Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

2017-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

Correction Jack, you can have two Versions of Vocalizer Expressive.At least for NVDA.The Version Labels itself v2 and thus is a separate addon from the Standard Driver found on only Need to make sure that voices or voice packs are properly named, in the case of NVDA, you only Need to edit the mainefest.ini in the Archive.In case you don't know, you can practically make anything into an NVDA addon by compressing it as a ZIP file with Standard compression.The ZIP will have changed from .zip to .nvda-addon obviously.It can have subfolders, but you must have a manifest.ini in the main Folder of the Archive.I can currently run the German Siri voices in Version 1 while V2 is also installed.Obviously I can't run both at the same time, but in the speech engine list in NVDA, I have two Vocalizer entries listed and can Switch at will.There is
  more I could tell you, but I think that  it would not be appropriate for this talk to continue into that direction here in the Forum.


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Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

2017-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

Or they made their own Version.But I might be wrong there.What I don't get is why no one is able to sell one definitive Vocalizer package with all voices in all variants from low Quality to high, with the official dictionary Editor, with the extra modules for reading foreign words, names of streets and Locations (for all the Navigation devices for cars) and so on.And then there is supposedly a program in the SDK similar to Loquendo's Voice Experience Classic.If you don't know what this is, it was a program similar to TextAloud, but made by Nuance in which you can read text, pre-process it and also insert tags for reading pre-recorded sentences like greetings for example.And you are supposed to also have (at least for some voices) the same Feature Loquendo TTS had, namely speech tags for reading text more emotionally, e.g. sad, angry, or as a whisper.And then there are supposed to be the pre-recorded things like laughs or differe
 nt crying sounds you could place in a text file in a predetermined code which then would be interpreted and not read as-is.But how are you supposed to use the Vocalizer dictionary in NVDA?You can use dictionary Features in NVDA or JAWS.But you can't share them between products.If you could buy a proper Vocalizer product in case of Windows SAPI compatible, with all the required extra components, then you would Need only one dictionary for the rules you want  to create.And Nuance make it clear in their product Information, that any Vocalizer from Automotive 5 to V6, to Expressive 1 and 2 have a user dictionary Editor, which strangely is missing from any known product.And then there are the Siri voices.If These are now longer Siri and IOS exclusive and can be System voices on IOS or OSX, then why the hell can't I get them offically on Windows?And are you Aware that the offered Siri voices in this Topic (v1.3) are only in 
 the Quality "Premium" and not "Premium High"?Apparently no one knows if These voices exist in the highest Quality as well.In theory they should, because all other Mainstream voices exist in five variants.And there are more varriants than those five vor V1.3.Supposedly for very limited devices you should also get them in 11 or 16 KHZ variants.And then there is the language file.Most voices use a language file like this: clc_ged_cfg3.dat.The "ged" part in this example is for the German language definiton or whatever it does.Most voices for v1.3 use a "cfg3.dat" file.However someone sent me files taken from a device where a jailbreak had been applied to some Version of IOS 7.Since it was a German phone I got two variants of the German voice Anna.The compact voice and the Premium voice, not Premium High.The compact Anna voice used a file named clc_ged_cfg1.dat.This fil
 e is a lot smaller than the usual cfg3 file.And the German voice Petra-ml (found only on uses this file: clc_ged_cfg4.dat.This file is larger than the normal one.Other languages also have cfg 4 files.I think Ava or one of the others had it, allthough not every voice using a cfg4 file has the "-ml" Addition to ist Name.You can install a -ml variant next to a normal variant and they don't block each other.Sadly this is only Information for Version 1.3 and must not be confused with Version 2.2.


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Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

2017-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

I am not entirely sure.I know that CodeFactory started selling Vocalizer Expressive and Eloquence together as one NVDA addon.Furthermore, they sell SAPI Vocalizer Expressive and SAPI Eloquence.As far as I know SAPI Vocalizer is sold through a British Company known as Computer Room Services.However this SAPI vocalizer product only offers English voices with apparently not even the Option of buying other voices separately.And before you ask Jack, originally they had Version 1.5 of Vocalizer Expressive for both SAPI and NVDA products before updating to Version 2.1 or 2.2 at the end of last year.I know that CodeFactory is also selling Vocalizer for Android and I assume that this app got updated Content data at some Point.If you want to look at These products, I can upload the official Trial Version installers.They old Version should still work so that one product will download Version 1.5 and the other will install 2.x voices.Un
 fortunately, you can't have both, since the CodeFactory product is one application and installing the new Version over the existing is handled like an update.I also think that the update might derigister the 1.5 files but is not designed to remove or replace the files themselves from your Computer.So installing the packages over each other is not recommended.


