to
Apache to take advantage of it ...

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Lamar Owen
On Friday 04 February 2005 16:34, Tom Jackson wrote:
  C. Working examples of database integration, expecially ODBC and if
 possible MySQL.

 Other examples are mentioned as foreign: OACS, for instance. Note that ACS,
 and OACS are responsible for a large percentage of users, and these
 projects contributed the oracle driver and the postgres driver. AOL itself
 has done nothing to advance database integration, and the base nsdb module
 remains incomplete. If these drivers didn't exist, my interest in this
 project would be zero (0).

Being that I'm one of the ones responsible, let me make it very clear that the
current nspostgres driver is a derivative work from the ACS/pg (OpenACS)
postgres driver, which is IN TURN a derivative of the original Postgres95
example driver written by Jim Davidson for AOLserver 2.x long long ago.  I
have been involved in that driver since AOLserver 2.2.1 and PostgreSQL 6.2.1
and tested the beta driver for AS2.2.1 for AOL long long ago (still have the
e-mails, too).

HOWEVER, the AS 2.x docs were and are much better than anything since.
Basically everything you mention, Tom, was addressed fully in the AS2.x docs.
I still have the AS2.3.3 doc set somewhere in PDF form.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 Peter 4:11

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Re: [AOLSERVER] multi protocol question

2005-02-08 Thread John Sequeira
Dossy Shiobara dossy at PANOPTIC.COM writes:
 To clarify, you want AOLserver to act as a FastCGI client?  Can you
 explain the benefit of this approach, rather than having the front-end
 webserver simply proxy HTTP requests to AOLserver?  This is where the
 Apache team is going with Tomcat with their mod_ajp connector for
 mod_proxy.  Granted, the inter-server protocol will be AJP and not HTTP,
 but is that a material difference?

Thanks for such a comprehensive response :-)
I believe for most of the world's departmental web servers which run
IIS, mod_proxy is not really a good option.  Although it runs well on
Windows and could sit in front of IIS/AOLServer, it breaks important
things like integrated security,  and you end up with a few more moving
parts than you really want to have.
 So, I suggest the name nsfastcgisock (akin to nssock which probably
 should be named nstcpsock for clarity).  If the FastCGI Dev. Kit is
 thread-safe, we can just use FCGI_Accept() and take the data it hands
 back and craft a Ns_Conn request and do normal request processing and
 then send back the response however FastCGI wants it.  /OR/, if we don't
 get adequate performance this way, we implement another DriverThread
 that speaks the FastCGI protocol and does its own socket handling.

I didn't realize that a standard module might be able to handle this. So
this doesn't necessarily require a core hack unless it has special
thread or performance requirements?
And even if it does,  the multi-protocol patches that may make it into
4.1.0 would address this type of extensibility?
I'm not sure about the fastcgi library's thread safety... that will be
easy to find out.
John Sequeira
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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Tim Moss
After lurking on the list for quite some time I have to say that I strongly
second many of Tom's comments.

PLEASE, don't take any of this personally none of it is aimed at
individuals, and none is intended as anything other than constructive

My thoughts mixed in below:

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dossy Shiobara
 Sent: 05 February 2005 06:43

 On 2005.02.04, Tom Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1. Ditch non-AOLserver technology. If it doesn't run under AOLserver,
replace it with something that does.

I too found it odd that the AOLserver sites themselves didn't use their own

 If someone is offering to donate freely, commercial-grade hosting on
AOLserver, please contact me.

Surely AOL could provide this as a way of thanking the efforts of the
community developers?

  2. Expose real world examples, and code examples.

 I agree.  I also don't think the burden of responsibility
 lies solely on AOL to provide this.  AOLserver is out there.
 The source is open and freely available.  Folks outside of
 AOL are developing applications for AOLserver.  They're free
 to publish their code as open source as well (i.e., OpenACS,
 .LRN, etc.) to serve as examples for everyone.

There's a very serious dearth of easily usable AOLserver code out there.
I suspect that many people who start to use AOLserver end up having to build
for themselves the same very basic building blocks.  So these basic blocks
get built over and over again, making every implementation different and
significantly raising the bar in terms of what is required to 'just get

I'm an experienced Tcl programmer and had no difficulty in building a
working demo 'page' (.adp or .tcl) once I'd got a working server.