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Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

2017-06-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

I still don't get why no official product gets updated.For example, Window Eyes has the 1.3 voices, which for example includes the German voices Anna and Markus (there are other voices to put in that spot), but JAWS did Keep it at v1.1 and did nothing until they put out that now v2.2 is available.But if you looked at what is on the JAWS page, for another example, the JAWS 18 voices miss Japanese entirely.And then there is the Problem with the the voices officially on I stated before, These are 1.1 voices, but some are bigger than their regular Counterparts and are named like These: Petra-ml and Audrey-ml.Supposedly this is not for fun but has an actual function, but neither vocalizer Driver can Access These extra Features.No one knows whether v2 still has multilanguage voices with differently named files.And this doesn't tell us why the so called 1.3 Britis
 h Siri voices won't run properly with a working 1.3 Driver.And I will put out a warning for all you here.Do not atempt to use the CodeFactory voice modules in order to atempt to complete what is currently missing.This atempt will cause a Crash or at least cause malfunctions, depending on what is installed and what is not.You should know that CodeFactory is selling ist own Vocalizer and Eloquence package for NVDA, an English exclusive SAPI engine via Computer Room Services and the Vocalizer for Android app.I can confirm that all These products use the same voice database.According to Codefactory, Vocalizer 2 has at least four confirmed voice models: embedded-compact, embedded-pro, embedded-high and premium high.Currently it is not possible to atempt to include missing variants or voices because for some reason the configuration files for all their voices with the Extension .hdr are not the same compared to other Vocaliz
 er 2 distributions.These .hdr files are supposed to be modified XML files and should thus be readable within any proper text Editor.Theirs, however are not.Thus I don't know how their Windows products actually work at all.


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Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

2017-06-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

Is this new package backwards compatible, meaning if it is possible to bring the Siri voices into this, or do you have to run multiple Versions like one for v1.3 and one for v2.2?And I also would like to know if the nuan_platform.dll was modified to accept the ve.dll with Version 2.2?Is it also possible to use the v1.5 voices which were available for Android before they updated to v2.2?Furthermore, how do you set this v2.2 engine up for SAPI5?Do the different Versions of ve.dll require different registry values and class ids?And finally, arere there v2.x Versions of the Siri voices, or can you run them only with Version 1.3, if so, why don't the British English voices work with a fully functional v1.3 package?


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Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vocalizer Siri Voices For JAWS or NVDA

I would like to clarify some Points which might bring confusion if not properly explained.1. I did not get Vocalizer Expressive v2.1.0 to work with NVDA.Yes, CodeFactory did, but I did not get, how they did it.Point is that usually you have one Folder per language, not per voice.When you look at Vocalizer 2 for JAWS, this rule still is in place, sadly the Commercial NVDA Driver doesn't care, if I remember right.2. The nuan_platform.dll file found in the Driver from seems to be incapable of cooping with Versions of ve.dll higher than v1.3.3. You can get v1.3 voice files and the required DLL from any official Trial Versions of Dolphin Super Nova.4. Vocalizer Expressive V1 for JAWS uses an older ve.dll, namely v1.1 and has less voices for JAWS 17 and older.5. The voices offered on http://www.vocalizer-n are presumably v1.1 voices, but can be used with v1.3.However, newer Versions of certain voices have more extra files, which the Vocalizer for NVDA product is excluding.6. The Vocalizer For NVDA product has to my knowledge two voices which are different than the rest.In their case These are the German voice Petra and the French voice Audrey. These Versions are bigger than their 1.3 variants and they are named differently.According to several incomplete datasheets, there are supposed to be voices which can speak certain words of other languages directly.This is supposed to mean that for example you could have a German voice read a German text with a sentence in English.In theory the voice could speak that sentence in proper English and return to read German afterwards without having to perform a voice Switch for the part in a different language.However since Tiflotecnia, Lda built a simplistic Driver, this secondary language spe
 aking Feature is impossible, especially if you are letting NVDA do the reading in MS Word for example.I am assuming that a proper Vocalizer Distribution would have ist own program compared to TextAloud, which would let the user read text and possibly modify voice Parameters with Special tags, which obviously would not work if NVDA passes text to the TTS engine via a third rate custom made Interface...Finally, I want to say, that it is possible to use a


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Re: sapi5 eloquence

2015-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sapi5 eloquence

I would like to ask one question about this thing with the SAPI versions of Vocalizer and Eloquence:Is anyone at all able to actually download the trial version in post 1?I have tried but I cant do it.I click that link and the page is not loaded and after one or two minutes my browsers (IE and Firefox) give both up.The strange thing is that I can click the link for the shop and this page is loaded immediately.However as soon as I click links which ultimately point to I cant access them.However going to any page on is totally possible.What is going on there?Does anyone know?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

This why I asked about the Company of Friends.I mean there are four stories in that Audio.And one character is Bernice Summerfield, another is Mary Shelly, and the two other ones should be a book companion and the other female should be a comic character.But I wonder how the other three stories from Company of friends are to be seen and sorted into the Eighth Doctors continuity, if most of the books are not part of the Audio continuity.And since it was at least up to now not announced that any Eighth Doctor books were made into Audio Dramas, it cant be said that Big Finish is (currently) working on bringing some elements from that continuity into main Audio Who.On the other Hand, the plot with a living tardis newer and better than the time Lords have around Zagreus, could be interesting to see in Audio stories.I thought that the end of the Iris Wildthyme series was due to the creator of the character wanting to write more short Stor
 y collections with her for Obverse Books.But I dont know if any new books were published since the Audio Show was canceled and if any new books are out, if they continue where the Audios ended or not.I am also not sure if any works from Obverse books can be bought as an ebook.I know that Big Finish for example only sells the latest five Bernice Summerfield books as ebooks but not the Squires Crystal, which you would Need to get how she got her child.Books and Audio stories for a while were directly linked.You had an Audio Story, then a book, then the next Audio in a row if you get what I mean.I also wonder if we will get some more stories from the beginning of the Eighth Doctors life like his travels with Mary Shelly.We had only two Major starting Points, Storm Warning up to ist ultimate conclusion.Then there is a gap until Blood of the Daleks up to the end of Dark Eyes 4.I have everything from Blood of the Dal
 eks to Dark Eyes 3 and I will get Dark Eyes 4.And I plan on getting Gallifrey and Iris Wildthyme in the future.I have two other question about Audio stories.1. Did you listen to Daleks Among Us?I read some crazy things about that Story in some other Doctor Who Forum.Some People think that this Story suggests that Ace was killed on the planet Azimuth when the Doctor visited it for the first time.Do you think that this might be actually true, since time travel stories dont have to be always in the right order?2. What is this Business with Prisoners of Fate and the Doctors first Tardis?Nowhere in the current TV Show was ever clearly stated why the Doctor left Gallifrey and why he stole the Tardis he travels with, nor if he once had his own Tardis and if he had another before, we he had to leave it behind.Do you know anything more about this?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I get what you mean with the Doctors past.But on the other Hand, without his past being explained, we have for example no true knowledge of what happened to Susan during or after the time war, since the Audio stories to my knowledge specifically dont tell us if she is a time Lady or not.We even dont know if she is actually related to the doctor or if she only sees him as her Family because he took her in before the Show started.There are some Versions of her origin in the books, but it is not clear which Version is Primary timeline Content and which is not.And since new Who doesnt tell us anything about Susan, we probably dont have any answers.We also dont have all the Information abouzt what Jenny is, since she was artificially created.But the question would be if she is fully time Lord, or only half.If the latter was true and such things as half time Lords were to exist, the end of Donnas time wi
 th the Doctor could have been resolved better than to do a total deletion of her memories of the Doctor at Journeys end.There is one other Thing I wonder though.With the really huge number of Audio titles Big Finish have released so far, how is anyone supposed to get them all?Listening to them will take a lot of time.But to get them all also requires lots of Money, regardless of whether you get them in small Groups or in larger Groups.I know that some People started their Who collections when Big Finish started selling These stories, but not everyone was there at the beginning.So it seems that you can only pick at pieces regardless of whether you use some of their subscriptions or buy individual titles.And some things are still not available as Downloads, which means that some things are only sold on CD.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

If you look closely at the subscriptions Big Finish offers, then you might see that there might be a Problem, because you get 12 or 6 Releases.But usually there are two Releases in September.And if you buy a subscription starting with any January release, you wont get to the December release of that particular year.But such a Thing is rather expensive, even if you can Keep up if you started two or three years ago, if you want older titles, then it might take a while to get them.In fact, the first Bernice Summerfield series that being the first Eleven seasons should be only on CD.Gallifrey seasons 1 to 3 are also not available via download.Only the later seasons are.About Susan:I wonder why both Producers for new Who did not really talk about her.I also still wonder when and how the Valeyard Comes to be and if the time war means that he will exist or that he was erased.I also wonder why New who had only one Story
  with an Ice Warrior, since they had more stories in the classic series plus the Audios.I also wonder how the two Audio stories Lords of the Red Planet and the key to time part 1 work, since as far as I know there are two different origin stories for the Ice Warriors in them.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

That reminds me.If the seventh and eighth Doctor books are not in the same continuity than most of the Big Finish Audios, how and when did Romana II leave E-Space?I mean, there was a seventh Doctor book where Berniece Summerfield and the seventh Doctor came back to the planet in E-Space where the fourth Doctor destroyed that master Vampire.The book was a Sequel to that Story.And since we are talking about it, how can from a Story Point of view Big finish use Bernice if the travels with the seventh doctor never happened in Audio verse?About the new Who:That is why I wondered why the Doctor was so sure that he was the only time Lord left (before he met the master).And even if the time war was time locked, previous visits of other time Lords should not be erased.If for example the current doctor traveled to a planet where he was never before and met a previous incarnation of the master there, this would still have to happen.I mea
 n, the Moment did not erase everything which was already part of the web of time.And even if that is ignored, I cant think that all time Lords where on Gallifrey when the Moment might have been used to destroy Gallifrey.Then the Doctor would have been not truly the last time Lord.You could have other time Lords leaving the Primary universe before the destruction, you theoretically had E-Space to hide, or you could have done what the Master did, turning himself into something not time Lord and running to the end of the universe.And regardless of how it would have been actor whise, I really cant think that the ethernals and the Guardians would allow that the war totally destroyed the universe.And when the tenth Doctor and Rassilon had their finale, there should have been other powers like the Guardians ready to stop the time Lords returning, except the Events of End of Time were a fixed Point in time.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