However it then took a whole bunch of time to implement sessions and a
database driven security model, time which many people before me must have
spent over and over again.

Can't AOL and the AOLserver community spare some of its experience and help
out by providing a recommended/reference version of some of these that would
get most people started at least.

  3. Provide configuration examples.

 What's missing from the sample-config.tcl?  Provide a list,
 and we can discuss whether there's value in adding it in.

  I just spent a few days going through all the core code to pull out
every config parameter.

 Great!  Publish your findings on the web so others can benefit from your
hard work.

I did precisely this some time ago and published the results on this list.
Guess what - sample-config.tcl came back more or less unchanged.

  In order to allow AOLserver to be more self-documenting, I
 suggest a
  slight change to the way AOLserver starts up.  At the
 moment, modules
  look through the config ns_sets to find values. If they
 don't find a
  value, they use a default. The default is buried in C code and is
  impossible to find after the server starts up. The small
 change would
  be to have the procedure which checks for the value (and
 doesn't find
  one), to _add_ the default to the config ns_set.  This would allow
  admins to always find what defaults are set (and what config
  parameters are available), after the server is running.

 This is an interesting idea.  We can explore it for future AOLserver

It is a neat idea - I'd personally take it further and put all the defaults
are in the config file and suggest that the server errors without them
rather than having them hardcoded hidden away in the C code.

  4. Ditch the AOL moniker. EVERY person I tell about what software I use
is CONFUSED by this.

 Please describe their confusion.  What are they confused by? What does the
confusion result in?

I personally got the impression that with AOLserver I'd get something off
the shelf that with a certain amount of tweaking I'd be able to build sites
not unlike the AOL site, and as my sites grew I'd be easily able to scale

It turns out that off the shelf you get a vanilla webserver.
Yes it may actually be very advanced,fast,scalable etc. but only *if you
know how* and that knowledge is not easily available outside of AOL

 While the world has declared Apache and IIS the de-facto standards for web

Crazy isn't it!
It is my belief that these servers have become de-facto standards, not
because they excel at what they do but because they are easy to use.  If
they were actually any good they'd be very dangerous! :-)

The number of people I speak to who think Apache is the fastest, most
scalable, best webserver out there,
for no apparent reason other than lots of people use it makes my mind

The look of sheer bewilderment on their faces when you show the difference
in performance between a multi-process and a multithreaded webserver is a
sight to be seen.

 I actually think that people severely underestimate the
 incredible value of the AOL brand equity.  I'm hoping in
 2005, I can find more ways of capitalizing on it.

To me that would 

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2005.02.08, Tim Moss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If someone is offering to donate freely, commercial-grade hosting on
  AOLserver, please contact me.

 Surely AOL could provide this as a way of thanking the efforts of the
 community developers?

The downside of this is that no one from outside of AOL could ever get
access to make changes to the site, because of the way security is set

Right now, anyone inside or outside of AOL can make changes to the site if they're a project member of the AOLserver
SourceForge project because is also hosted at SourceForge.

  Great!  Publish your findings on the web so others can benefit from
  your hard work.

 I did precisely this some time ago and published the results on this
 list.  Guess what - sample-config.tcl came back more or less

What were your expectations?  What needs to happen for your expectations
to be met?  Am I the only one who can do the necessary?  What can I do
to delegate the necessary authority to enable to you to self-serve your

I think that's going to be my motto for 2005: What can I do to enable
you to self-serve your expectations?

 It is a neat idea - I'd personally take it further and put all the
 defaults are in the config file and suggest that the server errors
 without them rather than having them hardcoded hidden away in the C

(Sane) defaults are nice.  It allows for sites to go through upgrades
without having to do a lot of configuration file management.

But then, in past lives, I was the sole sysadmin of over 100+ hosts, so
I really appreciate designs that minimize effort on the admin. to
maintain and operate ...

However, I do agree that there needs to be an updated Admin. Guide that
documents all the various knobs and switches that can be manipulated.
Who's up for that task?  :-)

   7. Release more code. For a specific example of what I am talking
   about, consider the NV: network variable. For _years_ I have been
   inquiring about NVs, since Jim Davidson mentioned that they are
   used by AOL. An NV is simply shared data, available to multiple
   physical servers, a networked nsv, I suppose, but maybe more. This
   would serve the same essential purpose of a javabean I think.