About Big Finish and the books:But isnt that messed up picking at pieces of a bigger continuity if only some books are made into Audio stories?I mean some of the upcoming novels are stand alone fourth doctor stories.But the seventh doctor books had plotlines e.g. The Other, the ancient Gallifrey, the, the origin of the sisters of Karn, the curse on the time Lords and more.And for the Eighth Doctor books it would have been Faction Paradox and some other Major Events.Regardless of whether we like a certain writer or book, they are one continuity.And going out and picking at pieces is not a good Tribute to them and their authors.And while we are at it, how does The Company of Friends fit into Eighth Doctor Audio Canon, especially the Marys Story with the two eighth doctors and the other two characters (not Bernice Summerfield)?About the modern Who:I know that Timing of Releases might be a factor for 
 some things.But if (in theory) the Doctor was not the last time Lord, why did he only meet the Master?Surely Romana, The Rani or even Braxiatel could have found a way to escape the war.And what I wonder is if and/or how Braxiatel got some knowledge of coming Events so he could steal the biodata Archive.I wonder if Romana still has her copy, or was it only usable once in Gallifrey 6?And wasnt there not at least one hint in the Virgin books that Braxiatel might be the Doctors brother?I dont get why the books, Audio Dramas and the TV Show are not more connected regardless of who is in Charge of the TV series.I also wonder why the New series books are a series of unconnected books compared to the seventh Doctor and eighth Doctor books.And this was why I wondered about the Problem with Big Finish doing current Who Audios.I mean, AudioGo did not make new Content.They only made book readings of existing books and
  some Audio only Content.But why something like Destiny of the Doctor was not made sooner, I also dont get because that was a combination of Big Finish and AudioGo.Now I remembered something important about the time war I forgot.What do you think happened to Iris Wildthyme and the Obverse during or after the war?I wonder what a in-Story Explanation of her Absence from the New Who era could be.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

It is really unknown how this current plot with the missing Gallifrey might turn out.If the Doctor in the TV Show would at some Point find it, the question would be of who and what he finds there.Would Rassilon be there, or not.I mean, the precise Timing of the war Scenes in End of Time and Day of the Doctor were a bit out of order, since the escape atempt by Rassilon and the fall should been seen by all combatants before the Doctors removed Gallifrey.If we however would accept Day of the Doctor, then the Moment was never unleashed and this would mean that the Dalek fleet over Gallifrey would be destroyed and all other Events of the war might still be time locked.But it would be interesting to know how the master after the fall in End of Time did get back into the Primary universe as a woman and how she did tell the Doctor a Location where Gallifrey should have been, but the Doctor didnt find it.I dont get why the Faction Paradox pl
 ot is that bad.There was a war in which Gallifrey was blown up.But more than one time Lord was spared the destruction, since only Gallifrey was taken, nothing more, meaning everyone off-world was not destroyed.For a while the Eighth Doctor had a hidden room in the tardis and he had Memory Problems.When found by another old time Lord, the Statement with the three ninth Doctors came to be and they figured out that the Doctor couldnt remember things because he had the data of the Matrix in his head.The series ended with the idea that if he could restore the Matrix, he could return the time Lords, since the Matrix had past and possible future Versions stored in ist data.This sounds a bit like Brax and his stolen biodata Archive.If that plot was to be included into the continuity, the Matrix could restore time Lords from ist Memory.I mean, the biodata Archive in Gallifrey 6 was used to reset all time Lords to e
 rase the Dogma Virus.In effect they and their memories were restored to a Point of time before the infection.I think that if the Eighth Doctor books were not canceled, we would have seen this series end in a similar Fashion than the Dogma Virus Problem was solved in Gallifrey 6.And we all know that a tardis is sentient at least, if not fully alive.A fully living tardis explored in the books might be the next step.Compassion was supposed to be a type 102 tardis, while in the Zagreus storyline and the episodes before it, the time Lords had type 90 Units with time Torpedos at least.But the question with the Situation of Iris Wildthyme in General and in the time war is unknown, and the last series of stories from Big Finish were supposed to end with a cliffhanger as far as I know.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