 Hear hear!  This is the kind of generic extremely useful code that AOL
 must have lying about that is unlikely in itself to be a trade secret,
 but would be of huge assistance to the community developers.

Actually, it turns out that the AOLserver implementation of NV could
very well have been patentable when it was first designed and
implemented.  I don't know true this is, but it's something to consider

It's also a concern that many open source projects seem to be completely
oblivious to: accepting contributions can be dangerous, if it implements
functionality that somehow violates someone else's patent or otherwise
protected intellectual property.  As frivolous as the SCO vs. Everyone
lawsuit may seem at the surface, it's a real threat and I imagine most
open source projects don't have the money for the necessary legal
counsel needed to defend against such threats.

 That's not a good argument to use.
 If one has a choice between some code that will handle X thousand
 requests/users/whatever and some that is known to handle X million
 requests/users/whatever, which would you prefere to use even if you
 don't need that capacity right now?

Do you live in a 32-bedroom mansion all by yourself?  Do you drive an
18-wheeler truck to commute to your corporate job?

There's an inherent beauty in right-sized solutions.

 Start completely from scratch
 Start from stock OpenACS

 I personally wanted something in-between and there wasn't anything
 I suspect I'm not alone.

Did you publish what you've developed from scratch?  Put a OSI-approved
license on it (preferably the AOLserver Public License) and lets declare
it the in-between solution.

That doesn't solve the real problem ...

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Tom Jackson
Dossy quoted Tom:
   6. Split the discussion between C level source code and applications.
  There's few enough AOLserver developers who deal at the C
  code level that having a separate mailing list
In reply,
On Tuesday 08 February 2005 14:01, Tim Moss wrote:
 I too don't think splitting the list would help at this stage - you might
 end up with an us and them elite vs. newbies split which never helps.

Amazing when you take a single sentence, and forget the following two
paragraphs labled A  B. I was speaking of the website, not the mailing list.
I'm not suggesting any changes to the mailing list (unless we could ditch the
less than reliable software which runs it). Without discussion on the website
about how to use AOLserver, via Tutorials, etc. Right now the website is 100%
about AOLserver, the software. And several times in the last few days Dossy
has directly said: go somewhere else for examples. If the website is going to
remain about AOLserver (the massively scaleable engine behind Digital City),
then lets here about all the software that makes it so, because AOLserver
itself isn't.

I've mentioned in an email earlier today that I have compiled a complete (or
99% complete) list of config parameters, for the modules I have had time to
work on. The example also makes it easy for module maintainers to add a
single file which documents all the parameters used. contains just the config files.
If for no other reason than documentation purposes, all config parameters
should appear in the config files, so you can get the values after startup.

  lib_broadcast.tcl   Broadcast Service
  It's not AOL's NV implementation, but it's *an* implementation that's
  already available.

 Hmm very interesting and very cool - last time I looked there the NV stuff
 was by its own admission only partially functional.

It uses HTTP GET! I'm impressed. I started a simple package called tclbean,
which allows you to get/set nsv's on another AOLserver. It isn't implimented
correctly, but I'm fixing it. I see two types of NVs: push/pull and
subscribe/broadcast. The push/pull variety would never maintain state on the
client and could push values as well as retrieve them. Subscribe/broadcast is
more like what Jim Davidson described. NVs can be used to cache database
queries, or any other data which is dynamic, but within a given timeframe
appears static.

tom jackson

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[AOLSERVER] AOLserver, NTLM, Apache+mod_proxy, and FastCGI (was Re: multi protocol question)

2005-02-08 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2005.02.08, John Sequeira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When you say integrated security are you talking about the NTLM auth
 scheme for HTTP?  As long as mod_proxy properly handles HTTP Keep-Alive,
 and recent Apache mod_proxy does, NTLM auth should work just fine.
 We're talking about different things.  In Unix, you can use
 Apache/mod_proxy + AOLServer to combine url spaces and use AOLServer
 much like an app server. Agreed

Actually, we're talking about the exact same thing.

 In Windows,  you can use an Apache reverse proxy to combine AOLServer
 and IIS URL spaces,  but only IIS will be able to do the NTLM
 handshaking required to get a network ID.  AOLServer would sit behind
 Apache and get the proxied Apache request without any single sign-on
 info at all.