What I did not get was why the current era especially series 7 of Doctor Who did Play with the question of who the Doctor actually is and never giving any answer to the Thing.I mean if everyone in the universe feared the question Doctor Who?, I would have liked to see the answer.For the plot with the time war:While some hints existed in Big Finish stories that Leela escaped and lived past the war, they were obviously not confirmed on Screen.If you accept that the Doctors saved Gallifrey and put it into another universe, couldnt this make a Story about redemption?Dark, if this was properly done, wouldnt it be so bad for you?And what good was the pre eleventh Doctor era with names of things from the war?How can you know if a being named nightmare child is worse than the evil of the Daleks if you have neither seen what it did in the war, nor has the Doctor, Rassilon or the master specifically told the View
 er what the war did to the universe.On the other Hand, what is the Problem with the space battle in Day of the Doctor?Didnt they say that all forbidden weapons were already used up?And didnt the time Lords in End of Time state that they were at the very edge of the war and the time lock?And if the battle over Gallifrey went on for hours or days, both sides would have worn down their enemies fleets and super weapons.I still dont get why the BBC did not make war stories either in the main Show, as a spinoff movie or series or in form of more than the one book we have...About Big Finish:Since the BBC only has the main book series which is mostly a stand alone Story collection, I still dont get what the original Problem was.AudioGo made audiobooks of existing printed neww series books.And they made the New Series Audio exclusive stories.But if my Information is correct, both are more reading
 s than full cast Audio Dramas...This brings up the question why Big Finish simply cant buy the rights to new Who as Audio, or why the BBC seems to be unwilling to sell the license for it.Especially since AudioGo is supposed to be now longer in Business I dont get what the Problem is.On the other Hand, the BBC Eighth Doctor books and the Big Finish early eighth Doctor stories were also running around the same time and it was ok, since Big Finish made their own storyline totally separated from the books.About Charley pollard:While her travels with the eighth and later the sixth Doctor were nice, I still have some questions about this.I recall the Eighth Doctor thought that Charley died.But he later figured out that the woman he thought to be an old Charley was not her and that she still would exist somewhere.This brings up why he never found out what happened.Moreover the Doctor had often Problems with other People in 
 his mind.I wonder why his Memory of the true Story of Mila and Charley got restored to him (Eighth Doctor!).And then there is the question of who or what the Viyrans are and why supposedly no one knows their origin.And since the Dalek time Controller wanted and got more than one Virus, the Story should be told with the Doctor in it.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I havent seen the Christmas Episode.But what I read was not that good about it.I mean, series 8 ended with many questions especially the Location of Gallifrey, since the Doctor didnt find it.It is not explained in the next Episode why the planet was not found and whether the new master did deliberately tell a false Location or if she really thought she had the right Location.Lets hope that the upcoming Audio stories will give more answers to other questions.I still wonder how Gallifrey: Intervention Earth will be featuring the new Romana since we havent seen or heard her regenerating and her future self from Gallifrey 6 is supposed to be a Matrix projection.And then there is Dark Eyes 4 with the Master, the Eminence and the Dalek Time Controller.I wonder how that will go down.Allthough I seriously wonder how These Events are placed chronologically.The Problem is that Dark Eyes 1 had a male president an
 d Narvin in Dark Eyes 3 is there talking with the Doctor but you dont get any clues to whether he has already done what ended Gallifrey 6 and potentially caused the time war or not.I also would like to know how the time Controller still exists if Events from Dark Eyes 1 were erased and his rescue by the now removed time Lord also never happened.And while we are talking about Audio stories, does anyone know what Big Finish did with Prisoners of Fate and the Doctors first Tardis?Why was The beginning not linked to that storyline?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

The chronology of the Events before the war seem a bit strange.In Gallifrey 6 Romana II is still president of the Primary timeline.The Trailer for Intervention Earth however suggests that she regenerated between the Gallifrey and Intervention Earth.About Ace:She is and was on Gallifrey after leaving the Doctor.That is fact, since the Doctor said so in Unit Dominion.And the newest Bernice Summerfield Story showed Ace with Bernice and the seventh Doctor after she already had been on Gallifrey for some time.I wonder how Bernice actually fits into the Audio continuity if her travels with the seventh Doctor (starting with Love and War) actually never happened in the Audio universe since the Virgin books are supposed to be in their own continuity.Regarding Dark Eyes and the timeline:True that the president might have been erased during the time shift at the end of Dark Eyes 1.But isnt it true that Gallifrey 6 suggests t
 hat Narvin ordered the Events of Genesis of the Daleks and that his Action immidiately started the war?If so, how come that it is also suggested that the Dark Eyes series seem to be placed after Gallifrey 6 (with no Romana)?And I also wonder if the Eighth Doctor actually knows that Narvin caused his trip to the creation of the Daleks in the past?I also wonder how the Dalek time Controller can exist since he was supposed to fall into a singularity in the final Episode of season four of the Eighth Doctor series.If he himself ordered the previous incarnation of the time Lord who would rescue him killed, he could never have been rescued.And we know that the time Controller remembers the old timeline from Dark Eyes 1 and was still present in the rewritten timeline of Dark Eyes 2.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

About the president in Dark Eyes:At the end of Dark Eyes 1 the timelines are altered due to the Dalek time controllers orders to kill a certain time Lord.So, we dont know if this male unnamed president is still there after the changes brought by the shifting timelines.I read a summary of the series 8 finale and I wondered what this Episode was supposed to be.If some writer wants to have a female master, thats ok.But could someone of them at least have found a good explanations to how exactly the master got into the Primary universe since I thought that he was dragged into the falling Gallifrey with Rassilon in The End of Time.So it would have been nice to see how and when he got out and how he became a woman.Moreover, if she came from Gallifrey, she should have known where it is so that the Doctor could have found it.Ever since I saw the 50th anniversary Episode the day of the Doctor, I hop
 ed that if they were going to bring a happy ending to the time Lords, we would see the Doctor looking for them and maybe finding them.In my opinion, this entire series 8 should have been the usual settling in to this new Regeneration and after all post Regeneration Problems were solved, it should have been the search for the time Lords...And while we were talking about other classic elements, I wonder why no writer of new Who wanted to bring back the two Guardians...