Are you sure about this?  Do you have network sniffs showing what's
actually happening between the browser and the server(s)?

If Apache's mod_proxy is smart and its Keep-Alive is smart, then
fronting IIS and AOLserver with Apache+mod_proxy should just work with
respect to NTLM auth.  As long as the server keeps the TCP connection
alive to the client, the browser doesn't know what server is processing
its request on the back-end, so it has to keep sending the
Authorization: HTTP request header regardless.  mod_proxy should be just
passing this header along as-is to whatever back-end server is
responsible for handling the request, regardless of whether it's IIS or

It'd be kinda fun to implement an nsntlm module for AOLserver so you
could use NTLM auth in AOLserver on Win32.  NTLM auth is really nothing
more than the server responding 401 Unauthorized w/ appropriate
WWW-Authenticate headers, followed by 403 Access Denied w/
WWW-Authenticate headers, examining the Authorized header that comes
back from the browser.  However, the only browser that speaks NTLM is
MSIE, right?  Not sure how much value there would be in implementing
this module and/or who would actually ever use it for anything real ...

 I'd be happy to work on an initial proof-of-concept implementation if
 you think there's a real application for it.

 YES!  Please -- it would be insanely great to have a starting point.

Lets be clear:  you want to see a module for AOLserver that lets you run
AOLserver as a FastCGI app. under a different webserver?  Is this a
just to see if it's possible or I would use this in my production
environment as soon as I could kind of ask?

 I'm still not convinced that anyone would seriously run AOLserver as
 a FastCGI app. fronted with another webserver.  Or, to rephrase:
 anyone who's willing to do so with the necessary performance impact
 that it will entail ought to look at a simpler solution like
 mod_proxy or some other reverse proxy software.

 Do you have a sense for how much slower this would be?  Are we talking
 about a fractional performance hit or order of magnitude?

I am guessing fractional.  mod_proxy isn't remarkably slow, even when
used with mod_rewrite -- I used to use caching mod_proxy+mod_rewrite
before I switched to Squid for my personal uses.  It wasn't much slower
than Apache is in general, at least.

 (I am not convinced sane people would choose e.g. Cold Fusion, but that
 didn't seem to effect its popularity)

Exactly.  For small enough sites (e.g., the kind of ones who'd try to
implement some cock-eyed architecture like what we're discussing), is
the traffic going to even approach the level where scalability is going
to be a real issue?  The app.'s poor design will likely to be the
bottleneck before the thin proxy layer ...

 FastCGI has the benefit to being as old a technology as AOLServer
 (older?).  It's very likely someone has done what you want to do,  and
 has uncovered the hiccups.  I'll ask.

I remember the nightmares of making FastCGI work in a multi-threaded
webserver (Netscape Enterprise Server) many years ago.  I think FastCGI
was meant to accelerate the multi-process app. area -- folks who had
multi-threaded stuff already had a faster CGI-like app. development
environment than FastCGI.  :-)

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

AOLserver -

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[AOLSERVER] AOLserver Tutorials on the Wiki (was Re: AOLserver facelift.)

2005-02-08 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2005.02.08, Tom Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Without discussion on the website about how to use AOLserver, via
 Tutorials, etc. [...]

I urge anyone and everyone to contribute whatever tutorials they can

There's a few things already there, but I totally agree -- there could
be a lot more.  There's nothing stopping you (plural) from adding a
tutorial of your own!

Perhaps someone could write up a How to set up SQL-Ledger under
AOLserver tutorial?  Would be a good example of how to configure nscgi
for at least ONE apparently popular CGI-based app.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver, NTLM, Apache+mod_proxy, and FastCGI (was Re: multi protocol question)

2005-02-08 Thread John Sequeira
Dossy Shiobara wrote:
On 2005.02.08, John Sequeira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Are you sure about this?  Do you have network sniffs showing what's
actually happening between the browser and the server(s)?
If Apache's mod_proxy is smart and its Keep-Alive is smart, then
fronting IIS and AOLserver with Apache+mod_proxy should just work with
respect to NTLM auth.  As long as the server keeps the TCP connection
You are correct.  My point was only that AOLServer would get the header
unmodified,  and then not be able to do anything useful with it lacking
something like nsntlm.  If IIS sat in front (i.e. using FastCGI), IIS
could do the ntlm negotiation and pass thru the decrypted remote_user
credentials,  so AOLServer could take advantage of single-sign-on
without doing any work.

Lets be clear:  you want to see a module for AOLserver that lets you run
AOLserver as a FastCGI app. under a different webserver?  Is this a
just to see if it's possible or I would use this in my production
environment as soon as I could kind of ask?

Yes,  a module to allow AOLServer to run as an app under a different
webserver is what I'm asking for. (FastCGI External Server is how the
mod_fcgi refers to it)
I expect that 'just to see if it's possible' would be enough to
bootstrap this.  As in,  .LRN and/or OpenACS would likely have paying
customers (or could secure a grant) to underwrite the migration to a
production quality module.  I really do expect that to be the case -- in
implementing portable.nsd,  I have corresponded with at least three
organizations willing to pay for either Apache or IIS support at one
time or another.
Would the prototype be something you could do?
John Sequeira
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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver, NTLM, Apache+mod_proxy, and FastCGI (was Re: multi protocol question)

2005-02-08 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2005.02.08, John Sequeira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You are correct.  My point was only that AOLServer would get the header
 unmodified,  and then not be able to do anything useful with it lacking
 something like nsntlm.  If IIS sat in front (i.e. using FastCGI), IIS
 could do the ntlm negotiation and pass thru the decrypted remote_user
 credentials,  so AOLServer could take advantage of single-sign-on
 without doing any work.

Could or does?  What /does/ the FastCGI ISAPI module for IIS do?
Does it get the NTLM auth data and pass it along, decrypted, to the
FastCGI app.?

If it doesn't, then this whole reason to run AOLserver as FastCGI
becomes moot.

 Yes,  a module to allow AOLServer to run as an app under a different
 webserver is what I'm asking for. (FastCGI External Server is how the
 mod_fcgi refers to it)


 I expect that 'just to see if it's possible' would be enough to
 bootstrap this.  As in,  .LRN and/or OpenACS would likely have paying
 customers (or could secure a grant) to underwrite the migration to a
 production quality module.  I really do expect that to be the case -- in
 implementing portable.nsd,  I have corresponded with at least three
 organizations willing to pay for either Apache or IIS support at one
 time or another.

To be clear, this isn't /replacing/ AOLserver with Apache or IIS, but
simply allowing Apache or IIS to front an AOLserver.  I can totally
understand someone wanting to fund the necessary development to make
OpenACS or .LRN work without AOLserver /at all/, but I don't see the
motivation to pay to add yet another layer of complexity to the stack

But as you said, if decision-making were founded in good sense and were
about the value proposition, how does one explain such things like
ColdFusion.  :-)

 Would the prototype be something you could do?

Sure, lets aim for the end of March.  I know it's a long time between
now and then, but there's really no point in me giving an earlier date
if I couldn't hit it.  Who knows, I might have something testable by
next weekend ...

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver, NTLM, Apache+mod_proxy, and FastCGI (was Re: multi protocol question)

2005-02-08 Thread dhogaza
 On 2005.02.08, John Sequeira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To be clear, this isn't /replacing/ AOLserver with Apache or IIS, but
 simply allowing Apache or IIS to front an AOLserver.  I can totally
 understand someone wanting to fund the necessary development to make
 OpenACS or .LRN work without AOLserver /at all/, but I don't see the
 motivation to pay to add yet another layer of complexity to the stack

There are some in the OpenACS/.LRN community who claim that we'd get
greater  acceptance if we ran under Apache even if that meant simply
running AOLserver as an app fronted by Apache.

I'm not a big believer, myself, but the claim has been made by some that
they've lost busines that they could've won if this were true.  If they or
you or other interested parties choose to do the work, funded or on a
volunteer basis, they'll then be able to test their hypothesis in the
marketplace :)

 But as you said, if decision-making were founded in good sense and were
 about the value proposition, how does one explain such things like
 ColdFusion.  :-)

That's the spirit of the proposal as I understand it!

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Tim Moss
 -Original Message-
 From: AOLserver Discussion
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dossy Shiobara
 Sent: 08 February 2005 23:21
 Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

 On 2005.02.08, Tim Moss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   If someone is offering to donate freely, commercial-grade
 hosting on
   AOLserver, please contact me.
  Surely AOL could provide this as a way of thanking the
 efforts of the
  community developers?