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I can tell you what I got from End of Time, Day and Time of the Doctor:I am not sure if that is correct though.Night of the Doctor:the war has already started and the eighth Doctor doesnt want to fight until the Point where gets a controlled Regeneration into the War Doctor.At some Point, the known Events happen, lost emperor, running master and such.At some Point, Rassilon leads and wants to end the war his own way.Then the War Doctor steals the Moment and wants to use it.Up to the Transition between the tenth and eleventh Doctor, we and all other races in the universe think that Daleks and time Lords are totally destroyed and also erased from the past.In Day of the Doctor, the War Doctor activates the Moment and it sends him into his personal future to see what would happen to him if he actually kills his People.He mets his tenth and eleventh self and they depart after stopping another Alien Invasion of eart
 h.Now the tenth and eleventh Doctor go back to the last day which is supposedly impossible due to the war being time locked.The Doctors alter history to prevent the destruction of Gallifrey and send it into a pocket universe.But the later incarnations of the Doctor cant remember that.When the tenth Doctor faces Rassilon on earth in end of Time, he destroys the Bridge with a gun causing Gallifrey to fall back into the war where he thinks that it gets blown up.But not only falls Rassilon, but the Master gets dragged with him...In Time of the Doctor, a strange Signal is sent which strangely all races of the universe fear (since no one is supposed to know that the time Lords still exist).So they attack the planet on which the Signal is located.The Doctor Comes to the planet and he figures out that the Signal is the question Doctor Who?.The last crack (Explosion of the tardis in series five finale) is on
  that planet and through that the message Comes into the Primary universe.The doctor fights off all enemies and gets old since he is apparently in his 13th incarnation, because the war doctor Counts and the creation of the other human tenth doctor also Counts as a (stopped and moved) Regeneration.His companion contacts the time Lords and tells them that they dont Need him to answer them with his real Name and she asks them to help.Then shortly before the Doctor dies, energy is sent through the crack which restores the Doctor and later Forces a new Regeneration.But the crack was expended and no one knows where Gallifrey actually is...Now, Missy had to come from somewhere.My opinion is that she must have come from Gallifrey.I cant believe that if she came from it, she couldnt lead the Doctor to ist new Position as seen in the series 8 finale.But if she was deliberately misleading the Doctor, we would have to ask for wh
 at purpose.But if she knew where the planet was supposed to be, then we would ask ourselves why it was not at this Position in time.But I wonder how she got into the universe since all cracks were sealed up and the master was dragged into the time lock with Rassilon in End of Time.At least thats what I thought happened there in this Scene...


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

If you want to look at the eighth Doctor, then you should look into the Eighth Doctor books.In the books compared to the TV movie, he is not half human or something (I havent actually seen the movie to comment on that).But in the books you also have a sort of time war, but obviously not against the Daleks but against Faction Paradox.At ist end Gallifrey is also destroyed and the Doctors Tardis is damaged so that he is stranded in the 9th century on earth and has to actually stay on earth until he reaches the present time around the year 2000 or so.Later (in the last eighth Doctor book) it is revealed that before Gallifrey was destroyed but that the Doctor downloaded a copy of the entire Matrix into his head which caused him to Forget other things and up to that last book he isnt actually the last time Lord.Four or five others are still there and one of them breaks the blocks on the Doctor so that he can remember.And since he ha
 s (in theory) Access to the data of the time Lords he can restore them.Unfortunately the Eighth Doctor books end with a cliffhanger and another Invasion atempt of earth.Moreover, Mr. Davis stated several times that his last time war was to be placed after the second war in heaven (Name for the faction paradox conflict).This might have changed now since we saw Night of the Doctor which gave a Regeneration Scene for the eighth Doctor which did not exist inthe Davis era.It did not exist in the books, because the range was conveniently ended with the Launch of the 2005 TV series and the Big Finish Audios at that time were no where near a Point of a Regeneration Scene for the Eighth Doctor.I liked the Davis era, like you.But after four seasons (at which Point it was not yet known that Math Smith would follow), I had hoped that with all the hints, there would have been explanations, since we saw Rassilon and the Master.I ha
 d hoped that after the tenth Doctors Regeneration the fate of Romana and Leela would have been explained, since some Companion Chronicles of Big Finish implied that she actually somehow escaped the time war.And since it was never (on Screen) stated if Susan was a time Lord or not, the question of if the Doctor was the last of his Kind could have been adressed differently.What is also interesting is that in the Gallifrey Chronicles it is supposedly stated that in the future of the (then eighth Doctor) there would be three ninth doctors possibly in the same Primary timeline and not only the possibility of three possible ninth doctors.Some People in the Big Finish Forums think that the Shalka Doctor from Scream of the Shalka would be a (possibly the Primary) ninth doctor if there never was a time war...Maybe the book referenced that when the three ninth doctors were mentioned...Back to the president of
  Gallifrey:In Dark Eyes 1 there is a male president, allthough with no Name.He is there up to the Point where the Dalek Time Controller orders the Extermination of Straxus thereby preventing the creation of Kotris.This erases Kotris from existence and causes the timelines to shift and alter.Unfortunately, there is no president seen in Dark Eyes 2.I also doubt that we will see one in Dark Eyes 3 which will come out this month.I hope that Big finish will at least bring an origin Story for the Viyrans, since they apeared in several titles now.I wonder, does anyone know if Big Finish did ever make an actual Regeneration Scene for any time Lord, or was it only mentioned that someone would Need to Regenerate or that someone was unable to do so?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