 The downside of this is that no one from outside of AOL could
 ever get access to make changes to the site, because of the
 way security is set up.

I see - I can imagin there'd be a lot of red tap involved getting anything
like this sactioned by the security folks.
What if the site were pulled out of CVS once sanity checked?

 Right now, anyone inside or outside of AOL can make changes
 to the site if they're a project member of the
 AOLserver SourceForge project because is also
 hosted at SourceForge.

Yep point taken - 'tis a shame that the site isn't its own
example site running on AOLserver itself.  Is there anyone within
soruceforge that could be contacted to help arrange such a setup?

  I did precisely this some time ago and published the
 results on this
  list.  Guess what - sample-config.tcl came back more or less

 What were your expectations?

I sort of expected some sanity checking by some of the resident experts of
the new config.tcl file I provided (it was around 4.03 I think) and included
examples of setting up vservers which were confusing folks at the time).

I then expected some discussion on the list if anyone cared and once some
form of agreement was reached (either through debate or silence)
sample-config.tcl to be updated with anything useful.

The silence was the only thing that happened

 What needs to happen for your expectations to be met?

Some of the above!

 Am I the only one who can do the necessary?

Probably not - changes to something like sample-config.tcl need to be
considered generally useful and helpful, so it probably needs discussion
agreement.  But maybe the way to stimulate that is to go ahead an make the
changes and be prepared for a few flames afterwards

 What can I do to delegate the necessary authority to enable to you to
self-serve your expectations?

I think someone of some group of people need to take ideas/suggestions etc.
and drive them forward so that they don't just end up as random patches on
sourceforge than ultimately wither and die

 I think that's going to be my motto for 2005: What can I do to enable you
to self-serve your expectations?

Hehe - sounds like the way forward for an easier life for someone!

 (Sane) defaults are nice.  It allows for sites to go through
 upgrades without having to do a lot of configuration file management.

Well maybe a 2 tier config system should be the standard
defaults.tcl that contains all the (sane) defaults and is recommended not be
altered on a particular installation, with a second file e.g.
site-defaults.tcl for an admin to override defaults at will.

That way after upgrades etc. defaults.tcl gets updated from CVS,
site-defaults.tcl stays largely the same, unless addiitonal new parameters
need to be overridden.  Might help keep change management low.

Other thoughts on this area would be:
- to allow retrieving config from a DB of some sort or another
- shipping a web GUI for producing a config file from the defaults plus any
changes made via the GUI
- allowing changes to config post startup
- nice ways of having some common config (for a farm of servers) and some
host specific stuff

 But then, in past lives, I was the sole sysadmin of over 100+
 hosts, so I really appreciate designs that minimize effort on
 the admin. to maintain and operate ...

 However, I do agree that there needs to be an updated Admin.
 Guide that documents all the various knobs and switches that
 can be manipulated.
 Who's up for that task?  :-)

What I did previously is here
- its out of date though (about 4.04 I think) but has some commentary for
most of the knobs and switches.

7. Release more code. For a specific example of what I
 am talking
about, consider the NV: network variable. For _years_ I
 have been
inquiring about NVs, since Jim Davidson mentioned that they are
used by AOL. An NV is simply shared data, available to multiple
physical servers, a networked nsv, I suppose, but maybe
 more. This
would serve the same essential purpose of a javabean I think.
  Hear hear!  This is the kind of generic extremely useful
 code that AOL
  must have lying about that is unlikely in itself to be a
 trade secret,
  but would be of huge assistance to the community developers.

 Actually, it turns out that the AOLserver implementation of
 NV could very well have been patentable when it was first
 designed and implemented.  I don't know true this 

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

2005-02-08 Thread Tim Moss
 -Original Message-
 From: AOLserver Discussion
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Jackson
 Sent: 09 February 2005 00:55
 Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver facelift.

 Dossy quoted Tom:
6. Split the discussion between C level source code and
   There's few enough AOLserver developers who deal at the C
 code level
   that having a separate mailing list
 In reply,
 On Tuesday 08 February 2005 14:01, Tim Moss wrote:
  I too don't think splitting the list would help at this stage - you
  might end up with an us and them elite vs. newbies split
 which never helps.
 Amazing when you take a single sentence, and forget the
 following two paragraphs labled A  B. I was speaking of the
 website, not the mailing list.