@Dark:I listened to Dark Eyes 1 again and I found something interesting I probably overlooked.There is a male president of Gallifrey in it, which brings up the question where the Story is placed in the Story and how this relates to Gallifrey 6 and the beginning of the time war.And while we are talking Doctor who continuity, I wonder if there is a good reason why only the Maser showed up during the tenth Doctor era and why for example nothing was said about the Rani and what her role might have been in the war.Moreover there still would be the matter of Susan, since I think that the seventh Doctor books originally implied that the Doctor would go into the very ancient past of Gallifrey and become The Other, the third founding member of the time Lords along Rassilon and Omega.And somewhere in that Story or in another there supposedly was also some Kind of origin Story for susan.I always wondered why the tenth Ddoctor never mentioned Su
 san when asked about his own Family.Even if Susan isnt his blood granddaughter, he should have considered her as such.I also wonder if Jenny (his artificial daugther) will Show up again in the Show and is River now gone completely with the start of the next Doctor?I forgot to ask, is there a place where really all Doctor Who books are listed?I looked in Wikipedia and the Doctor who wiki.I found Engines of War, but I had to search by title, since this book is considered stand alone and not a numbered part of the New series range.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I still dont get what the Problem is.I mean, Big Finish somehow has the rights to classic Who.But no other Company has rights to new Who except the BBC of course.So why Big Finish cant legally optain the rights for new Who I dont understand.@Dark, the next Gallifrey release is supposedly about Omega and whatever he does to the history of earth...And while we are at it, What is with the info that the new Romana is in this release?I thought that the new Romana in Gallifrey 6 was a Matrix projection of a possible future Romana.So how could this new incarnation president in whatever time the new Episode/season will be placed?I think we didnt see or hear another Regeneration Scene for her, or did I miss something here?And I am sure that this Version is not Romana III, because thats a Eighth Doctor book Version...While we are talking about Audio plots, do you think that the Axis is still there afte
 r the war?And while we are at potentially messed timelines, was the Problem with multiple Versions of the same incarnation of Irving Braxiatel (the one in the Bernice Summerfield series and the one from Gallifrey 4 and following that the five Bernice Summerfield boxsets and the Legion plot ever properly explained or solved?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

What I also didnt get is why the BBC didnt move better from one era to the next.I mean, during the ninth and tenth Doctors time we had all sorts of hints about the war and the darker universe.But if People watched new series Who they surely would have wanted answers to the live of the late seventh Doctor through the Eighth Doctor.I mean, if you purely go by canonical on Screen apearance, you never saw the parting of the seventh Doctor and Ace.You also had only the Who movie which was the starting Point of the eighth Doctor.If you were not a book Reader after the movie in 1996, you had nothing until the Night of the Doctor and if you still go by on Screen apearance, the history of the Eighth Doctor is rather empty.However you can say the same to the ninth Doctor, since that one TV season is rather short for a Doctor and you could rightly ask how soon after the end of the war did he met Rose?What was before Rose?Ok, now tha
 t the Big Finish Audio stories are slowly going to the later days of the eighth Doctor, we are coming closer to the end of his time and the opening conflicts in the time war.But at some Point the BBC established the war Doctor in their Story ideas and I wonder why this is another Doctor with only limited on Screen apearances.I also dont get why the BBC up to now didnt make their own spinoff book, Show, or Audio dealing with the new series beginnings, e.g. the war if they were unwilling to give the rights to Big Finish for some reason.And what I also didnt get is why going by on Screen apearances again, we have no info about what happened to Jack and the members of Torchwood left after four seasons, and what happened to Sarah Jane and her Team, even if Sarahs actress died, this is no proper inn-Story Explanation.I also didnt get why the eleventh or the new current Doctor never met Donnas grandfather or Martha Jones aga
 in, since they didnt die at the end of the tenth Doctors era.I dont get why there was that big reset between series four and five regardless of the cracks as a plot device.It feels like the cut and replace between Star Trek Nemesis and the two Abrams movies...


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I havent watched all Doctor Who episodes of the new series.While I can understand that a fresh start with the ninth doctor might have been a good move since the Show was originally canceled years ago and all that.But what I didnt get was why lots of things were never answered inside the Show.I mean if we looked only at the ninth and tenth doctor eras and we believed that the doctor ended the time war and only the Doctor and the Master got out somehow, then I would have liked to see a Story which could have told us if and how Leela might have seen the war and if she lived after it or not.Then when the first new cybermen Story with the alternate earth came and the doctor stated that travel between realities was impossible, then I knew one question no one bothered to answer.Theoretically one universe should still be accessible: E-Space.What I also dont get is why now one is properly talking about the time war and why no media is showing it be that´books, Audio Dramas or movies or regular episodes.I didnt get the entire silence Thing.How were they supposed to know that the War Doctor didnt destroy the time Lords when he himself had forgotten and no other race, not even that one Dalek who broke the time lock first could see beyond the apparent destruction?And what the hell was the purpose of the sige of that planet where the leventh Doctor should have died?How did all races suddenly know that the time Lords were knocking at the door of the universe and why the hell did they think to prevent their return at all cost if supposedly their existence was deleted from all minds?If so, no one could have remembered that it was dangerous to bring the time Lords back.This however doesnt take into account if the time Lords if brought back, were still the Monsters seen in end of time or if they were reformed after years outside the universe...What do you think of all this and do you think the Dalek/Eminence plot of the Dark Eyes series are some Kind of quasi-Prequels to the time war?Is the Dalek time controler Aware of the war yet to come (from the Eighth Doctor stories Point of view)?And does anyone have any idea why Big Finish is still not allowed to go into the new series era?I mean apart from the main TV Show we only have the New Series Adventures books, but as far as I know, they are stand alone stories not like the Eighth Doctor or the Seventh Doctor books.And since there are only the new Series audiobook and the Audio exclusive stories, I dont get why Big Finish or anyone else cant be allowed to go further than the eighth Doctor.Moreover, Gallifrey series 6 implies that Narvin ordered the things seen in Genesis of the Daleks to which the Daleks might respond with the first shoots of the time war being fired...I hate this hinting and teasing.Why cant there be definite answers.And finally, isnt the entire current series 8 a bit strange?I mean, if the Doctor did preserve the time Lords, shouldnt the plot of the season have been him searching for them?And even if he found a female master, how did she get into the Primary universe?The master was last seen in end of time, right?


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Re: Gwconnect's Dead. Thanks a ton, Window Eyes.

2014-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gwconnect's Dead. Thanks a ton, Window Eyes.

I think that the Problem here is a bit different than some People might think.I will say right now that I personally dont know if GW Connect or Skype had the better Interface (for blind users).But as far as I got this, there was some Kind of Skype developer program which allowed GW Micro to develop GW Connect with some Kind of Skype Technology published for developers.I dont know who used it, but I dont think that it was only one accessibility Company who used this Skype API.Then I would want to ask why the said Technology was apparently dropped without reason.I havent seen or heard anything about a new developer package just replacing the dropped one...And Id like to say something about accessibility and web Services as well.The fact is that lots of sighted People use smartphones or tablet PCs.Many of them of course can Access the Internet.However, many of them have their own Facebook
  Apps or apps for other Services.But I am currently not sure how many Facebook Clients exist (for sighted People) on Mac or Windows.But since most Messenger programs and probably Facebook Clients are free to use (non Commercial).But then we have GW Social Eyes and the other Facebook component mentioned in this Topic.Both are not free to use and that might be unfair because mobile devices might include alternate Clients for free or might be very cheap to buy.If GW Social Eyes would cost a one time fee, People might be not so loud in voicing their dislike for GW Micro.I mean, most programs including most Screen Readers Need only one payment of a fixed amound of Money and theoreticaly thats the end.No Screen Reader works only for a year for you to pay again in the next year.I know that some Screen Readers have payment plans or such things, but These are for People who cant pay the entire sum at once.But if you were able 
 to do so, this would be it for you.If a new Version came out, then it would be a different matter, but thats the same for Mainstream Software as well.


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Re: Gwconnect's Dead. Thanks a ton, Window Eyes.

2014-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gwconnect's Dead. Thanks a ton, Window Eyes.

With all due respect I have to disagree.I dont know who used Skype Kit apart from GW Micro.But I think that it was not just one Company...Everyone who used it got cut off, and it was probably more than GW Micro.I really dont know if Window Eyes is a bad Piece of Software so that GW Micro has to sell other things because Window Eyes would be not selling enough for the Company.However there is a difference between a product which you buy and a Service you pay a regular subscription fee to use it.Usually a Screen Reader and/or most programs designed to provide an alternative blind friendly user Interface to web Services might require resources to create it.Usually this means selling said product.This is all ok so Long as any Company doesnt Charge more than is needed.But since the developers of Facebook or Youtube dont prevent third Party developers including their Services into new programs, it must mean t
 hat it is allowed to create alternate Clients or programs which use parts of said Services (e.g. Video converting Software with an Option to convert Videos into a Format accepted by Youtube and uploading Options might also be provided).Often the end user pays for the entire program (e.g. a Video converter) with some link to Youtube.But using Youtube is free (non Commercial use), you dont exclusively pay for just for Youtube.Same goes for Facebook.Then the question would be why GW Social Eyes is a Commercial product, but it can be answered by the fact that GW Micro is selling products in General.But since it is unlikely that Facebook might get off the Internet very soon, the question would remain why GW Social Eyes isnt sold traditionally meaning that you pay once for the product and not on a yearly Basis.Whether the program is actually good or if you are better off using Facebook with a web browser is a totally different question.Actually, I cant answer it, because last time I checked, there was no such Thing as a demo Version of the Client, while JAWS or Window Eyes can be tested before you decide to buy.It is a question of principle which I meant in my last post.That some Mainstream Services might not always be totally accessible is probably ture.But why must every one who wants to help by creating possible Solutions always Charge lots of Money for it except said solution is to be delivered on a Smartphone or tablet?What about the People who cant or wont use them and prefer a good old Mac or Windows Computer?


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