Sorry Tom - I misunderstood - I wrote my reply at about 2 in the morning -
never a good idea so here we go again! :-)

Having developed in C and Tcl for many years, and having come across
AOLserver and having fallen in love with it relatively late in life, but
finding aspects very frustrating I hoped my perspective on the discussion
about how to make the AOLserver project more appealing would be of value.

In short my view is the more standardised Tcl code there is available that
provides basic blocks for building applications, in particular web
applications, the more people will use AOLserver.

I'm capable of writing C modules for AOLserver, but chances are they wont be
very portable, unlikely to be thread safe and quite honestly probably
wouldn't perform much better than a Tcl version - largely because my C is
rusty so I've lost a lot of that kind of expertise.  In my experience it
would only be maintainable/usable by a relatively small audience.

Were I to write a Tcl module chances are it would be finished faster, pretty
portable, would be thread safe and would probably perform well.  I believe
it would be usable/maintainable by a wider audience, and modifying it is
just a matter of changing a textfile and testing rather than getting into
the complications of compiling/linking etc.  - If better performance was
required then a C version would be easily deduced from the Tcl code - the
reverse would be less easy.

I find it a shame that this discussion (which has drawn out more people and
interesting ideas on the list than I knew existed) has degenerated in places
to personal insults and pedantism over very fine details - so often the way
amongst groups of tecchies though; perhaps its inevitable.

 I've mentioned in an email earlier today that I have compiled
 a complete (or 99% complete) list of config parameters, for
 the modules I have had time to work on. The example also
 makes it easy for module maintainers to add a single file
 which documents all the parameters used. contains just the config files.
 If for no other reason than documentation purposes, all
 config parameters should appear in the config files, so you
 can get the values after startup.

If it is of any use to anyone (it worked around about 4.03 4.04 I think)
here's my sample config file with all of the server config values in it and
some of the common modules:

AOLserver -

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[AOLSERVER] Better documentation of available config options (was Re: AOLserver facelift.)

2005-02-08 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2005.02.09, Tim Moss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If it is of any use to anyone (it worked around about 4.03 4.04 I think)
 here's my sample config file with all of the server config values in it and
 some of the common modules:

One thing I forgot to mention is that I'm hoping to have at least all
the core AOLserver modules and their config options documented.  For
example, see:



See the sections for Configuration Options and Sample Configuration.

I think documenting it this way instead of having one large annotated
config file might be a more useful and/or usable way of presenting all
the various knobs and switches available to users.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network web:
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Hosting, discussions, branching, modules

2005-02-08 Thread Malte Sussdorff
After reading throught the digest of the discussion on this list and
remembering Dossy's statement about donating a server, I'm more than
inclined to ask the OpenACS Core Team to allow the creation of an AOLserver
community at or host a service on one of our machines. For one,
I think using a forum is more user friendly, especially if you only read the
digest. Furthermore the file storage would allow us to exchange files and
patches without putting them on CVS and/or rely on sourceforge.

On a related note, what is the downside of having an AOLserver stable
branch, where only the AOL approved developers have access to and a testing
branch where everyone can add their patches to. Needless to mention that
from time to time the stable branch needs to be merged with the testing one.

As for importance of development, if Dossy is strikt about not letting
others participate actively in the core development (read: give them CVS
access without the need for one person to accept patches), then the main
interest would be to rewrite the modules part of AOLserver to a degree where
all the functionality that has been written and needs patches to work can
work smoothly as a module. And while we are at it, we could write an Apache
Modules wrapper ;-).

AOLserver -

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[AOLSERVER] Asterisk and AOLserver

2005-02-08 Thread Malte Sussdorff
While reading the previous postings I stumbled upon multiple mentioning of
multi protocol support and asterisk, therefore I assume people on this list
are knowledgeable about this topic.

Here is what we need:

We run a CRM system on top of AOLserver. The CRM system contains the phone
numbers of the clients. I want my PBX connected phone to make a connection
to the client if I click on a link in the CRM System. Once the phone call is
finished, the CRM system should be notified about this, so it can add a new
entry in the call history.

Same goes the other way round, if the client calls me, the CRM systems
starts logging and once finished, an entry is added.

Any clues, hints, offers, suggestions, RTFM advises on how to achieve this ?

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